World Championship Pro Wrestling

Public Restricted

Established: 2022-01-28
Chat room: #WCPW-main_room

  • Pro wrestling
  • Long-term roleplay
  • Male / Male
  • Male / Female
  • Female / Female
Pro style wrestling with some erotic undertones
27 members
2 stories
0 photos
0 files
Information for non-members

Love the idea of pro wrestling? Then this is the place to be. We are a fed dealing with professional wrestling. Yes there will be some erotic undertones, but we will have a division just for that. If you want to have an erotic stipulation you can have that too. Want just mixed. We have a division for that. Strictly looking just to go against the same gender we have divisions for that too. This is to have fun. I want managers, coaches storylines everything involved in pro wrestling I want here. So if you think this is you cup of tea then join and have fun.

About World Championship Pro Wrestling

Love the idea of pro wrestling? Then this is the place to be. We are a fed dealing with professional wrestling. Yes there will be some erotic undertones, but we will have a division just for that. If you want to have an erotic stipulation you can have that too. Want just mixed. We have a division for that. Strictly looking just to go against the same gender we have divisions for that too. This is to have fun. I want managers, coaches storylines everything involved in pro wrestling I want here. So if you think this is you cup of tea then join and have fun.

Latest Stories
Women's division
Author: TJ Riot
2 Replies
2 Replies
3 yr
Michele (deleted member)
2022-02-03 22:52
Erotic division
Author: TJ Riot
1 Replies
1 Replies
3 yr
TJ Riot
2022-01-28 16:26
Mixed division
Author: TJ Riot
1 Replies
1 Replies
3 yr
TJ Riot
2022-01-28 16:24
Men's division
Author: TJ Riot
1 Replies
1 Replies
3 yr
TJ Riot
2022-01-28 16:20
New Members
Online in chat

16:24 <Njsoccer6169> I’m good
03:07 <Terry_Jacobs> Hey
03:07 <Beth_Marlowe> hi
03:08 <Terry_Jacobs> How are you?
03:10 <Beth_Marlowe> Good now that my weekend has started
03:10 <Terry_Jacobs> Nice!
03:11 <Terry_Jacobs> Any plans?
03:12 <Beth_Marlowe> I am going to actually watch some women's basketball.
03:12 <Terry_Jacobs> Sounds fun! College or WNBA?
03:17 <Beth_Marlowe> College
03:21 <Terry_Jacobs> Cool. Hope you have fun! I need to find something to do this weekend
03:31 <Beth_Marlowe> Hope it is fun for you too
03:31 <Terry_Jacobs> I hope so think I might try and catch a movie over the weekend
03:34 <Beth_Marlowe> 👍
03:36 <Terry_Jacobs> Now I'm just debating if I want to find some trouble on here or not
03:37 <Beth_Marlowe> happy hunting
11:24 <Terry_Jacobs> Hey all
11:24 <shadyfighter07> Hello
04:31 <Njsoccer6169> Hey
15:01 <ClawMaster> hey