The Purple Captive (Book)
The story of Lexi's journey from a Special Forces Agent to Prisoner 347... and perhaps... something beyond that...
- 2023-12-01
Official Report on Prisoner 347
- 10
- 8
- 179
- 1002
Found in the ruins of a destroyed facility, this report seems to be one of the few surviving documents on the escapees. Recommend thorough study learn what we can on both Prisoner and Subject Read more...
- 2024-03-05
Chapter 1: My Last Day of Freedom
- 13
- 7
- 123
- 3827
- Story of Week 10, 2024
Agent Lexi
Failed Experiments
The Lieutenants
Some of you might be wondering how I ended up as Prisoner 347. Well, wonder no more! Sort of... This is how I came to be a captive of the facility where the experiments are made. This will likely be a three part series. The next shouldn't be much longer. Enjoy! Read more...
- 2024-04-08
Chapter 2: The Beginning of a True Nightmare
- 6
- 2
- 61
- 4108
Failed Experiments
Agent Lexi
The Lieutenants
After my failure to escape, I awoke from the coma like state Emergency mode put me in. Everything is... hazy... here is what I remember... This is quickly looking like it will be a 4-5 parter... Read more...
- 2024-04-13
Chapter 3: Meeting The Failed Experiments
- 8
- 2
- 76
- 5259
Lexi's peril has only just begun it would seem... Will her story end before it even began? Read more...
- 2024-04-24
Chapter 4: A Fateful Encounter
- 5
- 2
- 58
- 6047
Agent Lexi
Subject 24
Failed Experiments
My toughest battle yet where the scales have been tipped HEAVILY against my favour! A fight that I'm rigged to lose with very little chance of victory.... Read more...
- 2024-11-02
Chapter 5: The Escape - Part 1
- 16
- 4
- 72
- 5628
- Story of Week 44, 2024
Agent Lexi
Subject 0 - The Tombstone
Subject 24
Failed Experiments
After meeting The Shephard and getting to know his story, Lexi finds herself alone in her cell once more, her thoughts gravitating towards how their stories differ... When she's suddenly handed a golden opportunity... Read more...
- 2024-12-01
Chapter 5: The Escape - Part 2
- 6
- 0
- 60
- 6673
Subject 24
Agent Lexi
Subject 0 - The Tombstone
The Head
Lexi and Shephard find themselves face to face with another of the experiments, one who claims to be another success, or at the very least not just another failure. What sort of strength and skill will this new foe hold? Read more...
- 2024-12-01
Chapter 5: The Escape - Finale
- 7
- 1
- 52
- 3093
Agent Lexi
Subject 24
The Head
With Lexi mortally wounded and Shephard struggling against this new foe, are the pair destined to fall before they can regain their freedom...? Read more...
- 2024-05-13
Bonus Chapter: The New Experiments
- 5
- 9
- 89
- 2581
Female Failed Experiments
Agent Lexi
This is a chapter that doesn’t have a specific place in the timeline - hence the lack of a chapter number - but is canon to the story. Lexi thinks she’s gone up against everything she can in this hell, finding success every time due mostly to the taser she carries with her into the arena. But will it work this time...? I'm trying something a little different with this one, which will be explained at the end. Read more...
- 2024-09-01
Bonus Chapter: The New Experiments Part 2 - A Surprising and Narrow Result
- 9
- 4
- 59
- 4279
Female Failed Experiments
Agent Lexi
Lexi faces off against The New Experiments, much different to anything she has faced up to this point. Will the purple prisoner be able to overcome this new challenge? Or has her winning streak finally come to an end...? Read more...