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OPCW: Un-Sanctioned Match ~ The Smokeshow Debuts!


Awesome_Clark: I'm in the center of the ring and I take the microphone. I have something to say to the OPCW audience. I'm wearing my usual fighting outfit, but I also have my vest and cowboy hat. "Good evening everyone, I'm here because I want to clarify something. Lately I've noticed new faces wandering around the backstage. Kids, sluts, wrestlers who have fallen out of favor in other federations who are looking for their redemption in OPCW. I want to say one thing to all of them : you are in the wrong place! Driving the federation are the old glories, people who have worked hard for months and who are still looking for their glory. Do you think about coming here and competing for a title? You don't understand shit! Get lost, otherwise I'll make you stop wanting to put your ass in this ring!"

Scarlett_Bordeauxx: "I THINK YOU'RE IN THE WRONG PLACE, COWBOY!" I yell out from the crowd, hiding between some of the audience members. I start slithering through some of the fans, making my down towards the barricade for you to notice me. "YOU SHOULD GET OUT OF THE RING, AND MAKE ROOM FOR THE SMOKESHOW! THAT'S WHAT THEY'RE ALL HERE FOR ANYWAY!" Trying to get your attention and stomping my way towards the ring. My latex booty shorts on, black thigh boots with a laced bra over-top as I hop over the barricade and stick my head out through the bottom rope. Almost as if I wanted to get in there with you and shut you up..

Awesome_Clark: I smile when you appear in the audience. "What is a smokeshow? Do you want to turn this ring into a coffee shop? Do we want to smoke marijuana? It wouldn't be a bad idea, it could be fun. But it would be better to go and do it in my room together." I try to belittle you. "If you came here for a pole dancing show... Well! This is not your place!"


Scarlett_Bordeauxx: The crowd getting riled up, hearing their laughs and heckles from every corner of the arena. "I'd rather pole dance than stand here and watch some roided up rookie try and name this ring as his own." Getting a little furious with your lack of respect, trying to purposely humiliate me in front of the crowd. "Besides, you couldn't handle someone like me anyway!"
Awesome_Clark: I don't want to stop and insult you. "Come on, let's ask the organizers to put a pole in the center of this ring. You can go up and do some tricks around the pole. We could have the best representation of a human kebab in the world." Then I get serious "Please, now, disappear! We're fighting here!"


Scarlett_Bordeauxx: I lick my lips, smirking at your constant disrespect. The fans now cheering for a match, begging for something to happen. After all, this basically was an open invitation... And there was nobody else in the ring. All Clark needed was someone to step inside and shut him UP. "Maybe I should teach you a little lesson!" I yell, climbing up the apron and standing out-side of the ropes. "Or are you too scared to lose to a girl"

Awesome_Clark: Line of taste. "Am I scared?". Then I take off my hat and throw it out of the ring. I take off my vest and hand it to an official at ringside. Finally I spread my arms. "Do you want to get hurt? Please, come, I'll wait for you with open arms!". Then I look at the announcer waiting for him to introduce my opponent and call a referee

Scarlett_Bordeauxx: I smirk, bending over to step through the ropes and entering the ring. Camera guy running around the ring to get a good shot, the broadcast starting up as the ref signals in preparation for the action. I was new to this league, but wrestling knew my name like the back of their hands. I was business and pleasure, all wrapped up inside the perfect body. Clark here was going to the first to experience that! My name is announced, the crowd screaming as they prepare for an unexpected show. I strut around the ring, parading and showing off before hanging back behind my ropes, giving everyone a good view of the Smokeshow before the match kicks off.

Awesome_Clark: You enter the ring. You definitely know how to attract attention and get the audience on your side. It seems like in just a few minutes you have already achieved a lot of success and already have a lot of fans. I stay focused, I observe you, I can't wait for the match to start to get to know your skills and to confirm, once and for all, that the speech I was making is real and not just the fruit of my imagination

Scarlett_Bordeauxx: I turn back and face you, nothing but pure confidence in my eyes as I start to strut to the middle of the ring. "Well come on honey, don't tell me you're AFRAID?" I taunt as the bell suddenly rings, kicking off the sudden challenge. I start raising my arms up with a slight bend in my knee to make sure I keep my footing. Waving you to come towards me..

