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OPCW Euro Title Match - Moon vs Felicia

Moon Love (deleted member)

Moon_Love: The next scheduled match is mine. Tonight I have a chance to win my first title in OPCW. I am very motivated. I have an undefeated record to defend and a belt to win. Tonight I can become the one of the most influential wrestlers in the entire federation. In front of me, however, there will be a strong, determined and very dangerous opponent. As soon as Shivaree's song Goodnight Moon comes on, I enter the arena. I'm wearing a pink leather costume that can barely contain my breasts. I stand on the stage to show off my curves to the audience and then I start walking towards the ring. I high-five my fans and, when I arrive at ringside, I jump and sit on the apron. Then I roll under the bottom rope and finally stand up in the center of the ring. I blow a kiss to the crowd as my music fades away. Everything ready for the entrance of my opponent
Felicia_Starling: Once your music has settled down, I hear my own starting up with a loud and drum based Caribbean reggae beat. "And introducing, the OPCW European Champion... standing at five foot nine inches... weighing in at one hundred forty-five pounds... Felicia Starling!" I step out from the back and onto the entry stage wearing super tight cutoff jean shorts and most of a t-shirt, tightly wrapped around my chest. I hold up the Euro title belt as I walk down the aisle and then hand it off to the announcer before entering the ring and settling back into my corner. I flash a grin to the crowd, followed by a wave, and then turn my attention to focus back on the ring.
Moon_Love: I watch you wave to the crowd from inside the ring, but my attention is mostly on your belt. “I want that one,” I whisper. The audience is eagerly awaiting this match. I'm excited, quite confident, and I use my imagination to imagine how I can celebrate the upcoming victory of the title.
Felicia_Starling: I can see your attenton on the title belt and I smile broadly at you and shake my head, "Oh no sugar, you can look at it but you can't touch." I step forward out of the corner when the referee gives his instructions, this will be a standard match for the OPCW Euro Title. I give you a good long up and down look as I hear the bell ringing to start the match. "I'd say good luck, but I don't think I want you to have any." And then I start to circle.
Moon_Love: I don't answer you but as soon as you say your words to provoke me I advance towards you and try to push my chest against yours to make you step back. I look into your eyes and without using my hands I want to show you that I am strong and above all that I am not afraid of someone who has a champion belt.
Felicia_Starling: As I circle, I see you marching straight up to me, chest first with arms down and I stand to meet you, leaning in chest to chest, face to face as you try to stare me down. I can tell that you don't seem to be intimidated, but I can also tell that the seeming overconfidence is distracting you and with your guard down. I step slightly to the side to give my leg a little clearance, then just bring it up, aiming my knee right into your open belly.
Moon_Love: You don't accept the hand-to-hand confrontation and you hit me with a knee in the stomach. I am surprised and snort. I bend over and take steps backwards to get away from you
Felicia_Starling: I smile wider and wave out at the crowd as I follow you and reach for your hair with my other hand. "Oh sugar, you have high hopes but you just don't have the experience yet..." My fingers reach for your hair, trying to catch you as you back away and yank your head down and towards me, trying to wrap it up in a side headlock to squeeze against the side of my breast.
Moon_Love: You take my head and hold it in your arms. My face is pressed against your firm breasts. I listen to your words and I want to prove you wrong. I put my foot down and try to push you towards the side of the ring. When your shoulders hit the ropes, I try to slide my head off, put my hand on your back to push you towards the opposite side of the ring, hoping you'll bounce off the ropes and quickly come back towards me
Felicia_Starling: With the headlock latched on, I feel your legs starting to drive forward, pushing me towards the ropes. I've got a bit of a size advantage but you've got your head down and driving and I'm forced to go with it. Into the ropes and then rebounding out, I release the headlock and go running across the ring. I turn my back to catch the far ropes and increase my momentum as I come back, an arm swinging out as I try to catch you with a clothesline.
Moon_Love: I make you run towards the ropes, bounce and sprint towards me. I take steps forward to grab you, but you are quick and anticipate my attack. Your arm bangs on my chest. I fall to the ground on my back and remain for a moment in the center of the ring, stretched out, with breathing problems. I touch my sore breasts after the blow to the chest.
Felicia_Starling: After the clubbing clothesline takes you across the chest, I come to a stop and turn back around, seeing you down and on your back. "Weren't expecting that?" I lean down, reaching for your hair to sink my fingers into it and use that grip to start hauling you back up to your feet, "Get up sugar, we are just getting started!"
