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OPCW Cassiee Babyy vs Sheena Bathory

Cassiee Babyy (deleted member)
18:49 Cassiee_Babyy: I take a deep breath, waiting for my music to play as the arena lights start to dim. A little light over the walkway shining as they announce my name. I strut through the door, wearing baby blue tights with a tight black sports bra, just barely keeping everything inside. Looking side to side, the crowd cheering from all around as I climb up the apron and slowly enter the ring. My nerves settling, trying to focus on making my debut something to remember.
18:49 Cassiee_Babyy:
18:50 Sheena_Bathory: The light dim again as your music fades out, then my music hits
18:51 Sheena_Bathory:
18:53 Sheena_Bathory: I slowly walk through the curtains and make my way down to the ring while my name is announced. Keeping that aura about me as I don’t take my eyes off you. I step straight up onto the apron and flex outside the ring, showing off all my muscles in my tight one piece I step through the ropes and walk to my corner, stepping onto the middle ropes and flexing again while looking out to the crowd. I step down and wait for the bell, stretching my neck
18:55 Cassiee_Babyy: I get a little nervous watching you make your way down towards the ring. You were a lot bigger than the usual divas and models I was used to facing inside these ropes. But nonetheless, this was my match to win. I let you enter the ring, hearing the crowd get riled up as you stretch your neck, keeping your menacing eyes locked onto me. I start to sweat, trying to divert attention and twirling to face the crowd, bouncing up and down to let my breasts dance before yelling “YAAA, SHE DON’T STAND A CHANCE!” Waiting for the bell to ring and kick us off..
19:00 Sheena_Bathory: I shake my head in disgust as you lose focus of me and try to impress the crowd with your chest. As you turn back to me the bell rings and I rush out towards you. I don’t even go for the conventional lockup and instead try to get a strong grip on those breasts you were flaunting to the crowd
19:02 Cassiee_Babyy: I slowly turn back around, winning over the crowd like I planned and trying to humiliate you before the match had begun. As the bell rings, I turn myself around, game face on and ready to face you when suddenly.. you were right there in front of me, and before I could react, your hands reach out to grip my massive tits. “AAH? WHAT THE-?!”
19:03 Sheena_Bathory: I catch you off guard and get a firm grip of your tits. I shake them up and down while imitating your “YAHHH” at the start of the match. Then I take a few steps back and try to throw you across the ring by your tits
19:06 Cassiee_Babyy: “WHAT ARE YOU DOING????” Shocked at your unconventional attack.. My eyes wide, looking down as you handle my tits in your hand, making them bounce and taunting me before you hoist me up and toss me across the ring. I crash on my side, tumbling towards the ropes, winded.. “AAAAHH”
19:07 Sheena_Bathory: Standing in the middle of the ring as you crash and burn near the ropes, I bounce on my toes to make my tits jump. I point at you and mock “SHE DONT STAND A CHAAANCE” before making my way over to you
19:09 Cassiee_Babyy: A little disoriented after that fall, not expecting a move like that to be as effective as it was. “b-bitch…” But you take your time to mock me, parading for the crowd and giving me just enough to get to my knees. As you come forward, I wait til you’re close enough and immediately shoot up to my feet and fire my forearm up, attempting to bust your chin with a European uppercut.
19:11 Sheena_Bathory: I march towards you, thinking this will be a walk in the park but am caught off guard by your hard European uppercut. He head jolts back as I stumble backwards towards the middle of the ring
19:12 Cassiee_Babyy: I take a deep breath as you stumble back, taking the swing of momentum into my favour and rushing forward towards you. I leap up, trying to grab your face and as I come down, I drop to my back and ball my knees up try and pull your face into them for a Code Breaker .
19:14 Sheena_Bathory: I shake my head as I try to stay on my feet. I suddenly feel your hands on the back of my head as you pull me down fast and make my head bounces off your knees as you hit the code breaker! I bounce back and my arms flail around as I fall down to my back
19:15 Cassiee_Babyy: I quickly roll over and pick myself up to my feet.. looking out to the crowd and smiling as I drop my Amazon of an opponent to the canvas. I get to my feet and walk over towards your side, then raise my shoe and attempt to stomp right into your left breast.