Awesome_Clark: I can't let myself be asked twice. I hear the ringing of the bell and immediately rush towards you. I have my hands high and I try to reach out to catch you in a collar and elbow lock up, to test your strength at the beginning of the match

Scarlett_Bordeauxx: I slowly start to reach in, making sure I keep good distance in my feet. I wasn't planning on any muscle vs muscle business in this match, and definitely didn't want to get caught inside of those arms. I quickly step back, trying to stay out of your range then immediately kicking my foot into your shin with as much force as I could find, hoping to throw you off balance.

Awesome_Clark: You step back and avoid my grasp. I am leaning forward and not in perfect balance. You kick me in the shin. I snort, my leg goes backwards and then I'm forced to fall to one knee. Surprised by your speed.

Scarlett_Bordeauxx: I giggle, stepping forward as you kneel and whipping my hand across your face a quick Bitch-Slap! Toying with you and drizzling just a bit of humiliation to set up for my next attack. I step aside and run towards the ropes behind you, then slam against them to Irish Whip back towards you. I leap up, opening my legs and trying to land with my crotch against the back of your neck, trying to use my weight to send you smashing face first into the mats..

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Awesome_Clark: When I kneel in front of you you hit me with a slap that makes my head snap to the side. I see the stars thundering around me. On my cheek you tattoo the sign of your open hand. Then you quickly sprint behind me and before I can regain lucidity, you hit me with your crotch on the back of the head and slam my face into the ground. I remain stunned with my chest down and arms spread wide on the mat

Scarlett_Bordeauxx: A huge *THUD* making the ring shake as I crush your face into the mat. "That sounded like it hurt!" I crawl off of you, picking myself up to my feet and waiting for you to get up.. "Aww, come on cowboy! Stand up!!" I decide to come towards you, bending near your head and grabbing your long brown hair, giving you a slight tug to try and help you up.

Awesome_Clark: You grab me by the hair and do a taunt to humiliate me. I'm still a little stoned, I stand up, but before I get into a standing position I try to hit you with the palms of my hands on the chest to push you away from me

Scarlett_Bordeauxx: "OW!" I yell, striking my boobs with your meaty palms, forcing me to stumble back. I watch you stand up, one hand over my chest as I growl.. "Ooh.. feisty.." I mock, then lunge forward and attempt to swing my body around and raise my boot up high for a hard super-kick into the side of your face to get you back down..

Awesome_Clark: I push you and you take a couple of steps back. But then you raise your foot and hit me on the side of the face, raising your leg very high and showing technique and elasticity. I take the kick and stagger as if I were drunk

Scarlett_Bordeauxx: I twirl back around, landing right back on my two feet and facing you, watching as you wobble around like I had just kicked the lights right out of you. Impressively, you were still standing. I kick my feet, tilting my head to each side to give the audience a look of confidence before shooting straight towards you. I come in fast, hot, and HARD. I bend over just enough to make sure I land mid-section first, attempting to spear your gut and tackle you into corner turnbuckle.

Awesome_Clark: I stagger back towards the corner. You are on fire and the audience accompanies your action with an ovation. You run towards me and hit me in the stomach like a bull goring the matador. I bend and fly back. I hit the corner with my back and then collapse into a sitting position, dazed

Scarlett_Bordeauxx: I hit your gut, sending you crashing right into that turnbuckle as I had planned. Your body trembling slowly, the ring barely able to hold us inside. I slowly pull myself out from the spear, only to watch as your wind breaks and you drop to your ass. Seating yourself in the corner, seeing stars. "Oh, you poor thing." I snicker, turning myself around and spanking my butt in front of you as I walk to the center of the ring. The crowd riled up, knowing exactly what was coming as this was one of my signatures. "LET'S 𝗠𝗮𝗸𝗲 𝗶𝘁 𝗕𝗼𝘂𝗻𝗰𝗲!" I yell out, then run towards you. Building maximum speed for the maximum impact as I turn my body last second, aiming to land hip-first into your face to shatter your skull with my perfect ass!

