Valhalla Arena

Public Restricted

Established: 2024-08-26

  • Even match
  • Long-term roleplay
  • Male / Male
  • Male / Female
  • Female / Female
The last frontier of fighting, where Gods, Humans, creatures, demons.. of any race and gender can compete. pensavo questo metti un cuore se ti piace o spollicia
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Tifa Lockhart vs Kyo Kusanagi - Knockout wrestling match!

Story of Week 27, 2024


This match me and Nico had happened around 6 months ago, both me and Nico weren't having the best time of our lives, in fact i could say i was at my lowest. If i made any grammar horrors(which in fact i did, a lot) just let them slide, we had quite a bit of fun together and i'd like to share the story in here.
You can see the random shifts in our literacy, specially at the beginning, just be patient and it will turn into an epic showdown.. but also a bit insane from my hand :3 .


Brunhilde, head of the valkyrie and the eldest of them was approached by a veteran wrestler, his name was Nicolas, he was seeking to challenge one of the strongest members of the league of Brunhilde, Tifa Lockhart. The eldest valkyrie in fact was also the leader of a roster to defend mankind against the gods, the members of this roster are the strongests in the world of fiction(videogames, manga and comics), such as Nier Automata, Final Fantasy, Attack On Titan, Jujutsu Kaisen and so on.
Nicolas was interested in facing Tifa Lockhart, hands down the best girl in Final Fantasy 7 and the strongest female martial artist, but he wasn't going to face Tifa, he presented a proud warrior from The King of Fighters .. his name was Kyo Kusanagi, a perfect rival but also a devastating counter to Lockhart's might.

The two composed a perfect match, both fighters accomplished numerous records and they are basically evenly matched in terms of agility, speed, strenght and martial art skills. Kyo may have more fire-enhanced abilities, which could help him out in both long range and close range encounters, he could land some powerful blows on Tifa. On the other hand Tifa is more agile and her limit breaker could deal some serious damage, while being less durable she does have a solid attack power.

Metro City offered to host the match inside the Ring of Power arena, a vast arena in which fighters from across the world are free to compete and battle for supremacy. The match will be a knockout exhibition, both fighters will be free to utilise what skill they prefer in order to knock the opponent out. Basically a mixture of martial arts, but on a wrestling ring.


Natty(aka Cupcake, her model is Giulia Valeriani), Mark Ricci(lord of confusion), Cloud, Aerith and Barret. 

Tifa Lockhart(Brunhilde) 

People from Metro city have flooded the arena of the ring of power, a wrestling ring inside the stadium of Metro city. The stadium is huge as is the largest building in the entire city, as it was built by the one who fought criminals and built the entirety of Metro city by itself, using his legendary fists.. the name of this deceased hero is Mike Haggar.

Tifa makes her entrance with Kyo by her side, the entrance music blasts trought the stereos, moving the entire crowd to start showing their energy to the two fighters.

Tifa walks forward fixing her hair with a gentle touch, her hand slowly reaching down her shoulder and slowly turning her head to Kyo, smiling at him.

"I wish you the best, see you in the ring Kyo~"

When they're in front of the ring Tifa turns to face Kyo, bowing to express a respect between warriors. Cloud, in the crowd, smiles at the respectful gesture from Tifa before she eventually got in the ring, standing in front of her corner stretching her fit yet lean arms.

Kyo Kusanagi(Nicolas)

Kyo Kusuanagi, the heir of a clan of warriors destined to save the world, not terra or Midgard exactly but another Earth, actually likes having matches like this ones is a good training even if he wins or loses, even though he's never lost yet and the secret to that is trick most of fighters thinking his funny and well a bit annoying personality hides a dumb person but he's really analitic of anything that happens, prove to that is the simple prove of that even though he was smiling and playing a bit with the crowd and his fire powers ( he haves them but he's contractually obligated to don't use them so relax) he notice the gentle touch and the deliberated gestures as she turn to wish her good luck he smiles but he a bit more evil saying " Thanks , hope the same for you"

Then as Tifa turn and starts the bow he finally has a little assumption of her style as he now down as well ' Ultra controlled moves add with a form of traditional East.... Basically a style similar like mine , okay this will be interesting ' he thinks as he end the bow as well and enters the ring, as he tights is headband and starts jumping a bit to warm up for the match . YT

Tifa Lockhart(Brunhilde)    

Tifa is the embodiment of what a kind heroine should be, her pure heart can be spotted trought her innocent eyes, her soft yet joyful smile is the proof of how much she can be kind.

In fighting contexts Tifa is a born martial artist, the versatility of her arsenal transformed this cute lady is now a warrior.

Tifa completed the stretching and now it's time for some warm-ups.

Tifa throws a dozen of punches in the air, then kicks start to arrive and cut the air.. the shadowboxing is becoming a dance, an elegant performance.

Tifa wants to win to prove the world she is not just a chick, but a chick who can kick ass well.

Once she finishes her right eyes are pointed at the challanger, which she knows nothing about.

Tifa starts thinking as she analyses her opponent, trying to study his movements.

*he looks strong, but I will take the distances and take any opportunity he will give. I'm not going to underestimate anyone tonight.*

Tifa gets her fists up again and let the referee check her gear, the gauntlets first and then the boots, he also tries to control her skirt but a swift and elegant kick says hello to his future kids.

With his nuts crushed the referee gives the signal(of help), the bell rings and the dances commence.

Tifa is cautious, her footwork is controlled and is now circling around Kyo, looking for an opening~

Kyo Kusanagi(Nicolas)

Again Kyo haves a bunch to anylize as he just jumps and stretch doesn't launch a single punch that might give Tifa a clue, but on the other hand Tifa gives him some more clues, the speed of the punches and kicks are really fast, just a glimmer of second so he thinks she is mainly focusing of speed, and then the reffere seen, was hilarious and Kyo laugh at the poor referee but give him even more clues now in start forming a strategy to go ahead with the match as Tifa is a hero and super controlled but doesn't allow that kind of stuff.

Kyo doesn't have a plan completely formed so he need some more info in his procedure so goes with his normal and standard approach to matches, trying provoke the rival to attack.

" So controlled and methodic, but one little disturbance and you try go with anger isn't it, Tiffa" he says still with that silly smile on his face, arms up and a bit stiff the classic boxing position like suggesting that's his main style to see how she prefers to attack

Tifa Lockhart(Brunhilde)     

Tifa Lockhart decides it's time to attack. Despite her opponent being a refined man, not making the first move, he waits for the woman to take the initiative. The calm, almost condescending patience he exudes only fuels Tifa's growing frustration. Her hands clench into fists, knuckles white with the effort of containing her mounting anger after the misspronunciation of her name.

"H-hey! My name is not Tiffa, it's Tifa!!" >:(  she yells, with an angry face printed on her face.

Her eyes narrow, and she stomps a foot on the ground, the impact sending a small tremor through the earth beneath them. The force of her stance causes a few loose stones to jump and clatter away. Placing her hands firmly on her hips, she glares at the man, her posture radiating a blend of fierce determination and simmering rage.

Without another word, Tifa lunges forward, muscles coiling like springs before releasing in a burst of motion. Her right leg swings around in a powerful, rage-filled side kick, aimed directly at her opponent's midsection. The air whistles around her foot, and her eyes burn with a fiery intensity that leaves no doubt—this attack is fueled by more than just combat; it's a demand for respect.

Kyo Kusanagi(Nicolas)

" Well sorry about ..... Damm URRGGGG" He says as he doesn't expect how she pass from a kid like rant to a powerful attack in not even a second he takes the kick right in his ribs and is bad real bad, as he actually takes a couple steps back closing an eye, that kick wasn't supposed to have such strength for such a small frame of body, but it stinks badly.... With that in mind Kyo takes a second to recover and then moves forward again still in the boxing position but with pain on the side.

Tifa Lockhart(Brunhilde)     

Tifa threw a blind attack at her opponent, a sidekick to Kyo's stomach to punish him. The kick lands, causing him to stagger backwards to recover. The crowd gets hyped as miss Lockhart unleashes the first strike, but right after she feels a bit bad about Kyo, a simple misspelling shouldm't bother her at all.
The angry mood turns into guilt, due to that Tifa shifts back to her innocent self, quite a weakness if you're battling someone.
Tifa approaches him slightly but stops almost right after.

"Are you injured? Do you need an ambulance or something else like.. perhaps a-"

Tifa is interrupted as Kyo steps up in a boxing fighting guard, Tifa accepts the challange(she literally challanged herself in a boxing encounter), Tifa approaches him and delivers with amazon prime a quick right jab and another left jab to both cheeks, but the real deal with amazon prime is a super fast and efficient(strong) right hook to the ribs already being hit before!

