my AI motel

Public Open

Established: 2024-05-01

  • Pro wrestling
  • Fantasy
  • Naked
  • Sex
lovely RP about a robotic wrestling motel
50 members
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Information for non-members

this group is an RP group about a business I have of a motel full of rooms equipped with bedrooms & pro wrestling rings to have all kinds of fun. Well, each room has its own robot partner that you can set up to the right level you want it to be as well, depending on how much you pay, so come have fun!

About my AI motel

(the new AI group)
this group is an RP group about a business I have of a motel full of rooms equipped with bedrooms & pro wrestling rings to have all kinds of fun. Well, each room has its own robot partner that you can set up to the right level you want it to be as well, depending on how much you pay, so come have fun!

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13:16 AI_motel: *as i am on the front desc waiting on something to happen chacking my phone & the PC for the cmras & see you moving in i wave t to you* welcome yes this is the place..... zexa rite? w e talkd about you aybe geting a intervu to work here if i am not mistaken
13:18 Zexalia: "Indeed we did... But I was to see how things worked in here first ?! So... how do I get to fight or play with one of your things... and from what can I choose ?
13:21 AI_motel: well normaly i will rent the apartments tha twe have for hte costomers that the apartments are filld with 3 rooms the ring room a bathroom & a bedroom & each apartments comes with a fulyl cstomzble robot that i made. & that is why the rent for 1 night is 20 K normaly & the number we have for apartments is 11 but some are speshle like the duble bot apartmnet.... the one that a person literaly buy from me & paying munth'y & the VIP room t hat is my room
13:22 AI_motel: that is room 12
13:24 Zexalia: "Hmmm seems good... so I can customize the bot in wichever way I want If I understand you correctly ?"
13:26 AI_motel: yes you can as all costomers can
13:26 AI_motel: *chacking what room is open so far*
13:28 AI_motel: i have room 1, 11, 10 , 9 i hink i will give you room 1
13:29 Zexalia: "Thank you my dear... I'll head to the place at once" I answer, finding directions to guide me...
13:31 AI_motel: *as i wave the kyecard to room one & throw it to you* well next to the robot charging station is a tablet to costomize ti as how you want it to
13:31 Zexalia: "Awesome ! I'll call you if I am struggling with it !!"
13:49 Zexalia: (Like that ?)
15:06 AI_motel: (back so if anyone here i can RP)
08:30 AI_motel: (damm no one here....)
10:05 AI_motel: ןצ נשבל שא נוןדמקדד!
10:07 AI_motel: i a back in buisnes!
16:59 TheNightCat: looks like this motel is closed.
00:17 Wren_Peterson: Heya
13:40 HarryTF: hey there! Is this motel still running? *knocks on the door*
13:19 Joshua_Chase: Hello



2024-05-03 21:04

Like to test all rooms

AI motel

2024-05-01 16:55

ok so the AI can't find image's so I will not od hair collar & I will do my best to find as close as I can, but it might be not perfect)

AI motel

2024-05-01 16:40

(i am asking a friend of mine out of this platform to help me as they know how to use AI art to make imeges to what i want it to be so i will be able to give you better robots later down the line tha tis why i am away for some timenow)

AI motel

2024-05-01 13:46

anyone knwo how to make more chat rooms for the group?)


2024-05-01 12:53

hello I would like to place a order


2024-05-01 12:53

hello I would like to place a order

AI motel

2024-05-01 12:45

do not just look here go to the chat room we ahve & start to RP

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