Valhalla Arena

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Established: 2024-08-26
Chat room: #Valhalla_Arena

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The last frontier of fighting, where Gods, Humans, creatures, demons.. of any race and gender can compete.
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MMA | Carlon King vs Mikasa Ackerman | Best of 3.



I duck my head down under the door of the octagon, my imposing figure towering over the cage as I stomped around to my side. I looked across the cage, a cocky smile on my face as I eagerly wait to get my hands on another strong opponent I bounced up and down, wearing nothing but a pair of small black boxers barely able to contain my massive package. My body looked like that of a Greek God, chiseled like a statue. I weighed in at 220 pounds and stood 6’2 tall, awaiting the arrival of my opponent


Mikasa Titan Slayer: 

I walk into the octagon with unwavering determination emanating from my figure, i crack my head left and right as I walk towards my side, stretching my arms up and revealing my shredded body for the crowd to admire. The crowd is split with a perfect harmony, both looking forward to see who's going to achieve the first point of this match. I wrap my mma gloves around my wraps, looking deep into your eyes with my cold-blooded stare. After putting my mouth piece in, i make two steps forward, taking a defensive position right in front of the center of the ring. My right fist is slightly forward compared than my left fist, same thing can be noticed for my legs. I look at you, not paying attention to the referee, I bounce up and down a bit to keep myself fired up, ready to bounce around if anything goes bad.. my large breasts start to bounce up and down as well.


The cage door slams shut as you arrive, locking the two of us inside until we have a winner. I fix my red gloves to my fists and put my mouth guard in all the while glaring across the ring at you. I had a pretty big size advantage which I planned on using a lot to grapple with you. I bounce up and down in my toes, keeping loose when the referee finally asks if we’re ready to fight. I nod my head and slam my fists together


 I stepped into an orthodox stance, my left hand and foot forward as I left my corner, heading straight for the middle of the cage. I’d keep up on my toes, watching you closely as I knew you’d have a speed advantage on me. I stayed relatively caution, pumping my shoulders a few times with some feints to try and keep you guessing but ultimately I played the waiting game, letting you strike first so I could look to try for a counter

Mikasa Titan Slayer: 

It's clear that my opponent shares little to zero knowledge about the woman who's standing in front of him, even though you're taller and heavier, I've fought men way more dangerous than you are. I keep my fists close to my face and as you send your feints I'm left to wonder, trying to get where they're going to land. I move my head left and right, just in case if you're going to strike one or two moves.. yet you're letting me to take the initiative, so I bring myself forward, closer to you, so I can deliver a sharp low right kick above your knee and a left quick straight at your nose.


I didn’t know much about who I was facing, but I didn’t know much about any of my opponents yet they all suffered the same fate to their king My feints had your head bobbing from left to right, looking to avoid any strikes I might throw off of a feint but you’d take the initiative just as I wanted, stepping in closer You started off with a low kick which I didn’t do much to defend, I knew my muscles leg could take a couple kicks before they started to impact me too badly. Your kick chopped into the side of my quads as you threw a punch towards my face I was ready to defend, slipping my head to the outside of the punch and immediately responding with a two punch combination of my own. I’d swing my left hand first, aiming a half uppercut half hook towards your toned midsection before coming over the top with my right hand, aiming an overhand at your temple, being sure not to overextend myself too much but also being sure to put enough power into the punches to hurt you should they land

Mikasa Titan Slayer: 

My kick was able to chopped hard into your quads, almost like as if a metal bat was thrown full speed like a whiplash against your muscles, but you were able to defend yourself from my second attack. Honestly I was doubting the chances of my initial kick to land, but the size advantage can be a double-edged sword sometimes.. it's harder to check for low kicks, but it's easier to reach with your longer arms. 


 My abs of steel are struck by your left fist, making me slightly gasp out air, Reiner in the crowd notices your punch landing right at the center of my belly and grins. You keep your counter going, throwing a short overhand at my temple which I easily dodge, slipping under your arm, moving forward with a left cross right for your liver area.


A welt was already appearing on my leg following your kick which was a lot stronger than initially expected. I made a mental note not to allow anymore kicks to my legs without defending them as I knew it would get bad quickly for me. I’d throw my counter combination, my body shot hitting what felt like a brick wall but still garnering a reaction as I threw my next shot My overhand wouldn’t have the same luck, striking nothing but air as you ducked under my arm, following up with a cross towards my liver area. It landed hard but it didn’t manage to hit my liver, which would’ve been a nightmare. My arms would drop down instinctively as the shot landed 


 I grunted out but stayed in close, this time attempting to wrap my arms around your body, clasping them behind your back if successful to lock you into a clinch position. If I manage to get you into this position I’d to my best to keep my body close to yours, knowing how devastating knees could be in the clinch

Mikasa Titan Slayer: 

My strike didn't find its mark, but it dealt a significant amount of pain, forcing your survival instincts to kick in, your hands go down leaving your chin wide open, but you regain your senses quickly and opt for a quick clinch. You move forward, your arms are going down to try to grasp onto my body, but I'm no fool. I step back, letting you stumble forward.. but as I step back, I dash forward and jump high, bringing my right foot up to strike the pit of your stomach.. pushing you back. The crowd goes wild as the match just started, yet we are trading heavy blow after heavy blow. My friends in the crowd can't believe how intense the match is getting already, but I'm no stranger to violent clashes. I walk forward with my fists up, looking at your face but instead I would start to swing left and right hooks at each side of your body, hitting your ribs to try to force you against the cage.


I reached out to try and pull you into a clinch where I’d undoubtedly have an advantage due to my size but you were on top of it as you backed away, leaving me to stumble forward as you swung a quick teep kick up the middle, your toes stabbing into my midsection and pushing me back “Hughhh” I’d groan out as my body slumped forward slightly. This match was getting very violent very quickly and the crowd was loving it. You’d look to keep it going at you walked me down, swinging your arms towards my body looking to force me back. I’d drop my right arm, letting your first hook hit my guard before I immediately swung that same arm forward, aiming to slash my elbow across your face before circling out to the side in hopes of avoiding the rest of your attack.

