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OPCW XXXVIII: Apocalypse World Championship Match Jazmin vs Kevyn

12:23 Kevyn_Paparazzi: I have created the private room #OPCW_Title_Match_Kev_vs_Jaz.
12:23 Kevyn_Paparazzi:
12:23 Kevyn_Paparazzi: I have invited @Jazmin to join #OPCW_Title_Match_Kev_vs_Jaz.
12:27 Kevyn_Paparazzi: The arena goes dark, then a bright flash goes off and the speakers start playing the song Photograph by Nickelback. I appear on the stage while the announcer introduces the match. "Next is an Opcw World title match. The first contender is the former European champion, for 174 cm and 64 kg, we welcome Kevyn Paparazzi". I enter the arena in my yellow speedo and black boots. I wear my camera around my neck. When I arrive at ringside I hand it to an official and tell him "Be careful not to break it, at the end of the match I will have to photograph the lifeless body of the former OPCW champion". Then I enter the ring by sliding under the bottom rope and await your entrance.
12:28 Kevyn_Paparazzi:
16:23 Kevyn_Paparazzi: I have invited @Jazmin to join #OPCW_Title_Match_Kev_vs_Jaz.
17:00 Kevyn_Paparazzi: I have invited @Jazmin to join #OPCW_Title_Match_Kev_vs_Jaz.
18:47 Jazmin:
18:54 Jazmin: Walks out through the curtains in my red crop top, matching tight booty shorts with all red knee pads and leg straps going down my tanned thighs and a red choker with white boots with a short red hoodie as i raise up the OPCW world championship and turn my face giving it a big fat kiss as i spin around and take the hood off my head looking up with a big smile on my face as i begin to make my walk strutting my hips from side to side as my booty bounces around in my shorts as i walk up the steel steps on the apron as i step over the bottom rope and get into the ring standing 5'2 118lbs as i step back into my corner handing MY belt to ref as i stare over at you putting my thumb on my neck making a cut throat sign in your direction as i wait for the bell to ring
18:54 Jazmin:
18:55 Jazmin: Animated GIF - Find & Share on GIPHY
04:00 Kevyn_Paparazzi: I am focused, very confident. The audience loves you and screams your name as you enter. I look at you from head to toe "How can someone like that be the OPCW world champion?". I look at the referee and press a fist into the palm of my other hand, ready for the match. I'm tense as a violin string ready to play.
04:34 Jazmin: brushes off my shoulders and brushes through my hair as i step out of the corner and pace from side to side ready for the bell to ring as i bounce being light on my feet as i stare over at the bell as it rings i walk straight forward towards the center of the ring with my booty jiggling with each step as i extend my hand "I'm a respectful champ so I'll shake and keep this a clean match"
04:34 Jazmin: Animated GIF - Find & Share on GIPHY
04:35 Jazmin: Animated GIF - Find & Share on GIPHY
04:43 Kevyn_Paparazzi: I look at you, it seems like you have no fear of me. Hold out your hand. I think about it, the public urges me to accept the squeeze. It's a gesture of fair play, what could I risk? I decide to accept. I hold your hand with mine, but I squeeze with all the strength I have and bring my chest closer to yours. Staring into your eyes "Enjoy your last minutes as OPCW Champion"
04:46 Jazmin: as i have my hand out i grin as i see you going to grab my hand i quickly raise it up before you can grab it and flick you off in your face and right after i bring my hand back and attempt to send a big ass slap aimed right at your cheek for thinking you can even shake the queen's hand
04:47 Jazmin: Animated GIF - Find & Share on GIPHY
04:47 Jazmin:
04:51 Kevyn_Paparazzi: You remove your hand and show me the middle finger "Bitch..." I whisper, but then I immediately get a slap on the cheek that makes me dizzy. I take two steps back and then caress my cheek. Meanwhile I hear the ringing of the bell. I give you my side for a moment, but then I try to rotate my torso to hit you with a clothesline to the chest
04:51 Kevyn_Paparazzi:
04:56 Jazmin: as I smack you in the face i can't help but laugh out "awwwww somebody is dizzy????" as i grin and then you turn towards me ramming your arm across my neck as i get clotheslined and my eyes get wide as i flop down landing on my shoulder and i flip over again flopping down onto my back as i groan out holding my neck coughing into the air as my long hair is spread out on the mat
04:56 Jazmin: Animated GIF - Find & Share on GIPHY
