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Established: 2022-02-04

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OPCW Apocalypse


Lindsey: It the big debut match and I'm in the locker room getting ready for the match. I slip on my wrestling mask and my ring attire of a black corset and red tights. I walk down to the curtain and take a deep breath. The music play and I push out into the arena waving to the crowd and posing on stage. I then walk down to the ring and slap hand with the fans as I slide into the ring. The announcement start up, "ladies and gentlemen the following is scheduled for one fall introduce first making her debut in the ocpw arena from Osaka Japan the dragon Lindsey." I bow and go to my corner waiting for my opponent to arrive.

Blaze_Freya: -The crowd is on their feet when "Collapsing" by Demon Hunter plays to a loud pop. The Blackpool Bombshell, Blaze Freya, walks out onto the stage and spins around to pose with her back turned to the camera. She has a silver rose in her left hand, matching her silver wrestling attire which consisted of black knee and kick pads, tight silver booty shorts and a silver sports bra. She also is sporting a stylish leather jacket with a bedazzled hat and black shades on. "AAAND HER OPPONENT! WEIGHING IN AT ONE-HUNDRED-FORTY POUNDS! STANDING FIVE FEET SIX INCHES TALL! HAILING FROM BLACKPOOL, ENGLAND! ALSO MAKING HER OPCW DEBUT, PLEASE WELCOME, BLAAAAAZE!!! FRRREEEEEYYYAAA!!!" She spins back around to face the ring, confidently strutting down the ramp with her butt jiggling on each step she takes. Once she's at ringside, she tosses her rose out to the fans and rhythmically removes her jacket, hat and shades. Then she rolls inside and humps the mat a few times before standing up to her feet and backing into her corner. She locks her icy blue eyes on Lindsey whilst doing her pre match stretches-


Lindsey: I lean in the corner watching your entrance wotb little aw as you enter the ring and lock eyes with me. I take a deep breath and wait for the bell to ring as we both do pre match stretches. Then the bell ring and we both lock up in the center of the ring looking to see who can out muscle the other.

Blaze_Freya: -Blaze locks up with her, then snatches her right arm and tries to bend it behind her back in a hammerlock!- "You can't outwrestle me, sweetheart."

Lindsey: I shriek as my arm is taken and bent behind me back. I bend over and try to get my arm freed as I reach between my legs and pull your leg out from under you.

Blaze_Freya: -Blaze is tripped up, falling to her back but springing up to her feet with the quickness. She wasn't about to be outshined in her debut... she goes right back into the lock up, this time taking Lindsey into a side headlock-

Lindsey: I shriek and bend over after you quickly pop back up and got me in a side headlock. My face pressed against your side boob in your top as I wince and push at you trying to get my head freed.

Blaze_Freya: -Blaze wrenches on the hold, but she soon gets another idea and tries to run with her to hit her with a bulldog!-

Lindsey: My neck Is on fire as you keep wrenching on the hold on my neck. You then run forward and plant my face into the mat with a bulldog.

Blaze_Freya: -The Blackpool Bombshell has her right where she wants her in the opening of this match, chuckling as she rises up to her feet to grab Lindsey's mask, pulling up on it to either make her rise to her feet, or take her mask off. Either one was fine with Freya-

Lindsey: I'm dazed on the mat as my mask get pulled as I start to rise up with it to my feet. The mask tied tightly so there no fear if it slipping off as i stand infromt of you now.

Blaze_Freya: "Now, get your ass over there!" -Blaze shouts as she Irish whips her to the far corner-

Lindsey: I shriek as she whip my arm to the corner and send me into the corner. I turn last minute to crash my back into the post. I lean there gasping and groaning.

Blaze_Freya: -Freya runs after her, trying to nail her with a hard forearm strike to the side of her head to knock her down into a seated position in the corner-

Lindsey: I see you running but can't stop you as your forearm strike hit me in the head. I slump down in the corner sitting there in a dazed.

Blaze_Freya: -Blaze taunts, lifting her right hand and doing a lasso motion before she runs to the opposite corner, coming back at her to go for a humiliating BRONCO BUSTER!-

Lindsey: I'm dazed in the corner when I see you run to the opposite corner and then run back before jumping up and slamming your kitty in my face. You start bouncing on my chest now running your kitty in with every bounce.