Mikasa Titan Slayer: 

My plan to overtake the match and push you against the cage doesn't go very well, as soon as I start swinging my left fist, you check it and block my fist from hurting your ribs with your own right arm. You doing the same arm forward, almost catching my face clean to circle out of the way.. My face gets struck by your elbow strike, forcing me to back off from your position to resume our fight. I couldn't kept you against the cage, otherwise I would've gone for the finisher, capitulating over my cocky and taller opponent. So I stood my guard, watching you while walking towards your tall figure again, this time I would bring my right fist and my left fist up, trying to catch your chin without any feints.


My elbow would be driver right into your face, forcing you to back off from your aggressive attack and reset. I circled off to the middle of the cage, not wanting to allow myself to get cornered up against the fence You’d approach me again, your arms cocked back as you looked for another flurry of punches. This time I’d use my size and reach to my advantage, backing away, unsure of whether or not you were feinting but it didn’t matter much. Once I was safely out of range id wait for your first punch to come before responding with a vicious straight right hand of my own aimed for your jaw Immediately following the punch, whether it landed or not I’d throw a hard kick towards your calf, looking to do some damage and knock you off balance 

 “You talked a big game Mikasa, what’s going on? I expected better” I’d taunt should both my shots land.

Mikasa Titan Slayer: 


 Your straight right catches my undefended jaw, rocking my brain and making my knees wobble from the shock I felt. It wasn’t painful, but it sure did some damage as i stumble backwards, trying to regain my focus. Then your second attack strikes my calf, almost forcing my body to take a U turn, but I manage to spin to the side and stumble forward, away but still rocked from the previous moves. My friends are shocked to see me fall for such a meaningless mistake, now I stumble to the side, trying to remain the focus of the battle.. unable to fire back words against your trash talking.


My straight punch landed and snapped your head back, clearly rocking you as you stumbled over yourself looking to recover. Next my kick landed onto your wobbly legs leaving you spinning and stumbling every which way I knew I needed to take advantage and score my first point soon, now I had you rocked I’d look to strike. I’d approach you aggressively, covering much more ground much quicker than you as you dazedly fell over your own legs. I’d cock my arm back, as if I was going to swing a left hook towards your jaw but instead I’d leap forward, looking to wrap my arms around your upper body If successful I’d clasp my hands together and look to slide my leg to the outside of yours. Should all go to plan all that was left was for me to use my powerful upper body and my hips as I twisted to the side, hoping to trip you over my leg and send you flying down to the mat with an authoritative slam.

Mikasa Titan Slayer: 

I keep moving back, retreating and losing ground as a consequence. I was rocked but that doesn't mean I'm a weakling now, as I'm stumbling backwards I extend my right arm forward, switching stances in order to survive another exchange of blows.. I'm not in a good position to evade your kicks or punches, that in fact could've probably took me down. Yet you come towards me, at first I thought you were going to strike my face, but turn your arms come forward again and I instead counter with a precise and devastating right hook at your chin, since by going down you have to get closer to my reach, I deliver a second blow to your chin, with a close up left uppercut.. but now I can't strike anymore as your body would either be against mine or dropped forward. If you would happen to drop forward, I would let you fall on your knees right in front of the cage. Then I'd make a bet on your pride, I quickly jump up on top of your shoulders, once I find my balance I would let myself drop to the side, raising my left leg over your head and slide my arms under my left leg, securing them around your neck to support my execution. Once your neck is trapped I would lock my left leg down onto my arms and let my right leg limp on your back to give you an opening for your right arm to move up. If you proceed so, I'd raise my right leg up as well but between your hip and your arm, locking it across your chest, right above my left leg. This move would close your neck from side to side, bending your neck bones painfully, giving both a huge sensation of pain and the best choking effect. I'd refer this move as an Anaconda neck snapper, almost like a standing figure four.


I approached you aggressively, perhaps thinking youre a lot more hurt than you are. I’d throw a feint before moving in to try and take you down but you’d swing a punch off my feint, catching me off guard with a vicious right hook that snapped my head to the side I would’ve been dazed and confused following the hook but to make matters worse you threw a quick uppercut right to my jaw, causing my body to drop down to my knees in front of the fence Before I could process what had happened you pounced on me, wrapping yourself around me and holding yourself up on my body as you locked in a hold I’d never encountered before. My neck was bent at a horrible angle and I could barely breathe. I was up on my knees wincing in pain as you cranked the brutal hold tightly. I didn’t know an escape for this unique move so I’d just look to brute force my way out of it. First, my left hand would start to hammer punches into the backside of your ribs again and again before I finally threw my body to the side, hoping to slam your head down to the mat and to get out of this hold before it was too late.

Mikasa Titan Slayer: 

As I'm locked like an anaconda on your shoulder, firmly trapping your neck in a painful manner, you try immediately to fight back as if death was just two steps away from you. In fact your body is right, though the decision to start to try to land your knuckles on my ribs make very little impact, though i take it as a clear sign for me to punish you further. I let you still have room to try your brute force in me, even though your neck is basically paralysed I will try not to kill you. You move your tall body sideways, yet my head is raised up and as you start to move to the side, I'd squeeze your neck with more force, forcing your body to lighten the fall as otherwise your own move would've killed you. The fall is tanked by my back, hitting the mat first while I tighten the pressure, pushing my left leg into your face while pulling my left forearm deeper into your neck. 

 "There is another round left to try to make me submit, 'king'.. snapping your neck now would be pointless."

I try make you understand the level of danger that you're in right now, by applying more pressure on your neck and bending your bones in the meantime I invite you to acknowledge my superiority in front of the whole crowd.


