Valhalla Arena

Public Restricted

Established: 2024-08-26

  • Even match
  • Long-term roleplay
  • Male / Male
  • Male / Female
  • Female / Female
The last frontier of fighting, where Gods, Humans, creatures, demons.. of any race and gender can compete. pensavo questo metti un cuore se ti piace o spollicia
25 members
6 stories
2 photos
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Into the swamp


Warrior_King: Jason had served on the ACCU (advanced creature capture unit) for a few years now, so when the alarms went off in the station he stayed the most calm. "Let's go people it looks like we have a creature terrorizing people down in the swamps! Probably some sort of frog mutant"

Warrior_King: Barry and Harry, a set of good looking muscular twins, grinned at each other and suited up. Their strength was much more than a regular man because of chemical alterations, but that made them more susceptible to future chemical changes too. Still.. their forms were incredible.

Warrior_King: Finally, there was a step brother and sister combo, Kade and Katy. Katy was new to the force, Kade being a bit overprotective but trying to let her step out on her own. As we all get into the truck, tranqs and tasers strapped along our bodies, the auto driving vehicle lurched into action...leading us to where the distress beacon came from.

Froppy: Is a dangerous night in the swamp as the mysterious creature, swimming in the water as she search for some food and preys, the frog mutant is an extremely rare mutant that adapted trough the years, changing their appearances trough the years to adapt on hunting bigger preys, even human to make them lower their guard and hide their true identity, this frog girl had the body of a young woman, very short, but clearly showing some toned features, but not enough to show how powerful she really is, her legs could crush a watermelon in one second, as the human body could probably not handle her massive strength, she come out from the water of the swamp, crawling on her belly and slowly bringing herself over the floor, sleeping… as she didn’t realize of the hunters searching for her..


Warrior_King: "Second squad approaching the site" Jason speaks into the radio back to HQ, there were a few different squads of 6 that could be dispatched within moments. "All right.. there have been a few disappearances here.. likely all linked. Keep you eyes sharp, shoot early and often as the tranqs are not deadly. It might take a few to take this thing down. Harry you have the cage, Barry you take the restraints. K and K you're with me. Any questions?" The squad shakes their head as one. "Good. Let's move!" We all exit the truck, Barry and Harry grabbing their gear from the back as Jason, Kade and Katy turn on their tranq gun flashlights, looking for the sneaky creature..

Froppy: The frog girl was 50 meters away from their posi, the sound of the swamp surround the whole place, the squad start to get closer to the creature without even realizing it as they search for it..

Warrior_King: Jason switches to giving orders via hand signals, sweeping the area methodically, the three with their guns drawn in the front, Harry with a cage in the middle as Barry has the large looped rod in the back. They venture deeper into the swamp.. it's nearly impossible to see any tracks so theyre going to have to hope to spot the frog girl

Froppy: They were just 10 meters away from the target as the sound woke up the creature, her eyes focused and without emotion as she hide inside the heavy fauna as she watches the light of the guns pointing left and right around the night, waiting dead silent on the hiding spot as the hunters keep walking

Warrior_King: Even to the trained eye the frog girl is nearly invisible in her native habitat, so the squad ends up walking past her.. a few meters until they find some remains that aren't natural in the swamp. They pause to investigate, Jason looking as Kade shines his light, Katy providing cover. Harry set the cage down carefully as Barry hears a rustling and wanders back.. right towards her hiding spot!!

Froppy: The creature hearth rate almost stop as her hiding skill is almost being invisible to hide her presence, one of the squad members get closer to her hiding spot, the girl point her face towards him, her tongue rising a little almost to aim.. and then.. with an intense speed.. the tongue shoot out of the girl mouth, at insane speed, almost at the speed of a bullet she slam her strong tongue agains the chin of her prey, the creature uses this rattle the brain of her preys and sending them into an unconscious state to take out the prey clean..

Froppy: after that she quickly try to wrap her tongue around the limp body of the man and drag him quickly towards the hiding spot, trying to not alter anyone else..

Warrior_King: As the rest of the squad is investigating the remains Barry is CRACKED in the chin, making him bite his own tongue so hard he's unable to cry out. A warm sensation surrounds him as he's dragged into the bushes, the noises of the swamp hiding the struggle. His eyes widen as he realizes it's the creature, grabbing for her to try and subdue her with his increased strength, groaning slightly as his tongue swells to a huge size, stopping most of the noises from leaving his mouth

Froppy: The creature look into her preys eyes, still barely showing any emotion as the man places his hands on her shoulders, her hand grab the man neck so that he won’t be able to make any loud sound, her other hand make a fist as she slam it right on the man face, trying to force him down over the ground with her on top to send multiple punches on his face, as the sound of the fauna follow their bodies as the struggle in it…


Warrior_King: First Harry feels fear as her small but STRONG hand grips his throat, cutting off his airway. His muscles bulge as he manages to keep her from choking him out until her fist SLAMS into his face, knocking his head backwards as her curvy body presses into his. He's forced to release her wrist and begins choking again, blocking her strikes but feeling his consciousness fading as the squad finally realized he's missing and rush towards the fight!

