World Championship Pro Wrestling

Public Restricted

Established: 2022-01-28
Chat room: #WCPW-main_room

  • Pro wrestling
  • Long-term roleplay
  • Male / Male
  • Male / Female
  • Female / Female
Pro style wrestling with some erotic undertones
27 members
2 stories
0 photos
0 files


16:44 <shadyfighter07> Hey are you?
16:47 <KC_Lauren> i'm ok, i'm just angry for what's happening in Ukraine
16:51 <shadyfighter07> too šŸ˜”
15:26 <Beth_Marlowe> Did you read through my introduction here?
11:48 <Terry_Jacobs> Morning
16:18 <Diannej> Hi everyone
16:19 <Njsoccer6169> Morning
16:19 <Diannej> Hi nj
16:21 <Njsoccer6169> Hi hru
16:23 <Diannej> Good you
16:24 <Njsoccer6169> Iā€™m good
03:07 <Terry_Jacobs> Hey
03:07 <Beth_Marlowe> hi
03:08 <Terry_Jacobs> How are you?
03:10 <Beth_Marlowe> Good now that my weekend has started
03:10 <Terry_Jacobs> Nice!
03:11 <Terry_Jacobs> Any plans?
03:12 <Beth_Marlowe> I am going to actually watch some women's basketball.
03:12 <Terry_Jacobs> Sounds fun! College or WNBA?
03:17 <Beth_Marlowe> College
03:21 <Terry_Jacobs> Cool. Hope you have fun! I need to find something to do this weekend
03:31 <Beth_Marlowe> Hope it is fun for you too
03:31 <Terry_Jacobs> I hope so think I might try and catch a movie over the weekend
03:34 <Beth_Marlowe> šŸ‘
03:36 <Terry_Jacobs> Now I'm just debating if I want to find some trouble on here or not
03:37 <Beth_Marlowe> happy hunting
11:24 <Terry_Jacobs> Hey all
11:24 <shadyfighter07> Hello
04:31 <Njsoccer6169> Hey
15:01 <ClawMaster> hey