Valhalla Arena

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Established: 2024-08-26
Chat room: #Valhalla_Arena

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The last frontier of fighting, where Gods, Humans, creatures, demons.. of any race and gender can compete.
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Medina's Dojo

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Medina's Dojo

Leo in his journey, to become the strong fighter, keeps looking for challenges, and opponets that seems unbeatable. if he hear of someone with certain fame or reputation, he neds to go find him, and challenge him. He wants to face the best fighter out there, its for his personal growth, and to prove himself.

One day he hear about  Median, a legendary young girl that's also a dojo sensei with the fame of been undefeated in her fighing style.
So eager to prove himself once again Leo decided to meet his new goal. He found Medina and started to court and challenge her every day for 3 months. She refuses to fight him and frustrated Leo quite a bit since he started to become cocky not understanding the reason why she was refusing his match.
And so he started to mock medina and taunt her, call her scared and every possible lame appellative he was able to come up.
In the end he couldn't wait more, and during the night he stepped in her dojo when she was alone meditating, and challenged her one last time.

Now, you managed to get into my dojo right before I close it! It's 9pm. You can only imagine how annoyed I am as you ask me once more for a match. You been trying it for three months now and now you even find out where I work at, like a creep. I decided to give you that pleasure and show you to not mess with me! "Fine, you want a match, you stupid cat? You'll get one." I said in an aggresive tone, punching my gloves together as I warm up, throwing three fast kicks into the air - creating a little wind blow towards you. You can tell how much force I put into my kicks. Ready for my match, I stand before you in my usual fighting uniform and in my fighting stance. I raise up my arms, my knee slightly bend foward, showing off my well trained body. A body that is build to destroy my opponents. I am aware that the you must be looking foward to this, unless your mind is just that fragile and you are scared already. My well trained figure can't be ignored - an athlete is standing before you, a prodigy! I am destined to be one of the best. My legs are shining a little in the light, my pale skin glistening - being quite thick and muscular. I can't wait to show you what I am capable of. I'm definitely nobody you should mess with and I will prove just that! My ruby eyes glistening, almost shining. I look so eager to beat you and win, because that's what I do! Right now, I am just waiting for you to start the fight off, ignoring rules or whatever. This is a pure street fight.

finally, I couldn't wait, I can't stand waiting and praying, but the rumors about you have made an unstoppable desire grow in my soul. My blood boils in my veins at the mere thought of the imminent clash, in my mind I wonder if I'll be up to it, or if your fame is too big to be true. I don't think it matters anymore because I'm here to find out. In front of you I stare into your ruby ​​eyes while I warm up and stretch like you did. Standing I'm 184 cm and 78 kg, slimmed down and ripped to the max, I don't even have a sliver of body fat, agile and quick like a feline. "I'm a fucking lion!" I answer you angrily while I put myself on guard by raising my hands near my eyes. I stare at you... I scrutinize you carefully, I want to try to capture every movement of your muscles or tendons, anything that can make me understand where you'll attack from. You show off with a performance worthy of a taekwondo master... but I smile..... I admit it, your body is breathtaking, your thighs look like killing machines, your kicks must be terrible, but I have a plan, and I will try to implement it. Suddenly I snap. There is no point in waiting for you, I step forward with 2 hops while my left foot is forward and catches the ground to make me slide towards you. My right is behind as a support in an orthodox stance ready to block your  kick with my front foot if one should arrive, I want to get into your reach so that your kicks are less effective and my punches can go in. I try a jab to the face with my left followed by a second one a little more arched always to the left to then make my pelvis snap trying to destroy your guard with a right hook at full force.

