Valhalla Arena

Public Restricted

Established: 2024-08-26

  • Even match
  • Long-term roleplay
  • Male / Male
  • Male / Female
  • Female / Female
The last frontier of fighting, where Gods, Humans, creatures, demons.. of any race and gender can compete. pensavo questo metti un cuore se ti piace o spollicia
25 members
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Tifa Lockhart vs Heather Sunderland - The Rematch!

Tifa Lockhart and the champion from L.A.W. Heather Sunderland have already made their first encounter, after a bit of back and fourth the first match ended as a victory of the strongest girl in Midgar, ending up smothering the poor Heather both with her vast bust and firm booty.

Now it's time for a rematch! 

Heather aims to avenge herself, or is she? She will take on Tifa in another breast smother.. things look easy for Tifa, or will she end up victim of Heather's curves?

Who knows, just a note: Things will get spicy😘

Brunhilde(Tifa Lockhart) 
Tifa walks her way towards the ring, the arena is filled with people despite this match being notified just mere minutes ago, she wears her classic outfit, showing off her toned tummy, thicc thighs and stronk arms :3. She slides between the ropes, her eyes pointing at your figure, squaring you up and down with her hands on her hips "long time no see champ~"
Brunhilde(Tifa Lockhart):

 Heather having already readied herself and entered the ring watches as Tifa makes her entrance. She herself was dressed in her usual of her purple fishnet top, black bikini top over that, black baggy pants, and black boots. She uses the ropes to stretch herself out just a little, nodding her head as she looks Tifa up and down as well, a slight tint of pink on her cheeks remembering how their last bout went. "Hmph..It has been a bit..hope you don't think for a second it's gonna go like it did last time.."

Brunhilde(Tifa Lockhart)
 "A second, a third.. anytime you want hun, the trial was free but now you'll experience the real deal, and you'll pay for the full service" her lips curl up a bit, forming a confident smirk as she hears your words of 'confidence', then a small chunkle escapes her lips as she goes to the center of the ring, waiting for the bell to commence the match "Come at me then, or else.."

"Nnkgh..S-shut up.." Heather did her best to shake it off as much as she could, slapping her own cheeks a couple times to just..fully focus herself. She got her arms up in the ready, narrowing her eyes, the bell ringing shortly afterwards. She steadily moved in towards her, carefully going to approach as she clenches her fists. "Hmph..You're so done.." She let out, hopping up suddenly, aiming her boots straight for that huge chest of hers for a dropkick attempt!

Brunhilde(Tifa Lockhart)
 Tifa had her hands down, but her martial artist reflexes are always up, ready for anything. Because they never gonna give you up nor let you down, Tifa quickly sidesteps your boots while moving forward, dodging your legs and sinking a right elbow down your tummy while moving her right knee up to your spine. "Am I hun? Because you're in a world of troubles.."

Heather pushes in forward...p-past that ridiculous reference as well--going for that dropkick--only for Tifa to suddenly sidestep her dropkick! "A-awha?" She yelps out, almost flailing before she was caught right in between her elbow and knee--that sharp pain surging through her roughly! "Ghuaah!!" She yells out loudly, her body arching as it collapsed fully to the canvas, a sharp breath in and out of her mouth. "K-kuh--nnnghk!!"

Brunhilde(Tifa Lockhart) 
"Out of breath already champ? How did you even manage to win your belt years ago? Well.. guess I wasn't around much that time.." Tifa giggles as you collapse to the ground in a world of pain, to cause more trouble in your breathing Tifa dashes towards the ropes, only to bounce and come back towards you even faster, aiming for a jumping elbow drop right on your tummy :3

 Heather clicks her tongue a little, clenching her fists tightly as she shook her head. She tries to steadily pick herself up--before feeling her just--come in and leap up, dropping her elbow right into her gut! She coughs out loudly, spittle shooting from her mouth, desperately gasping for air, rolling to the side to hold her gut. "Nnghk...ghu..D-damnit---a-auugh.."