Your arms were cranking viciously on my neck, so much so that it felt like the slightest wrong move would snap it. I’d start to twist my body, looking to slam you down but the hold was squeezed even tighter forcing me to lighten the fall. You fell down onto your back, still latched onto my neck like an anaconda After some dialogue you sinched in the hold more and more, some creaks and pops could be heard from my neck as I tried to hold on. It was a losing effort however as I started to foam at the mouth, my face a deep red shade as veins bulged out of my mouth. I tried to hold on but soon I was forced to give in, tapping out on your forearms in submission

Mikasa Titan Slayer: 

The crowd goes crazy at the sight of my hold squeezing the life out of you, trapping such a huge guy almost as if a ripped anaconda caught you in her embrace, without any sign of letting you slip off her grasp. A light smile appears on my face as you start tapping out on my forearm, but I intend to keep the hold tight for two seconds more before letting go of this hold. I roll onto my back and stand up, fixing my hair and take a few deep breathes before I walk forward and place my right sole on your chest, hands on my hips and my cold eyes glaring down at you.

 "Wise decision King, now rest while looking up at the woman who submitted you, realise where you belong and how much superior I am over you."


I started tapping out but you didn’t let go for a few more seconds, my light taps turning into more frantic and panicked ones before you finally let go. I stayed down on my back, coughing and gasping for air and clutching my neck as you stood back up and planted your foot onto my chest, staring down into my eyes and taunting me I stayed down for another minute or two, recovering before finally climbing back up to my feet, still shaking some of the creaks out of my neck as the referee checks on me. I’d shove him away, glaring across at you with an angry look on my face after being forced to tap out to your brutal hold 

 “I’m going to fucking break you Mikasa!”

Mikasa Titan Slayer: 

I took my time to pose over your body, showcasing my dominance over you, trying to break into your ego and shatter it with class. After about twenty seconds of taunting, moving my foot around your chest i step back to my side of the octagon, stretching out my arms to each side before getting my fists up. I share a light smile again, this time followed by a blink as you glare at me with such a shattered ego. 

"Try your best. Or I will sit on your face this time.. " 


Your posing took a toll on my ego, leaving your mark but it wasn’t shattered just yet. I was back on my feet and ready for another round, I had hurt you before and I can do it again I’d raise my arms back up into a guard and leave my corner, this time much more aggressively as I closed the distance quickly, wanting to get you right back after an embarrassing and painful ordeal I’d throw a jab at your nose once I got close enough, dropping my level with a straight right hand aimed for your midsection and finally I’d come back upstairs with a vicious left hook aimed for your jaw

Mikasa Titan Slayer: 

You took a few aggressive steps towards the center of the ring, I can feel the tension coming out from your aura, almost as if your body was emanating your anger and your will to take me down. I take a defensive kickboxing stance, but my hands are slightly open as I'm open to both submitting you but also knocking your lights out cold. I approach you as well, I walk forward with cautious steps, you swing your jab towards my nose to get closer, I easily move my head back and I have little time to react. I quickly unleash a left overhead that strikes your cheek at the same time as your right fist impacts on my exposed abdomen. "Tch!" I grunt out of annoyance, but as I bend slightly forward I duck under your left hook for a heavy right straight at the pit of your stomach, followed by a left uppercut at the center of your stomach.


You’d assume a defensive stance as I stomped forward across the ring clearly assuming an aggressive offensive stance. I’d start my combination off, my jab missing but my straight to your body landing. However, as my punch landed you landed one of your own, a quick left hand that struck my cheek, and knocked me off balance to the side. It was a quick shot, not one that was too powerful so I wasn’t too badly hurt by it I’d follow up with a hook that you avoided again, meeting me with a hard right hand to my midsection pausing me for a moment “Ugh!” I groaned out as I saw you loading up another shot. I’d take your own approach, throwing a hard left hook at your cheek as you swung the uppercut into my midsection, looking to land at the same time as your punch did Your punch would cause me to double over slightly regardless of the result of mine, my arms lowered slightly as I took a few laboured breaths

Mikasa Titan Slayer: 

Our fists start to fly left and right, making up a dancing spectacle of violence, my belly was hit by your straight, but at the same time I delivered a shor to your stomach, causing you to groan out in pain. Yet, as I load another shot you do the same, delivering a hard left hook at my cheek, this time your fist lands perfectly on my pale face, leaving a red mark on my cheek. 


 I groan in pain, my head tilts to the side with a fast turn. Your fist causes me to spit out saliva, the trail follows the movement of my head being snap to the side. I would step back as your fist landed perfectly on my cheek, now I have a red mark on my cheek.


We were throwing down in the middle of the cage, trading shots with one another and doing our respective damage. We’d both be paused, me from a body shot and you from a hook to your jaw that left a mark I wouldn’t take long to approach you again, feeling like I had you hurt I wanted to take advantage. I’d come into range with my hands raised. I’d feint a big left hook, knowing you loved to slip under that punch in particularly, instead I’d throw a vicious uppercut with as much power as I could, hoping to catch your face off guard and take a fire hold on this match

Mikasa Titan Slayer: 

I couldn't let you take more ground than you already have, I must put pressure over my battered opponent. But you're the one that goes on the offensive to seek to strike more points. I see you charging up a left hook, you're winding it back, giving me hints of a possible feint, but still I have to land a strike or two. I would slip under that punch, but there’s no arm above me, I quickly clench my arms together but your fist passes between my forearms and with fierce power lands between my nose and my upper lip, basically hitting both. My friends would shout my name, not believing what they just saw.. my head rocks up, the sweat flies off my hair. I take a step back and take my arms off my face, giving you a provocative smirk, but you can see a river of blood coming down my nostrils. I smirk at you, as my body was damaged, but my brain was not.

 "Is this all you got, King?"


