Valhalla Arena

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Established: 2024-08-26
Chat room: #Valhalla_Arena

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The last frontier of fighting, where Gods, Humans, creatures, demons.. of any race and gender can compete.
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Cammy White vs Juri Han - Freestyle Knockout Exhibition


As anticipated, this NHB style wrestling match  follows no ordinary stipulation, as the winner must put the other into a deep sleep, humiliating them till their own ego ends up shattered. Juri is hungry for blood, her thirst for blood was driving her crazy until she met the calm, almost stoic glare of her opponent. Cammy is the perfect prey for her, Juri seeks to batter the brit till she'll eventually break that cold armor Cammy is wearing, forcing her to show what true pain feels like. Cammy instead is here to prove that her martial arts are way superior than the ones of the spidy-bitch, whose kicks crumbled under Chun's superior kicks—for that, Cammy walks into the ring confident to take down Juri with ease.


This match took a long time to complete, but for me it's very important as i kept failing every rp till now. I hope you can enjoy a bit of madness between two strong ladies.

*i apologise in advance for any typos or phrases that don't make much sense, both me an Askelad were both busy and tired, i attempted to fix some with the help of AI but i probably left many horrors of writing behind.


Brunhilde(Cammy White): Cammy walks side by side with Juri Han, her cold expression never faltering as she marches towards the ring. The crowd is electric, roaring with excitement, but Cammy doesn’t react. Unlike the lunatic beside her, she doesn’t play to them. She has one thing on her mind—her mission. Well… that and cats. " style="background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5); font-size: 1rem;"> Juri, on the other hand, is doing what she does best—being a pain in the ass. She slinks and twists, her body moving with that unsettling, almost predatory energy. Her head tilts, her eyes never leaving Cammy as she prowls beside her, practically circling her like a hyena looking for a reaction. Cammy doesn’t give her one. She doesn’t even look at her. “Jesus… Chun-Li must’ve kicked her in the head one too many times. Feels like I’m about to fight the special ed kid of the class.” As they step into the ring, Cammy finally comes to a stop, turning just enough to face Juri. Her stance is poised, disciplined, a soldier ready for battle. Unlike Juri, she doesn’t waste movement, doesn’t stretch or taunt—she simply locks eyes with her opponent, cold and unwavering. "Beginning operation. This is your end."

Askeladd_Ruthkaaznok(Juri Han): Juri's lips curl into a slow, smug grin. Cammy's all stiff and serious, like always. Ugh, boring. She wanted more. She wanted a reaction. And if Cammy wasn’t going to give her one, then she’d just have to take it. “Ohhh, (why)so serious~” she purrs, rocking on her heels like she’s already getting bored. “C’mon, kitten, at least pretend you’re having fun before I grind that cute little face into the mat.” She stretches, but obviously not like a normal person. No, Juri has to make everything weird. She bends her back way too far, twisting her arms behind her like some freaky contortionist before snapping forward, rolling her shoulders with a lazy smirk. Then, like it’s the most natural thing in the world, she lifts her leg absurdly high, pointing her toes straight at the ceiling before flicking them right toward Cammy’s face, stopping just inches from her nose. She holds the pose, perfectly balanced, like she isn’t even trying. “Don’t keep me waiting too long~” she hums, before casually spitting her gum into the crowd, unbothered by the disgusted reaction of some normies in the crowd.. they have no taste anyway.

Brunhilde(Cammy White): "I'm not Chun Li, I will spare no mercy upon you." Cammy's voice is as cold as her stare, sharp and unwavering. No taunts, no playfulness—just a simple, cutting declaration of how this fight will end. She raises her fists, taking her kickboxing stance as she starts to hop lightly on the balls of her feet, her movements precise and controlled. Every breath is measured. Every shift in her stance calculated. The bell rings. Without hesitation, Cammy advances, her steps slow, deliberate. She watches Juri like a predator watching its prey, waiting for the slightest opening. But of course, Juri being Juri, doesn’t take anything seriously. She stays on one leg, still balancing like she’s showing off rather than preparing to fight. *Tch. Idiot.* Cammy doesn’t waste another second. She explodes forward, dashing straight at her opponent. Her muscles coil before she whips out a devastating right sidekick, aiming directly at Juri’s raised leg—right at the knee. A perfectly placed strike to knock her off balance, to force her to fight properly instead of playing games.aaaa

Askeladd_Ruthkaaznok(Juri Han): As Juri was still on her fighting stance, patiently waiting for the first strike she manages to see Cammy flashing towards her with a sidekick. Juri quickly brings her hands to the ground, extending her leg in a horizontal angle in order to entire back at Cammy's kick with her own, slamming her whole sole into the side of Cammy's ankle to kick her leg back on its way. Not satisfied, Juri now spins 180° while bringing her extended leg down, aiming to sweep Cammy's foot and bring her out of balance, hopefully making her fall

Brunhilde(Cammy White):  Cammy's flashy dash attack to the leg of the weird Han was not a success, like 90% of the initial strikes of a match. Cammy knew it would've never landed, in fact Juri blocks her kick with a kick of her own and counters with a sweeping kick but Cammy bends her body backwards and stands upside down on her hands, pushing herself away from the danger and land on her feet with finesse.

Askeladd_Ruthkaaznok(Juri Han): Unlike Cammy's finesse, Juri looks rough, almost like a wild animal thirsty for some flesh. She plants her hands on the ground and dashes forward, chasing after Cammy as she makes a hand stance. Since she had a little bit of advantage on that situation, Juri gets behind Cammy's back, spinning once again as she raises her right leg, now aiming to strike Cammy's lower back with a flashy roundhouse kick, hoping to catch her off guard

Brunhilde(Cammy White): Cammy performed an handstand just to push her body and launch herself away from the danger, she got closer to the ropes but as she was about to turn Juri already dashed forward. "Dagh!" Juri's foot crashes into her lower back, launching the killer bee forward against the ropes, Cammy ends up facing the ropes with her arms over them and her knees almost touching the mat of the ring

Askeladd_Ruthkaaznok(Juri Han): Juri smirks with obvious satisfaction as Cammy is sent towards the ropes. She doesn't stop yet, she wants blood. Juri quickly dashes forward once again, jumping high enough to be able to reach Cammy's head high with her hips. If she landed this successfully, Juri then would try to coil her legs around Cammy's slender neck, to get her into a mounted triangle choke while she's stuck on the ropes

Brunhilde(Cammy White): Cammy was facing the ropes and was waiting for Juri to do something stupid like attacking from behind, she quickly drops down to her back and shoots her right leg upwards as Juri tries to land on her shoulders. Cammy shoots her right leg up while at the same time pushing her body upwards, her hands pushing the mat to strike Juri in the chin really hard before getting back to her feet. "You lack elegance, finesse..all your strength go to waste."

Askeladd_Ruthkaaznok(Juri Han): Juri got completely caught in her own delight as she went straight for her next move. Her eyes widened in complete surprise as the blonde actually manages to react. Cammy's leg coming up was all Juri could see before it crashed roughly into her jaw from underneath, making her yelp and fall flat on her ass while she was able to see some stars for a few seconds. After she comes to her senses again she quickly makes a spinning pendulum move to prevent Cammy from getting any chance to come closer, handstanding before coming back to her feet, spitting out as she wipes her mouth "All that elegance of yours is nonsense on a street fight my dear Canary~"

Brunhilde(Cammy White): "Brute force and poor technique will lead you to kiss the dirt, spidy, just like you were just now" Cammy quickly steps back to avoid the spinning autistic attack Juri performed to keep the British killer machine at bay. Cammy let Juri stand on her feet, taking a kickboxing stance to get ready for action once again. With incredible speed Cammy dashes down towards Juri's legs but instead of kicking them she pushes her body up at the last moment using just one hand to strike Juri's stomach, her right foot would crash hard into the belly. Cammy quickly pushes her body up with her legs to gain more power and unleash a devastating uppercut to the belly.

Askeladd_Ruthkaaznok(Juri Han): Juri grunts as she hears Cammy's words, seeing her come at her once again, preparing for a kick attempt  from the blonde when she suddenly changes her move at last second. Juri barely manages to pull her left arm up to meet with Cammy's foot, taking the kick as she fully pushed her body up, making Juri's belly almost get impaled by her fist as she merely groans loudly. From that position Juri felt quite exposed, which drove her mad. Trying to endure that devastating uppercut she quickly grabs Cammy by her shoulders; her eyes sparkling with anger as she relentlessly drives her forehead straight into Cammy's pretty face to stun her. Not done with that, Juri quickly gets her own feet on Cammy's exposed abs, swinging both of them as she aims to throw Cammy out of the ring with a monkey flip

Brunhilde(Cammy White): Cammy was brutalizing the abs of her opponent, Juri was going to eat soft and easily digestive foods but was able to defend herself despite the pain. Spidy girl grabs her shoulder and drives her forehead into Cammy's face to stun her. "AGH!" Cammy's head tilts backwards and is momentarily dazed by the headbutt, defenseless she is unable to respond in time. Juri's soles touch the bare abs of the killer bee only to throw her backwards off the ring. "AAGH!!" The crowd gasps in shock as Cammy flies off the ropes and crashes into a chair, her body is bent over the seat, her limbs and head dangling off the seat, her whole body arching over it with her well defined abs exposed

Askeladd_Ruthkaaznok(Juri Han): "That's right! Little bee is about to get squashed!" Juri says while she pushes herself back to her feet after throwing Cammy off the ring. She did took some seconds due to her aching abs, which had a noticiable red label right on the center, near her belly button; she'll probably have a hard time bending down tomorrow. "Ughhh... that bitch got me good" Juri mumbles to herself as she jumps over the ropes, landing with a harsh double-foot stomp on the ground. Watching Cammy bent over the seat like that made her smirk in satisfaction. As she was still sprawled over the seat like a bug, Juri quickly took a step backwards just to kick Cammy's belly as hard as she possibly could, digging her foot as deep as she could get on the blonde's abs while the whole crowd gasped and booed her

Brunhilde(Cammy White): Cammy is sprawled on the chair, her beautiful body crashed pretty hard on that seat and pretty much defendless. Juri jumps off the ring and lands close to the chair, looking down at such a strong woman being defenseless, she steps forward to raise her foot up and kick her body, making it crash into the chair and break it. "UUUGHH!!" Cammy moans out loud as Juri's foot buries into her exposed abs, making her arch in the opposite way as she crashes into the chair. Her limbs and head shoot up bedore laying into the broken chair. "Aaghh..." Cammy groans as she crawls off the chair and lay onto her back, she looks up at Cammy and as soon as she get closer the British waifu shoots her legs up, hooking them around Juri's right leg and so she twists her own body to the side to force Juri to the ground with a leg lock.

