Trigger warning
- Arms5
- Chest5
- Abs3
- Legs4
- Ass3
- Height6'0"
- Biceps10"
- Chest31"
- Waist30"
- Thigh17"
You didn't think we just experimented on men... did you...?
(Interested in fvf only)
Did you think they just experimented on men...?
The following is a report of the Female Experiments:
You are not logged in. Liquid Metal Type - Codename: The Slime
The Slime was one of our more unique results from the experiments performed on one of our female subjects. Whilst the males were given a dosage designed to increase their strength and muscle growth, thereby rendering them unable to speak and with an unknown level of self awareness, the dosage given to the female subjects focused more on maintaining cognitive function, this produced results that were more surprising than even the Tendril Types. The subject's physical form was broken down at an anatomical level, her composition shifting entirely to replace her flesh with a malleable metal type of substance. To say it is liquid metal would be inaccurate, as whilst she can take this form, she can just as easily change her body to feel like genuine organic flesh, just as she can harden her body to the point of being as strong as steel. The Slime's body is entirely malleable, able to take near any shape imaginable, seeming to be no limit to how much she can expand or retract her own mass, making her perfect for ambushing, able to form into a silver pool on the ground and sneak up on prey. Her body is also capable of wrapping around and enveloping a target, and whilst it hasn't been seen as yet within the testing phases, we believe it may well be possible for her to physically consume and absorb her prey into her body. The effects this may have on her default physical form is unknown. It is clear her self awareness is much more advanced than the males, as evidenced by her behaviour as a seductress style huntress and her choice of forming golden armour around her body, leaving more than enough of her "body" to be visible and luring her prey. Due to her body composition being as malleable as it is, containment for her is particularly difficult. A fully sealed containment unit was developed for her, the unit completely isolated from airflow. Fortunately, it seems as if suffocation is not a concern. Should she be allowed into the arena, it is this scientist's recommendation that we find some way to contain the space within, or, failing that, ensure her thought process is altered to keep her entire focus on the prisoners she would be set to face. Her default height seems to be around 6'1 and her mass, while variable, appears to weigh approximately 350KG, substantially less than any of the males, however still much heavier than any of the prisoners she would face. In addition, her speed is far greater than the males, and her ability to shift and change her form means her strength is near irrelevant.
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(More to come soon)
Last login: yesterday
Start of membership: 2024-05-05
- 2024-09-01
Bonus Chapter: The New Experiments Part 2 - A Surprising and Narrow Result
- 9
- 4
- 59
- 4279
Female Failed Experiments
Agent Lexi
Lexi faces off against The New Experiments, much different to anything she has faced up to this point. Will the purple prisoner be able to overcome this new challenge? Or has her winning streak finally come to an end...? Read more...
- 2024-08-05
Liquid Variant Battle Simulation Test #1 - Opponent MayAlleyCat
- 1
- 2
- 70
- 3045
Female Failed Experiments
Agent Lexi
The following is data analysed by our scientists upon the conclusion of the match between MayAlleyCat and the Liquid Variant. The participant's small frame and fragile form would mean care would need to be taken to avoid severe injury or worse. Conclusion: Liquid Variant still seems to follow more primal lustful instincts, but coordinates it's motions to heighten effect. Will need further testing before giving final recommendation. Note: Prisoner 347 not found in cell during inspection check... Read more...
- 2024-05-13
Bonus Chapter: The New Experiments
- 5
- 9
- 89
- 2581
Female Failed Experiments
Agent Lexi
This is a chapter that doesn’t have a specific place in the timeline - hence the lack of a chapter number - but is canon to the story. Lexi thinks she’s gone up against everything she can in this hell, finding success every time due mostly to the taser she carries with her into the arena. But will it work this time...? I'm trying something a little different with this one, which will be explained at the end. Read more...