Moon_Love: You grab my hair and pull me. You make me stand up. I'm shocked by your aggressive start to the match. I can't resist your pull. I stand up and put my hands on your chest to try to push you "Don't you dare pull my hair, bitch!"
Felicia_Starling: I give a little laugh, feeling your hands on my chest as you start to shove me, but I decide not to let go quite yet, turning and keeping that double grip in your hair to try to flip you back down to the mat in front of me, "Or what?"
Moon_Love: You pull my hair even harder. I shout. Then you force me to do a flip, with which I hit my back and my butt on the ground. I suffer and I can't reverse the inertia of the match. I grab your wrists to try to ease the pain in my scalp
Felicia_Starling: "Looks like the new girl is having some problems when she steps up to a Champion doesn't it?" I smile and pull you back up by the hair before trying to transition from my fingers in the hair to my arm around your neck, attempting to bring you into a headlock with your body facing mine.
Moon_Love: You're still working on my head. I feel dizzy. Such a difficult start to the match was impossible to imagine. Maybe I was overconfident and I'm paying for my too light approach to the challenge. You pull me up again and put me in a front headlock. I try to react and aim a couple of uppercuts with my right fist at your abs
Felicia_Starling: With you in the front facelock, I start to back up a little bit, reaching forward with my other hand to grab at your arm, when I feel the first punch to my stomach. "Ooouph!" I wince and try to latch on tighter, about to attempt to fall back when another one hits, then another and I start to double over forward, my chest leaning against your back as my grip starts to weaken.
Moon_Love: I hit you and you loosen your grip on my head. Your hard breasts start to push against mine. As soon as you let go I'll leap, grab your head with both hands to try to slam your face into the ground with an RKO out of nowhere
Felicia_Starling: I feel your head pop free of the headlock as another hard uppercut hits my stomach and I start to back up, doubled over and bent forward at the waist just in range to be yanked by the ehad and neck, dropping and slamming me head first into the mat with the surprise RKO. "Unnngh!" My body hits the mat hard and sprawls out, head shaking and trying to wonder what just happened.
Moon_Love: Your head hits the ground and the impact creates a loud noise in the arena. The crowd is surprised and I can hear an OOOOH coming from the stands. I roll sideways and then slowly stand up, holding on to the ropes so I don't fall. I'm watching you, I need a few seconds to catch my breath
Felicia_Starling: I need a few seconds myself after getting my bell rung like that and I push up to my hands and knees with my head shaking as I try to get my bearings back. I crawl to the opposite side of the ring and grab the ropes too, using them to get back up to my feet before turning to face you. "Huh... cute move... don't let it get you overconfident sugar..."
Moon_Love: I observe you and wait for the right moment to launch my attack. As you stand up and turn to face me, I lunge to try to hit your sternum with a clothesline, in an attempt to roll you over the top rope and out of the ring.
Felicia_Starling: Just as I finish getting out my little taunt, your body rushes at me, the outstretched arm clubbing me across the boobs and knocking me backwards over the top rope. With a scream of surprise, I tumble backwards, arms flailing as I thankfully don't fall all the way to the floor, but instead crash down to the mat outside the ropes on the ring apron. "Aaaugh!" Before falling the rest of the way, I desperately reach out to try to grab your ankle to drag you with me.
Moon_Love: I hit you and you fly over the top rope, but... "what the hell..." You fall face first onto the ring apron, grab my ankle and drag me out of the ring. I fall on my butt and then slide under the bottom rope, ending up flat on the floor of the ring zone
Felicia_Starling: Laying on the thin arena mats with you, I'm shaken after the two big hits and struggle to pull myself up to my knees. I haul back with one hand, then send it back and forward, aiming for a strong punch to your belly while my other hand grabs your hair and I try to stand to pull you up with me.
Moon_Love: I'm on the ground and before I can understand what happened you hit me in the abdomen. I cough after taking the hit. Then you stand up and pull me, making me stand up too. I snort, I go first on my knees and then on my feet. I lift my hand and put it on your face. We're out, there's a good chance the referee doesn't see. I try to rake your eyes
Felicia_Starling: One hand in your hair, I drag you up to your feet and I realize that you are a bit more than just the easy win I was expecting so I decide to try for a distraction move. My free hand reaches for your top, grabbing it in the middle between your boobs, right as your claws rake across my face. "Aaaaiiee!" My hands yank back, covering my face as I stumble back away, trying to get some distance and vision back.
