Beauties VS Beasts

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Established: 2021-07-22
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Beauties vs. Beasts - Title Match

12:09 <Biff_the_Bruiser> My music hits and i start down the ramp to the ring which is in the center of the arena. Start warming up as i wait for my blonde opponent to appear. Announced at 5'10 210 lbs, the large crowd is mostly booing me. I know i wont be the crowd favorite, but i dont care.....i am feeling confident as I stretch my big muscles. This is a big night, we are fighting for the championship title of the Federation.
12:09 <Biff_the_Bruiser>
12:27 <Georgia_Ellenwood>
12:29 <Georgia_Ellenwood> My music hits and after my own warmup in the locker room, I'm ready to give my all against the big brute, the Bruiser! At 5'7 and 146 lbs, I'm a lot lighter than my opponent, but with my lean build, I don't look like I break easy. Waving to the crowd and interacting with them, they cheer for me as I wave at you, the fire in my eyes showing the desire to fight for the championship of the Beauty vs Beast federation
12:30 <Georgia_Ellenwood>
12:33 <Biff_the_Bruiser> My opponent enters the ring in her skimpy attire, she draws big cheers for the crowd as we face off in the ring. She looks very pretty and i give her a big smile, but i dont intend to go easy on her. We get final instrx from the ref as we wait for the bell to commence the match.
12:35 <Georgia_Ellenwood> Ding Ding Ding! The bell rings, and despite my attire showing quite a lot, it's definitely easy enough for me to move freely in, and immediately I show that by using my speed to command the centre of the ring and throw a fast left leg kick aimed for your calf
12:38 <Biff_the_Bruiser> You quickly show off your speed with a solid kick to my leg, which slows me down a bit owww.......i realize that i will have to do something to neutralize your speed advantage, moving toward you to try to close the distance, attempting to grab your arm and whip you across the ring.
12:40 <Georgia_Ellenwood> As you try to move towards me, I maintain that speed and avoid you grabbing my arm, coming in on my own terms with a left body kick thrown aimed for your liver and followed with an inside right leg kick aimed for your right leg, showing I am smarter than a typical blonde
12:44 <Biff_the_Bruiser> I see your first kick coming and manage to avoid it but you kick to my leg connects, causing me to stumble a bit. I see that i will have to get tougher with you, so i reply with an underhand left at your lower belly.
12:46 <Georgia_Ellenwood> With you close enough, you throw an underhand left that connects with my lower abs, causing me to grunt, but I still use my speed by backing away slightly and waving you on, smiling with confidence
12:48 <Biff_the_Bruiser> My punch connects and I enjoy your grunt of pain, trying to follow up by wrapping my muscled arms around your slim body and hoisting you up for in the air to deliver a body slam!
02:32 <Georgia_Ellenwood> With me backing away, I can see your attempt to wrap your arms around my body, and so I duck and step quickly to my right side, before attempting a stomp kick aimed for the back of your right leg to try and weaken your base
03:56 <Biff_the_Bruiser> You move to the side to avoid my grab and kick the back of my leg. But that just angers me as i instinctively send a backhand punch at your head. "You can run, but you cant hide Georgia!"
04:05 <Georgia_Ellenwood> Your aggression is clear as your act of instinct catches me off guard, hitting my head and causing me to take a step back with a slight stagger
04:08 <Biff_the_Bruiser> As you stagger back from my punch, i turn to grab your arm .......then try to whip you hard across the ring into the opposite ropes. Attempting to keep you on the defensive.
04:15 <Georgia_Ellenwood> You grab my arm and fling me across the ring, with me bouncing off the ropes but with me aware of the situation and know I need to get out of this situation
04:24 <Biff_the_Bruiser> I send you flying across the ring and then bouncing back toward me. I smile wickedly at you as i set myself, trying to time my next move just right. Swinging my big boot up to attempt to catch you with a kick to the belly.
04:33 <Georgia_Ellenwood> With me bouncing back, I use my speed to catch you off guard with a running dropkick for your chest, trying to counter your attempt at a big boot for my abs
04:33 <Georgia_Ellenwood>
04:36 <Biff_the_Bruiser> I launch a big kick at your stomach but just a little late as you slam into my chest with both feet ufffff......sending me staggering back and then down on my ass as the crowd lets out a roar.
04:38 <Georgia_Ellenwood> With you sat on your ass, I try and get to my knees to get over to you, aiming to throw forearm strikes at your head
04:44 <Biff_the_Bruiser> You crawl over on your knees and start throwing strikes at my head owww.......oooohhh.....but i counter with my own strikes at your body as we start exchanging blows. The crowd is loving it! Grunts and groans emanating from both of us in the heat of battle.