Kyo Kusanagi(Nicolas)

If she don't notice what Kyo was trying is too bad for her , as he stand up again saying , honestly for the first time

 " you are too gentle "

 as he goes forward and when he sees Tifa with that boxing position he decides is time to attack as he actually drops hands and shows what's he's main strength actually is, avoiding both the jabs and then block the hook all in just 2 seconds , the crowd clueless of what just happened he says " now your know we both like speed" to then launch a sharp elbow aiming her chin trying to take an advantage as he thinks she wasn't ready for him answering with speed... YT

Tifa Lockhart(Brunhilde)     

Tifa's speed is unmatched, her quick reflexes can overcome most of the fighters in the whole globe as she wins most of the contests of boxing.. But due to her guilt she kinda holds back and Kyo sees this opportunity to nail Tifa with a sharp and precise elbow to her chin. 
Tifa's  head tilts to the side, pushed by Kyo's elbow, but also her brain was shaken, leading to a small concussion and her body to collapse in an instant.

*eh? What is going on? Why am I falling down? Eh?*

Tifa's body collapses frontwards, crumbling down om her knees before ending up with her face right against the canvas, she immediately rasises her head up to try to understand what just happened.

"Oh... I was hit.. hurts.."

Tifa tries to stand up, but is met with the aftermath of a concussion, even if this was nothing but a scratch she couldn't stand up without stumbling with her feet.. the match could have ended right there, with a single blow.

Kyo Kusanagi(Nicolas)

" Well You are a weird Tifa, really weird" 

He says as he is surprise himself and the shock don't allows him to go right with his plan, so when she's up he finally reacts , seeing Tifa in such a state he decides in honor of she having some consideration he have it as well letting some room to recover saying

 " Come here warrior, show me why all this crowd was so shocked to see you fall with one hit "

Tifa Lockhart(Brunhilde)    

The encounter between these two powerful warriors had taken a rather bizarre turn. With a well-placed single blow to the chin, Kyo managed to shake Lockhart's brain to the point of causing her to collapse to the ground. The referee refrained from starting the count because he couldn't believe it himself. Kyo allows Tifa to get back on her feet and take a moment before continuing.

"Uh, not my fault... caught me off guard, though. Nice shot, but."

Tifa, still somewhat dazed from the blow, loses a bit of balance on her feet, so she slaps herself and gets back into a defensive stance.

"I won't be caught off guard a second time; this time, I'll make myself heard."

Tifa assumes her fighting position and lunges forward to begin her offensive. Since the offensive is still raw because she can't plan a takedown or anything on the first strike, Tifa starts by unleashing simple but extremely fast strikes: a right hook to pressure Kyo's guard, hitting precisely the guard. With the second hit, a quick left hook to the face to raise the guard.

As soon as the guard is raised, Tifa performs a somersault kick, aiming to strike Kyo's chin. Whether it hits the guard or the face, she propels herself backward.

"Here I come!"

Tifa's real attack arrives as soon as her feet touch the ground. She propels herself forward with a powerful momentum to unleash a straight spinning kick to Kyo's ribs, using her right leg. The crowd is confused, likely due to the effects of the confusion demon Mark, who might be lurking nearby, or perhaps because the match was genuinely perplexing up to that point.

But nonetheless they're exited to see the legendary warrior of Gaia starting to get serious

Kyo Kusanagi(Nicolas)

The first move was actually perplexing in different ways but as Kyo, following some of his family steps let her the time to recover, as he wants to see her true skill , so he takes his time to actually think how to proceed and actually removes his heavy jacket, if the match was going in the direction he has planned he woul need all the mobility he can get.

"I expect that, would be a bit disappointing facing someone with a good attack and absolutely no defense" he say as he sees Tifa slap herself and get focus so he does that too, not the slapping part but get focus in what is about to happen, he hears how the crowd even in their state of confusion are getting ready to support their idol, so he knows she must be having something even better of what he have seen under your sleeves, even do her is half naked .

But even with that two hits rocks their body, even faster than before as he wasn't expecting that level of speed in those ones, the right hit goes at the levels of his guard that level being pretty low she hits her belly to them answer with another fast kick that rocks his face, luckily enough she didn't put that much force into the strikes, and even do they hurt, cause they did and is pretty visible on Kyo's face, he was able to take them and serve the porpoise of making him use to the speed, prove to that is that he avoid the somersault kick by taking a step backwards.

He was ready for an attack himself but then he notices Tifa being in the ropes and run as fast as a bullet in his direction, he only had two seconds to evaluate and he decides quickly to take one and receive one, so in the exact second Tifa arrive and puts a foot in the air, Kyo takes a step forward and try unload a fierce right hook on her belly, he didn't have the time to guess the type of attack but he take the shoot on the hook.

Kyo is not sure if his punch hit or it didn't but he's definitely sure that kick did, and it didn't break a rib of a miracle cause the impact was heavy. As he opens his eyes really big trying to even process the pain he feels he's launched to the ropes, and when he hits them it makes it fall into one knee holding his side, he would normally scream but the hit take most of the air out of his lungs and he can't , now he's begging he hit her cause if he didn't he's in a really bad position

Tifa Lockhart(Brunhilde)    

Tifa Lockhart unleashed her offensive against Kyo, catching him off guard, but he, not a fool, managed to dodge the penultimate somersault kick in the air, yet he took the hits, he took them seriously.

Tifa's athletic movements create hype in this vast arena; the Macho ring erupts in cheers as Lockhart gets into action and finally reveals what she's made of.

The crowd watched Tifa perform an acrobatic move with enchantment in their gaze, their eyes shining with admiration, and their attention fixed on every motion. The anxious silence broke as she gracefully landed, delivering a couple of body shots. A ripple of astonishment spread among the spectators, their faces reflecting surprise at the acrobatic mastery and precision of the strikes, creating an atmosphere charged with palpable emotions.

Meanwhile, Cloud, in the crowd but near the ring, stared at Tifa with intense eyes. His expression reflected a combination of astonishment and pride, admiring Tifa's skill in combat. The blade of his sword remained still, but his eyes carefully followed each move, emphasizing the respect and admiration for Tifa's abilities.

"Tifa is extraordinary. Her bare-handed attacks have always been immensely strong and lethal, but what makes her even more dangerous is her agility. No one would have executed such a combination of attacks."

Cloud thought to himself, still in awe, but the action wasn't over yet. Kyo, returning the assault, attempted to smash Tifa's ribs with a powerful and lightning-fast kick. He decided to strike Tifa Lockhart's abdomen with his right hook, her midriff always exposed in combat despite being an advantage for the enemy.

Usually, in combat, the body is covered to confuse the opponent, but thanks to Japanese developers, they've gradually portrayed the valkyrie writing this lesbian move more and more each day.

"It's not possible... how did he-" *agh!*

Tifa's thoughts were abruptly interrupted as Kyo's punch connected. One of Tifa's eyes squinted as they simultaneously struck each other. Despite being in mid-air and taking a direct hit, Tifa didn't yield on one knee. She looked at Kyo, holding her hand slightly on her belly. However, Tifa immediately wanted to capitulate the offense she was carrying out. Kyo was on a painful knee, and so Tifa rushed toward him. Her steps were swift, movements well-coordinated. Tifa jumped high, using Kyo's head as a slight trampoline with one foot, initiating her next move. With the other foot, she propelled herself into another somersault in the air, aiming to hit her opponent's chin.

"Take this!"

As Tifa prepared to unveil her newfound technique, the "Dolphin Blow," the arena buzzed with anticipation. The crowd's murmurs heightened, and a hushed excitement filled the air, amplifying the suspense of the unfolding battle.

With an elegant yet powerful kick, Tifa propelled Kyo into the air. The audience collectively held their breath, captivated by the spectacle. As Kyo descended, Tifa, fueled by determination, harnessed the kinetic energy from her previous maneuvers to propel herself upward with astonishing grace.

Her ascent seemed almost ethereal, defying gravity as if she were a martial arts maestro dancing in the air. The vivid stage lights accentuated the sheer spectacle, casting dramatic shadows that heightened the intensity of the moment.

As Tifa closed the gap between them, her fist crackling with energy, she unleashed the "Dolphin Blow." The impact resonated like a thunderclap, echoing through the arena. Kyo, caught in the cyclone of Tifa's strike, ascended even higher, his figure resembling a marionette propelled by an unseen force.

