Valhalla Arena

Public Restricted

Established: 2024-08-26

  • Even match
  • Long-term roleplay
  • Male / Male
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The last frontier of fighting, where Gods, Humans, creatures, demons.. of any race and gender can compete. pensavo questo metti un cuore se ti piace o spollicia
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Tina Armstrong vs Richard - Last Person Standing



it's finally time for Tina Armstrong to make an appearence in my roster of warriors, this time i will face a new opponent: Richard, the prince and the current royal champion, clearly not a nobody.This match will be a last person standing.. the style? I'd say mostly pro style but asome nhb will be included too, meaning that submission holds, smothers and such are allowed... as long as you let your opponent on the ground to let the referee to his job :3The colors are meant to work as a spoiler.. let's just say someone will receive a sausage-punishment :3

(Richard) Warrior_King: The audience gathers around the erected seating, the ring situated in the middle of the throne room. Plush carpeting leads to the roped off arena, a buzz of low chatter humming in the throne room. Richard is the first to enter, the crowd coming to their feet to cheer on the royal champion, a few marks from the previous rounds but still moving well. He drops off his robe and hops onto the ring, stepping through the ropes.. waiting for his opponent to arrive

(Tina Armstrong) Brunhilde:
(Tina Armstrong) Brunhilde: Tina armstrong makes her appearance as the audience goes silent, they just withstood the entrance of one of the strongest women in the Dead Or Alive tournament. Tina wears her typical robes, showing off her slim but yet well trained body, but also her large cleavage.. her body is perfect, her flat abdomen is flat, her cleavage is soft and big and her arms aren't too big for a woman~ Tina takes her hat off and with a soft smirk she throws it to the audience, which a guy catches it. "It's an honour to fight a Prince.. never had the chance before~" she speaks with a soft voice as she enters the ring and looks at the Prince, placing her hands on her soft hips.

(Richard) Warrior_King: "You won't be the first woman Ive defeated to win this tournament.. though you might be the prettiest." Richard grins at Tina, admiring her curves as the crowd settles in. There's no referee for these fights.. they go until one person cant. Verbal submissions are allowed.. but that's never happened before in the championship round. Richard steps up towards the center and prepares to fight.. offering his hands in a test of strength. "Why don't you come here and show me what you're made of"

(Tina Armstrong) Brunhilde: "My my.. what a forward young man you are~" Tina giggle and tries to hide her small laughter with her right hand, but looking at her opponent raising up his hands to offer a test of strength. After fixing her hair with one hand, moving her hair away from her face she winks at him, blowing a kiss from where she was standing before approaching the center of the ring "of course, I'm here to take the crown as the strongest.. I intend to kick your ass~" Tina raises her hands up, but as soon as the two lock their hands together Tina jumps up and rocks a strong right knee up at the Prince's chin!

(Richard) Warrior_King: Her actions leave the prince humming with anticipation, eager to get his hands on such a beauty. When she blows a kiss he catches it and pockets it before grabbing her hands and trying to overpower her. He steps forward, fortunately so because her knee slams into his hard abs instead, causing him to grunt but not stunning him like a shot to the face might have. "Feisty.. I like that. Though you'll find this crown looks better on ME!" His impressive muscles flex, shoulders rippling as he tries to fling her to the ground and splash in top of her curvy body!

(Tina Armstrong) Brunhilde: Tina Armstrong is way less heavy than any male opponent the prince has ever faced, it's easy for him to swing her body up before crashing her down to the canvas.. what's not easy to do is dodging what such a strong woman is capable of. Tina launches her knees up to almost touch her fabrics, she groans in pain as her back crashes first into the canvas..but the knees are meant to hurt the Prince's stomach and to throw him off her in a monkey flip, launching him over head body. "Oh yeah?? You'll have to earn that then!!!"

(Richard) Warrior_King: Grinning as he slams her to the ground he leaps into the air, only to see she's recovered quicker than expected and has her knees aimed right at his abs! "Oh fuhhhhnnn-" He grunts as his momentum sends him over her body, flying past and near the edge of the ring where he lands flat on his stomach, not fully flipping onto his back.. but that toss was still enough to stun him momentarily. He quickly tries to recover, getting to his hands and knees, looking for where his sexy opponent has made her way to.