Brunhilde(Tifa Lockhart)
 The crowd is amazed as Tifa is delivering yet another world-class performance, by striking the soft and flat core of the once champion of the smotherslutty division, Tifa is aiming to wind Heather over and over again, making smother holds super effective.. Tifa approaches you slowly, smiling with confidence and now is going to hold your hair firmly to lift you up to your feet, only to smack your face left and right like a angry mommy "you better call the match sweetie, you're no match for mommy~"

 Heather grit her teeth hard, whimpering out at the pulsing pain in her gut, shaking her head just a little before she was pulled up by her hair like that--steadily lift to her feet. "Nngkh..Guh--Hkha?!" She yelps out at that smacking at her face--getting hit left and right..humiliation and frustration building with each one. "Ngkh--S-shut--UP!!" She yells out, thrusting herself forward, trying to ram her knee hard into Tifa's gut!!

Brunhilde(Tifa Lockhart):
  Despite her cute look and gentle personality Tifa was enjoying herself while slapping your face left and right, making fun of you in front of a huge crowd. Then her eyes widen as she tries tries step back, she doesn't have the time to brace for impact.. "UUGHH!" Tifa's eyes widen as well as her mouth, to let out a painful moan as your knee rains into her gut, visibly sinking deep into her belly. She bends over, holding her belly in pain while trying to back off, coughing a bit "oghh..damn it.. "
Brunhilde(Tifa Lockhart)

 Heather scoffs a little, trying her best to shake off her own exhaustion as she managed to slam that knee right into Tifa's gut. "Tch..that's what happens when you take me so lightly.." she let out, glaring at her as she pushes in a little more. She reaches for her head in that bent over position, going to pull it underneath her right arm. She tried to get her fully in that front facelock before trying to thrust herself into her back and drop her with a DDT!

Brunhilde(Tifa Lockhart) 
"Ngh..." Tifa looked up at you, still in pain as her organs were struck directly by your knee, but her head was grabbed and pulled towards your waistline, she held on tight with her hands on your waist but you thrusted yourself backwards, it was too late. "AGH!" Tifa groans in pain, her head hit the mat first, but she's not dizzy yet.. to escape she rolls herself to the side, trying to get away from you while getting up..

 HEather grunt just a little as she dropped Tifa with that DDT, a sharp breath through her teeth, rolling onto her knee and pushing herself up a bit. "Haa--" She watches her roll to the side, kicking off immediately to chase after her. "Not--happening!" she let out, trying to catch her as she started sitting up, aiming to just--slam her knee into her face with a Shining Wizard to get her down on her back fully!

Brunhilde(Tifa Lockhart):
  While Tifa was about to sit up she wasn't protecting herself, she was almost against the ropes and your knee sends her back, instead of laying down she ends up sitting against the ropes, her head is down as well as her arms. "Oughh.. aghh.." she moans in pain, trying to connect herself back to the world.

 Heather took a sharp breath in and out after connecting with that knee, grinning just a bit, stepping back and looking over Tifa's position. "Huu..alright.." She let out, moving to just--nearly plant herself in the girl's lap, reaching for her arms, trying to hook them around the rope and keep them there. "Hmph--talk all about smothering and such--see how well you can handle it!" She let out, moving to shove her chest into her face and give her a nice firm breast smother of her own!

Brunhilde(Tifa Lockhart) 
Tifa was pretty much dazed at this point, she resisted the ddt but not the straight running knee to her unprotected face. Her arms are hooked around the ropes to keep them at bay, as she opens her eyes you're sitting on her lap and as she starts to speak it's already too late, she tries to move her head around to get her face off your breasts "hmppfff!! Mfffflpg!!!"
Brunhilde(Tifa Lockhart)

Heather hums a little, leaning in more and more--really engulfing Tifa's face in her chest as much as she could. "Haah--see how much you like it. Who's the smotherslut now, huh?? She let out, arching her body to press her chest out a bit more, wanting to surround her features in her breasts as much as possible, engulfing her in that warmth and softness of her smothering chest, blushing just a bit with how much she was moving around.

Brunhilde(Tifa Lockhart):
  The crowd is shocked to see Tifa in such a state, not only she was in a very bad position, but in the same one she was threatening Heather. Unable to move her head back since you're arching your body towards her, Tifa's pretty eyes disappear from your sight as her face is engulfed by your breasts. Her fingers twitch around in desperation, while her energies start to get drained.

 Heather hums a little, feeling Tifa draining against her chest, sticking her tongue out just a little before she reaches to grip at her head, pulling her from the ropes. "Mnh--not gonna finish you off THAT quick" she let out, pulling her forward if she could. She tries to lift her up steadily and just--flip her onto her back with a hip toss!

