The UUC League

Public Restricted

Established: 2022-05-11
Chat room: #uucl

  • No holds barred
  • Long-term roleplay
  • Descriptive writing
  • Extreme violence
The United Underground Clubs is a league for brutal underground fights, light on rules.
31 members
10 stories
0 photos
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The Vet that became an Animal! - PART TWO OF TWO


15:47 <Greg_the_Pet_Vet> The brutality of my punishment in the cage is something the fans here are used to seeing but delivering it to a helpless sex object like you is a sight rarely seen, and the fans are loving every second of it. Stepping in close to you as you slump down to the canvas, I grip a fist full of your hair and grind my bulge into your face against the cage wall, flexing up for the crowd and smiling. Reaching down now, I try to grab some of your outfit to drag you around, but there's barely enough of it left, and when I try what's left clinging to your body rips off in my hands. Instead, I grip your wrist, set it over my shoulder, and using the cage for some leverage, pick you up over my shoulder in a fireman's carry, and thrust up off the canvas to stand, carrying you to the middle of the ring... the fans going NUTS as they cheer me on, and I turn to let everyone get a good look at you... before I SLAM you down to the canvas in the middle of the cage!
16:13 <SpandexLex> Not for the first time in this demolition, my head is rolling on my shoulders, only now I'm just a total, sodden mess. Hair over my face. At least it makes the mascara laced tear tracks, black eyes and bruised chin adorned in spit and smeared lipstick. Somewhere, far away I can hear some chanting, I don’t know what, but it's getting louder and louder as, slowly, head starts to clear, least a little.. That cloudy place I was in was better, as I come to a little my head starts to pound like there is someone banging a slow beat in my head and my skull is the drum! As frosty glass melts into more tears seeping all over my face I feel something thick and firm all over my face. "Ommmmfff maawwffff ggggaawwfff!" I groan out, and my vapour laced breath ripples and seeps through your trunks. You’re grinding you bulge, your balls, all over my face. The feel of your trunks somehow just makes it more sensuous and more demeaning. You could just take me any which way you want but you choose just
16:19 <SpandexLex> to demean me as the crowd cheers and roars "BITCH FUCKING LOVES IT!". I have no idea if I love it or not. It's such a shock to come to in this demeaning position that I just feel cheap and weakness. When you had me jiggling on the cage, I felt like some cheap stripper, maybe that was my true calling.. But now... I don’t know, I just want to cry... But hot tears are already seeping from my stinging sore eyes. There’s no escape, I sit there, open mouthed so you can feel the inviting, wet warmth of my gaping, drooling mouth all over every inch of your length, almost cupping your sack through your trunks. A little more of my soul dies
16:25 <SpandexLex> Sodden spandex streeeeeeeetches and then snaps at my shoulder. The gusset is still wedged between my thighs, still connected to what has become a tatty polka ripped belt around my waist... A mockery of what I once was... I'm little more than a ragdoll now, twitching and spasming from the damage done to body and mind. It's easy to scoop me up and parade your trophy around the ring. "BREAK THE SLUT", "SMASH THE WHORE". The Cheer gains traction "SMASH HER SMASH HER SMASH HER".
16:25 <SpandexLex> "smash me"
16:28 <SpandexLex> You do just that, slamming me down like the little stupid piece of white trash I am. The air driven from my body as I go under for a moment when the back of my head hits the mat, but only for about half a minute or so. A sharp gasp, then I arch up, thrusting my wobbly tits into the hot, white stage lights as my hands wrap around my body and I slump onto my side....
11:04 <Greg_the_Pet_Vet> With very little but shreds of spandex and some fairly worthless pads left to shield you from injury, you are but soft, squishy prey locked in the cage with a big, hard, fierce animal who is enjoying devouring you, and the only key to this cage is... in the cage. Slamming you to the ground stunning any hope of defense from your broken and beaten body, I pace around the cage, growling, licking my lips. The only thing stopping me from hurting you more is trying to decide how I want to hurt you more first. And the other animals gathered around the cage are simply cheering me on, loving the show. But this position of yours, on your side, curled up into a little ball.... no, that just won't do. Reaching down to grip your right ankle, I yank your leg up and open, take hold of your other ankle, and roll you onto your back. Standing in between your feet now, I hold those legs wide open, looking down your silky inner thighs at all your delicious feminine gifts.
11:06 <Greg_the_Pet_Vet> At this point, a smile curling over my lips... those few shreds of spandex still clinging in between your little camel toe and around your waist offering absolutely no protection. And to prove it... I cock my right knee up to my chest... and SLAM my foot down into your pussy. Leaving my foot there as I pull on your ankles, twisting my ankle back and forth, grinding in as much pain and humiliation as I possibly can with my foot. And the crowd cheers!
11:11 <SpandexLex> "oooOOooohh... OoOOOOohhhh....ooAAwwwhhhh!" I groan low and languidly with every breath as I lay there at your feet, where I belong. I can see you circling like a lion circling wounded prey and I see something else at the far corner of the ring... The Key to the door... If I can get it and get out, would that be a draw? It would be easier just to wait for you to tire of me and take the win you earned so early in this bout. Yet neither you nor the crowd show any sign that your tiring of toying with and torturing your victim. Perhaps the only thing I've did well since I came here tonight is suffer. Maybe that's all I'm good for?
11:20 <SpandexLex> You take me out of that train of thought when I keep you hand on my blue leather boot lifting one leg and then the other and suddenly, I flop onto my back where I have to look up at your blurred imposing shape. I can't really make out your face very well from down here, but somehow, I know your smiling and I know what your planning. As you raise your knee, I lift my hand in a stop gesture and start to shake my head. "no... no.. please no.... no more... I.... I can't... can’t take anymore.... Please... My puss cannot.... no more... noooooAAIIIEEEEEEEE!" Of course you ignore my whining and smash my crotch so hard my ass slaps and flattens out against the canvas as brutal pain blossom over my labia lips and pulses down my pubic bone. My chest lifts up as I tight my grimaced face back and squeal like a pig while grind and twist down on my thinly veiled clit. It's as if you’re trying to grind me in the dirt. And all I can do is cry and beat my fists weakly on the canvas either side of my body.