(Tina Armstrong) Brunhilde: Tina was not a fool, but a skilled and powerful wrestler. No woman on earth has the same skills in wrestling as Tina has in her arsenal, but soon she will demonstrate what she's capable to. The Prince is down, the first one to fall is actually the champion himself, and while he's trying to recover Tina rushes towards him as quick as she could, she jumps up to use his back as a trampoline.. and since they were close to the ropes Tina uses the top rope as an edge to jump higher in the sky, performing a double backflip before crashing down the Prince's spine with a double knee drop! "TAKE THAT!!!" she yells as she falls down like a meteorite.

(Richard) Warrior_King: The prince was near to standing when he suddenly feels two powerful boots slam into his back, knocking him down before he's SLAMMED into the canvas, a loud BOOOOM resounding in the arena as the audience cheers wildly. The wind was knocked out of his lungs, coughing, coming again to his hands and knees a little slower this time, pain radiating throughout his back. "Where did you learn such things?" He sputters, chest heaving as he tries to take a moment to catch his breath

(Tina Armstrong) Brunhilde: "Hmpf, it's a secret Prince.. yet I'm afraid this is just the beginning~" Tina lifts his head(by grabbig his hair)as she gets up and grabs his head to look at his face, winking at him before kissing his cheek, with a long kiss before smashing his face into the canvas harshly to stun him further. Tina then gets behind him, while still holding his hair, so she starts to lift him back to his feet but at the same time she lowers her knees, trying to lean his spine over her shoulders to effectively trapping him over her shoulders in a torture rack position. "So dear.. how badly you were seeking for a beating from my hands huh?" If successful, Tina would hop on her feet quickly, making her breasts jiggle up and down like jelly, but the I tension was to hurt the Prince even more~

(Richard) Warrior_King: The prince resists her, struggling as she lifts his head up to plant a kiss on his cheek.. sending a heat of a different kind through his body. She's stronger than she looks.. and the kiss distracts him enough that she's able to slam his face into the canvas, rattling his head and making it hard to think. He feels himself rising again.. but this time there's no sweet kiss at the end.. only searing pain as she raises him onto her shoulders and begins bouncing, each time sending a fresh wave of agony throughout his body. The crowd falls silent as the prince cries out in pain with each time Tina pulls him tighter over her shoulders, her curves bouncing deliciously..

(Tina Armstrong) Brunhilde: The soft and big breast of the strongest woman of the tournament bounce up and down, that pair of boobs look so inviting.. each movement Tina does causes her boobs to move around, showing off her young and beautiful body. "Hmm? Are princes allowed to cry for mercy? I believe your throne won't last long.. I believe losing to a woman will be your most humiliating defeat." Tina smirks, holding down both the chin and the legs of her opponent who's suffering in lots of pain, without being able to escape. Tina walks slowly towards the corner of the ring, bending the victim over her shoulders even more while doing so.. this requires her to use a lot of strength, but she will try regardless to climb up the turnbuckle while holding the prince on her shoulders, if she succeeds, Tina would wait a second to take a breath before jumping on her knees on the canvas, causing devastating pain over her opponent with a harsh backbreaker.

(Richard) Warrior_King: The pain, while still intense, will be nothing compared to what is to come if Tina is able to climb the turnbuckle. Richard slows his breathing, gathering all his focus and when she goes to step up onto the turnbuckle... He struggles wildly, trying to escape the torture rack and grab her neck on the way down to attempt to throw her body over his shoulder! He's not certain it will work, but he has to try something.. he's the champion after all!!

(Tina Armstrong) Brunhilde: "Tch! Damn it!!" Tina grunts as her body flies off the current champion, she thought she had the match under control.. yet the Prince had to defend himself at some point! With a lot of struggles and pain he's able to grab her neck and stops her, throwing her away.. Tina's body crashes on the canvas, but she quickly rolls a few times to get away from him before standing up once again..