Askeladd_Ruthkaaznok(Juri Han): Juri smiles sadisticly as she manages to make Cammy squeal, breaking that chair in the kicking process, showing off how deadly her kicks were. This time she forced herself to stay focused, not wanting to take another blow like the previous one as she was looking at the blonde woman. "Nu-uh" Juri says as she sees Cammy laying on her back, paying close attention and as she shoots her legs up and hooks them around hers she quickly gets her arms in between Cammy's legs and her own trapped leg, still getting twisted but quickly pushing the blonde's legs away to get out of the lock. She then rolls away and grabs the broken chair to help herself up, not loosing Cammy from her sight

Brunhilde(Cammy White): Cammy fails to hook her legs around Juri's right leg, instead her legs were pushed away before the leg lock could've been secured. Juri rolls away and grabs the broken chair to help her out to stand up, because she is already battered by the superior killer bee~ Cammy slowly stands back on her feet, holding her belly with one hand before eventually take her fighting guard up once again. Cammy takes some steps forward until she is like two meters away from Juri, her blue eyes looking directly at her opponent when suddenly Cammy stomps with enough force to shoots one of the pieces of the broken chair up, she then throws a straight punch at it to throw it right at Juri's face, blinding or either buy time. Cammy rushes forward with a spinning heel kick to the face using her right leg, then spins to the other side to unleash a fake left kick to the body but it's a question mark kick instead, which will crash into Juri's side of the head.

Askeladd_Ruthkaaznok(Juri Han): Juri sighs as she catches her breath while Cammy seems to start getting closer again. Even tho Juri was slightly tired she could still keep up for a while. As she sees the piece of chair coming towards her she moves aside, letting that thing fly towards the crowd as she regains a fighthing stance. Juri sees the kick coming towards her and ducks under it, squating down and quickly getting up again as she then takes a step backwards, lowering herself and planting both hands on the ground, seeing that unexpected question mark kick barely passing by above her. She then uses her strenght and weight to push herself up and forward, fully stretching her leg out to try landing a kick to Cammy's jaw from underneath, emulating an uppercut

Brunhilde(Cammy White):  Cammy threw a spinning kick at Juri's face but was unable both to hit the target and also to pursue with her offensive, Juri ducks down and with her 10/10 agility she throws a kick to Cammy's jaw. Juri's controls are bad and even if you press the button to punch she'll end up kicking, so the weak and bitchy Han needs to emulate an uppercut with her leg. Cammy evades the kick by moving her head back and also bend her whole body backwards, right after Cammy throws a low kick at Juri's face to punish her before stepping back.

Askeladd_Ruthkaaznok(Juri Han): Juri could only grunt in frustration as she barely misses her kick; her eyes sparkling with anger once again as this bitchy blonde manages to save her ass once again. She could see something coming from her side, so she decides to go all in, stretching her arms out and using her whole mommentum and bodyweight to throw herself forward while turning to the oposite side, taking that low kick with her elbow as she drives herself all in like a screwdriver into Cammy's belly once again, looking to drill her feet deep into her belly button to hopefully knock the wind out of her

Brunhilde(Cammy White): Juri once again manages to counter the counter and tanks the low kick with an elbow, following up she drives herself like a screwdriver into Cammy's belly. "UUUGHHH!!" Cammy moans out loud as Juri's bare feet sink into her belly button, her body bends over the feet but she manages to stand still and only take some steps backwards. "Ghh.." Cammy holds her abs in pain, she is still slightly bent forward but she won't get her eyes off the spidy girl even though she was receiving quite some hits.

Askeladd_Ruthkaaznok(Juri Han): Juri smirks in excitement as she finally gets the blonde girl to bend over again. She lands on her back once again, and quickly spins, performing a windmill breakdance move with the mere objective of kicking Cammy's head while she's still bent over. "Take this!" Juri says while spinning once again, now doing a hand stand as she splits her legs, looking like a crazy helicopter as she spins once more, using her legs now to try sweeping Cammy off her feet before she finaly comes back into her own feet again, with her guard up as she smiles, sparkling both joy and excitement once again "YOU'RE RIGHT! This is way better than Chun Li!"

Brunhilde(Cammy White): Juri was not done yet, her combination continues as she performs a windmill breakdance move to kick Cammy's head and daze her. "Aaghh... agh.." Cammy ends up with her guard completely down as she wobbles around trying to survive, but Cammy sweeps her off the ground and the killer bee is now lying down to the cold floor outside the ring. Cammy moans while lying down battered, she clearly needs some seconds to recover and stand back to her feet.

Askeladd_Ruthkaaznok(Juri Han): For the first time in the match someone seemed to have the upperhand, and it was clearly not tha squashed bee. Juri didn't waste any second and dashed close to Cammy, pulling her up by her hair and coiling her thighs around the blonde woman's neck as she tried to secure a standing headscissor "Hope you like the view, loser~" Juri says as she slowly starts squeezing her neck, getting her hands on her hips and yawning to show off a bit. The hold was still not completely secured since spidy gal hadn't crossed her ankles, but she still was bulging her thighs around Cammy's neck, slowly cutting her oxygen supplies while she smirked at the crowd

Brunhilde(Cammy White):  The crowd was cheering for the face of this match, they want Cammy to stand up and fight but Juri was beating her up, she grabbed her hair to pull her up to her knees and slowly traps her head between her thighs, Cammy could only look at her butt cheeks. "Anghh.. aggh..I will make you pay.." Cammy's body was bent and exposed to the crowd in a heel fashion for Juri, but the standing headscissors is way more risky than any other scissor hold, specially when the victim's face is looking up because they have more freedom to move. Cammy decides to use a low blow, while Juri was distracted on keep taunting the killer bee she throws three uppercuts at Juri's crotch to make her release the hold. At the same time Cammy wiggles around to unbalance the spidy bitch to help her out

Askeladd_Ruthkaaznok(Juri Han): All of a sudden, Juri cried out as the little bastard trapped between her thighs decided to play dirty and uppercut her crotch. A sharp gasp left her lips as pain shot through her core, forcing her to double over and release the headscissor. But not before she stomped forward, her eyes burning with rage. "You'll PAY for this!" She snarled, her voice dripping with fury, and drove her heel straight into Cammy’s chin. The impact was brutal, snapping the blonde’s head back with a sickening jolt. But Juri wasn’t reckless. No, she didn’t rush in like some mindless idiot. She waited, watching, making sure Cammy felt that kick. And the second Cammy hit the ground, Juri was on her like a snake. She dashed forward, getting behind her, already dropping to the mat before Cammy even had a chance to react. Her legs hooked around Cammy’s neck, fast and fluid. One calf pressed tight against the front of Cammy’s throat, the back of her knee resting snugly against her neck, cutting off space. Juri locked her ankle behind her other knee, securing the perfect figure-four. Then came the real punishment. Juri flexed, arching her back slightly as she cranked the hold, forcing her calf deeper into Cammy’s windpipe. The pressure was immediate, suffocating. Cammy's body tensed as her airflow got tighter, the crushing force of Juri’s legs squeezing her neck like a vice. And just to make things worse, Juri reached down, grabbing her own ankle for extra leverage, twisting her hips slightly to increase the torque. The scissor was locked in deep.

Brunhilde(Cammy White):  Cammy was not done yet, she was battered but she still was in the top 3 strongest women in Metro City… no, in the entire world. Juri, full of frustration and anger, throws a reckless kick aimed straight at Cammy’s chin, but the blonde’s instincts are too sharp. With perfect timing, she catches Juri’s ankle mid-air, gripping it tight before swiftly sweeping her other leg. Juri yelps as she loses her balance, crashing onto her back, and before she can react, Cammy’s already on her, twisting and trapping her leg in a precise ankle lock. “Nghh... I won’t lose to you, not a chance.” Cammy cranks Juri’s right ankle at a brutal angle, locking her own legs around it for full control. Every small movement only worsens the pain, and Juri has no choice but to feel it. Cammy shifts her weight, pressing her hips down to isolate the joint while keeping a firm grip on the foot. She’s not just bending it—she’s making sure Juri feels every tendon stretch, every nerve scream. With her leg fully trapped, Juri squirms, her free foot pounding against the mat, her fists clenching. But there’s no easy escape. Cammy’s positioning is perfect, every muscle in her body engaged to control the hold. And the longer she holds it, the more she recovers, while Juri’s stamina gets drained by the second.  

Askeladd_Ruthkaaznok(Juri Han): Juri's eyes widen both in surprise and panic as she gets completely caught, once again thanks to her lack of control. She falls on the ground with a thud and right after she screams as her ankle gets bent on an akward position. Juri was in serious trouble, but didn't planned to give up just yet. Risking her own ankle's safety she decides to contort her leg in order to spin, trying both to kick Cammy's head and flip both of them over to hopefully pull her leg out of that devastating ankle lock "LET ME GO YOU BASTARD!"

Brunhilde(Cammy White): Cammy has finally Juri under her control in a ankle lock position, she was helding her leg hostage but the wild spidy was far from being tamed. Juri starts to struggle around and risks to snap her own ankle to kick Cammy's head and drag her leg away from her grasp. "FOOLISH SPIDY!!" Cammy quickly turns her body around, her stomach facing the ground as she uses the foolishness of her opponent against her. Cammy turns both of them over as she doesn't let the kick come near her face and instead mount on Juri's back while still holding the leg, trapping her in a single leg Boston crab. Cammy immediately squats down the lower back of her opponent to not let her move and bend Juri's back further more. "I've got you now." 