11:31 <Greg_the_Pet_Vet> My bare foot grinds down hard on those labia lips, and I can feel them mashing around under the sole of my foot. It's impossible not to feel some warm wetness squishing around under that spandex as well, and despite your screams, your body betrays your arousal. Boots in my tight grip as I have you under complete control and peel those silky skinned drumsticks apart and hitting the canvas with tears streaming down your face, it's clear you know your fate is to be consumed like the prey you are and not to actually try stopping me. That ship sailed a long time ago. Your pitiful whines and begging only make me grind my foot down harder... pulling back my knee only briefly to reposition, I see you desperately looking over at the door and key.... then I SLAM my foot down a second time, this time with my heel, rotating my ankle to really drive that heel in between your pussy lips. Eventually stepping back and throwing your legs to the side to back away and take another bite out of you.
11:40 <SpandexLex> I've been called slut and whore and all that more times than I care to remember. Normally by some guy that never stood a chance with me or another woman, jealous of my looks or how I was rocking that cocktail dress that evening. So easy to dismiss. It's not so easy to dismiss when your confidence has been so utterly shattered and it's coming from so many faceless yet loud voices like it has in this ordeal. Not so easy to ignore when I know your barefoot can feel how clammy and hot that tiny strip of spandex between my legs is. A mix of sweat and something thicker and a little stickier...
11:48 <SpandexLex> The more you grind down, the more my bruised-up face twists and contorts till I'm grinding my teeth and squirming my battered body under you in vain, hopeless attempt to escape the pressure you’re bearing down on me. It only gets worse and worse as you pry my legs wider and wider. "aarrrhh aaiieiee... nnnnnnrrrrrmmmmm". At first it’s a strain across my taut inner thighs, then muscle rips under the wax smooth, creamy surface and you splay me painfully wide... At least you lift your foot... My body sinks into the canvas again, still but for the odd spasming twitch and the rise and fall of my chest as I gasp and groan... I could lay here like this for hours, my bodies that damaged, that spent yet you only give me seconds until the foot lands again, this time more focuses... "Ugghhhhh nnnnn...aaagg....gggaaaiiiiIINN!".
11:55 <SpandexLex> Finally, you flop my legs out to the side. My torso twists to move with them and I'm right back where I started, curled up at the feet of a circling hunter.... There’s no way I want to wait for whatever you decide next... I have to TRY something, even if though its hopeless. Slow with the odd wince and whimper, I roll onto my front, breasts pillowing out my sides and drawing a "gawwww" from my gaping lips... At first, I try to plant my left knee under me, rising my bare, purple cheek into the light a little before my leg gives and my body drops, ass jiggling cutely as it happens over and over again, left leg, right leg... I'm dragging myself across the matt with my weak, tired girlish arms. It's a pathetic sight, me moving at a snail’s pace toward the key in the corner. Perhaps if my attempt weren't so laughable, you’d feel more urgency in trying to stop me. Regardless I keep going, and when I'm about half way there, a little win, perhaps the first of the evening! I manage to get onto all fours, and crawl, still slow. Still like a wounded animal. But I'm getting closer and closer...
12:01 <Greg_the_Pet_Vet> I could have thrown you in either direction. But that glance towards the door tells the story. Despite taking a beating against the cage wall you couldn't stop, despite taking a beating to your pussy you couldn't stop, some part of you is still focused on survival and escape and has not yet accepted your fate. And breaking what's left of your frail psychological resistance is going to be all the more delicious to me now that you're physically exhausted and beaten. So, I throw your legs towards the door, leaving you staring at that key. And I back away to the cage wall, giving you the illusion of space. And you army crawl. And your tight, toned ass indeed jiggles fantastically under the lights of the underground arena. And you rise, and collapse. And rise, and collapse. Pathetic. Trying over and over again to regain some kind of control over your body, until you finally get to your hands and knees. Tits swinging below, nipples still peaked. Sweat dripping.
12:04 <Greg_the_Pet_Vet> Lining yourself up, just perfectly. Ass up, tits down. Forcing that weak body forward in such a helplessly sexy little crawl. ''You should be crawling towards me, Lex... not away..." Shaking my head in amusement and... maybe a little disappointment, that you still resist, and need to be broken more. Until you're less than a foot away from that door... and I push off the wall, building up speed as I come towards you, almost in a run, building up momentum, until I finally LAUNCH a MASSIVE soccer kick into your ribs just behind your dangling breast, looking to kick you across the cage!
12:13 <SpandexLex> There’s nothing clever or admirable about what I'm doing. Of course, you can see where I'm heading and what I want to do. Escape and flee like a little cowardly girl who was too stupid to see I was getting in way over her head! And now, it takes everything I have just edge along, crawling on trembling arms and aching legs. Every time I pad forward my hips sway and my thoroughly punished ass flex. My breasts hang heavy, firm umber peaks almost scraping across the canvas. And all this effort to a rumble of collective laughter and the occasional catcall "THATS IT CUNT! SHAKE THAT ASS!"
12:19 <SpandexLex> Even before you speak with what sounds like mocking disappointment, I know deep down this is hopeless. That I'm probably just making things worse for myself but at least I've distracted you enough to stop torturing me, if only for a little while. But I knew that wouldn't last long and when I feel the boards under the canvas start to shake, I look round and freeze, jaw dropped, with a deer in the headlights look in my eyes... "GgrrryyyFppPPPHHHH!!" The sickening thud brings a collect "OOOOOH!" from the crowd and flips me into the air. I land half on my back and half on my side, but the moment tumbles my body toward the cage wall. By the time I stop, my hairs coiled all across my face, I'm lying in front and parallel to the cage wall. The key is close but when I stop coughing and gagging... Still just out of reach. Then I see your feet... Slowly... I turn my head and look up. "Please... n... n... mooooorrre.... nnnoooootttaaa.. jusss... a sllluuuuuu.... pleeeee..."
