my AI motel

Public Open

Established: 2024-05-01

  • Pro wrestling
  • Fantasy
  • Naked
  • Sex
lovely RP about a robotic wrestling motel
50 members
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12:21 AI_motel: welcome miss how can i help you?
12:21 TheNightCat: "Hello. I heard this place is recommended if a woman like me is in search of trouble."
12:23 AI_motel: well its is kind fo simple this place have 10 rooms. each room have a big wrestling ring inside it & 2 other rooms a bedroom & bathroom. each apartment as well comes witha costomizble AI robot to wrestle with &sleep with
12:23 TheNightCat: "Nice. I might consider booking a room."
12:24 AI_motel: well its a apartment & it is like 20K a night but for you lady i will get it in 19K
12:25 TheNightCat: "Now, that´s not a sale price, for sure. But maybe the experience is worth it."
12:26 AI_motel: do not worry the bots are worth it as they are costom made & are perfectly build & if you are worthit mabe i can make a deal with you
12:26 TheNightCat: (RL, aw. Back later!)
12:28 AI_motel: (tyt)
13:15 Zexalia: *Enters the motel, curious about this place who recently came around...* Hello ! Someone here ? Is it here that we can fight... hemmm... robots and such ?
13:16 AI_motel: *as i am on the front desc waiting on something to happen chacking my phone & the PC for the cmras & see you moving in i wave t to you* welcome yes this is the place..... zexa rite? w e talkd about you aybe geting a intervu to work here if i am not mistaken
13:18 Zexalia: "Indeed we did... But I was to see how things worked in here first ?! So... how do I get to fight or play with one of your things... and from what can I choose ?
13:21 AI_motel: well normaly i will rent the apartments tha twe have for hte costomers that the apartments are filld with 3 rooms the ring room a bathroom & a bedroom & each apartments comes with a fulyl cstomzble robot that i made. & that is why the rent for 1 night is 20 K normaly & the number we have for apartments is 11 but some are speshle like the duble bot apartmnet.... the one that a person literaly buy from me & paying munth'y & the VIP room t hat is my room
13:22 AI_motel: that is room 12
13:24 Zexalia: "Hmmm seems good... so I can customize the bot in wichever way I want If I understand you correctly ?"
13:26 AI_motel: yes you can as all costomers can
13:26 AI_motel: *chacking what room is open so far*
13:28 AI_motel: i have room 1, 11, 10 , 9 i hink i will give you room 1
13:29 Zexalia: "Thank you my dear... I'll head to the place at once" I answer, finding directions to guide me...
13:31 AI_motel: *as i wave the kyecard to room one & throw it to you* well next to the robot charging station is a tablet to costomize ti as how you want it to
13:31 Zexalia: "Awesome ! I'll call you if I am struggling with it !!"
13:49 Zexalia: (Like that ?)
15:06 AI_motel: (back so if anyone here i can RP)
08:30 AI_motel: (damm no one here....)
10:05 AI_motel: ןצ נשבל שא נוןדמקדד!
10:07 AI_motel: i a back in buisnes!
16:59 TheNightCat: looks like this motel is closed.
00:17 Wren_Peterson: Heya
13:40 HarryTF: hey there! Is this motel still running? *knocks on the door*
13:19 Joshua_Chase: Hello