Askeladd_Ruthkaaznok(Juri Han): Juri is now a bit worn out due to the exaustment of freeing herself. As Cammy turns both of them and mounts on Juri's back she stops struggling for a moment, knowing what comes up next. She yells out in pain as she's now being bent like a pretzel with that single leg boston crab "Let me go!!! You bastard!" Juri says as she uses her strenght to do a push-up, trying desperately to get them both up to flip herself, or at least try to flip herself, hopefully bucking Cammy off of her while screaming

Brunhilde(Cammy White):  Cammy had been on the receiving end of a one-sided beating since the beginning, her body aching from Juri’s relentless onslaught. But she wasn’t done. Not yet. If she had to suffer, then Juri was going to suffer twice as much. Cammy had no intention of letting the stinky Han go without battering her even more before turning things around and kicking her ass for good. Juri, ever defiant, plants her palms on the mat and tries to push herself up, her muscles straining as she attempts to break free. But the second her upper body lifts even slightly, Cammy’s sharp blue eyes flick down, sensing the opening in an instant. Before Juri can get anywhere, Cammy swiftly scoots forward, her toned thighs sliding around Juri’s head as she plants herself firmly in place, sitting just before her opponent’s face. The shift in position wrenches Juri’s spine into a brutal curve, her body forcefully bent to its limit. Her back screams in agony, her flexibility pushed far beyond its natural range, while Cammy maintains perfect balance, her weight centered just right to keep Juri completely trapped. "Bastard? Maybe if you start begging for mercy and stop calling names, I could consider it." Cammy’s lips curl into a smirk, a rare sight from the stoic soldier. For the first time in months, she was excited. For the first time in what felt like forever, she had found an opponent who was truly worth her time. Juri’s resistance, her stubbornness, her refusal to break so easily—it all made the fight that much more thrilling. The heat of battle was exhilarating, and Cammy was enjoying every second of it. Her legs flex slightly, just enough to remind Juri of the agony she was in. The way her spine was being forced into an unnatural positiom, the way her muscles burned from the prolonged stretch—Cammy was making sure Juri felt every ounce of suffering before she even considered letting go. 

Askeladd_Ruthkaaznok(Juri Han): Juri gets pushed back down by Cammy's nasty ass while she yells out really loud, turning bright red due to the horrible pain on her body, feeling as if it could rip appart from that tremendous bend. "AAAHHH!!! BASTARD! I'll fucking kill you when I get out!" Juri says as she is now completely subdued and can only wait for her oponent to release her. Since she is in such a horrid spot right now she stops struggling and focuses completely on enduring the pain, trying to inhale deep

Brunhilde(Cammy White): The crowd’s cheers fuel Cammy’s every movement, their energy feeding into her ruthless intent. With Juri’s leg already in her grasp, she wastes no time, wrenching it backward with brutal precision, forcing her opponent’s spine into a harsh, unnatural curve. Juri’s body stiffens under the sudden torque, her back arching painfully as Cammy plants herself firmly, her own posture unshakable. Cammy presses her boot hard against Juri’s lower back, grinding it in place to ensure absolute control. The pressure is immense, her weight perfectly distributed to keep Juri pinned like a helpless animal caught in a trap. Cammy doesn’t need to look down to know that every muscle in Juri’s body is screaming in agony. She can feel the tremors of resistance beneath her, the tension of a body trying and failing to escape her grip. Without a moment’s hesitation, Cammy smoothly transitions. She shifts her weight forward just enough, her hands releasing the trapped ankle only to snatch up the other leg in one fluid motion. Her grip is ironclad, her movement sharp and efficient, and before Juri can even process what’s happening, before she can muster a single thrash of defiance—Cammy yanks both legs back with devastating force. Juri’s body is bent into a torturous arc, her spine stretched past its limit as Cammy locks in the full Boston Crab. The hold is merciless, a masterclass in control and leverage, with Cammy’s weight pressing down on her like a heavy, immovable force. The tension in Juri’s back, the way her flexibility is being tested beyond’s exactly what Cammy was looking forward to. 

Askeladd_Ruthkaaznok(Juri Han): Juri’s lungs empty in a single, tortured scream as the pain rockets through her back. Her abs tremble, her thighs flex involuntarily, every muscle in her core burning as Cammy locks in the full Boston Crab without mercy. The sharp stretch in her spine is excruciating, her body arching against her will, forced into an unnatural curve that only grows deeper by the second. The mat beneath her feels so damn close, her chest nearly pressed against it while her legs are being ripped backward. Her nails scrape uselessly against the floor, seeking anything any leverage, any grip to pry herself free but there’s nothing. Cammy’s weight is deadly, a crushing force on top of her that keeps her completely caged. “F-fuck you, bee—!!” she spits, voice shaky, breathless. She grits her teeth, her entire body trembling under the relentless hold, her back screaming for relief. She needs to kick out, she needs to move, she needs to do something— But before she can even think about it, Cammy shifts her position. Juri barely has a second to process what’s happening before she feels it. Cammy’s weight suddenly moves downward, pressing lower along her spine—then further—until the pressure on her upper back becomes unbearable. Then—she feels Cammy’s toned, unyielding glutes settle down. Right on the back of her skull.

Brunhilde(Cammy White): The moment Cammy drops her full weight onto Juri’s head, she feels the instant shift in her opponent’s body. The sharp convulsion. The strained gasp. The desperate shudder of her muscles giving out. Juri’s body is now completely folded, her spine twisted into a cruel, unnatural angle. Her feet are nearly touching her head, her back curved so deeply it looks almost grotesque. Cammy lets out a slow, pleased exhale, rolling her shoulders back as she settles her weight more comfortably. Her sculpted thighs keep Juri’s legs locked in tight, ensuring there’s zero chance of escape. "Hmmm," she muses, glancing over her shoulder. "Not so mouthy now, are we?" She presses down slightly, letting her full weight sink onto the back of Juri’s skull, feeling the way the Korean fighter twitches helplessly beneath her. The once-relentless brat, the cocky, untouchable Juri Han—now nothing more than a whimpering, trembling mess under Cammy’s control. "Go on then," Cammy coos, tightening her grip on Juri’s legs. "Scream for me, brat."  


Askeladd_Ruthkaaznok(Juri Han): Juri screams. Loud, raw, desperate. The unbearable stretch in her spine sends waves of agony through her body, her legs trembling uselessly in Cammy’s grasp. She grits her teeth, snarling, gasping, but nothing helps—her back is bent so unnaturally it feels like she might snap in half. Then Cammy suddenlt moves. Juri’s eyes widen as Cammy’s toned glutes drop fully onto the back of her skull, smashing her face into the mat. The pressure is instant, crushing, humiliating. Her body twitches violently, her screams cutting off into ragged, breathless gasps. She tries to move—nothing. She tries to buck—useless. Cammy’s weight is solid, unshakable. She’s stuck. Completely. Fucking. Stuck. The crowd roars, eating up her helplessness, her shaking limbs, the way she’s folded like a ragdoll. Cammy only smirks. “scream for me, brat.” Juri does. And she hates it.. she doen't like it!! understand??.

Brunhilde(Cammy White): Cammy doesn’t let up. Not even a second. Her grip is iron, her posture perfect, her execution flawless. Juri’s back is screaming, her body practically breaking under the relentless hold. Every slight shift of Cammy’s weight sends a fresh wave of torment down Juri’s spine, stretching her in ways a body shouldn’t bend. The crowd eats it up. Every second. Every whimper. Every twitch of Juri’s fingers as her legs dangle uselessly in Cammy’s grip. Then, suddenly—freedom. Or so Juri thinks. Cammy lets go, and Juri’s body collapses like a lifeless doll, but the moment she hits the mat—she’s yanked up. Before Juri can even process the pain, Cammy forces her to face her, a single, cold, bone-rattling slap snapping across her cheek. And then Cammy’s right hand clamps around her throat. Her fingers dig deep into Juri’s skin, pressing against her windpipe, her thumb locking in with an almost mechanical precision. It isn’t just a grip, it’s a vise, a slow, merciless squeeze that forces Juri’s lips to part in a breathless choke. Her pulse thrums against Cammy’s palm, weak, desperate, completely at her mercy. Juri's hands reach up, grabbing at Cammy’s wrist, nails scraping against her skin, but it’s useless. Without hesitation, Cammy lifts her effortlessly, fingers squeezing just enough to make Juri’s eyes widen, just enough to make her feel completely powerless. Then—she moves. Dashing across the arena, Juri’s kicking legs completely useless, before launching herself full force into the commentators' desk. CRASH. Wood explodes. Pieces fly everywhere. Juri? Buried. Cammy rolls her eyes. "OMFG. These desks are so cheap," she mutters, pulling out her phone mid-stride, barely even glancing at the wreckage beneath her. "Better order a more reliable desk on" With a few quick taps, she makes the purchase. Instant delivery. From above—a shadow. WHAM. The box crashes straight into Juri’s face, slamming her deeper into the debris. The crowd erupts. Cammy? She just nods twice, eyes closed, lips pursed into a tiny smug smile, tilting her head slightly. “Duh ja, duh ja.”

Cammy tilts her head slightly, then reaches down, grabbing the large box that had just wrecked Juri’s face. With one swift motion, she lifts it off, flipping it in her hands to analyze it, scanning the label with a sharp, critical gaze. Her lips press together. Then, a small, satisfied nod. “Hmph. bestest quality.”

Just as she turns to step away, her boot comes down, hard. Right into Juri’s stomach. The impact forces a sharp, strangled gasp out of the battered fighter, her body jerking violently from the unexpected stomp. But Cammy? Completely unfazed. She doesn’t even acknowledge it. Just keeps walking, leaving Juri behind in the rubble as if she were nothing but a broken, discarded obstacle.