Froppy: She punches the the man again and she try to hit him again, until she the footsteps coming towards her position, her small hand let the man go as she try to retreat, jumping off the big man and attempting to run in all fours

Warrior_King: Jason, Kade, and Katy open fire, tranq darts pinging off trees and disappearing into the brush as Harry checks on Barry, who lies sputtering on the ground, his face battered from the violent attack. One of the less enhanced humans might have been finished off by such brutal blows.. and it seems he's smiling?? "She's.. wow.." he mutters, seemingly infatuated by her dominance.. we can see the slime of her tongue dripping around his body. The cage lie forgotten for now on the ground as Harry pulls out a taser and charges once the three stop firing their weapons

Froppy: The creature hide behind a three and start climb it, she hide her presence again looking at the hunters from above, 3 searching with their guns as she try to make less sound as possible, as the hunters look around.. the creature start to make the tongue slowly move down from her tongue, moving like a snake as she try to grab the hunter harry by wrapping her tongue around his neck and lifting him up in the air, almost like she’s hanging him..!

Warrior_King: Harry is surprised but years of training kick in, gripping her tongue in his left hand while his right tries to slam the taser into it as the other squad members take aim up into the tree, waiting for a clean shot..

Froppy: “Kahhh..!!” The creature groans as a the shock stun her for a second, making her move the tongue left and right until she slam harry against one of the trees, unfortunately giving the opening for the other hunters to attack

Warrior_King: Harry takes the brunt of the attack, slamming into the tree and nearly separating his shoulder as he holds on for dear life before the other members of the ACCU open fire, peppering the little frog girl with darts, hoping it's enough to take her down for now

Froppy: “Kero… krak..” the girl groans as tree darts hit her, one her thigh, one her belly, and the other the shoulder, her body fall limp over the ground by an high height, looking completely unconscious as the two hunters check on her.. but as they get to close, the creature quickly jump, kick the guns away from the hunters hands, moving out of pure adrenaline..

Warrior_King: Kade and Katy are surprised when the frog girl leaps at them, getting knocked back as Jason was ready. He fires two more shots at the powerful female before grabbing his net gun off his back, taking aim at her as everyone else recovers..

Froppy: The female grunt and dives the two shots and jump over Jason, pressing her hands over the gun and attempting to slam it right on Jason face

Warrior_King: Jason rolls backwards as she closes the gap, her curves bouncing from the hopping as he manages to create enough space to get off an electrified net gun shot!! Kade and Katy root around for their weapons as Harry and Barry struggle to recover

Froppy: The net is shot as it hit the creature right on the face, rolling left and right as the shock makes her scream in pain, moving like a beast as an injured creature can always be extremely dangerous, the creature still full of adrenaline manage to plant her feets against the ground and run against the hunter Katy

Warrior_King: There's enough footage to do some real damage, but the naked girl shrugs it off, her muscles flexing as she writhes in the swamp and finally flings the net away, charging Katy and tackling her into the water. A splash is the only thing heard as the two submerge, the men gathered around the shore as they wait to see what the outcome is..

Froppy: The struggle under the water continue as the the frog girls wrap her legs around Katy’s, holding her still as she grab her face with both hands, forcing her lips on the huntress mouth as she force her into a kiss, her longue tongue going into Katy’s mouth as the muffled groan escape from the human

Warrior_King: Katy struggles at first.. but then.. is filled with a warmth she's never felt before. It's as if she's waking from a dream.. the females kiss like oxygen as they struggle underwater and suddenly she's making out fiercely with the creature, letting her know she's on her side now. The men look into the bubbling water with concern, Kade stripping off his suit to dive in after, but Jason stops him.. she's likely lost to us.

