The UUC League

Public Restricted

Established: 2022-05-11
Chat room: #uucl

  • No holds barred
  • Long-term roleplay
  • Descriptive writing
  • Extreme violence
The United Underground Clubs is a league for brutal underground fights, light on rules.
31 members
10 stories
0 photos
0 files

What a Broken Fighter Tastes Like


22:03 <Victor_Van_Quisher> It’s been about a year since my last fight. I’d rather not get into the gritty details, but… let’s just say that if the medical advice of the best doctors money can buy is to be believed, there’s no earthly way to explain my “miraculous” recovery. I would have counted myself lucky to just be able to walk again, but from what I can tell, I am in better fighting shape now than I was before. Maybe a bit rougher around the edges, and with an even bigger chip on my shoulder. If I had something to prove before… suffice it to say, I am out for blood tonight. And some unfortunate young fighter is about to find out exactly what that means.
22:12 <Victor_Van_Quisher> So I understand that in my absence, a new rising star by the name of “Pepper” has been shooting up the ranks at one of my favorite local haunts. She’s a slight thing… a slender, toned 5’6”… but strong, skilled, and brimming with confidence. She’s been punching above her weight class, so to speak, even knocking out a couple men who had considerable size advantages. So naturally, it falls to me to give her a much needed lesson in humility tonight. What a way to make my return to the cage.
22:23 <Victor_Van_Quisher> It’s about time for things to start… and I’m in the back room getting ready. I’m dressed in nothing but a pair of black compression shorts with a 7” inseam. My hands are wrapped with black cloth boxing wraps. I’m wearing a black mouthguard with a print of sharp white teeth over it… as if I needed any help looking intimidating…
22:25 <Victor_Van_Quisher> Finally, I’m ready to make my entrance. Back when I was the local “champ” here, I used to walk out last, but since I disappeared, that honor has fallen to you, Pepper… and so I walk out, towards the cage, past an unruly crowd full of unfamiliar faces… most of them complete strangers, visibly and audibly unhappy to see me. I can already tell as I near the cage that you have a dedicated fan base, all clustered at the opposite corner. Finally, I step up through the cage door, and duck between the ropes of the boxing ring within it—although this will be anything but a boxing match. It’s just another empty canvas on which I will create another masterpiece… and you, Pepper, will be my subject and medium. I hope that makes you feel special.

22:36 <Pepper> For the record, my friends thought this was a terrible idea from the start. I could always kick their asses at the gym, but when I said I wanted to start "really fighting", they looked at me like I was asking to walk into a lion's den. I shrugged them off then and they mostly came to my first fight out of concern, but I set their minds at ease pretty quickly when they saw what I could do when it wasn't just friendly sparring. After humiliating a couple of bigger guys in the last few months, each one thinking they were the big man to put me in my place and each one left drooling on the canvas, I started to get something of a following in this grimy establishment - a clique of fans that loved to watch a plucky little package take repeated upset victories. Now, this is starting to become something serious. Tonight, there's real money on the line.
22:39 <Pepper> Not retirement money, but the kind of money that could make life substantially more comfortable. Apparently, this is a *big* match for this club, and they pulled out all the stops. Honestly, I don't know you, from what I heard you haven't even fought here in the time I've been around, but I've heard a few rumours at least that you're good enough to make it a hell of an evening. Big, though I've fought big. Experienced, though I've fought that as well. From where I'm standing, it seems like you're just another face to step on on the staircase up to something bigger. No hard feelings, though.
22:45 <Pepper> Dressed in black and white shorts and sports bra, with my iconic pink wraps that got me my first attention adorning my hands, I put in my pink mouthguard to match just before I'm brought out for my entrance. I hold up my fists as I come out to a cheer from a gruff audience that's come to appreciate my feminine moxie, a pep in my step as I just about bounce towards the cage. Noticing my friends here in the front row to watch my next step up the ladder, I blow them a kiss before I ascend the steps and slip through the door, springing over the ropes. Bouncing from foot to foot on the canvas, I look you up and down properly for the first time and shoot you a smile. "Nothing personal, uh, Victor, but you're in the way of my prize money. You could always concede now if you don't want everyone to see you get beat by this." I offer, as I wave my hands down my lithe but toned form to a few whoops in the crowd.

23:01 <Victor_Van_Quisher> Watching you enter the cage, I’m… thrilled. Seeing the energy with which you carry yourself. Your toned muscles rippling over a light but powerful frame. The feminine but energetic bright pink of your wraps and mouthguard… the perfect accent of color that tells me that you mean business, and you have a flair for showmanship. Seeing the way your fans respond to you, I can tell that tonight is going to be a rare treat, because I am going to get to listen to their cheers become tortured booing, screaming and wailing as I viciously take you apart, one piece at a time. I don’t want to get ahead of myself, though. You’ve got some wins under your belt, and I know anything can happen in this cage. Still, I’m feeling strong, and I’m ready to remind everyone who owns this cage. Because apparently some of you forgot.
23:08 <Victor_Van_Quisher> As you bounce, I swing my arms and shadow box, then bounce a bit as well… finally, I come within earshot of your taunting. I shake my head, before sending my retort, “If it’s money you want, you’re in the wrong place. Your medical bills are going to be through the roof after tonight. And believe me, Pepper… it’s always personal.” I flash a cocky grin after returning to my corner, waiting for the bell. In this club, there’s no ref, no rounds, and no submissions. Just two fighters, locked in the cage until one of them can no longer get up. And tonight, that’s going to be you.