12:31 <Greg_the_Pet_Vet> My kick lands perfectly on your ribs, lifting you off the canvas, your drooping tits flopping around as you sail through the air and land half on your ass and half on your other unkicked ribs, then rolling and rolling you until you skid to a stop. Walking slowly over to where you're whimpering at my feet, looking down at your bruised and begging face looking up at me pleading, shaking my head slowly. "No... you're not a fighter... but I am... and I'm not done with you yet..." I wind up my thick right leg and kick you a second time, now in your already weakened belly. Then I step in close, reach down to grip a fist full of your hair, and crawl you over towards that cage door. Stomping on top of the key, as I slowly pull you up face first along the steel grate of the door, up past the lock, finally getting you up to your feet facing the crowd pressed up against the only escape route from this cage. So, near your own escape, and yet so impossibly far.
12:36 <Greg_the_Pet_Vet> Leaning in close, pressing my body up against yours and trapping you between me and the door of the cage, and growling into your ear. "You're still begging for the wrong things, Lex... begging me to stop hurting you, when you should be begging me to fuck you instead..." Pulling back your head and SLAMMING it into the cage door. "There's no escape through this door until I'm completely finished with you..."
12:50 <SpandexLex> One of my arms snakes around my rib cage, brushing the tattered belt around my waist and nudging into the underside of my big, swollen breasts, lifting them a little as I try to cradle the ache and bites sharply into my body each time I take a heavy, wheezing breath. All while the soft thud thud thud of your footsteps, like a clock ticking down before.... "ffffuuuuffffffFFFF!" My cheeks billow and lips pout out into a distorted pout as you drive the air from my body and send a nauseating pain rises through me. "Cccffuuu ccfffuu cfffuuu!". I cough as drool runs from my messy, whore red mouth and pool around my cheek while the force the kick drive my ass back, raking over the bars. Both hands are wrapped around my body now, squeezing so tight. I roll onto my front if only to protect myself for another kick, and beat my feet of the ground, more like petulant schoolgirl than the glamourous icon I had delusions of becoming.
12:55 <SpandexLex> "aaaahh ahhhh ahhhh!". You pull on my red hair and a different kind of fire spreads across my scalp. This simple act brings home the difference in us. How utterly inferior I am in every way. It took so much effort just to crawl, yet without breaking sweat you can haul me up high enough for arms and legs to do the rest. Its cruel... The way you take me to the door and haul me up, If I could just unlock it, I'd be free but that seems so impossible now.. You pin me to it, letting the bars bite into my breasts and stir fresh bruises over the criss cross of red and purples, snap across the tattered remnants of my suit.
12:57 <SpandexLex> Then your whisper comes... cold and tingly across my ear. My lips part to speak but I don’t get a chance. Instead a heavy *THUNK rings out* and my head snaps back onto your shoulder, my sweat soaked hair draping over your back in wet clumps, "gggyyawwwww!" I groan, as my world goes hazy and red.... Right now I don't even know where I am, let alone what to bed for!
13:03 <Greg_the_Pet_Vet> Standing on your right side as my muscles flex up and I grind your beaten face into the door, then I release that tight grip on your hair leaving you slumped up against the cage, keeping you tight against the steel with my hips. "So close to escape, yet so far..." I taunt you, not even sure if you can understand a word I'm saying anymore and enjoying the humiliation I'm delivering anyway. Then I yank that hair to pull you just slightly enough away from the cage wall that I can pick up your right arm and slip it over my own head and shoulders. Almost like a supportive hug. Almost like I'm helping to keep you upright. Almost like I’ll help you out of here. Almost... but not quite.
13:03 <Greg_the_Pet_Vet> Sliding the rough palm of my left hand and thick hairy arm across your torso to reach in front of you and grip your left hip, pressing my left cheek over my arm into those perfect, bruised up breasts. Crouching down low, I slide my right arm behind your knees... Then I drive my feet into the canvas, scoop up your legs behind your knees with my thickly muscled right arm, scoop up your hips with my left gripping tight, and carry you away from the door and to the middle of the cage, before dropping down onto my left knee and SLAMMING your back over my leg, in a brutally devastating backbreaker! Keeping that left foot planted on the canvas as you're draped over my thick, hairy thigh.
13:13 <SpandexLex> So totally and utterly decimated am I, so battered, beaten and bruised, that this match may go down in underground folklore for the sheer one sided brutality. The vet that became an animal and the... what am I? What was I? I don’t know right now. That smash to my head seems to have really jumbled up my mind. Any contact on those bruises painted in tight lines and bigger sunburst injuries hurts... Every second of the last hour or so in the ring has been nothing but pain, shame, and gradual, grim acceptance... But right now, it’s like my brain isn't fully computing the touch, I feel sensations. Your hand on hip, on my knee. Your chest against my side as you scope me easily into strong arms. I feel *something* but I don’t know initially what it is...
13:17 <SpandexLex> If not for the bruises littered all over my body and the tattered leotard, this might make for an almost romantic image. My lithe feminine frame draped languidly across your arms. As you march me across the ring, you see some semblance of intelligence returning to my eyes. And with it, a pang of pain that makes me hiss and suck air through clenched teeth.. Now I remember what you told me barely a minute ago.... "Ca....cant... you leave meeee... a sh-... a lil.. dig.. nnnnnneeee.... Doooo... yoooou... haveeeeetohav.... everwee.....ting?"
13:18 <SpandexLex> By now we're centre ring. I don't get an answer... Least not one I want. I get fucking smashed so hard across your knee for a second it looks like my eyes are gonna pop out my head and my jaw might dislocate. "AAIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIRRRRRIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!"
13:22 <SpandexLex> My spine jars and bends across you knee as strength melts away and my arms and legs hang limp from my taut torso. "awwwhh OOOOhhh... FUuuppphh... aawhhhhHHHh.... you... Ohhhgggawwww" My breasts are till rippling and shaking from the ring shaking impact... If this was a normal match, you'd probably go for the pin from her... But this was never a match.... I was never an opponent.