My plan works to perfection, my hook causing you to suck down and my uppercut hammering into your face. Your head would nearly fly off its shoulders and your body would rock back You’d take your arms off your face, smirking at me with a river of blood running down your face ‘She’s crazy’ I thought to myself but I knew there was no way that punch didn’t have you badly hurt. I’d put on an angry face, looking to bait you in again as if your smirk had me ready to abandon all my plans I’d charge forward a few steps, cocking my arm back and screaming as if going for a sloppy punch fuelled by anger but I’d stop, expecting you to come with a counter I’d take a step back out of range and respond with another vicious shot, throwing a hard overhand shot towards your jaw followed up by a left and right hook which would probably be overkill should the overhand land but I wanted to make sure I got the job done

Mikasa Titan Slayer: 

When it comes to brain damage, a shot to the center of the face is never a good option to daze out your opponent.. there may be opponents with a steel-hard chin, which I don't have, but I'm quite durable. I look at you with a smile covered with blood that was running down from my nostrils, the crowd is amazed as King just made the Ackerman, the strongest woman in Eldia bleed. Instead of acting aggressive and thirty for points I adopt the philly shell boxing guard, being ready to let you step into my domain and welcome you with harsh punishments. You come in with a weird and full of anger punch, but you stop suddenly as you expected me to enter your range and probably punish your openings.. I'm not buying it this time. I slightly step forward, letting you throw your vicious overhand, I slip under your glove with grace and as the second one comes in I slip my head forward, stepping in to dive under your overhand just in time and twist my hips, delivering a hard punishing right hook to your nose, followed by a hard left cross at your cheek which happens to land at the same time as your last hook. Our fists slip over each other and land at the same time.. making me groan a bit but still smile, knowing I can't probably knock you out unless I want to lose more blood.



I’d approach you aggressively and try to bait you in but you took another defensive stance, not biting on any feints which left you in the perfect position to avoid my overhand and my hook, slipping everything gracefully before twisting your hips and hammering a hard left hook into my nose which caught me off guard Your next punch would land at the same time as mine, your straight hitting my cheek and my hook hitting yours. We’d both take a step back, pausing for just a second. I’d notice the blood trickling down my nose after your hook and put on a similar smile to yours, we both looked like crazy fighters but I was determined to either put you down, or to fight until I can’t anymore and that’s what I’d do as I stepped back into range I’d continue taking the initiative, throwing a snappy jab at your face before ducking down, expecting a punch to come my way that I’d hopefully avoid before coming up with another right uppercut aimed for your jaw and a left hook for your temple

Mikasa Titan Slayer: 

You stepped back into range, determined to put me down, until you couldn't stand anymore.. I had to put you down first, at all costs, yet a knockdown felt impossible without taking major damage. I was unprepared, your jab struck my face clean, making me groan in pain and step back, but as you threw your uppercut I stepped forward, sliding right next to your uppercut and turn my back, stepping backwards basically hitting your stomach with my back as you were swinging your left hook. I would grab your left hook, which almost crashes into the back of my head, I'd lower my knees and bend forward to toss you over my body with a judo throw. As I'm throwing you down I would keep my hold on your left arm and fall onto my butt, encircling it with my legs and try to put my legs over your chest to complete an armbar transition.


I crashed in with another combination but you weathered the stomp expertly as you avoided my hook and uppercut, turning your back to me. You’d catch my hook as it was about to land, using my own momentum against me to send me flying over your shoulders with a judo throw I’d land on my back with a loud crash, letting out a groan of pain as you tried to transition into an armbar. I knew what was coming and didn’t fight you locking it in, instead clasping my hands tightly together to give myself a chance. Your legs would kick over my body and I’d spring into action right away, using my clasped arms as an anchor to pull myself up onto my knees. From there it was all about my strength as I looked to slowly lift myself up onto my feet, pulling you up with me as I looked to lift you off the mat. If successful I’d soon spin around, looking to send you crashing into the fence before dropping all my weight forward onto you, looking to slam you down head first to escape and put myself in control

Mikasa Titan Slayer: 

As you began to power up to your feet, I could feel the tension in your grip and the shift in your stance. Anticipating your next move, I released my grip on your arm just as you started to lift me, letting my body twist and roll off to the side, landing on my shoulder and upper back. Before me or you could regain control, as I'm sitting on my back now, I throw a kick at your knee, trying to force you off balance. This would buy me enough time to roll over away and climb my way up to my feet, but instead of rolling away I instead take myself up to my knees and rush forward, trying to spear your hips and wrap my arms aroind your right leg, lifting you up in a spectacular fashion, the entire crowd stands up as I lift a giant off its feet with ease, by doing that I'd slam you myself on your side before letting go of your leg.


You would wisely abandon your armbar as I started to power you up into the air, letting yourself fall down onto your back and sending a kick into my knee to knock me off balance for a moment. It wouldn’t last very long however as I’d regain my balance to see you looking to pounce on me You’d crash into my hips and wrap your arms around my leg, looking to lift me up but I had other ideas as I made myself heavy, draping my upper body over your arched back to keep myself grounded. I’d quickly look to wrap up a submission, sliding my arm across your left arm and neck before looking to cross my arms into a rear naked choke position If successful I’d let myself fall off to the side, dragging you down with my by the neck as I made sure to kick my leg around yours, keeping it trapped and your body bent as I looked to lock you into a tight d’arce choke

Mikasa Titan Slayer: 

I did manage to reach for your waistline, my shoulder did sink in to spear your legs, but I couldn't lift you up and suplex you sideways, your body weight over my arched back. I'm not able to lift you up, now that you're reaching for my neck my first thought is you going for a sleeper hold or a rear naked choke, I protect myself by lifting my right arm up, turns out that you wanted to drag me to the side by the neck. My right arm was sticking right between my neck and tour arm, not letting you close the choke hold correctly.

 "Gh.. gh..." 

 My legs are being held hostage, I'm locked in a position where I have no space to work with, you can hear my groans as I feel your arm chocking on my neck, but not fully locked in as my arm is sticking between your arm and my neck, the crowd watches in suspense as the glorious Ackerman struggles around and moans.