23:18 <Pepper> You start to shadow box, showing off a little of that body in movement. The way the muscles in your arms and all down your chest move reminds me of a well-built machine, certainly something with considerable power if you know how to use it. It'll be an interesting match, but being smaller hasn't stopped me so far - as long as I'm still better. I roll my eyes and sigh at your taunt in reply, typical machismo, exactly the sort the rest came in with, though you do speak with an impressive level of assurance that what you describe is what's coming for me. I turn, a quick glance to my friends who look a little concerned about who I'm matched with, but a quick wink and I turn back around, bouncing back into my starting corner to get ready for what I plan to be another decisive match.
23:21 <Pepper> Not breaking eye contact with you as I keep up my continuous movement, as soon as the bell rings out over the shouts of the crowd, I slip out towards the middle of the cage. I have to make a quick impression, and I'm not interested in waiting for those lumbering fists to come looking for me first. Bobbing side to side as I approach, I slip towards you with footwork beyond my level, trying to get around your arms to sneak a quick left jab up at your face, followed by a right.

23:43 <Victor_Van_Quisher> You’ve got energy, and lots of it. This is going to be a lot of fun. As much as you are giving off that bubbly energy, I can tell by your approach that you have a pretty good idea of what you need to accomplish in order to win tonight… I approach slowly but surely, my arms up in a standard orthodox guard, my left hand in front with my right guarding my chin… you bob and weave, making yourself a difficult target, and as you close the distance with me you test my guard with a jab, then a right cross… I take your jab on my guard, then slip back a step to avoid your ambitious right hand…
23:45 <Victor_Van_Quisher> I could just beat your reach by jabbing out over your jab, but I’d rather not give you something to counter off of before returning fire… alright, my turn… time for you to find out just how lumbering my fists are… I decide to try to show off a bit by returning fire with a jab aimed at your right eye, then stepping forward on my left, feinting a second jab, and then coming in fast and low, my guard covering my face, sending a heavy right hook to your left side ribs, followed by a left uppercut to your upper abs…

23:58 <Pepper> Bouncing left and right, moving up and down, I exude energy as I present a difficult target to hit on approach. For your part you present a more methodical defense, and when my jab comes in you're able to get your forearm in front of it in time, taking it on your guard before moving back to deny me an impact on the tempting followup. That leaves me out of position, overextended, when you start to swing back. To a cheer from the audience though, I duck low and your surprisingly fast jab flies overhead through empty air. As I'm coming back up I'm setting my guard to block your second jab, but there are a few shouts only miliseconds before I feel a hard impact in the ribs which knocks some of the air out of me, and destabilizes me while your uppercut plows into my abs.
23:58 <Pepper> I exhale tightly, backing up a step and grimacing, but I show off more stamina than my size would lead one to expect when I bounce right back in with an attempt at a shovel hook around your guard at your side, to share a body blow right back.

00:17 <Victor_Van_Quisher> You’re fast, and you seem to know enough boxing to not get killed immediately by my first four moves, so my hat’s off to you… but as my right hook and left uppercut find their marks, it all comes flooding back to me… I almost forgot how good it feels to hit a woman like this. It makes it all the more fun knowing that you’re currently on a win streak, and that I will have the privilege of ending it tonight. As your right hand comes towards my left side ribs, I step in towards you again, daring you to do your worst, and your hook crashes into my ribs, “Uffshh!!” stinging in a way that I actually kind of love… I missed this… I then reach both of my arms behind your head and clasp my hands over the back of your neck, looking to send a heavy right knee into your navel, then a left hook, right hook combo to your obliques to take away your mobility and sap your energy early in the fight…

00:26 <Pepper> I slipped under your opening swing back, showing off the level of speed I can respond at, but your follow up feint into those body blows lands the first solid hits of the match, leaving me worse off for the next moves to come. I've been hit before though, and that isn't enough to stop me flying right back in for more, determined to leave my mark on you. As my shovel hook glides in towards your left side, you move in rather than try and prevent it. The grunt it elicits is exactly the kind of feedback I need to push myself harder, but you weren't doing nothing with your hands as you came in. Clinching my neck, you have the strength to hold me solidly in place to rocket a hard knee into my navel, doubling me over slightly with a grunt of my own, before two surgically placed hooks blast into the sides of my core, leaving a painful sting as I try to breathe.
00:28 <Pepper> I can hear the voices of my friends over the frantic shouting of the crowd, keeping me in the game as I grit my teeth and keep pushing rather than abandon this exchange much worse off for it. Moving inwards, I step into a left uppercut aimed into your abs, followed by a right hook hoping to check your face if your guard goes low. Need to start making an impact soon...

00:40 <Victor_Van_Quisher> You’re a tough bitch, you know that, Pepper? I think to myself as I see you weather my knee and hooks with tenacity and grit before swiveling on your hips to send a left uppercut to my abs… and with uncanny speed for my comparatively larger frame, I sidestep it to the right before throwing a left hook to your solar plexus—interrupting your follow up right hook… followed by another left hook directly to your chin, just my way of telling you to get your head in the game… then a brutal right hook to your left lower ribs. I want to start sending you and your fans a message about who is really in control here. Spoiler alert, it’s not you.

00:50 <Pepper> Taking your chain of blows into my core, I can't spend time worrying about how it's going to feel later in the match, I have to focus on taking you down a few notches in return. My determination earns a few hopeful yells from the crowd as I move back in, but you continue to show a level of speed and raw skill that surprises and leaves me playing catchup, as my comeback move is interrupted by a hard left that uses that deadly fucking accuracy again to nail my solar plexus and stop me in my tracks. The potential hype dies back down immediately as I backstep, coughing, put squarely on the defense as I slip back away from your followup hook to the chin, and then back again to let that right hook glide through the air past my ribs. Noticeably harder to breathe after that, as I wince when I move and feel the damage done already, but there's no way I'm letting that end me.
00:52 <Pepper> Having pulled back, there's a little more space in play, so I decide to try something new, moving to the left as I step into a snap kick with my right leg, aimed at your lower ribs, to see how you handle against kicks. Maybe there's an opening there.

