Beauties VS Beasts

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XCOM the beginning


Warning :  tentacle sex , violence , xeno-rape  gore...
Read at your discretion

 1947 ..............Army Air Corps personnel from the 509th Bomb Group report the crash of a "flying disk" in the desert near Roswell, New Mexico. Some reports claim that there were two objects, and that one actually housed three alien beings: two dead and one alive. Before the end of the day, Army Air Corps officials retract the story, claiming that the object that crashed was actually a weather balloon. The existence of alien beings is categorically denied.All of the "weather balloon" debris and other physical evidence of the "Roswell Incident" are quickly whisked away to Wright Airfield in Ohio

: 1998……..Documented cases of human abductions by UFOs become commonplace in areas of sparse population in countries throughout the world. World governments step up their military readiness, and there is a general news blackout in most of the affected countries. Scientists try to make contact with the aliens, but there is no substantial response

 Many countries begin to contemplate a direct military strike against the aliens. Japan, taking the lead with it's stereotypical blind bravery and courage, forms the 'Kiryu-Kai' , an anti-alien combat force. After five months of operation, using the best equipment available, the group is unable to intercept even a single UFO. Due to lack of funding, Japan is forced to disband the Kiryu-Kai in November of 1998.

 On December 11, 1998, the United Nations Security Council holds a clandestine summit in Geneva, Switzerland. After much debate, it is unanimously decided that a covert, multinational force should be formed to investigate, combat, and (hopefully) defeat the aliens. Assembling the best pilots, soldiers, engineers, and scientists from all the funding nations, the Geneva council establishes X-COM - the Extraterrestrial Combat Unit


The alarm sounded in the control room as a tense air filled the room whispered discussions at terminals as the giant orb projected into the center of the room turned to show a flashing red light ....

 The deep rich voice of commander o'Hanna filled the room " status ..." A nervous female analyst read out what information she had ...breathing deep before she started to order her thought "one u.f.o. ,small , currently over western europe , spain, heading north north east . Current time to intercept from launch thirty three minuets "

 Commander o'Hanna looked at the globe as the room waited knowing it all hung on his authority. " Scramble ...six man team , full assault, captain Bosco i want one alive - if possible , either way i want that ship and everything in it .

Captain Bosco smiled obviously keen to finally be doing what he felt he was born to do. Kicking alien ass and stealing their shit.. "

" fire team on me , trooper suki , i hope your good with that new fancy laser rifle , everyone else standard loadout ... .lets go.go.go....

<Suki_Squid> Unlimited shots, no bullet to drop, hold the trigger down and move the aim point to cut them it in half, its too sweet sir. Com and GPS in helmet all set!

As the avenger interceptor got close to the target Bosco broke the tension like a hammer on ice " ok listen up , some of you will be wondering why we have not had a briefing, this is how it is... We don't know shit... Some of them are grey ,some of them are green ,some of them are fast, some of them are slow, some of them are hard to kill, some of them go down easy... We don't know why they're doing what they're doing,. But we are running a zero tolerance policy!"

 " we go in, we kill them, we take that shit... Now some of you will have heard the big cheese say he wants one alive. If you can without risk, great... But if you put any of my squad in danger trying to be a hero I will shoot you myself"

A voice from the pilots area carried over a speaker .."ETA, sixty seconds ...."

Bosco clutches the custom combat shotgun to his chest " ok , show time !"

The engines give off a high pitch whine as the avenger pitches and lands with a ungentle bump.. the rear ramp falling open as Bosco takes the lead quickly taking in the surroundings.

 Its a farm yard there is a big old barn and a small farm house sat crooked to the eye its old wooden facia in need of paint. Several fields of what looks like corn .. in the middle of one field a small ufo sits in a circle of flattened vegetarian.... The sun is setting and its almost dusk ...everything is very very quiet....

Bosco immediately barks orders ... " Harper get up on the roof cover that ship and nail anything that ain't human. Bishop incendiaries burn out those fields i dont like surprises... Suki, ivanna secure the farm house . Gilda with me were gonna clean out that barn.

<Suki_Squid> Hears the brief briefing and gets ready since we know fuck all beyond if it is not human it dies. Moves with Ivanna to the farm house and kicks open the back door swiveling the Lazer Rifle from right to left. Sees nothing moving and uses her chin to switch on the helmet light to blind any potential enemy lurking. Then moves in trusting Ivanna to cover my six.

 Ivanna steps behind her assault rifle coming across as you get deeper into what looks like a kitchen she covers the hall way while waiting ... The crack of gun shots comes from outside followed by a high pitched sound that you see also causes a red light to zip past the window ... A quick lull is broken by the repeat deep bass of a semi auto shotgun .. but your attention is dragged back as a shadow on the stair case moves  
Suddenly its diving toward ivanna as she looks up in horror.

<Suki_Squid> Startled by the sound of gunshots I curse the powers that be for not using the same soundless type of weapon. The usual screw up of military intelligence which will cost lives at the pawn level. I catch movement and see a horror leaping off the stairwell at Ivanna. Holding down the trigger on the Lazer Rifle and moving it across the body to cut it in half. Of course with a lazer it does not stop at the body but carves a piece of the farmhouse wall also.