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Awesome_Clark: Your butt bumps against my face. I feel your butt on my cheekbones, while your nose and mouth end perfectly between them. My head snaps back and the back of my neck hits the second turnbuckle. I remain stunned, sitting in the corner, with my arms on the second rope

Scarlett_Bordeauxx: I smash my big butt onto your face, the recoil making your head bash into the turnbuckle as you start to slump down. I thought you were dazed, reaching down to grab your ankles and lift, dragging you across the ring and to the center.. I try and fold your legs up and over your chest, straddling your thighs for the pin..

Awesome_Clark: Your move caused me a lot of pain, but also excitement. Having your ass on my face is a sensation that also gives a bit of pleasure, of course! But the pleasure is immediately quelled by the daze I fall into after my head hits the corner pad. You can easily drag me to the center of the ring and pin me in a very uncomfortable position. The referee immediately drops to the ground and starts counting: ONE. I try to regain strength and energy, but I struggle to move

Scarlett_Bordeauxx: I keep pressing down, trying to lock the pin down tight with your legs up near your head. Grunting as the referee starts to hit the mats and count, hoping that he'll speed up as it was difficult keeping such a massive frame down with a pin like this.. "Grrr.. Come on!" I growl..

Awesome_Clark: You don't move and continue to crush me to the ground. I can't move my legs, which are stuck to the sides of my head. The referee counts TWO. I startle and, unable to move my legs, I raise my hand and put it on your face, trying an eyeroll. From that position the referee can't see me. If I succeed in my incorrect move and gain some space, I try to extend my legs to move and, finally, raise one shoulder off the ground

Scarlett_Bordeauxx: I keep trying to keep my seat over your thighs, pressing down to make sure all of my weight was there to keep you down.. As the count get closer, you start to get more aggressive with each kick, feeling myself start to loosen as you flail and extend your legs. Your meaty hand over my face, pushing me back to give you some leverage.. Finally pushing up hard enough to send me windmilling backwards, breaking the pin as I growl.. "Aww.." I grunt.. The ref backing away..

Awesome_Clark: I'm not sure if the eye rake worked or I just have half enough strength pushing off with my legs. The fact is that the referee stops the count and you move away from me. I roll sideways and try to slide to the ropes to try to get up. But I'm very slow and I struggle

Scarlett_Bordeauxx: I rub my eyes a bit, trying to shake off your dirty little move as I start stomping my way back towards you. I furiously bend, reaching for your long hair and yanking it from the back, trying to pull you up to your knees and expose your chest. I step to the side and attempt to send a hard kick into your pecs..

Awesome_Clark: You come closer to me and grab me by the hair, which is wet with sweat due to the tiring match I had to endure here. You expose my chest and then try a kick towards my pecs. But I manage to put my arms in front of my chest in time and make your shin hit my forearms. It hurts, but not as much as a kick to the chest. I try to put one foot on the ground and jump up, attempting a European uppercut to your chin


Scarlett_Bordeauxx: You raise your arms just in time, blocking my kick as my shins smash into your muscled forearms. And before I can set-up for a different move, you shoot up and swing your arm high into my jaw. Crushing my chin with a massive European Uppercut, my face snapping up as I start to stumble away.. Holding my jaw, wobbling.. "OOUUGH"

Awesome_Clark: I'm not completely recovered, but at least I managed to land a shot and give a sign of presence in this match. I'm here too and I'm not just willing to suffer. I see you back away. I lunge forward and lean over to put my shoulder on your stomach. I wrap my arms around your hips and run to push you into the corner to slam your back and shoulders into the turnbuckle

Scarlett_Bordeauxx: A little dazed after that uppercut, I can't react fast enough as you shoot towards me and grab my hips. Taking me for a ride across the ring as I can feel the wind hitting my back.. "AAAHH! NOO!" I yell before we finally land and I hit the corner with my back and shoulders, the ring making a loud *THUD* as I land.. "OOUGH" I groan as my legs nearly buckle..

Awesome_Clark: You hit the corner and now you're the one who appears to be in the most difficulty. I take a step back, raise my arm and try to hit you in the chest with a chop, while the whole audience screams WOOOO.

