The Queendom of Libidine

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Established: 2024-07-08
Chat room: #Libidine_Palace

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Where the Queens of Lust rule~
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The Orc and the Royal Guard


<Bholdora> I was just traveling around the outskirts of the palace no matter how comfortable and cozy Lady Melascula’s castle is. Even when I could mix well with the civilization and the people I was still an orcess. I enjoyed to live and explore the wild and in this realm, even when I was certain I could wander in areas way more dangerous than the mortal realm, I just couldn’t resist the curiosity in explore them. However, I’ve seen something rather unusual on the grass next to a forest. I could see several footprints... Some of them being human-like as if they’re feet of women, but most of them were monstrous foot prints not sure what they are in truth but I knew they belonged to powerful and more physically imposing creatures. I knew something was wrong there and I decided to venture deep in the forest were those tracks leaded to. The forest itself was quite deep and I had to take care about where I was steeping on, because if those kidnappers are at least smart, the would set up some traps and my assumptions where right. I could find a wire hidden among the foliage and following it it lead to a massive spear-like trunk above me ready to impale the poor creature who would activate it. I frown and I managed to disarm the trap and lower the speared trunk as silently as possible. In case someone else decides to visit this place, at least they’ll know about where to follow judging on how the trap was positioned. 1/2

Bholdora: Some moments later I finally reach my destination. The foot prints lead me to a small cave, and guarding the entrance I could see some of those kidnappers. They where imps, male creatures that needed a female of another species to reproduce I could read about them on the Palace’s Library. They were strong. But not that strong for me or not all that tall. Going at full charge would alert the others who might be inside, and carrying my weapon would make them overly aggressive... So I had to approach them in another way... I hide behind a large tree and I strip my clothes, stifling a growl as I start to stroke myself good enough for my womanhood to get wet enough in arousal... When I felt it was good enough I stand up and I strut directly towards the entrance just hoping my plan would work.... And apparently it did work. The imps, probably too horny to think straight, drops their guard and with a lecherous grin they rushes at me, dropping their weapons... The musk coming from my womanhood is said to hold the scent of five fertile women and this scent is so strong that most non-orcish males who sniffs it feels an urge to try to take me or at the very least, get so bothered they can’t simply act in their right mind. And it worked on them.... The first one tried to pin me against the tree and I promptly grab at his head and give it a sharp twist killing him. The second didn’t had even time to react properly and I grabbed at his head before bashing it down on a rock nearby. With the quick work done, it’s time to venture deep in the cave. There’s no turning back now. If I return, probably they’ll find out and escape, heading for somewhere else to hide. If I advance, I might get killed or serve as a breeder until I can’t take it anymore. But if I survive, at least those women can be saved... I take a deep breath at the cave entrance, still nude, and venture deep. 2/2


Maso Boxer Maria : It has been only a few short months since I was appointed as Honorary Royal Guard. I was certainly shocked, and of course, honored to be given such an appointment, but above all, I was humbled. It was most certainly unexpected, and I would have been a fool to not take the Queens up on the offer. I have taken a vow to defend the Queens, my fellow Royal Guards who I regard as sisters, as well as the realm of Libidine and its people within. Many people think I'm crazy for taking such a position. Me, a mere human in a world comprised of demons, succubi, orc, dragons and many other mythical and mystical beings. How can a human woman defend a realm with so many dangers lurking around every corner? Well, the answer to that question lies deep within me. A side of me most never see, a side that most don't want to see. One day, I'm doing a random patrol around the outside perimeter of the palace. I diligently check around the wood lines, around the palace itself and listen for anything out of the ordinary. Venturing out further, just so I don't miss anything, I happen across footprints. They are definitely human. Women, size 6 shoe, if I hazard a guess, but I also notice some other footprints, strange in shape. Following the trail, the women's footprints seem to be quite close together, as if they were walking slowly, as well as seeing deep indentations in the dirt. Heels..they were pulled along at different points, even dragged along, seeing steady trails of blades of grass laying down in a specific direction of travel. Continuing to follow the tracks, I happen upon the forest. I have heard about how deep this forest goes, but have not been inside it myself. I tentatively approach, taking a long look at the tall trees blowing in the wind...a "sea of trees", as it has been known to be called when the wind blows through the treetops just right. I keep my wits about me, keeping an eye out for anything suspicious when I happen upon a third set of footprints

Maso Boxer Maria : This new set of footprints is unknown to me. Looking around and moving further in at a slow, deliberate pace, I come across what looks to be some sort of trap that has been set off. A spear made out of tree trunk, the pointed end facing downwards. It looks like no harm was done though, seeing the wood still unstained and clean, though I hate to think what it would look like if some unsuspecting traveler set it off. Probably looks like something Vlad Tepes would do. Off in the distance, I see what looks like a...cave?? Has it always been there or has it appeared recently? I ask myself, moving towards it while creeping along. I keep my wits about me, venturing into the cave. The air is thick, and there's a pungent smell of...blood?? and...something else entirely. What happened here? I look at the corpses of what look like imps. Strong creatures but they have certainly faced something much stronger. I step around the pool of blood of one of them, seeing a jagged rock nearby with blood spatter. I then look to my left and see another imp with his head and neck at a strange angle. Wondering what dangers may face me, I head further into the cave, still concerned about the women that have possibly been kidnapped and enslaved, while still following that other smell activating my olfactory sensors.

Bholdora: As you started to venture deeper in the cave, those smells hit your nostrils harder. Blood, sweat, and a strong and pleasant scent that could make most humans feel in deep heat. You can see thanks to the poorly lit torches stuck in the rock walls, several bodies of imps with the most gruesome marks of violence. Cranium bashed on the wall, arms broken, jaws dislocated, neck bites, weapons impaled on their chests, more likely their own weapons used against them, the causa mortis of those imps are just as varied as brutal as well. But also you can notice how there was a row of death, leading to believe those imps ran straight to the woman you’re about to meet soon, instead of being attacked, as you keep traversing the narrow corridor leading downwards , and the smell of blood becomes stronger as well as that definitively feminine scent. The large room after the corridor gives you this assumption. It seemed most of those imps left their places in order to deal with me because they’re being invaded or they’re too driven by lust as if that scent attracted them to me. You could see from there two passage ways one of them had hurried foot prints running out form there while the other, you could see more imp corpses brutally killed. With bare hands mostly. When you take the course of the corpses, you could hear from afar growls, grunts and an agonized scream followed by the sickening sound of wet broken bones before you hear something like a cranium being bashed against the wall followed by my feminine and angry roar along with the sound of my fist slamming on someone’s gut, a gurgling male sound is heard and the next was a loud SNAP before a ‘thud’ is heard. And my heavy footsteps travels forward giving you the most recent killing I left on my way. Being a royal guard, maybe this scene would leave you intrigued on how someone on their own is dealing with an ENTIRE group of imps and the more you travel down, more you reach to your destination.

