The UUC League
Established: 2022-05-11
Chat room: #uucl
- No holds barred
- Long-term roleplay
- Descriptive writing
- Extreme violence
The United Underground Clubs is a league for brutal underground fights, light on rules.
17:51 <SpandexLex> That guy was such a creep. The whole meeting, he wasn't even trying to pretend that he wasn't transfixed on my chest. I was giving him the old 'my eyes are up here look'. Too bad he never looked up to see it! I guess the verdant, ruffle satin dress was a little much and the way that diamanté neckline was catching in the light, I guess I can’t totally blame him. But hey! in the end it worked! By the end of the meeting, he agreed to give me a chance in the UUC. Me in the Ultimate United Clubs, even I've heard of that company and how it can be a great first on the all the way up to glitz and glamour of OPCW!
17:58 <SpandexLex> Dress to Impress
17:51 <SpandexLex> (/Content/Attachments/dG/dGoi7PYFYks4r4UXXDrMlgiOJ_0.jpeg/433full_socal_val.jpeg)
17:57 <SpandexLex> So fast forward through one whole week of sweaty gym work and here I am. Of course, I have to enter through the back entrance, which isn't quite what I expected. But whatever, I bet all the big city venues are kinda cold and sparse in the backstage. It's out there in the main arena where heat gets turned up. I take my time to get ready, enjoying the new leather smell coming off my gloves and pads. Both Elbow and Knee. A pair of kitten heeled knee boots will give me a bit more height without stopping me from being able to move quickly around the room. And the leotard they match - Rich blue with a smooth shine and the odd little sparkle wherever bright light hits in just the right way... Oh I am going to blind this Vet guy... Must be some army gimmick for something. Anyway, he should prepare to be Daazzzzzzled!!!
17:58 <SpandexLex> Ready for Battle
17:58 <SpandexLex> (/Content/Attachments/E8/E8TIpERuUwNha9ZMkeg6RN6vp1g.jpeg/SoCal_Val2.jpeg)
18:05 <SpandexLex> "What" I mumble to the organiser backstage. "I thought this was the UUCL you know". He doesn't seem interested, in fact he is practically pushing me out of the area. A dark heaving place where it’s hard to make out the crowd. They're more like a heaving mass of noise and energy lurking in the shadows around... Not a ring but... A cage! I really have hit the tough leagues now. *No backing out now Alexandra!* I whisper to myself... Or maybe just think, it’s hard to tell with all the noise around me, but I would never back off. No Nope Never! So, I close my eyes, take a deep breath and then, then I strut with sashaying hips toward the cage. I can feel my outfit tighten a little across the rear as I climb up the steps and through the door, waving to the crowd the whole time
18:49 <Greg_the_Pet_Vet> ‘’Thaaank fuck’’, I sigh, as I'm changing out of my scrubs, ‘’another week is finished.’’ The life of a veterinarian is, perhaps surprising to some, ‘’’not’’’ all 'puppies and kittens'. Between challenging medical cases, challenging humans, and challenging patients, by the end of most weeks my ‘compassion fatigue’ has put me in the mood to ‘’’smash something…’’’ or someone... And thanks to the United Underground Club fighting league, nights like these are my opportunity to... let's say... ‘’vent some frustrations.’’
18:49 <Greg_the_Pet_Vet> Cage fighting isn't for everyone, that's for sure. The risk of permanent, debilitating injury is real. With no ref, no rounds, no interference from the audience, and a literal ‘’’locked steel cage’’’ around the fighters, two walk in, and nine times out of ten, only one walks out.
18:49 <Greg_the_Pet_Vet> Fortunately for me, my extensive fight training has prepared me well for these nights, and I win more than I lose. I've suffered a few brutal KOs myself, so I know what it's like, but for the most part, I do pretty well. I never know who I'm going to face until 'game time', though the promoter promises a ‘’crowd pleasing’’ good time tonight. Because tonight, I'm fighting... a rookie.
18:49 <Greg_the_Pet_Vet> Stripping down to my skin tight black fight shorts, green and white Top King MMA gloves (more to protect my precious surgeon's hands than my opponent's face) and barefoot, I run my pre-fight warm up routine, bashing around the thick layer of towels roped to the pillar in the middle of the room, and getting a thin sheen of that pre-fight perspiration going.
18:49 <Greg_the_Pet_Vet> I hear the announcer muffled through the walls announcing your entrance, and I didn't quite catch your name. ‘’Surely, he didn't just say... "spandex"...’’ I muse, chuckling to myself, as I SHOVE the creaky steel door open and enter the arena.
18:50 <Greg_the_Pet_Vet> Throwing my hands into the air, jabs, hooks, uppercuts, as I dance my way to the cage. Winking at busty ring card girl (and my part time hook up) Mitzi as she blushes, holding the cage door open for me, I practically LEAP up the stairs into the ring to find.... ‘’what the FUCK is this…’’ a spandex clad, red haired, red lipped freaking Supermodel?! Turning to look quizzically at Mitzi, she shrugs, locks us inside the cage, and slides the key just under the door where only someone inside the cage can reach it.
18:50 <Greg_the_Pet_Vet> Blinking a few times as I take in the sight before me. Scowling a little and picking up my gloved fists. "Lady, I don't know what you're thinking, but I don't care if you're new here... I hope you know what you signed up for, because I don't fuck around inside this cage..."
19:00 <Greg_the_Pet_Vet> You are not logged in.
19:13 <SpandexLex> For sure I feel out of place here, the bright light beaming down so hot and bright, and I can feel in on bare arms, and catch the bars of light which seem to stretch along the side of my illuminated suit following the curve of my body almost intimately. It's true I stand out like a sore thumb in this grimy, small arena where the crowd is almost on the cage, especially when you turn up looking a lot more utilitarian, but the smaller shows have to try and be edgy to compete with the big pro shows. And in my 4 years in the local leagues, I've fought in other small shows. I'm tough! That doesn't mean I can’t be fabulous too!