 Ivanna managed to at least close her mouth before she is splattered with green ichor and god knows what . As the alien falls to the floor neatly in two halves. ... Wiping goo from her eyes Ivanna manages a smile that shows off her white teeth against her slime covered face.. then you both hear it a skittering sound upstairs like sand on cardboard ... Ivanna grips her weapon firmly swinging to cover the stairs and motions where she thinks the noise is ....just then you see two very human legs poking out from under the table a pool of blood slowly growing ...looking closer its a woman , maybe forty , from the huge wound in her back she died very quickly

<Suki_Squid> "Fuck looks like there are humans here and we are too late. I'll check upstairs cover me." Moving to the stains I begin to climb keeping to the right side so I don't block Ivanna's field of fire. My head on a swivel so I don't get blind sided as I mount the stairs seeking what ever made the odd sounds. I hope the rest of the squad is taking care of business outside but don't have time to check as we need to clear this house first.

 As you get to the landing its dark and your helmet mounted light brings things into stark relief within the cone of its light your just about to signal ivanna to come up when another monstrosity flashes across the landing from one room to another ..
  Eerie in its silence like a ghost.. by instinct you fire but its already pasted into the room and the laser slashes into the masonry and door frame like a child has been let loose with a big black marker.....

<Suki_Squid> "Crap the damn things are faster than greased lightning. Got one more up here Ivanna." Listening to the creaks and groans of the weakened structure wondering if I should chance a flash bang at least into the room the horror went into. Then cover the door way where the creature lurks. "Blast coming!" as i shout a warning to Ivanna and toss the flash bang into the room  then swivel to bring the rifle to bear.

FATOOM ! the grenade goes off and to your suprise it seems the flashbang has a big impact on the creature as it falls out of the doorway onto the floor like a plate of spaghetti or perhaps calamari.

<Suki_Squid> Having seen the speed of ths sucker I am making sure as I squeeze the trigger to cut this one in half also since I have no idea where the vital organs are. Damn I hope I haven't fucked up the structure of this place too bad. A couple more of these bad boys and the roof may fall in on us. "We ok down there Ivanna?"

: " clear here .. and sounds like there raiding the ship ... I will get bags and we can bag these up for the boffins ." A short pause " good work "... She turns and takes off her rucksack no doubt looking for the hazard waste bags ... Thats when you hear it the soft voice of a little girl , coming from the bedroom " mommy ? Can i come out now ?"

<Suki_Squid> "I think I have a live human, a young one up here." Steps to the doorway and shines the light from right to left. "Yes come out mommy is here its safe." Wary this may be a trick but if not we need to rescue this girl and find out what she knows. After all we are gathering intel if possible.

 You dont realise ivanna has not heard you and step to the bedroom your gun sweeping left and right ... Under the red blankets a form is huddled and you approach with care as you pull back the blanket you realise its red from blood soaked into the material and there curled up under the blanket is the husk of a small black haired girl her body pail and quite naked ... Such a shock to see but you have no time to process it as a weight falls on your shoulders and a think strong cord of muscle wraps around your neck.

<Suki_Squid> Pulling the blanket back and seeing the girl naked and quite pale and still. Right hand on the blanket, left holding the Lazer Rifle as I take in the blood soaked blanket. When I feel a weight drop on my shoulders and some thing wrap around my throat I realize my perhaps fatal error. I didn't look up. I should have but was concentrating on the girl. I drop the blanket and the rifle and grab for the cord around my throat. Then realize it is not a cord but a pulsating tentacle, strong like a snake.

 You hear Ivanna call up the stairs she needs more bags and will be back.. dont go anywhere she says ... You want to scream and bring her to you but as you open your mouth a thick solid length of flesh intrudes into your mouth ... Tentacles seem to be everywhere wrapping around your limbs sliding over your body and though the alien is not heavy it seems to have endless appendages to wrap around you .

<Suki_Squid> Managing a muffled moan s I struggle with the tentacle around my throat after hearing Ivanna yell up she is going for bags. There are other tentacles wrapping around me of differing thickness all like steel cables. They probe and work under my BDUs and shed my weapons belt. I hear buttons popping and my clothes are peeled off my body soon having me naked and wrapped up. I struggle but it is useless as I am stripped naked and helpless.

 The alien seems intent on searching and exploring as if looking for a weakness or just trying to smother you with heavy thick tendrils  
As the clothing is ripped from your body its suckers latch onto your skin thinner whip like limbs whip at your inner thighs and belly as the last of your clothing is first forced from your skin then ripped asunder as it starts to squeeze

<Suki_Squid> Fuck those tendrils or tentacles are gripping me tighter and tighter. Bad enough I am struggling to breath. It feels like mouths settling on my dark nipples and suckling. What in hell is that. Mean while I can feel other poking at my bum hole and vagina, forcing my lips apart and invading me. Going deep inside me and stretching me. I can't move just have to lay here and take it as my skin crawls.