Bholdora: Now there wasn’t only the sounds of fights but also you can hear women screaming in panic, mixed with crying and some of them cheering me for killing them while in tears. “Kill those bastards!”, “Careful!”, “End this now!”, “I want to go home!”, “Lilith! Why I am feeling so…!” a myriad of pleads, encouragement, rage and desperation coming from several female voices. My scent even more stronger than now, slamming hard your nostrils while you heard two distinct male voices snarling and growling followed by a heavy blow, a wooden club slammed and breaking across my back judging by my pained groan and roar of rage, I was SO FUCKING PISSED NOW not because of the heavy strike I suffered but also at the whole scene you’re going to witness soon enough. I scream in deep and pure hatred at them, killing the first one as I shove the splint of the club deep on his gut, trespassing it before I deal with the second one, bashing my knee on his groin before you hear my growling and them CRACK! An agonizing scream of the imp, as I broke his back before you hear the sound of his body slamming down in the ground but this won’t stops here… NOT WHEN YOU KNOW WHAT THEY DID TO THOSE WOMEN. You can hear several stomping sounds, bare foot slamming someone’s face… and again, and again, and AGAIN, AND FUCKING AGAIN!!!. Until you hear something crushing mixing the sound of bones being broken with the squish sounds of viscera. Then all went silent, save for the cries of those women and while you was about to reach the last room, I let go a loud and triumphant roar resonating through the whole cave before you hear my deep breathes… Not the most appropriate thing to do but after what I did?! I JUST NEEDED TO UNLEASH MY SATISFACTION IN KILLING THOSE BASTARDS.

Bholdora: You finally reach the room and the scene might just revolt you as well. It wasn’t only a prison but a breeding ground, You can see the women there, humanoids, dark elves, one or another monster girl, all of them nude, some of them with visible wounds on their necks, breasts and buttocks, others in clear state of shock, have been ‘used’ by them. And in the middle of this room standing on my feet and breathing hard, you finally see me. An orcess, muscular, tall, strong, nude, and certainly the owner of that distinctive and strong feminine scent you felt earlier. Your foot steps makes me turn around with a growl, believing you was one of them but instead in see another horny imp, I see you, a human, a small female human venturing in this hideout. But unlike them, you’re unharmed. And unlike them you weren’t an ordinary woman too. I could see your muscles, I could see you can be a dangerous woman to fight with, specially when I see Melascula’s Royal Guard Crest on your attire. No… Despite your appearance you’re far from being a normal human. In fact, I don’t believe you’re truly human at all. Because no human would venture in those forest and head out alive. I grin at you once I recognize you’re not one of them, or my enemy, maybe my possible rival depending on how things goes between us from now and them because being a Royal Guard only means you’re strong. Stronger than a normal human. And the thought of fighting you, not only excites me but would be a great honor to face one of Lady Melascula’s hand picked women. “You’re late…”, I growl in a jest, not really the most appropriate moment to jest around before I take care of the women here. “This was a breeding ground for those imps. I’m glad you came here as well.” I say while I wrap one of those women with a dirty cover. It was all that I could get for them.

Maso Boxer Maria : The scent of blood, sweat and the wonderful scent of pheromones fill my nostrils. I'm excited to see what I'll find, though a bit scared as well. This cave is pretty damn big on the inside, I don't even know how far I've walked into it, nor do I know how much further I have to go, but as I follow the dimly lit torches, I see more and more bodies piled up and pools of blood. Grotesque violence has surely been put on display as I see bodies of imps with numerous broken bones. *These imps must have either been laying in wait and tried to attack the intruder, whoever or whatever it might have been. There's bodies in horrible positions. Whatever did this is definitely not one to trifle with*. I think to myself as I head even further into the cave, still tentatively. Walking down other corridors, my eyes laying upon even more corpses. *How many imps were in here? how deep does this cave go?*. I walk around the corpses, not wanting to step on the blood soaked grounds, when I faintly hear something. Breathing? a growl? I know that I need to find out what.

Maso Boxer Maria : Still following the faint sounds, they echo through the cave. Screams. screams and the distinct SNAP of bones resonate through the current area of the cave that I'm in, though I have no clue what else I'm going to find. I reach another large room, and the scene is starting to paint a nice picture, a gruesome picture of what's happening here. The imps are being slaughtered for a reason and what that reason is, I have a feeling I'm going to find out soon enough. I happen to notice fresh footprints leading onward, thinking whoever is doing this, is on a mission so to speak. The way they're spaced, the number of footprints, leads me to believe someone is running through here, a purpose. Continuing on, what sounds like fighting and yelling can be heard a bit more clearly. Screams of...panic, anger? and crying?...all female, but the more pungent smell of pheromones makes me follow my nose and my ears pick up male voices. I slow down my pace, looking around me, but while I make my way further in, the sounds of bones breaking into pieces fills my ears as do the THUD of bodies falling to the ground. I close my eyes and breathe in deep for a moment then quicken my pace. *I have to get there. I have to know what's happening, I have to find out about those women whose voices I heard*. The sounds are getting louder, all of them, from the CRACKS and SNAPS, to what sounds like heads being stomped on. If ANYONE ELSE was in here, they would've ran back out, fearful of whatever lies in this darkness, but not me, I have a duty to investigate and I will do my duty. After a few short moments, silence, aside from cries and constant sobs, but then..a roar?! and heavy breathing? I know I didn't imagine that.

Maso Boxer Maria : GOD DAMN, does this cave have a way out?. I say to myself, huffing angrily because it seems like I've been walking for ours, though it may have actually been 10-15 minutes at most, but with the forks and how many corpses of imps I've passed by, I'm surprised I haven't hit a dead end yet, but now having said that, watch it happen. I see some light peeking through some cracks in the walls as I come upon a large room, circular, though not perfectly. My eyes widen and I my stomach nearly flips as I look around, and to no surprise more dead imps, but that's not what catches my eye. I see a number of women of a few different races. Humans, Dark Elves and a couple of monster type girls, nude with many scratches and cuts all over their bodies. Thighs, breasts, buttocks, necks and not only are they all in a state of shock, I see an orc woman standing in the middle of the room, standing tall and a bit murderous, but after what I saw on the way down here, I understand. But that other smell, the pheromones has been coming has to. It's very strong and the sounds of my feet against the sand and gravel cause you to turn around. Now compared to you, I'm probably small, but I stand firm as you look me over. Surprised? Thankful? Indifferent? I have no idea, but on my top, you see the crest of the Royal Guard and I have to imagine you've seen the other two, my sisters in arms, so you know that I'm not only in good company, but more than capable of handling myself because Madam Melascula wouldn't have chosen me if she didn't see something in me. I keep my eyes locked on you just in case I need to defend myself. You speak with an air of annoyance? joking? though this situation is hardly funny at all, but I figure I might as well go with it. "Better late than never"...I say with a smirk, while getting a good look at you..."Though I missed all of the fun, I seem to have stumbled upon something I didn't expect, that's for sure"...

Maso Boxer Maria : I say softly, while I keep a close watch on you and I place my coat around one of the women. "I certainly hadn't thought I'd be face to face with an orc, but from stories I've heard, you don't seem too bad, friendly almost, but now is not the time for joking around. We need to get these women out of here".

