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OPCW Apocalypse - Emma Dilemma vs Sigrid


Sigrid: I hear my music starting to play over the venue speakers and I step out onto the entry stage with arms held high. As I bring them down, pink explosions of glitter fire off from the stage side mortars with a rollicking boom. I skip down the aisle from the stage to the ring, slapping high fives and a few blown kisses to the fans in the crowd. Once reaching the ring, I roll under and stand, arms held high to display my black latex bikini clad body for the audience. "THE FOLLOWING MATCH WILL BE A NO DISQUALIFICATION MATCH TO ONE FALL!!!  INTRODUCING FIRST, COMING TO THE RING AT FIVE FEET SEVEN, AND ONE HUNDRED THIRTY TWO POUNDS... SHE IS ONE HALF OF THE OPCW TAG TEAM CHAMPIONS... 'THE VALKYRIE' SIIIGRIIIDDD!!!"
Emma_Dilemma: I smirk as I watch Sigrid strut towards the ring with her black bikini from my cozy spot backstage, waiting for my time to enter. "Time to show this bitch how the former champ does it and show that I still got it after what that bitch Andrea did to me." I say to myself with a snarl. When you pose for the audience with your arms held high, I roll my eyes and laugh. "I hope y'all are ready for me to smother her out and make her my bitch! Do you think she can make it to two minutes in the No Air Zone? Or will she be out like a light just like everyone else" I jokingly tell one of the production assistants, my trademark joke that always gets a laugh. Finally you enter the ring and "Bubblegum Bitch" fades away, signaling that's it is my time. As "Breathless" by the Coors started to blare out over the loudspeakers, I appeared at the top of the ramp, wearing my trademark lime green lingerie striking a pose for my adoring fans as I get ready to make my first appearance after losing the title!
Emma_Dilemma: Exhilarated by the reception, I continue to run down towards the ring, happy to see the number of fans I still have in attendance! As I make it to ringside, I smoothly leap onto the apron before bending over before sultrily sliding in between the middle and top rope for effect, before turning to you, cupping my chest with my hands, and shaking them at you, striking my trademark poses. "Now that's how a real champion former, or otherwise, does it, my little wannabe! Unlike you I didn't have to get carried by my tag team partner to a title. You are going to love drowning under my superior tits during this match, babe!" I yell to the crowd's roaring approval. I smile as I walk over to my corner and lean against the post, waiting for the bell to ring. "Ready to get broken, my soon to be smother slut? Time to show you why I am the Queen of the No Air Zone and you're just a sad nobody brought into the limelight too early, Sigrid!"
Sigrid: I just shake my head a little bit at the diatribe, "Oh shut it, 'former' champion just means that you lost." I smile back at you as I liimber up, readying myself for the matchup. I brush my boots off the canvas and pull at the ropes, nodding to the referee that I'm ready to go. As the bell rings to start the match, I stop the preliminaries and step out of the corner, hands up and starting to circle around you. "Alright you so called boob queen, c'mere"
Emma_Dilemma: I roll my eyes when you tell me being a former champion just means I lost. I feel enraged as I look at your dumb smile while pulling on the ropes and move towards the center of the ring eager to lock up with you and put my slight strength and size advantage to bear! As the bell rings I watch you circle me with your hands raised and I match you until I dart in, going for a collar and elbow lock up! Hoping to bully you backwards into your corner to set up more aggressive strikes and punish you for putting "so-called" in front of "boob queen"!
Sigrid: As we circel and come together, I see you darting in, reaching for my arm and shoulder for the lockup and I see your agressiveness, so I give ground almost instantly. As you shove forward, trying to push me back towards the corner, I let my knees buckle and drop to my ass while my hands try to grip your arms and pull you forward into an attempted monkeyflip right towards that corner.
Emma_Dilemma: I shove you backwards and smirk at how easy it is to bully you backwards. "Awwww, Sigrid, even at your best, you're simply no match for my superior strength and skill! Just surrender now before I really hurt you--AAAAAGGGGHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!" My taunts give way to a panicked scream as you drop to your ass and send me flying towards the corner before I land hard on my own back and ass! I clutch my lower back as I slide towards the ropes slowly before trying to use them to get up, if I make it to them...
Sigrid: After flipping you backwards, I twist my own body quickly over, springing back to my feet to look at you starting to rise against the ropes. I don't even get fully back standing up before I start to charge with shoulder lowered, trying to catch you as you rise with a shoulder to the belly against the ropes.