13:32 <Greg_the_Pet_Vet> Draped across my thick thigh, your dangling legs keep your feet brushing the canvas giving you the illusion of support from the earth. Sliding my left hand up your torso now, I take a few moments to squeeze your magnificent tits, pinching both nipples tight, before sliding that hand up further along your throat to grip your chin and force your head down, worsening the abdominal stretch over my knee. My right hand now free to explore around your hips, inside your thighs, fingertips trailing up over the spandex clinging to your camel toe. I pause there, pressing my middle finger in between your spandex covered labia, pressing the thin fabric in between your lips. Those few molecules of fabric, the only thing keeping me from being inside you, easily brushed aside any time I decide to.
14:01 <SpandexLex> Was that move a finisher or a warning... Perhaps everyone in the arena is wondering... Though I haven't moved at all since you hit that devastating move. Some in the crowd have gone silent, but others are screaming louder than ever. They think my spines shattered, that I'll walk again. If you had wanted that, a little more force would have made it happen. But you didn't. You simply stilled your prey so your hand can roam. I don’t even utter a word of protest. I can't. The only sound parting my lips is the constant... "awwwh.... awwwhh.. aaWWWhhhh!" You can play, squeeze and tug on my tits to your heart's content. They give and swell around your fingers, bringing winces to my face, making me gasp and bite on my lip. You make me groan when you tease and whimper like a hurt puppy dog when you twist that bit too much on peak, firm nipple. I'm terrified that your hand will move down and feel the hot, clammy mess which has seeped through the tangled gusset of my suit, but you move up...
14:04 <SpandexLex> Just as I struggle to raise my head, part my lips so you can see the tip of my tongue against my teeth about to speak, you push me back down "aaaUUURRRRGGGG!" More pressure on my back! On my spine. Oh My god the Chiropractors fee’s. the painful sessions.... How could I afford it? How could I endure it!?
14:08 <SpandexLex> And worse still as I squeal and start to squirm so feebly, you DO reach down, I feel your fingers tickle over my torn inner thighs and then, well, your fingers are scooping through a glaze of sweat yeah... But mostly intimate nectar! All that layer of spandex does right now is enhance your touch, it makes your rough hands feel smooth and sensuous. It makes the silent part of the audience breathe a sigh of relief when my hips twitch and roll upwards, involuntarily humping against your hand...
14:15 <Greg_the_Pet_Vet> That involuntary movement of your hips tells the tale, your firm bruised up ass squirming around alongside my hairy thigh flexing your beautiful glutes, my hand sliding around your hip to cup and squeeze your ass, excited at the toy I now have broken and at my disposal. I signed up for this cage fight to... fight... but having such a glorious specimen of woman at my mercy and locked inside a cage with a crowd of fans cheering me on is just turning me on incredibly, and my choice now is clear... I don't just want to break your body; I want to take ‘’’’’everything’’’’’ from you. That right hand sliding back up your hip, sliding my thumb in the leg hole of your tattered leotard, my right hand makes its way back to your camel toe, and I do the unthinkable... I scoop up that leotard with my thumb, and press my middle finger into your soaking wet labia, drawing my finger up along your lips to circle around your clit, sliding back down to dip inside, penetrating you,
14:16 <Greg_the_Pet_Vet> then back out to circle and tease your clit again. Meanwhile, my right hand gripping your throat moves back down to your big, beautiful tits, pinching those nipples hard one at a time, back and forth, groping your tit flesh and letting it slide through my hand to milk into those nipples. "Cum for me Lex, show these people what a slut you really are..."
14:32 <SpandexLex> My legs feel like lead, but at least, they feel like something again. I'm able to plant my cute lil kitten heels when you grab and squeeze on my ass, lifting my body. Of course, it hurts. Those swollen globes are glowing with the damage and punishments inflicted, From cage marks to so many big fiery handprints. If I do make it out of this cage alive, Goodness knows how long it will be till I can simply sit in a chair again! The ultimate cruelty though is that three times already, I've swallowed the little shred of dignity I maybe still have and three times it’s been on the tip of my tongue. I been just about to beg to be fucked, to whore by once gorgeous body out for a simple 5-dollar key. Each time you've stopped me. And it happens again. I strain with all I have to look up, fighting through the agony which burns all over my broken body and when about to speak... "pllaaaarrSSSPPPP!"
14:39 <SpandexLex> A shiver runs through me as you drag the sodden, bunched up spandex out of my kitty and stretch up enough that you can touch, feel and plunger those swollen lips and engorged pearl. I'm as raw and damaged down there as everywhere else after the punches and stomps so it hurts. Gawd it hurts so intimately yet, also a tingle that's more familiar than I'd ever care to admit! "awwwhHHhhhHHHh!". The crowd whistles but for the most, fall quiet, leaving only a thick focused tension around you and your toy. Two violent jerks pump my hips up with such force I slide across your knee a little and slide back. The crown of my head is on the mat now and all I can see is my own fat, battered girls threatening to slap across my chin. But I can feel everything. The merry go round touch over my rosebud, that trace down, brings fresh tears to my eyes and another soul killing pang of shame. Soon you’re pushing through velvet soft inner lips into the waiting, wet heat within!
14:43 <SpandexLex> It’s just a tease, just wetting your touch before you return to that tender little pearl and more jolts flow down my legs and up my spine like bolts of unwanted lightening. Hot pain and wet pleasure mixing till I can't really tell one from the other. "awwwHHHhh... O....Ok.......OkaaaaayyYYY!". Soon my breathing is getting ragged and uneven. A low pant broken only by the odd wince or groan or cry. The and on my breast can feel it before you hear it. Every ripple, every gasp rising into your hold... "awwWWWhhh ple.... ple.. fu..... fupppphhh.. fuck.. fuck.... fuckmeeee... thank whatever you want from me.. AwwwhhHHHHHHHhhHH!".
14:45 <SpandexLex> And then it happens, as you work my clit you sense the tension building and building. My body tightening up and shuddering before I explode into a frenzy of spasming shudders. My hips jerk and flop, my juices seep out in waves glazing my inner thighs and I push up on my feet without warning and the fingers on my clit, suddenly you find them buried deep in my hot, pulsating cunt!