With focused efficiency, Cammy rips open the box, pulling out each neatly packed piece of the new desk. Her movements are swift, precise..there’s no hesitation. Her mind is locked in. Assembling the desk is now the mission. Screws. Legs. Panels. Everything falls into place at record speed, her hands moving almost mechanically. The crowd watches in stunned silence, some in awe, some utterly confused. But Cammy? She doesn’t care. Her gaze is locked onto the final piece as she clicks it into place, standing back with a firm, approving nod. Perfect.

Askeladd_Ruthkaaznok(Juri Han): Juri smirks, thinking she’s finally free, her smarty grin plastered across her face as she is yanked to her feet. Juri is about to give Cammy a few spanks.. but she barely has time to celebrate before out of nowhere, Cammy’s hand smacks her across the face. Juri’s eyes bulge, and she lets out a loud, schocked and betrayed “GAH!” her face stings like hell, but before she can even think of what to do next, Cammy’s hand is around her throat. It tightens, lifting her off the ground, and for a split second, all Juri can do is gasp for air, her feet dangling uselessly as she tries to break free. But she’s not going anywhere. Cammy’s grip just gets tighter, squeezing the life out of her. Juri kicks her legs weakly, but it’s pointless. With a sudden jerk, Cammy sends her down into the commentators’s desk. The crash is so loud that it knocks the air out of her, and Juri can’t help but let out a sharp “QUACK!” as her head smashes into the destroyed wood. Her head’s buried in the desk, and her body goes limp, legs twitching, but there’s no fight left. She’s out of it. She struggles to move, her hand reaching for her Idroid, fingers fumbling as she tries to do something—anything—to call for help from the mother base. “Miller, come on, stop trying to make your stupid burgers eatable and just drop me my damn HONEYBEE.” But before she can finish, the damn box Cammy ordered from whatever that site is named falls right on her face, crashing into her skull. “QUACK!” Juri yelps, her head now fully buried in the floor, her legs stiff in the air like some weird puppet. Her body goes completely still, the only movement being the random twitching of her fingers and toes. Knocked out cold. Cammy just stands over her, taking in the mess, clearly enjoying the sight of Juri’s pathetic state.. or enjoying her new package(?) Then, Cammy steps on Juri’s stomach, sinking her boot into her sromach with all the mockery in the world. Juri jerks awake from the pain, another sharp “QUACK!” escaping hher lips, but she’s so out of it. Her body’s too sore, too broken to move. She’s done. Completely fooking wrecked.. Cammy just watches, all smug. Juri’s nothing but a squirming mess now, but she's too busy trying to figure out how to build this brand new desk, so she has some time to recover from the previous beating.. hoping that the diamond dogs will be quick enough to deliver the supplies. She starts thikning a monologue as she just realised..“damn she's good.. she must have been blessed by Odin, the gentle god who doesn't seek more wars, just design new furnitures.. but wait.. “

Brunhilde(Cammy White): Cammy finishes tightening the last screw of the desk, giving it a quick, approving nod before wiping a bit of imaginary dust off the surface. Perfect. Just as she planned. With a smooth motion, she grips the edges and drags the desk along the outside of the ring, positioning it exactly where she wants it—right against the apron. The setup is complete. Now, all she needs is her finishing touch. Her gaze drifts back to Juri, who’s still a twitching mess, barely hanging onto consciousness. Cammy even though still a bit confused because of the weird radio/phone between Juri's fingers.. howver Cammy smirks, striding over to her fallen opponent with an air of complete dominance. Without a second thought, she grabs Juri’s hair, yanking her up with ease. Juri groans, her body barely responding as she’s dragged along the floor, her legs uselessly trailing behind her. Cammy doesn’t care. If anything, she enjoys the sight of Juri being reduced to a ragdoll in her hands. With a sharp pull, Cammy forces Juri onto her knees, shoving her forward until her chin rests perfectly on the surface of the desk. Juri’s arms dangle weakly at her sides, her breath ragged, her body completely at Cammy’s mercy. It’s almost cute how she still thinks she has any control left. Cammy wastes no time. In one fluid motion, she lies down on her side, right next to Juri, and with precise, predatory grace, she swings her powerful legs around Juri’s head. Her thick, muscular thighs encircle Juri’s neck like a snake coiling around its prey, the smooth curve of her toned legs pressing firmly against Juri’s flushed skin. Then, Cammy tightens. The moment her muscles flex, her well defined abs contract, each defined line tensing up as she grips the apron above her head for balance. Her thighs harden like steel around Juri’s fragile neck, the pressure immediate and overwhelming. Every fiber in her legs ignites with power, locking Juri in a prison of muscle, completely at her mercy. ù
The sheer strength behind the hold is undeniable—Cammy’s core strains, her obliques sharpening, her entire body working in unison to crush the life out of Juri. Cammy’s grip on the apron tightens, her fingers digging in just enough to keep herself steady, while her thighs do the real damage. She adjusts her position slightly, making sure the hold is snug, before giving an experimental squeeze, feeling Juri’s body jerk at the sheer force. A smirk curls on Cammy’s lips. “Comfy?” she purrs, eyes gleaming as she slowly, mercilessly increases the pressure of le goated british thighs.

Askeladd_Ruthkaaznok(Juri Han): Juri barely comprehends what’s happening before Cammy’s legs snap around her head like a bear trap. One second, she’s limp, twitching in the wreckage, and the next? BAM. A wall of muscle surrounds her face, crushing her neck, her jaw, everything. It’s like being stuck between two flexing boulders, except those boulders are Cammy’s thighs, and they’re out for blood. The pressure hits instantly, sending a deep, suffocating pain straight through Juri’s skull. Her body tenses, eyes going wide, legs kicking weakly as she realizes just how bad this is. Cammy’s abs flex hard as she adjusts her grip on the apron, her entire body working to keep Juri trapped, those steel-cut thighs tightening even more. It’s unbearable—the heat, the weight, the sheer fucking power crushing her head like a damn grape. Juri hates this. She hates how easily Cammy’s sitting there like a damn queen, flexing just to flex, making it look effortless while she’s the one getting her skull compressed into oblivion. Her hands shoot up on instinct, grasping at Cammy’s muscular legs, fingers digging into those absurdly sculpted thighs. Every twitch, every squeeze, every subtle shift in Cammy’s stance sends another wave of pressure straight through her skull. Juri’s fingers press against firm, unyielding muscle, trying to pry them apart, but it’s like trying to separate solid steel beams with her bare hands. The more she pushes, the more she feels those thighs flexing against her skin, suffocating her with raw strength. Her bratty defiance kicks in anyway. Gritting her teeth, she forces out a response, voice strained, muffled against Cammy’s suffocating leg press.
 “YES, OF COUR—NO, FUCK YA, YOU FAT!” Her words come out warped, half-choked, her voice rising in frustration as she swings her legs around in panic, kicking at the air like a cat stuck in a headlock. But Cammy? She doesn’t even acknowledge her struggle. If anything, Juri can feel the smirk on her face, like she’s enjoying every second of this. And then—Cammy squeezes even harder. “Fff—FFUUU—” Juri’s voice cuts out. Yet, while admir.. grasping onto Cammy's legs that could rival those of Chunny, something starting cracking and luckily it wasn't her neck, that could only be that cheap-ass wooden desk breaking. Slowly crumbling under the weight of Cammy's incredibly heavy butt cheeks “YOU DUMBASS, THAT DESK ISN'T MADE FROM IKEA-” Yet, while admir—no, grasping onto Cammy’s legs (totally just grasping, shut up), Juri felt something starting to crack. And thankfully, for once, it wasn’t her skull. No, this time, it was that cheap-ass wooden desk. A deep, ominous creak groaned beneath them, the structure struggling, begging for mercy under the absurd weight pressing down on it. And the real reason? Cammy’s ridiculously heavy ass cheeks. Juri’s eye twitched as the wood beneath her let out another sickening crack, splinters already forming beneath her chin. “YOU DUMBASS, THAT DESK ISN’T MADE FROM IKEA—” she snapped, voice full of bratty frustration— CRACK! The desk finally gave up on life, the whole structure collapsing like a house of cards. Cammy’s weight came down hard, sending a sharp jolt through Juri’s entire body as she was crushed for a second longer— but in that chaos, her head finally popped free. She didn’t hesitate. Didn’t even think. Juri rolled away like her life depended on it, her body aching, her brain feeling scrambled from the relentless squeezing. Gasping, she dragged herself toward the steel steps, each motion slow, wobbly, and full of pure suffering. She was barely holding herself up, fingers trembling as she shakily fumbled for her Idroid.  “Where’s that fucking missile launcher, Miller?!” she hissed, practically slurring the words through gritted teeth as she tried to pull herself together. “I wanna blow this British out of the goddamn arena!” She hammered a few buttons, squinting through her blurry vision—waiting for her drop. Nothing. Her eye twitched. “Hello? Mother Base??” she grumbled, her patience paper-thin. Still nothing. Juri let out a deep, suffering groan, slumping against the steps. That stupid burger-loving old man... he's keeping me waiting fr.