15:08 <Victor_Van_Quisher> I can see the shock and pain in your eyes as I sidestep your uppercut and nail you in your solar plexus with a brutal hook, and I have to admit, I’m impressed that you manage to maneuver out of the way to avoid my two follow up hooks. You’ve got some fight in you, Pepper. I’m beginning to see how a lesser man could come into a match with you overconfident and underestimating you, only to be taken out with a single swift kick to the head, or maybe a choke. For now, I think I have things mostly under control, seeing how the last punch I landed has winded you and sent you on the back foot…
15:10 <Victor_Van_Quisher> But before I can make up my mind how to pursue, you snap out a kick to my left lower ribs, which I absorb on my forearm before snaking my left arm around your muscular calf, my right hand wrapping over top of your shin… I hold you there, at first making a move like I’m going to pull back… but then turning my body perpendicular to yours and throwing a right leg side kick to the inside of your left thigh, before shoving you back, trying to send you off balance so that I can pursue you at a disadvantage… planning to send a jab to your chin, jab to your abs, and then another to your chin, before throwing a big right roundhouse kick to your left ribs. Sure, I could have swept you to the ground, but I’m enjoying playing with you standing up, for now…

21:55 <Pepper> After you slammed a hard fist into my solar plexus to check me, I have to play defensive for a bit to avoid the followups before I can afford to go for that snap kick to try something new. You're still damn fast though, just moving down your arm to shield your ribs and taking my leg in hand after it impacts against your forearm with a meaningless thump. Balanced on one leg, I internally curse in the momentary pause as the crowd quietens, seeing the compromised position. It doesn't last long, though, certainly not long enough for me to try to take the initiative before you turn on your foot and nail a kick on the inside of my thigh, eliciting a grunt as I'm sent backwards with a bit of pain left in the leg as I put weight on it. No other choice, as I back up from your continued assault.
22:01 <Pepper> You throw a jab that I have to strain to bob around, leaving myself exposed to the jab that slams into my abs to add more pressure onto your campaign to demolish my core. I cough, head snapping to the side as you follow up with another jab, but I shake my head and lower my own arm to block your kick - though the force you can put behind that slams my arm into my ribs, leaving both a little worse off. This is... a bad position. It's been bad before, but never this bad, never this decisive a beatdown. If I could just... land... something... The strained voices of my friends come over the shouting of the crowd, loud again seeing me still up after that most recent chain. All I can do is try to give them something, trying to draw deep from my endurance reserves to wait for you to come in a little closer before snapping a fast straight punch at your jaw with my right, trying to follow it with an ambitious left hook to the other side.

22:35 <Victor_Van_Quisher> Hearing the reaction of the crowd as I succeed in grabbing your leg, then watching it register on your face, I’m starting to get a taste of that moment when you begin to realize you just might be fucked. The pained grunt as my side kick lands with brutal precision to your left thigh is actually turning me on more and more, setting into motion a primal positive feedback loop in my psyche, the consequences of which will be utterly devastating to your health. My jabs, sending you in retreat, snapping your head back, then… my right roundhouse kick nearly lifts you off the floor of the cage, and watching your pained expression as my shin crashes into your arm, sending a shockwave through your ribs and internal organs, fills me with sheer delight. I couldn’t think of a more perfect subject for my next piece. Pepper, pulverized. As I reset from my kick, I see you already preparing to strike, just waiting for me to come close enough to launch your first punch…
22:42 <Victor_Van_Quisher> As I loom over you, inching closer before charging in with a step forward on my left foot, your right fist shoots out straight for my jaw… except I’m not there by the time it completes its journey. I’ve already bobbed low and to my right, my left hand covering the left side of my face, just below your right fist, just as I swivel on my hips to send my right fist deep into your abs, my arm bent 90 degrees for a close range body uppercut… followed by a swivel in the other direction as your left hook sails over my right shoulder, sending a left body uppercut to your abs as a follow up. Finally, I decide to get this show on the road, sending a big right push kick to your sternum, trying to kick you several steps back, into the turnbuckle of your corner, right in front of your cheering section of loyal fans.

22:55 <Pepper> Waiting for my moment, I really have to make it count at this point, because at this fucking rate I won't have many moments left to try and turn this around. There's another hush in the audience as the world pauses for you to slowly advance, and I try to take the opportunity, flashing forward for a straight. I'm usually known for my speed, but the successive body blows have started to take the wind out of my sails, not that you need the damn help with how fast you are. My punches hit nothing but air, fists sailing aimlessly as the crowd stays more quiet, watching your body wind to send a right uppercut straight into my abs, a brutal direct hit that just about lifts my feet from the canvas as I cough and try not to fold over. You follow it with another, punishing me just as hard for the hook, an uppercut from the left as I feel like my organs are being slowly rearranged.
22:58 <Pepper> My eyes are wide, gasping for air, as your foot comes up and slams right in the center of my chest, feeling like my lungs are crushed before I can get a breath, and ending up with me crashing into the corner, head low, chest heaving as I try to get in air. My friends are screaming now, yelling at me to get out of the corner. They're right. I stay here, I'm probably being carried out in a few minutes. But I'm being beaten badly already without being pinned in here. I need to get out, but how? I try to push off the turnbuckle for a straight kick of my own, aimed at your abs, if nothing else hoping to win some space to maneuver.

23:12 <Victor_Van_Quisher> Not without effort, but making it look easy enough, I slip under both of your punches, paying you back with punishing organ-mashing uppercuts that stretch and tear your abdominal muscles as my fists press deep into your guts, bringing you up onto your toes… beautiful. My big right foot crashes hard into your chest, expelling the last remnants of breath from your lungs as your body is sent careening back into the turnbuckle… oh, yes… this is going to be so much fun… and your friends will have a perfectly intimate view of you getting utterly demolished by a stronger, superior fighter.
23:14 <Victor_Van_Quisher> I charge in after you, ready to absolutely maul you, but as soon as I reach you, your right foot shoots out at me, striking flush against my abs… “Ughh!!” I grunt, frustrated, but then grabbing your right ankle with both hands before you can retract it… and kicking you deep in your abs with my own right foot again, this time, bearing down on you with my full weight as you are pressed into the corner… the ball of my foot pressing almost under your xiphoid process… crushing those lungs and diaphragm, and hopefully setting you up for total destruction.