00:03 <Georgia_Ellenwood> With me throwing at your head, your hit me harddd to my body, both of us exchanging blows to each other! I try using my speed to throw faster and more precise shots, trying to stun you before your powerful blows show their impact soon...
00:08 <Biff_the_Bruiser> Your punches to the head are starting to take their toll on me ufffff oooooh. I stand up to avoid further punishment, trying to shake it off. Then trying to send a knee at your head.
00:14 <Georgia_Ellenwood> My precise strikes are showing some damage, but you take avoiding action by standing up and trying to shake the damage off, before sending a knee towards my head which I avoid by rolling to the side and getting up myself, showing I'm not going down easy to a beast like you
00:18 <Biff_the_Bruiser> You roll to the side to avoid my knee strike, but then i try to greet you as you are getting up with an underhand punch to your stomach.
00:22 <Georgia_Ellenwood> As I get up, I look to immediately be on the attack, but you catch me with a great timed uppercut to my abs, causing me to grunt hard and double over as the blow catches me by surprise...
00:27 <Biff_the_Bruiser> As you double over in pain, i try to follow up quickly by grabbing both of your arms and falling backwards, trying to execute a face buster!
00:32 <Georgia_Ellenwood>
00:33 <Georgia_Ellenwood> You execute your face buster, wasting no time and slamming my head onto the canvas, dazing me for the moment, with me laying like this trying to recover
00:33 <Georgia_Ellenwood>
00:38 <Biff_the_Bruiser> WHAM! down you go face first into the mat. I smile as you appear to be out now. Quickly rolling you over and lying across your sexy body, lifting your leg high in the air. Thinking I got you now.....the ref moves in for the count.......ONE.......TWO..........
00:45 <Georgia_Ellenwood>
00:47 <Georgia_Ellenwood> I kick out at two straight away, showing my toughness and resilience, rolling to the side and trying to get on all fours to get to my feet as the crowd cheers for my heart
00:49 <Biff_the_Bruiser> you suddenly come back to life, kicking out at 2 ........grrrrrrrrr........i cant believe it, i thought you are done. I roll up to my feet, waiting for you to get up and raising my big fists.
00:51 <Georgia_Ellenwood> I manage to get to my feet, immediately backing away and smile at you, showing my defiance to you and gesture for you to come at me
00:52 <Biff_the_Bruiser> I see you smirking at me, wondering if you are really recovered so fast.....i lower my big body and move toward you, trying to take you down with a spear to the body!
00:57 <Georgia_Ellenwood> I've recovered enough to see you charge at me like a bull for a spear, and with me near the corner of the ring, I sidestep you to let you run into the corner of the ring, hoping to shift the momentum of this match...
01:00 <Biff_the_Bruiser> You move outta the way just in time, allowing me to slam into the corner my shoulder hitting the turnbuckle hard owwww...leaving me hanging in the corner unnggghh
13:26 <Georgia_Ellenwood> With me seeing you hit the turnbuckle hard, the ring responds with a slight shake, showing the force put behind such a charge! Seeing an opportunity to attack, I quickly move towards you and use the middle rope as a springboard to attempt a double stomp onto your back while you hang to the corner
13:30 <Biff_the_Bruiser> Trying to extricate myself from the ropes, but you jump onto the middle rope showing off your agility to deliver a double stomp onto my broad back aaaaaaaaagghhhh. Leaving me slumped in the corner, still trying to regain my footing. Grabbing the top rope on either side of the corner and start pulling myself back up before you can attack me again.
13:35 <Georgia_Ellenwood> The sound of my legs banging on your strong back elicits a smile, seeing you slumped in the corner for a moment before regaining yourself and pulling back up. In that time, I charge at you, attempting a running knee strike aimed for your head to maintain the pressure I've had for the moment
13:46 <Biff_the_Bruiser> I see you charging at me with an attempted knee strike, but i raise one arm to deflect it the same time, trying catch you while you are off balance, using my free arm to send a punch to your gut.
14:01 <Georgia_Ellenwood> You have one hell of an arm, being able to deflect my knee aimed for your head, before another punch to my abs catches me while I'm off balance, causing me to take a step back and see a slight bit of redness on my midsection, showing your desire to aimed for my abs
14:02 <Biff_the_Bruiser> ( those were 2 different arms!)
14:04 <Biff_the_Bruiser> Trying to wear you down further, i send another punch at your solar plexus. Trying to set you up for my next move......if your head comes down after my punch, i will try to wrap you into a headlock, then execute a DDT on you.