Brunhilde(Cammy White):As Juri slumped against the steel steps, still cursing Miller’s name and frantically mashing at her Idroid, Cammy finally rose from the wreckage of the destroyed desk. She quickly herself off, rolling her shoulders, stretching her arms, Despite the humiliation in the poot choiche of the company, instead of ordering a desk from Ikea(wtf was that thing about Odin anyway, this is getting too brainrot XD), Cammy opted for Temu, a despicable move —but then, her eyes locked onto Juri, again. A slow, smug smirk spread across her lips “Nyehe!” And then... She lowered herself slightly, bent forward just enough, and raised her hands—curling her fingers into little ‘paws.’ She was stalking. A goofy, prowling cat stance, her knees bouncing subtly as she tiptoed after her prey. Step by step, she crept closer, her movement eerily smooth—like a feline about to pounce. Juri, still too busy with her damn Idroid tantrum, was completely unaware of the British menace approaching behind her. Cammy got within striking distance. Paused. Grinned. Then, with zero warning— “NYA!” Her foot swung up, landing a solid kick straight into Juri’s butt. Juri squawked, her entire body jerking forward— WHAM! Face, meet steel steps. Juri’s skull bounced off the metal, her head snapping back for a moment before she slumped, legs twitching slightly from the sheer stupidity of it all. Cammy, still holding her goofy cat pose, tilted her head. “The hell is a Miller? And why do you need a bloody rocket launcher?” Before Juri could even groan in response, Cammy smoothly lifted her right foot and placed it firmly behind Juri’s neck. Then, with zero hesitation, she shoved down. Juri’s face squished harder into the steel steps, her body giving a twitch at the sudden pressure. Cammy didn’t even blink. “You’re not making any sense. Maybe try speaking without having your face against metal?” (srry, i waited a LONG time to do this) The pressure lifted. Cammy’s boot slid off the back of Juri’s neck, freeing her from the steel steps’ cold, unforgiving surface. But the relief lasted only a split second—because before Juri could even shift her weight, Cammy’s fingers plunged into her hair. The grip was harsh, merciless. A tight fistful, locked in at the roots. Cammy didn’t hesitate. With a swift, downward pull, she bent her knees slightly, forcing Juri’s upper body to dip with her—only for her arm to then yank upward in one smooth, forceful motion. The strain on her opponent’s scalp was instant, sharp—Cammy barely even looked as she hauled Juri upright. Her grip didn’t loosen. Not even slightly. Maintaining total control, Cammy took off, marching forward with her prey in tow. Her boots struck the ground with rhythm, unwavering in pace as she dragged Juri’s body along like dead weight. Every step was precise. She knew exactly where she was going. Within seconds, she reached her destination—the corner of the ring. She jerked her arm back, forcing Juri into the steel ring steps, stopping her movement completely. The moment she felt the resistance, Cammy’s grip finally loosened. She didn’t linger. With zero wasted movement, she spun around—now facing the ring. Her arms rose as her knees bent. Then—a single, sharp jump. Cammy’s hands landed cleanly on the top turnbuckle. Her fingers curled tight, gripping the padded surface, locking her in place. Her arms tensed immediately. But she wasn’t done. With calculated precision, she lifted her body. Her abs contracted.  The taut muscles along her waist and ribs tensed and shifted as she began to raise herself higher, her back arching slightly with control. The audience stirred. Cammy’s body rose into a perfect horizontal hold, her core working with pure efficiency. Suspended in the air, she hovered— until her legs spread apart. Then..SNAPPP. Her thighs closed shut, closing in around her opponent’s throat. The pressure was immediate. Hard, crushing, unshakable. And still Cammy wasn’t finished. The moment her legs locked into place, she shifted her focus downward. She breathed in, steadying her frame. Her triceps flexed furnly, the solid shape of her arms etched sharply beneath her gloves. With a slow, controlled motion, she began to lift herself higher—upward, higher, defying gravity. Her core clenched with immense control, her abs visibly hardening into deep, pronounced ridges. Her legs remained locked, her thighs pressing tighter, refusing to give a single inch of space. And then—she reached it. A complete handstand. The crowd exploded. Cammy’s arms were iron, her wrists locked perfectly straight against the turnbuckle. Not a single muscle trembled. Her legs didn’t waver. The move was unreal—a flawless balance between raw power and precision. She held the position effortlessly. The audience roared in disbelief.

Askeladd_Ruthkaaznok(Juri Han):"WHERE'S THAT FUCKING MISSILE LAUNCHER, MILLER?! I NEED SOMETHING TO BLOW THIS INSANE BRIT OUT OF THE DAMN ARENA!" Juri’s fingers furiously tapped at her Idroid, frustration practically seeping from her pores. When suddenly—BOOM! "WHAT THE—?!" A sharp kick to her ass sent her toppling forward, her balance completely crumbling under the sudden force. In a split second, she went face-first into the cold steel of the ring steps. WHAM! Her forehead smacked the metal with a sickening thud, and for a moment, she could’ve sworn her whole body went numb. But before she could even process the pain, something heavy pressed down on her head. "MRRRGHH—..METAK, LA-LA-LA-LA-LA!" Cammy’s boot slammed down on the back of her skull, grinding Juri’s face into the unforgiving steel. Her hands flailed in desperation, but the weight was crushing, relentless. The pain shot up her neck, and her back arched involuntarily as she struggled to breathe. “F-FUCKIN’—” Before she could fire back with something suitably vulgar, the weight lifted. Finally. Juri sucked in air, ready to push herself up and slap the taste out of Cammy’s mouth. She would’ve done it too—if only her hair hadn’t just been yanked backward. “ACK—?!” ao rock-solid thighs. Cammy’s legs snapped shut with the force of a hydraulic press, squeezing the life out of her. Juri's hands flew to Cammy’s thighs in desperation, trying to pry them apart—but it was no use. Those legs weren’t budging. They were immovable. Her vision blurred as her body hung in midair, her feet dangling uselessly. “YES OF COUR—NO, FUCK YA, YOU FAT—aksdbakjldhb.k HBDILABF” Juri tried to spit out some insult, but her voice came out garbled, crushed under the absurd pressure that Cammy’s thighs were delivering. Her fingers dug into the hard muscle, but all her strength was useless against the grip. Cammy was just holding her there, completely unaffected. And then, things got worse. Cammy's body shifted, lifting Juri higher, the strain in her flexed abs evident as she adjusted her position. Juri’s eyes widened in disbelief as she realized that she wasn’t just being choked anymore. She was being suspended. Her feet left the ground. Her body was entirely at the mercy of Cammy’s strength. Her back arched painfully as her hands clawed at Cammy’s thighs. "A—ARE YOU KIDDING ME RIGHT NOW?! WHO EVEN DOES THIS?!" Juri’s voice was barely a croak, her vision swimming as the blood rushed to her head. But Cammy wasn’t even breaking a sweat. She wasn’t shaking. She wasn’t struggling. She was just holding her there, like Juri was some kind of trophy to be displayed for the crowd. Juri’s chest moved back anf forth , her throaat burnainga like hell as she lay there, trying to piece herself back together. Every breaatha fealt like knivesa scraping against her windpipe, her limbs still tingling from the lack of air. Her whole body was wrecked—legs weak, arms shaky, head pounding like a drum. But she was not staying down.
 With a slow, shaky grunt, she pressed her palms against the mat and pushed herself up, her arms trembling under her own weight. Her knees wobbled as she tried to plant her feet, but her legs still felt like jelly from all that thrashing in midair. She staggered, almost tipping over again, but she caught herself, fingers curling into fists as she sucked in another breath. “Ghh… fff—uck…” she hissed, rubbing her neck, still feeling the ghost of Cammy’s thighs crushing her windpipe. That stupid blonde almost put her out cold. Almost. She dragged a foot forward, her movements sluggish, shoulders rolling as she forced herself upright, her body protesting every inch of the way. Her skin still burned, her face still hot, and she swore she could hear the blood rushing in her ears. But the second she was fully standing—even if it took way too long, even if her legs still felt like they didn’t belong to her—she lifted her chin, shaking her head, and spat to the side. Then she grinned. “Ohhh, you’re gonna pay for that one, princess.. ” Her voice was rough, still hoarse from being strangled half to death, but the venom in her tone was unmistakable. Her eye locked onto Cammy, still sprawled on the ground from that missile launcher surprise. Yeah, that headscissor sucked, but noow it was her turn.

Brunhilde(Cammy White): Cammy hit the ground hard, the unexpected impact sending a sharp jolt through her body as she tumbled to the side. She landed on her back near the apron, blinking in mild surprise, but the smirk never left her lips. Even after getting bombed mid-move, she was still standing. And Juri? Juri was still picking herself up, gasping for air after that long, humiliating squeeze. Cammy exhaled, shaking off the daze, pushing herself onto one knee. No rush. She had dominated up until now—one little slip wasn’t about to change that. She placed a hand on the apron, getting her footing, but the position wasn’t as stable as she expected. Her fingers barely had time to tighten before the balance shifted andgravity took over. *THUD*. Both women hit the floor outside the ring once again, the crowd roaring as they sprawled on the mat. Cammy grunted, rolling onto her side, her body tensing as she quickly propped herself up. No problem. She was still in control. Cammy raised her kickboxing stance up, both fighters were battered but they still wanted to show off. She walks forward as Juri is still trying to get properly on her feet and quickly dashes forward to begin a combination of strikes. "Already done Juri? Need another scissor mayhapse? Aint gonna throw this one,." Cammy delivers a quick right low kick to the calf to destabilise Juri, then proceeds with a left roundhouse to the ribs and a right straight punch for the face~

Askeladd_Ruthkaaznok(Juri Han):Juri gets back to her feet seconds after Cammy dashes forward, regaining her stance as she watches closely the blonde's movements "Like hell I am!" Juri says as she takes a side step backwards to avoid the lower kick, taking the roundhouse kick with her arm after a grunt. Juri looked as if she was in trouble, but as Cammy tried to punch her straight on her pretty face, Juri quickly catched her arm mid air, securing it under her armpit as she pulled the blonde closer to her, making a flashy spinning move to go for an elbow strike right into Cammy's temple. Not done with that, Juri keeps spinning to try hitting Cammy with a roundhouse kick of her own into the blonde girl's left side and finally, spinning one last time, this time going down to sweep Cammy off the ground and make her fall

Brunhilde(Cammy White):  Cammy couldn't find success in hitting the target, probably because of the overcojnfidence running in her veins, Juri managed to dodge and block every attempt to attack her. Cammy's arm gets grabbed and pulled only for Juri to deliver an elbow strike to the temple. Cammy manages to check it with her free hand, tanking most of the force behind it with her hand, Juri tried to deliver a spinning roundhouse to the left side of Cammy's body, but the killer bee catches it. "Not so quick." Cammy grunts a bit because of the impact of the kick but she pulls Juri towards her, sinking a huge right punch into her belly, then another punch to the stomach before letting go of the leg and grab Juri's hair to slam her head against the apron.

