Beauties VS Beasts

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Caught in a nightmare


<Broc_the_imp> As you sleep i look over you delving into your dreams watching and sampling. As my job is normally the torture of the eternally damned.. i have learnt how to unlock every fear and use them in my work... But this one ..this one is only a lesson - i owe Nathan a blood debt and this will help pay off that debt.

<Suki_Squid> Holy crap in my dreams even

<Broc_the_imp> In your mind is where my power is strongest .. where i break sinners . Pain is just a tool, like pleasure . you will burn for me , yearn for me ...beg me to stop ...beg me for more. Eventually they are all mine . All those brought to hell . You are lucky to have a kind owner he asks only that i .... Underline the rules to you . But one day you will fall into my grasp fully i think .

<Suki_Squid> Oh dear lord I sure hope not. Underline the rules ... and how is that to be done your worship if a girl may inquire.

<Suki_Squid> shivers

<Broc_the_imp> leaning over you a powerful hand covers your mouth the skin is like warm stone it does not give at all and yet closes completely another arm encircles your waist and you find yourself easily lifted from the bed your whole body pressed to brocs warm living stone form . Crushed against his body in the dark you cant see where he takes you but suddenly you are outside in the chill night air...looking into your face with coal black eyes before unfurling giant wings ..." Do not struggle " the voice even and concise used to obedience. As you feel somthing snake around your throat and realise it is his tail.

<Suki_Squid> Oh no this is the mother of all nightmares, this can't be happening, I will wake up soon. Right, wake up this is not fun at all and why does it feel so real. Tail where the fuck did a tail come from? Why is he so hot ... oh hell no not moving a muscle at all please don't let me pee.

<Broc_the_imp> The wings draw back and then with two mighty beats you are lifted into the air .it becomes obvious why you should not struggle as you quickly get higher and higher . The cold air rushing past as you look out into the night sky. Only the heat from his body stopping you from freezing as the wind whips through your hair .. you see stars and the moon but little else the ground far away and dark ... Just the beating of his wings as he carries you away.. moments pass and then he banks suddenly tipping over and his wings go into a double pace of heavy beats as he brakes and lands .. setting you to the floor .. it is dark , but at least fact very warm and there is a smell like bad milk hanging in the air.

<Broc_the_imp> flames spring up around you both in a broad circle a large stone dominates the center into it an iron spike has been driven and from this a thick rusty chain hangs.

<Suki_Squid> Oh my lord why is going on what is happening don't let go please don't let go I will obey I promise. Peeing a little in my great fear. Not liking heights to begin with but this is totally insane then landing in a cave or what flames all around so hot sweating profusly from the heat and my fear.

<Broc_the_imp> Pushed to the rock a collar put around your neck you are tethered to it . His strong hand planted on your sternum pressing you into the stone .. showing you the other hand you feel a wave of heat then suddenly his fingers ignite one claw of one finger slowly moves to your belly hovering over the skin .

<Suki_Squid> screams at the sight of his hand bursting into flame never mind the collar and chain What in the name of all that is holy is going on? Why is this happening to me? Come on wake up now!

<Broc_the_imp> Reading your thoughts , your fears , feeding off them .. " you think you dream ?" The claw cuts a lazy 's on your belly , the skin scorched and burnt as the claw travels so deliciously slowly .. "perhaps here ..." Raising the burning hand and pointing a crackling finger at your right breast ..

Suki_Squid: screams at the burn on my belly loses control and pees looks at the pointing finger numbly all resistance collapsing

<Broc_the_imp> "What are the only 3 rules you were set by your kind and thoughtful owner ?". As he speaks you feel the blunt end of his tail force its way up between your legs worming and squirming between your lips and lubricated with your own piss force its way inside you.