14:51 <Greg_the_Pet_Vet> Your deliciously involuntary hip thrusts showing off every last bit of feminine orgasm to the crowd of hooting and hollering fans shoves not just one, but two, then three fingers inside your cunt, and I curl my hand around your mound to grip your pelvic bone tight and provide some penetrating pressure to your already spasming pussy. Gentle pressure still applied over the hood of your likely sensitive clit as I pick up my elbow to deepen the angle I can reach inside you, stroking up with my fingers and curling the middle finger in a 'come here' motion to rub on your G-spot, arm up and down to keep my palm massaging over your clit when I can see your body is still into it, planning to totally dominate your body inside and out now that I've got you here. Looking to milk as many orgasms out of you as I can and leave you simply... ‘’’’’spent…’’’’’ "give me everything you got, Lex... come on, don't hold back..."
14:58 <Greg_the_Pet_Vet> My left hand gripping your hip tight as you lay there draped over my knee with your tits jiggling in post orgasmic bliss, making sure you stay up here where I want you until I'm done finger fucking you.
15:05 <SpandexLex> It happens in time. AS I writhe and stretch, you feel waves of wet, spongey pressure ripple down your fingers, one, two, then three stretching me out til every twitch or curl of your touch brushes all the right places... All everywhere over and over. ANd that brush over my clit. Gawd fuckyou gawd it’s just too much. You’re taking me somewhere I've never been. From drawing out the wet sloppy bliss you can feel and hear squishing around as more and more juices flow into your hand to... I don’t know, I've lost all semblance of where I am. Right now, I just flop and jerk across your knee like a fish out of water. For the first time since you smashed me across the sacrificial alter that is your knee, my arm moves and a gloved hand reaches out to clasp your wrist. I don't try to force.. How could I? No, the touch is imploring... Just to give me time... to ease that touch on my clit till these waves of wet bliss flowing out from my pussy have time to crash and roll back...
15:10 <Greg_the_Pet_Vet> You are not logged in.
15:21 <Greg_the_Pet_Vet> Your hand weakly gripping my wrist tells me what I need to know. This is not my first time with a woman, and I know that touch doesn't mean 'stop', it just means... 'give me a second'. And so, I do. My leg getting a little tired from keeping you up, I finally slide you off and down to the canvas, fingers still buried inside you, waiting for that grip on my wrist to relax so I know to continue. Playing with your big bruised up tits with my free hand, slapping the right before gripping it to peak your nipple even harder. Twirling your nipple in between my thumb and forefinger. Then that grip on my wrist loosens, and I know you're ready for another. Curling my fingers deep inside you to rub my fingertip on your G-spot and beckon more spasms from your aching leaking pussy. I know a finger inside you isn't enough, and your body will be begging for more, but for now, that's all you get, until you're panting, sweating, spent. "One more time, Lex... show these nice folks how you can beg and scream..."
15:36 <SpandexLex> I came all the way from Hicksville USA to the big city to become a wrestling star, not a pornstar. But that’s how I feel right now. exposed, used and soaking in my own sweat and cum. I disgust myself. I excite myself... And you, You're so different to all the hunky guys I've been with all around my age. All poster boys. All fun and loved in their own way but you... You're old enough to be my father. And where they were eager and so desperate to please, you are calm, confident and just KNOW how to touch and tease. You even understand when to ease off and wait for the trembles of unwanted, shameful bliss to twitch out of my body. I feel like I'm floating. Yeah, I still hurt all over and what you've done to me, it just set my senses alight making that pain all the more intense. Like it could swallow me up. But you know it won’t. So, I know I won't.... In truth the line between pleasure and pain is starting to break in places. Well in two places...
15:41 <SpandexLex> Between my legs, and those full round breasts you idly playing with as you lower me to sweat and cum stained mat. there I Lie, in my own and so many others filth, biting my lip as you play squeeze and tease my big, brutalised tits. The pain. OOohhh gawwwd its exquisite right now. Yes, I'm still crying, still sweating an oily glaze all over my body so much my mouth is cry and my eyes burn but... "awwwWWHHH!!". You smack my tit and I arch up, cupping it with my free hand. The other is still on your wrist, but the grip loosens as I flop back onto the mat. "LOOK AT HER.... FUCKING SLUT LOVES IT!!"
15:41 <SpandexLex> "HASHTAG PAIN SLUT!"
15:43 <SpandexLex> The crowd are in raptures, some were worried when they thought you crippled me, but now they see me move, writhe and hump like the little bitch in heat I am, they can enjoy my utter humiliation guilt free. And so can you. This time you’re not focusing on my clit and the electric pleasure that stirs. Just a precise finger on my g-spot. Just one?
15:44 <SpandexLex> "mmm.... more"
15:45 <SpandexLex> That one though, is stirring something deeper, more patient.. more intense. It's not long till I'm panting and groaning again. Till I'm squirming under my better as he plays me like a fiddle...
15:53 <Greg_the_Pet_Vet> One, two, three fingers inside you stretching your labia lips wide, stretching your insides, stretching the walls of your vagina. Filling you with the 'girth' of my fingers, if not length. Soaking my leather glove with your nectar and sweat. Your G-spot swelling, easily found when you know what you're looking for as it's rough under my finger tip, all three tips of my fingers circling around inside you and curling up more focused on that spot than any cock ever could, even a cock as skilled as mine. Taking the pressure off your clit so swollen and focusing on forcing a G-spot orgasm out of you takes time, patience... and it's worth every second to see you writhing around under my control, unable to care who is watching. Brushing your hand away from your bruised up tit so I can play with your nipple, pinching TIGHT as I know your fired up body WANTS pain now, reaching across to pinch the other nipple, twisting, turning both nipples around in my fingers.
15:53 <Greg_the_Pet_Vet> Taking a moment to pull my three fingers out just enough to bring a pool of nectar with them that I can grab a scoop of with my left middle finger, before bringing it to your lips and pressing that finger inside your mouth to give you something to suck on. Forcing you to taste your own cum, forced out of you in what you thought was a play fight, then a cage match, and now like something out of a pornographic BDSM sex scene. "Give it all up, Lex... give me everything..."
