Zoe’s Cutesy Cosplay Bar

Public Restricted

Established: 2024-08-07

  • Romantic
  • Fantasy
  • Long-term roleplay
Like antics? Like alcohol? Want it served to you by a woman dressed as 2B? Then you’ve come to the right place.
24 members
0 stories
1 photos
0 files
Information for non-members

You’re welcome to apply! Though acceptance is at Zoe’s discretion.

About Zoe’s Cutesy Cosplay Bar

Come one! Come all!

Zoe’s Cosplay bar! A place to rest and relax, punch someone, drink something, kiss, fondle. You want it, we’ll have it.

Just treat everyone with respect and care and remember that cosplay isn’t consent.

Also it’s preferred, but not required, if you’d cosplay in the bar.

Latest Stories
Online in chat

08:20 Carapro82: Thanks :)
08:22 AxelKM: Hello Didiwinx!
08:23 LenaFoxx: Thanks for the invite!
08:23 AxelKM: Oh and Lena, hello!
08:24 Cosplayer_Zoe: Now be nice everyone… or don’t… I don’t mind a few drunken brawls~
08:25 Cosplayer_Zoe: Byyy the way, all cosplayers get marked as special guests. Think of them like a celebrity, after all, this bar was made for them
08:26 AxelKM: Oh uh
08:26 AxelKM: I'm cosplaying as..... jungkook? (I'm korean)
08:26 Carapro82: *slips on pikachu ears, then goes behind the bar with a tea kettle to make some chamomille*
08:27 Cosplayer_Zoe: You’re special anyway, moms have free range
08:28 ScarletRed: A warm welcome to all new members~
08:29 Carapro82: *raises my cup of tea to red* pika…p
05:45 Carapro82: *peeks in*
03:43 Carapro82: *sits at the bar sipping tea contentedly*
03:44 LaylaaBish: *bonks Cara for no reason*
03:46 Carapro82: Ack!
04:34 AxelKM: *walks in looking exhausted and slumps over the bar*
02:33 Deadlifter_Maki: Zoe needs to take better care of this place…
06:32 Cosplayer_Zoe: GAH
06:32 Cosplayer_Zoe: Not fair to call me out like this


Cosplayer Zoe

2024-08-07 02:24

Currently under construction! *wearing a hard hat and a safety vest*

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