19:23 <SpandexLex> You enter and go into your spiel, such a typical tough guy Heel but I know the drill. Calm and cool as I appear, despite the way my pulse picks up, this is a real chance to make a name for myself. So, when my hand slides down my body, taking in that smooth sensuous fabric feel against my fingers and smooth it out against my body, I'm simply buying a little time to settle my nerves, maybe get the crowd interested before I step forward to meet you in the centre of the ring. By now my hands have settled on my hips and I'm holding my head high to look up in a plucky way that brings a subtle convex to my body. Closer I get, the more I see the power in that muscular frame. I look more built for speed and agility. "Oh, I know just what I signed up for, some part-time has been. You'll be able to tell your grandkids you met Spandex Lex!... And she kicked your ass"
19:24 <SpandexLex> Against a bruiser like you, my best bet is going to like.. death by a thousand cuts. Or well kicks in this case. So, as we wait for the bell to ring I start to bounce on the balls of one foot, then the other... Getting ready to react....
19:49 <Greg_the_Pet_Vet> ‘‘No fuckin way... she's actually serious…’’ Looking up and down the otherworldly curves of that spectacular, glowing feminine body, I do a little math in my head. You've got some muscle on you for sure, and the way you are bouncing around, those thick thighs look like they can move your body. But you're also a good four... five inches shorter than me? And at LEAST a few dozen pounds of muscle lighter than me. And... ‘’a woman…’’
19:59 <Greg_the_Pet_Vet> No time to think about any of that now, as the one and only bell goes ‘’’’’DING’’’’’ outside the cage, and any further hesitation might get me hurt. First rule of martial arts, "never underestimate your opponent". I don't know what kind of weapons you come with, and I've been surprised before. Plus, anybody who comes to a cage fight dressed like THAT might be a lot more dangerous than you look. I take no chances, I get set in my standard fight stance, and I come to the middle of the cage like you're a 300lb beast. I don't care how big you are, or what you know, this is my time to ‘’’smash faces.’’’ Without a word, I charge towards you, curl my right knee to my chest, and thrust a kick towards your waistline, looking to fold you over and get this brutality started right.
20:08 <SpandexLex> While you raise those big dangerous hands into a guard, I keep mine close to my body, flicking at my sides as I try to work some nervous tension... And perhaps a little fear out of my body. I'm still hoppity hopping side to side when the bell rings, making my one firm thigh flex after the other in a steady, hypnotic rhythm which gives one side of the intimate arena a view of how that smooth, stretchy spandex tenses into tight creased lines across the valley of my cheeks. They see my movement change slightly as you begin your charge. My hands rise in little fists but remain low in front of my torso.
20:14 <SpandexLex> I'm moving back now on tippy toes of my boots, rather than swaying so obviously. An easier target. It sure seems that way as close in and you imposing shadow sweeps over me as it alone might be enough to devour my smaller, thinner, and obviously weaker feminine frame in a maelstrom of force and cunning. Blue eyes open that bit wider and my jaw drops while my heart jumps. Yet. Somehow, I manage to hold my nerve and spring my matador trap... As you telegraph then kick out at me, I let my body simply fall back into the sweat stale canvas with a thud. At the same time, I stretch out both legs, trying to pincer your ankle between each foot. If that works, I need only roll to the side to twist, maybe even sprain your ankle and bring you down!
20:57 <Greg_the_Pet_Vet> My charge towards you and kick is all KINDS of full of momentum, as I plan to fold you over and start pounding you into the cage. My big right leg thrusting out towards you catches.... nothing... as you plop down to your ass, trying to capture my ankle. That momentum is pretty damn hard to slow, mind you, and when there is no 'body' there to stop my foot, I'm forced to bring that foot down in front of me, in a stomp... for a split second I think about stomping down on your body as it falls, but I don't want to twist my ankle, so I plant it down beside your left hip just as you're looking to twist. Bending my forward right knee down, sliding my shin over your hip, my body weight driven into your spandex clad lower abdomen through that right knee. My foot caught in between your short legs, my knee on your belly, I'm forced to plant one hand on the floor beside your right hip, trying to balance myself. ‘’What the fuck... did she just go to the GROUND? Against a BJJ purple belt?!’’
21:19 <SpandexLex> If I could have rolled to the side slide a little quicker, I'd be flipping back up onto my boots while you were still down. But if you couldn't react to a trick like that, maybe you wouldn't have the record and reputation you have. Course no one thought to warn me before I stepped in the cage with you and now your weights bearing down on my pelvis, pinning my rear all squished into the canvas... "Ggggffff Gettt... Gettofff me!!" This could go bad quickly for me if I can't get out from under you quickly. So, my legs unfurl from your ankle so I can thrust my knees one after another at you. At the same time, I lash out with my arms, flailing my small, padded fists at your head, your face, whatever I can sit up enough to hit!
21:42 <Greg_the_Pet_Vet> ‘’Goddamn foot. Give that back.’’ My knee driving into your abdomen should be keeping me firmly in control of your body, but that damn foot caught in between your legs is preventing me from getting the job done. My left hand planted on the canvas, my right is still free, and I SLAM that fist down into your navel, finding your abs firmer than I expected... only to receive a knee to my chest as you release my foot. 'huff'... and you start flailing those little fists and knees around like a wet cat in a bathtub. Covering up and taking those silly flailing blows on my arms and head, my knee drops to the ground as you try to keep me off you. I snap a right cross at your jaw as you sit up, then I press off your abs and stand back up. I could finish you on the ground, but these fine folks paid for a show, and I'm going to give it to them. "GET UP" I bark, and back away. Vowing not to let you up a second time, but for now... trusting my gut, that you're in over your head.