Froppy: The frog girl kisses back her submissive prey, as her hand gently touches the woman’s body as she messes up her hormones with her deadly kiss, groping the huntress chest as she might take out one of them

Warrior_King: Katy moans loudly, bubbles leaving her lips as her tits are groped hard, losing control of her body entirely.. feeling her pulse racing and her senses increase.. what is happening? The men on the shore get ready for the girl to emerge.. weapons and tasers ready

Froppy: The creature was having her way with the huntress, looking the dizzy eyes of her prey as she hold her face as the tongue enters deeper into the huntress mouth, as they are underwater they start to emerge a little, enough for one of the hunter to grab the frog girl, and saving the huntress

Warrior_King: Jason grabs the frog girl tightly, trying to tie her up and drag her to the cage as Kade grabs his step sister, checking to see if she's okay. The other two men help Jason, grabbing the struggling mutant.. feeling like they've managed to finally subdue the beast..

Froppy: “Mfhhh… ahhh.. ahhh..!” The creature kicks weakly as the adrenaline start to finish, feeling weaker and weaker grabbed the strong man she feel her chest raising up and down Panting heavy as she’s have an hard time to rebel, as the two hunters hold her still.. her body shooting hormones more and more as she pant..

Warrior_King: The squad quickly toss her into the cage, locking the door as they feel themselves getting lightheaded.. the swamp noises becoming somehow more.. seductive? A gurgle here.. a moan of a breeze there.. and what is happening with Kade and Katy?? We see her taking him down into the brush, but it's hard to care.. Jason smiling at Harry as Barry feels his skin buzzing..

Froppy: Katy pant as she acted weird, feeling her whole body hot as her cheeks are red.. she get off kade not knowing what’s wrong with her “anf… anf.. ahhh..” the frog girl sleep unconscious inside the cage as it looks like the worst passed

Warrior_King: "I'm happy to see you too sis.." Kade stands up and dusts himself off. The squad celebrates, even though there were some wounds it seemed to be a successful mission. The two larger men carried the cage to the vehicle as the other three gathered up the gear and headed back to HQ. They load up the female into the trunk, shutting her in before hopping into the main bay. The ride back is pretty uneventful, Katy looking a little shaken up but that's to be expected. When we all arrive back, the Harry and Barry carry the cage into the holding bay, Katy Kade and Jason following behind. It's a large open area with bullet proof glass, a drain, and a large sink for cleaning.

Froppy: The creature is still unconscious as they leave her there in the bullet proof cage, everyone moving inside the base as katy looked at the creature for an entire minute, almost in a state of trance, she look at the keys that they used to lock the door for the cage.. as everyone start to relax..

Warrior_King: Kade turns back before everyone fully leaves the area. "Katy are you coming?" The other three men pause just outside the door, puzzled looks on all their faces. They still have their tasers and batons.. but no more tranq rifles. Katy seems to be in her own world, and Kade begins walking over towards her.. the other men moving back inside the room. "I know she nearly killed you but it's over.. you're okay.."

Froppy: “Ahh.. y.. yeah..” said Katy a bit shaken, following her brother as the reinforcement will come in the base in a couple of hours.. two hours passes as katy feel her mind completely confused.. almost like she’s bare herself, she could feel the body of the creature still touching her… and without thinking, in her room, she start to touch her breasts, groping herself as a pant escape from her lips.. “mmfhh.. ahh… ahh..” she feels the need of the creature once again.. so she start to think we’re she could find the keys of the cage.. so.. she goes to the man that hold them in his room, Katy still have one siring in her pocket that remained after the fight against the frog girl..

Warrior_King: The team finally settles in, each member going to their own quarters. Jason, being the captain, takes the keys and sets them in his night stand. He strips down to just his boxers and stretches out, then hops into bed. He is a light sleeper however.. each members quarters are sound proof when the door is shut.

Froppy: Katy wait for everyone go sleep, she slowly sneak in front of the door, opening it with extreme care not to alert anyone, closing it as she sneak inside the leader, muscular lying over the small bed as she try to search for the key, having problems to find it and hoping to not make too much sound to wake up Jason

Warrior_King: "Mmm.. huh? Katy? What are you.." Jason rubs his eyes, rolling over in his bed and seeing the outline of the attractive woman.. "did you knock?" He begins to sit up, trying to rouse himself from sleep, the blanket falling away and revealing his toned, muscular body

Froppy: “Ohhh… Jason..!?” Said Katy surprised as she look back at the man slowly standing on his feets, she managed to find the keys of the cage, but Jason manage to see it right on her hand

Warrior_King: "Why do you have those.. Katy look at me!" Jason stands now, his muscular figure on full display as he moves towards her, reaching for her shoulders. Even in the dim light he can tell she has a far away look...and why does she smell like the swamp??

Froppy: Katy looks at the body of the man touching her, she realized that the creature is probably pretty hungry.. and need some good nutrients.. she always taste the cum of her preys to feel better… she look at Jason and lock eyes with him, pushing her lips against his as she try to distract him with a kiss

Warrior_King: "Katy whaaaahhmmm~" their lips collide, her body pressing against his as his world begins spinning, warmth flooding his body. Have her lips always been this soft? Has her body always felt this good? Why have I been resisting..

