Women sexfighting over men

Public Restricted

Established: 2024-07-04

  • Trash talking
  • Female / Female
  • Sex
  • First to cum
  • Forced cum
You enjoy going woman to woman in a rough and sexy sexmatch with the prize being the man of our desires?
29 members
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About Women sexfighting over men

This is the place for men to watch the girls fight over you. If you are a woman and you love to be watched while having a match, this is the place for you. Guys, if you love to watch, cheer for your girl or make sexy and snarky remarks and claim the reward after the fight, this is also the place for you. Since i am myself very much into sexfights, this group will feature purely sexual and non violent fights. Minors, overly brutal stuff and toilet play won’t be tolerated and is prohibited.

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16:34 dirtydiana78: How are you
16:35 shadyfighter07: I am fine thanks for asking, this group looks silent though
16:35 dirtydiana78: Ok why?
16:37 shadyfighter07: don't know but looking above it looks so
16:45 dirtydiana78: Ok
16:46 dirtydiana78: I hope I can finde many womens to fight here
16:56 dirtydiana78: Sluts here for Fights?
17:06 Tabatha_the_white_women_slayer: Hi
17:25 dirtydiana78: Hi
08:01 dirtydiana78: Hello
09:40 Bodyslam90kg: Good morning
22:16 Canakyo: hi everyone
19:44 Canakyo: good morning
07:56 Bodyslam90kg: Good morning
15:42 dirtydiana78: Hey
15:43 Summy_sf: hey bitch
15:43 dirtydiana78: Hey whore
09:47 Canakyo: Hi
09:48 Summy_sf: Hey Cana
09:48 Summy_sf: Where is your whore Cara? Hehe

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