Blaze_Freya: -The Bratty Brit is enjoying every second as the referee counts for her to get out of the corner- "ONE!... TWO!..." -And Blaze grabs her by the back of the mask, graphically HUMPING her face and laughing as she leans her head back-

Lindsey: I'm gasping and groaning as my mask is grab and pulled into your kitty tight. You keep bounce on my face making me loopy and stun as the ref keep counting. THREE!...

Blaze_Freya: "FOUR!..." -And Blaze finally breaks the hold, falling back and rolling on her shoulders to flip up to her feet again, taking a bow to the crowd as they give out a loud pop followed by catcalls and whistles-

Lindsey: My face is finally freed from the grinding as the smell of your sex lingered on my nose. You take a bow and listen to the crowd as I sit in the corner recovering.

Blaze_Freya: -Blaze sees that she's still stunned in the corner... and she smiles. This was the beginning of the end already, she could feel it! She turns so that her bum is facing Lindsey, then she gives herself a big wedgie in those silver tights and starts to back up, looking to smother Lindsey's face between her ass cheeks-

Lindsey: I look up only to see the big pale ass coming down on my face. I shriek and gasp as my face is swallow up between your ass cheeks forcing me deep in your musky ass.

Blaze_Freya: -Freya's perfect ass suffocates Lindsey, as she then starts to showcase her dancing skills at Lindsey's expense, REALLY rubbing it in and working those hips-

Lindsey: I'm drown in booty as you suffocate me in your ass and start dancing in my face. The ref screaming once again at you to get out of the corner. Your rubbing has my nose deep in your booty as I whimper.

Blaze_Freya: "BLAZE, COME ON! ONE!... TWO!..." -But unfortunately for Lindsey, she had until the count of 5 to break the hold. And this wasn't just ANY hold, this was Punky's Blitzkrieg Bop, a move Blaze Freya stole from her! After the short dance, Blaze smothers Lindsey and just sits on her face in the corner-

Lindsey: My face is now fully smother in her ass as she sit on my face now smothering me in her move as the ref keep screaming. My face buried under booty as I shriek out in humiliation.

Blaze_Freya: "THREE!... FOUR!..." -Blaze steps forward with her hands up innocently- "I broke it, she's fine..." -She says before turning around to see how she's doing after the back to back bronco buster and Blitzkrieg Bop combination-

Lindsey: I slump forward laying on my back on the mat dazed from both the bronco buster and the bop move. My head is swimming in the smell of your kitty and ass now as i lay there almost gaging.

Blaze_Freya: -Freya pulls her wedgie out and walks over and grabs her arms to pull her to the middle of the ring, then she covers her and hooks her right leg up high-

Lindsey: I lay there dazed as you drag me to the center of the ring and cover me. I lay there dazed and stunned still from the corner attack as you hook my leg.

Blaze_Freya: "ONE!!!..." -The referee counts, and the crowd counts along, everybody pretty sure that this one is over as Blaze hooks her leg up higher and higher-

Lindsey: I'm still groggy as I hear the first count from the ref. You thrn hook my leg higher and higher as I lay there recovering.

Blaze_Freya: "TWO!!!..." -Blaze nods her head with each count, just waiting for the bell to ring and hear the announcer call her name again-

Lindsey: I hear the second and know this is it now ot never as i shoot my arm up off the mat. The crowd in shock everyone thinking it over as I'm still in this match.

Blaze_Freya: -Blaze sits up and glares at the referee- "That was three!" -But the ref shakes their head and holds up two fingers. Blaze slaps the mat and stands up again, grabbing Lindsey's mask to jerk her up onto her feet-

Lindsey: I'm still laying there after the kick out as I'm lifted up to my feet once more by my mask. I thrn throw everything I have into a chop across your chest.

Blaze_Freya: -The chop echoes around the arena as Blaze staggers back holding her chest and covering her boobs. She was stunned, she thought for sure that this was over with, but apparently humiliation isn't much of a weakness for Lindsey!-

Lindsey: Seeing you walking off from the chop I follow you pushing you back into the corner once more. I then rain chop after chop on your chest in a machine gun fashion. After about ten chop I grab your arm and whip you up the far corner.

Blaze_Freya: -Blaze's chest is bright red after all those chops and she's sent to the opposite corner, hitting back-first with her arms trapped in place on the top ropes-

Lindsey: I bounce up and down building momentum before rushing to the opposite corner and looking to smash you in the corner. My boobs would land hard on your face as I crush you a bit before giving a smug look.

Blaze_Freya: -Blaze is crushed between the turnbuckles and Lindsey's body, slumping down onto her ass and just looking around in a daze-

Lindsey: Thinking bout getting revenge I move to the center of the ring and wiggle my booty towards you. I thrn run and turn before slamming my ass in your face with a heavy hip attack.