I’d manage to lock in the choke tight, rolling you onto your side with nowhere to go as I squeezed tightly in a darce choke. The arm in the choke serves to force your arm into your neck, putting pressure on your carotid artery to make things all the more tight I’d flex my arms, staying calm and not moving much, this choke was as brutal as it gets, your legs forcing your neck to bend at an awkward ankle while the choke squeezed the air out of you I’d look around the packed out arena, giving a wink towards the Ackerman fan club of your friends as I slowly but surely drained the energy and air out of you

 “Nowhere to go Mikasa, what was it you said about snapping my neck?”

 I’d taunt as I forced your leg forward further, thrusting my hips forward and putting even more pressure on the bones in your neck

 “I suggest you tap out for your King”

Mikasa Titan Slayer: 

I flex my own muscles, my entire body tries it as hard as it can to deliver more power. My free arm starts to push down your wrist to fight off your chocking capability. Also I start to push down with both my quads, leg-curling your legs down as hard as I can, trying to fight as hard as I can until I can manage to put my feet to the ground, or at least twist my upper body just enough to escape your grasp on my neck.

 "Ngh.. n-no.. agh.."

 I fight back relentless, just like a force of nature I show my determination to fight with everything I have at disposal, even though Armin, Eren, Reiner.. my friends are worried about me, worried to see the strongest woman in Edlia in trouble.


You try your hardest to fight back, your arm sneaking up to push on my wrists but they’re in a rear naked choke position so I can easily readjust the choke without much effort. Your body twisted and turned but without freeing your neck you weren’t going anywhere, and there was no way in hell I was letting go of your neck 

 “Your fight is admirable Mikasa, but there’s nowhere to go. Submit to your King, Edlia must be pretty weak if this is the strongest woman it has to offer”

 Carlton would taunt and insult as he patiently waited for Mikasa to either submit or to go to sleep in his grasp

Mikasa Titan Slayer: 

My face starts to brighten up to a reddish color, your arm is teaching me that there's no way for me to escape, it's either tapping out or to sleep..

 "Gh.. g-gah.."

 My eyes start to roll over, my free hand slips off your wrist as also my legs start to give up. I'm a fierce warrior, I won't let you have the glory to make the strongest woman in Eldia tap out..

 "Ngh.. n-o... I can't.. agh.." 

 My body goes limp, dropping down asleep.. if tou let go of my body once you're done, i would flop on my back, my arms would lay just next to my head. Blood would still keep going down my nostrils, my abs would wave up and down as I my body starts to breathe again.


I let out a growl as I squeezed, feeling your strong body slowly running out of energy was amazing. It wasn’t long until your body went limp and your eyes flickered shut but I didn’t let go, continuing to squeeze as the referee yelled at me to let go. Eventually I would and I’d roll back to my feet, leaving your laid out and bloodied body to flop onto its back. Just as you did to me I’d stand tall over you, planting my foot on your chest and looking over your defeated body before flexing both my biceps and posing I’d give one more look over at your friends, smirking as I watched the concerned looks on their faces while your body twitched and spasmed. Finally I’d head back over to my corner, stretching and resting while I let the doctors and referee try to get you back in action for the third and final round, knockouts only

Mikasa Titan Slayer: 

As the world around me vanished, my body lay completely motionless, but the fight within hadn’t entirely ended. Unconsciousness took hold, yet my muscles continued to betray me.. small spasms and twitches rippling through my limbs as my body sought air that no longer came. My chest rose and fell in uneven, shallow gasps, and the once powerful limbs that had fought so hard now lay limp, trembling involuntarily with every moment that passed. I was vaguely aware, in some far corner of my mind, your presence above me was dominant as I stood unconscious. My boobs were being squished beneath the weight of your foot, a faint pressure against me that deepened my sense of powerlessness. My muscles tensed slightly in a final, futile twitch, but the weight pressed down on me, squashing what little resistance I had left.

Though my mind was far gone, somewhere beyond consciousness, my body reacted in ways I could no longer control, shuddering beneath the weight as my body continued its desperate, failing fight for air. My face, even though it was relaxed and sleepy, told the story of a battle hard-fought but lost it, bleeding from the nostrils as a consequence of the heavy shots. The spasms gradually began to fade, but the humiliation lingered, etched into every convulsion, even as darkness consumed me. The last thing my battered body communicated was defeat, before everything went completely still. Seconds pass by and I start to wake up, looking up at you while you're pressing your sole on my large breast, making fun of the strongest woman in eldia as you're posing victorious over the last Ackerman.

One of the doctors, Hange Zoe which is my commander grabs my hair and lifts my defendless body up, then she slips the palm of her hands under my armpits to lift me back to my corner to start to wake myself back up. "Angh.. damn it.." I slowly wake up, opening my eyes to see Hange and the doctors waking me up, lifting my arms up and down to see if I was still there. But in fact I am, once I'm able to breathe and conscious I start to get back to normal..  I start to stand up, proud of myself even though you planted your sole on my breast in front of everyone, I'm still proud of standing up, ready to fight. I crack my neck left and right, keeping my cold stare at the level of your eyes, promising myself to finish you off once and for all.


I had front row seats to the spectacle, watching you have to practically be revived by your doctor. The one thing that made the whole thing that little bit better was knowing that I caused this, the supposedly invincible Mikasa Ackerman, wrestled down, choked out and rendered totally defenceless by King Carlton I’d be full of confidence, even more so than before as you stood back up and cracked your neck. I’d take a step out of my corner as the referee checked on you, thinking whether or not to stop the fight after seeing the state you were in moments prior but I didn’t want that, and neither did you. The two warriors were about to settle this fight once and for all “You should thank your King for letting go, I could’ve killed you Mikasa, you’re only awake because of your Kings mercy, don’t forget that” I would taunt, knowing how prideful my opponent was i wanted to get into her head, but only so much of the battle could be won with words. I’d bring my arms back up into a guard knowing this fight now only ends by making your opponent pass out or by knocking them out cold, I was determined not to be the loser, to have the proud Mikasa Ackerman all to myself after the match as a reward. I’d come out aggressively yet again, wanting to see if you were fully recovered yet after a brutal knockout. I approached you quickly, throwing a few jab feints your way before going down low, throwing a straight right hand at your midsection, mainly as a distraction as I came up with a big left uppercut aimed for your jaw.