23:19 <Pepper> Left leaning against the turnbuckle for support as I catch some air after that brutal chain - they're getting harder to avoid - you don't stay away long before you're barreling right in towards me. I time myself carefully, pushing off as my leg flies out, and like a miracle at this point finds purchase against your abs. There are whoops and cheers from the crowd as I land the hit, calling on me to build some momentum, but despite me being right on target you don't slow at all, just grabbing my ankle securely and pulling me in for an even more savage punishment for my attempt at a comeback.
23:23 <Pepper> You respond in kind, only, showing the audience what a hit like this looks like with *impact*. The sweat flies off my back as my spine bends, a loud smack can be heard all around the arena, as the full force of your murdering machine of a body slaughters me with a kick to the upper abs. It feels like your foot might go through me, but I fold around it as I collapse backwards against the corner again, arms instinctively wrapping around my core as I start to gag, coughing up saliva as my friends tell me to get out of the corner, a little quieter this time. F-fuck. I can't breathe.

23:37 <Victor_Van_Quisher> As your body begins to shut down, mine is only just getting started. And I intend to keep you hanging by a single desperate thread, clinging to breath, consciousness, and sanity until I have sufficiently broken your body in every way I that desire. As you begin to double over, I bring my foot back down to stand on both feet, releasing your foot as well, having rendered you sufficiently powerless for the time being. To kick things off, I want you as close as I can get you to standing up straight again, so I grab a fistful of your hair with my right hand, yanking your face back up so I can see it, snapping out a quick jab with my left to your nose, then a right hook to your cheek, then before you can try to mount an escape, snaking my left hand, then right hand, back behind your neck, pressing my forearms into your collarbones…
23:41 <Victor_Van_Quisher> Having once again trapped you in a powerful, tight clinch, I begin alternating the most brutal knees I’ve ever thrown into your lower ribs, first my left knee to your right lower ribs, then my right knee to your left lower ribs, putting all of my weight and power behind them. Feeling your body so close to mine is electric, even when the exchange of energy is so uneven. Almost like an electrocution. I level another three of each knee into your ribcage, trying to hit you harder and harder with every strike, my ultimate goal, for now, being to break every single one of your ribs.

23:52 <Pepper> Wheezing and gagging, struggling to pull anything into my lungs after it felt like your foot caved them in, I'm practically dangling in the corner as a prime cut of meat, and my butcher approaches. A fist in my hair makes me grunt and scrunch my face before you snap out a rapid jab right into the nose, a slight crunch of damaged cartilage as my head rattles in your grip of my hair, before you whip it to the side with a hook that sends spit flying. My body just about goes with it, but you don't want me going anywhere, arms trailing around and bringing us back into a tight clinch, faces just about touching. Mine, battered, a little dazed, still trying to breathe, contrasts with yours - hungry.
23:58 <Pepper> There are more shouts in the crowd, but I don't really hear words through the pressure around my head while you hold me in position in the corner and start rocketing your knees into my body with intent to absolutely ruin me, which is exactly what you start to do. The first left slams into my lower ribs and spears my liver as well, eliciting another tight gasp as I lose what air I had left, before the right slams harder, hard enough for a recognizeable crack to be heard. Fuck. I'm not getting beaten, I'm getting massacred. Another knee, even harder, and more cracks on my left side. Then right, then left, and again, each knee getting faster, harder, going deeper, as the crowd watches, shouting and screaming. During the process, all I can do is let out a strained groan, my lungs caved in over and over and over, while my ribcage is turned into little shards of bone by your lethal knees.
23:59 <Pepper> I don't think I have anything left, as I gurgle, practically holding onto your shoulders not to collapse, and cough up a little red spittle onto your chest, still flawless and lethal, the only other sign that you've even gone through the process of ripping me apart the thin sheen of sweat on your abs.

00:11 <Victor_Van_Quisher> It doesn’t take too long before I start to hear those cracks. One by one, up and down either side of your ribcage. A familiar sound, one that I hadn’t heard in over a year. For a moment, I feel the softness of your cheek brushing up against mine, giving me a visceral taste of the youth and beauty of the fighter I am currently dismantling—with, let’s be honest, not quite surgical precision. The precision of a sledgehammer. Your bloody spittle on my chest tells me you’re starting to break, and the horrified screams of your fans are telling me I might not have much time left to play with you. That said, it’s fairly common practice here to let a fight continue well past the point when more “professional” promotions would have broken things up. I turn the attention of my knees to your lower abs again, trying to see if I can make you cough anything else up while I have you here in this clinch… and when I’m done with that, I have a few other ideas I’d like to try out…

00:18 <Pepper> We're past the point where anyone could even hope this might become a competitive fight, and at the point where my bones are being successively snapped into pieces by your jackhammer knees, one after another, not giving me a break until you've totally broken my chest and left my gasping and wheezing between coughs. I still can't make out what anyone's saying beyond the lethal grip you have holding me steady, but the shouts are getting more desperate as this turns into a raw mauling of a would-be competitor. I try to take a breath, feeling a sharp pain in my chest leading to more coughing. You took a moment seemingly to relish your work and how the crowd has reacted, but you never stay off task for long.
00:21 <Pepper> Your knee goes back low, plunging into my navel and just about reaching my spine as you crush my organs, then again, and again, jackhammering once more against a target that is, at this point, soft and inviting. It feels like my insides are being rearranged, and it leads to me gagging hard, practically throwing up blood which splatters against the canvas to shocked gasps all around as I'm left near limp in your arms, gurgling with a thin trickle of blood continuing to fall from my lip.