16:09 <SpandexLex> I never really liked the name Lex, let alone SpandexLex, I was christened Alexandra Fuller-Jones. But that family is a riches to rags tale for another day. I'm sure my parents would be going insane in their prison cells if they could see what their pride and joy has become. From heiress, to trailer trash to... This!? Being toyed with by a hairy brute twice my age in an underground den of sin and cruelty!? Being played so expertly and that little bud has abandoned its hiding place and is there for you to tease toy and work with such knowing precision. Is it just how sensitive I am from the beating I've taken. Is that why I feel this way? I kinda believe it, but in truth it's that you know just how to touch, flick and control. You pick up pace I hump my hips faster, grunt my dumb animal grunts faster. You slowdown, so do I and those grunts melt into feline mewls. All the while my boots slide across the canvas, riveting it. My arms stay at my sides after you slap them away so you can get at the plush bounty of my breast. "UuuGHHH!". You twist on my rubbery lil nib and pull me up till flashes of such delicious pain parts my clownish, messed up whore red lips... The tip of my tongue emerges as I whimper and groan. "ta.. take.. it all.." I whisper before you come out with lewd wet pop and stuff your fingers into my gaping mouth. Right away I purse my lips and start to work my tongue, lapping up that stick glaze of juice.
16:13 <SpandexLex> Truly have you ever defeated someone so utterly?
16:31 <Greg_the_Pet_Vet> A straight dominant man doesn't stay on this planet 45 years and not learn a thing or two about what gets a woman quivering, and as much fun as it was punching you out and beating on your body with my fists, sapping what little strength you have left through your pussy is even more satisfying. By the time I'm finished with you, there will be nothing left unclaimed. And I know you will be left confused about whether you loved it, hated it, or both. One thing is for sure... I am owning you in this cage, and you'll never be the same again. Working my left middle finger down your rough tongue, deeper into your mouth as I feel you sucking on it, your hands remaining down at your sides as I continue massaging that G-spot to work your body into a hip bucking, foot sliding, glute clenching frenzy, you've been reduced from confident and even cocky woman to a pair of holes, now and always at the mercy of my skilled hands.
16:31 <Greg_the_Pet_Vet> It won't be long now, and that second bigger, deeper, longer orgasm will be forced out of your body, now no longer resisting but rather begging me to do whatever I want with you. Always patient, I do not insist, as I know it's coming. I KNOW it's coming. I simply let you suck on my finger and writhe under my hand and wait for the inevitable.
16:44 <SpandexLex> There is a greyish haze diffused from my eyes, with a bluish hue. The mix of jet mascara and that midnight blue meant to match that costume that now just a lewd parody of who I was when I was strutting my way in her. I'm a total mess! Would you even find me attractive if not for the fact this mess is your work? If not that, some kinda relationship has been built as I went from trying to outthink you to holding on the cage for dear life because you willed it? The fight, the whole show is running way over time. Like you, these people came to see a fight, but were captivated by a sex object that didn't know what I was walking into. Now though, yeah, the sex show keeps many hooked. But there’s more to it. How often can someone see a soul die right before their eyes?
16:48 <SpandexLex> That's what’s happening, bit by moaning bit. I take your fingers into my mouth and right away, I'm trying to gain some favour... My tongue laps and swirls and picks up all I can of the salty slick juices all over your knuckles. My cheeks hollow even as my eyes widen, peering up for any hint of approval. I jolt up a bit as your touch hits the back of my throat and gets squeezed so tight by an involuntary gag reflex which has me jolting and swaying, my heavy tits flopping around even as I drape back onto the mat!
16:53 <SpandexLex> For the first time in the long "fight" we've had, I'm pretty much silent but for the huff and pant as you work my writhing, shameless, humping body. All the while, still I suckle on your fingers like a baby suck on her dummy. On and On it goes. "Mmfff.." Wet slaps crash into your fingers as I move with you... "mmmmffff". The crowd are quiet now, just watching, on bated breath... Waiting for that moment... "Mmmmfffff". Total, utter defeat... You can feel it ripple around your fingers. "nnnnnnnuyyyyyyeeerppp". I've never been made to cum like this... My body jolts up, pumping my soft, destroyed tits into the light. "MmmmmmrrrRRRRPPP!".... Then… Then OH MY FUCKING GOD!
16:56 <SpandexLex> You know it's coming before I do, from the ripples of velvet flesh around your touch, how I clamp down so hard it almost hurts as I lose all control and start to thrash and buck and moan. My ass slaps wet slaps on the canvas as my juices flow in wave after squirting wave! On and on it goes till I'm left a twitching, trembling little mess!
17:05 <Greg_the_Pet_Vet> Working... working... working that G-spot in my fingers, I can tell instantly when your sucking on my finger goes from feeling your own pleasure to something else... desperation to please me. When the thin veneer of a woman's public face is finally ripped down by a truly dominant man who can see right through it, leaving her completely naked and utterly exposed to him, pleading for him to use her any way he wants and desperately hoping for his approval, that's when the magic happens. Her orgasm changes, from something that happens inside herself, to something he takes from her, something she gives to him. It's in that moment that a man and a woman come together into something... more.
17:05 <Greg_the_Pet_Vet> It doesn't matter why you came here tonight. It doesn't matter that you're going to be aching for days, maybe even weeks. It doesn't matter that dozen, possibly hundreds of people watched all this go down in excruciating detail. What matters is that ‘’’’’I took this from you.’’’’’ I took the fight from you, I took your own control from you, leaving you with only what I give you. My fingers, buried inside your holes, your body an empty shell of its former glamorous self and elevated to something much more.
17:05 <Greg_the_Pet_Vet> I can see your soul die as you give yourself to me completely. This man who was a stranger to you only an hour ago, twice your age and many times your experience. And I can see you reborn in that look you give me, as you suck on my finger. An object, your eyes begging for approval.
17:05 <Greg_the_Pet_Vet> ‘’’’’Your soul is mine.’’’’’
17:06 <Greg_the_Pet_Vet> That thought making me smile, as I feel those soul freeing, body wracking, mind blowing contractions of your entire body through my fingers, through my arms, through my body, through the vibrations of your ass thumping into the canvas as you succumb to the most powerful orgasm of your life.