Mikasa Titan Slayer: 

"I could've killed you in so many occasions, just when I was sitting on your shoulder. I could've ended you right away, but I am forced to let my opponent have another chance it seems. Don't be full of yourself." I stand proud, clenching my fists and bringing them up to from my kickboxing guard. Till now I thought knocking you out was a difficult task, but now I feel like I must not hold back.. even though it may be not easy to achieve, but I have to aim at your head as well. I must strike as hard as I can. You come to attack, aggression is what you look for to take me down. I get my fist up and clench them in front of my face, I can read the feint coming, I take the risk to wait patiently and in fact your real punch was going for my belly. "Ugh-" I was going to step back, but your knuckles still landed square on my abs, causing me to gasp some air out of my lungs. A thud was heard as your fist landed on my ripped midsection, but as your uppercut starts swinging, I sidestep your fist to unleash a heavy right elbow right for your nose, stepping forward as I also move in while stepping around your uppercut. I would quickly follow up with a harsh left kick at the heigh of your ribs, since your guard would be busy up at your face right after receiving such a blow against your nose, I take the chance to strike your ribs hard.


I didn’t respond to you, knowing that my trash talking had done its job of getting into your head, all that was left was to fight again. I came out with a few feints to keep you guessing before a hard straight shot landed to your midsection, making you pause and giving me even more confidence as I threw a mean uppercut up the middle That confidence would be for nothing however as my uppercut was sidestepped and I was smashed with a hard elbow right into my nose. I’d step away, not badly dazed but if my nose wasn’t broken before it absolutely was now. My hands raised up to see just how much blood was pumping out of it, and to protect myself from any other blows but that’s when you went low, your shin slamming into my ribs with a roundhouse kick “HUHH!” I’d yell out in pain as my body once again doubled over, it’s taken a beating today during this match. I knew I had to fight back and quick before you got even more momentum on your side so rather than back away I planted my feet hopefully catching you off guard by not backing up I’d swing a hard left hook towards your temple followed by a quick straight right hand at your nose, no feints this time just straight up offence.

Mikasa Titan Slayer: 

Your body is taking a beating, it looks like the king did not put effort into conditioning his body for battle. I on the other hand, have muscles of steel by genetics and went through lots of conditioning. Even though you almost folded over, you showed me dedication to keep going as you stepped in for a quick attack. I quickly step forward to unleash a roundhouse right kick that crashes right against your left hook, blocking the attack and opening your guard, halting your offensive as a consequence. The roundhouse was just a way to give me more momentum as I start spinning right away, throwing a windmill right kick at the side of your head, spinning so quickly to prevent your straight at my nose. The crowd goes insane, looking at me shining once again, despite being put to sleep I'm a force to be reckoned with.


I was definitely looking worse for wear, not taking your shots as well as you were taking mine but I knew I still had devastating power that could change everything in a matter of moments My hook soared through the air but you’d thrown a kick just before, the two shots meeting in the middle. I was left with an open guard while you took it in stride, spinning around and bringing your leg with you as you looked for a windmill kick I’d see it coming at the last moment, ducking under the kick and immediately responding, not wanting to allow you to regain your balance or bearings enough to defend properly. I’d load up with a heavy left and right hook, swinging them one after the other towards whatever part of your head and face I could hit, putting as much power as I could load up in that small amount of time to try and turn the tables yet again in a match that looked to be swinging in your favour

Mikasa Titan Slayer: 

I miss my shot completely, this led to have my face unprotected and easy to target since you got this close. 


 your heavy left, which was thrown blindly strikes my right cheek, leaving another red mark. Now both my cheeks are marked by your fist, my head snaps to the right and I take a step back, the second shot lands on my mouth clean, which snaps my head back and sweat flies off my hair.. leaving me stumbling backwards with my guard focusing on my face, hiding my bleeding lips.

 "Aghh.. aghh.." 

 I groan in pain, backing off while ducking my shoulders forward, trying to close my face and my liver area as well, not looking to get hit by none of your attacks..


My two shots landed hard, marking your face again and leaving you stumbling back away from me, covering up and slumping forward. I wouldn’t allow you to create space though, aggressively following after you I wouldn’t put much thought into my next attacks, just aiming to overwhelm you with offence. I’d load up and throw jabs into your guard, looking to break it down slowly before loading up with a four punch combination! First I’d come around with a strong left hook towards your temple followed by a right hook to the opposite temple. I’d then go low, ripping another hook towards your liver area before finally ending off the combination with a vicious uppercut hurtling towards your jaw 

 “You’re done Ackerman!”

Mikasa Titan Slayer: 

I stumble back, almost going to touch the octagon's cage behind me with my back, but there I stand my ground. You decide to aim for the head while I was guarding my head firmly, I stood there and let you gas out with strong attacks aiming at my temple, each of them. I easily check your strong attacks, yet the impact reverberates through my gloves and well, I was narrowly able to protect my liver as my shoulders were ducked down, protecting a bit of my body ad well. I left the center of my abs uncovered, prioritising my head at all cost. 

 You shoot a last vicious uppercut towards my jaw, I narrowly avoiding your uppercut by waving my head to the side while ducking down, right when I moved myself down i unleashed a devastating right overhand to smash into your mouth, possibly shattering your teeth.. but I'm not done yet, I'm dazed by your previous hard hooks but I still move forward to deliver a hard left straight at your solar plexus to take your stamina out of action.