(Richard) Warrior_King:: Richard groans in pain, leaning against the turnbuckle as he struggles to recover from that huge moonsault and torture rack. He's content to bide his time.. protecting his back with the corner of the ring and watching for what move she might make next.. the audience coming back to life as their champion shows life. She's proven herself to be a dangerous opponent.. and incredibly attractive.

(Tina Armstrong) Brunhilde: "My my.. I was so close to snap your back in half, yet I didn't score a knockdown yet. Good boy, you're strong~" Tina smiles while she puts her hands on the back of her hair, fixing them while exposing her body, showing her tight belly and her breasts, which squish together to look even bigger. "Then here I come hun~" Tina walks towards him, looking like a prey against the corner, with her guard up she walks slowly until she's close enough to shoot her right leg to the side, with a strong and fast sidekick to his stomach.
(Tina Armstrong) Brunhilde:

(Richard) Warrior_King:   Richard watches as she takes her time.. showing off her incredible body and stalking closer, fear growing in the out of his stomach. He knows with his back hurting like this he won't be as agile.. so he flexes his abs and prepares to take the mighty kick. Her foot CRASHES into the ridges of his stomach but he quickly grabs her ankle and calf in his big hands, gripping tightly and kicking out at her planted leg, looking to force her down towards the canvas to try to get some control back in this match!

(Tina Armstrong) Brunhilde: Tina was able to land a strong shot on his abs, in fact in order to win this match she needs to target his belly too. Because his organs must be targeted to wear his Stamina down.. but he resisted, the prince was about to show off why he's the strongest in the tournament! "Tch!" Tina grunts, hitting her back and is now looking up at the price who's holding her leg up, after being sweeped off her balance.

(Richard) Warrior_King: "She looks good on her back" screams one of the peasants from the stands, the crowd roaring as Richard struggles with her strong leg, trying to twist it painfully to forcing her to her stomach  . If he's successful, he would walk closer to her and bend her back painfully, looking to get some revenge for her attack on his! "I won't just try to snap your back.. I will!!"

(Tina Armstrong) Brunhilde: "mghh- shit!" Tina's body is defendless at the moment, she was unable to stop the current champion from twisting her leg painfully, and so she groans and tries to resist the pain while being turned over. Her flat belly is now facing the mat.. but her boobs are squishing against it, looking even bigger as they are forced to be pressed against the canvas. "Agghh.. shit!!" Tina groans but not too loud, since she's flexible and is durable to such moves. She tries to crawl towards the ropes, trying to lunge her hand and grab the bottom rope while her back is bent..

(Richard) Warrior_King: He places his his knee into her back, enjoying the view of her sexy body squirming beneath him. "There are no rope breaks here silly.. just bone breaks!!" He roars as he tries to really bend her back painfully, getting greedy and losing his grip on her leg that SLAMS to the canvas with a loud bang. Fortunately he's already on top of her, but with the damage already done to his back and abs he doesn't move as quickly as he would normally, his full weight pressing into her back for a moment before his weight shifts to his back leg, trying to fall forward onto her to keep her beneath him

(Tina Armstrong) Brunhilde: "Nghh.. who cares? That wasn't my intention you dumbass!" Tina grins her teeth, trying not to succumb to the pain but instead keep fighting as much as she could to get to the ropes, she was not going for the rope break, instead Tina was trying to get some leverage, some control over the ground and so as the prince let go of her leg she has now more space to work with. The champ is looking to assert his full weight on the legendary fighter from dead or Alive, as soon as his weight shifts to his right leg a window of hope appears in front of her eyes. A window to knock the wounded prince off her body, to get back on track in this last person standing.. Tina grins her teeth and grabs the rope with both her hands, with all the strength she could pull off she twists her body, thanks to her toned abdomen, but also her muscolar shoulders and arms, she twisted her body so hard to the side, moving also the prince to the side, right where the prince has his side exposed due to his full weight on his eight leg. "GRRR!!" She grunts in anger, taking out all her strength to roll herself over while knocking the prince off her. If she's successful she would roll away quickly, helping herself out by grabbing the ropes of the opposite side of the ring "shit.."