Bholdora: The fact my womanly scent didn't made you hot and bothered (at least for now) only proves you're a woman of strong will. And I have to respect the fact despite your size you stand firm looking at me intently, ready to get violent if I decided to attack you, I would love to see how you can be violent against me but in a more amicable context and in a place more suitable for us. I was thankful in see you're a woman from the Royal Guard so not only me but those women are safe now. I made that jest to try to calm down my boiling blood after fighting those imps and realizing about the horrible acts they did to those women. "Heh... Sorry for not leaving one of those creatures for you to get a taste of killing them", I said kicking one of the corpses dismissively before grabbing a dirty cover for one of the women. "Then again, if your blood is still boiling maybe we can help ourselves once we bring those women to safety. Because unlike all the imps I killed easily on my way here because they were so horny to fuck me as soon they caught my scent, these two gave me something closer to a mere fight. They resisted the scent.", I cover one of those women while you offer your coat to another and I couldn't resist to see your body even more devoid of attire, I wanted to check on your musculature, you're quite imposing despite of your size compared to me and I still believe you have more than it looks otherwise you wouldn't be a member of the Royal Guard.

Bholdora: I take the most vulnerable woman of the group on my arms, a woman still shocked and crying silently, and stand up looking at you. "Oh? So people are saying those things about me? Heh. I didn't had idea I'm getting popular around here." one more jest still trying to cheer things up while I looks at those women and asks them to be in front of me and behind you. "Well lead the way back to the castle, woman. I'll stay behind the group to protect them.", I say before looking at them, "You'll all be better to close your noses and if possible your eyes because the sight I left on my way here isn't the most pleasant to see... Unless you want to relish on the righteous killing of those creatures.", then I finally look back at you. "By the way, my name is Bholdora, Royal Guard. I've seen the succubi sisters earlier but you certainly isn't a succubus. But I'm sure you're just as powerful as them... You just need to realize how." During all the way out to the cave, I had to see the reality of the carnage I left and I contemplate those dead bodies before I grinned proud about what I did to those monsters. I could see one of them wasn't dead yet and I mercilessy stomped down on his head to break him for good. Maybe you could see some of them are barely alive and maybe you could even satisfy your contained bloodlust killing them too. After all, if one of them survive, they could become stronger with the experience they had and possibly become a bigger threat in the future. Fact is, we finally headed out of the forest without any hindrance and it was a relief the Palace was in front of us.

Maso Boxer Maria : As I keep my eyes on you, I feel them wander up and down, checking out your physique. Seems what I've read and heard about are true. Then my mind paints a nice picture of the two of us in an open clearing, away from the palace and civilization, having a hard, brutal, yet friendly fight. I look closer at the women and a scowl crosses my face, looking at the imp corpses around us, I shake my head a bit angry. I glance over at you and shake my head slightly. "Don't worry, those bastards deserved this, all of this. You did these women justice. I thank you". I smile at your suggestion that we help ourselves to blow off some steam and I give you a sly smile and a nod, letting you know that I really, REALLY like that idea. I lead the way out of the cave, as the women stick close by, shaking nervously, still visibly and understandably scared. I look behind me as you speak, then look forward again, speaking loud enough so you can hear me over the ambient noise. "Maria. Nice to meet you. Yes, my Guard sisters are very imposing, one playful, the other serious, but they both take their duties very seriously, as do I. I may tell you the story of my appointment someday. By the way..your scent is quite profound. Your pheromones are filling my nostrils and my head with pleasantness". I look back towards you and give you a slight smile. While we continue making our way out, you see one of the imps still moving, somehow. Well, that is, until you mercilessly stomp on his head, causing an eye to pop out, but he won't have to worry about that anyway. I hear some of the women sounding like they're going to vomit, revolted by the stench of blood and death around us. As we walk, we can see the light of day, shining through the entrance and finally we make our way out, breathing in the fresh air and seeing the palace a ways in front of us. I then turn towards you as we wrangle up the women.

Maso Boxer Maria : "They should go back to their families, wherever they may be. I cannot guarantee sanctuary or safety inside the palace without the Queens' permission". You give me a nod and the women head off to their homes. I shake your hand firmly, thanking you silently for taking care of those imps. I begin to head towards the palace when I turn back around, walking back over to you, looking you up and down again with a smile. "If you want to test me out sometime, I'm game. I did hear you say something about me entering the forest and the cave, still alive, and having the crest of the Royal Guard. Well, I would love to show you how normal this human is". I smirk with that last remark and I thank you again for clearing out the cave, then I make my way back to the palace to give my report to the Queens

Bholdora: I let you delight yourself of the sight of my nude body despite the blood of those creatures staining my rough and savage beauty and I could see on your eyes how much you want to test my body to the limit fighting me. In the same way, I wonder how you really are if you were wearing a more revealing attire, or none at all, so I could admire your body and eager to see how it would look like after covering them with bruises caused by me and in the end we would not hold ill feelings or grudges of any kind. Pain turned into pleasure, violence turned into eros. My lust towards you heightens the more I imagine we both trading some fierce strikes in a secluded area, with no one interfering us as we became intimate through erotic brutality. Then, you look at me shaking you head and thanking me for what I did. "It's not everyday I get to do a good deed.", I say with a smile feeling really good about saving those women from fates worse than death and I smile when you comment about my scent, "You're quite a strong willed woman, Maria. Usually women would get down on their knees bothered and horny as they sniffs it. My dampness' scent is just as strong as five fertile women, some says. This is why those imps couldn't resist and charged at me wanting to fuck me instead of killing me and I used their own hornyness to my advantage along with the narrowness of this cave so I could take them one by one most of the time.", despite what I said, those women were still walking 'normally' probably they're still too terrified and their natural instinct for survival surpassed lustful desires something that is helped even more with the stench of death violating their nostrils. Once we walk out of the cave I see it's already morning, stripping the sensuous beauty of the night but at least most predators are sleeping in the forest and we could spot any hostile creature better. Thankfully none of this happened until we're finally out of the forest for good.

Bholdora: Your comment about not having a guarantee about giving sanctuary to them gave me a bittersweet taste on my mouth but I could understand it. Before you depart, you look at me up and down again, really admiring my bare body and musculature before you shake my hand, I give you a firm grip, looking at your eyes. "If I want? Ha... Of course I want, Maria. And I'm sure you want it too.", I comment with a growl mixing desire and eagerness, "I'll take those women in safety then I will come back here to know you better. I'm eager to see the strength of a Royal Guard.", then as you move towards the palace, I look towards the women and I escort them back to somewhere safe.

Bholdora: It took a week since the day we meet in that cave and rescued those women. Once I'm done with the escorting and you as your duties of the Royal Guard, we had the chance to speak with each other inside the palace and talked eagerness about our meeting. It was decided we would meet each other in a clearing on a small grove close to the palace. Safely enough and that would grant us some privacy. I could not agree more for a place like this for our encounter, or would it be a date in truth? A date of two women savoring themselves in lustful violence? I gently flare my nose at the thought of this while I was waiting for you with my arms crossed under my chest. My eyes closed, meditating about how our incoming fight will go, thinking about how is your fighting style or what you have on you that made Lady Melascula pick you as one of the royal guard even when you apparently is a mere human at first sight. My muscular body covered with another set of loins and top and nothing else. And then I could hear someone approaching the clearing calmly, not skipping the pace. As if someone was strutting towards me and then I look up front to see who's approaching and for my joy it's you. Taking a good look on how you came for our... date.