Scarlett_Bordeauxx: I look up, panic in my eyes as you raise your arm up high. Your body blocking me from every direction as I was stuck in that corner. You strike your hand down, viciously aiming for my chest and chopping me right in the boobs!" OOOW!" I yell out, gasping as I double over and reach up to cradle my chest.. A fire burning over my breasts, hoping you didn't leave any hard prints..

Awesome_Clark: The sound of my chop is very loud. I'm charging and I want to keep you in the corner. I raise my hand again to hit you in the chest, but I hesitate for a moment. I grab your top with both hands and try to rip it off to expose your bare chest. Finally, if I succeed, I try to hit you again in the chest, now completely exposed, with another chop

Scarlett_Bordeauxx: You weren't finished yet, one chop not enough as now you grip my top and attempt to rip it right off.. "GAAH NO!" I yell, quickly panicking and sending a hard hook with my fist into the side of your body to try and loosen you up, then swing my own arm up and chop it viciously against your pecs in revenge.

Awesome_Clark: I wanted to rip your top off to make your chest hurt even more. But maybe I should have hit you without wasting too much time. You hit me with a right hook that makes me dizzy and then your hand slams into my chest, giving me the chop back. I cover my pecs with my hands, then I notice that your hand is tattooed on my skin. I step back to stay away from you

Scarlett_Bordeauxx: The cracking sound of your skin ringing everyone's ears as you stumble back and cover your chest.. I take a second, rubbing my boobs after that painful chop and just trying to ease the pain before shooting myself up from out of the corner. I come in fast and hard, bending my body and aiming to slam shoulders first into your gut and spear you down onto the mat..

Awesome_Clark: You run towards me and bend down to hit me with a spear. I'm backing away and my chest hurts, but I can read your move in time. Before you can hit me I lift one leg to try to hit you from bottom to top, with the instep of my foot at your chest.

Scarlett_Bordeauxx: I come in fast, but clearly not fast enough for an experienced wrestler like Clark. You send your boot right up, ramming into my chest mid-air and flattening my tit as I land and immediately start to windmill back.. Almost stumbling to the ground as I reach up and cradle my chest.. "UUGHH.." Panting for some air..

Awesome_Clark: I see you stagger and I sprint towards you. I slam my chest against yours, then I hug you and grab my wrist behind your back. Then I do a squat and try to lift you up to throw you behind me with a belly to belly suplex


Scarlett_Bordeauxx: You come in fast, taking advantage as I stumble and lose my wind. You press your chest up against mine, pushing our bodies together as you lock your arms behind the small of my back and lift, hoisting me up into the air.. "AAAAAH!" I scream, flying high before you let me go and let me crash onto the mat behind you with a massive belly-to-belly suplex.. "AAGGH.. Oww... g-guh." I moan and yelp, arching and rolling around the mat..

Awesome_Clark: I throw you and then I sit in the center of the ring. I hear the thud of your body hitting the ground. I understand that my move had a noticeable effect. Then I turn around and see that you are on the ground in pain. I stand up, I'm in no hurry, I have to breathe to regain energy. I grab your long blonde hair and try to pull you to your feet. “Was your smoke just a flash in the pan?”

Scarlett_Bordeauxx: I growl, gritting my teeth in pain as you grab my hair and start to pull me up. Mocking me and making a show out of my humiliation as I get to my knees and try to resist.. I swing my arm up, aiming to send a hard hook into your belly to loosen your grip, then swing my other fist for another punch into your belly. Hoping the double punch would free my hair.. "GAAH.. LET .. GOOO!"

Awesome_Clark: I pull you to your feet and try to drag you towards the center of the ring. But you react and hit my stomach once. I snort and freeze. Then I get a second blow, again in the stomach. I feel even more pain, I bend over. I have to let go of you and I'll push you away

Scarlett_Bordeauxx: I quickly spring up to my feet, using the lasting adrenaline in my body to run forward towards you. A bit breathless, but my desire to destroy was prominent. I come in fast, leaping up while you're bent over and attempting to jump and sit on your back. If I land, i thrust my body forwards, throwing your over and flipping you with 𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗣𝗲𝗿𝗳𝗲𝗰𝘁 𝗧𝗲𝗻!