The crowd erupted into a mix of gasps, cheers, and exclamations. Cloud, among the spectators, watched in awe as Tifa's punch created an illusionary aura, its brilliance akin to a radiant dolphin leaping through the shadows. The atmosphere buzzed with energy, as if the very essence of the battle had materialized in that transcendent moment.

As Kyo reached an apex, his trajectory uncertain, the audience collectively braced for the outcome. Tifa, a silhouette against the vibrant lights, demonstrated not only physical prowess but also an artistic finesse in the execution of her extraordinary move, leaving an indelible impression on everyone fortunate enough to witness the spectacle unfold.

Kyo Kusanagi(Nicolas)

As Kyo was laying down and Cloud is admiring the raw beauty of the offensive of Tifa a mysterious redhead guy sits besides Cloud saying " That girl is something else..... And btw I been watching for some weeks and I know the girl and you have something, I'm Iori btw the rival of that stupid guy kneeling" he says with a evil smile as he turns his attention back into the ring, where Kyo is recovering and he notices that he actually hit Tifa but the hit wasn't enough to stun her like she did , and then she starts moving in his direction

Kyo doesn't have much time as he has still lying so he keep in defense move so the trained eye would notice but the crowd is just cheering when Tifa send him flying up but he put the palm of his hand under his chin when Tifa attempted her gracious and beautiful move, he was rocketed up but still really really concient on the moves he was doing , but he was still stunned as the kick are like a bomb hit your body, But sadly for him when you are in the air is absolutely impossible to doge anything, and his fear came true as he sees that Tifa is flying like an angel in the air with a force similar to a nuke , kinetic force that emulates a water and hit Kyo's body which such a power than is clear not many could endure, sending him flying into the half of the stadium, the hole crowd going insane as they think this is over, such a elegant yet powerful display should definitely KO anyone ..... Right?? Let's rewind a little Kyo is flying up in the sky after getting hit with the first kick, Cloud is really excited of whats happening and Io is just watching when he saw Tifa jumping and forming a sort of energy Io suddenly smiled again as he said " Well that girl just fuck it up" all the people around him look amazed and look at him like a mad man but what the people didn't knew is those two Io and Kyo have a special contract with the promotion, they can't use their natural given habilities in any match with just one expection, if the other attack first with any sort of special energy attack.... And that what Tifa just did.

The punch hit Kyo on the belly and actually made him spit a mix of saliva with a little if blood , but after it when he was trapped in the cyclone of water he actually smile as he said to himself " well is time to go on the offensive" Kyo is hurt that's no mystery but he swallos that pain only to answer that beautiful attack with a brutal one.

All the people suddenly see how that beautiful water cyclone with dolfins gets broken and suddenly a tornado of red and yellow flames forms as Kyo is spinning in the air, all that flames formed thanks to his punch, so taking advantage of the altitude and using now his full power (in which she sees his brown eyes get a little brighter) he attempt hitting her with one his own power moves as he aims and land directly at her head , fist first as the tornado forms into a Japanese dragon, flames of kinetic force covering the hole body of Tifa as Kyo goes for his " Dragon Cycle"

After a second the flames go away and the first thing the people see is Kyo laying on his all fours , the hits he have taken doesn't come freely so he haves to rest a bit , doesn't knowing exactly is Tifa take the hit or how is her state after his brutal counter.

Tifa Lockhart(Brunhilde)     

The combination of strikes and acrobatic move must have left a mark on the hearts of who is withstand the entire fight, just a moment ago Tifa was delivering packages with the help of amazon prime(fuck you gls I want my 4k monitor now so hurry up) and also went down after a single shot.

Now is throwing his opponent in mid air with spectacular moves, yet it seems not enough to bring Kyo down.. or at least it was more than enough to hurt him for good, but he was far from done and was about to show everyone what he was about.

Cloud notices a changes in Kyo's face and once the dolphin cyclone breaks everyone goes in shock, but most importantly Tifa was wide open this time and had no chance to avoid or block this time.

"N-no way, TIFA!!"

Cloud screams out her name but it's already too late, he couldn't protect her childhood friend and the feeling of being powerless frustrates him so much. Tifa is still in mid air, the cyclone of water shattered by the fire of the punch that has been sent right to the undefended head of his opponent.

Tifa widen her eyes, she was speechless to see such a powerful move being used against her.


Tifa yells as the heat of the flames is really high, her whole body is trapped in this circle of flames and she is only able to see the brighter eyes of her opponent, nothing is possible to do now unless you're a God tier martial artist.

The gaian warrior somehow manages to move her face the minimum amount requited to take the punch to her cheek, instead of being struck in the head she minimised the damages to the brain into this.

"Gaah! Aagh.."

Tifa's body is thrown at full force backwards, the sight of her body flying out of the flames hurts he heart of her fans who came her all the way from Gaia and Midgar, but little they know Tifa is far from done.


Tifa's body keeps flying until her back hits the ropes, her body arches on them exposing her body to Kyo.

A light moan escapes her lips when her body bends on the ropes before bouncing off them towards the center of the ring.

Tifa kneels a few meters from Kyo, she pants a bit due to the heavy exchange of blows from both sides.. Tifa did really put a lot of fight behind her moves and her breath is a slight heavier than before.

Her red eyes meet Kyo's bron eyes and so she takes a few seconds before standing up, she wasn't fully recovered and the punch landed left an impact on Tifa but nonetheless she stood back on her feet.

"The punch you landed.. what's his name? I've been training since I was a kid, I have never felt such a devastating blow before. If I didn't react in time I'd be laying on the canvas by now.."

Tifa clenches her fists, she assume a versatile kickboxing stance who also meets her unique fighting style and is prepared once again to encounter her opponent.

*I must win.. for Cloud but most importantly for myself, I can't let Kyo beat me up.. but he's strong, I must give my all.*

Tifa's eyes sharpened as the tension of the battle rises up, Cloud admires her childhood friend(and for fuck sake just kiss goddammit) and crosses his arms, looking at her with a smile on his face.

Kyo Kusanagi(Nicolas)

Kyo sees Tifa kneeling just some meters away from him looking tired, he have taken more hits than Tifa haves so he's breathing heavily he knows he put a lot of effort in his attacks so both sides should be feeling equally tired, and he can see it in those red eyes so similar to his when the flames go out, and when he sees her up she stand up as well holding his destroyed belly but after some seconds she put his hands up, assuming his actual preferred positions with his hands open and in a modified Kung Fu position to let flexibility shine, as he stand straight as a rule as he answers

" Is a family inheritance, both the flames and the fighting and endurance, I been training hole life as well, and that is one of my fire strike moves, the dragon cycle.... But as for yourself if I didn't take some precautions and have the endurance I've I'll be down with severe organ problems " he says as one his fist lights up , his eyes turn brighter again almost in a bright right tone

The the flames go away and his eyes go back to normal, now he haves his full potential open to fight with but nows his rival is a fierce one , he have to win and will do everything in his hand to do it, so he smiles back at her with a competitive spirit, Io now watching all this more closely, as Kyo decides go first to open a way of attack as he beggins launching a series of kicks, legs, belly, ribs, chest , face , he goes for every part of her body testing and seeing which one he can attack seeing if Tifa let any part open.

Tifa Lockhart(Brunhilde)     

"Your martial art embraces the fire, I assume you're a follower of the art of fire.. your family must be the be one of the strongest then."

Tifa acknowledges her opponent, she knew little to nothing about Kyo and finally has a clear idea of the warrior she is facing:

Kyo is no ordinary opponent, nor human and not even the strongests like Chun Li could've delivered such a powerful blow out of nowhere. The counter made of fire in mid air, Kyo proved to be worthy of being one of the strongest in the planet.

"It's an honor to meet you Kyo, now give me your best. They know me for kicking ass, I will not back down tonight."

Tifa takes a defensive position and let her opponent take the initiative this time, Kyo closes the distances so Tifa gets ready for a hand to hand combat situation.

There are a lot of options to counter or parry a kick and Tifa is a professional in this sector.

Being born combat ready Tifa blocks the kicksnto the upper body with swift dodges and deflects most of the kicks with her hands, she is forced to move her body and step back as Kyo aims for the belly but she is keeping the distances.

When it comes to the lower body Tifa maintained the distances by blocking with her shins, but since she has more space to work with a spectacular dance begins between the two of them.

Tifa smiles genuinely looking at Kyo's eyes, she raises her right leg to start countering his kicks with her own kicks and so after blocking kicks she throws a powerful kick of her own, with this kick Tifa crashes her own foot into the ankle of her opponent to damage his ankle(when Kyo's leg is going for a high kick) and also throw him off balance.