Froppy: She pushes her legs against Jason crotch, teasing his massive bulge as she feel the clear attraction that Jason have for her, with one hand she try to reach for her pants, to grab The siring and hoping that Jason doesn’t see her

Warrior_King: He grabs at her arms, pulling her in tightly to his body.. tongue invading her mouth as he moans. What is it about this girl.. why is she suddenly so irresistible.. and then it clicks. He tries to push her away, reaching for his night stand to grab his taser!

Froppy: Katy groan as she gets pushed back, pushed against the table as she goes to kick Jason hand to make the taser fall over the ground, trying to kick Jason again.. but now on the face “grahhh!”

Warrior_King: Jason turns back only to get kicked, sending the taser skittering across the floor. He's still sleepy.. so his reflexes are dulled as she kicks his face, knocking him back onto the bed. "Help!! Someone help!!"

Froppy: The sound of Jason voice gets blocked by the room walls. Katy jump over the man, straddling his strong and as she attempt to hammer her fist on his face multiple times.. so that she can attempt to grab her syringe and prepare to inject it..

Warrior_King: Jason may be sleepy.. but adrenaline wakes him right up. He blocks her strikes with his forearms, finally catching her wrists as they struggle on the bed. But then a flash of her riding him with reckless abandon fills his mind.. and he loses focus for a moment

Froppy: She grab the siring, the man under her look confused as she try to bring the siring down right on Jason shoulder… as syringe like this can make go limp even a rhino trying to put Jason to sleep, grahh..!!”

Warrior_King: SCHIKT! She stabs him in the shoulder and suddenly he's filled with a different sensation.. as if the heaviest of blankets had be laid on top of him.. unable to move.. unable to..

Froppy: “Ahhhh… shh.. shhh…” Katy hold Jason down, caressing his face as the tranquilizer goes all over inside his body, kissing his shaking lips as she prepare the food for her queen…

Warrior_King: Fear floods his body as Katy holds him in place.. his eyes the only thing able to move but he feels everything. He pleads.. tears forming in the corners of his eyes..

Froppy: She try to drag his body with her opening the door and dragging him over the cold floor, reaching the bulletproof cage for the creature, Jason watches as Katy start to use the keys to open the glassy door, slowly as she drag his body inside as he can’t do anything…

Warrior_King: Jason groans as he's dragged across the compound, he tries to cry out but he's unable to open his mouth so the sound is muffled. His feet drag along the metal floor as Katy grunts and strains with his heavy body, his erect cock flopping with each tug. Finally she gets him to the room with the frog girl, finding the correct key and dragging him inside..

Froppy: “Anf.. anf…” Katy pants as she finally let Jason go, the world stop as Jason can ear the sound of the grass moving, something getting closer and closer to him, the sound of a frog in the back ground as he can’t move a muscle, something that that crawl between his legs, touching his muscular inner thigh and licking it with a long tongue as an hand grip his member tightly…

Warrior_King: "Mmmm!!! Hmmmmmm!!!!" Jason's eyes dart wildly as the warm tongue traces his thigh.. and when his member is squeezed tightly tears fill his eyes as he realizes he might just be dinner for the frog girl. His eyes plead with Katy, but his thinking is also getting hazy.. from pleasure and pheromones..

Froppy: “Glammhhh…” Jason her the wet sound of the the frog girl opening her mouth and wrapping her wet tongue around Jason penis, lubricating and stroking it up and down with the wetness.. as you can ear her grunts…

Warrior_King: Jason's whimpers become little noises of pleasure, his body succumbing to the frog girls expert touch. Warmth fills his body, and even though he can't move.. he struggles to try to buck his hips.. the heat rising in his core.. demanding release.

Froppy: “Mhhh… ghhhh.. mhhh..!” The frog girl start to do an intense blowjob, moving her mouth up and down and feeling Jason body quickly succumbing to the sexual assault.. Katy touching herself as she watches her queen taking care of her comrade…

Warrior_King: Jason was already turned on from fighting and kissing Katy.. it isn't long before his hot seed is spilling into her mouth. Unable to move, unable to stop his body becomes a vessel for the frog girl to slurp dry, his face turning white as most of the blood rushes to his dick from the intense suction. His cock grows larger in her mouth, his balls visibly shrinking as she slurps.. and slurps...and slurps

Froppy: “Slurp.. slurp… slurp.. nhhhh.. mhhh…!!” The frog girl taste the cum of her defenseless prey, sucking him until he’s completely dry she let Jason limp cock fall over his weak abs, her body shaking and getting in better shape.. she feels much more healthy then before as she slowly stand up and walk over Jason barely conscious body, stepping on him so that she can walk past him and go outside the cell

Warrior_King: Jason is bathed in pleasure and pain, his body relaxing entirely. Even if he wasn't sedated.. he likely wouldn't be moving after that intense orgasm. His pathetic cock wilts on his stomach, soaked with frog spit but not a drop of cum left in him.