(Richard) Warrior_King: With a little help from Tina, Richard is sent further back than expected, and when he goes to fall onto her body she's able to roll away and dodge. The prince instead falls onto his forearms, growling in frustration as she continues to escape, planting his feet under him and charging forward, hopefully trying to slam into Tina with his shoulder if he's fast enough! "Why are you running!!" The way her body bounces during all of this.. he can't help but picture all the things he'd like to do to her..

(Tina Armstrong) Brunhilde: Tina is quick and more agile than most of the women despite her tall stature, compared to a wounded man of course the gap regarding the agility is way bigger. Tina manages to roll away before he could land his shoulder on her, but this causes Tina to stand up way before she reaches the ropes, once on her knees she sprints forward as quick as she could, aiming to jump up and land a flying dropkick at the face of the so called Prince. "Shut the hell up brat!!" Tina grins her teeth, throwing herself in mid air.

(Richard) Warrior_King: The prince staggers past, bouncing into the ropes and turning to find Tina's feet flying straight at his face! His hands were up, but her powerful strike BLASTS through them, his lower body continuing it's momentum as he's knocked clean from his feet, slamming onto his weakened back and moaning in pain. The crowd ERUPTS with excitement, screaming for the newcomer as Richard rolls on the ground in pain.

(Tina Armstrong) Brunhilde: Tina flies off the ground, both her boots connect with a harsh impact, clean on Richard's face to throw him off his feet and drop on his back. The audience erupts with joy as the first knockdown has been scored by the hottie lady with a cowboy-like robe on, Tifa takes a few steps back to let the counting begin. "1...2..." Tina counts, raising her right hand to count, using her left hand to hold her soft side.

(Richard) Warrior_King: Richard rolls over onto his stomach, coming again to hands and knees, shaking his head to clear out the cobwebs after that mighty blow. "3...4...5..." He begins to raise to his feet, taking the few moments to collect himself before readying himself to fight again, coming to stand fully before the count hits 8. He glares at Tina, nose dripping a little blood, abs reddened from that powerful kick earlier. He screams and charges forward, aiming to grab whatever part of Tina she goes to block with or throw at him

(Tina Armstrong) Brunhilde: Tina smirks, looking at her opponent who's bleeding from the nose. A wave of confidence and pride flows into her blood, the prince is really battered compared to the hot blonde standing on the opposite side of the ring, and so our if frustration or anger rushes forward, like a mad bull. "TAKE THIS!" Tina shouts, waiting for the prince to come close enough to unleash a devastating right side kick to his already reddish stomach, aiming to either stop or punish him

(Richard) Warrior_King: Richard watches as the sexy blonde rushes forward, enjoying the bouncing before she gets into range for another side kick. He misses the block, her foot slamming into his reddened abs and forcing him back into the turnbuckle, his back screaming in pain from the torture rack earlier. His fingers slide off her leg, unable to find purchase as he slumps in the corner of the ring.. not as ready as he thought. The crowd cheers loudly, enjoying the champion getting a taste of his own medicine.. it's always fun to see a royal brought down a peg

(Tina Armstrong) Brunhilde: A joyful chunkle escapes from Tina's soft lips, with a playful manner she approaches the current champion, which gets thrown into the corner. "What's wrong prince, feeling out of breath already? Well, then let me take care of that real quick~". Tina approaches the man with her hands on her soft hips, slowly bringing them up to softly huh Richard's head and pull it down towards her chest, trying to get him in a standing breast smother against the turnbuckle, using her soft and sweaty boobs~

(Richard) Warrior_King: The crowd begins cat calling and making other lewd noises as Tina presses herself to Richard in the corner, drawing his handsome face into her massive melons. The scent of her is intoxicating, and the slight sheen of sweat helps seal off his air.. his already fuzzy brain struggling to comprehend what's happening. His hands come to her biceps to try and push her away, their hips pressing together as he attempts to escape this booby trap.

(Tina Armstrong) Brunhilde: "Can you hear the crowd? I believe they're envy of your position, so why on earth would you escape such.. fortunate hold?" Tina starts giggling, feeling Richard's pathetic attempts to break free.. she keeps pushing her body into his, not letting a single molecule of oxygen into his body. Her bust moves left and right, carefully rubbing the soft and sweaty flesh of her chest over the current champion right on his face.