14:04 <Georgia_Ellenwood> (I mean the arm used to deflect it is very strong haha, not that you used the same arm)
14:13 <Georgia_Ellenwood> As you send another punch aimed for my torso, I show my speed is still prevalent by stepping back in a taekwondo style to avoid the punch, while aiming to hit you with an attempted left side kick aimed for your lower abdomen to try and weaken you
14:16 <Biff_the_Bruiser> You move quickly, just enough to avoid my punch and leaving me open for your side kick to my lower belly oooooooff.......I step back, muttering "nice kick girl, i felt that one!" Taking a deep breath before rushing in again.
14:20 <Georgia_Ellenwood> I smile as you compliment me, before allowing you to rush in and aiming to counter with a super kick aimed for your head, wanting to weaken that thick skull of yours
14:22 <Biff_the_Bruiser> I know another kick is coming my way, but this time i try to beat you to the punch by ducking under it and then wrapping my strong arms around your slim waist. Trying to lift you into a bearhug.
14:29 <Georgia_Ellenwood> Ducking under me, you use your strong arms around me and get me into a bearhug, with me groaning in the pain, but still trying to fight you off with punches to your head...
14:29 <Georgia_Ellenwood>

14:33 <Biff_the_Bruiser> I squeeze your hot body, showing off my strength .."I got you now babe, its all over..." Even as you punch at my hard head. But we are so close that those punches have little impact. Hoping to make you submit as i pour on the pressure, my big muscles working overtime.
10:06 <Georgia_Ellenwood> With you squeezing me, I move from punches to elbows, aiming for your throat as I show my resilience by grunting and still having that fired up look in my eyes...
10:08 <Biff_the_Bruiser> You start throwing elbows at me, weakening my hold on you. I know i cant finish you with the bearhug, you have too much fight left in you. So instead i try to slam you to the mat.
10:12 <Georgia_Ellenwood>
10:13 <Georgia_Ellenwood> The ring shakes as I'm slammed hard onto the canvas, you being aware that a bear hug won't get me out of there while I arch my back in pain, rolling out of the ring to get some space
10:16 <Biff_the_Bruiser> I slam you hard to the canvas WHAM......but then you roll out of the ring before i can follow up.......grrrrrrrr.......i follow you outside and try to continue the punishment by grabbing you from behind and slamming you against the side of the ring.
10:17 <Biff_the_Bruiser>
19:26 <Georgia_Ellenwood> The roll out of the ring gives me enough space to recollect myself enough to be aware of your monstrous presence following with your heavy steps. As you grab me from behind, I attempt to counter by using your momentum against you to Irish whip you against the side of the ring...
12:49 <Biff_the_Bruiser> As i grab you, You manage to use my own momentum to turn the tables on me and whip me against the ring.......i hit the side of the ring face first with a big THUD unngghhh
13:09 <Georgia_Ellenwood> With you hitting the side of the ring hard, I try to capitalise on the momentum shift by getting close to you and throw heavy knees aimed for the back of your legs to try and weaken those big legs of yours
13:24 <Biff_the_Bruiser> I feel your knees hitting my legs owww oooooh.....but i twist my body around and start replying with elbows at your chest, trying to make you back off.
13:27 <Georgia_Ellenwood> I see marks form on your legs, but you show your own resolve by elbowing my chest hard! Ufff! Unghh!! I grunt as I take 4 big elbows to my chest, causing me to back off and hold my chest with one arm. Still wanting to maintain my attacks, I lunge at you, looking to hit you with a running forearm strike aimed for your head
13:43 <Biff_the_Bruiser> I turn around as i hear you coming back at me......ducking under your forearm and sending a straight right at your belly.
13:45 <Georgia_Ellenwood> Your reactions are amazing, being able to duck my forearm strike and hit my abs cleanly, causing me to double over and stumbling back a few steps
13:48 <Biff_the_Bruiser> I hear you grunt as my punch connects.......i try to wrap my big arms around your body, then lift you up and toss you back inside the ring. Looking to finish you off if i can.
13:49 <Georgia_Ellenwood> You show your incredible strength by being able to lift me up and toss me back in the ring, with me slowly getting up to try and regain myself, looking to find a chance to stop the momentum shifting your way
13:54 <Biff_the_Bruiser> I follow you back inside the ring, see you getting up slowly looking a bit dazed now...I send a hard chop at the center of your chest, trying to continue my punishing attack.
