Zoe’s Cutesy Cosplay Bar

Public Restricted

Established: 2024-08-07

  • Romantic
  • Fantasy
  • Long-term roleplay
Like antics? Like alcohol? Want it served to you by a woman dressed as 2B? Then you’ve come to the right place.
24 members
0 stories
1 photos
0 files

06:38 AxelKM: I'm already feeling the whiskey sour off my empty stomach haha
06:40 Cosplayer_Zoe: I can believe you there… my tolerance is low, and I barely ate today. I’m halfway through a Cabernet and feeling it
06:41 AxelKM: Well, I think I can hang, I draw the line at 3 bottles of soju to say that I'm "drunk"
06:41 AxelKM: A cabernet sounds fabulous
06:42 Cosplayer_Zoe: Well I’m normally tipsy after one, being a tiny woman and all
06:43 AxelKM: Size doesn't matter, met jacked 6ft dudes who can hardly handle a bud light
08:19 Cosplayer_Zoe: Though the bar is a little quiet at the moment, welcome our two new lovely special guests! Cosplayers Didiwinx and Lenafoxx! And my beloved mother Cara!
08:19 Carapro82: <3
08:20 AxelKM: Welcome in Cara!
08:20 Didiwinx: Mwah
08:20 Carapro82: Thanks :)
08:22 AxelKM: Hello Didiwinx!
08:23 LenaFoxx: Thanks for the invite!
08:23 AxelKM: Oh and Lena, hello!
08:24 Cosplayer_Zoe: Now be nice everyone… or don’t… I don’t mind a few drunken brawls~
08:25 Cosplayer_Zoe: Byyy the way, all cosplayers get marked as special guests. Think of them like a celebrity, after all, this bar was made for them
08:26 AxelKM: Oh uh
08:26 AxelKM: I'm cosplaying as..... jungkook? (I'm korean)
08:26 Carapro82: *slips on pikachu ears, then goes behind the bar with a tea kettle to make some chamomille*
08:27 Cosplayer_Zoe: You’re special anyway, moms have free range
08:28 ScarletRed: A warm welcome to all new members~
08:29 Carapro82: *raises my cup of tea to red* pika…p
05:45 Carapro82: *peeks in*
03:43 Carapro82: *sits at the bar sipping tea contentedly*
03:44 LaylaaBish: *bonks Cara for no reason*
03:46 Carapro82: Ack!
04:34 AxelKM: *walks in looking exhausted and slumps over the bar*
02:33 Deadlifter_Maki: Zoe needs to take better care of this place…
06:32 Cosplayer_Zoe: GAH
06:32 Cosplayer_Zoe: Not fair to call me out like this