<Suki_Squid> to not call him Master in public

<Broc_the_imp> The tail continues its work . But the burning hand forms a fist even as the other hand grabs your face locking eyes with you .. the hand moves so fast you barely see it strike but the punch is like a boulder smashing into your belly... " Three i asked for three "

Suki_Squid: not have to repeat himself and to find ways to please him screams at the tail invading me so big and thick, gasps as my air is driven out

<Broc_the_imp> Yessss .. now say it again.. the flames vanish but the hand comes up still incredibly hot and claws dig into your breast ,squeezing hard .. "AGAIN !" the tail seems without end driving deeper and deeper swirling around , probing and shoving ..

<Suki_Squid> thru the haze of intense pain and painful pleasure of having my pussy filled by the thick probing tail

<Suki_Squid> not call him master in public

<Suki_Squid> not have to repeat himself

<Suki_Squid> think of ways to pleasure him

Broc_the_imp: There is a hiss a deep bass hiss " find ways to please him!" The tail begins to thrust in and out squirming inside you stretching your walls .. but your focus is totally taken by the huge fangs and inch from your face. " Says its correctly you stupids slave. " The black eyes wide and bore into your skull as the claws dig deeper and twist gouging your skin and pulling the mammory gland harshly .. "Again . All three "

<Suki_Squid> the thick tail impaling me begins to thrust in and out stretching me, my breast a flaming ball of pain the foetid breath reeking of souls eaten in my face make me blink

<Suki_Squid> not call him master in public, not have him to repeat himself, think of ways to please him

<Broc_the_imp> Good .. the fangs retract replaced by a smile .. behind you , you hear growls .. and realise you and broc are no longer alone .. the tail pumps with force as brocs tongue suddenly shoots out into your face hot and wet the muscle thick until it splits into a fork and both parts move over your face tasting you and licking.

<Suki_Squid> the tail pumping in and out stretching my pussy as I hear growls and shiver some more, suddenly a forked tongue is licking my face and tasting me, I'd pee but with a pussy full of tail can't

<Broc_the_imp> The growling seems to get louder and comes from both sides perhaps a trick of acoustics. Finally he releases your breast and retracting his tongue your able to take in more of the room ... There sat side by side are two massive hounds ...hell hounds . But then you hear another growl and realise there is a third as your head snaps around he is much closer .... " This is my hound , he helps me hunt ". You are unsure which one he means.

Suki_Squid: Holy fuck they are big shivers as I realize slowly they are going to take me once the tail finishes stretching my pussy ah which one Mr Broc sir?

<Broc_the_imp> Seeing your confusion his tail slowly slides out of you ... And he takes a step back ... " They are he, and he is three.... You see three but they are one . One mind , sometimes three bodies . ... And he is cerberus and he is hungry .

Suki_Squid: Hungry? shivers as the tail having stretched me so a hand can easily slide up me You didn't feed them? feels faint and wobbles as this sinks in

<Broc_the_imp> As you watch the two furthest walk forth getting closer there noses close to the ground . The third his heckles up snarls and shows huge white teeth... " Yes hungry , foolish mortal " you can see the two uncanny in the movement how they mirror each other now only a step from your legs there baleful eyes regarding you as they lick there jowls and you hear a low rumbling growl

Suki_Squid: Oh crap I didn't think I'd end up as wolf poop when I hooked up with Nathan. Did he have this in mind when he sent you to snatch me up? How can I lean a lesson as wolf poop anyway? shivers and pees as I feel the hot wolf breath, closes my eyes

<Broc_the_imp> You wake in a pool of sweat .. sitting up directly the night air cold and still , blinking trying to get your bearings ... But your in your bed at home .. about to think it was all a nightmare .. too much cheese perhaps ... But as the sweat trickles down your body it stings and you look to see a red welt like a big 's' exactly where you somehow knew it would be .

Suki_Squid: Oh holy fuck it wasn't a nightmare after all it was real ! staggers into the bath room and throws up repeatedly. Finally flushes the commode and goes to the bedroom looking for my nightgown''

<Published> 2024-09-26, viewed 66 times.



Suki Sweet wife of Dei

2024-09-26 19:52

My introduction to nightmares, will I ever sleep after this?