13:55 <Georgia_Ellenwood> As i get to my feet, sweat shining from my body and my chest already red, your hard chop sends an echo from the arena from the impact, with me backing up and holding my chest and wincing in pain
14:01 <Biff_the_Bruiser> The hard chop sounds loudly throughout the arena, causing the fans to react with oooohhhs and aaaaagghhs. I dont want to let you get you hold your chest in pain, i try to grab you and lift you up high......then go down on one knee to hit you with a back breaker!
14:01 <Biff_the_Bruiser>
14:03 <Georgia_Ellenwood> You have the momentum, and take full advantage of it, lifting me in the air and hitting me hard with a back breaker, causing me to shout in pain, your power showing to take effect despite my efforts so far
14:07 <Biff_the_Bruiser> I hear your scream of pain, a very satisfying sound....then rolling you off my knee and trying to fold up your shapely body for the pin, lifting your legs in the air to force your shoulders down to the mat.
14:10 <Georgia_Ellenwood>
14:11 <Georgia_Ellenwood> You pin me similar to this, with you feeling the heat emanating from my body, you knowing the match is taking a toll on me
14:11 <Georgia_Ellenwood> 1!
14:11 <Georgia_Ellenwood> 2!
14:12 <Georgia_Ellenwood> I kick out at 2, showing my resilience, but lay like this, looking sore while still trying to get to my feet
14:13 <Biff_the_Bruiser> I sit back as you kick out just before the 3 count, looking frustrated as you try to get to your feet......."stubborn girl!!"
14:13 <Georgia_Ellenwood>
14:14 <Georgia_Ellenwood> I lay like this for a moment, before getting to my feet, shaking my head and smiling at your frustration
16:05 <Biff_the_Bruiser> I see you getting to your feet, trying to shake of the effects of my backbreaker as i do the same. I dont want to give you a chance to recover, lowering my body and charging at you, attempting to take you down with a brutal spear to the body.
17:19 <Georgia_Ellenwood> As you lower yourself and attempt a spear, I'm just about able enough to sidestep away from it, before trying to move to a corner, looking for a charging attack of my own, only mine being a running shin strike aimed for your head once you get up and face me
17:23 <Biff_the_Bruiser> You move to the side to avoid my spear and i hit nothing but air as i hit the ropes .......grrrrrrr. Turning to find you waiting and ready, charging in to deliver a knee strike to my head BONK unnggghh......sending me stumbling back, holding my head in pain.
17:31 <Georgia_Ellenwood> As my shin smashes against your head, I'm surprised you're still on your feet! But I show relentlessness by springboarding off of the top rope for an attempted European uppercut to try and knock you down!
17:32 <Georgia_Ellenwood>
17:36 <Biff_the_Bruiser> You come flying off the ropes, trying to deliver a punch at my head. Fortunately my guard is up and i am able to block your punch with my big arms........though the impact sends me back against the ropes.
17:40 <Georgia_Ellenwood> You block my punch well, and as I fall to the mat, I get up quickly and rush forwards, trying to hit you with a dropkick to the chest that could hopefully send you over the ropes...
17:43 <Biff_the_Bruiser> I bounce off the ropes right into your dropkick to my big chest ufffffffff....sending me flying back thru the ropes and then down to the floor as the crowd lets out a roar for the blonde babe. Mounting a big comeback now.
17:46 <Georgia_Ellenwood> With you down on the floor, I feel like taking a risk... and a risk I take, getting to the top rope and looking to perform a moonsault from the top rope down to you!
17:46 <Georgia_Ellenwood>
17:48 <Biff_the_Bruiser> A bit dazed now, i grab the apron to pull myself up. I hear someone yelling "Look out Biff!" and look up to see you flying off the top rope! I hold out my big arms to catch you but the impact takes me down to the floor with you on top of me unngghhh.
17:50 <Georgia_Ellenwood> With me crashing onto you and on top, I show some ruthlessness to try and weaken you by throwing massive lefts and rights aimed for your head, trying to daze you heavily
17:58 <Biff_the_Bruiser> You sit up on my stomach and start throwing hard jabs at my head owww ooooh unngghh arrgggh.......i know i cant take too much more of this and I bridge up hard to send you flying off to the side. Then sit up, shaking my head......which fortunately is very hard!
18:02 <Georgia_Ellenwood> I get flung to the side after you bridge quickly to get some space, but I know I can't give you that! So I try and grab you to force you into the ring, looking for a potential finish for the match, the crowd rallying behind me
18:06 <Biff_the_Bruiser> You grab me to pull me up and shove me back into the ring.....but i try to slow you down with a quick punch at your ribs. "Not so fast babe!"