"Don't get your guard down Kyo!"

Tifa charges a powerful spinning heel kick to the side of Kyo's head, her kick is lighting fast and as strong as a tank blast, she uses a quick spinning kick to throw Kyo even more off balance or Even worse, perhaps even putting him into troubles.. but still she goes for this powerful blow without stopping by.

Tifa jumps forward above the head of her opponent for a kick that goes right for the nose, her foot would crash into his nose brutally and hopefully take him down to the canvas.

Kyo Kusanagi(Nicolas)

Kyo can't answer to the respect words of Tifa and he haves a lot more issues as she elegant as herself avoid it blocks most of his kicks, he wasn't expecting that snd he want expecting that counter and the other kicks that comes next, as he can't see much of what happens next, and before you know it hes dizzy, have his ankle hurted and then he is lying on his back as his nose let a small line of blood from the huge kicks lying flat..... He's not done , off course he isn't but that huge combo put him down and huge dazed from it

Tifa Lockhart(Brunhilde)    


Tifa smiles and clenches her fist, not just her leg but also adrenaline is really kicking in at the moment. With a realisation of her own potential on the ground Tifa quickly performs a thigh drop on Kyo's face, her right thigh crashes down over the face of this poor man who is about to witness a basic yet deadly hold.

Tifa immediately lays on her stomach and closes her legs in a figure four position around Kyo's neck and starts to progressively squeeze his neck.

"Let's take things more close, shall we? I'm good also at wrestling you know~"

Tifa and Kyo are positioned quite close to the ropes as Tifa notices Cloud watching from outside of the ring, he's really close and this could distract Tifa a bit. Tifa was not letting go yet though, the referee was now closer to both fighters as he was now worrying about Kyo, he knew he wouldn't give up just yet but who knows. You never know.

"Tifa! Tifa! Tifa!"

The huge crowd seems to be on Tifa's side, her powerful combination of attacks conquered their hearts apparently and not only theirs, Cloud was admiring Tifa from the start.

Kyo Kusanagi(Nicolas)

"Ackkkkkk" the multiple kicks actually allow him to regain a but if focus so when Tifa lands with her right thigh he put her arm up avoiding the hit , but sadly for him he couldn't avoid that reverse figure four and his head turn read pretty fast, his breathing close and he notices the crowd still backing up Tifa as he suffers .

But then he notice that Cloud was close and Tifa is about distracted he quickly thinks a way out and he figures something.... Seeing her casual pose he tries something using flexibility he star doing a bridge and holding Tifa's legs , to the try jump backwards in a kinda backflip to free his neck and end with Tifa's bend up legs in his hands, seeing how he counter it he smiles at her saying " well that make us two again, look when I beat you we should train together shall we?? " He says as he bends her spine and her legs in an odd cloverleaf Boston crab, shocking the hole crowd but mainly the poor Cloud

Tifa Lockhart(Brunhilde)    

Tifa Lockhart was lost into the blue eyes of her hero, maybe too much as Kyo starts to bend his own body in a flexible way in a bridge position.

Tifa was not aware of this, she could feel some movements from Kyo but was not expecting such an acrobatic way to escape her old, she thought he was just squirming around pointlessly.

"Tifa lookout!!"

Cloud tries to warn Tifa but Kyo was already performing a backflip to escape from her figure four headscissors and instead holding Tifa's legs up in cloverleaf Boston crab.

"Damn it!!"

Tifa was caught off guard, her toned body is facing the mat and her arms are powerless without being able to free herself in time. Kyo was successful in his attempt to break free but also on locking the warrior Tifa Lockhart in a bending hold.

"Oogh.. aagh.."

Tifa starts moaning, her body is really flexible but is still moaning in pain. Her face is kissing the mat and her hands resting on the mat, she is not crying in pain just like in the photo but her facial expression is similar.

"N-no.. ahh!!"

Tifa moans more, letting out more painful expressions as now Kyo has the control over her vulnerable body. Tifa looks backwards trying to look at Kyo to spot any vulnerabilities of this hold, but as for now she keeps being locked.

Kyo Kusanagi(Nicolas)

" So let's say you trusted a bit too much I didn't knew wrestling isn't it " he says laughing a bit as he haves her well trapped, the crowd starts booing a bit as your moves gain their hearts but Kyo goes not care he's focused in a mission and that's winning this match, so he keeps the painful lock for some more time but releases it cause he knows he can win with submission.

So he leaves Tifa's back, his main goal was to make her suffer a bit and weakened her back, but she being down and being the powerful she is he can't allow her much rest time, so he turns one his fist on fire again , his eyes shining yet again, as he tries pick her up by pulling her hair until she is on her knees to then try deliver a fully fire charged uppercut to her belly trying hit her bad with anothee charger move

Tifa Lockhart(Brunhilde)    

"Owww!! Oww!!"

Tifa let out more moaning, the two warriors were close to the ropes so in the moments she was being held in such a bending hold Tifa tried her best to reach for them, she looks at the bottom rope like an angel who can save her even though this submission hold was not really that painful, Tifa is really flexible so forcing her into submission is a hard mission to complete.

When Tifa was about to place her palm on the bottom rope she was released, she was surprised but was not going to let this opportunity slide and tries to act as quick as possible.

Tifa gets grabbed by her hair, it really hurts to be dragged up to your knees when someone uses your own hair to grab you but Tifa is no ordinary opponent, she is one tough chick to be taken down and so As soon as her hair are being held by the grasp of Kyo she concentrated her whole focus into not moaning out loud, instead she wants to endure the pain and prepare to counterattack, her hands will not try to reach for Kyo's firm grip but instead keep them half way raised to be ready to protect herself.. but her red eyes widen at the sight of yet more flames, she doesn't have the space to avoid such a devastating blow.


Tifa's eyes crossed with each other, saliva comes off her mouth when the powerful uppercut Kyo's released struck her wide open belly. Tifa had the time to endure most of the damages as she tighten her abdominal muscles, but she was no stranger to the pain. Her moan was loud and her belly was wide open, this was a really hard shot to tank.

"Not.. done yet..."

Tifa though planned on executing a quick counter to Kyo's uppercut and as soon as she gets hit and lifted off the ground she places her own hands between Kyo's uppercut and her belly, lifting her own body more in mid air and launch her legs upwards in what it looks like a flying armbar but it's not going to be one as she quickly maneuvers her body around Kyo's arm to catch his head in a powerful upside down figure four chokehold, her powerful legs immediately start to squeeze Kyo's neck and she quickly goes to twist his arm to not let him break free nor have chances to unbalance her.

Kyo Kusanagi(Nicolas)

"Ackkkkkkk" passing from a moment you feel that you have the control to another you're trapped yet in another scissors is not funny, at least for the people suffering it, in this case poor Kyo.

But Kyo is the only one that feels like that in the hole stadium as they all cheer up as Tifa actually finds a way to counter up, Cloud is specially static as he rise from his feet and starts cheering and even Iori smiles with a bit of admiration, the move is a beauty in which she trick Kyo completely from the armbar to a standing figure four.

Kyo doesn't moan like she did in his Cloverleaf crab, but is mostly cause that 2 titanium bars that Tifa calls legs actually close hardly in his throat and cut all forms of breathing quite fast , and if he add to that the twisting arm part we have a combo that could have the actual potential to be lethal, But in the match all the crowd, even if they hate to admit it, they noticed but Kyo and Tifa have the same warrior hearth, each of them have taken hits that nuts have Ko them or leave them so hurt they shouldn't be able to continue but here they are still battling and Kyo intends on doing just that as he manages to say some words even with his neck almost entirely closed... " I'm .... Not.... Going.... Down... Yet" he says with fierce determination even when his face is bright red, so he quickly thinks how to get out of this , but he could only think in a really basic move as he sees a corner in the edge of his eyes, turning with great difficulty to have his back and Tifa's back align with it and then he rush backwards as hard as he can trying hit her body with it and force it to release him, all the crowd watches expectantly for what happens.

Tifa Lockhart(Brunhilde) 

Tifa Lockhart's legs are pure titanium; their kicking strength surpasses that of the legendary Chun Li. Tifa can deliver kicks that effortlessly lift giant opponents into the air, while her punches destroy entire robots with a single blow. The destructive power of Tifa, combined with her superb agility, knows no bounds.

It's no secret that the crowd is on the side of the heroine Tifa Lockhart, perhaps due to her massive "melons" and cake, but certainly because of her almost dominant performance against such a formidable opponent, a master of fire arts.