21:54 <SpandexLex> There is power in my legs, least more so than my arms. That’s how I can hold you hamstrung and teetering over me. But I could only slow you down like that, not stop you. And Gawd when your fist ploughs into abs and drives some breath from body, that’s so clear. I jolt up just enough for you to notice how that sharp movement seems to repeat in slow moment across the D-cups squeezed somehow into my sinfully tight leotard. The thin, shiny fabric seems to cling a little tighter now that my body broke out in a glistening film of sweat under the stage lights and the clammy heat of the body holding my hips down. As my tongue pokes out from my lips and I gag on a wave of sickening pain, perhaps you see the panic setting in through my big blue eyes, moments before I burst into that frantic onslaught and you get free. "GGRRMMFFFF!!" The right cross put me flat on my back and spread eagle, where I lay, groaning and cupping my chin... "Ughh.... ooOOoohhh.... yo-you...p-ig"
21:59 <SpandexLex> From you position stood above you have a good view of all my leotard doesn't quite hide, the little grove creased between the strip rich blue material framed by my creamy tanned thighs. You see my abs flex as I slowly, sit up with a wince and whimper. It takes a few more seconds to sort out my legs and push myself up onto my knees at first, then finally, heavily, to both blue boots..." There’s a red glow where the blow aches through my jaw as I shake out the daze with a flurry of fiery curls and this time, raise my guard properly... "I guess... You got round one.... D-d-don't get used... to it"
11:16 <Greg_the_Pet_Vet> Honestly, there's not much more frustrating to a trained fighter than an annoying hold that is clearly not going to be effective, and also slows down the fighter from crushing their opponent like a bug. Your pitiful attempt at 'self-defense' by putting ‘’’yourself’’’ on the canvas so I didn't even have to bother with a takedown, and then trying to trap ‘’’one foot’’’ as your 'big attack' fails miserably, as one might expect from a clearly untrained fighter.
11:16 <Greg_the_Pet_Vet> I punish you for that ridiculous move with a heavy fist into your abdomen, a ‘’’real’’’ attack, and you react as expected, squeezing a deliciously sexy grunt out of your ruby red lips as your body implodes around my fist. Then, with a single punch to your head, you're flat out and groaning like you're nearly knocked out after only two blows, leaving you looking quite pitiful on the cage floor and already down at my feet.
11:17 <Greg_the_Pet_Vet> "You'd better get used to the view from down there, you're going to be spending a lot of time at my feet after I'm finished pounding you to a pulp" I snarl at you as you struggle upright and raise your tiny little girly fists in a stance you surely copied from a poster somewhere.
11:18 <Greg_the_Pet_Vet> "See if you can stay on your feet for more than five second this time" I taunt you, moving in, feinting a very basic jab that even you should have been able to block or avoid, and throwing a real blow instead, an uppercut with my gloved up right fist deep into your navel, twisting my wrist at the last moment to screw the blow deeper into your belly and hopefully worsen the pain you'll receive, then twisting my body into a left hook aimed for your gorgeous face, looking to match the red marks from my fists now onto both sides of your jaw.
19:06 <SpandexLex> You stalk forward, less frenzied this time, I guess for you all you're bluster an opponent with the presence of mind to try and undo you with a simple trip has given you some pause for thought. If I can just keep you at bay long enough to get some momentum and who knows. Right now, the crowd seems to be getting impatient with me as I shuffle my back while you move in again. But by the end they'll be cheering on my Spandex Fff-Lex!
19:20 <SpandexLex> So while I'm edging back to keep as much distance for as long as I can, I take a second to comb some stray rusted silk out from my face and behind my shoulder in thick trumbling waves so I can better see your approach. Sure enough I see you coming and raise a padded blue leather glove to stop the jab while shirking my head back. Yet the jab never comes. Instead I catch a flash of movement in my periphery which I twist to react to. "OooOFFFF!". It turn right into the twisting, vicious blow which smashes into my tight little tummy and rocks my body forward. All of a sudden my press face is close. So close that a spurt of drool splats onto your chest after erupting from those plush, ruby painted lips of mine!
19:25 <SpandexLex> As I cough and splutter, clutching my gut with body hands, you might notice the way the look of shock and confusion shifts to grim realisation as the winding pain sets in. Or you might be staring at the way my cleavage hangs in my leotard. But the way you crack my head, I'd guess you were looking at my face. Taking aim with the precision to send my gum shield skittering across the canvas as my head whips to the side and drags my lithe frame spinning almost 360 degrees on one foot. The other leg raises, more through instinct than intention, and I swing my knee at your side. If that lands, I'll snap out my leg and try to follow up a kick to the same side!
21:02 <Greg_the_Pet_Vet> Now that I've had a taste of your frenzied 'fighting style' I'm definitely much calmer. I ‘’’KNOW’’’ I'm going to beat you, now it's just a matter of how much punishment you can take until you crumble.
21:02 <Greg_the_Pet_Vet> The power of my blows into your body is clearly unexpected. I don't know what kind of cream puffs they threw at you wherever you got that spandex and fresh leather pads get up from, but today you're going to feel how a man fights.
21:02 <Greg_the_Pet_Vet> But that mouthguard dislodging, muscle flexing left hook is the one that ‘’really’’ gets you, nearly spinning you in a full circle like some kind of cartoon character.
21:03 <Greg_the_Pet_Vet> Still, you must have SOME kind of fighting instinct, because you manage to lift a knee into my body, and it's only then that I really notice just how ‘’’’’soft’’’’’ those knee pads are. Your knee impacting my obliques, almost... ‘’pleasant,’’ like back when I was sparring kickboxing back in training.
21:03 <Greg_the_Pet_Vet> Why you thought ‘’’putting pads on only you’’’ was a good idea I'll never know, but when that second kick comes, I simply let it land on my flexed up core with a "HUFFF" and wrap my arm around your leg, trapping it and forcing you to hop.
21:05 <Greg_the_Pet_Vet> "Hey, at least you stayed on your feet this time" I taunt, as you're unsteady. Still gripping that leg tight, I decide to ‘’’’’punish’’’’’ you, and swing an uppercut DEEP in between your legs, looking to SLAM that fist into your pussy as I release your leg and get back into my guard. "Come on rookie, you can do better than that!"
21:48 <SpandexLex> There’s a soft pffft when my knee pad connects effectively absorbing my own counter attack! That was not intended. The pads help complete the pro style look I modelled after all those glamourous women who show such Athleticism and power coupled with agility and femininity. And they're idolised by sign wielding fans in huge arenas for it! But this isn't a huge arena and these fans aren't waving signs around. Far from it, all I sense from them apart from the odd waft of cigarette smoke is an intense energy that I can almost feel close in as you grab my leg and the noise quietens around us for a second or two.