Froppy: The creature start to walk around the place, Katy giving the instructions and the map of every hunter in the base, she decide to use the air ducts to move sneakily inside the rooms of her last preys

Warrior_King: Kade is worried after his sister, pacing in the room. He walks over to the door, grabs the knob.. but pauses. She's a big girl.. she can take care of herself. He goes and does some pushups to try and work off some anxious energy


Warrior_King: Barry is in pain, rubbing his sore neck from where the frog girl slammed him into the tree. Though the way she looked down at him.. her muscled core rippling.. somehow he smells the swamp again. He grabs an ice pack from the freezer and cools off his neck

Warrior_King: Harry lies in bed.. dreaming of how the frog girl handled him.. touching himself slowly.. the way she crawled.. the curve of her hips.. the ferocious look in her eyes.. mmmmm

Froppy: Harry didn’t know that his wet fantasies were gonna come back again, slowly the air duct start to open slowly, the frog girl slowly getting out, trying to make any sound like she always does to hunting, looking at the strong man touching himself, she start to crawl over the ceiling looking at the man from above…

Warrior_King: Harry closes his eyes, focusing on how good it feels.. how badly he wants to go visit that frog girl in her cage and have his way with her.. starting to stroke faster.. a slight moan escaping his lips as his muscles flex from the motion

Froppy: The creature could feel the eroticism that the man was feeling, his body changing as his cock getting erect from how he was touching himself… a tasty snack for the frog girl, crawling over the ceiling to face the man from above, and as he open his mouth for the moans.. she does the same.. shooting her tongue right inside the man’s mouth..

Froppy: “blah..!!”

Warrior_King: "HaaaaMMMPH!!" Harry cries out, his eyes opening wide as suddenly his mouth is filled with the warm, strong tongue of the frog girl. He panics, grabbing at its slippery surface, trying to pull it from his mouth as his cock throbs. "MMMPHHH!!"

Froppy: The wet sound of the tongue forcing its way inside Harry mouth keep going, the grunts getting muffled as the frog look at Harry with extreme curiosity, as she watches him move helplessly over the bed

Warrior_King: Harry's eyes widen, her tongue suffocating him.. strangling him just by invading his throat. It's.. sensual too, being filled by such a warm.. throbbing member. Harry rolls away, managing a quick breath through his nose, his cock out as he tries to hurry and get out of bed and escape the room get help

Froppy: The push is enough to make the creature fall over the bed, but the tongue still against Harry mouth, now wrapping around his neck to hold him still and not letting him running away, and instead.. slamming his head against the table

Warrior_King: Her tongue is so strong.. and his air is fading. She's able to slam his head into the table as he moans helplessly, his cock growing more.. he grabs for anything he can use, trying to scramble away from the superior creature

Froppy: The creature look at the man falling over the ground, quickly crawling all four towards him, trying to crawl on top of his strong shape, moving her on top of his muscles

Warrior_King: "nnnn!!! Nnnnmmnm!!!!!" He cries out as her tongue forces it's way further down his throat, her body sliding along his easily. Her curves melt into his muscles, and when her breasts press into his manhood he nearly orgasms then. Her abs slide over his cock and he stops into the pleasure of the swamp

Froppy: The creature look at the man slowly stop fighting back.. finally.. the nutrition can start.. slowly humping against the man erected penis, grinding at a moderate pace, as her cold look doesn’t change

Warrior_King: It's almost like when Harry gave up the frog girl let him breathe.. her tongue vibrating pleasantly in his mouth...stimulating his throat as her body begins to feed on his. He feels his energy draining.. his thoughts filled with nothing but pleasure..

Froppy: The cracking sound of the creature dominating her prey, her body stimulating the one of the man, setting herself on top.. forcing the man to moan in excitement with his covered mouth

Warrior_King: He feels his body getting weaker and weaker...being used for food by the frog girl. But it He moans helplessly into her grinding, her eyes giving nothing away as he squirms underneath her..