17:06 <Greg_the_Pet_Vet> And as those contractions settle, I leave my fingers inside you, hands gripping your jaw and pelvis. Held... by the ‘’’’’hands of God…’’’’’
17:23 <SpandexLex> Perhaps you are right. It feels right in a way. But it also feels so So SO very wrong. It should be a private intimate thing. The submission to your better. It should be gentle, the way an owner loves and cherishes his dog. You and all those cheering sadists, they enjoyed my body breaking, my fight fading, my hope dying along with my soul piece by mewling, writhing, sweat soaked piece!
17:26 <SpandexLex> For any woman of standing, this would be a private thing. But I have no standing. I'm just an attention seeking slut. And gawd, right now I have all the attention I could ever have wanted. My poison chalice. The videos will go out of me sucking and fucking as much as I can. Of me grunting and pumping like the little bitch in heat I am.
17:29 <SpandexLex> In this heartbeat of utter and total defeat, my body isn’t mine anymore. It belongs to nature, to impulse, to you?. My breasts swell up as I arch in that wanton submissive posture you've seen so often tonight as you have so utterly and completely broken me. My hips rock up and slap down with lewd slaps and wet squishes. Over and over and over again as I mewl and moan in such utter despair, defeat and desperation. Still I’m humping, still I want more and more and more!
17:30 <SpandexLex> "mmmyyy.. ssssoo... soo.... "
17:31 <SpandexLex> My lips close back around your finger and sssssPPPPPPP hard as I can.
17:33 <SpandexLex> Holding my head back, my pussy in your hand. You can feel it all. Feel me melt as my ass stops slapping as the last pulses run down your touch. You can see my lips pout as I sink into the canvas and settle into a pool of my own cum and filth.... "ple... .ple..... ples sir"
13:13 <Greg_the_Pet_Vet> That open mouth so inviting, your panting, sweating body drained of cum, drained of strength, drained of... everything... and all of you now perfectly prepared, swollen, wet, deliciously ready to be filled. A beaten woman... ripe for the taking. Begging to be filled, in any hole I desire. That open mouth, those swollen ruby red lips, like your swollen wet pussy lips, both reaching up to my thick cock begging to be used. And in another place, another time, maybe I would take the time to enjoy all your holes. But for now, it's getting late, and this crowd is enjoying the show, and frankly those tits you've been bouncing in my face all night just looks so fucking inviting that I can't help but wrap them around my cock and use them for my pleasure.
13:13 <Greg_the_Pet_Vet> My knees jammed firmly up under your armpits trapping you in place, looking down on that beautifully bruised up face, that gaping open mouth... ‘’you really are a beautiful woman, Lex… you just made a’’ ‘’’’’terrible decision tonight…’’’’’ I think to myself, pulling back, and thrusting up slowly in between those big tits, pressing my thighs together to keep your tits firmly up against my shaft, my mushroom head working its way near those open lips, then back down. "Mmmm...." growling in pleasure as I work to claim my prize and use that body I've worked so hard to own tonight, my balls scraping in between those big soft pillows, looking to play 'target practice' with that open mouth.
13:13 <Greg_the_Pet_Vet> Flexing up my big arms over you as I rock my hips back and forth, loving that desperately open-mouthed, wide eyed look of the beautiful woman below me, put in your place, underneath me where you belong... just for fun, not to hurt you, not to punish you, just to demonstrate my ‘’’’’total dominance’’’’’ over you, now I swing a gentle left hook to your jaw, then a right hook, then a left hook, then a right hook... with only barely enough power to turn your head side to side, and remind you how you got here, and why you'll always be mine. Then leaning down, I grip your shoulders... tight... and I can feel that load building in my balls.
13:33 <SpandexLex> Somehow, turning down my yearning, slick sex and gaping, waiting mouth, it's almost as humiliating as every other indignity and torment you've subjected me too since this encounter began. Maybe I'm not good enough, not enough of a challenge to even take and plunder like almost every man I've met has wanted to. Maybe, despite the double-barrelled name, I'm too common. Or maybe you've broken and beaten me ugly! I don't know, but by turning down what is obviously there for you to take well… Well it really fucks with my mind!
13:38 <SpandexLex> Instead you pin me down, those thighs off yours trapping my arms spread out across the mat so I haven't even the illusion of any agency. I'm just a toy for you to use as you please. And it seems it's my bruised up, swollen breasts, crowned in treacherously firm nipples that pleases you. "whhh.. whymmmffff!". I mewl softly as your hands capture sink into tender flesh and throbbing swells of plush fat! They give and mould to your every whim, easily closing around the thick shaft. You can feel the mix of sweat and drool that’s turned my skin slick and pooled in the valley of those heavy, heaving breasts. "nnnffff". You rock forward and your cock slides easily through that valley where you can feel my very life! How they swell up as I take in air through that gaping, stupid slacked jawed mouth. How my heart is beating faster and faster as you use me.
13:47 <SpandexLex> I manage to raise my head, even open my teary, bloodshot black eyes and watch your mushroom head push forward till it almost brushes my waiting, messy lips, only to snake back again. Over and over again! "ooOOoohhh!". When you lash out. It's not like before. Not the devastating force which reduced me to... Well to this! You might as well just be slapping me side to side, twisting my head left to right, right to left. "ughh Ughh... eerrpppP!". As ever, lustrous red hair whips and flicks and spiders across my face as my body rocks just enough for you to feel the pillowy squeeze all along the right side of your shaft, then the left, then the right... On and on it goes, till I feel your close
13:48 <SpandexLex> That's when you pin my shoulders down and an official somewhere counts the one two three. The bell rings but no one cares. My complete and total defeat is coming. I can sense it. Soon it will be in me, or all over me. Is that why I bite down on my lip?
15:39 <Greg_the_Pet_Vet> The rules of UUC fights are... loose, to put it mildly. A 'win' can be recorded by a boxing ten count, a wrestling three count, a tap out... if the winner allows it... Really the 'official' in a brutal exhibition like this is almost a mockery of all 'sport' fighting. Because everyone in this arena knows, the fight isn't over until the winner opens that locked cage door.