Tifa, having just taken a full-power punch to the stomach from Kyo, her toned abs protecting her internal organs but still feeling the impact, smiles slightly upon hearing her opponent's words.

"You better not! You're a fun opponent. It would be a disappointment to choke you out already. Give your best!"

Tifa, knowing Kyo's warrior heart is similar to hers, feels happy. Cloud thinks it's all over, questioning who can withstand such a lethal hold from his childhood friend. Tifa is the world's greatest fighter, not undefeated but undeniably the strongest.

Observing Kyo rising and heading towards the corner behind her, Tifa anticipates his attempt to slam her into the ring corner. With acrobatic finesse, she twists Kyo's already trapped arm and forces his head to the side, making him spin while running forward. Tifa aims to bring Kyo's head down, making him collide face-first with the lower part of the ring corner. She releases the hold after this maneuver, somersaulting backward to stand again, breathing heavily.

Kyo Kusanagi(Nicolas)

Tifa is an athlete in all the sense of the word as it visible of how she manages to counter his attempt, in the way he actually goes flying around to the ground, he's mange to put the hand in the ground to absorb and actually do a somersault but forward as he land at the same time Tifa lands.

The crowd lose it, by this point 99% of fighters would be going to the hospital but now you have this 2 warriors standing up and panting heavily, hurt in many many points of their bodies but keep going as the warriors they are, Kyo turn back to face Tifa as well smiling as he hold his face with one hand as the landing was rough as he says " You are a real nice fighter as well, I haven't had a match this competitive in years..... But I'll do anything to win" he says as he stands again in his normal stance , all the people can see how the match affects his body but he still with all his discipline standing straight as an arrow looking with admiration as his fellow rival.

Tifa Lockhart(Brunhilde) 

"I'm glad to be the first worthy challanger in years for you, I love to put my skills to the table and let our fists do the talking.. measuring up with someone as strong as you rarely happens."

Tifa let Kyo take some time to recover and get his stance, she doesn't want to capitulate on a battered warrior. She had the chance to finish Kyo right away, but instead she waited a couple of meters away from the corner she left him.

Tifa then applied a dash to quickly close the distances, she was looking for an exchange just like they did earlier in the match.

With a right hook to the nose the offensive begins, following up by ducking down to the side for a quick left hook to the already battered ribs and step back again to give Tifa space and dash forward with a flying knee to the face!

Kyo Kusanagi(Nicolas)

Tifa is underestimating Kyo a bit too much, even tho he's taking some hits he's nowhere near in a bad shape or near his end of strengths, but that doesn't matter if he can't prove it and he intends on doing just that.

Tifa rush forward and Kyo is already waiting for her as he quickly follows up her body moves to doge and block, the hook comes and and Kyo rises his left blocking the puch that comes , then moves to his right avoiding the hook by an inch and then a knee is what comes , he takes his agility as a weapon again, as he rush forward and kneel letting the knee fly over him.

The defense for first time in the match is immaculate by Kyo, so he knows he haves to take the chance as he sees tiffas back really open he unleashed 3 spinning kick to the back of her knees , at her ribs , and the back of the head trying put all the strength he can in each kick trying surprise all the crowd and most importantly surprise Tifa as well.

Tifa Lockhart(Brunhilde) 

Tifa fails to connect her three shots, Kyo evades and block them with rapidity and agility. Tifa looks back at Kyo when he kneels to avoid the flying knee up to his face, even a kid knows that not facing a threat is not a good idea as you're exposed badly to anything.

Tifa lands with her foot on the turnbuckle and uses it to push herself backwards have a chance to turn herself over and face any possible threat.

*he is really fast, but I must be better than he is, otherwise I'd find troubles.*


Tifa was able to avoid the first kick to the leg but was unable to block the bodykick that catches her ribs wide open, that was hard to predict and control.

Tifa let out a moan as her ribs are hit, she close an eye dye to the pain being felt but yet another attack is about to struck her.

Kyo aims for a kick to the back of his opponent's head, but Tifa at this point was already facing him and her feet landed on the canvas.

Without thinking twice Tifa performs a wonderful leg split to lower her body and avoid the kick to the face, right after landing on the ground elegantly with her beautiful legs splitted on the mat Tifa rotates her body forward with her shoulders on the mat, locking the back of her leg with Kyo's knee as she sweepes him off balance and hug his leg with both legs.

With his leg being held hostage Tifa now can climb up to grab Kyo's jacket to throw him down to the ground, making his head hit first.

Tifa tries to get on top of Kyo, trying to position herself in a belly to belly position and control his wrists to the ground.

Kyo Kusanagi(Nicolas)

Kyo haves some issues again as he does a move and a counter comes in this moment, he actually manage to kick her bad in her belly but Tifa resist and performs a beautiful yet effective counter that puts her right away in a advantage position as she blocks his moves with a mastery of moves admirable to watch , ending in having his legs trapped with hers and climbing up to throw him down.

As she was able to see by this point is that Kyo haves a decent ground game so when he was falling backwards he actually thought a way to exit her counter, as in the exact second his head is about to touch the mat he moves his head to land with his shoulders instead using the inertia to spin them both, forcing her to spin with him to make them lay on their belly, but with Kyo in top of her

The crowd is perplex how anyone could counter Tifa like he's being doing today ?? Well Kyo's and Tiffa intense training yet really different in every dimensions, is coming up to prove the battle of 2 equals, But Kyo being on top won't mess a chance to put her in a painful lock as he tries pass one his arms around her neck and try pry her in a choke, starting to form a deadly rear naked choke...

Tifa Lockhart(Brunhilde) 

Tifa Lockhart was executing a calculated takedown, crawling up into Kyo's leg to unbalance his feet and throw him down by grabbing his jacket.

Everything was happening so fast the crowd couldn't understand what was really going on, Tifa was on the ground and somehow she reached for the shoulder of his opponent as if she was climbing a mountain, meanwhile Kyo was planning to counter her attempt to throw him down.

Kyo determinated to turn the tables into this takedown moves his head and lands on his shoulders, so he can spin both of them until he is now the one on top.

*I can't let this happen..*

"D-damn it.."

Tifa was taken by surprise as she was flipped on her belly, so as soon as Kyo flip them over Tifa launches her arms forward to start crawling away but she is caught with a deadly rear naked chokehold.

Tifa's managed to push both of them away for a meter before being trapped in a rear naked chokehold, getting close to the ropes.


Tifa's neck was surrounded by the muscolar arms of Kyo Kusanagi, her hands are now placed on his forearm and his bicep trying to pry them away.

It's a battle of pure strength, Tifa is way stronger than she looks and could pry her way out of this but a rear naked choke is always deadly, even for her.

Tifa starts also to use her legs to push both of them forward towards the ropes and get even closer, her chest being squished against the canvas as she proceeds to push herself.

"Aaand she is caught..I wonder how long she will live before passing out"

Scarlet, one of Tifa's biggest rivals starts laughing at her for being caught in a rear naked chokehold, irritating Cloud as he hears her laughs.

"Don't give up Tifa! You can still escape!!"

Kyo Kusanagi(Nicolas)

A rear naked is always problems and Kyo knows it so he can't let her go away easily if she wants to get free, the hole crowd really shocked with everything that happening, a second before Tifa avoided his attacks and was building a good offense and now she's back in the ground and in a read naked choke none the less, I see some people actually leaving thinking this over as they have seen not many people break out from a read naked choke.

But Tifa is different he drags them down even being choked he gets inch by inch, centimeter by centimeter getting close to the ropes, the amount of respect Kyo already haves for her increases even more as she fight for survivable and he actually is not far from it as she's close to the ropes, Kyo answer is tight his arms a bit more that's it seeing if she can get to the ropes, the match in a crucial moment

Tifa Lockhart(Brunhilde) 

"Aagh.. ngh-"

Tifa continues to suffer; her neck is tightly gripped by Kyo's muscular arms, exerting even more strength due to this warrior's determination to win the encounter. After all, not even a powerful woman like Tifa Lockhart can escape from such a hold. Nevertheless, she persists, inching forward centimeter by centimeter.

Tifa's eyes convey the difficulty of pressing on, and at a certain point, just in front of the ropes, it seems that every ounce of energy has been depleted. It appears that the warrior from Gaia has been defeated.

Tifa's arms are dropping low, victory seems like a distant memory, until a German woman dressed as a cheerleader and I, an Italian valkyrie on the brink of insanity, emerge from the crowd. The lights dim, and only a couple of spotlights focus on the two women.

The German woman with enormous breasts and buttocks is Natty. The cheerleader outfit reveals her cleavage and well-toned abdomen. With a smile and a wink, she hops around, using her super cute German voice to encourage Tifa to keep fighting: 

"Tifa, schnapp ihn dir Tigerin!