 Finally, you are getting closer. For you, this seems like a normal challenge, but for me, I see you as a potential threat. I sense danger and I will treat you accordingly. You yell out that you are a lion, but to me, you're just a kitty. Not even half as cute, but just as harmless. Although, you are now attacking me, sending a left hook, which I easily block with my right arm and the second one is no problem either. My students are more of a threat than you! But suddenly, you make a quick move and throw a very hard right hook at my face! It's full force too! It was too late for to fully block that and sadly for me, it hits my cheek, making the meat on my face vibrate, shutting both my eyes while your fist sinks deep into my cheek as it would hit my skull. It makes me stumble and sends me down onto the ground, landing on my back! "Ugh!"
 I am quite dazed by the punch, not being able to see straight as I suddenly see two kitties instead of one. My heart beats faster now! But of course, I learned some stuff in my years of fighting and that is to keep my cool. I would bend both my knee's, my calves bulging at you, showcasing my fit calves as I use my right hand and place it to the side and push myself up to keep me steady too. It might look like I am just sitting on the ground, but I am actually preparing myself for to come to me. My hair is already a little messy from the traning before... even though I am calm, I still have that rage in me and I will let it out once I got a grip on you. I will be the one you will fear the most.

 I am determined to show you who I am, I am certainly not a novice, and not even a new fighter... a rookie. I have taken my long series of defeats as well as triumphed many times and that is what brought me here, in front of you. My first attacks are vain..... as I expected, I certainly did not believe that those predictable punches could touch you, however it seems that they were enough to distract you from my change of pace. My hook catches you and sends you down to the tatami. And I almost jump on you to have no mercy. but I hesitate. Even though you are lying on the ground, you do not seem the least bit worried, sitting there, I feel that there is no terror, no frustration in your gaze even after receiving that punch in the face. She knows... she wants to take the fight to the ground. Not that I mind, I have a good advantage now, I think I could manage to do some damage if I hit her now that she is on the ground but something pushes me to accept her challenge. **Okay ruby ​​eyed girl....let's see what you can do** I think as I bend over on my knees lowering myself as low as possible and cautiously approaching moving my hands in small arches and maintaining eye contact with you. I look at you from between your so developed and toned thighs as I slide along your flexed abs that lead to your breasts and finally to your face. I don't want to look at your legs too much, you don't have to know which one I'll attack. Suddenly I try to grab your left ankle with my right hand to pull it towards me and push it towards your right thus trying to enter and pass the guard to try to end up in a side control

 You'd really think that I am just that naive. As you get on one knee, I would the midsection of your body, trying to keep track of every moving muscule and you make the big mistake of ignoring my most dangerous body part. I use them for kicks and you can expect them to be VERY fast! Now, I am just waiting for you to do a move and suddenly, I see your hand getting closer. Just like some dummy, you'd fall in my trap. Your body moves along with your hand, being in my hip section, but as soon as you move your hand past my legs and onto my chest, I grab your wrist as I quickly clamp my legs around your arm and your neck - pulling your right arm! But at the same time, my right leg bends and I would have my right calf behind your neck, making it bulge and cover the back of your neck fairly easy. Then, in a matter of a second, I roughly lock my right ankle that went past the back of your neck, in my left knee, completing a triangle choke! This move is very dangerous when I apply it - you can guess why. My legs. I would look at you with a cold stare, not intending to make you escape this. My rather muscular legs would now flex, squeezing your arm and beck from each side and I rapidly shoot up my hips, making the choke tighter! Now, Kitty, anyone would be in trouble now and I am sure this is one of the tightest chokes you have ever felt. I am now letting my rage out by pressing my right calf onto the back of your neck, forcing your throat to get squished by your own arm. Even a small vein pops out of my calf. Not even two of your cat friends could you get out of that.