Maso Boxer Maria : As we stand in the open clearing with the palace off in the distance, I stretch and take a quick look around. I catch you trying not to take too many long looks at my body. I don't mind it of course, your body is also lovely, I wouldn't lie to myself about it. I'm imagining what we could do to each other with no one around to interfere. Just raw, primal, no holding back. Sounds like a real fun time to me. You talk about your scent again and now that the clean air is blowing, I get a much better whiff, putting a smile on my face since the stale air of the cave, the stench of blood and decaying bodies isn't masking it so much. "Those imps seemed to be attracted to your scent indeed. It's certainly a wonderful and powerful aroma, seductive, one might say". I give you a sly smile when you express your interest in battling me, letting you know that I'm just as excited at the thought as you are. I wink and then head towards the palace.

Maso Boxer Maria : Over the next few days, I read up on orcs, their strengths, weaknesses, if any, and habitats. We have had a few talks while inside the palace and you pique my interest when talking about your strength an exploits. We eventually talk about our meeting, in a clearing near a grove just outside of the palace, not too far away, just in case I need to run back here for whatever reason. A spot just for us, to enjoy some privacy. The way we've stolen glances at one another, we'd be led to believe that our meeting would be more along the lines of a date. A lustful battle between us? Could that really be possible? Well truth be told, I'm anxious to find out. A few more days pass and I head to the meeting spot. The birds singing songs, the rustling of the trees in unison..a sea of could be described as. There's also the running of the water, flowing seamlessly along the banks. As I look around, I see you sitting alongside the water, meditating, almost in a trance. I don't know what you're thinking about, but if I had to guess, you're probably wondering exactly how I became a part of the Queens' fold, what Queen Mela saw in me. Well, I intend to show you. I show up wearing shorts and a hoodie, walking along with my hands in the front pocket, walking slowly and taking in all the sights and sounds. It's very peaceful to be honest with you. If it wasn't for you suggesting this place, I wouldn't have even thought of coming out here. I continue to make my way over to you, stopping a few feet in front of you, smiling as you happen to look up. "Hello Bholdora, ready to enjoy"

Maso Boxer Maria :
Bholdora: I was pretty honest about my peculiarities and quirks. That I am a woman who lust for fighting, specially against a like minded woman who isn't afraid to give and receive bruises in a violent brawl but still no hard feelings would be given or received. Talked that I am a woman who thrives on combat, who even get aroused if the fight is long and intense enough, this isn't a characteristic of mine only but for most of my kind. Orcs in general thrives and lives for this, for combat or war and because of this sex and violence are close to each other. The grove I indicated would seems quite paradoxical for an orc to suggest but I had to pick a place far away from curious eyes because I wanted for share this moment alone with you, to see and feel how it is to fight one of the Royal Guards. When you finally showed to me, I was quite surprised with the choice of attire. You was quite looking as yourself wearing that cropped hoodie and your black shorts almost serving as a second skin as it hugged your hips and thighs snugly. But more than that, I could see how your abs are solid thanks to the cropped hoodie and the more I see that the more I wonder how you would look like if you were just as nude as me when we met in the cave.

Bholdora: We stood close to each other, you smiling up at me and my face returns the gesture. "Hi, Maria... I'm just as ready as you.", I reply back, staring you down, wanting to look straight on your eyes and deep in your soul as we build some tension between us. There's no need for words. We know why we're here. And no matter what happens, both of us will return to the palace covered with deep purple bruises but with a pleased shit-eating smile, satisfied with our fight. You might be smaller than me, with your face just barely higher than my chest level, but I never thought you was less dangerous because of that specially considering who you are. As we keep staring at each other, I silently decide to remove my top wanting to be honest with my approach, letting my breasts exposed to you wondering if you'll return the gesture. Regardless of that, I keep looking more at yoru face until a frown is shown to you, my hand wanting reach for your hair, or hoodie if you preferred to remain clothed, before I pull you closer to me at the same time I growl and swing a firm hook aimed at your gut, sinking it deep.

Maso Boxer Maria: I stand still, with my hands in the pocket of my hoodie. My reason for fighting goes beyond lust or desire, though that is a pretty big part of it. I do love a violent brawl, bloody, heavy and deep bruising. But one of the best parts, is meeting a fighter of equal or greater skill, to test one's own skill, power, and even better yet, becoming potential rivals. My main reason for because of love and protection. Love for my family, my friends, anyone who I consider family, no matter who they may be. Not only that, but protecting them is equally important to me. No matter how many times I get beaten, no matter how bad my injuries may be, I will continue to stand and fight until my body gives out. When I became a Royal Guard, it gave me even more of a reason to fight to the end if and when necessary. Besides, a chance to battle a mythical creature such as an orc, a being that I've only heard of in fantasies, is pretty exciting. I smile and lay an arm across my chest, bowing slightly, in a salute. "I'm ready for you too. This will be fun". I watch as you remove your top, baring your breasts, bringing another smile to my face. Not to seem rude, I remove my hoodie, tossing it to the ground, while also removing my top, baring my own breasts. "So Bholdora, like what you see?". Though you are much taller than me and my face is perfectly at your chest level, my own chest is fairly massive, which I do hope pleases you. I feel you reach for my hair, probably to ruffle it, like an older sibling would do to their younger one, but you pull me towards you, growling, and then I feel something sink into my gut. GGUUUHHH...I look down with wide eyes and see your fist imbedded in my midsection.

Maso Boxer Maria : I sink to my knees, holding my body and gasping for air. HUFF...ACK..COUGH..."'re pretty...strong..ugh"..I slowly stand up and take a few steps back, giving myself some room. I dust myself off and breathe in and out slowly. "Yeah, you're strong, but so am I". I push off my back foot and rush towards you, balling up my fist, sending it towards your face.

Bholdora: Even thought you fight for lust and desire, even for the hell of it as I do, you still have a deeper reason to fight. Putting aside your eagerness to fight, your will to become stronger fighting new opponents and your physical appearance, this is something I really admire on you because fighting to protect others makes one even more stronger. In fact, this makes you a warrior. You gently bows to me once I state I'm ready for you and I smile back while I expose my breasts noticing you smiling even more. Maybe because you're fond of women with large bosom or maybe you might be thinking how the would look like when they're covered with bruises. Nope. I'm not afraid of you abusing them in our fight. In fact, showing you my breasts is a clear hint about that, telling you without words you're more than free for that. And although you removing your hoodie could be because to not stain it with blood, because yes our fight will be violent, you also removed your top underneath it with the same honest approach making me smile at your question nodding at you "I would be lying if I say I don't...", I say teasing you as my hand reaches your left breast and gently plays with it around your nipple, locking eyes with you, "...It will be hard to not strike on them though....", I finish my sentence giving it a gentle tap with the back of my fingers, trailing them over your nipple, looking at your reaction before I tap my hand on your head, before I suddenly pull you close and slam my fist on you hard. You drop on your knees after the sucker punch while I look down at you with a stern face that slowly forms into a smile when you replies back to me and struggle to stand up and steps back. Yes... Most humans wouldn't endure a punch coming from me. "Then show me, Maria!", I growl with a wild smile, "I will be disappointed if you give up before I cover your WHOLE body with bruises!", you can feel the excitement in my voice, scaring away some birds as I yell at you.