Froppy: She slowly force her mouth against Harry’s lips.. almost like a suffocating kiss as the creature drain Harry will to fight completely, ready to force him into a powerful orgasm with the constant humping

Warrior_King: Harry's thoughts fade to nothing but the girl.. her tongue deep down his throat as she grinds him roughly, his hips bucking underneath her. He no longer tries to escape.. instead wanting release. He can just get enough air to keep from passing out.. but it's still heightening his other senses as suddenly his cock shoots all over her massive rear, ropes of cum spraying on her slimy skin

Froppy: The creature make an happy frog like sound as she force an orgasm from her prey, breaking the suffocating kiss as the man shake under her, licking off the tasty juice of the man and the abs of both.. as take out another of the crew

Warrior_King: Harry simply spasms in orgasmic delight.. unable to stop moaning.. or spraying.. until he passes out. Kade continues to pace as Barry ices his sore neck, the night passing by uneventfully for them so far

Froppy: As Barry was massaging the sore neck he can ear some one knocking at his door.. it was the only female hunter of the group.. but Barry didn’t know about her true intentions

Warrior_King: He groans as he gets out of bed, opening the door into the hallway. "What is it Katy?" He says as his eyes adjust to the light, his muscles flexing as he rubs his neck

Froppy: “Hi… emhhh… just wanted to check on you.. you got beat up really badly by the que.. I mean the creature before..” her voice is shaky… almost like she hide something

Warrior_King: "Her tongue really hurt me.." Barry admits, but something feels off. "But I'll be okay! Thanks for checking in!" He goes to shut the door on the girl, wondering why now she's started talking to him...

Froppy: “Wait…!” She try to make the door stay open again, getting inside as she push him, the man doesn’t know that the creature is running towards their locations trough the alleyway, as the woman try to make the door stay open, to let her in..

Warrior_King: "Katy! What the heck?" He doesn't expect her to shove her way in. Though maybe the noise alerts Kade.. "get out of my room! I need to rest."

Froppy: “No… no..!! I need to do something.. with you…” said Katy, her face is red.. and her body sweat a lot.. is not normal.. is easy to feel her erotic desires.. maybe.. she could be affected by the frog..


Warrior_King: "uh...Katy?" Barry blushes "the doors open.. besides your brother is right over there?" He grabs her hips, trying to slow her down.. his face grimacing in pain as he realizes how weak he is after the frog girl hurt him

Froppy: “No.. you don’t understand…” said Katy… as she suddenly grab Barry painful neck… trying to pin him against the wall as she pant with a red face… the creature might reach them in minutes

Warrior_King: "Ow what the fuck Katy I'm hurt!!" He cries out, hearing a door opening as Kade peeks into the hallway, wondering what is happening. Barry can't seem to overcome the pain though...he's definitely stronger, but he can't stay focused..

Froppy: Katy doesn’t even know that her brother is looking at them, choking the injured man with her hands as she then forces her lips against his for a kiss.. as her body is out of control

Warrior_King: Kade walks across the hallway and looks into the room "what the fuck Katy??" He sees his sister painfully pinning the poor man to the wall and kissing him tightly, his eyes wide with pain and shock as he tries to push her away. Kade stands in the hallway with his mouth open

Froppy: The creature will arrive in 4 minutes as Katy turn around towards her brother, she smile in excitement… “ohhh.. yes… she, will take both of you..!!” Lowering her guard for Barry”

Warrior_King: "Who is.. wait Katy what are you saying??" Barry manages to shove Katy away, coughing and sputtering.

Warrior_King: "what the fuck girl, you know my neck is killing me.."

Warrior_King: He continues to glare at Katy as Kade steps into the room and closes the door. "Come here Katy I need to check something.."

Froppy: Katy look at the door closing grunting in anger as she quickly attempt to Stand up, and trying to shove kade to side to reach the door “noooo!!!”

Warrior_King: Kade grabs her arms and turns her towards him, looking into her eyes and finding them completely dilated. There's also a faint odor of swamp on her breath.. "Barry get your weapons right now we're all in danger!!

Froppy: Katy headbutt her brother, attempting to fight back and trying to slam him hard against the cold door of the room

Warrior_King: The two struggle, Katy firing a headbutt but not landing as Barry grabs his gear - an electrified net and a taser. He tries to slam the taser into Katys back to maybe snap her out of this trance..

