my AI motel

Public Open

Established: 2024-05-01
Chat room: #the_lobby_new

  • Pro wrestling
  • Fantasy
  • Naked
  • Sex
lovely RP about a robotic wrestling motel
118 members
0 stories
0 photos
0 files
Information for non-members

this group is an RP group about a business I have of a motel full of rooms equipped with bedrooms & pro wrestling rings to have all kinds of fun. Well, each room has its own robot partner that you can set up to the right level you want it to be as well, depending on how much you pay, so come have fun!

About my AI motel

(the new AI group)
this group is an RP group about a business I have of a motel full of rooms equipped with bedrooms & pro wrestling rings to have all kinds of fun. Well, each room has its own robot partner that you can set up to the right level you want it to be as well, depending on how much you pay, so come have fun!


AI motel

2024-11-18 12:16

I want everyone to RP in the roleplay room and chat for more fun times. not just on here


2024-11-14 14:13

I walk over to the desk carrying a large bag and ring the bell


2024-11-11 19:03

Hello I would like to order a room

unstoppable killer

2024-11-11 12:38

I'm indecise if taste motel room or start to work in for Hide my princip as l activity


2024-11-11 12:30

Hello I want to join your federation can you help me out?

Aussie Guy

2024-11-09 10:25

Hey sexy people


2024-05-03 21:04

Like to test all rooms

AI motel

2024-05-01 16:55

ok so the AI can't find image's so I will not od hair collar & I will do my best to find as close as I can, but it might be not perfect)

AI motel

2024-05-01 16:40

(i am asking a friend of mine out of this platform to help me as they know how to use AI art to make imeges to what i want it to be so i will be able to give you better robots later down the line tha tis why i am away for some timenow)

AI motel

2024-05-01 13:46

anyone knwo how to make more chat rooms for the group?)


2024-05-01 12:53

hello I would like to place a order


2024-05-01 12:53

hello I would like to place a order

AI motel

2024-05-01 12:45

do not just look here go to the chat room we ahve & start to RP

Latest Stories
Renting a room
Author: Fightape
1 Replies
1 Replies
16 wk
2024-11-18 12:07
New Members
Online in chat

16:36 <Shyla_Austin> *walks into the motel lobby and up to the counter* "I'd like to request a room
16:40 <AI_motel> ahh welcome new comer. shure. did you get the right info you needed o know what you need to do?
16:43 <Shyla_Austin> "Yes I have and I'd like to get a room with a belly punching bot, how much?" *Pulls out credit card*
16:43 <AI_motel> well if you wnat 1 bot its 10K per night
16:47 <Shyla_Austin> "I'd like one that can alternate between belly punching and lift& carry"
16:48 <AI_motel> well the bots are castomzble to the cotomer. you set things up on the bot.
16:48 <Shyla_Austin> "And if I wanted 2 bots?"
16:49 <AI_motel> its 30K. but all VIP rooms are taken i think
16:51 <Shyla_Austin> "Mmmm one bot with do then if no vip rooms are free" hands u my card
16:52 <AI_motel> *as i scan it & open the left door of hte place* throw that hallway 1' door to your left.
16:53 <Shyla_Austin> *takes my card and walks to the room*
17:09 <Aline_Novak> *walks in the main lobby* "Hey there. I'd like to rent a room, please."
17:12 <AI_motel> *still bihinds hte counter waiting on you to come over*
12:07 <AI_motel> *siting bihid hte desc & hacking hte PC*
18:21 <Shyla_Austin> *stumble out of my room and walks to the counter "I'd like to switch rooms please!"
18:23 <AI_motel> sorry hun but the bot settings did ditect low exsitment rate & shut it self off. i can't do anything ontha t sorryh
18:32 <Shyla_Austin> *Pulls out credit card and slaps it down on counter* I'd like a vip room then!
19:26 <AI_motel> neh as from what the camras showd me i do not think this sistom os for you
12:53 <AI_motel> .....
16:52 <Shyla_Austin> "Probably not but I'd still like to challenge a vip room bot to a wrestling match..."