Brunhilde(Tifa Lockhart) 
Cloud, standing in the crowd, can't believe his eyes.. Tifa was being smothered out slowly by the one she once dominated, her fingers were twitching and the oxygen was running low.. Tifa groans a bit as you pull her up, her arms are now finally free from the ropes and now she can stop you. With one leg between your legs she stops your motion, in fact she resists your toss as she stands still before grabbing your shoulders to headbutt your face hard "Not done.. YET!!"

 Heather blinks a couple times in surprise at the feeling of her leg locking around her own, stopping her from lifting and tossing her. "A-ah??" She blinks, gasping out sharply as her head slammed right into her own--rocking her mind with that brutal headbutt! "Gaagkh?!! Ghhaa!!" A heavy wave of daze assaulted her senses, Heather's vision faltering for just a split second, going to stumble back from the hit.

Brunhilde(Tifa Lockhart):
  Tifa grins her teeth, a clear sign that this fight wasn't as easy as expected. As her forehead collides with your nose, rocking your braind across the skull Tifa grabs your black bra, unable your feet to stumble back. "You're not going anywhere He-a-ther~" Tifa smirks, she pulls you closer, revealing for a split second your underboobs and with a knee to your belly she forces you to bend over.. by doing this she moves your head down between your thighs, squeezing your head a bit before hooking your arms on your back. "Time to get serious darling." She chuckles before jumping up, crashing your face first into the canvas with a pedigree.

 Heather yelps out a little as she gripped her by her bikini top--that pulling revealing--a good amount of her chest without baring them fully, pulling he right into that knee! "Guhaakh!! -aag---gkhua--" Spittle shot out from her mouth to the mat, Heather desperately struggling to catch her breathing before she was pulled underneath Tifa's thighs, pulled up with her--before her face was driven hard into the canvas with that pedigree! the impact rocked the mat hard, leaving Heather sprawled out on her front, groaning with her heavy pulsing head.

Brunhilde(Tifa Lockhart)
 Tifa puts her fists next to her sides, lowering her back forward without arching it. "Feeling hurt darling? Well guess I need to beat you up further.. I need to your body to crumble down more, before eventually finishing you up hehe" With a giggle she grabs your hair, now standing over your body with her feet next next your sides, she pulls your head up to look at your silly face and expose it to the canvas before lifting you up, making you stand on your feet. "Let's give the crowd a bit of show, shall we?" Tifa leans her face in your ear, carefully breathing on your skin before kissing your neck softly a few times, while holding your body with her arms wrapped around it, softly pushing her hands into your flat tummy..

w Heather takes a couple deep breaths in and out, wincing hard as she just--endured the pulsing pain she was feeling. "Nngh..ghu..haah..I---a-ah--" She whines as she was pulled upwards, a visible gulp forming in her throat as she was steadily lift upwards. "Kh.." She shudders at the sensation of her breathing right against her, goosebumps all over her skin--the kissing at her neck sending shivers all through her body. "Huaah--nngnh--" She wriggles in her grasp, blushing visibly, biting down hard on her bottom lip. "C-cut--nnh--cut it out--" she whines out, her heart pounding and racing like crazy.

Brunhilde(Tifa Lockhart)
"You're not in a position to decide Heather.. now your fragile body is under control, so embrace it while you can~" With soft spoken words Tifa tries to get under your skin, carefully moving her hands from your tummy up to your breasts, gently squeezing them from behind while she goes for another round of kisses to your neck, licking that wet and vulnerable neck of yours before turning you over and out of a sudden *smoochhhhh* she goes for a deep kiss directly to your lips, closing her eyes as she brings you closer to her to embrace your vulnerable body in her strong arms.
Brunhilde(Tifa Lockhart)

 Heather clicks her tongue slightly, squirming and wriggling with Tifa, her eyes widening as her hands came up to her chest! "Nh?! H-hah!? T-ti--aauh--! H-hey!" She whines out at that squeezing, her blush absolutely beaming on her face, wriggling helplessly from the groping and the licking--until she was suddenly turned right into that kiss! "M-mnh?! M..mnmn..mnhh--" Heather's eyes fluttered, her whole body swooning as she just totally melt right against Tifa, slumping in her embrace as her face felt like it was about to burst into flames with how flustered she was, her heart beating harder and faster against her chest.