18:09 <Georgia_Ellenwood> I hiss at the punch to my ribs after shoving you into the ring, you definitely being one of the toughest I've ever fought. "Just stay down you hollow piece of meat!" I exclaim before trying to throw a left kick aimed for your liver
18:16 <Biff_the_Bruiser> You are trying to shove me back into the ring, but i hold on to the ropes as we battle back and forth on the apron. I take a vicious kick to the body but i reply by sending another punch to the side of your head, trying to send you down to the floor.
18:16 <Biff_the_Bruiser>
18:17 <Georgia_Ellenwood> And it works! Your punch hits hard and knocks me out of the ring and onto the floor, with me using the announcement table to get me up to my feet
18:19 <Biff_the_Bruiser> I jump down to the floor and see you trying to get up using the announce table. I come up behind you, grabbing you by the waist to lift you up and attempt to slam you right thru the table!
18:22 <Georgia_Ellenwood>
18:23 <Georgia_Ellenwood> "Oh Fuuuc!" I let out before being lifted up by the waist and slammed hard through the table, laying like this and barely conscious, my chest heaving!
18:24 <Georgia_Ellenwood>
18:30 <Biff_the_Bruiser> I slam you down hard with all my power, not moving now........looking like you are out cold. But i have to get you back into the ring to end this. Picking you up and throwing your over my huge shoulder, i carry you back and up the steps to slide thru the ropes and slam you to the mat. Then pressing my boot down on your belly to hold you in place, flexing for the crowd as the ref counts.....
18:30 <Biff_the_Bruiser> ONE....
18:30 <Biff_the_Bruiser> TWO....
18:31 <Biff_the_Bruiser>
18:32 <Georgia_Ellenwood> The crowd boo as you carry my near unconscious body over your shoulder and pin me dominantly... which turns into cheers as I kick out at 2 and a half, showing I still have life left in me!

18:33 <Georgia_Ellenwood>
18:34 <Georgia_Ellenwood> (I lift my shoulder up at the last moment)
18:34 <Georgia_Ellenwood> I lay like this after kicking out, looking very dazed with me shaking my head
18:40 <Biff_the_Bruiser> You stop the count a 2 1/2, barely getting a shoulder up.......i cant believe it! But you just lay there looking dazed, unable to get up. The crowd is cheering for you but it looks like its close to the end now for the valiant blonde. I reach down to hoist you up high, going for a choke slam ........looking to end the match now!
18:21 <Georgia_Ellenwood>
18:23 <Georgia_Ellenwood> I'm looking dazed, and as you hoist me up high, I CRASHHH onto the canvas, laying like this and looking completely out of it!!! The crowd look shocked but shout to try and motivate me to wake up and keep on fighting...
18:24 <Georgia_Ellenwood>
19:31 <Biff_the_Bruiser> I slam you hard to the canvas with a force that shakes the ring! leaving you spread eagled on the mat, apparently knocked out cold! I fold you up pressing your legs down on top of your chest for the win........1........2.............
19:32 <Biff_the_Bruiser>
19:34 <Georgia_Ellenwood> I'm out cold as I'm folded for the count, but out of instinct, I kick out once more just before 3, shocking everyone including the ref, who looks at you with some fear as I lay like this, breathing heavily and my eyes fluttering open and shut
19:34 <Georgia_Ellenwood>
19:39 <Biff_the_Bruiser> Despite being out cold you somehow roll your shoulder up and the count stops ........grrrrrrrrrr. I reach down to pull you up, breathing hard from all my big efforts, then slam you down with all my remaining power WHAM.......Pressing my boot down onto your belly to hold you down as the ref counts again.
19:42 <Georgia_Ellenwood> You finish me off with a massive powerslam, the part of the canvas where you slammed me dented, the ring shaking as you press your boot onto my abs while I offer no resistance, laying completely unconscious for the count
19:42 <Georgia_Ellenwood> 1!
19:42 <Georgia_Ellenwood> 2!
19:42 <Georgia_Ellenwood> 3!
19:42 <Georgia_Ellenwood> DING DING DING
19:43 <Georgia_Ellenwood>
19:44 <Biff_the_Bruiser> The ref raises my tired arm high in the air as i celebrate.....standing over your unconscious body.....hearing a mixture of cheers and boos
19:45 <Georgia_Ellenwood> The crowd is mixed while I lay, going out with fight and defiance, putting you through your paces... but the ref hands you the title to show this beast has mauled a beauty who gave all she could
19:48 <Biff_the_Bruiser>

<Published> 2024-11-01, viewed 111 times.




2024-11-01 09:22

poor Georgia! Biff is merciless!