Ultimate Pro-Wrestling League - UPL🏆

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Established: 2022-10-05
Chat room: #UPL

  • Pro wrestling
  • Submission
  • Fantasy
  • Long-term roleplay
  • Female / Female
It's all about wrestling.. doesn't matter if it's pro or any other style or type of wrestling.. it's all about fun and wrestling..
200 members
32 stories
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About Ultimate Pro-Wrestling League - UPL🏆

It's all about wrestling, doesn't matter if it's pro, mat, oil, submission, apartment or any other style or type of wrestling. The only aim is to have fun and earn what you deserve. Either you're a heel, face or even a jobber, you can prove yourself in your own categories. Here we'll have competition and all other stuff in a different way..

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21:48 <Thaisa_the_brawler> Polina get break by me 😈😈😈
22:54 <Glamour_Squad> Woah 🤯
07:18 <Suzan> hi
19:18 <Grace> mmmmm...I'm on top of the list...for once
19:42 <Lisette> Hi ladys
11:40 <Lisette> Hi
19:02 <Grace> Look at all the lovely blonde excellence gathered in UPL this fine day.
20:35 <Clara_wrestles> Hi girls
05:13 <JenniNovelli> Hey Lola, Karri.
01:48 <Suzan> Is this more for pro wrestling? I cannot remember?
01:55 <Suzan> Oops. Sorry. Thanks.
20:16 <Paris_Dylann> Helllooo
20:31 <Lisette> hi
05:43 <Juniper_Berry> Hi
20:17 <Kylie_Summers> Happy Halloween
23:52 <Kylie_Summers> I need to unload someone just made me feel like crap Whenever I'm in a match or fight et with anyone I always put before I say what I going to do I TRY which mean I won't automatically be able to do it giving my opponent a chance to stop me or reverse it I never want to dominate or not give who I'm facing a chance I like a challenge. Just like to ask how others do it x
23:57 <Elena_Hard_Body> same, and it annoys me when my opponent ignores it or does a few moves in one message or ignores my reaction etc,
19:51 <Amazing_Andrea> Hey all hope everyone's having a good day.
01:29 <Suzan> This is for pro wrestling, yes?
19:08 <Kylie_Summers> Happy Thanks Giving To All in The US to everyone else Happy Thursday