Bholdora: I mean business now, and as a form of fair play I prepare myself for the incoming punch when you rush towards me and slams a clean hit on my face. "Hnnnnnhhhgggg...!", my head moves to the side slightly when your fist slams on me and I look down at you with the corner of my eye, my face grinning wildly. My groan isn't only because your punch is indeed strong and it hurt but also my groan is of pleasure. Wild pleasure. Pleasure in realize I'm fighting a strong woman who isn't afraid to face a stronger orcess, pleasure in know you will give your all to defeat me. Pleasure as my agonophilia kicks in on my being. "Let get it started already..." I growl and I swing my right hand slamming hard on your exposed side when you punched me before following with a firm cross punch slamming the side of your face, growling excitedly as I do!

Maso Boxer Maria: I grin as you gently grope my breast and play with the nipple, making it stiffen already and also making me moan under my breath, until you slam your fist into my gut. Dropping to my knees, I look at you, clenching my teeth, chuckling even though you're taunting me, saying that you'd be disappointed if I quit already, but knowing me, and knowing that I represent the first and last line of defense of the realm, I know I have to show you what I'm made of. So when I come back at you with my right, landing cleanly, hearing you grunt a bit in pain, though your head moves to the side, it seems like it didn't even faze you as you side eye me. Your groan also seemed to have a hint of pleasure in it. Well if battling gets you hot and bothered, you're in for some good fun. After you say that we should really get started, I feel a hard shot to my ribs. "UUUUUGGGGHHHHH"...I wince in a bit of pain, breathing out hard, not expecting you to hit me so hard already, but I should have. I bring my arms down, tucking my elbows in, then...HHHRRRFFFF....your cross slams into my jaw, sending me backpedaling. I plant my foot to keep me steady and I nod, acknowledging your strength. I lean forward and rush in, keeping me low and parallel to the ground, throwing a left uppercut, a right hook and left hook towards your body, looking to land them and wear you down early

<Bholdora> With all the pre-fight pleasantries done, include the breast groping, the cheap shot and the free shot I gave you, we finally start our fight for real. No matter how violent it will be, at the end I'm sure our bonds will be strengthed through this whole fight as we shows strength and resilience to each other. After ramming my fist on your ribs, you gran and wince in pain but I couldn't hear your ribs cracking showing you're inteed a resilient woman because I know I've done before with other fighters who challenged me> my hard shot slammed your chin and you backpedals giving me the view of your large breasts bouncing wildly with the momentum before I raise my fists, just like you and I see you rushing in again, faster than before. I try to act quickly sending a downwards punch down while you're paralel to the ground and I paid that eagerness as you manages to send a upper cut hard on my right breast, giving your ears with the sound of your fist slamming my titty flesh and almost smacking on my own face as the strenght of your uppercut lifted it up high. "GRRGH!!" your uppercut stuns me briefly with the stinging sensation of pain when your right fist slams on my side hard making me wince and growl but I get quickly into your game and I use my muscular arm to cover my body and let you feel the taste of my arm as I block it using that arm to quickly send a jab to your face, wanting to stop your offensive and creating a moment for me to follow with a right hook on your face, grinning wild in excitement, while I try to send a hook on my own aimed at your firm and sculpted abs you proudly showed while wearing your cropped hoodie.

Maso Boxer Maria : So, it seems the real fight is happening. Well, that's fine with me. I've been in situations like this one many times before. Fights like these are best when you and your opponent give everything. A nice, hard, knockdown, drag out fight. No hard feelings, just hard punches, bruises, blood, and most likely a few broken bones. I'll admit, the shot to my ribs hurt like hell, but I can take pain, a lot of it. I'm sure you have busted up plenty of ribs and I can understand why, with that first exchange, along with the cross to my head. I can't help but be impressed with your power and penchant for fights. BUT...I'm one hell of a fighter myself. First, closing in and bringing my fist up into your tit meat, watching it nearly pop you in your own chin. Then hearing you grunt in a bit of pain makes me smirk, my fists flying towards you, making you have to cover up. I've probably lasted longer than most humans have against you, so I'll take it. You take my punches on your arms, quickly sending one of your own, right to the middle of my face. "MMMMFFFPPHHH". Spittle is ejected, flying out in a glob. I barely have time to recover when my eyes widen, feeling a hard fist slam into my body. "NNGGGGHHHHH". I move to my right, watching you closely, anxiously awaiting your next attack.

<Bholdora> The breast shot still stings a bit more but this is nothing. I had worse and I'm quite expecting you do give the worse to me just as I'm willing to give you the worst I have. After seeing your head getting punched twice, forcing glob of saliva to spit out from your mouth and the firm left hook on your abs, you moves to your right to keep you from getting hit with a follow up with my own right. I'm not planning to let you take time to watch me and I continue my offensive as soon you move away, even when my left arm was returning from the gut shot landed on you I use it to throw a quick jab on you to try to keep you at bay than actually trying to hit and buy some time.  so I can swing a right cross on your side not wanting to go for your head for now because being smaller than me makes easier to avoid such strikes and because of that, I'll try to focus on hitting your strong and endowed body but still avoiding to go full in-fighting, as I swing some firm jabs aimed low at your abs, left and right wanting to try to force you to use your arms to block it so I can surprise you with a right rook sending right on your left breast followed with a cross hopefully making you believe that I'm going to slam your right breast but in the last moment I slide my right fist to nail right on your cheek all while I let go some short growls and snarls as I attack you. "Rggh! RRRRGH!"

Maso Boxer Maria :I can already tell that you're not only a formidable fighter, but a strong one too, but I won't let that deter me from having this fight. I will prove to you that humans are so weak, that we are strong in our own right. That shot to your breast was more of a test to see what I have to work with. No doubt you have had worse, as have I. I thrive on testing my limits in brutal fights, it's the only way to really see where I stand, what I have to work on. But your punches hurt, I'm not even sure you've hit me as hard as you can yet. As I move away, you move with me, chasing me. If we were in a ring or a cage of some kind, there'd be nowhere for me to go, but out in the open, I can run, hide and strategize. You stay on the offensive, throwing jabs, making me keep my arms up, taking your punches on my forearms. I soon feel a hard right into my side, making me bend at the waist. "GGGUUHH". I get the sense that since head hunting won't do, due to my smaller frame, you go after my body, looking to break me down without committing to brawling, even sending quick jabs towards my body, forcing my to bring my arms down and continue to use my forearms to block your punches. "Uuggghhh". A quick right hook slams into my left tit, sinking into my flesh, then get I prepare for a shot to my other breast but. "BUIIGHGH". The cross was a nice feint, cracking me in the jaw, sending a small amount of blood to go flying. The force of the punch sends me landing on my hands and knees, breathing in and out, spitting up some blood. I look at you, wipe my mouth, smiling and I nod. "You're real good Bholdora. A nice test". I stand up and dust myself off, resetting myself. I bounce on my toes, digging into the ground and rush towards you, ducking a bit low and lowering my shoulders. Getting close, I straighten up a bit, throwing a right and left uppercut towards your body and wanting to keep you off balance, I fire off a few jabs towards your head