I charged forward like a marauder, hammering punches into your guard but you’d eventually stand your guard, not allowing yourself to get backed up to the fence. My shots would pound against your guard, each one of them blocked or avoided until I was met with a brutal overhand right to the mouth that left me rocked. I took a few awkward steps as I stumbled to the side, backing away from you You followed after me, my arms raised to defend my face but you went low, delivering a pounding shot to my solarplexus that almost buckled me. You could hear me wheeze as the air left my body which slumped forward. I backed away, covering up as I just tried to get away to recover

Mikasa Titan Slayer: 

I was able to gas you out by letting you waste precious energies by swinging heavy shots to a guarded opponent, then I struck your plexus which gave me a golden opportunity. With your stamina at your lowest I don't plan to let you go away and take free deep breaths, I immediately rush to close the distance and deliver a snap shovel right hook under your chin, trying to get you dizzy. I would then step to your side a bit to grab onto your right arm with both my hands, then I would swing my legs up to set up for a flying armbar, but instead of going for the arm bar I look to achieve another goal. Almost like a pole dancer I twist my body around your arm, while doing so I twist your arm so that you can fall on your front and I can turn myself around, now having my legs wrapped around your arm I force you to fall forward with your face kissing the mat with a omoplata, raising my upper body to twist your arm and wrist painfully on your back.


I was gassed already but your shot to the solarplexus did a number on me. My arms were in the middle, not defending my face or body as I just tried to breathe, only to be met with a hard hook to my chin, leaving me on wobbly legs as you set up your next attack You’d throw yourself up onto my body, manoeuvring yourself around into an omoplata that sent me flying down to the mat, my face kissing the canvas as you cranked on my shoulder and wrist


 I yelled out in pain as I felt the sharp pain, this round being a knockout round meant that you couldn’t win with this move but you could certainly do plenty of damage. I couldn’t do much from this position, my face down into the mat, any move I tried to make led to more and more pressure on my shoulder. I was in a terrible situation with no escape in sight

Mikasa Titan Slayer: 

After taking you down with majestic precision and agility the crowd got hyped up even more by the showcase of resilience, skills and raw power. I have your right arm locked up with my omoplata, yet my intention wasn't to make you submit, but rather to stress your ligament and muscles, possibly injuring your right shoulder as I give your right arm a quick and hard twist before rolling around to get closer to your head, basically I still have your arm wrapped by my legs and I still pin you down until I get on my knees over your right shoulder, lean forward to grab your left arm and turn us around. I end up with my back facing the bloody canvas with my stomach and breast touching your muscular upper back. Your right arm is still trapped between my thighs, with my right hand I take your left wrist hostage, while I wrap my left arm around your throat and neck for a one-handed crucifix chokehold, looking to end you as I start to choke your neck as hard as I can.

"There is no way to run, King. I've got you where I wanted..." 

 A smirk appears from the waterfall made out of blood caused by your punches that cracked my nose and my lips, but still, even if I was nailed harshly by your attacks I'm still here enjoying beating you up~


There was an unreal amount of stress being put on my shoulder as you continued to twist further and further around. I screamed out in pure agony as you leaned over my back and grabbed a hold of my wrist to transition around There wasn’t as much pressure on my shoulder but it was still totally destroyed and even if I managed to survive this exchange it would be pretty much useless, but that’s a big if as you took control of my other free arm Your arm slid across my neck, locking in a chokehold as you taunted me. The choke was tight, but nowhere near as tight as you could make it using both arms so I knew I had at least a chance to fight out. You were strong but I knew that in terms of arm strength, I was definitely stronger, something I looked to take advantage of as I tried my arm in towards my body, looking to make you try and pull it back towards you before I suddenly stopped and swung my arm back towards your face, aiming my elbow right for your nose again and again

Mikasa Titan Slayer: 

Since I'm an Ackerman my hand alone could break your wrist by just gripping it hard, but yet you managed to slip your arm off my grasp, perhaps due to the amount of sweat on my gloves. "Ngh! Ngh.. TCH! Now you're done for!!" I get angry as your elbow start to hit my face repeatedly, so I quickly release your neck so I can stop your elbows from striking against my face over and over, and instead I pin your arm under my right armpit, locking in tightly as now I start to deliver nasty left elbows down to the side of your head, downward elbows are way stronger than sideways elbows, strong enough to break bones..

( )


My elbows would slip through, hammering down into your face and forcing you to release your choke. I’d take a deep breath, breathing a sigh of relief as I felt I’d escaped, that was before you trapped my left arm under your armpit I had no defence as you started to pound brutal elbows into the side of my head. After just a few I was totally out of it, my head laying back on your abs as I was badly dazed, probably badly concussed and barely conscious. I was done, it was just a matter of how you wanted to put me away at this point

Mikasa Titan Slayer: 

Eren and my friends stood eagerly at the edge, their anticipation clear as they awaited my opponent’s defeat. My face was battered, swollen from the brutal exchange of strikes, but I remained composed. Despite the damage, my stamina had held strong, my strategy still intact. You hadn’t slowed my body down or taken away my confidence with your kicks, likely in an attempt to avoid my takedowns. But here I was, the one still ready to keep going, round after round. After delivering countless elbows to your skull, you were teetering on the edge of consciousness, barely hanging on. The referee hovered close, contemplating whether to intervene and stop the fight, but I could see that faint flicker of awareness in your weren’t fully out yet. I made the decision to release my hold, shifting my position as I moved to my knees, swiftly flipping you onto your stomach.

Without hesitation, I climbed over your beaten body, positioning myself above you. Slowly, I wrapped my thick thighs around your head, locking in a reverse headscissor, your face pressed deeply into my glutes. My legs tightened like a vice, and I began to move my hips, brushing my skin against your face, smothering you with every motion. The power of my quads constricted around your head and neck, each squeeze aimed at crushing you until you had no choice but to submit to unconsciousness, or worse.