Moon_Love: I'm not the only one who plays dirty. You grab my top and rip it off just as my hand passes over your face. But I don't let myself be inhibited by the fact that I'm topless. I look at you "You want to see my tits, fine then!" I lunge forward and then jump to slam my chest into your face to push you and make your back slam against the ring apron
Felicia_Starling: One hand is rubbing at my eyes, the other one extends out in front of me, trying to blindly ward you off as I back up. And then I feel your body crashing through the outstretched arm, your now bare tits slam against my head and I stumble back another step until the edge of the ring apron hits me in the back, "Aaaugh!"
Moon_Love: You hit the ring apron and I land on my feet in front of you. Now I'm furious because you ripped off my top and showed everyone my breasts. I take advantage of the fact that you're almost blind and I grab your hair, I try to drag you towards the corner of the ring and slam your face on the steel steps
Felicia_Starling: I groan from the edge of the ring pressing to my back, and then I feel YOUR fingers in my hair, yanking me forward and away from the ring. I stumble forward after you, dragged by the hair and my vision is starting to get clear. Clear enough to see you running me right at the steel ring steps. I manage to get my arms up enough to keep my head from clanging off of the steel, but not enough to keep from crashing down to the thin mats. "Unnnff!"
Moon_Love: I don't let go of your hair, not even after the impact of your face and arms against the steel step. I do a 180° rotation to drag you and roll you under the bottom rope, to push you back into the ring. Then I roll inside too to follow you and stand on my feet
Felicia_Starling: After crashing down, I feel the grip still in my hair as I'm yanked back up and pulled, turned and flung up onto the ring apron. I yelp out as I roll under the ropes and back into the ring, feeling your grip in my hair finally releasing. I groan, shaking my head as I roll over to my hands and knees, starting to push myself back up when I see you standing before me. My hands raise to your hips, trying to keep you back.
Moon_Love: While you are on all fours in front of me I notice that you want to stand up, but I try to get ahead of you. I take a running start and just like I'm a footballer, I try to hit you with a right kick to your chin
Felicia_Starling: My hands manage to push you back and I see you take the running start back at me. I instantly realize that I can't let this kick hit me and I lurch to the side, pulling my head away from the devastating punt attempt. Still reeling though, I reach out for the ropes and use them to pull myself back to my feet.
Moon_Love: Move your head just before I can hit your face. My foot just hits the air. I stagger forward from the missed shot. I end up in the corner and hold onto the top ropes to keep from falling to the floor. I turn towards you "It was really close!"
Felicia_Starling: I nod, pulling myself to my feet and taking a breath. I can see your anger and frustration and think that I need to take advantage of that. “OK sugar, you’ve got some fight inside you, don’t you?” I move to charge in, trying to rush you in the corner and slam my body into yours to attempt to trap you there.
Moon_Love: While I listen to you I turn around. You probably would have done better not to waste time on useless words. I see you running towards me, I prepare to respond to your attack. So when you jump to hit me in the corner, I try to get ahead of you, bend down and attempt a spear at your stomach, while you're still in the air
Felicia_Starling: I charge in, seeing you duck down as I come and my eyes widen a little in surprise as you burst out of the corner and catch me hard in the belly with the spear. My body folds around yours, trying to stay up, my chest leaning over your back as I'm dropped down onto my butt on the canvas. "Oooouph!"
Moon_Love: The blow was very strong, I can even feel the effects on my shoulder. But I look at you and I know you're the one who got the worst of it. There are the conditions to try to finish the match. I stand up and grab your hair to try to get you upright before you can regain your sanity.
Felicia_Starling: I groan and try to hang onto you as you get off and stand, thinking that I have to stay close, I can't give you the space to get off another hard shot like that. My hands slip along your skin as you stand though, not able to get much grip until they slide down to the bikini bottoms. I try to pull you closer as I feel your grip in my hair, but the ties come loose as I'm yanked up to my feet.
Moon_Love: I pull you up, I feel your hands on my body until they touch my panties. "If you want me to strip for you, you must pay a lot!". Then I lower your head and let your face crawl onto my breasts. Finally I let myself fall sitting down, with my legs spread apart to try to slam your face into the ground with one of my signature moves.