00:26 <Victor_Van_Quisher> Feeling you nearly collapse in my grip flips on the switch that tells me it’s time to “show off” a bit. Because up to this point, it’s mostly been about completely obliterating your ability to fight back—you know, the conventional objective of most combat sports. My task now is not merely to win… It’s to utterly humiliate, manipulate, and dominate your body until you are so thoroughly wrecked that there’s nothing left to do with you but leave you in a mangled heap on the canvas.
00:31 <Victor_Van_Quisher> I break the clinch, only to switch my grip to a single hand—my left—on your throat, and lifting you up, so your toes are just barely dangling above the canvas, and pressing your head back, just over the top turnbuckle, your shoulder blades just under it… leveling a hard right cross directly into that beautiful mouth of yours. Then another. Trying to give you a fat lip, then a bloody lip. Then another, this time to your left eye. Trying to hit you just hard enough, but not hard enough to knock you fully out. Because I’m not fucking done with you yet, Pepper
00:37 <Pepper> There's no strength left in my limbs, arms draped over your shoulders, legs struggling to hold up the weight they're responsible for. My body has been eviscerated, you could stand back with your arms behind your back and it would be an effort in not coughing up too much blood to throw a punch at you. I can barely breathe, thin wheezes just enough to keep me going, but nothing compared to what I'd need to make any kind of independent move, at this point. You've utterly destroyed me as a fighter in this ring, taking my body and doing as you will with it, shaping me again into a plaything, or perhaps workout equipment. The distinction is hard to make out, at this point. You start to break the clinch, and I nearly collapse before your left hand clasps around my throat, eliciting strained gasps as getting air becomes an even more difficult task.
00:42 <Pepper> Being maneuvered by the throat, my hands come up and weakly paw at your arm, ineffectual in accomplishing anything other than confirming how thoroughly crushed my fighting ability is already. That is not received as a signal to slow down. You position me on the turnbuckles, head resting over the top one and back below it, toes just grazing at the ground. Bam. A savage right straight into the face, smashing my head against the turnbuckle. Another, and my lip is split, adding new blood to the mix as my eyes glaze over - view going out of focus as a fist flies right in and smashes into my eye with incredible force, adding stars to my vision. My toes continue to reach for the ground as I instinctively choke for air around your grip, but my body otherwise dangles limply, held against the turnbuckle. Conscious, but little else other than whatever you decide to make of me next.

21:39 <Victor_Van_Quisher> I have to say, Pepper… I couldn’t have asked for a better partner to share the cage with in my first fight since coming out of “retirement.” Your body responds in the most delightful ways to everything I am putting you through. As I lift you by your throat, you grasp weakly at my arm, trying to do anything at all to extricate yourself. My right fist snaps your head back, once, twice, three times, and your toes dangle just over the canvas as you try to regain your footing. Can’t blame you for trying. I can see the lights starting to dim in those eyes upon the impact of my right fist to your left eye, and I remind myself that your body won’t be able to handle too much more punishment before your lights are shut off. And I have a very specific way that I want to finish you.
21:58 <Victor_Van_Quisher> I do the mental calculations, and I’m confident that your pretty face should be able to absorb a bit more damage before you black out. But first, I will need to wake you up a bit. So I decide to give your fans a bit of a show… I use my right hand to lift your left leg over the middle rope, then I switch hands so my right is on your throat, and my left is swinging your right leg over the middle rope on the other side… your head pushed back over the top of the turnbuckle, eyes looking up at the dim arena lights. I don’t even bother to move your limp arms behind the ropes… your fans screaming obscenities at me, telling me to leave you alone, to just… STOP… begging me to PLEASE JUST STOP. Grabbing your shoulders now and pressing you back into the corner, I SLAM one brutal jumping right knee after another between your legs, a total of six times… smashing your womanhood against your pubic bone, with devastating force… WAKE UP, PEPPER! There’s so much more I want to show you!

05:26 <Pepper> Choking in your grip as you hold me up in the corner, what you're doing to me now just shows off your deadly accuracy in another way. I can barely breathe with your hand there (and with my insides utterly mulched), but I can strain and get just enough oxygen to keep going, while your blows to the head repeatedly knock stars into my vision like you're dancing around knocking me out entirely, making my consciousness itself another toy to play with. Denying me from falling into the darkness, you just keep me here at the edge of the cliff and dangle me over. You might as well be beating my brain into mush, with how punch drunk your fists leave me. Crosseyed with red-tinged drool trickling from my open-hanging lip, I just stare blankly into the lights as your hands start to reposition my body.
05:32 <Pepper> One leg draped over the middle rope, then the other, though not once does your attention drop from keeping my throat nearly closed as well. My legs spread in the corner and arms dangling limply, the crowd is shouting in frustration, though a few of my friends have fallen into a bitterly disappointed silence. I don't notice any of it. The only thing that catches my attention is your devastating knee which spears between my legs and makes my whole body jolt as it impacts. Then again. And again. Each hit crushes my sensitive nerve clusters against my pelvis, an overwhelming response hitting my brain as I shudder, caught in the ropes. My head comes off the turnbuckle to hang low as I grit my teeth, hands instinctively gripping and shielding between my legs as I let out a deep groan.