Brunhilde(Tifa Lockhart) Things get more intense, Tifa now pulls your head closer with one hand to kiss you more, passionately, but also to rub and caress your neck and shoulders.. ,while still kissing still with soft and sweet touches. "Mhh... hmm... mhh.." she let out some cute moans while kissing you. Tifa pulls her head back a little, looking at your cute eyes before speaking: "Tell me Heather, how bad you were looking to lose control of the match.. to fall vulnerable in my embrace? I hope it was like that.. and also one more thing. Would you follow me towards the corner and sit there for your mommy?"😘

Heather gulps hard as she was just totally lost in that intense kiss, leaning in with it a little as well, her body wriggling just slightly as she let out her own little hums and moans as she got in deep with the kiss. "M-mn--mnha..mmnmnhh.." She wanted nothing more than to just--give herself up to Tifa at this certainly not helping that after their fist match she had developed..quite the massive crush on the girl. She let out a long breath as she pulled back, Heather's eyes just filled with a trance-like lust in them as she gulps hard. "I-I..ah..t-that's.." She stumbles over her response, her eyes darting around a little. "T-that's not true I--" She clenches her fists tightly, her legs wobbling before she just..nod her head a couple times at those next words. "...I-I can.." She was more than ready to follow her and do what she said, smitten by her at the moment.

Brunhilde(Tifa Lockhart) 
"Good girl.. you're actually such an obedient and sweet girl, now let mommy take care of you~" Tifa turns around but tries to keep her right eye to look back, winking at you before walking towards the corner "Follow me at once~" Tifa pats her butt while walking towards the corner, signaling you to follow your dear mommy-crush to the corner, if you follow her she would grab your shoulders and carefully position yourself in a sitting position on the turnbuckle. With one finger she lifts her white top up, revealing her huge and soft breasts, the same ones you were drooling so much and thirty to fall victim of.. she doesn't let out her nippers of course, just her inner boobs and under boobs "go on.. worship them, kiss each one as bad as you want. And while doing so.. tell me, how bad you want them to cover your face, till you end up unconscious?"😘 Tifa leans her body forward, wiggling her soft boobs around like if they were made out of jelly.
Brunhilde(Tifa Lockhart)

 Heather felt like she was nearly hypnotized by Tifa at this point, a deep breath in and out of her mouth as she nod her head. She followed her obediently, a visible gulp appearing in he throat as she was placed into the corner--steadily down to a seated position. "H-ha--ah--" Her eyes were glued on that incredible chest of hers, biting her bottom lip hard, teased by how much she was baring. "nnhn.." She leans in just as she was told..starting to plant little kisses at her chest everywhere that was bared, her face flaring up all the while as she let out little hums. "M-mnh--mnha--I-I--want them smothering me out s-so bad..I-I want to be..c..completely owned by your chest..M-made to pass out underneath them a-and worship them as much as yout want--p-please--" She let out between her kisses, completely under Tifa's control here.

Brunhilde(Tifa Lockhart):
  Tifa helps out her cute and needy victim, with one hand she starts playing with your hair as she starts speaking with a seducing voice: "Good girl.. wow, I didn't expect you to be this desperate of my breast.. bu- ah.. mhh!" She is interrupted as your sweet kisses touch the bare skin of her sensitive breast, making her blush a lot. Tifa bites her lower lip, closing her eyes as she tries to concentrate while you're worshipping her soft chest, but with determination and good will she pulls her top over your head while pulling your head inside the top, now she puts her hands wide open next to her breasts as she squish them together to cover your whole face, smothering you slowly.. "now it's time for your delightful reward, my beloved cutie~"
Brunhilde(Tifa Lockhart)

 Heather just keeps up her kisses, humming deep against Tifa's chest--before feeling her suddenly pull her top over her head completely surrounding her face inside it, smooshed deep against her engulfing chest! "M-mphm!! mmhmn--m-mmpnhh--" She melts from the smothering sensation, letting out little helpless muffled whines and whimpers, her chest pounding harder and harder as her whole world was just completely surrounded by Tifa's breasts. "M-mhmmnh--mmnph---mnhh--"

Brunhilde(Tifa Lockhart)
 "That's right.. that's right.." Tifa moves her boobs by pushing them left and right, carefully to not let you take a dingle breath while you're trapped betwen them, sandwiched in front of a huge crowd. You can feel the sweat on Tifa's skin rubbing against your cheeks, nose and mouth.. you're completely engulfed, left to whine in despair as your consciousness is doomed to fade. "Embrace it.. forget about winning, forget about moving your head back.. just embrace what you love the most, fall for the last that is heating your entire body.."