Held in its many coils 
You try and roll with a little success thinking to maybe reach your belt and a knife but your arms are entwined and pulled to your sides as the alien finds it can thrust into places forcing entry into your asshole and a pulsing thick tentacle plunges deep into your pussy with no care for your pain as it seems to bloat inside you stretching your walls with rhythmical pulses going deeper and deeper

<Suki_Squid> Trapped and trussed up like a turkey I try to move to escape but there are too many tentacles and they are too strong. Held tight as what appears to be specialized tentacles squeeze my bare breasts and suck on my rigid nipples like some sort of cow milker. Mean while my pussy as ass are invaded the tips of those tentacles going deeper and deeper, entering my womb even. They throb like some sort of ersatz penis. Besides my sweat I can feel liquids leaking out around the piercing tentacles. Is this some form of alien rape? It is not looking good as so far the humans found have been dead ones.

 The room is going grey you realise your not getting enough oxygen as the diabolical alien seems intent on invading every orifice 
 Lashing tentacles whip across your ass as you feel the alien penetrate you fully, stretching and pulling as you feel a slim tendril start to quiver against your cervix and you feel thick mucus that seems to just ooze from its skin ...your body is giving up held in its throbbing pulsating grip ...

<Suki_Squid> The tentacles deep inside me are not my major worry. Its the tentacle around my neck that is choking me to death. It is growing grey around the edges of my vision as I can feel the tentacles inside me throb pumping a fluid into me no doubt. I lay limp unable to struggle as my ass is lashed even.

The coils tighten closer and closer as thepace of invasion mounts and your every sense is overcome ..the room gets darker and you feel your arms go numb .. .

 BLAM,BLAM BLAM... Deafening in the room and you feel the tendrils convulse and retreat thrashing and loosing the strength they had . You gasp a hard gulp of air and immediately start to feel your body react good in that you are able to think and move but bad as a wave of pain washes over as your senses come back ... Ivanna stands at the doorway feet spread a huge dessert eagle 50' in her hands as she fires more shots BLAM BLAM ... the alien stops moving just its last thick muscled tentacle still lodged in your mouth. 

<Suki_Squid> Deafened by the blasts of the huge pistol as I fade to nothing I revive as the monster goes limp. sucking air around the huge tentacle jammed down my throat I find strength enough to pull it out as it oozes a thick mucous out of a hole in its tip. When I have breath enough to speak. " I think I am a bio hazard now Ivanna!" Her eyes take in my naked body my sex oozing a thick slime. There are no seperate quarters for male and female so we see each other naked. The flush that comes to my face comes from being raped by an alien. I can barely hear Ivanna on the comm unit reporting the situation as I struggle to my feet looking for my rifle.

 The clothes are in tatters only your helmet remains and you strap on your utility belt with the tatters of your pants before you pick up your rifle . As you turn Captain Bosco stands at the door a half smoked cigar in his mouth ... He puffs out a rich blue cloud fixing you with stern visage..." Good job, both of you , now get back to the avenger ....suki we will get you checked out but your a solid trooper " high praise indeed from Bosco .

<Suki_Squid> "Ayee aye sir!" Ignoring the alien mucus liquid leaking out of my sore bum and pussy as move out on the bounce back to the avenger where a rough decon station has been set up. Our medic takes samples before I get hosed off and douched thoroughly several times before getting on board and into a spare uniform.

There are looks as the rest of the squad sit on the flight back .. but nobody asks will all come out in reports ... But any battle where everyone walks away is a win and the huge pile of alien technology stacked up down the middle of the ship is a rich prize...

 The war is far from over the aliens seem relentless and as yet there motives are obscured ...but the men and women of XCOM stand ready to meet any challange


<Published> 2024-12-06, viewed 68 times.



River Cage

2024-12-09 19:07

mmhh naughty tenctacole! it is soo hot!

Nathan gingerbread

2024-12-09 23:43

(In reply to this)

I am glad you think so .....🦑


2024-12-07 07:46

Whooaa... Thats cool scifi story . Niiceee

Nathan gingerbread

2024-12-07 21:07

(In reply to this)

🤗 suki and i had fun

Cammy White SF

2024-12-06 12:46

Wow really cool roleplay! Great story and atmosphere! Love to read more about Suki confronting xeno scum 👍

Nathan gingerbread

2024-12-06 14:31

(In reply to this)

🐙💥🐙💥 there out there and only the brave stand between them and humanity...
Cough .. sorry i get carried away.
Thank you for your comment 😁

Suki Sweet wife of Dei

2024-12-06 13:57

(In reply to this)

Thank you I am sure I will continue to face off against exeno invaders.

Nathan gingerbread

2024-12-06 14:20

(In reply to this)

A trooper indeed..or just bucking for a promotion 🤔

Suki Sweet wife of Dei

2024-12-06 14:22

(In reply to this)

Well that too especially after taking a big one for the team!

Mrs Dei Squid

2024-12-06 12:35

Great read loved every minute of it

Nathan gingerbread

2024-12-06 14:21

(In reply to this)

Thank you dei ... Be careful out there you know where there lurking

Suki Sweet wife of Dei

2024-12-06 13:58

(In reply to this)

Thanks love for your continued support and love.