23:10 <Victor_Van_Quisher> As my knees hammer home between your legs, your body buckles inward, and your face transforms into an exquisite mask of agony as you grit your teeth, your pink mouthguard showing brightly as a mix of blood and spittle trickles out over your brutally split bottom lip. Good, you’re still conscious enough to respond to that, and to flex those jaw muscles… as your shoulders come forward and you bring your hands down to shield your mound from my vicious attacks, I take the opportunity to wrap both hands around your neck, pressing on your carotid arteries with my thumbs to partially choke you, again, keeping you barely clinging to consciousness as I reposition your body…
23:12 <Victor_Van_Quisher> This time, I step up onto each of the lower ropes, and then pressing into your body with my full weight as I press upward with my triceps, I lift you up another level to prop you up on the top of the turnbuckle, pressing your back up against the cage, your legs now draped on either side over the top ropes, with your ankles hooked behind the middle ropes. I step up onto the middle ropes as I bring you up to the top level, so that my body is just about level with yours, letting my weight bear down against you as your back is pressed directly into the cold metal of the cage that lines this ring, and the steel pole where the sides of the cage meet behind the turnbuckle.
23:13 <Victor_Van_Quisher> Letting go of your neck and gripping you by your right pigtail, tugging on it to see if I can bring your eyes up to meet mine. I want to see if you’re still in there somewhere, and I want you to see the man who is about to bring a premature end to your nascent fighting career. “Knock knock! Anybody home in there?” I taunt, tapping lightly on your forehead with my knuckles, looking into those glassy eyes for any signs of awareness. “Maybe I should knock a little harder!”
23:20 <Victor_Van_Quisher> Before I can even finish saying “harder,” I’m winding up a cruel barrage of close range attacks—first, swinging back on my right side, coming in with a hard horizontal elbow to your jaw, then swinging the other way with a sharp left uppercut to the underside of your jaw… trying to send that mouthguard flying… then two vertical, downward elbows each, onto both your left and right collarbones trying to snap them just like I did your ribs… then a right hammer fist to your left cheek, and three left hammers to your forehead… finally, grabbing you with my right hand by the tightly braided hair on the back of your head… I bring my face to yours, swiping my tongue over your left cheek… marking you… then turning you to the side of the cage, and pressing your face hard into the cage, mashing your face against the rough metal rings, giving your friends a very, very close look at the destruction I have wrought on you so far. Even now, I’m not quite finished with you yet.

18:14 <Pepper> Having steamrolled just about every other part of my body, I suppose what happened next should have come as little surprise. As the intense nerve response overwhelmed my brain though, all I could do is groan and clutch the pain. On some level, the cruel move brought me back to awareness, if only a dull understanding of the brutalized state of my body after being in the ring with you for what has felt like hours but realistically has only taken you a few minutes. I came in eager to continue my streak of upsets, but you're no big thug with an overestimation of his ability to fight. You're a butcher, an adonis, a warrior machine seemingly perfectly designed for breaking me. My thoughts, dwelling on how fucking badly I'm being beaten, are interrupted when I feel your hands coil around my neck and tighten, pressing in with your thumbs at exactly the right places to immediately add spots to my vision, limbs feeling limp again.
18:17 <Pepper> It's a display of more control over my body than I've ever had, but for you it's simply a grip as you prepare me for whatever needs to happen next. Choking against your hands, I cough out as you put your weight against my body and push upwards, toes leaving the canvas entirely as you move me up to the top rope seemingly effortlessly, a power move that would earn applauds in an audience that wasn't watching wide-eyed as their favourite got torn apart. Catching my legs between the top and middle ropes, my arms hang at my sides as you press my back into the cool steel of the cage wall, the sensation running up my spine as your body presses against mine in total control.
18:23 <Pepper> My pigtails are almost part of the uniform at this point, one of the feminine spices that has let me truly embarrass some people in this ring. Right now though, you've decided to re-designate it as a handle, moving my head as you will. I gasp and wheeze for air when you release control of my neck, feeling blood rushing back through compressed tubes, and as you move me to stare into your eyes and tap my forehead, my half-crossed, glazed over eyes focus slightly to make out the key features of your untouched face. That, and of course, your arm flying in to continue the good work. Your elbow spears into my jaw brutally, rocking my skull and immediately adding darkness to the edges of my vision. Before I can reflect on whether I can feel my teeth loosened, you wind right back the other way with an uppercut that whips my head back hard enough to crane my neck, sending a fountain of sweat, blood, and spit flying in an arc upwards and back, and joined with my mouthguard.
18:28 <Pepper> Flashes of cameras from the audience confirm that the money shot will be immortalized forever. My head doesn't come back down again, hanging back on my neck half-limp as well as I stare at the ceiling lights while sat against the corner of the cage, blank expression on my face. That changes back to an expression of sharp pain when your elbows come down like hammers, two methodical loud cracks as you determine that more parts of me are to be broken. The move takes my breath away as I sharply inhale, and some of my friends shout obscenities while others simply start to look away from the ring. Your fist pounds into my cheek, knocking my head around and bringing the attention back to my head for your left to join in with a jackhammer of punches right to the forehead that seem designed to beat my brain into a liquid as you just keep going in the dance of beating me to the edge of consciousness but denying me the release, like some fucked up new kind of edging.
18:33 <Pepper> Drool keeps trickling from my lips as my body twitches a few times, but I stay perched in the corner totally dismantled and held by your body. You pull my hair again and put our faces close enough to touch, suddenly running your tongue along my face and finding out what a broken fighter tastes like. A shudder runs through my body as you do so, almost blushing in spite of everything. The moment is soon gone as you use your grip on my hair to turn me around in the corner and smash my head against the cage wall, showing my beaten face nice and clearly to my friends. I can barely see their fuzzy outlines as I stare into the middle space between us, but they can see me getting ripped to shreds nice and clearly, as well as the violent god behind me holding my head who delivered such a decisive beating, and who doesn't seem satisfied even now.