Bholdora: I strike you hard. As hard as I could. Without pulling my strikes at all because otherwise, I would be disrespecting you my following strikes makes me clear about that, hitting your body with the worst I have to offer to you and expecting the same. I smile when you used your punches to block my jabs aimed at your abs, fully aware I'm avoiding your head for the moment because I knew you could avoid my strikes easily making me quite exposed yo your punches however, my two crosses you take by full force and I watch how your breast swings freely after my cross punch while I swing a feinting hook, making you believing I would go for your other breast but instead heading to your face with so much force it sends you down on your hands and knees. I step back, a bit giving you some space to breath in and spit the blood out of your mouth nodding at your comment. "Sure. Just stay on your feet  because I don't plan to give you any quarters now.", I say in a intense, nonchalantly and even sultry contralto voice tone to you as my body starts to glisten lightly with sweat. Once you get on your feet and start bouncing, and your huge chest following suit, I raise my arms and close my fists before taking a wide step towards you but you suddenly rushes in as well, almost in a suicidal tendency just when I was about to swing a hook on your breast. My punch grazes on your cheek when you go down for a mere fraction of a second before you slams your bare fists into my abs' flesh. "unngh!"The first punch made me wince, and feel how hard you swung it on me before your following left making me gasp loudly  "ommmph!!" and even double over my body, even if slightly before your fists slams on my mouth and nose with the deliciously sickening sound of fist meeting face "Hmmgh! HNNGH!! GRRRGH!!". But I'm quick to retaliate your offensive as  try to swing a quick upper on your chin, wanting to prevent you from keeping your offensive with my left fist while I swing a certain jab straight on your face with my right.

Maso Boxer Maria : This fight against you is really cool and really exciting. I would have had no idea what it was going to be like if I hadn't become a royal guard. Just swinging for the fences in a tactical way, not just straight up brawling, not technically a street fight, but a nice, old fashioned fist fight. But I'm getting it pretty good here, though I'm not backing down, I refuse to. I'm sure if any other human woman were hit by one of your punches, they'd be running for the hills, so to speak. After getting up, dusting myself off, and getting back into my stance, I rush in and unleash a nice combination of punches. Quick strikes designed to wear you down over time and as they land, your grunts of pain sound lovely, as all pained grunts do when I land a good shot. I watch as you double over slightly and my follow up lands right in the middle of your face. *HA! How's that?* I think to myself, however you recover quickly and catch me with a clean uppercut. "UUURRRGGG". My head snaps upward and I lose my footing, pitching forward, into a straight right. "HHRRK". My head is sent flying back, my upper lip feels puffy and I feel something trickle down my face. Wiping it away, I don't see any red coloring yet, which is good, but damn that hurt. I get into my stance once more, waving you in and giving you a smile

<Bholdora> Those jabs hit hard on my face but so far, I'm not bleeding on my mouth or nose mainly because on how quick they were to try to keep me at bay but it didn't worked like that. After being struck by your well placed punches I just felt an use to strike you back quick and as hard as I could drawing a wild grin on my face as I slammed an uppercut on your chin and a straight on your face in an instant payback to the punch on my mouth. However, as soon as it happens I don't give you a proper time for you to recover from my shots, the pleasantries time is over, and while you was waving at me I was already dangerously close to you, swinging a couple of jabs aimed at your breasts and mixing it up with some jabs mixed with hooks aimed on your cheek and chin and each time I land a blow, be it hitting my target or getting blocked by your arms, sweat sprays out from my body as my arm muscles ripples and flexes for each strike I shoot at you. However, even when we're not fighting in a closed ring or pit arena, something that I would like to see on how you can deal with a fighting arena with almost no place to run away, there is still some places you could get trapped if you're not careful. I keep swinging more jabs on you, in an attempt to keep you distracted enough until I snarl and grab you on your shoulders, giving you a firm push against a tree and planning to get very close and personal on you as I try to slam some hard punches on your firm abs, left and right.

Maso Boxer Maria: Your punches slam into me, but I have to say, I'm already enjoying this. I don't know if my punches have done any real damage to you, but I'm gonna fight until I'm laid out flat, breathing or not. Waving you in towards me might not have been a good idea as you move like the wind and throw jabs to my big, bountiful breasts, as they sway side to side, especially when your punches connect. Your fist sinks into my tit meat, making my nipples much more perky than before, not that I'm complaining. A few more punches to my head keep me backing up as your onslaught continues. I block a few but others land as I back up and back me up. If we were in an enclosed space, I'd be in big trouble, but out here I need to be more strategic. But I can't really do that with you continuously moving forward. You give me a bit of a break when you put your hands on my shoulders, before deciding to push me against a tree, get real close and slam your fists into my abs. "OOOFFFF..UUUGGHGHH..BBUIUGHHH". It feels like your punches are lifting me off my feet. I try to tighten up my core, but I know I'm in a bad way right now and I try to throw a straight right to your breasts and also try to pull your head down while looking to bring my knee up into you

Bholdora: Through my punches aimed on your breasts, i can feel you're enjoying this in a more intimate way than I could expect as your nipples became perky and stiff almost puncturing my hands. I'm not sure if it's the fighting that is arousing you or if it's the pain you're receiving on your muscular and wonderful body. possibly both. But about that I'll ask later as I'm focused to keep on my offensive, swinging some more punches on your face and chest, some hitting the target and other slamming on your arms as you block them and suddenly you're right where I wanted. Against the tree. Not the same thing as being cornered in an arena but this certainly will do the work. "RRRGH!!" Each firm punch on your abs, indeed lifts you off the ground even if for a bit, "RRRAGH!!!" and even when they hit deep on your abs I can still feel the resistance only a well trained set of abs could offer to me. "RROARRGH!!" I keep punching you hard, enjoying to see how your face grimaces from each strike just as how your sweaty and bruised breasts sways around as I hoist you up with my last hook punch moments before I could see a sparkle on your eyes and you FLATTEN my breast hard with your single punch and moments before I feel your hands grabbing my sweaty ravenous hair and you gather strength to double me over making my eyes bugs out when your knee bashes squarely on my face. Almost as if you remembered we're not in a boxing match. Maybe stunned with the strike, you could even have a time to land me a hard third strike on me while my nose oozes some blood. Incredible... My mouth draws a wild grin, and my nipples stiffens as well as you force me to fight harder now. And I try to swing a firm punch on your side, aiming for your ribs, hoping you could release my hair from your firm grasp, while I straighten up to face you and in my excitement I try to repay those hard punches with a fierce straight aimed at your face. However, maybe this could be too predictable for you as I wind my arm quite far before swinging my punch.