ok the plan seems good. pass her guard, avoid her legs, and attack her neck once bypassed. So I proceed with the implementation. But something goes wrong, as soon as I grab your ankle you are reactive, you come forward with your torso and grab my wrist, then your legs sprint and I see them disappear to the sides of my face as I try to sit back. but it's too late. you have me. "SHIT...." I'm about to speak but suddenly my voice is cut off. my arm is stretched along your sculpted abs, I can see them hard as a turtle's shell, glistening with a light layer of sweat, my free hand instinctively rests on them and pushes them, and touches them.... they are diamonds. I try to reach my wrist as you throw me on my side, I want to try to free the hand that has it stuck between your breasts. but the grip closes inexorably second after second. Am I finished?.....already?... Shit... I wanted to prove my worth to her. Even though I'm still conscious I feel like I'm getting dizzy, my vision is getting blurry, the only thing that remains clear is the scent you give off which is intoxicating. Your thighs are killing machines and your calves are swelling out of all proportion, it almost seems like you're being swallowed whole by the triangle choke. Shit.....I'm scared.... my free hand grabs your thigh in a panic and squeezes it... maybe I can't even sink my fingertips in. Am I passing out or not....probably... my strength is failing and maybe what seems like a hard resistance to me now seems like just a little pressure and clumsy movements of a prey that is taking its last breath. I Tap....I can't do anything else, I start to tap your leg over and over again as a sign of surrender.
 It's funny, how you'd think I would just let you control my side. It's because I am just on another level, like I told you months ago. What is even more funny is the fact, that you are tapping out! I do not laugh, instead, ignore you. Your fingers do not dig into the rock hard muscle of my legs. You must feel so helpless right now and your arm looks swollen too. I hold you just like that for a few seconds... Knowing I got this now. As a sign of 'I don't give a shit', I continue to tighten the hold by squeezing even harder. I begin to bite my lower lip with a tiny amount of sweat sliding down my cheek, really giving my all to make your head feel like it is exploding. Suddenly, I yank my hips to the opposite direction, moving you along with it with ease, not caring if I almost snapped your neck by that sudden move. Then, I would try to sit on top of you, or to be more precise, on your throat. Your trapped arm must feel pretty numb by now! I would now have you in a mounted triangle and this way, with your lifeless trapped arm in front of your mouth and nose. I reapply the pressure and flex my quads as hard as possible. So hard that it hurts me! So hard that they begin to tremble. And I get pissed off by just looking at you, so I decided to ball my right fist and hit your eyes with my glove! "Take this, you fucking weirdo!" I yell, before throwing down another punch - the sweat on my face dropping down onto the mat and a bit onto your face.
 What can I say... I'm ashamed of myself... I'm really a joke to her. I wanted to last longer than this, but she's playing with me. I tapped and gave up, but it seems that this is not what Medina is looking for. Shit.... like this... she's killing me! I need to get out.... I need to think something but everything is so blurry and foggy. The smell seems to be the only sense left intact, her scent enters my nose blocked by the triangle but does not penetrate the lungs. I try to gather the last strength I have left before passing out and I try to rotate again to take the top position..... I have to try to stand up.... drag her with me... shake..... yeah..... as if you would let me do it. Your smooth and hard thighs, sexy as hell, sweaty and pumped, were not even squeezing to the maximum. I feel the pressure suddenly increase my eyes widen regaining a minimum of vision as if I were squeezing the blood that remains in the bulbs to make them pop out. I see you with that expression: a mix between sadistic and erotic, you bite your lips like a lustful lover. It drives me crazy. Then darkness again for a few seconds I feel a very strong push that gives a terrible whiplash to my neck, I really risked it breaking, and I end up instead looking at you from below. For a moment I manage to take a breath, but it doesn't last long, just long enough to realize that now I'm under you, with a semi-paralyzed arm, full of tingling and in a state of semi-consciousness. I think my nose and eyes are letting fluids out, as is my mouth, but my state of confusion doesn't let me realize if it's true or not. Maybe it's your sweat dripping on me....what the hell are these?....yeah you're punching me....but I can barely feel them....I'm all deadned. My legs writhe around.
I feel submissive....really, I would have just accepted my fate, but it pisses me off that I didn't fight my hardest until the end, so with a burst of pride I throw my legs towards your torso to wrap them around you as I'm about to pass out.