21:52 <SpandexLex> "Ughhh... Ughhh... " I flex my thigh and jerk that taut, gym toned leg a couple of times, doing little but sliding the sweaty, waxed smooth skin a little against your hand while I hop on the spot. "Leg go... Get you... Big clumsy hands of the merch you creep!". I lash out at you again. Up close the punches are more measured, but I'm still swinging up to try and tag my gloved hands across your face a couple of times. The last swing is open handed, trying to scratch my firm, manicured nails across your cheek. That's surely enough to tell you I'm getting desperate if the look on my face didn't. Something is coming and it’s not gonna be good!
21:57 <SpandexLex> "BBBRRRRGGGGGGGG!!!" In a heart beat fear turn to pain. Creases fold into my brow and my full lips narrow into a thin twisted line etched across my reddened jaw. You let go and my foot thugs to the mat heavily and off put off kilter by the way my knees squeeze together trapping the hand clutching my spandex covered kitty! That big fist pumped pain across my poor labia lips and pulsing all the way through my pubic bone, leaving me weak at the knees and stumbling forward, right toward you. "OooOOohh... ffffRRGGG!". I mewl like a wounded animal as I put one hand out and maybe you feel my whisper fingers and firm nails again, this time just trying to push you back so I can recover. "Get away from meeeeeeEEE!"
22:30 <Greg_the_Pet_Vet> Our little dance with your leg under my arm keeps you still swinging like that angry cat, and a couple of your 'paws' find my head, "mmph... mmph..." More annoying than anything, as I can very clearly tell where every part of your body is, until I manage to dig those labia flattening blow into your most private parts, leaving your dropped feet shuffling heavy, and desperately reaching towards me.
22:54 <Greg_the_Pet_Vet> Your wimpy push back against my chest almost like a flirty, disgruntled lover. "Oh, come on now Lex... you know you want to get a little closer to me..." Smirking as I step in close again, swinging a precise right shovel hook up into your jaw looking to get your attention... "I know you want a hug..." whipping a snappy left uppercut under your ribs to stun you, then I step in REAL close, crouching down, wrapping my thick arms around your waist, and HEAVING you up off the mat, driving you back into the cage wall, and SQUEEZING on you in a powerful bear hug, mashing my face into those spectacular tits!
06:54 <SpandexLex> Nothing could be further from the truth. It was my teetering, forward swaying frame that leads my wobbly legs your way so you can shrug of my weak, girly little push and clock me hard right across my gently rounded chin. "ppptttffff!". As my drag slips away from your chest and hangs at my side. You hear a collect "OOOOHHH!" from the crowd, but for me, there's only the pitching ringing in my ears as my head snaps back while I watch beads of sweat fly into the angry flaming silk licking high through the air, cast in the harsh blinding light. The blow snaps my body into a suggestive arch which lifts my full, firm breasts out and skyward till sapphire spandex strains and struggles to contain them. It's almost as if I'm offering my luscious little body up for more of your punishment.
07:06 <SpandexLex> Of course, you except the invitation with that gruelling blow right under my ribs, ploughing into my diagraphram to make we twist and whimper so meekly. I'm stood there, just desperately trying to recover the breath you so efficiently drove from my body as the hand nestled over my throbbing sex slides up, dragging little rivets across the front of my suit which quickly smooth out again. I clutch my side as you drop so low you can see how that sweat dampened fabric crept inward just enough to highlight a little camel toe. You have me right where you want me. Where you can wrap those huge, powerful arms around my tiny little waist and hoist me up... "No...nahnahnahnoOO Don't GuyyyyFFFF!".
07:17 <SpandexLex> Again, the air's pushed out of my body, this time by such intense, painful pressure. Alarm bells are ringing in my head, somewhere under the cheer from the crowd and the odd call I can just about make out. "CRUSH HER", "SMASH THAT PRISSY BITCH!". The more the back of leotard rides catches in your arms and rides up, revealing more and more of the milky flesh and pert round ass underneath, the more frenzied they get until my suits more like a thong at the back. They can see my rear tighten and flex as I kick and flail my legs either side of you, doing nothing but making smooth sensuous material glide on your skin as you charge me into the cage wall with a loud rattle and a weak "nnyyyeeeePPppp!" By now both hands are raining down at your shoulders and head as I try to fight my way free. I raise both fists high, then swing down in unison, trying to land both into your temples with all I have. I'll keep going until you drop or stop me, something off target and scuffing your ears.
11:31 <Greg_the_Pet_Vet> There is definitely something about the feel of spandex. Soft, silky smooth, curve hugging. Really, there's hardly much point painting spandex on a woman's body except to hold everything together and barely hide what we all know is there just beneath the surface. And of course, to add a little more friction, to an otherwise slippery, sweaty body, in a bear hug. I'm sure that's why all the women wrestlers wear it. No frilly unnecessary nonsense fabric to get in the way of being manhandled. And picking up that dazed, curvalicious, moaning and groaning little feminine body of yours with that sweaty spandex giving my hairy arms just a little more friction to draw up your outfit in a near wedgie only adds to the humiliation of the power hold.
12:05 <Greg_the_Pet_Vet> That is, until we reach the cage. Giving me just a little more leverage to press that increasingly exposed toned trained ass against the stainless-steel cage walls, imprinting diamonds on your glutes as I give the UUC fight patrons outside the cage a show at your expense. A full five inches shorter than me before I pick you up, lifting your body high enough by your waist to bury my head in your abundant cleavage picks your feet nearly a foot off the ground. And why in your cleavage? Well, two reasons. One, because a woman's cleavage is meant to have a man's face or cock in it, and at the moment I can only make the former happen. And two, because burying my head in your pillows offers me some protection from your pathetic blows, as I press you against the cage wall and start to really apply some pressure. SQUEEEZING on your lower back just under your ribs to pull your chest into my face and simultaneously force my pelvis onto yours to add some counter leverage.
12:16 <Greg_the_Pet_Vet> Grateful once again that your hands are padded, further decreasing the threat from your girly little blows around my head and strong shoulders, muscles flexing, traps bunching up as I pour on the pressure and look to squeeze some more of those screams out of you. Hoping you waste your precious breath on protests, leaving less oxygen in your body to actually fight back, so I can really have some fun beating you up into a bruised-up mess.