Emma_Dilemma: I slowly get up and start to turn around, trying to find you and defend myself against your attacks. Unfortunately for me, I am far too slow as the second I turn around your shoulder plows into my belly, slamming me into the ropes! "UUUURRRRRRRGGHHHHHHHHHHH!!!" I groan as I feel my back get crushed against the turnbuckle while my upper body slumps over your shoulder! I gasp for air as I feel the wind get knocked out of me in your brutal blow!
Sigrid: I give a little bit of a laugh as I pull my shoulder from your gut and stand up. Then, reaching for your wrist, I step back, trying to pull you from the corner in order to fling you with an Irish whip fully across the ring, from corner to corner, and I pause a second before charging right after.
Emma_Dilemma: I am dazed from the blow as you take full advantage, Irish Whipping me from corner to corner! I turn around and let my back take the impact as I collide with the opposite turnbuckle. I grab hold of the ropes to stop myself from falling. As I watch you charge at me, I wait until the last possible moment and then jump upwards, tucking my legs into my chest, before trying to explode outwards, hoping to give your tits a brutally hard kick!
Sigrid: After the whip across, I step forward, charging right after you and then I leap, aiming to catch you with an avalanche splash into the corner, but my flying is short lived as I'm caught right in the ribs underneath my boobs with both feet. My upper body stops in place while my legs keep going a little bit and I'm nearly caught in a full flip before crashing to the canvas in a heap.
Emma_Dilemma: I smirk as you collapse to the mats hard in a crumpled heap. "Awwwww, did the little cocky bitch hit the ground too hard!" I taunt with a sing-song voice while grabbing hold of your hair and pulling you up slightly. "Time to really fuck your shit up, bitch!" While holding your hair, I try to slam my knee forward into the side of your head as payback for what you've done to me!
Sigrid: half roll to my hands and knees after the crash, then feel your fingers in my hair, yanking my head and body halfway up before pulling it forward and right into your rising knee. The blow crashes against my temple, sending me lurching to the side and back down to the canvas in a sprawl and I try to crawl for the ropes.
Emma_Dilemma: I smile as I watch your head fall hard to the mat while you lurch to the side! I watch you crawl for the ropes and laugh, "awww, the little bitch wants the ropes!" I run to the other side of the ring as I bounce off the ropes and sprint towards you. As you slowly get up I try to leap at you with a running dropkick, aiming both of my boots for your mid back!
Sigrid: Pulling myself up by the ropes, I can feel them vibrate as you hit the opposite side of the ring and then come charging back at me. I glance behind me and see you leaping up, boots forward, and there's no time to turn around, all I can do is yank myself to the side with the ropes, hoping that I'm able to fall out of the way of the dropkick.
Emma_Dilemma: You yank yourself to the side and fall forward, causing my dropkick to hit air as I slide through the ropes and land outside of the ring hard! While I manage to brace the fall somewhat, the fall is still quite painful as I roll away from the ring, regretting the flashy move...
Sigrid: With the yank to the side, I fall to the mat and see you sailing through the ropes to crash outside the ring. I know I need to follow up, but I'm still a bit dazed from the knee to the head. But I roll out under the ropes, dropping to my feet on the floor outside and cross as quickly as I can to your prone body, reaching down to try to pull you up by the hair.
Emma_Dilemma: I groan as you yank me back up by my hair, but while I am hurt, I am not going to go down without a fight! I lean back and try to throw a punch to your belly, hoping to make you release me and give me a chance to recover a bit more from the rough fall after my failed dropkick!
Sigrid: My fingers tangle into the blonde locks and I get you up off of the floor, but as you make it to your feet, the rising uppercut slams into my belly, knocking my hips back and doubling me over in front of you, "Ooouph!" I start to stumble back, trying to keep hold of your hair if I can.
Emma_Dilemma: Despite my best efforts, you do manage to retain your grip on my hair, but at least if nothing else, I managed to double you over! Realizing I have a chance to take advantage of our position, I slam my shoulder into your belly and try to carry you with me as I try to run your back into the side of the ring with as much force as I can to make you finally let go...
Sigrid: Hanging on, I feel th punch to my abs followed up by your shoulder as you drive forward. I do release the hair hold though as I'm stumbling backwards, my hands trying to slow you down by drubbing down onto your back with my fists just as the edge of the ring apron slams into my back.