Wenn du gewinnst darfst du mit meinen boobies spielen also Yalla! 😤

Mach dein Cupcake stolz! 🥺"

Following that, I grab the microphone and start singing dressed as a Japanese schoolgirl. My uniform rises with the movements of my body, revealing part of my buttocks and the scars on my back and stomach.

"Let's go Tifa leeeet's gooo!!"

Together with my companion, we combine our strength and blow a kiss with a wink to Tifa. The lights turn all pink, and my Japanese song starts playing, sange by me of course  ( )

Tifa opens her eyes, wide with a powerful energy emanating from my voice and the well-coordinated, cute dances. Her hand quickly grabs the last ring rope, forcing Kyo to release the hold.

Kyo probably expects Tifa to be nearly out of the game, stunned and in need of rest, but he's mistaken. As Kyo loosens the grip just before releasing Tifa's neck, she swiftly headbutts backward into Kyo's nose, followed by another headbutt to slightly daze him.


Tifa shouts with energy as if she hadn't been choked until reaching the ropes. As soon as her neck is free, she grabs the arm that was strangling her to bring Kyo down. Tifa swiftly rotates her hips and head to unleash a powerful elbow to the side of Kyo's head, staggering the mighty warrior. This allows Tifa to slowly regain her footing, using the ropes for support. It feels like a powerful charge of adrenaline starts to run through Tifa's veins, the power coming from the love of the sweetest fucking beautiful cupcake and the most talented, beautiful, strong, sexy, spicy, racist, seducing, elder and powerful valkyrie overcome Tifa's limits. Cloud doesn't understand what is going on as the lights went all pink and the music started playing.

"Is this... the power of love?!?"

Cloud's blue eyes widen; they are witnessing true love for the first time. Natty continues her cheerleader moves, while I by her side keep shouting energetically, "GO! GO! GO!" The combination of love and energy transmits the strength Tifa needs to keep fighting. But no cloud, this is the true power of lobotomy..

Tifa breathes heavily but is now back on her feet, guided by my voice and Natty's cute dances. She adjusts her bra, moving her enormous breasts, and fixes her hair before getting back into a defensive stance. In the background, we support her with our talent.

Kyo Kusanagi(Nicolas)

Kyo is a town guy centered in most normal stuff and in his training , off course being the promised warrior he's actually he have seen some actually strange and messed up things, but this one doesn't have sense at all, how 2 chicks come in when he had the match practically in his pocket and start doing nonsense.

But even more strange than that is how that weird chicks actually gave Tifa the enough power to continue, and even more grab the ropes and answer with 2 headbutts that stunt him as he release her and then actually use a swift move to put him down and unleashed a elbow that stun him even more as Tifa stands up and he lays there.

And he's pissed ohh boy he's pissed, so pissed that 2 fucking randoms cost his match , pissed on how Tifa like in an adrenaline rush put strengths out of nowhere and is standing again, hurt and stunned but at her own feet ready to continue when she was practically out ... He's so pissed he wont let that happen, and he will win this, period.

Kyo stands up after some seconds still slightly dizzy but with a hunger caused by the rage , the hunger of victory bigger than ever and Iori notice it and say to cloud : " Ohh boy Kyo is pissed, this match ending will be super interesting" , as Kyo stands up he doesn't put into a fighting position but instead Tifa sees one his fist turn into fire again, his eyes a bit more bright, she already have seen that so it should be a surprise, but suddenly the other one do it as well, his eyes actually changed color and is the exact same as the flames that cover his fist , and with a furious expression Kyo rushes forward, his speed at the max as he tries a fire fulled combo: as he lauch a punch at her belly but stops at last second and actual launches a right hook at her cheek, the tries hit her with a left kick right in her belly and if all that hit tries attack with his left hand opened to let the flames do most of the impact as the flames on both hands connect.

Tifa Lockhart(Brunhilde) 

Tifa is breathing heavily, her guard is barely up but her fighting spirit is far from gone, she won't attack this time.. she is young, immature but not stupid and will not rush on the offensive when she would 80% lose if she attacks first.


Tifa giggles as she sees the eyes of her opponent changing color, she knows he's mad and ready to go hard on her when she still have to recover.

Tifa tries to read Kyo's movements but the flames make things complicated, she protects the belly and barely moves the head to the side but she is still hit by the first shot.


Her face moves to the side and is now open for the second attack.. this time right to the belly, Kyo's foot digs a bit into Tifa's unprotected belly.

Tifa though secretly pushes her body backwards when Kyo was throwing the kick so she loses balance on purpose to evade the next attack and fly backwards a bit, until she met the ropes behind her and bounce off them.

Tifa's body drops to the ground, laying on her back and with an expression of tiredness..

"Ah... ah..."

Tifa holds her belly in pain as she lays there, in front of the ropes with her side facing Kyo, but Cloud keeps his cool and the trust in Tifa.

Kyo Kusanagi(Nicolas)

"Shit.... You sneaky b*tch" yeah Kyo is PISSED, but having both fist in fire haves his limits of a couple seconds and general tiredness, so this fist turn off and his eyes goes back to normal, he knows that last palm didn't actually hit and knowing how resistant this chick is she still with us in the world of awake, the crowd still boos energetically as they see their hero down.

As for Kyo he had to take some seconds before going with the attack , normally he would let her stand up again to resume the match but with his state now he wants to end it here, so seeing the poor Tifa in such a bad condition and holding her belly, he goes for a Ko kick, as he rises his leg as high as he can , almost looking like a flag as he says " this was fun and you are the best rival I've faced yet, goodnight" and after he have said that he let his foot fall down trying hit Tifa's head with an axe kick

Tifa Lockhart(Brunhilde) 

The crowd was supporting Tifa Lockhart, she was the one who captured the hearts and the.. yes that thing of the people watching the show, Tifa was laying down on the canvas right in front of the ropes with a battered facial expression.

Cloud seems to be confident even though Tifa looks done.. but is she?

Cloud have seen Tifa unconscious and this simply couldn't convince the blonde husbando, Kyo approached Tifa ready to deliver a final blow and end Tifa.

Right when Kyo's foot reached the peak of altitude Tifa opens her right eye to react quickly and move her head to the side, securing the safety from such a devastating kick, but she also rolls to the side to get her own hands to the canvas to make her comeback.

"Gh.. I'm not done!!"

Tifa exclaims, shouting out while Kyo's foot hits the mat, she quickly performs a strong kick to the side of the right knee to damage it, performing then something like a breakdance to deliver a rotation kick to the back of the same knee, trying to unbalance her opponent and roll away slightly to get up.

Tifa red eyes would make a huge contrast to the blue color of what was forming around her.

Tifa is now ready to unleash her Limit breaker as she dashes at lighting speed towards Kyo and with a series of kicks: a right spinning kick to the chest, another right spinning kick to the head and a somersault left kick to his face Tifa pushes herself back, only to comeback and give the abs of his opponent a huge uppercut.. that's when the dolphin forms.

"Dolphin Blow!!"

It doesn't matter if her kicks landed or struck the guard of Kyo, Tifa puts all her efforts into punishing Kyo's abs with a raising uppercut, throwing him in the air with a powerful blow!

Kyo Kusanagi(Nicolas)

Kyo is surprised, really surprised as Tifa moved her head just to avoid his attack , this girl is really really resistance and it shows as she shouts and attack making him almost kneel as he close an eye but knowing Tifa attack are relentless like hims he goes into defense move as he sees like a dance coming cause the amount of kicks that are coming as he starts as he checks the kick to his chest with his own , then moved backward to avoid the spinning kick to his head, but the summer soult finally hits him bad making him take a couple steps back as he is actually seeing little dots of black in his vision, mainly cause of tiredness, but when he sees a blue aura form he knoes he's fucked.

He exactly knows what's coming and is really bad for him, and he knows if that thing hits her completely open he's done, so in a fraction of second he need to make a hard decision and he took it as his eyes turn into fire again as both his hands turn into flames and he shouts "Dragon Cycle!!!" Putting both his hands into her blocking the strike but the aura launch he into the air as as the dolphins appear battling against 2 dragons a spectacular visual effects , but after some seconds the animals fade away and Kyo is flying in the air, and then he lands in his all fours exhausted and breathing really heavy for the intensity of the move, he doged the bullet but Tifa can see that Kyo's eyes didn't turn back to be brown but they actually turn black, meaning his empty his tank of flames for at least 1 hours

Tifa Lockhart(Brunhilde) 

The visual effect was amazing, not even Marvel could've reproduced something this spectacular.