Froppy: “Kyassshh… ahhhh..!!” Katy scream as the shock make her body shake, she feel herself falling limp over the ground, losing consciousness after that hard zap…

Warrior_King: "Quick tie her up!" Kade orders Barry, peeking out into the hallway and confirming his fear.. catching a glimpse of the frog girl loping towards the door. He shuts and locks it, trying to keep her out and give them time to think

Froppy: The frog girl look at the door, slowly crawling on it and looking inside, she watches at her two preys talking with one another.. so she start to find another route.. trying to crawl inside the air conductor, hoping they won’t see her

Warrior_King: The two argue for a bit, restraining Katy with zip ties and arming themselves with tasers. Kade listens at the door as Barry goes back to icing his neck.. still in immense pain

Froppy: The creature start to slowly crawl inside the room, her presence hiding still as she see the two man’s separated, she crawl over Barry head, dangling from the ceiling with her legs wrapping around berry neck, lifting up and chocking him up in the hair with her strong thighs

Warrior_King: Kade hears nothing as he continues listening to the door, one eye on his sister as Barry is in his blind spot. Barry gurgles, pain overcoming him as he grabs at her thick legs.. trying to pull himself free.. but he's unable to even get her to budge

Froppy: Her thick thighs flexes as her abs does so as well.. the perfect body.. for the perfect predator.. taking her preys slow in any environment, strangling the poor hunter as the frog girl is just guided by instincts…

Warrior_King: Her arms flex as she pulls him up into the air vent, when Kade turns around Barry is entirely gone from the room. He can hear a slight choking noise.. but otherwise it's silent. "Barry??" Meanwhile, the poor man is being used by the girl.. hands pawing at anything he can reach but she's made of steel

Froppy: The frog girl keep squeezing the energy out of the poor man, her muscular legs start to show more veins for the intense pressure, feeling her prey losing the air and the consciousness more and more at every second.. barely bothered of the second man as she bring him up in the air, until his body is completely limp

Warrior_King: Her legs balloon to a size that would look silly on a human.. but on her it's almost erotic. Barry passes out entirely in her grip, unable to fight back. Kade is panicked now, opening the door and running for his life

Froppy: Kade try to run away his sister was able to wake up, enough to move her legs under Kade legs, just enough to make him trip and hit his face against the metal door, the frog girl fall in the middle of the room with Barry limp body, checking on him and massaging his muscular body, almost like she’s checking her food and analyzing it, until then.. she finally forces her pussy right on Barry’s cock as he lay sprawled over the ground

Warrior_King: Kade cracks his head on the door before he can escape, Katy scissoring his legs and tangling him up. His head swims as he looks back, seeing the muscular frog girl riding Barry.. his stomach sinks further, realizing his doom unless he can escape. "HEEEELLLLPPP" He screams into the hallway, Barry moaning helplessly

Froppy: The wet sound of the riding keeps going Cher trusts aren’t gentle.. they are tough… without mercy, as her waist constantly slam Barry’s body down ove Gege cold floor, her cold look on her man in pain as she violate him without any mercy… this sexual activity barely made with any comforting idea.. just pure instinct as the sound of the trusts and the moan in pain and pleasure echo in the room, as Katy try to keep her brother still

Warrior_King: Katys legs tangle with Kades, slowing him down enough as Barry's body spasms with each time the frog girl slams her hips into his. Suddenly a loud crack can be heard and Barry SCREAMS in pain, his legs flatter to the ground now as her muscular back flexes.. grabbing his hips and fucking him relentlessly. Kade pleads with Katy, but she wraps her legs around his tighter...forcing him to watch his squad mate get fucked possibly to death.

Froppy: The frog girl never change her expression as no compassion come from her eyes, tasting Barry’s body lien a human would taste a good meat.. the ride make Barry’s body at his limits, as even his strong body can handle the animals hunger, his body sweating, slowly feeling like he could lose consciousness, as it too much for him..

Warrior_King: He howls, the sound is desperate nd animalistic, convulsing in what appears to be orgasmic spasms.. but actually is the end of our poor Barry. His eyes roll back into his head as he's drained entirely, thick cum flowing into the frog girl.. cum filled with all of Barry's life force

Warrior_King: Meanwhile, Katy actually has Kade pinned now, her legs snaked around his, flexing as she squeezes to keep him in place

Froppy: The frog girl groans as she force an orgasm out Barry, slowly crawling off him and getting in a squatting position and touching her wet pussy… is not enough for her… so.. she look directly at kade.. slowly crawling towards him..