19:17 Sheena_Bathory: I hold my face in my hands, feeling my nose as it may be broken. I’m completely stunned and don’t even see you as you stomp down on my left breast. I grunt out in pain as I roll onto my left side clutching my breast in my hand
19:18 Cassiee_Babyy: “Aw, what’s wrong ? Does it hurt?? “ pouting to mock you as you lay and cradle your tit after my stomp. I bend down, reaching to grab a handful of your hair and trying to yank you up to your feet.. “come on, up you go!!”
19:20 Sheena_Bathory: I scowl up at you as you mock me, angry that this rookie has walked into my ring and dared to mock my. I hold your hands and grunt again as you pull me to my feet
19:22 Cassiee_Babyy: I get you up to standing, and immediately try to fire my knee up into your mid-section.. Looking to punish those abs but more importantly, wind you enough to grab your arm and spin you towards the ropes for an Irish whip, waiting for you to come back towards me..
19:26 Sheena_Bathory: My feet lift slightly off the ground from the impact and force of your knee. You then propel me into the ropes where I come back at you at speed. Hoping to turn the momentum of the match back around though I raise my leg and aim a boot for your face
19:28 Cassiee_Babyy: I throw you into the ropes, thinking I had you dazed enough for my next attack. I wait for you to tumble towards me, my arms out ready to catch when manage to kick your boot high up and ram it right into my face. "UUUGH" The momentum from the ropes making it even painful as my body twirls to the ground.. Seeing stars as you bust my face in..
19:32 Sheena_Bathory: I feel your face bounce off the bottom of my boot as you fall down to the canvas. The momentum carries me through to the ropes where I hang my arms over and take a moment to breathe, before turning back and walking towards you
19:34 Cassiee_Babyy: I roll over, shaken up as I claw the mat and get on all fours trying to regain my senses.. Looking around and hoping you weren't going to be near as I pull my weight up and desperately try to get to my feet.. My legs still a bit wobbly and my vision a bit hazy..
19:35 Sheena_Bathory: As I head back towards you I see you struggle to get back to your feet. To almost torment you I wait until you get back to your feet before aiming a kick to your midsection, wanting to set you up for a DDT so I can take you back down to the canvas
19:37 Cassiee_Babyy: I just barely manage to get up to my feet, noticing your massive stature in front of me as I slowly look up before you send a kick straight into my gut.. "OOF" I double over, mouth opening wide as the air leaves me.. Bent, holding my stomach in pain and stunned..
19:38 Sheena_Bathory: With you bent over I waste no time in wrapping my arm around your head and falling down to the mat going for a DDT
19:39 Cassiee_Babyy: You grab my head, tugging me in and snaking your arm right around to make sure I wasn't going anywhere. "NO, NOOO!" I yell out, kicking my feet and arms before you drop back and let me fall face-first into the canvas. "UUUUGHH" I yell out as I face-plant..
19:40 Sheena_Bathory: I smirk as you struggle before I drop you down face first into the canvas! I powerfully shove you over onto your back and hook your outside leg
19:42 Cassiee_Babyy: I cough up, staring at the ceiling lights as you come down and reach to hook my leg up, holding it as the ref starts to announce my count. I panic, but my body was battered. Trying not to go down in such humiliating fashion, I thrust my shoulder up from the canvas to break the pin.. "FUCK YOU!"
19:45 Sheena_Bathory: You get your shoulder up and your scream brings a cheer from the crowd. Getting annoyed at your disrespect I mount your chest and squeeze your throat in my hand. “Do you know who the fuck you’re talking to?”
19:47 Cassiee_Babyy: My eyes wide as you suddenly sit over my chest, your arms firmly holding my neck and crushing my throat. "GAAAH S-ST-STOP." I yell, my voice breaking as you nearly cut off my entire ability to breathe. Turning red as my veins slowly appear through my skin. Kicking wildly, trying to thrust my toned legs up into your back and roll you off of me..