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Awesome_Clark: I'm doubled over. In this position you place your thighs on either side of my head and rest your ass on the back of my neck. Your legs hold me. I grab your thighs and try to open them, but as soon as I try to force myself, you launch yourself into the air, pulling me with you. After a flip in the air my head hits the mat and I remain lying on my back, legs and arms apart. I don't move, I'm in shock

Scarlett_Bordeauxx: I manage to get the grip I need, unable to break my thighs as I throw you forward into a Pile-Driver, drilling your thick skull into the canvas and making the entire arena shake. I let you flop back, crashing and lying there twitching on the ground. I was a little breathless, taking a second to catch some air as I start to crawl over towards you. I pour my body over-top, laying across your chest and reaching for your meaty leg, hooking it up into the air and listening for the ref as he starts to hit the mat and count. "1."

Awesome_Clark: My head hits the ground violently, even my neck twists unnaturally following the impact. I'm exhausted and can't move. You take your time, but finally try to pin me successfully. The referee slams his hand on the ground shouting 1... then continues counting, beating the count of two. Only in this moment do I have an instinctive jerk and I lift my arm and shoulder from the ground, more due to an automatic movement of my body than due to a real intention of mine. I'm safe, but not really able to fight back

Scarlett_Bordeauxx: I keep you down, feeling little resistance in your body as I thought that move had really put you out. The ref yells out "2.!" Staying on top and waiting for that final number when suddenly the ref whistles and breaks the count. "Hm?" I look down, noticing your shoulder just barely lifted from the ground and forcing me to break the pin.. "AH!? WHAT?! COME ON!" I didn't want to get off but I had no choice, rolling up off of you and slapping the mat with my fist. I start to pick myself up to my feet again to reset..

Awesome_Clark: I'm on the ground stunned. You stand up and protest to the referee. But I raised my shoulder and everything is fine. The match must continue. I help myself with my hands and crawl towards the side of the ring to try to grab the ropes and slowly get up

Scarlett_Bordeauxx: "You want more!? I'll give you more!" I yell from across the ring.. I massage my wrists, watching as you start to pull yourself up with the ropes. I run towards you, building as much speed as I can to make sure this next move would put you out. I get close, then fire my boot out and aiming to kick right into the side of your head and send your head right through the ropes before attempting to knock your lights right out.

Awesome_Clark: I'm on the ropes, I'm standing up, when you come running and hit me with both feet on the side of the head. You smash my head against the top rope of the ring, I bounce and stagger, like I'm drunk. Then I fall to my knees in the center of the ring

Scarlett_Bordeauxx: " GAAAHHHHH!" Yelling as the adrenaline in my body shoots up. I kick your face in, sending you bashing into that rope as it bounces you back and drops you to your knees.. Your head spinning, wobbling in front of me as I re-gain my footing. I run forward and throw my body over into a cartwheel. My hands hitting the canvas as my legs fly up towards your head, attempting to wrap my thighs around your head then thrust you down and smash your face into the canvas with my 𝗩𝗶𝗯𝗲-𝗖𝗵𝗲𝗰𝗸!

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Awesome_Clark: I'm on my knees but practically unable to move. You perform a spectacular action, you take me in the headscissor and slam my head on the ground. I bounce and then slowly rotate and end up on my back on the ground, out cold

Scarlett_Bordeauxx: I bash your head into the canvas, hitting my signature attack and sending you lifeless onto mats. I crawl over towards you, pushing on the side of your body and flipping you onto your back. I push myself over top of you, laying flat with my arm reaching to hook that leg up again. Lifting it up into the air as the ref comes over to count..

Awesome_Clark: I'm lying on the ground lifeless. By now the epilogue of the match is clear to everyone. The referee counts without hesitation: one...two...three. Then the bell marks the end of the match

Scarlett_Bordeauxx: The ref comes down, grabbing my arm and pulling me away as I start to paint a smile over my face. Taking all the deep breaths I needed now that the fight was finally over. He raises my arm, showing me off. He lets me go, and I quickly exit the ring, running down towards the audience, giving my butt a few smacks and making my exit as they take pictures.. "GOOD NIGHT!"

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Published: 2024-06-17, viewed 69 times.