Askeladd_Ruthkaaznok(Juri Han): Juri grunts once again as she is unable to take Cammy down. She finds herself in another big trouble as Cammy manages to catch her leg and drives another two vicious punches to her already harmed belly, making her splutter a bit as she turns a bit red. Juri was getting tired of this, so as soon as Cammy lets her leg go, she'd immediatly grab a firm hold of Cammy's arm as she tries to grab her hair "Not so quick! Hehee!" She repplies back as she immediatly flips herself over, bringing her legs up to catch Cammy's neck between them, using her momentum and the weight of both on her favor to perform a headscissor takedown, still holding her arm on the ground

Brunhilde(Cammy White): "Shit-" Cammy was going to throw Juri against the apron but Juri was quick enough to counter her move with a leg scissor takedown. Cammy was also quick enough to protect her arm by quickly follow the direction of the takedown to lay on her side while grabbing Juri's wrist with her other hand. "Aaghh!" Cammy groans as she was thrown down to the ground, Juri was still holding onto Cammy's arm but won't be able to transition it to an armbar as Cammy started wrestling back while dropping down.

Askeladd_Ruthkaaznok(Juri Han): Juri smirked as both of them landed. She knew she had the upperhand on this situation, so she kept a firm grip on Cammy's arm, not to go for an armbar, of course not. Since Juri's thighs where already around Cammy's neck she just had to cross her ankles, sealing a side headscissor "Foolish Brit...SCISSOR DEEZ NUTS" Juri mumbles as she fully extended her legs, bulging her thighs around the blonde girl's neck, getting Cammy's arm trapped under her armpit as she squeezed mercilessly, trying to cut her oxygen supplies

Brunhilde(Cammy White):  Cammy has already grabbed the wrist that was holding hostage her other hand, it's a stalemate as Cammy was also holding laying on her side. Juri's legs however were already around her head and starts to squeeze it with an headscissor. "GAGHHH!" Cammy starts to groan as her neck is being squeezed in the headscissor, however as Juri takes the arm under her armpit and so getting closer to Cammy, she starts bombarding the battered belly of Juri with endless hammer punches to hurt her even more.

Askeladd_Ruthkaaznok(Juri Han): "STOP THAT YOU BRAT!!!" Juri gets completely freaked out as Cammy punches her already injured belly. Juri then lets go of the other arm to pin that one, bulging her thighs even more, making sure to constrict Cammy's neck mercilessly, cutting her oxygen supplies as she squeezes harder, not only looking to knock that bitch out but to really injure her neck, even thrusting her hips a little bit to really make sure Cammy's neck can't get a single inch of free movement

Brunhilde(Cammy White):  "Ga-GAH!" Cammy gasps in pain and her eyes widen as she felt the huge amount of pressure on her neck, luckily Juri let go of her other arm so Cammy quickly secures both her arms by quickly swinging them back and her left hand quickly clenched to deliver quick and strong punches to the exposed liver, giving Juri no choices but to cry in pain and give on the idea to submit the killer bee.

Askeladd_Ruthkaaznok(Juri Han): Juri was just filled with anger at this point, this bee was annoying like a rock on her shoe! (If she actually used any) Those liver punches made Juri cry out like an animal which is likely getting murdered. However, she decided to move onto another hold to prevent her from keep going. Without letting Cammy go, Juri quickly pushes herself up while coiling one of her legs behind Cammy's head, securing it with her other leg as this time she makes sure to pin those horrendous arms with her own as she transitions into a mounted triangle

Brunhilde(Cammy White): Cammy was inflicting some real damage to the body of her opponent, Juri's belly was red due to the too many punches taken but also she started to receive liver shots for free. A single liver shot is enough to foece a bodybuilder collapse to his knees for 30 seconds, but Juri somehow managed to turn her body and try to lock Cammy down with a mounted triangle choke. (Cammy still has free arms here)However since Cammy still has both her arms free while Juri is transitioning into a mounted position she pushes Juri's upper body towards her legs while Juri is transitioning the move and at the same time shoots up her legs to hit Juri's head to stun her and at the same time hook her ankles on her neck to make her crash down into the hard floor to escape.

Askeladd_Ruthkaaznok(Juri Han): Juri was a little bit too focused on keeping Cammy down and choke her, so she eventually got distracted from Cammy's lower body. Juri gets kicked from behind by Cammy's legs, making her yank her head backwards, evidently stunned before Cammy's ankles pull her down to the ground, making her crash roughly into the floor, forcing Juri to release the hold "Fuck!!!" Juri yells as she immediatly rolls away once again, quickly jumping back to her feet and spitting out at the ground as she rubs her belly a bit

Brunhilde(Cammy White): Cammy just managed to survive with a face as red as a tomato, she lays down sprawled like a star fish while she takes some deep breathes. Cammy looks up at Juri rolling away and taking herself back to her feet, rubbing her belly from the costant punching. Cammy rolls to the side do vanish under the ring, she rolls around under the ring to get to the opposite side, she had to do a technical retreat. Cammy looks at her opponent on the other side and slides under the bottom rope, she gets inside and takes off her jacket to wear just her sportbra. ""Ready for round two, Juri? Come on.. let's give the crowd a proper show" The crowd is aroused as Cammy takes off her jacket, she lean her back against the ropes for some seconds as she breathes heavily and massages her neck before walking forward a bit.  

Askeladd_Ruthkaaznok(Juri Han): Juri moves swiftly, ducking under the lowest rope and sliding into the ring. She rises with ease, her posture alert and ready as her eyes lock onto Cammy, still outside the ring. The crowd murmurs in anticipation as Juri takes a moment to assess the situation. Once inside, she leans against the ropes briefly, catching her breath. Her chest rises and falls, but there's a glint of mischief in her eyes as she watches Cammy, still red and sprawled from the last exchange. With a teasing smirk, Juri mutters under her breath, “Round two, huh?” She rubs her sore stomach but doesn’t let the discomfort distract her for long. Her eyes remain focused on Cammy as she prepares to re-enter the ring. She moves forward a few steps, her body bouncing lightly on her feet, her guard up. Juri keeps her gaze locked on Cammy, waiting, anticipating, as the crowd watches the fighters prepare for the next round. As she observes Cammy, Juri’s eyes wander for a moment to her opponent’s toned physique, particularly the abs flexing with each movement. A devious smile spreads across Juri’s face, and she can’t help but imagine sinking a hundred punches into that well-defined midsection. But for now, she’s patient, waiting for the perfect opportunity to strike.

Brunhilde(Cammy White):  "Better train your abs Juri hun, punches must hurt quite a lot." Cammy eyes the reddish belly of her opponent, watching every slight movement Juri makes as she starts walking in a slow, precise circle around her. Her steps are measured, her breath steady. She doesn’t bounce on her feet like Juri does, keeping her stance sharp and composed, her hands raised in her guard. Once she closes the distance enough, Cammy steps in, her body shifting with speed and control as she suddenly throws a left jab straight for Juri’s guard. Without missing a beat, she follows up with a right jab, her knuckles pressing against Juri’s forearms as she aims to break her defense apart.

Askeladd_Ruthkaaznok(Juri Han): Juri watches Cammy carefully, standing firm as the blonde rushes in. Her forearms move quickly, catching both jabs with clean, precise blocks. The force behind the punches is strong, but Juri remains unmoved, her stance holding solid. Her smirk doesn’t waver as she waits for what comes next. She doesn’t need to attack first—she knows Cammy will come at her again, in fact she's about to strike that brit with a surprise kick :3

Brunhilde(Cammy White): Cammy doesn’t hesitate. The moment her second punch is blocked, she smoothly shifts her weight onto her back leg,  already calculating her next move. With the fluidity of a dancer, she spins, her right leg swinging up in a fast, controlled roundhouse kick aimed directly at Juri’s side of the head. There’s no hesitation, no wasted motion—just a clean arc of muscle and speed. The crowd holds their breath as the air seems to part in front of her, her foot aimed for that perfect target. The impact, when it comes, is unmistakable. Cammy’s leg connects—hard. She feels it, the rush of triumph coursing through her veins... But then, a split second later, she realizes that something’s off. Her eyes widen in surprise. Juri’s leg is rising to meet her. In perfect sync, in perfect timing.

Askeladd_Ruthkaaznok(Juri Han): Juri doesn’t step back. Instead, her grin widens, that sadistic, pain-fueled look still etched across her face. She shifts her weight with a quick, calculated move, her body feeling the rush of adrenaline as she brings her shin up to meet Cammy’s mid-air kick. It’s not just a block—no, Juri’s going for the clash. Her kick flies with ruthless intent, her leg rising with the sharpness of a whip, muscles flexing against the power of Cammy’s own. When their legs collide, it’s a brutal meeting of force. Their shins crack together with a sharp, bone-rattling noise, stopping each other’s momentum dead in its tracks. Neither of them falls back. Neither gives an inch. Their muscles tense, locked together in a brutal contest of will and strength. Their legs are almost crossed, but not quite—just enough for them to stare directly into each other’s eyes, the tension palpable between them. “oh.. is this all you've got huh?” Juri’s eyes are wide with that crazy, bloodthirsty glint as she looks up through their almost-crossed legs, her gaze fixed on Cammy. It’s not just a stare. It’s like she’s enjoying the pain, the challenge, the pressure. The way her body feels—almost like a buzz running through her veins. She grins, her teeth showing, and tilts her head just slightly, savoring the moment before she speaks. "Heh. Not bad, kitten." 

Brunhilde(Cammy White):  Cammy exhales sharply through her nose, not letting her focus waver. She doesn’t return the smirk, her lips remaining set in a firm line. With a sudden movement, she pulls back her leg, making Juri lose that point of resistance for just a split second. Before Juri can react, Cammy shifts her balance and swings her other leg forward, driving a powerful front kick straight into Juri’s chest. Her boot sinks deep into Juri’s chest , knocking the air from her lungs with the sheer force of the strike.

Askeladd_Ruthkaaznok(Juri Han): “GAHH!..tch! Juri grits her teeth as the impact hits her hard, her body jerking backward as her feet slide slightly across the mat. She feels the burn in her chest, her breath catching for just a second, but she refuses to fall. She plants her foot down, stopping herself before she can be fully knocked back. Her arms drop slightly, absorbing the shock, but her eyes remain locked on Cammy with a sharp, wild glare.