21:26 <Victor_Van_Quisher> “Look at your champion now! And there’s nothing any of you can do to protect her now! She’s mine, until I’m done with her!” I roar, taunting your supporters as I crush your face against the metal rings of the cage. “And remember this—You are all responsible for what happens to her tonight!” There may be some truth to my words, but mostly, I feel like I’m borrowing a line from a B movie villain, for the specific purpose of antagonizing your friends and supporters. They must own their share of the blame for your current predicament.
21:27 <Victor_Van_Quisher> Pressing your face against the metal wires of this cage, against the boundary between safety and your wholly unmitigated destruction. Inside the thin membrane of this steel enclosure, you’re mine, and nobody outside of it can do anything to stop the brutality I am inflicting on you. When everything else falls away… all that’s left is violence. Even sex is violence. The exchange of chemical signals… the posturing, the physical dance of sizing each other up, closing the distance, engaging, and… penetrating… the evolutionary history of sex is brutally violent. And the stakes are heavy and unforgiving.
21:28 <Victor_Van_Quisher> Right now, I’m overcome by urges both carnal, and carnivorous… and as twisted as it seems, the psychosexual impulses that drive me to overwhelm a woman with pleasure, in certain contexts, can drive a deep, primal desire to destroy her. Somewhere along the way, I got my wires crossed… or did I? Is it just that what is so obvious to me is invisible to so many others? Perhaps, because they prefer to believe comforting lies rather than face the truth.
21:28 <Victor_Van_Quisher> Pulling your head back from the cage to face me again, I look into those glassy eyes, my bloodlust insatiable… I want you… I have wanted you since the moment you stepped foot into the cage. And as far as I am concerned, right now, I have you… I am taking you. And there’s nothing you or anyone else can do about it. You fought valiantly, for a couple minutes… but realistically, you never stood a chance.
21:30 <Victor_Van_Quisher> Even as pathetic as your efforts tonight have been, there’s something about you that I find irresistible. You’ve got it… that thing I’ve been looking for. You’ve got that confidence that only comes with the well-honed ability to project violence. The force of will to assert yourself. And with all of that, the desire to test your own power to its breaking point… and beyond. You may not realize it, but you have been fighting in this club, running up your streak, waiting for someone like me to turn up… waiting for someone like me break you, body and spirit. And I have been waiting for you. And so, I desire you. I desire a reckoning, of sorts, with you. And now, here we are… reckoning.
21:30 <Victor_Van_Quisher> Stepping down from the turnbuckle, letting your barely conscious form slump forward again, I grab your right ankle with my right hand, pulling you down from the top turnbuckle and letting you crash haphazardly back down to the canvas, before dragging you out to the center of the ring… letting go of your leg, I reach for your pigtails again with both hands, using them to wrench you up cruelly to your knees, then up to your feet, standing you up directly in front of me. Letting go, to see if you still have enough strength in those legs to stand on your own power… stepping back to your striking range, offering you my chin in a cruel, taunting display.
21:31 <Victor_Van_Quisher> “You’ve been a good sport, Pepper… I’ll tell you what, I’ll give you one free shot!” I goad you, knowing that even if you manage to throw something at me, there’s no way it will be quick or powerful enough to have any effect.

04:51 <Pepper> Keeping my face smashed against the metal cage, you shout out harsh taunts to the crowd, and my friends in particular, who exchange furtive glances with each other and refuse to meet your gaze, or even to look up at me very much any more. There's not much to look at anyway, save a broken toy and the figure of some perfect warrior god who can leave a fighter coughing up blood without a single scratch. You owned this cage, and from the moment my body was inside it you owned that as well. That's all philosophical though, and I don't have much working brain left for that. All I can process now is the way you move me, pulling me back from the cage to look into my glazed over eyes as you consider our match, and what comes next, like some kind of judge.
04:56 <Pepper> Making your decision, you step back down, and the moment your body isn't pressed against mine I can't even hold myself up with the sudden loss of support, crumpling forwards out of the corner while you grab my ankle. You pull me forwards by it, and with a low thump my body smashes into the canvas in a heap, to winces from the crowd. Dragged to the center of the ring, my own face scrunches up in pain when you use my hair as a handle again to slowly, surely, work me up to shaky feet, having decided that I must stand for what comes next.
05:03 <Pepper> I'm immediately wobbling when your hands leave me, staggering from side to side while I look at two Victors taunt me and invite me to throw a punch. That's really the moment that it's cemented how badly I've lost. I can't even fucking touch you, unless you decide it. I try to push, draw on some well of endurance that isn't there. Stepping forward and winding back my right for a hook, the movement disrupts my broken core, causing me to groan in pain and cough up another splatter of blood as my arm falls, and I collapse forward onto my knees, face falling right against your abs, still immaculate besides the light sweat it's taken to butcher me.

23:01 <Victor_Van_Quisher> Wrenching you up to your feet, I can see it—you’re still fighting… not fighting to win, just to survive this ordeal. The pained, nearly vacant expression on your face is exquisite, and watching as your feet struggle to hold you upright, your core twisting and collapsing on itself is poetry made flesh… or perhaps, flesh made poetry, in my eyes. You are, without a doubt, one of my finest works yet… and I still have yet to add the finishing touches.
23:02 <Victor_Van_Quisher> Your face, still beautiful, if a bit bruised and bloodied, comes to rest against my glistening abs as you collapse on your knees in front of me. Right where I’ve always wanted you. Your blood splatters against my abs, as if anointing me in a kind of sacrificial ritual. The amount of blood you’re coughing up is verging on obscene, and yet, I know for a fact that all the blood in your entire body wouldn’t be enough to quench my thirst. I tuck my left hand behind the curve of the back of your head, holding your face against my right obliques. Almost tenderly, as if embracing an old friend.
23:04 <Victor_Van_Quisher> What was I looking for in those eyes? The truth? About what? A confession… I want you to confess your guilt, for… someone else’s wrongdoing? Someone wronged me… took this cage from me. Was it you, or her? Both? One and the same? Does it matter? After all, you never would have become the local favorite if I hadn’t been kneecapped by her, a year ago. And when I look in those eyes, I see her… it’s uncanny, really. And if I can’t punish her for it, I’m content with pronouncing you guilty in her place. I suppose that is a woman’s lot in life.
23:05 <Victor_Van_Quisher> Do you even know why I’m punishing you? Blink twice, if you understand. On second thought, don’t answer that. It doesn’t matter. Because I’m not just the judge. I am the judge, jury, and executioner. And I have decided it’s the guillotine for you.
23:07 <Victor_Van_Quisher> Bending my right knee a bit, I lean over your slumped body, as I pull you in towards me, tucking your neck along my right forearm, pulling your head in past my bicep, your right jawline against my right ribs. I bring my left hand down over my right wrist in a “gentleman’s grip,” a fitting and ironic term, one that I used to answer to, even as I have destroyed you tonight in such an ungentlemanly fashion. I slowly pull up on your neck, bringing you once again up to your feet against every inclination of your brutalized and exhausted body, pulling your head under my armpit, into my elbow, constricting my arms tighter, and tighter around your carotid arteries as I sink in the choke… Off with your head, Pepper…