Maso Boxer Maria: My midsection has been blasted by your fists, your biceps seem to flex on their own, like they know that you're landing hard shots to my middle. In a bit of a panic, as your body punches keep me off the ground, my fist flies towards your tit, flattening it like a pancake almost. Then on instinct, I thrust my knee upwards while holding onto your head. Getting a bit of a break, I look on and see a trickle of blood?! *I guess I got a lucky hit in there*. I say silently to myself, while wanting to take advantage, though the grin on your face tells me two things. 1) You weren't expecting me to draw blood and it's been a while since someone has. 2) Now you're going to become more serious and fight even harder. I Look to bring up my knee again but I soon feel your fists sink into my midsection again. "GGGUUHH..HHUUFFF..NNNGGHH". I'm forced to let go of your head, grimacing a little. I see you set up to throw another straight, but I see you wind up too much, bringing it further back than before. I look to take this opportunity to throw an elbow towards your head, hoping to land it

Bholdora: Even when I smash your well trained body with punches so fiercely it caused you to lift off the ground while pinned against the tree, you managed to throw a brutal punch on my breast flattening and with that, taking the opportunity I was shocked with the pan, you doubled me over and down and slams your knee hard on my face causing some bleeding. Once we're done with our date, I'll make sure to remember to say in our future talk while it might be luck for some, I believe luck favors those who are brave. And my wild grin indeed tells you I'm pleased with the roughness you're offering and that also I'm going to fight seriously more than ever. After slamming hard on your  side and guts, as you prepared to slam that knee on me, I straighten up licking my bloodied lips as my nose oozes crimson and in my excitement I end up winding too long my punch giving you a precious opportunity to swing that elbow hard on my head, right on my temples, making me to snarl in pain and stumble sideways, holding my head and slightly stunned with the  brutal impact your elbow caused on me while I set on my mind that from now and then I`m going to fight as roughly as you did, enjoying a lot the prospect in fight with every tactic we have at our disposal but in a mutual,but silenty and untold rule to not use a cheap low blow.

Maso Boxer Maria: Though you're bleeding, you're still standing and firing back. My blood is heating up, not boiling, per se, but a happy way of heating up. You are giving me a great test, and I can't thank you enough. I watch as you grin at me, though I'm not sure if it's because you want my body, even though you've complimented me on it a number of times already. Or if it's because I'm still standing and fighting back. No matter, we can figure all that out later. When you swing wide and I throw my elbow, I hear it connect to the side of your head, against your temple, making you stumble and stunning you. I know that just because you're momentarily stunned, you more than likely will recover quickly and I run at you jumping towards you with my right leg out, looking to land a kick to your midsection

Bholdora: I keep my snarling grin as I recover form that well timed elbow shot on my head while I hear your footsteps running in the grass and when I looked at you, your muscular leg was already raised and kicks squarelly on my midsection making my body double forward and gasping for air while drool escapes from my mouth while I step away from you with the strength involved from that running kick. for someone who's specialized about boxing, you know how to kick, I have to give that about you. But I know you're eager to keep your offensive, I know you want to try to take advantage of my winded state to press your offensive on. And i hope the incoming uppercut aimed at your chin hits squarely, running the risk in waste my energy and time and giving you a wide opening if my judgement is wrong but if I'm right about you, if my uppercut nails your head, my next move could be even rougher. I'm not going to punch you, or kick you, I'm going to give your crotch a firm slap-grope, far from wanting to cheap shot you, but to get a hold just as I hold your neck so I can simply lift you up above my head. Grinning wide as I hoist you up and unless if you have a way to avoid what's coming next for you, I'm going to drop you over my muscular thigh, smashing your strong abs down over it before shoving you away.

Maso Boxer Maria: I watch with a smirk as you double over from my, it's been a long time since I delivered a kick like that, not since I was little. It's a good thing I continued to practice martial arts on the side so I wouldn't get rusty, though boxing has always been my true calling. Looking to keep up the offensive, moving in quickly, I bring up my foot, however.."BBUUIIGGH".. Your uppercut catches me clean, your knuckles hit bone on bone, saliva spews from my mouth, combined with a tinge of crimson. I stumble backward and try to clear my head while you get close, grabbing my crotch and my neck, lifting me high into the air. Unable to really do anything in this position, I brace myself for whatever you have planned next, but I wasn't prepared for you slamming me down on your thigh.. "UUAAAGGHH..COUGH..COUGH". My midsection caves in a bit as ripples of pain travel through me. Being pushed away, I clutch my body, struggling to breathe somewhat, while looking at you with a sneer and chagrin. *FUCK, that really hurt. She's dangerous to be sure*. I think to myself as I struggle to get to one knee

<Bholdora> I'm glad my judgement was right about you, while still impressed you kick well and even tried to use your leg to keep attacking me before slamming your chin firmly. I give you a firm stare at your eyes when I grabbed at your crotch before lifting you up, and slamming your firm abs down over my thighs with total disregard before shoving you away. Still, it's interesting to see how you sneer and grins at that while you struggle to breath and get on your knees even not wanting to give up. Maybe you're enjoying this fight in more ways than just a fierce back and forth of strikes because most women I fought would be giving up by now and this prospect makes me smile a rather friendly and amused smile that hides all the brutality and vicious disposition I have stored for you on my mind to turn your whole body purple. I let go a excited snarl, as I clasp my hands around your face as my palms presses on your cheeks >smack< and I "help" you to stand on your feet, looking at you for a bit before I suddenly headbutt your face. But not with full force for once. "Are you enjoying this?" the question is quite vague. It could be this date, this fight, the pain I'm giving to you or all of the above and before I let you answer, I give you another head butt, "You're quite an resilient woman for sure!" I continue to say while I switch back to try to ram my fists left and right, smacking your ribs.

Maso Boxer Maria: BWAHH...UGH..*SHIT. She's breaking me down, picking me apart. But I'd be lying if I said I wasn't having fun*. I think to myself as the sun's rays blast me in the face while I'm up on your shoulders until.. "GGGGUUUUHHH ..COUGH. COUGH.. fuck..fuck..fuck..." My abs get slammed down on your thighs, my eyes widen like in an anime and saliva drips from my mouth, tinged with red as well. I am on all fours, gasping and wheezing, but I'm nowhere near done as I sneer at you, getting to my knees. I'm sure any other woman would've either suffered a broken jaw and/or ribs, given up, passed out or perhaps even died by now. But I'm not like any other woman, as you're finding out, and I see a hint of a smile play across your lips and perhaps a hint of admiration? respect as well maybe?. You cup my cheeks in your palms and..SMACK..a firm hand across my face, shocking me, then after helping me stand up, you thrust your head forward into mine. NNGHHRR...My head is pounding now...that fucking hurt. I hold my head as you ask me a question, however.. NNGGHHRR...another headbutt, my nose is bleeding pretty bad now and I don't even get the chance to answer before fists wreck my ribs again. GGGUUUHHHHH UUUUAAAAAGGHH..COUGH. PTOOOO. COUGH. COUGH..Your fists seem to splinter my ribs, it feels like it anyway, while purple welts appear, but I'm not one to back down. I try to fight back, throwing lefts and rights towards your head, wincing in pain as I throw each punch, my strength waning and my speed slowing