Blaze_Freya: -Freya's head grusomely bounces with the hip attack and she goes crawling out of the corner, wanting no possibility of having Lindsey's stinky ass in her face again. And even though she was dazed and wobbling around, she still got a good distance away from the corner, almost making it to the middle of the ring on her hands and knees-

Lindsey: I giggle and slap my ass to the crowd teasing them. I then walk over to you and see you on your hands and knees and slap your ass hard. I then grab your hair and start to pull you to your knees infront of me.

Blaze_Freya: -Blaze's butt jiggles with the slap and she cries out in agony and humiliation... the crowd is going wild as Lindsey grabs her hair to pull her up onto her knees, but Blaze sends a hard left hook to her ribs-

Lindsey: I gasp and push away holding my ribs from the left hook you just nailed me with. My breathing having trouble from the shots as i stand there rubbing my ribs.

Blaze_Freya: -Blaze is still in a daze but fighting through it. Lindsey makes it a bit harder as she backs away, making it difficult for Blaze to find her target. But she stands up on wobbly legs and staggers back into the ropes to catch her balance, shaking her head to clear the cobwebs before she runs at Lindsey and goes for a codebreaker, grabbing the back of her head to try and drive her face down into both knees-

Lindsey: I look up and see you running against the roped now as you bounce off and come back towards me. You then jump grab my head drive me face first into both of your knees knocking me to the mat spread eagle.

Blaze_Freya: -Freya stands up breathing heavily and looks at her downed opponent... deciding to rub salt in the wound as she grabs the waistband of her own silver tights and pulls them down! The crowd gasps in shock at the sight of The Bratty Brit's bare ass as she exposes herself. Then she sits down on Lindsey's face going for perhaps the most disrespectful pin of all time!- "ONE!!!..."

Lindsey: I'm laying there when I see your bare ass sliding down on my face. I shriek when my nose goes deep I'm that smelly stinky ass as I hiss and gag from the smell. My face deep In the ass as I hear the ref counting while im suffering the stench.

Blaze_Freya: "TWO!!!..." -Blaze wiggles her hips and poses in victory, raising her arms up in the air-

Lindsey: You wiggle your ass in my face really grinding your booty in. Just before the count of three I pop a shoulder up breaking the count.

Blaze_Freya: -Blaze crawls forward and stands up, pulling her tights up as she argues with the referee- "Are you fucking serious!? Do your only fucking job and COUNT!!!" -She slaps her hands together three times and then shakes her head, turning back around to face Lindsey-

Lindsey: I was pissed this girl just sat her bare ass on my face as I get up and see you arguing with the ref. I get all the hate in my body from all the humiliating thing you did to me in this match swell inside me. You turn towards me and I throw all my anger Into a superkick into your jaw.

Blaze_Freya: -Blaze is knocked out flat by the superkick, laying spread eagle with her eyes closed... the crowd goes wild at the sound of the superkick landing, watching as Freya falls-

Lindsey: I grab your legs and roll you up now pinning you to the mat while sitting on the back if your legs. I face the crowd and grab your shorts and start pulling them down.

Blaze_Freya: -Blaze wiggles her feet but ultimately can't do shit underneath Lindsey as she is in dreamland and only instinctually kicking her feet around-

Lindsey: ONE..... the ref counts as I keep pulling your shorts down with your legs spread open both your kitty and ass are exposed to the crowd.

Blaze_Freya: -Freya's feet continue to wiggle without any real signs of life. The referee smacking the mat right next to her fiery orange hair, making it fly up with each count-

Lindsey: TWO........I giggle and feel your feet wiggling in the air as I keep you pinned. I then start Spankimg your bare ass to the crowd raining down spank as the ref goes for the final count.

Blaze_Freya: -Blaze turns her head to the side and winces with each spank, but still can't find the power to kick out....-

Lindsey: THREE...the final count hit as i spank your ass and kitty once more before getting off you and celebrate in the ring. I bow and wave to the crowd before leaving the ring.

Blaze_Freya: -Blaze pulls her tights up as soon as the pin is released and she rolls to the apron, recovering a bit before she heads to the back-

Published: 2024-06-14, viewed 85 times.




2024-06-17 03:28

OMG Partner! What happened..NOOOO..grrrrr so mad at you Lindsey


2024-06-17 05:16

(In reply to this)

Thought we were partners lol?