19:37 <SpandexLex> The little legs kicking at but more around your legs are pinned either side of your body when you trap me against the unyielding steel mesh. The cages on TV rattle and give. This cage doesn’t give. It digs into my firm, round little as painful and sure enough paints criss-crossing, angry red marks over that creamy canvas unveil by the shiny fabric bunched into a skinny Vee rising toward my back. You shift my position to suit you better and the bars catch her and there across the back of that suit, snagging and tearing little peek holes where the same mix of strawberry and cream can be seen in flashes. Yet the damage to my suit is nothing compared to the damage you’re doing my body and soul!
19:45 <SpandexLex> Those thick arms of yours feel like a vice, or some constrictive serpent closing around its prey till you've captured my midsection and pressure is building on my diaphragm, my organs and my spine. "aaahhnnn aahhhnnn aawwwooohhhh!". You hear in front a cacophony of feral chanting, either willing you on or willing me to fail. Either way they get what they want. How can I hope to prevail when "caa.... caaaant... br-breath". That comes as a whisper you bend my body around you hold and indeed push my chest further around your face. Have you buried within the valley of those given mountains of ripe fat and smooth, clammy flesh was humiliating enough, but when you arch my body, the neckline catches on your jaw while those tits swell up and out. I can only shake my head in protest as I feel cool air lick across the umber peeks slipping free!
19:48 <SpandexLex> "nnn....nnnn...." My head is starting to lull side to side as my mind spins... The harder you squeeze the heavier my arms and legs feel. Yet even as my conscious fades, I try so weakly to wiggle away from your lewdly grinding pelvis.... "nnnaaa"
21:38 <Greg_the_Pet_Vet> Part of your pre-fight primping simply MUST have included some kind of perfume or lotion or... something delicious smelling in your décolletage, because I can't stop inhaling ‘’whatever it is’’ you smell like. ‘’Vanilla? Cinnamon?’’ Chuckling a little to myself as I take these deep breaths, hot breath buried in your luscious tits ‘’’’’while’’’’’ you're struggling to get enough oxygen to keep your brain alive. Over my shoulder, I can hear the crowd ‘’’’’loving your... exposure…’’’’’ and even I can feel a stirring in my boxer briefs as those nipples start peeking out and peaking up. Your wiggles getting me a little thicker, as I grind your wiggling pelvis into the cage.... waiting for you to get just weak enough that I think you'll still be able to hold yourself up... and I lower you to the ground, setting you to stand against the wall of the cage.
22:04 <SpandexLex> It's both, Vanilla shower lotions on my skin, cinnamon shampoo drifting from the stray hair spread out over one shoulder. There's more in the mix. A little sourness and salt on your lips if the pickup my sweat and the remaining traces of lemongrass and rose petal perfume. You'll notice a feint cosmetic hint for sure, since some of the light tan foundation I feathered across the inside of my breasts to create the illusion of a deeper, more entice cleavage will smudge across your face as savour the feel on those full firm girls swelling and rolling across your skin. "ennnnnnn". The crowd seems so distant right now, even as their camera flashes sear into my retinas in blurred explosions. If it weren't for the pain of the cage biting more and more viciously with each moment so I can't escape the firm bulge forming right against my crotch, perhaps I'd already be out. But you have time to set me down almost gentle on weak but holding legs....
22:38 <Greg_the_Pet_Vet> Once I am confident you are able to stand, I leave you leaning against the cage, and swing a left hook, right hook into your obliques. Leaning in close, I growl into your ear... "I'm not going to stop hurting you until you're completely broken, rookie..." then I swing another left hook, this time aimed at your right breast, and a follow up hook, a right, muscles flexing as I look to slam that fist into your left tit. Curious if I can make them both pop out of that skin tight outfit or if I'll have to strip it off you manually, and careful not to pound your head unconscious yet, as I still have a LOT of breaking of your body to do first.
06:39 <SpandexLex> If one didn't know better, the way you set me down, hands on my sides, they might think you're being gentle and caring with someone cared for, rather than simply getting your punch bag in place. I manage to raise a heavy, tiny, gloved hand up to your shoulder but right now I've neither the strength nor the presence of mind to even try to push you away. When you are satisfied, I'm in place and let go, I fall back, shoulders pressing into the cage wall which supports my teetering body. There I stay, head rolling on my shoulders as I stare back at you imposing form with a dumb open-mouthed look on my face. You can take in the tight, the way my chest heaves as I struggle to get oxygen into my system. Every breath hurts. My leotard hides the bruises swelling and discolouring my body, but there, along my stomach and sides. You just pile more misery on with the two blows twist and almost buckle me one way then the other, to collective woos from your adoring fans.
06:40 <SpandexLex> Jeers follow, it almost looks like I'm trying to play shake my tits out of that skin tight little suit, if not for the choked little squeaks that come with the hard slap of your fists and the spurt of drool that runs down my chin, thinning my lipstick a little and leaving a slick glaze on my chest... I manage to turn my eyes up at you as you growl, tears are welling with them... "y-uuu... won.... is... not... enough?"
06:44 <SpandexLex> The answer comes in two emphatic explosions of throbbing, radiating pain radiating through each breast after your fists plough into each ripe, luscious swell and indeed send them mushrooming up, wrestling with one another till both slip from my slutty spandex suit and jiggle enticing. I can only look down in horror and such humiliation as I'm exposed. As red marks start to glow across my sensitive flesh, yet my nipples stir against the pain and cool air, firming with each racing heartbeat...
11:24 <Greg_the_Pet_Vet> Those grunts and groans from your succulent little body... mmm... in another place, another time, I would be doing a lot more to your body than just hitting it. But for now... "I won..." driving a left uppercut just below your navel, and keeping my fist dug into your body, my jaw clenched as I press through your body trying to touch the steel through you, "...the second you stepped into my cage..." replacing my left fist with a right uppercut, delivered slightly lower, now directing blows just over your mound. Digging that fist in pressing your ass up against the cage wall. "Now I'm just having fun..." twisting my wrist, drilling my knuckles into your lower abdomen, "if you're lucky I'll leave you alive... though you might wish you weren't..." removing that right fist from your belly and cranking a quick, tight left hook, right hook combination at your right eye, and left eye.