But her red eyes widen, she knew Kyo had to block her uppercut but didn't know if Kyo was still able to continue after such a devastating explosion of energies.

Tifa prevails, Kyo's body flies in the air before landing on all fours, battered and exhausted from emptying his flames.

Now Tifa stands up, she lowered her body and use her hands on her knees to support her.


Tifa looks worried at her opponent, she was used to unleash materia and limit breaks, she is definitely feeling much better than Kyo is now.

"I know you're not done yet.. get up.."

Tifa approached her opponent, her guard is still up but she wants to close the gap between them and take a wrestling approach, she wants to defeat him at all costs but she must beat him more.

Tifa would proceed to grab Kyo's head to make him stand up again and turn him over, she'd try to apply an abdominal stretch as her rjght leg hooks around Kyo's leg from behind and also lower his upper body, forcing it to stretch with her left arm.

"Becasue I'm not done with you.. I will win in the end, no matter what!"

Kyo Kusanagi(Nicolas)

"Ahhhhhh!" Kyo's scream echoed through the arena, a raw cry of agony that cut through the air as Tifa's hold tightened. Every nerve in his body was alight with pain, his muscles screaming in protest as Tifa expertly twisted him into the abdominal stretch. Kyo's body trembled, every inch of him a testament to the grueling battle he had fought. 

 His breaths came in ragged gasps, each one a struggle as he tried to find the strength to endure. The crowd's cheers for Tifa grew louder, a deafening roar that seemed to reverberate in his very bones. Kyo's eyes were squeezed shut, his face contorted in pain, but he could still feel the burning intensity of Tifa's grip. The pain was unrelenting, a searing reminder of his opponent's prowess and his own vulnerability. 

 Despite the torment, Kyo's spirit refused to break. His mind raced, searching for a way to counter the relentless assault. The pain kept him conscious, a cruel anchor tethering him to the moment. He could hear the fervent support for Tifa, but he knew he had to dig deep within himself to find a way out of this dire situation. His scream of pain was constant, a visceral testament to his struggle, but behind it lay a fierce determination. 

 He had come too far to surrender now. Summoning the last vestiges of his strength, Kyo began to strategize, his mind sharpening even through the haze of suffering. He couldn't let Tifa have the final victory—not yet. Not while he still had the will to fight.

Tifa Lockhart(Brunhilde) 

Tifa notices that Kyo is being kept awake by the pain, so she decides to keep bending his upper body by stretching him further more~

"What happened with you Kyo, is this f- bitch too much to handle?"

Tifa gives Kyo a wink and a giggle to provoke him, the abdominal stretch is really painful specially if you're not flexible.

Cloud knew it, Tifa is not a girl who goes unconscious after a kick to the belly.. even though she is really battered by the battle.

After some seconds more Tida decides to let go of him, she waits two seconds before grabbing his arm and throw it against the ropes to make him come back at Tifa, who's ready with her arm to hit his face!

Kyo Kusanagi(Nicolas)

" You can get a bit aggressive after being so polite you know that"

 Kyo answer which means even do in the pain he actually finds ways to talk so he still haves some energy in his tank , and it shows when after Tifa free hims and she launches him to the ropes he actually hooks them and stop himself from coming back to her buying himself some seconds as he says " I might be exhausted but you are as well Tifa, and I'll win this thing" as he look for directly at her eyes like a sort of challenge... YT

Tifa Lockhart(Brunhilde) 

"You know, it's hard to keep myself polite when I have someone in front of me who can kick ass as good as I do get a little carried away sometimes~"

Tifa lowers her arm and chunkles, she puts her hands on her bare sides to look directly at those two provocative eyes of her opponent.

"I wouldn't like it see happening..but give me your best~"

Tifa clenches her fists and raises her guard again, she approached her opponent slowly as she knows how dangerous Kyo really is.

Tifa's eyes are looking deep into Kyo's soul, she steps forward quickly as she is really close to begin her attacks.

With a right hook to the face she aims to force Kyo to pull his arms up, so she can give his abs a nice left uppercut~

Kyo Kusanagi(Nicolas)

" That goes for you as well , give me you best shot"

 he says as he gets out from the ropes , eyes clinched as much as they can be and both guards up to go in a back and forth battle , Kyo eats the fake and his abs suffer the consequences as he let a bunch of air go saying

 " Fuck!!.... Okay Then " 

with that and still both being that close Kyo went for the inverse approach as he launch a fake knee that he stops at last seconds to make her lower her guard an then try launch the exact same elbow that he launch and the beginning of the match

Tifa Lockhart(Brunhilde) 

Tifa smiles hearing that Kyo is still on the match, so she kept on approaching him with a slight smile of both competition and friendship.

Tifa fakes a right hook ton he face, forcing Kyo to raise his guard and instead she goes for his abs with an uppercut.

The punch was effective but wasn't going to stop him yet as he executes a similar move.

Kyo aims at the belly of our dear heroine with a knee, Tifa lowered her upper body and her guard to protect herself better, but was met with a sharp elbow that almost struck her chin clear.

"Ouhh.. ahh.."

Tifa moans without hiding the pain, she slightly steps back as she was stunned slightly by the elbow who struck her fist before going to hit the jawline.

Kyo Kusanagi(Nicolas)

" Let's go Tifa, show me what you have left" Kyo says breathing heavily, his new blacks eyes looking again at her red ones with that same little smile of competitive nature, as he see she takes a step or two backwards as he stun her slightly.

As they aren't that close now Kyo tries a bit more impactful move aa he jumps and spin in the air as he tries kick Tifa's belly with a jumping spinning kick to hit her more, but that move actually take a lot of what Kyo had left

Tifa Lockhart(Brunhilde) 

Tifa looks at Kyo spinning again, maybe because she is now a bit more concerned about what his spinning attacks may do or maybe because she doesn't know where the kick is going to last, but she raises her guard up to her face to avoid any further concussion.

"Ooughhh.. ugh.."

Kyo's foot spins and find his mark on her unprotected belly, pushing deep into her flesh as she also gets pushed back. Tifa felt this one as her belly starts to get really sore, she covers it with her forearm and bends over slightly.

"I.. I will.."

Tifa does have a large pack of stamina left, but her body is approaching the limits and must do her best to wear Kyo down.

Tifa steps forward with her guard on as she goes for a 1-2-3 combination: she throws a right jab at the face, a left hook to the ribs and a quick right straight at the nose.

Kyo Kusanagi(Nicolas)

Bang !!! Bang and Bang!!!!! The 3 combo connects , as Kyo has his hands los thing she was going attempt a kick but when he wanted to notice 3 powerful strikes rock him up , sending saliva flying in all directions as he take it all and end taking some step backwards until his back touches the ropes, moaning our loud with each strike and after it as Kyo's body is at the limit, looking up at Tifa and her convering her belly and laugh a bit as he says " shit...... I think my body will be remembering this days for some weeks now" as he means all the pain we both put the other into.

Tifa Lockhart(Brunhilde) 

"I will also remember you.. Kyo, you're one of the strongest warriors I have ever faced."

Tifa smiles trought the pain, her opponent is on the ropes so she is now aiming to finish him off with yet another quick combination of attacks:

Tifa's speciality is her explosive power and agility, so she decides to close the distances quickly and dashes for a right question mark kick. The kick hints to land on the ribs but as she raises her leg she strikes the side of the head. Right after the question mark kick Tifa proceeds with a jumping left knee to the abs to the chin aiming to stun Kyo completely.

"Time to end this.."

Tifa charges a powerful somersault kick that would throw Kyo in the air, like really high. The super powerful kick lands under his chin, Tifa would immediately jump on the top rope to execute her Finisher.

Tifa jumps high to reach Kyo's altitude, her steel hard legs will wrap around his poor head to execute a devastating hurricanranas, crashing his head into the canvas, But Tifa won't let go just yet of his head, her titanium steel legs keep their firm grip around the head of the flame warrior as she gets on her side and proceeds to choke Kyo out, or at least till he goes unconscious completely in order to secure a pinfall afterwards.

"I got this..come on.."

Tifa closes his head with a side headadissors, squeezing tight with the warming thighs of her legs.

Kyo Kusanagi(Nicolas)

Kyo is exhausted and hurt, but still his fighting spirit was up but that was before the question mark kick, that rocks his world and the that left knee let him without any strength left, so Tifa find a no opposition to the somersault and the posterior hurricarana that crush his skull against the mat, as all the crowd thinks that's it .