Brunhilde(Cammy White): The moment her foot touches the ground, Cammy is already moving again. She pushes off with explosive force, her muscles flexing as she leaps into the air. Her body twists mid-flip, her legs raising high as she brings one down in a crushing axe kick. The heel of her boot cuts through the air with deadly precision, coming down fast and hard toward Juri’s shoulder.

Askeladd_Ruthkaaznok(Juri Han): Juri’s eyes narrow as she quickly lifts her arm, her forearm rising just in time to intercept the incoming blow. The sheer force of the kick crashes against her guard, the impact sending a jolt through her entire arm. “WTF IS THIS SHI-” The strength behind it is enough to drive her down to one knee, her fingers gripping the mat as she keeps herself from fully collapsing. Her muscles burn, but she bites back any reaction, refusing to let Cammy see any weakness, in fact Juri uses her position to prepare for a possible counter attac,

Brunhilde(Cammy White): Cammy lands smoothly, her body perfectly balanced as she straightens up. Her eyes remain locked onto Juri, watching her closely. She doesn’t taunt her with a smirk or a laugh. She simply exhales, tilting her head slightly. "You’re getting slow, Juri" Without hesitation, she lunges forward again, lifting her leg high as she swings a powerful sidekick straight for Juri’s ribs, aiming to knock her down completely.

Askeladd_Ruthkaaznok(Juri Han): Juri’s eyes widen slightly, but just as Cammy commits to the strike, she reacts. Rather than take the hit, she swiftly leans to the side, feeling the rush of air as Cammy’s kick cuts past her. Her smirk returns as she dashes out of the way, letting Cammy’s aggressive flurry of kicks fly past uselessly, her movements precise and fluid. "Tsk... what are you even aiming at?" The moment she sees the opening, Juri bursts forward. Closing the distance in an instant, she slips underneath Cammy just as she’s still mid-motion, her leg already coiling. With a sharp, explosive motion, Juri launches her foot straight up into Cammy’s lower back, her leg fully stretching as she impales the "Killer Bee" mid-air, stopping her momentum cold. The impact drives into Cammy’s body, and Juri doesn’t let her drop—her foot keeps her suspended for a moment, holding her up with sheer force.

Brunhilde(Cammy White):  Cammy was flailing helplessly in the air, her body twitching in pain as Juri’s foot slammed into her lower back, lifting her body up in mid air. Every part of her screamed in agony as Juri’s grip tightened, lifting her off the ground with brutal strength. Cammy’s limbs hung limp, her body no longer responding as she was suspended in midair, a showcase of pure despair to the crowd, the killer bee is reaching her limits.. "Uughh..." The sound escaped her lips, a guttural groan of discomfort, as she hung there helplessly, completely at the mercy of her opponent. Her head spun, and her chest tightened, but Juri showed no sign of letting up. Cammy’s body felt heavier with each passing second, her arms and legs dangling down like a ragdoll. Her muscles were on fire, every inch of her being protesting the strain. "Uughh... No... no...," she groaned again, her voice barely a whisper, each breath more difficult than the last. She was fighting to stay conscious, to keep control, but Juri’s unrelenting hold was starting to break her. 
Cammy’s eyes opened weakly, looking out into the crowd. The cheers for Juri rang in her ears, but there was something else, something faintky whispering into her eas...a chant. "Killer Bee! Killer Bee!" The words were like a distant pulse, cutting through the pain, but it was enough for something within her to grow. "Uughh... F-fuck..." she moaned again, her vision blurry, the pressure on her body ecomes almost unbearable. But then, in that moment of desperation, something sparked inside her. Cammy’s eyes shot open, her pupils widening with newfound resolution. She gritted her teeth, the pain still radiating through her back and limbs, but the chant from the crowd reignited her spirit. With a burst of energy, Cammy forcefully rotates her body, over Juri’s foot ro slip it off. a As she releases from Juri’s foot, her body arches with fluid grace, and she lands with both hands on top of each shoulder of her opponent, both Cammy and Juri are facing the same direction right now. A quick yet deep breath escapes her lips, but the searing pain that was making her body feel like lead doesn’t slow her down for long, Cammy’s eyes flare with determination. With that smooth motion, she slipped off Juri's foot to perform a handstand over Juri's shoulders.. with a calculated precision, her legs straightening out towards the ceilinc of this overcrowded arena. Her thighs flex and tighten as her body is inverted, suspending her above Juri's figure form. She balances herself for just a split second, her body perfectly aligned and her hands placed firmly onto Juri’s shoulders to maintain control, everything is happening in the span of not even a second, even before Juri can react, Cammy’s body twists like a whip, her legs swinging around with explosive force. As she turns herself over in mid-air, she kicks her legs around, feeling them connect for a brief moment, but with her cat-like balance she doesn't even push Juri off place, while she's still upside down in the air, using her momentum to spin around herself.
"ngh..." Cammy grunts through the effort, but it’s enough. The force of her movement is like a second wind, and the crowd can feel the shift as she locks herself in place with deadly intent, now Cammy is turned around while Juri is still facing the same direction,her legs while still upward , but out of a sudden she lets her legs fall down, causing her lower body descending first toward the canavas. While dropping down, her arms snap let go of the shoulders and finally break the handstand(the move took place in the span of merely a second or two lol), reaching down to wrap around Juri’s neck, pulling her into a vice-like grip. Just as Cammy’s body begins to fall back to the mat, she uses the downward momentum to pull Juri's neck closer, bending the spidy-bitch under her command, her legs curled up with control and their knees meet before they manage to kick behind Juri's knees, sending a shockwave of pain through Juri's legs, forcing Juri to bend backwards, following mommy's demand to collapse her backawards. Juri’s legs would buckle immediately as Cammy’s feet slam into the back of her knees, forcing her to collapse backward, the action is swift, brutal, bust mostly is perfectly calculated. As Cammy falls back, she drags Juri with her, securing the dragonsleeper hold in an instant while falling backwards. The crowd roars with excitement as the force of Cammy’s fall connects with Juri’s body, causing Juri’s spine to arch backward in a painful position while Cammy locks in her deadly finishing hold, her strong arms begin to crushJuri’s neck, keeping her immobile as her feet grip and push behind Juri's kneecaps(duhhh), she wants to make sure that Juri has no way to run, no way to punch her way out of this.. after a long struggle the spider was finally caught in her own web, unable to capture her own prey. Cammy’s breath is steady, her confidence returning as the crowd chants her name. She’s not done yet—not by a long shot. (this is the move btw)

Askeladd_Ruthkaaznok(Juri Han):  Juri's eyes sparkle with joy as she impales the killer be with her foot, showing off to the crowd for a few seconds as Cammy seems like she's done. Crowd booes at Juri while Cammy hangs like a ragdoll from her foot "Your pathetic Heroine ends here!" As Juri was getting ready to slam Cammy into the ground she all of a sudden gets a 180° plot twist as Cammy manages to drop herself and transition into her signature move. Juri's eyes widden as she gets kicked on her legs, but since she already knew Cammy she thought of a risky and dangerous way to get out before it was too late "UGHHHH!!" Juri groans as she meets the ground with her back, but as soon as she does so, she uses the mommentum she got and pushed herself up, arching her back as she forced herself into a handstand, aiming to cartwheel/backflip in order to force her head out of Cammy's grip

Brunhilde(Cammy White):  When Cammy was about to complete the dragonsleeper while dropping down to the floor Juri had the crazy idea to hop away from Cammy's grasp, but this will only make things way worse for Juri. Juri uses the momentum to push herself up but as she tries to get away with the handstand Cammy has the control of her legs and kicks them back down, canceling the attempt to escape. "Nice try.. " Cammy would then start bending the neck of her opponent harshly to punish her, keeping her legs at bay and arch Juri's back even more to choke her harder 

Askeladd_Ruthkaaznok(Juri Han):  Juri's hopes vanish as Cammy kicks her legs again, reminding her of that minute detail as she slowly starts panicking, widening her eyes as she starts thinking of any possible way out "Ghhh!!!! Uughhh!!!!" Juri gets forced to arch her back while she turns red, bright red. Her oxygen slowly getting cut by Cammy's arm. She thinks for about two more seconds before she tries to elbow Cammy's side, trying to reach her kidneys or ribcage, hitting as hard as she possibly could to force Cammy to release her

Brunhilde(Cammy White): The worst part of the dragonsleeperhold by Cammy is that it doesn't have a weakness, it's almost like a rear naked chokehold. The only way to escape a rear naked choke or a dragonsleeper is to tap out, Cammy can feel the weak attempts to wiggle around from her opponent. It feels like a living form at the end of their journey, they will do their best to try to survive and by wiggling her elbows trying to move them back not enough to hit Cammy's body, as there is not enough space. "Tsk... pathetic heroine you said before huh.. now who's about to go to sleep Juri??" Cammy keeps on squeezing and maintaining the dragonsleeperhold on her opponent, not letting that bitch get away!

