Trigger warning
- Arms5
- Chest7
- Abs3
- Legs5
- Ass6
- Height5'5"
- Biceps10"
- Chest31"
- Waist30"
- Thigh17"
Raze the Roof! I'll, uh...yeah, i'll just go...
Body type: Slim
Gear: Image? I guess?
The Tiefling from the other world, residing on this for the time being due to...uh...circumstances not to be named...
(Though she'll probably tell you anyways, so all you have to do is ask~)
Epic backstory time!
Born in the land of Montari, Raze was raised (Or should I say...razed~) by her mother with the upmost of care. After all...she a hero of The Grand War. Therefore, the little tiefling that popped out was loved and adored by many! Though it was ever knew who the father was.
During her up-bringing, she spent much of her time near the capital of Montari, in a small cottage with her mother. There, she was taught all about the ways of the mage. Mystical powers that defied all laws of nature...powers blessed from the heart of Lyrocia itself, flourishing the land of it's mystic abilities. And with such an experienced mentor...well, it would be hard NOT to thrive! By the time she was 10, she was slinging spells better than some of the mages for Queen Olga's personal forces!
Though by no means, was she ever isolated. Well connected with...well, pretty much everyone in the capital, her closer companions consisted of:
Kue, a mischievous Kakuen who'd more often than not get her into trouble. Having met on the outskirts of the forests when they were 6, she barely spoke at the time. Now? One of her closest friends to date...
Dira, the age old lamia innkeeper to the most established bar and tavern in the city. She'd lived through The Grand War, and is always willing to share her experiences fighting for The United Otoh Empire in hopes to prevent another like it.
Rey, genius gremlin who works on all the latest inventions in her labs. (Basement~). Having been picked on during her early days, it was with Raze's support her first working invention, the mecha she uses, that she was granted her degree!
Kix, the small little lightning lizard that was a gift from the Queen of Montari, Queen Olga, herself. Since then, Raze has payed all the attention in the world to her little companion...her little side-kick...
And finally, a mysterious, unnamed phantom that's only ever appeared to Raze herself. Watching over her, acting as the big sister the tiefling never had...everyone else just thinks she may be slightly insane with that one tho-
All was fine...great, even! Until...her mother.
For reasons she wouldn't clarify at the time, she pulled Raze back to their cottage, and strained open a portal. Turning down to her, she gently cupped her cheek...
"...stay safe, my little sweetheart...and do not return...not until...not until all is right once more..." Before sending her through the portal...swirling about, as reality itself distorted, much more than the average portal...before finally...being spat out here...Venus...
Alone in this strange new world, she seeks tales and new adventures with new people, to make new friends, and companions, and to brave further than she'd ever expected possible! But overall...
To find a way a world that not many even believe to exist, brushing it off as a myth, or a fantasy... a world...called...Lyrocia...
Is also happily married to Maia Sarakof! 💙
Also, went and founded 3 companies!
Owner of RazeInc™, RazeTech™, and RazeRolls™!
Characters so far:Ålenberg
Last login: today
Start of membership: 2024-05-07
- 2024-05-20
Raze VS Pomni!
- 3
- 5
- 53
- 1747
Originally started trying to figure out how tf we can set up powerbars... Ended up with a neck-a-neck, mindblowing battle of sexual supremecy! Read more...