Emma_Dilemma: I drive you back into the hard ring and smirk as my attack hits hard. My smirk is wiped off instantly and I collapse to my hands and knees from the impact falling right in front of you, hurting from the blow, preventing me from getting away and recovering!
Sigrid: My spine bends over the ring apron as you fall at my feet, but I'm currently in no position to try to follow up after the battering. I stumble to the side, trying to put some distance between us as I arch and rub the small of my back, walking around the ring towards the ring stairs.
Emma_Dilemma: I rub my lower back, right where you slammed your fists down, as I slowly get back to my feet and watch you stumble away. "Not so fast, bitch!" I yell as I chase after you, trying to grab hold of you by your hair and bottoms before attempting to toss you into the hard metal ring stairs with a sadistic grin on my face!
Sigrid: I'm nearing the steps when I hear your warning yell and you rush up behind me. I feel your hand grabbing my hair and I swat your other hand away from my bottoms when you try for the double grip. But that momentum pushes me forward towards the steps. I roll into it, unable to avoid them entirely, but I crash across the top, rolling off the other side instead of going headfirst into the steel.
Emma_Dilemma: I snarl in frustration as you manage to avoid the brunt of the damage I intended to deal to you! I quickly climb up onto the steps before leaping off of the top step, aiming my elbow for your tits as I try to come down on top of you with a brutal strike and put you further out of the fight!
Sigrid: Crashed to the floor, I look up to see you following after me, climbing the steps to leap off elbow first. In desperation, I raise my foot towards your descending body, hoping to ward off the impending crash.
Emma_Dilemma: I smile as I fall towards you, ready to crush your chest with my elbow, coming down flying from the top step! Instead, my chest is the one absorbing the brutal blow as your foot collides with it, knocking my tits out of my bra while also sending me falling by your side hard. I writhe in pain on my back, stunned by the brutal kick!
Sigrid: I feel the impact of your body against the sole of my boot and manage to avoid the elbow drop to my chest. As you crash down to the floor next to me, I take a deep breath and roll over, reaking for your hair with one hand and grabbing your maladjusted top with the other hand, trying to use both to haul you up with me and then fling you towards the announce table... forgetting to let go of the top a I do.
Emma_Dilemma: I groan as you grab hold of my top and use it to pull me up. Already straining, my bra is on the verge of breaking before you fling me towards the announcer's table! I go flying, but my bra doesn't come with me! With you not letting go, my bra snaps, leaving you in possession of it before I fall hard onto the table, leaving me woozy, my vision hazy as I struggle to get up...
Sigrid: I take a deep breath and follow you to the table, knowing that this back and forth is going to wear me down, but also remembering that this is a no disqualification match... I hang onto your bra as I approach, and try to wrap it around your neck to start strangling you on the announce table.
Emma_Dilemma: I lay sprawled out on the announcer's table in deep, deep pain, and you seem eager to exploit it before I can recover! I lay prone as you wrap my own bra around my neck and start to strangle me, absolutely cutting off my ability to breathe! I try to slip a finger between my bra and neck, desperate to reduce the pressure of the crushing choke!
Sigrid: I see the finger slipping between the throttling cloth and your neck, but I don't care too much. The choking is just the start, and a pretty good grip. I climb up onto the announce table beside you and try to haul you up to your feet, using the bra strap as a leash around your neck to try to turn, and flip you over my shoulder and right back down to the table.
Emma_Dilemma: I gurgle as you keep a tight choking grip on my neck even as I try to reduce the pressure. Even as I start to lessen it, you show you're one step ahead! I gasp in shock as I fly through the air following your surprise use of my bra as a leash to pull me over your shoulder and slam me right back down into the the table! The broken table breaks further while dealing severe damage to my back and head! I try to pull the bra off my neck while writhing in pain!
Sigrid: Standing over you, I let you start to unwrap the bra from around your own neck as I give a grim grin and then strip my own top off, taking the latex bra in my hands and then reaching down to try to grab yours, attempting to twist your hands up behind your back and wrap the stretchy black latex around your wrists to bind them there.
Emma_Dilemma: My writhing defenseless body is easy prey for you and the crowd goes wild as you continue the assault! As you strip off your top the crowd goes wild, eager to see your massive tits revealed! This becomes dangerous for me as a few moments later you wrap that stretchy black latex around my wrists as you wrench my hands behind my back! With my hands tied up resistance is even harder! I try desperately to pull free from your brutal assault!