 "Don’t bother trying to escape, King," I taunted in a cold, calm voice. 

"There’s no way out for you. No submission, no mercy. The only path left is to let yourself drift into sleep into defeat. Accept it. Let your desires fade as you embrace the inevitable." 

 My body continued to squeeze and smother, leaving you with no air, no space to fight back, as the darkness slowly took over.


The crowd knew I was done, the referee too but I wasn’t out yet, something you’d want to make sure of as you flipped me over onto my back and climbed over on top of my body Your legs would surround my head, your soft thighs brushing against my head and stuffing my face right up against your glutes before they turned rock hard, clamping down around my neck like an anaconda My eyes would bulge open as you calmly taunted me. My hands laid across your legs, instinctively tapping out but that wasn’t an option, this was knockout only and my only way out was to go to sleep I was already teetering on the edge of consciousness so it didn’t take very long for your tight vicious squeeze to put me out My eyes would start to close, drool and foam sputtering out of my mouth as I tried to breathe. My legs and arms would squirm around in a panic until all of a sudden everything stop. My vision was overtaken by the darkness as my eyes flickered shut, my body gone fully limp, I was out cold

Mikasa Titan Slayer: 

I move my hips up and down alternating my left hip from my right one, so that your face can feel the softness and the sweat of my ass cheeks while your lights are shutting down. 

 "Mh, I can't hear your bullshits anymore King, I'm sure you will love to feel what is happening now, too bad I can't feel your fear as you're out.." 

 I gently move back my body, pushing myself off the canvas so I can sit on your face with my full weight falling on your bloody face. I make sure to clean some of the blood off my pretty face and place my hands up on my mane, showing off my amazing body while I pose victorious, humiliating such a strong man in front of thousands of people by sitting on his face. 

 "Stand proud King, you're strong. Stronger than anyone I've encountered before, stronger than Levi, Reiner and Zeke.. I shall never forget you till my last breath"

The match ends, marking yet another victory for the undefeated Mikasa Ackerman, however today we've seen the Ackerman taking a huge beating, never before someone was able to put Mikasa to sleep inside the octagon. The Eldian side of the crowd cheers as their favourite fighter leaves the ring victorious once again.

The match was a best of three, the first score was forcedfully supposed to be a submission one(or ko via submission if they refuse to tap), while the second one had to end by a knockout.

<Interviewer> "Congratulations Mikasa for your 24th victory, your professional record seems unbeatable so far.. yet today we have seen a side of you we never expected to witness.. did King surprise you? Was he really that strong or did you just underestimate the upcoming challange?"

Mikasa Ackerman: "I never underestimate my opponents, yet King was able to make me taste the defeat. I couldn't reach to finish the second round with a knockout, i had to rely on my ground skills to win. For the first time i ended up asleep, i shall never commit the same mistakes ad i did today.
King was my most difficult opponent to deal with so far in the octagon, he fought his game by using his advantages to the very last moment. I couldn't land a decisive blow to knock him out, i was forced to make him sleep.. it's not easy to hit someone so quick and tall"

<Interviewer> "When King made you well.. sleep, why didn't you tap out? The pose over your body was outrageous!!"

Mikasa Ackerman: "..."

Interviewer: "a-allright next que-"

Mikasa Ackerman: "As the strongest woman in Eldia i represent my entire nation, but my pride as a woman kept me from tapping. I'm a warrior, not a simple fighter.. and as a warrior i know the passion and the glory that you feel when you defeat an opponent, i knew he was going to put his foot on my body but it's ok.. It's a symbol of honor, posing over your opponent equals to a message, 'you were strong, but not strong enough.. and in this world the ones who are not strong enough shall lay under this foot'.. it's a code of pride between us fighters."

<Interviewer> "T-thanks Ackerman... one final question, will you pursue your path to become the strongest woman in the world or will you take a break from competition?"

Mikasa Ackerman: "Taking a break? Don't make me laugh.. i'm always up to compare myself against women, but i will also train harder from now on. I'm far from the top level that Marley has to offer, my boxing matches in Marley proved that quite clearly"

<Published> 2024-10-15, viewed 141 times.



Toji Fushiguro

2024-10-16 16:45

What an intense match up and trade of blows it was, really enjoyed it reading till the last move. Would love to read more of your matches. Gg Carlton for making her sleep 🤭. But yeah Mikasa is still undefeated 🤷‍♂️....

Mikasa Titan Slayer

2024-10-19 15:13

(In reply to this)

It was tough for me to not be able to knock someone out with my fists, nor even a knockdown.. but in the end I'm a versatile warrior and I have plenty of weapons to choose from

Macke RPCW

2024-10-16 14:53

Incredible stuff from both of you

Mikasa Titan Slayer

2024-10-19 15:12

(In reply to this)

Thank you Macke


2024-10-16 13:31

You guys must've had so much fun writing this and god damn it I'm freaking jealous, Nice job!!

Mikasa Titan Slayer

2024-10-16 14:20

(In reply to this)

Jealous? Perhaps you want to lose a teeth or two like Carlon did?
Thanks for the appreciation


2024-10-17 13:05

(In reply to this)

Imma sacrifice the whole jaw!

Haruka Nanase

2024-10-16 08:36

Great match and a amazing read! Congrats for the win Mikasa, but a huge props to Carlton as well for being able to keep up with you!
Looking forward to see more of your bouts~

Mikasa Titan Slayer

2024-10-16 14:21

(In reply to this)

Hi Haruka, this battle was really hard. Thanks for the like and the kind words.

Makima ntrol evil (deleted member)

2024-10-16 14:18

(In reply to this)

This was surely a hard battle indeed😊


2024-10-16 06:54

Great fight!😊

Mikasa Titan Slayer

2024-10-16 07:06

(In reply to this)

Thanks, I really appreciate it


2024-10-16 07:38

(In reply to this)

Yvw, is really good writing with nice skills in it.😀