You really just did nothing. I continue to punch you and make my fist fuck up your face while I am still choking you. This is too tight. There is no escape. I did not bite my lower lip like a lustful lover, it was out of struggle. I just squeeze really hard and it can be seen by my facial expression. My quads bulge out even more now and from the side view - your cat ears are the only thing that can be seen. I do not ease up one bit - it's still tight, tighter than before, because I am sitting on you, adding weight into the whole choke. I know your trapped arm is numb from all my squeezing - you probably can't move it now, so I decided to let it go and prepare to punch you for real now. I squeeze my thighs together as hard as I can, making them hurt even more just to keep your head steady. I give you yet another right hook onto your forehead, following it up with a left in your right eye. After those slow punches, I decided to do it faster and faster. Currently, you are getting choked in a mounted triangle choke and getting fooded with punches on your face! "Dah! Ah! Ya!" I let out some sounds, repeatedly punching down on you, left right left right left and right. This is my KO for you, one you will never forget! Meanwhile my legs tremble from the anount of pressure I apply, sweating even more now.
 I struggle, I shake, I try to shield myself from your blows with my free arm. In my mind I start to think about how to get out of it.....yes leo you have to rotate your torso, open your legs, bring her under again........ this, unfortunately, is only happening in my head. The reality is that I'm gone, passed out, Your thighs have destroyed me, they squeeze my head swallowing it completely. Solid, strong, long, smooth, sexy and lethal, Weapons that I couldn't resist. My face is a drooling mess, bloody from your repeated blows on my face, as if to punish me for the mere fact of having dared to challenge you. But I don't regret it, and I would do it again, defeats make me stronger and this one made me realize that I'm still far from perfection, and that I have to improve. Anyway, I've been KO for a few seconds now, my body lies lifeless on the ground while you continue to punish me beyond my limits. Your thighs continue to squeeze me like a steel vice as if they wanted to squeeze the life out of me. I lost, definitively, it's my defeat against Medina... it's bitter but sweet at the same time, because the person who is teaching me a lesson has proven to be a better grappler than me, and has earned my respect, and because in the end your scent and your body turned me on as soon as you squeezed the will to fight out of me.
Nobody is perfect and you will never be perfect. I am very sure that I did a great job at making you realize that and I made an even greater job, at making you feel like a submissive little kitten. This is why you fell against me. I hope you will lose all upcoming matches too - to make you realize how weak you are. "Hmpf." I would look at you, my legs calming down as I let out a sigh, calming down. I'd grab your head, pull it up and release you from my hold. I quickly get to your feet, grab them and lifting them up. The purpose of the position is to elevate the legs above the heart in a manner that will help blood flow to the heart and brain - to make sure you wake up. Meanwhile I'd just look at your messed up face .. veins on your forehead, a black eye gradually appearing with a bit of blood on your nose section. I really do not feel anything though; you asked for this and this is what you get for annoying me - especially in my own dojo!
my expression is blank as you are still sitting on my chest with your legs wrapped around my neck. You were devastating, and I couldn't do anything. even though you brutalized me you take care of me and worry about bringing me back to consciousness. I slowly open my eyes again....I feel all destroyed, devastated.....I will probably need a couple of days to recover. As I open my eyes I see you from the bottom up looking at me with your cold gaze. "Huuurg.... m....w-where am I? has he already....." I try to cover my face feeling a little ashamed but as I touch my face I feel pain and I move my arm to my chest again "I must have lost...." I say frustrated, while I am still numb, a little excited, and I feel very submissive seeing you from the bottom up. I don't say anything else and I hang on your every word.... honestly I would like to fight with you again...I would like you to train me, and put me to the test. but I have no say in that, so I remain silent and look at you expectantly.
Once I see you wake up, I let your legs drop gently before walking towards you, seeing you are starting to realize how pathetic you are. I would be standing next to your head, pressing my right foot lightly on your throat with my hands on my hips - forcing you to look at me. It must feel weird for you to have my foot on your throat, giving that this is a foot I use to knock out cocky people like you. "You will clean your face now and then the ground - we have a bathroom here. After that, you apologise to me and come here everyday. You will learn what it means to be a fighter and to be respectful. Understood?" I ask, rubbing my foot against your throat to scare you.. as if I wanted to crush it if you decline.
once you spoke up I can just realize that you wanted to give me a hard lesson. I was too full of myself, too sure of my skills, too confident in my agility and reflexes and she showed me she was better in everything. Her bare foot pressing on my throat make it hard to speak, but this is the way you make me realize who's in charge, and I totally feel submitted to you right now. My swollen face is red while I look at you with a dumb expression, a mix between pain, excitement and confusion. I nod my head to make you understand that I am willing to accept everything you tell me. Then, a little anxiously, I try to get up to follow your orders, hoping that you will release your foot from my throat.
From that dat on, i started training ecery day at Medina dojo, i followd her lession and trained with her student. But the desire to challenge her a second time is not gone, one day i will try again to beat the master.


Published: 2024-09-28, viewed 86 times.

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