15:39 <Greg_the_Pet_Vet> Your defeat is sealed and recorded. It's done. You've lost. You've lost the fight, you've lost your spandex outfit, you've lost control over your body, you've lost your will to resist me, you've lost your ability to seduce me with those wide open, swollen wet begging holes... only one thing left to do now, to seal the deal.
15:39 <Greg_the_Pet_Vet> Beating you up and forcing not one but two life changing orgasms out of you has been quite exciting for me, and I'm ready to call it a day and 'finish you off'. Really, after all the hot sex that's been going on here between us, I need to finish myself off too.
15:40 <Greg_the_Pet_Vet> And so, pumping my thick cock into the valley of those big tits, I clench down hard on your shoulders. A single drop of sweat trickles down my forehead, down the bridge of my nose, to the tip, and falls onto your lips. Grunting, losing control, I fuck your tits with abandon, until finally I feel it building, my balls fill my shaft, I teeter over the brink of no return and squeeze my glutes hard.. before the orgasm washes over me, and I BLAST rope after rope onto your face with a deafening ROAR that echoes through the arena.
16:33 <SpandexLex> It’s ran over schedule, but the crowd stayed to watch one of the biggest mismatches in this shady organisation's storied history. One of the very best in the business taking out his stress and anger,, not in the fight he wanted. No, this was never a fight, this is nature in action. The strong dominating a weak pitiful slut that yearned for too much too quick.
16:40 <SpandexLex> My legs sprawl over the mat, little heels dragging rivets into the canvas and gleaming, sticky thighs brush against one another languidly as one leg rises and gently bends at the knee. That's about all the movement I'm capable of with your weight bearing down so heavily on my trapped, broken body. I pant and whimper as you press down harder, pump more forcefully, getting more and more animalistic by the heartbeat. "mmmfffffff.. awwwhhh ahhhhhh". I know what’s going to happen. I can feel you twitch, the precum smearing and mixes with the sweat and drool lathered over my heavy, succulent swells, but it still surprises me when that first string erupts and splats into my waiting mouth. "gggrrrmmmfffff" My mouth closes as I find myself gulping down your seed, By then two more ropes have splashed across my lips, over my cheek. A little catches in the hair over my face. More and more of my magnificent conqueror's cum criss-crosses over the damage you've did. Some strings from my eyebrow
16:44 <SpandexLex> to my cheek bone. More on my nose. AS the last dribbles snake over my neck and pool between my tits, I let my head drop back. Little bubbles form as I sign under you, so totally defeated, physically, mentally and emotionally. As the sticky seed spreads out into a thick glaze over my face, the last shred of dignity I had. It melts away too. I'm nothing now. Just a stupid, weak little bitch
17:03 <Greg_the_Pet_Vet> Panting, as my muscular pelvic contractions squeeze the last drops of my cum onto the silky smooth skin of your big soft tits, my grip on your shoulders relaxes, my head hangs, my gloved hands slip onto the canvas on either side of your bruised up jaw and chin, and I simply kneel there, on top of you, chest up and down in post orgasmic afterglow, hairy skin flushing in perspiration.
17:04 <Greg_the_Pet_Vet> The cheering crowd of fight fans hooting, and hollering encourage me up, to end this. I reach over to grip a fist full of my boxer briefs and fight shorts casually tossed beside you, and push up with a grunt off your chest, and climb to my feet. For the first time tonight feeling a little weak myself.
17:04 <Greg_the_Pet_Vet> Not that anyone really cares, nor is it really necessary, but in this cage I'm a showman, and so, as I get to my unsteady legs, lift my foot, and step down between those succulent breasts, balancing myself with my sole planted on your sternum, and flex up for the appreciative fans, as a stray drop of cum drips off my foreskin and onto your nipple.
17:04 <Greg_the_Pet_Vet> Then I plod over to the cage door, slipping my feet one at a time into the leg holes of my discarded clothing to get dressed, reach down for that key, unlock the door, and fling it open, as one of my fans hands me a beer and I make my way to the makeshift 'locker room' in the men's room. I don't even look back.
17:16 <SpandexLex> Never before in all of my 23 years and two months, have I ever felt like I do now. It's not just the agony throbbing through every inch of my sweaty, sullied body and swollen up, messy face. It's not just the painful lust burning so hot between my legs. It's.... Well, it's everything, the mish mash of conflicting thoughts and emotions. It's the death of my soul and self-belief, the reality that what’s left of my trademark spandex costume is strewn and torn to give any and every one a view of my sloppy little cunt and my big fat heaving tits. They all have smartphones... Oh God, will my friends see this? Will my folks?!
17:22 <SpandexLex> And then my eyes clear a little and through the one that doesn't have your seed webbed across it, I focus on your face, huffing and puffing haven taken your victory. The man twice my age and 10 times my ability. You rise like an Adonis over me, to rapturous applause and as if on where needed, put an exclamation mark on my destruction with that stomp down into my sternum! I jerk, and jolt around your foot with a choked, "nnnrrmmm" Then flop back down into my place, under the foot of my better. Only the hot drip of cum on my nipple brings any movement, and that’s just a flail of my hand which only serves to smear that glaze over my breast.
17:26 <SpandexLex> As you leave without even a backward glance, I roll onto my front and bury my slimy, cum marked face into the new gloves I was so pleased with and start to sob weak, trembling sobs. No one seems to care. This is your moment. You’re cheered all the way up the to the backstage. Perhaps you notice the two medics running past you. Soon after you leave, I'm hauled up, each man taking an arm and shoulder. My feet trail over the ground as they drag me out of the ring and to the makeshift doctors’ room backstage. All to vitriol and a chant of SLUT SLUT SLUT.
17:27 <SpandexLex> If I'm ever seen in a ring again, it will be some time. And even then, I won’t be the same.. I'll be less.. Less than what little I was when I walked in here this evening.

<Published> 2022-06-29, viewed 125 times.




2022-07-02 11:33

wow! this was so fun to read! awesome writing, Greg and Lex!