11:33 <SpandexLex> Slowly, my mind is starting to clear, at least some and now you've stopped pounding the air out of my body, I can catch my breath at least a little, though it makes for a desperate, pathetic sight. swaying, supported by the cage I'm trapped against, mouth gaping in a wide, ruby O as I suck in as much air as I can only for it to rush out again when your fist smashes into my body rocks my taut, bruised up ass right back into the cage wall again with a metallic thud. ""gggawWWWHH... ughhhh... uughhh!". The next one is so close to my sex the impact seems to radiate right through vulnerable folds and indeed grind my ass back til flesh bulges through the bars toward the baying crowd! "POUND THAT PUSSY!"
11:37 <SpandexLex> The cheers just make me feel even smaller, even stupider for dolling myself up for what I thought was a whole other kinda match. If I'd looked into the abbreviated company name, if I never even tried to a warrior then I wouldn't her thrashing and crying out before you. "NyyYRRMMFFF... awwh... Awwhhhnnn... Stoppppp". And I wouldn't be getting clocked right and right, each blow rocking my entire body one way then the other, strain lines creasing all the way up the sides of my skimpy, deshelled leotard. My breasts sway heavily as my legs shake and then give.
11:39 <SpandexLex> For a moment you think I'm going to drop to your feet but to your surprise, I manage to reach up and drag a bar on the cage, keeping myself upright just about. As I sway in front of you, peering up through swelling eyes, you see a tear roll down my face, dragging a grey track of mascara over my cheek... "Sti... still.. sta..... ding..."
11:47 <Greg_the_Pet_Vet> Those uteri pounding body shots meant to break your femininity and your spirit seem to be working, as both the inebriated men AND women in the bloodthirsty crowd surrounding the cage cheer for your destruction. And I am honestly, genuinely impressed you're still upright. "Good, because if you fall, I'm just going to get angry" I reply, winding up a straight right from way back that SLAMS into the middle of your face, mashing your nose and mouth and driving your head against the unforgiving cage. Keeping my glove pressed into your face as I wind up a big left hand, driving yet another uppercut into your solar plexus, keeping that fist pressed into you as well to hold you up against the cage, while I crouch down onto my thick right leg, dip my shoulder, and heave an uppercut up in between your legs to, indeed... 'pound that pussy.'
11:58 <SpandexLex> This was never a contest, not even close. I was fucked the moment I took that deep breath and strutted my way into this cage. But now, it's turned into a massacre! I manage to raise my free hand in a stop gesture when my watery, blood shot eyes narrow on that drawn back fist but even I know the gesture's stupid. "GyyfffFFFFF!". My cute little nose and plush upper lips crushed under that sledgehammer fist. A split second later the second impact, just as vicious. *CLUNK!*. My eyes roll back in my head when the back of my head whacks into the side of the cage and rocks through my body, rocking my hips forward. "awwwWWhhh pl.. pl... Don.. eee... angry.... wif mmeee".
12:03 <SpandexLex> It hurts just to try and tense up my tummy in anticipation, but I do my best. Yet you fist sinks into my gut and pins me, jerking and spasming around your blow. As you methodically work your down my battered, swaying body I cough and sputter up more drool drips from my chin and splats lewdly over my trembling tits. By now my makes up smudge and smeared over my bruised-up face, making me a mockery of the feminine I just hours ago personified. And now you go after the core of that femininity. "oooOOOORRRRHHHHH!". My hips rock as I'm lifting onto my toes, grinding my red and purpling ass across the bars. Then my legs go to jelly, and I stumble and sway yet somehow hold on to the cage as if my life depended on it. Somewhere at the back of my mind, I think it does. I end up with my back to you, looking out into the crowd.
12:14 <Greg_the_Pet_Vet> The crushing impact of fist to face worsened only by the impact of skull to steel, my green and white gloves getting covered in drool, sweat, and makeup as I beat the life out of you. One, two, THREE brutal blows from my fully powered masculine muscles mashing your smaller, weaker girly body to a pulp. And that last blow to your femininity, serving a reminder that pussies like yours are meant to be pounded by men like me. Still, you remain upright, and I can tell just from the way you plead with me, you're not only doing it out of fear of punishment, but you’re also staying upright for me so I can beat you even more... to make me happy. Your body turns to the crowd and you grip that cage, and I step in close, right behind you, bulge mashed up between those nearly fully exposed ass cheeks, and reach around the front of your chest to pull down your silly useless outfit below your tits, exposing them for the crowd, and start to play with your left breast, squeezing, pinching to your nipples, as I grip over top of your left hand with my meaty left palm, pulling myself in close to you, growling into your neck. "Good girl..."
12:25 <SpandexLex> With layers red lines criss crossed over my pale skin, purple in places and so tender and raw everywhere, just pressing your body against my ass till it cushions into your pelvis and rolls around, squeezing onto your bulge. Just that contact stings so sharply that I throw my head back and hiss through clenched teeth. Up close you can feel every shake and twitch ripple through my weak, battered body. You can feel the sweat and heat from my oily skin and soft, smooth leotard, pock marked along the back with rips. My breasts are already peeking out but when you pull on my suit, they're able to tumble into they're full, voluptuous glory! All I can do is sob like a weak little bitch as you take a handful as you please and squeeze into my reddened, tenderised flesh. "awwwiieeee.. *sniff*... Awww...... st...." Taking my hand effectively binds me like this, on display for everyone in front of me. "Ughhfffff!". Then you pull closer and press me, my face, my bare breasts.. everything into that torturous steel!
12:35 <Greg_the_Pet_Vet> I can say one thing for spandex, it does a great job adapting to new conditions. Like maintaining its grip on your body underneath those big, beautiful tits on your now naked chest. Squeezing my strong glutes now, my powerful hips pressing my bulge into that perfect firm ass, pressing you into the cage... trapped. Caught. And I whisper into your ear... "you're all mine, sexy miss Lex, and we're going to give these nice folks a show." Doing a lewd dance now against the cage wall, grinding my hips into your ass, I squeeze both your big tits to pinch your nipples firm, then grip the neckline of your once proud outfit beneath those exposed breasts and add a little ripping tension to the fabric. Then I slide my rough hand down your slender abdomen, now marked with bruises, and around your right hip to settle on your right ass cheek... before... SPANK! I reach back and SLAP a palm print onto your cheek. Then SPANK another. Then I growl into your ear again...