Sigrid: With your hands tied, my fingers go to your hair, yanking your head up and pulling you up to your feet amid the wreckage of the announcer's table. I swing a backhanded slap across your face with my other hand. "So... this is the boob queen? Why don't you get a better look at mine?"And I try to shove your face between my tits.
Emma_Dilemma: Your tits swallow my face up whole, drowning me in your smothering hold as you try to show that you can copy my famous finisher! I moan into your chest, unable to breathe at all after your dirty cheating ways left me a practical ragdoll, unable to defend myself! I squirm wildly, desperate to try and survive somehow!
Sigrid: I stand in the crumbled remnants of the announcer's table with both arms wrapped around your head, shoving face between my breasts as I press in with my forearms, trying to make a tight seal around your face. "What was that? Were you trying to say something Emma?" I try to twist my torso to the side, then back again, attempting to shake you in the hold and wear you out.
Emma_Dilemma: I keep trying to squirm free, but your grip on my head is ironclad! No matter how hard I try to resist, I can't budge your arms as you fully seal me into your tits! As you drain me of air you start to assert your dominance over my body, shaking me around again and again, wearing me out more and more! I moan into your tits as I pull against your arms, desperate for air that seems to never come!
Sigrid: I smirk as your head tries to pull free, adjusting my arms so that one presses the back of your neck, tightening your face into the smother. I glance down your back to make sure that the wrists are still tightly tied as I turn and start to try to back you off of the discarded table and up against the ring apron.
Emma_Dilemma: My face disappears completely into your cleavage, swallowed up by your large breasts as you use your arm to tighten your hold on me! My wrists remain tied tightly despite my squirming! I feel you pull me ragdolled body off the discard table before you force me into the ring apron! I moan into your tits as I feel my back impact against it hard while the crowd goes wild, watching the former champion get smothered cruelly by her busty foe! I weakly shake my head from side to side, trying to pull my face free, in yet another desperate attempt to breathe!
Sigrid: "What was that? No? You don't like this? I thought you were the Queen of boobs! Surely you like them up close..." I keep squeezing, trying to bend you back across the edge of the ring as I keep the smother on tight and hang on, trying to sap the rest of your strength with my squishy bust.
Emma_Dilemma: The crowd goes wild with laughter as you mock me, accusing me of liking this as the Queen of Boobs while you bend my back over the edge of the ring, forcing the back of my head to touch the canvas while my legs dangle beneath me, just off the floor! Unable to resist at all with my feet in the air and my hands tied, I lay they and take it while my face gets redder and redder. The match photographer gets the shot of a lifetime of my legs weakly kicking while you absolutely destroy me with your powerful tits!
Sigrid: I stay leaning forward, pinning your head to the canvas as I feel you weakening, feeling the struggles as you try to pull your head free starting to slow. I glance over at the photographer with a smile to make sure that he gets my smiling face, then look back down at you, pumping my forearms against the sides of my breasts to keep the airtight seal with my sweat slicked breasts.
Emma_Dilemma: I start to fade between your sweaty titties, completely overwhelmed by their power. Realizing I need to escape now, if I want to survive, I abandon my struggles, and try to distract you, kiss your sweaty breasts, praying your grip might relax long enough for me to pull free...I blush as I feel the humiliation rising as I do so...
Sigrid: I give a little laugh as I feel your lips press between my breasts, "Oh! You DO like this... here, let me squeeze harder!" My head shakes a little bit at the obvious distraction attempt and I lean further forward, almost laying on your ehad to arch you back and pin it to the ringside.
Emma_Dilemma: "UUUUUUUGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHH!!!" I moan loudly into your chest as you press down on me even harder, causing my back to arch even more! My legs drift further away from the ground as the camera clicks even more as more lovely pictures commemorating my destruction are taken! Realizing this isn't working, I start licking your cleavage, gagging as I taste your tit sweat, praying this might buy me my freedom. My vision starts to get cloudy as I find myself moments from passing out...
Sigrid: Another smirk as I feel your tongue now. "Aww baby, you don't need to do that. Sleeepp..." I can feel you fading fast and there's no way that I'm going to let some little distraction make me release at this point. I give the photographer another wink, and then look up to the frustrated referee who can't even count us out in this no DQ match.