Warrior_King: "Katy.. please.." he kicks at her, shoves at her legs but somehow she's managing to keep him held with hers. He grabs at an umbrella near the door and tries beating his sister with it at first.. then stabbing at the frog girl if she gets within range.. his heart racing faster and faster

Froppy: Katy was smiling like a psycho as she held her brother, but her head snap back as she felt the umbrella slam on her face, letting her brother go as he then stab the creature, the creature screaming as she get pushed back as the stab is on the shoulder

Warrior_King: The umbrellas spike works much better than anticipated.. though it makes sense as this is a dangerous compound. Kade wrenches open the door and tries to flee, screaming for help again as adrenaline courses through his veins

Froppy: The frog girl stay on the ground for a bit but suddenly crush the umbrella and start chasing the man, she stopped jumping like a frog, as she start to run like a human instead, her run felt almost alien as she chase without even breathing that much

Warrior_King: Kade gasps as the umbrella is yanked from his hands, turning the corner and sprinting down the hallway, looking back over his shoulder to see the naked girl running after him awkwardly.. but so fast. Her muscles flexing as her breasts bounce with every step.. "HEEELLPPP"

Froppy: The helps are probably out of the base.. they don’t know the creature is free but if he manage to go out they could try to help him, the creature was reaching fast, as the stomps get louder

Warrior_King: He grabs the wall and swings himself around a corner again to the left this time, seeing the exit sign causes hope to rise within him, but her footsteps are so close.. his muscles pumping desperately as he hopes he's fast enough.. reaching for the door handle..

Froppy: The hope… risen, as Kade open the door, but that hope crushes as the frog girl jump and kick it.. closing it, locking eyes with her prey for a second to send a kick on his chest to push him back and make him fall over the ground, breaking the handle with her hand as she look down on Kade

Warrior_King: The door closing with a sudden finality as she flies across the hall and SLAMS into the door, bending the frame before breaking the handle.. blocking us inside. Kade can hear voices from the other side, the bullet proof windows on either side of the door showing movement and faces as the help looks in to see the girl stalking towards Kade. "Please.. no.. don't do this.."

Froppy: The girl look at you in curiosity, her feets slowly walk forward over the cold floor, slowly reaching out for you, as you try to move back in terror

Warrior_King: Kade hears footsteps behind him and sees his step sister blocking his retreat as he continues to scramble along the floor.. the frogs body looming over him.. tears forming in his eyes as he realizes this could be the end

Froppy: The creature slowly placing her foot over the man crotch, she was teasing his manhood trough it, almost like a sadistic play as she look at the terrified face of Kade, until she finally grab his pants with her toes and start to pull them down

Warrior_King: He grabs at his pants, trying to keep them up, wiggling backwards.. struggling to keep himself clothed as he knows if she manages to strip him he's in trouble.. shaking his head as being so close to her is making his body betray him.. his excitement rising..

Froppy: The frog girl is annoyed as kade try to resist, kicking his jaw clean trying to make him stay still so that she can do whatever she want

Warrior_King: Her kick nearly knocks him senseless.. his vision snapping to Katy before coming back to the frog girl, his body starting to shake and not from the cold. Though his stomach does feel like it's filled with ice.. looking up the mighty body of the beast has him trembling

Froppy: The girl quickly straddle his body, forcing the pants down and pushing her hips down over the man cocky pushing her lips on his mouth and forcing her tongue down his throat as she ride him

Warrior_King: Her body is so warm for how cold her actions are.. forcing herself on him in a brutally efficient manner. He tries to cry out but is quickly silenced by her long tongue.. eyes wide in fear as he pushes at her, trying to escape the strong girl.. slapping at her face and grabbing at her tongue

Froppy: “Mhhhhh… mhhh slurp” in the struggle the creature just pushes the tongue deeper, her mouth pressing on his as she doesn’t let him grab the tongue, moving the hips back and forth at a faster rate

Warrior_King: His hands slip and slide on the wet muscle before she grabs his wrists and pins then to his abs, grinding him into the ground beneath her with wet squelching noises. He gurgles, trying to breathe but unable to do so as she takes him in fully while filling him with her. Katy watches on.. fascinated.. as Kades body is turned into a play thing for the frog girl.

Froppy: “Ghhh.. ghh..” the chocking sound for the kiss is one of ten few sounds on the room, the wet sound of the ride and body rubbing against one another as the sexual domination kept going

Warrior_King: "Mmmf!! Mm!!!! Mmmmm...." Kade cries out a few times before his body starts convulsing, his muscles flexing as he kicks wildly, cumming inside the frog girl as she continues to ride him mercilessly. Eventually his eyes roll back into his head.. whether from lack of air or too much pleasure it's hard to say.. but his body gives one last spasm before falling silent

Froppy: “The creature suck on kades lips before breaking the kiss, salvo a connects both of their lips as the tongue slowly come out from kades mouth, the frog girl stand up after using that body.. and now with the reinforcement outside the building trying to capture her... (To be continued?)

Published: 2024-08-29, viewed 72 times.




18 days ago

Very hot scene

Warrior King

18 days ago

(In reply to this)

Thank you Kobonon! Froppy is always a joy to play with