Bholdora: Your sneering continues. Even when I'm brutalizing you. And for my surprise, you still fights back sending a couple of firm punches on my head making me groan and growl in pain as my head is swung back and forth while spraying saliva and sweat from my face and ravenous hair. I felt it lacked the full strength you had but still, for someone beaten up badly like this, your strikes are quite strong despite the slugishnes of your swings. Your punches were strong enough to make me step back from you again, while I look still keeping my smile while I wipe some blood oozing from the corner of my mouth. "I think I realize now why Melascula liked you.", I start to speak while I lower my arms, allowing you to recover from the brutal strikes I landed on you, "You're resilient. Too resilient for a human. What those girls called while playing that game...? A "TANKER"? I can say most women I fought would have given up fearing for their lives in a fight like this but you stay strong, even when you're beaten up like that. I don't think this power comes from sheer human will alone to keep on fighting specially like an orcess like me. That resilience, that smile you're giving to me, that will to keep going.... For me this superhuman power to endure me like you endured can't have any other origin than coming from the darkness...", I then slowly raise my hands and balls into fists again, assuming a boxing stance while I look at your eyes this time I don't move in to attack. "You're really an interesting human, Maria. Your will is just as strong as an orc. I respect that on you. But you can't win only getting pummeled back and forth.", I challenge you with a sneer of my own, just waiting for you to recover well enough for you to attack me now.

Maso Boxer Maria: I grit my teeth, looking at you, coughing, my legs shaking, but I continue to fight back, though I can feel myself starting to weaken a bit. I watch as saliva and sweat spray from your head. My punches still do damage, blood still dripping from your mouth. I stand up, leaning forward a bit, breathing hard and deeply. Each breath makes me wince, knowing my body is really starting to feel the effects. I snort and spit as you speak, complimenting my resiliency, my staying power. You seem confused, though impressed at how I can still be standing..sort of..after all of this punishment. I keep my feet planted, though I feel like I might fall over soon. Your remark about me being a Tank, a term used in video games for a character who can absorb a lot of damage, while also trying to deliver a lot of damage as well. However, you also believe that there's something..odd, otherworldly, dark perhaps. You ball up your fists again, getting in a boxer stance, I do the same. We stare at each other, me leering at you, not ready to give up just yet. I move forward slowly, not trying to show how badly your attacks have affected me. I stride towards you, dipping my shoulders and I try to send a left uppercut and a straight right towards your body, lifting my right leg up, swinging my right foot towards your head, hoping to catch you on the side of your head

<Bholdora> I hear no comment about you but your actions speaks by itself. The fact you draw blood from me maybe gave you more incentive to keep fighting. I prefer to give you all the time you needed to recover before we resume our fighting again while we unconsciously stares at each other's bodies seeing how much bruises we can find on them before you starts to slowly move your body forwards. It could be because you're being careful but maybe it could be because you're sustained so much punishment your body is starting to get tired in receive so much abuse from my strikes and throws but in any case, you strides towards me while at the same time, I move towards you giving you a genuine smile of enjoyment before I swing a fierce cross punch towards you however you dipped your shoulders aiming to attack my abs at the same time  "Hnngh..! Ummphh!" My sweat sprays from my abs while you slams your uppercut and your straight punch on me and I growl in response, wanting to get a hold of your arms but I end up catching just air, as your suddenly raises your leg and slams your foot right on my head "Aagh!!", making me stumbles sideways and even dropping on my side as I lost my balance. Fuck...! How someone so small can pack a vicious strike like this?! I think in both amazement and excitement while my mind races and urges me to fight back before you could take advantage of my situaton and I let go a snarl as I kneel up, trying to catch you off guard as I swing a firm punch on your abs, wanting to force you to double over me, a perfect moment to swing my other fist upwards in a brutal uppercut wanting to slam it squarely on your face hard!

Maso Boxer Maria: "Hah..Hah..shit. I don't know how much longer I can keep this up. But I got a last gasp or two in me*. I say to myself as I spring into action, attacking fiercely, doing what I can to keep you busy on the defensive..and in a small way, entertained. My body shots make you grunt in a pang of pain, seeing you sweat is a good sign, at least you're exerting some energy. That moment is swiftly wiped away as my uppercut and straight land but seemingly do no damage, though my right foot connecting brings back a sly smirk and even a moment of shock as you drop to your side. *Finally*. That thought crosses my mind for just a minute as I breath extremely heavily, feeling like I might fall over as well. Feeling like our sexy, brutal dance may be concluding, I rush towards you, wanting to capitalize on you being down. I get close, ready to connect with your stone chin, which seems to be screaming at me. I think another knee will do well here, but as I'm thinking this..I feel a hard fist in my midsection. I try to scream, but I'm left with nothing as I look down and see your fist imbedded in me, folding me over, blood dripping from my mouth. I lose feeling in my limbs and I strain to lift my head, not really sneering but more of a look of thanks for this amazing battle. But my admiration for you lasts about 2 seconds when I feel your other fist SLAM into my chin, your knuckles making contact and sending sweat and a mixture of blood and saliva all over the front of my hoodie. I fall straight backward, my arms out to the sides. I breathe hard and heavy, and I can't help but chuckle. "Haha. Bholdora, this was awesome. Thank you''

<Bholdora> You're resistant. And your strikes packs some considerable strength for a human, more than most I've faced. I had to fight the pain and the confusion on my mind to try to deter you in someway and I was lucky you was just as eager to finish me as I was and this left you open for my fist burying deep on your firm abs, I feel your body going limp, your huge breasts sliding on my biceps's and your face close to mine, smiling not in excitement anymore but a thankful one. And I return the smile in kind, locking our gazes for 2 seconds before I straighten myself up, swinging my other fist hard on your chin sending you up and away from me before you slam your back hard in the ground while an arc of sweat, saliva and blood draws on the air before splattering in the vivid green grass. As I look at you, putting my hand on my head shaking a bit to clear the cobwebs in my vision I see you breathing hard and heavy but for my surprise you was still conscious, smiling and even chuckling in sheer satisfaction before your words states you're more than satisfied with our exchange. I then give you a genuine and friendly smile, nodding at you. "The only thing awesome here is you, Maria. I am genuinely impressed a human like yourself managed to stay toe to toe with me.". My statement was filled with enthusiasm and after that, I walk towards you and gently picks you up carrying you on my arms as I start to walk back to the palace. "I'm pretty sure Dear-Anne will be more than pleased to take care of you Maria. And if you ever feel bored, talk to me. I would love to share some good bruises with you again.".

<Published> 2025-02-14, viewed 97 times.




2025-02-16 21:58

A big shout out to both of you. The back story is extraordinarily well written, so very fun and creative and perfectly setting the tone for what's to come.

And what's to come is a deliciously vicious fight. Not out of hate or animosity, but even some kind of mutual admiration that was founded in the backstory. Incredibly well done, both of you! I'm proud my sis is such a resilient, tough ass bitch!!!