19:48 Sheena_Bathory: I bite down on my lip as I squeeze you hard, seeing red as I have no care for your safety. The ref looks to intervene but you get your legs into my back which knocks me off you
19:53 Cassiee_Babyy: I roll you forward, gasping for air as I roll over and crawl towards the ropes with one arm, the other holding onto my throat as I wheeze.. "uuggh.. *cough* uugh.." Trying to get some distance and recover..
19:54 Sheena_Bathory: I give my back a slight massage before I get to my feet and march over towards you as you’re struggling near the ropes
19:56 Cassiee_Babyy: Facing towards the audience as I begin using the ropes for leverage, I start to finally pull myself up. Listening to the stomps get closer and closer, telling me that you were already on your way back towards me. I gulp, starting to panic and waiting until the stomps became close enough for me to attempt a donkey kick back into your lower gut..
19:57 Sheena_Bathory: I get closer and closer to you as I raise my hands in the air about to grab you but you hit me hard and unexpectedly in my abs with a donkey kick! It knocks the wind right out of me as I drop to one knee wheezing
20:01 Cassiee_Babyy: My kick connects, feeling my heel pierce into your lower abs. "AH YES! YES!!" I celebrate, excited to have brought the muscled queen down to her knee. I quickly try to capitalize while you're stunned, running towards you. I turn myself around, reaching back to grab your head and wrapping my arms around it before dropping to the canvas and pulling your face down to bust it into the canvas for a Cutter.
20:03 Sheena_Bathory: Struggling to breathe I’m a sitting duck. Your momentum forces me back a little before you pull me down hard and face first into the canvas as the cutter lands!
20:04 Cassiee_Babyy: I hear the thud of the ring as I crash you down.. Quickly rolling over and crawling towards you. After a move like that, you were sure to be winded, so I attempt to throw myself on top of you, plopping my weight across your body and reaching to hook your leg up into the air.. The announcer yelling out the count..
20:05 Sheena_Bathory: Laid out on my back I grunt as you throw your body across me. You lift me thick leg up into the air as the announcer calls out “ONE!! TWO!!” But I twist my body and power out before the three count
20:06 Cassiee_Babyy: Hearing two, taking a breath and thinking it was finally over when suddenly you twist your body and suddenly thrust me right off of you.. I tumble down, rolling away as I gasp.. "W-what!?" I slap the mat, a little disappointed as I slowly try and pick myself up to my feet..
20:08 Sheena_Bathory: After kicking out I stay on my side, trying to take deep breathes to make the winded feeling subside. I then roll onto my hands and knees
20:09 Cassiee_Babyy: I stomp towards you, furious and dead-set on taking advantage of you while you were still seemingly weak. I bend slightly to reach for your head, tugging on the roots of your hair to force you up with one hand. I start winding up my free hand, aiming to send a superman punch straight into your face.
20:12 Sheena_Bathory: I start to regain my breath back before you pull my up hard by my hair! As you force me to look up I see your hand cocked back and ready to fire. As you go for the bunch I try my best to force my head down to avoid it
20:13 Cassiee_Babyy: Using just one hand to keep you in place, your muscle was far too powerful for that.. I swing my fist down, trying to print my knuckles into your pretty face when you suddenly duck and drop your head, forcing me to swing into nothing .. "AAH!?"
20:15 Sheena_Bathory: I feel a rush of air swoosh past me as your punch just misses. I turn around and line you up, waiting for you to face back to me so I can hit you with a hard clothesline
20:17 Cassiee_Babyy: Pulling my arm back after smashing nothing but thin air. I try and quickly re-position myself and get back to your punishment. But you had different plans, and as I turn back to face you, you ram your arm right into my collarbone, sending me crashing hard to the canvas and flat on my back.. "UUUGH"
20:19 Sheena_Bathory: My arm THUDS against you as you go straight down to the canvas. I immediately run to the ropes parallel to you, bouncing back and coming at you, leaping in the air and going for a leg drop across your breasts!
20:20 Cassiee_Babyy: Totally winded, heaving on the ground in pain. You waste no time and quickly run to the ropes, giving yourself enough momentum to make this next move count.. You leap up into the air, and before I can notice, you start coming down with both of your bulging legs and dropping your weight on top of me and flattening my tits.. "AAAHHHH!" I shriek in pain, eyes watering as I try and peel you off my breasts..