(Richard) Warrior_King: He was already hypnotized by her curves.. and her scent.. and now as she slides her impressive bust across his face it's not long before he's draped in the corner, her body the only thing holding him up. His legs lose their strength and he begins to snore in her massive mammaries, her pillowy prison too much for him to handle.

(Tina Armstrong) Brunhilde: Tina feels the strengths fading from the standing corpse of the current champion, she decides to pursue the beating. With a smooth movement she backs up with a single step, guiding Richard's head down between her legs.. releasing his face from her deadly booobas. "Now now.. it's time for you to face the consequences of your arrogance. Or.. perhaps face the canvas♡" she blows a kiss and giggles a bit before hooking his arms on his back, then she squeezes his head a bit before jumping up and dropping down with a devastating pedigree.

(Richard) Warrior_King:: Earlier in the fight he might have been able to resist.. but he's lost in Dreamland now. He faintly feels her warm thighs surround his head.. and her squeeze brings him back to reality, facing down the white canvas as she pins his muscular arms behind his back. "Wait noo!" He manages to get out before the ground comes rushing up at him, his stomach flipping and his head CRUNCHING beneath her, his body flopping flat on the canvas as he moans in pain, a pool of red forming from his now broken nose as Tina dominates this fight

(Tina Armstrong) Brunhilde: Tina, filled with confidence, steps over the prince and poses with her right foot on top of his skull.. a showcase of pure dominance and power, as she waits for the referee to start counting :3

(Richard) Warrior_King: Richard writhes on the ground, trying to bring himself out of the haze but he can't seem to get control. He manages to roll over onto his back as he hears the count of "five.." staring up Tina's sexy body.. wondering how she managed to destroy him so utterly

(Tina Armstrong) Brunhilde: Tina giggles as Richard looks up at her sexy and fit body. With both hands on each side of the soft and vast breasts she pushes inwards, squishing and rubbing the pair of tits against each other. "Mhhh... poor prince.. he surely needs some time to recover. But I believe you should just rest, lay down and surrender yourself to me~"

(Richard) Warrior_King: The next few seconds feel like an eternity. "Six.." Richard reaches back and grabs the ropes, beginning to pull himself to a seated position as the crowd counts "Seven", more lewd sounds as Tina shows off her sexy form for the crowd. "Eight..." Richards chest heaves, deciding if he wants more punishment.. or if he's done. "Nein" his brain says yes.. but his body says no, panting in effort as the crowd finally screams 10!!"

(Tina Armstrong) Brunhilde: Tina feels the struggling body of her opponent trying to keep going, yet his body seeks for safety and comfort. After a long count to ten the crowd gets up and throws a lot of trash toward the ONCE champion of the arena.. Richard gets hit numerous times in the head by tons of tomatoes and.. AN ENTIRE JAR OF MAYONNAISE. Tina giggles as she holds up the Mayonaisse 20 liters jar, she puts it down and opens it.. only to lean down to grab Richard and help him up, setting up a piledriver position, trapping his head between her legs... YET when she lifts him upside down she doesn't go for the canvas, instead she transported the once proud man towards the mayonnaise jar and.. START TO DIP HIS HEAD REPEATEDLY INTO THE MAYONNAISE. "Sorry but.. this is an order of the mighty Brunhilde, I can't escape her wishes.." Tina keeps dipping your head back and into the mayonaisse as if you were a biscuit, and the mayo was milk.. tee-heeee



Published: 2024-08-05, viewed 96 times.



Fushiguro Toji (deleted member)

2024-08-06 05:18

Nice match!! 🤣 didn't expect that ending!! Was a fun read tho!!

Haruka Nanase

2024-08-05 10:47

Nice match you two! Both did great~

Warrior King

2024-08-05 14:14

(In reply to this)

Thanks Haruka! I've always had a weak spot for Tina.. thanks for bringing her to life Brunhilde ❤️


2024-08-05 14:23

(In reply to this)

You're welcome, mayo king :3