Askeladd_Ruthkaaznok(Juri Han):  Juri starts feeling numb as she's getting mercilessly choked under Cammy's arm, turning as red as a mature tomato while she grits her teeth hard, gurgling a bit as her body flails like a fish out of water "UUGHHHH!!! A-aghhhh...." Juri is unable to answer since she wanted to save her breath. She got her hands into Cammy's hand, desperately clawing at it as she tried to pull it off, trying to get one of her own arms between Cammy's and her neck

Brunhilde(Cammy White):"AAAGH" Cammy screams, her voice raw with pain as Juri's nails dig into her skin, scratching and clawing like a wild animal backed into a corner. The sharp sting of it only fuels her resolve—this was desperation, pure and simple. Juri was slipping, running out of ways to fight back, and now she was resorting to anything,anything, to keep herself from drowning in Cammy’s grip. Pathetic. Cammy grits her teeth, her hold tightening as she feels Juri trying to sneak one of her arms between them,trying to create space,trying to survive. It doesn't matter. Cammy simply shifts, arching her body further, twisting the choke even deeper. Juri's struggling arms become weaker by the second, her movements fraantic but ineffective, her body betraying her. "Sshh..." Cammy exhales, her voice barely above a whisper, but firm, almost... soothing. "It's time to fall asleep,Juri... ssshh..." She feels it. The moment Juri's body starts to go slack,her strength fading, her face turning an ugly shade of purple. It would be so easy to keep going, to let her fade completely—but Cammy had something else in mind. A proper humiliation. With practiced ease, Cammy releases the choke, only to immediately shift positions. She swings her body, twisting fluidly as she snaps her thiick, powerful legs around Juri’s vulnerable neck, locking her in a side headscissor. The difference is instantaneous. The moment her thighs flex, the muscle tightens like iron against Juri’s throat, cutting off everything—air, movement, hope. The pressure is unreal,her thighs coiling around that fragile neck like a vice. With a small grunt, Cammy raises herself slightly off the ground with just one arm, her abs tensing,her body effortless in its control. Juri was nothing but a helpless plaything now, trapped between her thighs, reduced to nothing but twiitching limbs and a purple, gasping face.
"Not so mouthy now,are you?" Cammy murmurs, tightening her grip just slightly, just enough to make Juri feell it. "How does it feel to lose by my thiighs, Juri Han? You're strong, stronger than I ever thought but you'll faint between my legs,looking up at my eyes~"

Askeladd_Ruthkaaznok(Juri Han): Juri's hopes of winning slowly decrease, such as her consciousness while she gets mercilessly choked out. Her back keeps arching as she's getting manhandled by the blonde woman. Her arms flail as the clawing decreases to scratches and then to mere taps while her face turns from red to puple like a grape, matching her belt color. Her arms eventually flop down on the ground as she gurgles and chokes non-stop; her mouth wide open as she's just on the verge of passing out "Ghhh...." Just when she was about to sleep, Cammy releases her, making Juri come back to her senses just to witness how Cammy's thick thighs coil around her slender neck in a side headscissor, forcing Juri to look at her while she's imprissoned by those two pythons "Aghhhh..... you brat.... I'll have... my revenge!" Juri mutters as she goes back into a mature tomato color, feeling those thighs squeeze her without remorse, feeling like a prey right now, which she couldn't cope up with
 Cammy was at the verge of winning this massacre of a match. Juri had fought like a beast, a wicked, untamed creature that thrived in the chaos of battle—but now, she was trapped. The once-feral energy that made her so dangerous had been reduced to desperate squirms, her arms clawing weakly at the thighs wrapped around her head. Cammy’s thick, powerful legs encircled Juri’s skull like a vice, her muscles flexing with every second that passed. The more Juri struggled, the tighter they clenched, her smooth yet unyielding thighs pressing into Juri’s jaw, her temples, the very air being squeezed out of her lungs. The contrast was almost cruel—Cammy’s body, disciplined and composed, holding firm while Juri’s was twitching in defiance, but getting weaker with every pulse of pressure. Chun-Li was known for her legendary thighs, but Cammy was no different. A goddess in her own right, her legs sculpted to perfection, bulging as they swallowed Juri’s head between them. The heat, the suffocating strength—it was merciless, and Juri knew it. Cammy simply stared down at her with that sharp, unwavering gaze, her lips parting just slightly as she exhaled. She wasn’t gloating, wasn’t laughing. She was simply stating the truth, letting Juri feel her place beneath her. "I will wait for you, Juri Han… but for now, sleep between my legs." She rolled her hips slightly, adjusting the hold, making sure Juri felt every inch of the crushing pressure as the world around her faded. "And just know…" Cammy’s voice remained steady, almost casual, as she leaned in slightly, her fingers brushing through Juri’s sweat-drenched hair. "Once you pass out, you’ll be my chair." The words lingered in the air like a promise, a final declaration as Cammy’s thighs pulsed one last time, sealing Juri’s fate.
 Juri's eyes widen while her head gets slowly burried deeper between Cammy's thick, merciless thighs. It was humiliating. Completely suffocating. And yet, even as she gasped for what little air she could steal, even as her vision blurred from the unbearable pressure, her bratty, stubborn mind refused to fully break. Her hands trembled as they slapped against Cammy’s thighs, her fingers dragging across the flawless, sculpted muscle. Tch... of course they’d feel this damn good too. They were unreal—so firm, so powerful, and yet smooth like they were chiseled from stone by some thigh-obsessed god. A slow, pathetic gurgle left her lips as she barely managed to claw at them, her strength completely useless against their overwhelming might. Her face was turning a deep shade of purple, her throat tightening with every second. The lack of oxygen made her head spin, her mouth hanging open in a desperate, choked gasp. "NGHHHH.... Ghhhhh.... A-aghhh..." Her legs twitched before finally going limp, every ounce of power drained from them. Her arms barely lifted from the mat before falling uselessly back down, her body betraying her more and more. She could feel herself slipping, her bratty fire flickering weaker and weaker, but even as her consciousness faded, her mind was still running its mouth. *Hah… of course it’d be this way… Of course it’s those stupidly sexy thighs crushing me like this…* Her lidded, unfocused eyes rolled up toward Cammy, still filled with defiance, but it was so weak now. A part of her wanted to keep fighting, to claw her way out, but another part of her… one she’d never admit existed… almost wanted to just give in.

Brunhilde(Cammy White):  It was all over for Juri, the British soldier can feel Juri going limp but she is still somehow awakw, so she squeezes as hard as she possibly can to completely crush Juri's neck, her muscles become so large they look like a pair of thick and powerful monsters of their own. "After I finish you off I will take down that pathetic Chun Li and become the strongest woman in the world." Cammy keep squeezing until Juri is completely out cold, so as her body starts twitching Cammy smirks and finally realises that she won. The bell sounds again after so long to announce the end of the match, Cammy is worn by the amount of beating she received so she needs a seat as soon as possible. After releasing Juri's neck Cammy gently kneels and squats down, making her ass cheeks bury perfectly Juri's face and start posing victorious. Cammy was sitting on top of Juri's face, showing who is the strongest lady between the two, also to remind everyone that Juri fell down to the third place after this humiliating loss. 

Cammy looks down at her opponent's body and decides to take off the white top of her opponent, as she kneels to the side of Juri's head she also rips off the black spider-shaped bra from her chest, revealing to everyone her bare boobs. Cammy was not yet done, she quickly walks triumphant outside the ring and slides under the bottom rope, she checks the basement of the ring and smirks. "Lord have mercy upon your soul Juri, this will not be pleasant for you~" 
 Cammy grabs a steel chair and throws it over the ropes, grabs some ropes, a pair of scissors, a mouthgag and some laundry tongs. The crowd gasps in shock as they see such tremendous prompts being thrown inside the ring, but they are aroused at the sight of Juri's sexy body being stripped. Cammy grabs the lifeless body of her opponent by the hair and drags it around the ring like a unholy hunt trophy, as Juri is being dragged around by her hair her silly expression is something beautiful, she looks so silly while her mouth is wide open, her eyes shut down and saliva drops from her lips. Cammy drags Juri for some seconds more before placing her on the chair, with her boobs and stomach facing the backrest of the steel chair. Cammy grabs the mouthgag but it's a special kind of toy, it has some holes in it to permit the victim to breathe and it can be opened to put something inside, Cammy has the brilliant idea to take off her boots and her socks, the same socks she was using this whole time. Cammy squeezes them together but not hard enough to release the sweat in it, she puts them inside the mouthgag and closes it to correctly put it inside Juri's mouth and lock it behind her neck.
 This will cause lots of puking needs from the body as every breath Juri will take will smell so damn bad, since the nose can adapt to bad smells Cammy has another great idea, she grabs a laundry tong and closes the nostrils so that Juri will be forced to eat every single time a terrible smell. Is it over yet? Nah i'd win- I meant nah i don't think so, Cammy carefully grabs each limb of the resting loser and with extreme finesse she connects the arms and the wrists together in a beautiful sight, Juri's arms are perfectly tied behind her back with also close her body as the ropes also are wrapped around her midsection. Unlike the photo Cammy ties the ankles and the neck of Juri together with the rope passing under the chair itself, forcing Juri's neck to be pressed on the backrest of the chair, slightly choking her making her breathing harder than before :3 "Wake up Juri, I want to see tears coming down your pathetic face, loser." Cammy walks around Juri to look her face and slaps her hard a lot times to wake her up, turning her face deep red due to the sharp hits. The crowd starts laughing at the sight of such a strong and sadistic woman being treated worse than a slave, worse than the most piece of shit to ever lived..
Cammy chuckles as she walkers around again to free Juri's hair from her hair rubbers, she grabs her scissors and smirks as she slowly cut off Juri's precious hair so much they'll need a whole year if not two in order to grow them as they were before, Cammy then walks around with all the hair she cut from Juri's (once) long black hair and bends down, carefully dropping every single one in front of Juri's eyes. "You should retire, change your name and erase your identity Juri. You'll nothing but the most pathetic woman who ever lived now." Cammy walks around Juri again, pulling her pants down to expose her white cheeks in her panties and starts to spank them hard, a hard smack for each ass cheek till both of them will have a clear hand print of her hands. Cammy finally feels satisfied by what she accomplished, leaving the ring victorious while putting her jacket back on, the crowd starts to throw tomatoes and their oily burgers/hotdogs at Juri's pathetic body, humiliating her further while Cammy leaves victorious

<Published> 2025-02-28, viewed 145 times.




12 days ago

Sorry for my bad English, your story is beautiful and i loved the epic battle at the outside of the ring i hope to see Juri win the next

(In reply to this)

Thanks mr LeviSmasher, don't worry about your english. Every comment is an opportunity to learn right?
Juri deserved the win, i think, but ultimately Cammy's ground work proved to be more devastating. Next time we could explore different characters.


16 days ago

I despise you for making me scroll this far just to call you a kneecap lover

(In reply to this)

Chat, is that a new fetishism?


16 days ago

(In reply to this)

B-but will you smother me with your knee caps?😵‍💫😵‍💫

(In reply to this)

what the-


12 days ago

(In reply to this)

Stop simping for me will you?

Warrior Queen

16 days ago

Amazing fight!


16 days ago

(In reply to this)

Thanks hun, I really appreciate it😇