02:54 <Pepper> Collapsed on my knees, I would have hit the canvas fully if there hadn't been a wall of muscle in the way. Leaned against you for support, my cheek rests against your abs, still firm as steel. My jaw hangs open as I slowly breathe, thoroughly broken chest slightly rising and falling, a trickle of blood and saliva dripping from my lip towards your feet. My eyes are crossed, my vision so fuzzy that I can only see vague outlines, and double of them at that. I'm confronted with the scent of sweat and blood, yours and mine respectively, that communicates in its own way the brutalization that has occurred. I can barely pick up any sounds, though whether the audience has actually fallen silent or whether I just don't register the shouting of my friends anymore, I can't tell. My senses are muffled, my muscles refuse to respond. You have totally destroyed the fighting force that entered the cage with you.
03:01 <Pepper> And now, the work done, it's time for you to finish me completely. You start to move around me, knee bending as your upper half pivots, before your arm starts to coil under my throat. It snakes around until my head is trapped completely, as you start to raise me upwards while bringing your other hand down to join. You continue to crane upwards, practically pulling me back up to standing my by windpipe. Worked back up to my feet, I sway a little in your grip, as you move me into a rock solid standing guillotine, and start to tighten your muscles. I can feel the pressure immediately, and my body responds almost automatically, shaking in your grip, weak arms trying to swing up and hit your body anywhere to make you release. Those movements quickly get more erratic, as you cut me off from oxygen and stars in my vision start to put on a show. The crowd watches as my arms fall away to swing limply on my shoulders, while my body starts to twitch, unconscious on my feet.

21:36 <Victor_Van_Quisher> I let out a little sigh as I recognize the telltale signs that your brain has thrown the big breaker switch and shut the power off to all cognitive and motor functions… and that means it’s time for me to let you go. This isn’t a deathmatch, and I don’t have any intention of killing you… although with the cumulative damage you have taken in the cage with me tonight, your life hangs in the balance. And a particularly cruel streak has taken hold of me… crueler than I usually tend to be, which is saying something. I release the tight grip on your neck, letting your unconscious, upright body fall to the floor face-first, ending up in the humiliating position of your face and shoulders down flat against the canvas, knees bent, your cute, tight, black and white shorts-clad ass pointing up to the arena lights…
21:36 <Victor_Van_Quisher> I shove you over onto your back with a push from my right foot, letting your magnificent body unfurl spread eagle, and step across your chest, my knees touching the canvas just below your arms… sitting back lightly on my heels, over your sternum, but careful not to put too much weight on it because I could easily crush you to death in your current condition. Getting ready to put the final touches on my thoroughly vanquished opponent. This next part is my way of… paying it forward, I suppose.
21:39 <Victor_Van_Quisher> I know you’re fully unconscious, and no part of your brain or body is in any condition to receive the message I’m about to deliver. It’s not really a message for you, in any case. It’s for her. Holding your lower jaw with my left hand and moving your head to face straight up at me, I bring my face down to yours, planting my lips tenderly against yours, tasting the blood and spittle in the corners of your brutalized mouth, sucking a little blood from the split on your fat lip, my tongue probing behind your teeth and against your palate. The booing and shouting from the crowd growing louder now, although there are a few cheers from the more bloodthirsty spectators… probably not fans of yours.
21:42 <Victor_Van_Quisher> Releasing the kiss, a wet strand of saliva between us as I wipe my mouth… leaning back, I admire the face of the fighter who was confident enough to get in the cage tonight with an absolute monster like me. But my admiration for you can’t save you from what is coming next. The image of that statuesque valkyrie… Lana… enters my mind once again, and I see red… throwing a right hook, followed by left hook, right hook, right hook, left hook, right hook, left hook into your cheeks and lower jaw on either side, snapping your head back and forth on your spine as I do, before… finally… stopping myself, knowing that to continue this abuse any further would certainly mean your death… and I want you to remember this night, and I want you to remember me.
21:44 <Victor_Van_Quisher> Feeling satisfied that my work is quite finished… that you are quite finished, I get back to my feet, planting my right foot over your savagely beaten face, raising my right fist as I lord my victory over you and all of your fans. Finally, I step off of your face and bend down over you, hocking and letting fly a vile gob of spit on your face, punctuating my message in a way that I know you will understand. I’m done with you now; you are dismissed. I turn away from you, walking out of the now open door of the cage as the medics arrive to take you out on a stretcher. You’ll be getting the best care the underground can provide, and I’ve already made arrangements to pay your medical bills. Walking out of the arena, past my changing room, I head out onto the balcony for some air. Nobody else around… just me, and a very, very blue moon. Till next time, Pepper

<Published> 2022-05-16, viewed 271 times.