20:22 Sheena_Bathory: I come down hard across your tits! Sitting across you I look down at you “why don’t you flaunt them to the crowd now!” I say mockingly before rolling back off you and trying to get to my feet immediately
20:22 Cassiee_Babyy: Gritting my teeth, eyes shut as I roll myself over and cradle my tits in my arms.. "Uggggh.. you b-bitch.." I whisper, barely able to move from the ground as every part of my body felt crushed..
20:25 Sheena_Bathory: As you roll yourself over I hear your remark. “It’s ok jobber, this match is almost over” I say as I step over you, facing your feet I bend down and try to wrap my arms around your waist
20:26 Cassiee_Babyy: I panic as your arms start to slowly snake around my waist. Eyes wide, kicking my legs and feet and shaking my head.. "N-no. NOO!" Clawing the mat and trying to find something to grip on to. "W-WAIT! WAIT!"
20:27 Sheena_Bathory: I lock my hands under your stomach as I feel you shaking around. You claw at the mat as I try to pull you through my legs. Wanting your legs to drape over my shoulders as I try to step over your arms, setting up for a faithbreaker
20:30 Cassiee_Babyy: My nails scraping against the canvas as my waist and upperbody slowly start to float from the canvas. "OOH NOOO!" I scream out, hanging up-down in your arms as you step over my arms and keep them hooked back. Shaking my head as I dangle between your legs.. "NOOOO WAIT PLEASE!" I plead...
20:31 Sheena_Bathory: I have you set up to go down face first in the faith breaker, knowing you can’t really escape I halt for a moment to hear your plea
20:32 Cassiee_Babyy: You parade me in the ring, holding me there and showing me off knowing I was totally helpless.. There was nothing I could do, only held up and waiting for my crushing demise.. "P-PLEASE! DON'T DO THIS.. I BEG YOU!! REF, STOP HER! PLEASE!" Knowing this would be more than devastating.
20:34 Sheena_Bathory: I smirk between your legs, the pleas only add to the embarrassment for you as I don’t even say a word in return, I just let the crowd hear your cries before I fall forward and plant you!
20:35 Sheena_Bathory:
20:35 Cassiee_Babyy: "NOOO.. UUUGHMPH." I scream out before dropping face and tits first into the canvas, planting me and crushing me with a faithbreaker. My lights go right out, laid out spasming beneath you as the crowd gasps..
20:38 Sheena_Bathory: I drop you down right across your money makers. The ring shaking from the impact as the crowd go silent. I stay laying across your back for a moment. With my legs still hooked over your arms I roll us over so you’re on your back and sit up, letting your legs fall over your head as I go for the pin
20:40 Cassiee_Babyy: You roll my body over with little resistance. My body was limp, muscles battered and crushed as you fold my legs up over my head and pin me down for the ref to start the count.. I was out like a light..
20:42 Sheena_Bathory: Your body seems lifeless as you fold back over yourself. The crowd still in complete shock. I rest my head on your ass as the ref slides in
20:43 Cassiee_Babyy: Sitting on top of my face while I'm folded, humiliating me even after the punishment I've endured.. "1...!! 2...!!!! 3.!!!!!!" He yells out, waving his hands to break the pin as the bell rings..
20:45 Sheena_Bathory: I nod my head with each count as the bell echoes in the arena. I look around at the crowd still keeping you folded before I SMACK your ass and roll back, bouncing to my feet where I demand the ref raise my hand!
20:46 Cassiee_Babyy: A loud crack from my skin is heard as you give me a fat smack over my ass before letting me flop flat to the canvas.. Pulling yourself up and posing, waiting for the ref to raise your hand and crown you the winner of this match.. My face falling to the side, drooling from my lips..
20:48 Sheena_Bathory: The ref finally raises my hand as I put one foot on your breasts and flex with my free arm! Hoping the rest of the roster is seeing what is coming their way. I snatch my arm back from the ref and leave the ring. Not acknowledging you or the crowd

Published: 2024-06-12, viewed 63 times.



Nathan gingerbread

2024-06-13 12:46

Ladies, well done a great match. 👍