Emma_Dilemma: My body convulses under you as the referee watches on frustration knowing that he can't stop this slaughter. With this match being no disqualification AND with no KO count being able to get started while we're both outside of the ring, Sigrid can keep torturing me as much as she likes, a fact she clearly knows as my body finally goes limp...
Sigrid: I feel your body finally going limp under the smother and I keep it on for about another ten seconds to make sure you aren't faking it before I release your head and raise up my chest. As your body starts to slip and slide off the apron, I scoop you up, one arm between your legs and the other over your shoulder, to lift and put you on the ring apron and then roll you under the rope. I give another smile and pose, then scoot in right after you.
Emma_Dilemma: My limp body is rolled back in under the ropes while the crowd roars with applause as my stripped body is put on full display. You come in after with a smile and pose that only gets them increasingly excited, wondering what you intend to do next...
Sigrid: As I step into the ring, the exasperated referee starts a knockout count... ONE! TWO! THREE! And I 'accidentally' bump him to the side as I reach down and sweep a paintbrush like slap right across your face to try to snap you back awake. "Hey Emma! We're back in the ring now!"
Emma_Dilemma: I instantly snap back to life after a hard slap whips my face to the side! The crowd gasps at the ferocity of the slap and I shake my head as my vision slowly clears. I hear your voice through my ringing ears as you tell me we're back in the ring! I shudder and try to roll away...
Sigrid: As I see you trying to roll away, my hand reaches out to grab hold of your hair and I step over your body, straddling your waist before sitting down on your thighs. "Now, where did you think you were going? You don't want to miss this..." I yank you up by the hair, pulling you into a seated position with my perched on your legs and then pull your face down to my chest. "Ready?" Then I twist my shoulders left and right, swinging my bare breasts at your face to slap your head back and forth.
Emma_Dilemma: I groan as you grab hold of my hair and straddle my waist. "Let go you, bitch!" I grunt as you sit down on my thighs. I hear you ask me where I think I am going before telling me I am not going to want to miss this. I shudder, terrified of what plans you have for me as you pull me into a seated position with you still on my thighs. I take in a deep breath as you pull me between your tits, preparing for yet another smother. As you ask me ready, I say, "Hmmm?" quizzically before you twist your shoulders back and forth, slamming your bare tits into my face, knocking my head left and right without mercy, giving me whiplash! I start to feel a concussion coming on as the attack continues. My arms dangle by my side as you turn me into your ragdoll, a toy for you to play with!
Sigrid: After nearly half a minute of just slapping you silly, I release your hair and my arms snake back around your head, pulling you tight into my cleavage and reasserting the breast smother. My legs extend forward as well, wrapping around your waist to add a tight body scissor to the hold as I start to pulse both, constricting and smothering the breath back out of you. "Time to end this..."
Emma_Dilemma: My eyes are fully glazed over once again after thirty seconds of you bullying me with titty slaps! I can barely process whats happening as you pull me back into your breasts, trapping me back in your powerful smother, drawing ever louder cheers from the crowd as they as they start to yell, "BREAK THE BITCH! BREAK THE BITCH! BREAK THE BITCH!" in unison, with even some of my fans turning coat and cheering you on. As you wrap your tights thighs around my waist and squeeze the crowd yells even louder, especially when you say it's time to end this! I moan helplessly into your tits as you steal my finisher...
Sigrid: I hear the crowd roaring and I smile as I hold you in the finish, squeezing, pressing, tightening my anaconda like hold around your head and waist. I murmur, "Sleep... go back to sleep.. it's nicer there..." And I raise my face to the lights to wait for the smother to work it's magic again.
Emma_Dilemma: I feel your legs tighten more and more as you crush my sides in your hold, squeezing every ounce of air out of me! Slowly but surely, the air is drained out of me once more as my body goes limp in your embrace while face lay between your breasts redder than a tomato. My struggles cease for good as I find myself completely defeated.
Sigrid: I feel you falling limp again in my arms, the self proclaimed smother queen smothered out. After another moment, I release, dropping the scissors and releasing the smother. I stand straight up, letting your body flop back to the canvas under me as I stand straddling you and listen to the easy ten count for the knockout win.
Emma_Dilemma: My body is completely unconscious underneath you, destroyed by your powerful breasts. The crowd cheers you on, having knocked out the legendary Queen of the No Air Zone with her own finisher! The referee counts me out, but you and everyone else knows there is no way I am getting back up from this even if it were a 100 count...

Published: 2024-06-20, viewed 51 times.