 Heather was being lulled more and more in by her words--and by her moving left and right--her breast smooshing and rubbing all over her face. She was just--surrounded in that heat..softness..and sweat that was covering her features, trickling into her mouth..making her swoon more and more by the second. "m-mhmnmnh--mnh--mnmhh--" She hums deeply into her chest, her eyes fluttering, getting more and more steadily taken away by the incredible softness that she was more than addicted to at this point...feeling herself inching closer and closer to passing out.

Brunhilde(Tifa Lockhart)
Brunhilde(Tifa Lockhart)
 Your strengths are abandoning you, but your will has left your body long time ago.. by the time Tifa decides to share her saliva through her juicy and soft lips, kissing you with passion, you overcame the very desire to punish Tifa and instead, falling for her. You were so close to end up victorious.. yet, now it's time to face your fate, for the second time. "Who-oah!" Tifa tries to hold your body up but it's slowly falling forward dur to the lack of oxygen, so she twists her body and so turn you around, holding your face firmly between her boobs to fall on top of you. "Clumsy you.. now you're done for hun~" Tifa giggles as her huge boobs squish against the canvas to keep your face trapped, unable to breathe.
Brunhilde(Tifa Lockhart)

Heather whines and whimpers out, pulled along by Tifa--slumping against her before she was taken down fully onto her back. Her entire head was fully engulfed by her huge chest--her breasts spilling over her features and onto the canvas even, making Heather just wriggle and squirm a little beneath her. "M-mn..mnhh.." She clenches her fists just a little..before relaxing them. She could only stand it for just..a little while longer..before her eyes fluttered again. She steadily and slowly passed out beneath her, sprawled and unconscious between her breasts.

Brunhilde(Tifa Lockhart) 
Tifa can hear your fists clenching one last time, just a little before relaxing them, she was afraid you were going to rebel.. yet your body have completely lost its pride, and your heart is racing so fast.l.. but suddenly is slowly decreasing its beats, that's when I understand you're passing out "that's right.. fall asleep, you don't have to worry about anything else now.. mommy has everything under control and will take care of you~" after ten seconds more after you passed out, Tifa pushes herself off your face, only to lean her side over your pathetic body and press her left tit over your face, covering just your mouth and nose while the other hand reaches for her phone, to capture a quick selfie, capturing the very essence of your defeat "Now smile for the fansss!" While giggling, happy for the second success against Heather she gets up and plants her right foot on top of your chest, crossing her arms while the crowd erupts with joy as the bell rings three times by the referee decision. "Good girl.. stay down."
Brunhilde(Tifa Lockhart)

 Heather was totally out of it for sure--passed out completely underneath Tifa's chest as she lulls her in more with those words. She could do nothing as she posed while lying atop her, her left breast smooshing in enough to cover her mouth and nose, giving Tifa quite the picture before she stood up. "N-nnhh--" Heather stirs just a little, but it would be a bit before she would be able to fully wake up from passing out like that--the bell ringing and giving Tifa the 2-0 victory over her, Heather embarrassed and passed out--just--slowly and steadily coming to much too late.

Brunhilde(Tifa Lockhart)
 "You had mommy so close to fall unconscious, yet you decided to spare me.. you truly are the sweetest of girls~" Tifa kneels beside of you and starts whispering next to your ear, before moving up to your face to give deep kiss on your limp lips, French kissing you repeatedly before standing up again "Goodnight Heather~", only to walk off the ring victorious
Brunhilde(Tifa Lockhart)

MATCH ENDED: Tifa Lockhart wins... again :3

Published: 2024-07-26, viewed 101 times.



Ah yes I see, quite the splendid read you two. So close yet so far Heather what a shame. But I'm sure you thoroughly enjoyed it.


2024-08-10 16:22

(In reply to this)

We in fact did enjoy it :3

Cosplayer Zoe

2024-07-26 18:06

Holy shit that was hot! Lovely story Heather and Brunnie!


2024-07-26 19:18

(In reply to this)

Tee-hee :3

Heather Sunderland

2024-07-26 18:07

(In reply to this)

Glad you enjoyed!!