12:35 <Greg_the_Pet_Vet> "stay holding onto that cage while I beat you..." a command, not a request, I push away slightly from your hips to give myself a little distance, and swing a left hook into your obliques, then a right hook, then another left hook into your ribs just under your left breast, and a right hook mirroring the blow on your right side. Looking to jostle you around and make you cry for the fans!
12:52 <SpandexLex> My now puffy, darkened eyes close and my smeared, messing lips tremble the moment I feel you start to grind and dry hump that firm, insistent bulge between my flexing, jiggling ass cheeks. It's like I'm just here to please you and these cruel, leering fans that urge you squeeze and grope those full yet pert breasts of mine and toy with my peaky, bullet firm nipples. All I can do as I whimper and squeak as shame, pain and even at times a little pleasure blossoms through me chest. Again, I feel air, along with the sound of that beautiful blue fabric ripping a little at first, then all the way down to my naval, revealing slick sweaty flesh and all the damage you've painted across my body. "aawwhh... aawwww.... Aaawwhhh!". I twitch and tense as you hand moves into place. I know what’s coming but I don’t even try to stop you... How could I!? "AIIEEEEEEEE". My hips Rock forward into the cage, pummelling my abdomen with each sting. "MMMRPPPP!".
12:55 <SpandexLex> My leotard snags and rips a little, offering everyone a little peek at the neaty trim red pubic hair hidden under that clingy spandex. I tense up as you press in and whisper.. "o-okay...". I sob pathetically and place my other hand on the cage, leaving my body there at your mercy. I'm not a fighter now if I ever was. I'm here so you can enjoy my pain and the crowd can enjoy how I 'dance' jerking this way, throwing my hips the other way as your 'kiss' snap my body this way and that, drawing pained, rising cries from my messy whore red lips!
13:04 <Greg_the_Pet_Vet> The delicate fabric of your useless leotard gives way to the violence and desire ripping it to shreds in this public underground cage fight, my dominant fists and undeniable commands destroying your confidence and shriveling your pathetic defenses, reducing you from feisty fem fighter to beaten girl toy and pain slut. Not even trying to resist me anymore, you simply post yourself up on the cage wall for me to have fun with those steel grates hiding nothing from the imagination of the fans leering outside the cage. In close behind you now, I lift an uppercut with my left fist up into your left ass cheek, and a right uppercut into your right cheek, forcing you to hump the cage you're getting beaten inside. Reaching up to grip a left fist full of your hair at your scalp and pressing you into the cage with my elbow in your back, I squeeze and punch your ass again... and again... and again... and again… alternating cheeks to give you some lovely bruises to take home from your crushing defeat.
13:17 <SpandexLex> I try to tense up and protect myself from the blows. But all that does is bring more pain burning through muscle before your fists pound into my plump little ass as if it were putty, giving, moulding and bulging out before falling into shuddering ripples. The impact slams me into the cage against and again. "waarrrmMMm... AARhhhHHH!". Both breasts press into bars and bulge around them as more diamond bruises print over succulent D cups I was so proud of, so happy to tease attention, affection and even jobs with... Ruined... Just like all of me. Have you ever seen such a broken, beaten pathetic sight? The bruised-up clown face whimpering and cringing up into a creased grimace as you pull on my hair. I manage to turn my head so only my tear stained cheek is getting racked spitefully across the bars. A small mercy... But the only one. You can touch and squeeze me possessively, pound my sexy ass and jerk my hips, humping against the torturous bares. After each blow my hips roll back
13:19 <SpandexLex> and fill your hand with hot, tender flesh. "AwwwhHH UGhhhh aawww GGrrggg. MmmrrrawwwWW!". Soon you have me twisting and thrusting against my prison and jailer like some mewling bitch in heat as piece by piece more spandex rips away
13:48 <Greg_the_Pet_Vet> My fists mashing your firm, proud glutes you've surely worked years to develop and strengthen into bruised up welted sacks of weakened muscle fails to drop you to the canvas, and instead... your feminine body succumbs to its divine design, and the more you get beaten, the tighter you instinctually grip that cage wall to take anything I want to deliver. Those full hips working the cage and giving the fans a taste of what it must be like to be inside that camel toe, gripping those hips... and every man in the audience wants what I have. You, at my mercy. That perfect firm ass, almost... held out towards me for more. Reaching across your back with my left hand now, I turn you back around to face me, tearing even more of that useless spandex off your shoulder, and examine what's left of your body, and your outfit. "Hold the cage again" I command, so I can inspect my work on you.
13:59 <SpandexLex> Over and over, you don’t relent, literally pounding my ass into trembling mush, and in smacking off the cage over and over and over, your sapping all the strength from my shapely largely unhurt legs. My knees buckle and both feet slide out putting all my weight on thin, manicured fingers. The bars are really starting to dig in. Sooner or later, I'm going to give, I'm going to displease and anger you, when I so desperately want to appease.. even... Please?
14:07 <SpandexLex> Yes, of course I'm squeezing tighter, as tight as I can, but my hands are starting to shake. I jump a little at your touch, it normally carries pain, but now only shame as you snap a shoulder strap and let my costume fold over itself under my sweaty, cross hatched breast. Then my world spins around me and with everything stops, I'm about to collapse and staring at you... "ye-yes sir". I almost whisper and with such effort, raise my hands again and hold onto the steel. "FUCK THAT SLUT UP!" I cringe as the shout from the crowd rings out. I always wanted to see my as more, more than "LOOK AT THE TITS ON THAT LITTLE WHITE TRASH BITCH!"