But actually it isn't even with just the smallest of strength Kyo was still up, but Tifa took the security to end this as the side headscissor is lock, even with that and the fact most people were looking alarmed as they think he was gone , Kyo actually manage to move in the headscissor, actually move quite a bit as he was just a few inches away from the ropes and his freedom, but the lack of air and all the general exhaustion take the best of him as his eyes shut down and he stops moving at all.

Tifa Lockhart(Brunhilde) 

Tifa is exhausted, she could still go longer compared than the battered Kyo who took a devastating blow this time. The smile of a certain victory fades as soon as she feels Kyo crawling towards the ropes, she tighten the hold even more, flexing her whole body into it and even from her face it was obvious she was going to give it all this time.

Kyo managed to get close, really close to the ropes but he doesn't have any randoms who can pump his schizophrenia up.. he collapses in front of the crowd who by majority was supporting Tifa Lockhart, and so the woman stops.

"Ah.. ah... ah...Kyo, I want to thank you for this opportunity, you pushed me beyond my limits.. I want to acknowledge you as the strongest man I ever met. Now let me honor your defeat."

Tifa let go of his opponent's head and drag him to the center of the ring, she kneels beside of him and grabs his right hand, closing it right on her chest. Then Tifa lays belly to belly over his body, she lifts his right leg up lightly and with her other legs she grabs his left arm, pinning it on down to assert more dominance.

The referee starts counting but Kyo looks completely limp, there's nothing that can stop Tifa to reach for the 3.


The crowd counts with the referee, even if this match was a knockout a pinfall over a knocked out opponent still counts~

Tifa gets up and does her victory pose, stretching her back with a cute smile on her face, Cloud is amazed by how good Tifa performed in this match but is disgusted by Natty and me since we are making out a lot.. quite a lot.

Tifa then places her foot on Kyo's face and does the victory fingers to the camera for a good photo🥳

Kyo Kusanagi(Nicolas)

Kyo is being sleeping for some time so he didn't heard what Tifa had to say or anything else, but he wakes up having a red shoe lightly pressed against his cheek as he still a bit sleepy but after a second he notice what happens and closes his eyes a bit más with himself with the lose but acknowledging it as he allow the victory pose for a bit more seconds before he push her foot away and turn around , still to weak to sit but awake

Tifa Lockhart(Brunhilde) 

Tifa looks down and feels her foot being pushed off slightly.. is Kyo experiencing convulsions? Nah, well probably but she still kneels beside his head and looks at him with her cute red eyes, as if she didn't just throw him in mid-air.

"Are you awake Kyo? I hope I didn't hurt you too badly~"

Kyo Kusanagi(Nicolas)

" I been in worst pain.... Don't ask me why or how but I've, so I'll survive" 

he says with a little smile, Kyo might be hard on himself whenever he loses but he's not a sore loser so he take it with a little humor as he finally is able to sit down.... 

" Damm it Tifa what in the actual hell was that last couple moves ?"

 He ask as he holds his head

Tifa Lockhart(Brunhilde) 

Tifa now worries in a innocent way if there is really someone stronger than her, someone who was so strong to deal so much pain to Kyo, she grabs her chin and looks up.

"Hmm.. did someone really mess you up even more? Wow, I must keep training then!"

Instead of thinking about someone crushing Kyo's skull worse than her Tifa thinks innocently, but she blushes as he acknowledged her acrobatic moves.

"Ehm.. etto.. my fighting style is versatile but I rely a lot on materia and acrobatic maneuvers, do you think I went to hard?"

Kyo Kusanagi(Nicolas)

" Is a match the normal thing is going hard no matter what.... Plus you saw if you actually just let it at the move we would still fighting"

 he says as he smiles aittke seeing her blushing

 " your style is just fine trust me, maybe train a bit the submission game cause if the match where only in the ground I would have won, I think we both agree on that. And hey they are some fierce rivals out there for you to discover"

 he says answering all questions at once.

Tifa Lockhart(Brunhilde) 

"Agreed! But hey, I did put you in a submission hold successfully didn't I? I know, you could make me submit as we are right now, but don't underestimate me~"

"Better than you? I still have to discover them, but as for now you're the best Kyo!"

Tifa pokes Kyo's chest with a playful punch and with a smile on her face

Kyo Kusanagi(Nicolas)

" I don't , you just ask how to improve your game and that's pretty much all" he says as he slowly starts to stand up to them add

" Yes they are, but hey you are one of the strongest for sure Tifa, I'll be rooting for you if you face other rivals..... Now you could help me get out of here?? I don't think I can walk right" he says blushing a bit for asking help as the crowd finally cheers for him seeing the good comradery in the ring

Tifa Lockhart(Brunhilde) 

Tifa smiles and quickly puts Kyo's arm wrapped around her head as she understood he wasn't going to walk out with ease.

"Fine.. I will work on my ground work, at least I won't submit too quickly *giggles*.. now hop! I will take you to the medic staff ok? Then I will take some Mcdonald~"

Tifa keeps her smile as she lifts Kyo's body with on her hands as if she was a knight and Kyo a poor damsel in distress.

Tifa walks out the ring with Kyo on her arms, she doesn't realise this may be humiliating but she just wants to help as she goes to the medic room and lay him on a bed.


Tifa Lockhart wins by a knockout followed by a pinfall, the wrestling knockout exhibition at Metro City ends up with miss Lockhart as the last one standing in the ring! *Happy Aerith, Cloud and Barret noises*
If you scrolled this far (hopefully without spoiling yourself) i just want to say thank you, when my hard work is appreciated by others it really means a lot, i hope you enjoyed every bit of this chaotic and crazy roleplay as much as i did. It was hard to edit all of this, but i'm happy with the results.

Feel free to leave a like, it really means a lot :)

Special thanks and mentions
First of all i have to thank Nicolas Acosta for the amazing match. Not only he delivered the best match i ever had, but he was patient with my pacing, due to my mental health i made him wait... let's say a bit :/.
A huge thanks also to my lovely cupcake
( because she's always by my side and well, she was the one writing in German.
A huge thanks to Haruka because he's the last reason why i have a bit of hetero in me.

Published: 2024-07-06, viewed 239 times.



Shubh S

2024-08-09 12:04

Lol you people are so free .. i mean you do something for a living?


2024-08-09 15:47

(In reply to this)

It doesn't take a scientist to do this type of things well, but a oneliner like you probably wouldn't understand :3


2024-08-07 15:14

What an amazing story ! Well done both of you for the delivering and descriptions ! It was a pleasure to read. I too would have loved to see the pretty Tifa loose... but well... can't have it all can we ? XD

Also well done to the editing ! It was clear but also with the images add so much more to the story. It must have taken quite some time and I am thankful for the efforts putted in !

Nicolas Acosta

2024-08-09 16:57

(In reply to this)

This match was really really awesome at the time.... Thanks for the positive feedback and maybe you'll see Tifa lose in the future right, Brun 👀👀👀


2024-07-08 00:32

Uhh cool I liked the part where she was losing, but still a fun read regardless 🤔 glad it was as fun as it looked


2024-07-09 21:28

(In reply to this)

It was a back and fourth match, I know you were looking forward to see Tifa lose🙄🙄


2024-07-11 22:28

(In reply to this)

I always am looking for the cute girls to lose 😚 but it's okay to win 🤣 I guess it pretty cool

amethyst catwitch

2024-07-06 11:37

🤩wow amazing job🤩 and great writing too!! Geeat match


2024-07-06 12:18

(In reply to this)

Thank you kittyyyy🥺❤

Nathan gingerbread

2024-07-06 09:20

I can see a lot of effort went in here . A great look and feel to the story .


2024-07-06 12:20

(In reply to this)

Both of us gave the best we could deliver at the time, he was busy with school and family stuff while I was busy working a lot..

I appreciate the fact that so many people enjoyed this🥰

Jenna Max

2024-07-06 09:15

Amazing! Utterly amazing!


2024-07-06 12:21

(In reply to this)

Awww, I'm so glad! :3


2024-07-06 07:57

It was one of the best stories I've read in my 3 years of member ship, thank you SO much for sharing it.


2024-07-06 12:21

(In reply to this)

I'm so delighted to hear this, thank you for reading it all! I truly appreciate it❤

Haruka Nanase

2024-07-06 02:21

It's always a pleasure to read your matches, and you did an amazing job at editing it!
I'm quite jealous you learned how to place bigger images before I edited our story >.<

And thanks for the honorable mention, my lovely perverted of a Valkyre😘


2024-07-06 12:18

(In reply to this)

Wait.. no you're the pervert one❗❗