Felicia_Starling: Feeling the strings slip in my fingers, my head comes up with the hairpul, only to be pulled between your bare breasts. I'm leaning forward, belly hurt from the spear and trying to get my balance when you drop down and the hair grip that pulled me up, yanks me straight down to slam face and tits first into the canvas with a mighty thump. "Unnnf!"
Moon_Love: Your face hits the ground between my legs. The perfect position to try to finish you off once and for all and win the European champion belt. With a grin I show all my wickedness. I grab your arms and pull them towards me, while my legs close around your head. I try to cross your ankles to put you in a frontal headscissor
Felicia_Starling: My head is spinning from the slam and my arms start to reach down to cradle my smushed tits when I feel fingers grasping my wrists and pulling my hands up to you, then draggin my face up as well as your legs reach over my shoulders and thighs press to the sides of my face. "MMMNNFF!!!" The little remaining triangle of your bikini bottoms shoves against my face as I feel those legs starting to squeeze. "NNNFF!!"
Moon_Love: I pull your arms to prevent you from reacting while my thighs crush your head. I move my hips to put your face right on my pussy and make it difficult for you to breathe. I throw my head back, this move excites me and if I think I could win a title I even become euphoric.
Felicia_Starling: I twist, trying to roll my hips left, then right, feeling your thighs squeezing and pressing on my head. My eyes open wider in a panic as you lay back and jut your hips to press your barely covered sex against my mouth. "MMMNFF! NNNPPHH!!!" My fet kick out, toes of my boots pounding against the canvas as I struggle and feel the fight being squeezed out of me.
Moon_Love: I feel your pain and suffering in suffering my lethal headscissor. I also feel like you're starting to get frustrated. I like this one even more. This situation gives me more and more energy to convert into my grip. I want to crush your head with my thighs, I flex my biceps and pull your arms. My pussy presses against your face and when your nose rubs, through the fabric, against my clit, I bite my lip, because I also feel physical pleasure. I couldn't ask for more in this match "Give it up, Felicia, you're mine!"
Felicia_Starling: I try to pull my hands free as my feet kick and beat against the mat. Yourpowerful thighs squeezing, pressing, hurting my head as my face is trapped against your sex. I can feel your hips grinding against my face, increasing the smother and increasing the humiliation as I can tell you are getting off on this. "Mmmnff! Nnnff!" I realize that I'm completely trapped in this hold, laid out prone in the center of the ring, my energy and breath leaving me whhen you make your demand... and I realize with your grip on my arms... I can't tap! "MNNNFF!! NNFF!!" Eyes widen in a panic as my lungs feel on fire, my mouth and nose pressed firmly into your slowly grinding pussy.
Moon_Love: You don't give up, you can't beat your hand on the ground and you can't speak, because your nose and mouth are blocked by my pussy. I move my pelvis, I moan, I enjoy the pressure of your face against my private parts. But this doesn't make me lose strength and I can squeeze your head and pull your arms. I'm keeping an eye on you and just waiting for you to pass out
Felicia_Starling: My eyes stare up your body, watching you lay back and writhe, grinding humiliatingly against my face and getting yourself off. My feet kick, my body twists and squirms slowly as I'm squeezed in the trap. Your thighs covering my ears cutting off what is surely the roar of the crowd at the ending of this match. Lungs on fire, head pounding, I feel my eyelids closing as I'm smothered into dreamland and everything goes grey, and then black...
Moon_Love: I feel that you are no longer moving, the referee comes closer to see what your condition is. I don't stop moving my pelvis and getting excited using your face.
Felicia_Starling: My body goes limp, legs flopping loosely to the mat as you continue to hang onto my arms, pulling my face into you as you get yourself off, the crowd comes to it's feet to watch the very soon to be ex-champion being used as a toy.
Moon_Love: The referee checks your condition and, seeing that you are unconscious, calls the bell. I hear its sound and I don't waste another second. I stand up and rejoice. Instinctively I hug the referee, I hold him tight. He gets embarrassed. Then I leave him and jump for joy around the ring. My tits are dancing, but I don't care. In the meantime the referee gets the European champion's belt and hands it to me. I compose myself, put on my belt and then pose for the photographers
Felicia_Starling: As your legs release, my face falls out of your crotch to flop to the canvas, my body limp and unconscious at your feet as you celebrate in the ring.

Published: 2024-06-13, viewed 58 times.




2024-06-14 20:17

Great match. I'd be glad to challenge either of you.


2024-06-13 19:20

Wow! The title strap changes hands in dramatic fashion! Great match.

Austin Archer

2024-06-13 14:06

Excellent match for both...and congratulations to the new European Champ, Moon!


2024-06-13 10:52

those thighs made some nice pillows