14:12 <SpandexLex> I always wanted to be more than the pretty face I was born with. With my grades I was never gonna make waves in business or anything, so I wanted to be formidable, skilful, I wanted people to cheer for the times I overcame the odds like when the girls on TV won their epic battles or dominated or thrilled with the high flying moves. I suppose I wanted to be a bit like you... Now though, I'm not even a pretty face. It's a struggle just to open my eyes fully, or raise my arm or even just take a breath. What’s left of my sexy costume is a tattered Basque handing by threads in places and wedged so tight within me, you can make out the grove of my swollen, bruised outer labia lips... I'm a complete failure. Even just holding this cage... I'll fail... Sooner or later I'll fail...
14:31 <Greg_the_Pet_Vet> My eyes hungrily devouring the prey in front of me now, a once proud woman trying to make a name for herself - like a man - reduced back down to where she belongs, a piece of meat to be used by a more powerful man. You turn, you face me, you lift your arms, you grip the cage... whatever you ‘’’’’thought’’’’’ was your purpose walking in here, I'm ‘’’’’very pleased with you now,’’’’’ and I even say so, through curled lips... ‘’’’’"good girl"’’’’’. You're not a failure, you're doing exactly what you're designed to do. And my threat to hurt you WHEN you fall is a promise I intend to keep. Though you'll resist it as long as you can... like the good girl you are. Stepping in close, I swing a left hook to your left breast, to throw it to the side. Then a right hook to your right breast, looking to batter your once proud tits like the speed bags they are. Another left hook, right hook to the breasts, then I aim lower down, left hook, right hook to your obliques. Not trying to put you down yet.
14:44 <SpandexLex> THUD THUD THUD. My heart pounding so hard and fast under my ribcage and the heaving, swells of soft drool and sweat soaked flesh as you so calmly inspect me, like I wear a piece of meat in a butcher’s counter rather than a real person that not long ago had my own hopes and dreams. My leotard is stuck to my body in places, but my pubic tuft, breasts and most of my torso is on show. The early blows are turning purple over the recent reddening prints. Goodness knows what kind internal damage has already been done... I'm done... As the volume drops around the arena when you close in to tower over your broken little bitch, all I can do is try to tilt my head up so you can see the stupid look on my swollen face all smeared in what looks more like clown makeup than the pristine painting I walked in wearing...
14:51 <SpandexLex> Not a word of protest as you eye my breast. Instead, I arch my body despite the ache in my spine. Anything to try to please... TO sate you. "NNRRFFF!" I bite down so hard on my lip into almost splits around pearl white teeth as you send one breast bouncing and swaying into its twin. Both are flopping around, making it harder to hit the other full, round swell. Maybe that’s why you feel the firm shudder of my ribcage with the second blow and snap my body to one side. One hand slips till I'm hanging on my fingernails. Soon enough though, I settle, a string of spit hanging from my mouth, messy hair whipped and stuck over my messy face... "MMMRRPP". Again, I twist violently and my other hand slips onto fingernails too. "GggyyyyRRRKKK!". The final blow sends sickening agony twisting my body contorting my rust veil face... "oooohh... awwwh.... ooOOOommfff.. nnnnnnnn". My moans are that weak, the crowd so quiet and transfixed on the destruction unfolding that you can hear a little crack, then another as my ruby varnished nails start to give and break
15:06 <Greg_the_Pet_Vet> The perfect picture of feminine destruction as you cling desperately to the cage walls, attire in tatters, tits swollen, belly bruised... hung up for me like you're on a St. Andrew's Cross but without the leather cuffs to keep you supported, it's clear you won't be able to take much more. "You're doing great Lex... doing great... now don't you dare fall" I sneer, then I set you up to get punished... knowing you likely can't take a single good punch and stay on your feet, I instead... throw several. Whipping out a hard left JAB to your chin, twisting my hips into a right cross at your jaw, then a left uppercut into your solar plexus, before crouching down on my thick right thigh and swinging a BRUTAL uppercut up under your rounded little chin looking to bang your head back on the cage and send you to the canvas. yt
15:19 <SpandexLex> Once luxurious hair tumbles over my face in faces as my head droops while I gasp and gag and try so hard to summon strength for somewhere, or at least ease the burn from so much anaerobic respiration setting every damaged muscle alight with a burn that just makes the throbbing aches ravaging my twitching, trembling body even more intense. I've been turned into a jobber in showy pro matches before, and that comes with pain but nothing like this. Not even close. Truly I fear I'm going to beqqqqqqqqqqQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ completely destroyed here, in this very ring. Is that my fate? My purpose? Right now, it feels like it. I struggle to lift my head and look up through tear leaking, swollen eyes at the blurred giant standing over my limp, barely hanging on frame.. "aayyee wooonnn.... No... aaaayee.. holllldd.. aayyeee.. prrrr... mmisssss"
15:28 <SpandexLex> The tense hushed murmur is still rumbling around the cage, tension building and building till even I can feel it in the air, crawling along my skin, making goosebumps flare even through all the brutal bruises... I take a gasp then, "PPppttoooFFFF!". Spit flies out my mouth as your leather smears more lipstick across my cheek in a lead, used whore streak! The next catches my chin and snaps my entire body the other way, sending my breasts bouncing and flopping around lewdly but more importantly, A few more nails crack and give. I'm hanging on by three nails when you plough into my gut yet again and my tongue pokes out from my swollen lips. They look like plastic surgery down very wrong now and they're drooling onto red and purpled tits... The blow makes me tense up, try and grip tighter only for two more cracks. One arm falls limp and useless to my side... One nail left, Thats all that keeps me up. And it slips away when you smash the back my chin so hard my teeth click and rattle
15:31 <SpandexLex> The sheer force smashes the back of my head into the cage again and everything goes red and hazy. It drains everything from me and that last nail, the last remnant of the feminine beauty I brought into the ring with me. It slips off, leaving the nail intact on my wedding finger. None the less, I slide down the cage wall, more rips snagging on my tattered leotard as my feet slide out either side of you. I land on my ass, head lulled on my shoulder with a dumb, gaping look on my face. Right now, I don’t even know where I am. Ask me my name and I wouldn't have a clue...
<Published> 2022-06-29, viewed 89 times.
Greg the Pet Vet
2022-06-29 11:03Read the rest of the story! Click on THIS LINK for PART TWO.