04:59 Kevyn_Paparazzi: I don't want to waste even a second and I intend to make you pay for your gesture. As soon as you fall to the ground on your back I start hitting you furiously with stomps on your body
05:02 Jazmin: as i get stomped around my body jiggles side to side with each stomp as i scream out from the mat and the last stomp jacknifes my arm and legs up into the air as my eyes get big and mouth opens letting out a super loud scream
05:03 Jazmin:
05:07 Kevyn_Paparazzi: My kicks make the ring shake and when I see that a stomp to the stomach makes you jump into a sitting position, I grab your hair to try to get you to stand up. If I can, I'll grab your wrist and throw you towards the corner to get slammed with an Irish whip
05:08 Kevyn_Paparazzi:
05:11 Jazmin: my hair gets grabbed as i wine out getting lifted up to my feet jiggling around as i try to grab your wrist but then you grab my wrist and i get sent flying over running into the corner as i turn and CRASH with my back slamming into the as my arms flop up and over the top rope as my jiggly ass rests onto the middle turnbuckle as i shake my head around
05:12 Jazmin: Animated GIF - Find & Share on GIPHY
05:16 Kevyn_Paparazzi: I follow you, I don't want to miss this favorable moment. I'm focused on my goal, which is to bring home the world champion belt and steal a title as I had already done with the European one. Seeing you in the corner, I take one of your feet and lift it to lock your leg on the second rope. Then I step back and take a running start. I jump and try to hit you with a drop kick to your inner thigh
05:16 Kevyn_Paparazzi:
05:29 Jazmin: as im in the corner you trap my left leg in the corner as i wiggle it around but you come running in as i pull my arms off the top rope trying to undo my leg but its too late as you ram your boots in a dropkick into my thigh as i scream out flopping forward out of the corner rolling on the mats as i hold my smexy thigh rubbing it as i sit up on the canvas
05:34 Kevyn_Paparazzi: You squirm on the mat after my shot. I get closer to you "What's wrong, does it hurt?" I grab your left foot and lift it to try to hit your thigh that I hit a few seconds ago. Finally I put your foot under my armpit and lean back to slam your thigh into the ground like I'm performing a DDT
05:34 Kevyn_Paparazzi:
05:37 Jazmin: you grab my foot as i jerk it around in your grip trying to kick up with my other foot but im too short to reach as you do a ddt on my foot as i scream out again grabbing my knee as i start to roll towards the side of the ring slowly starting to go flat on my belly as i try to roll under the ropes and outside of the ring to get some recovery
05:48 Kevyn_Paparazzi: You roll under the bottom rope and exit the ring. I can't reach you to avoid it, so I'll let you run away. "Your champion is a coward!" Yell to the audience as you crawl away "This is not the world champion, but the OPCW world worm"
14:00 Jazmin: as i roll out i land on my belly and slowly push myself off the floor getting to my feet as i rub on my knee and kick my leg around stretching it out as i hear the slow count 1.......2......... i take my sweet time to get some recovery in as i stomp my foot on the floor to make sure its alright and get some deep breathers in as i look out at the fans and wink
00:33 Kevyn_Paparazzi: The referee starts counting because you are out of the ring. On the one hand I would like to go out and continue the beating, preventing him from recovering. On the other hand I would like to wait for your return to hit you immediately afterwards. But instinct dominates reason. When I hear 3...4... I leave the ring passing under the bottom rope and immediately try to hit your sore leg with a heel kick
13:11 Jazmin: as you come outside of the ring i see your kick soming down towards my leg as i lift it up seeing your foot spin and barely miss and then i rush forward into you leaping into the air facing you as i grab the back of your head and try to fall backwards trying to smash your face into my knee as i go for a codebreaker
13:11 Jazmin: Codebreaker GIF - Find & Share on GIPHY
14:24 Kevyn_Paparazzi: You're quick, despite your sore leg. You manage to avoid my strike, then grab my head and connect with a codebreaker. I lean forward, my face hits your shins and then I fly backwards, landing dazed on my back on the floor
14:28 Jazmin: as i see you land i sit up squinting my eyes as my knee is still banged up some and i get up to my feet walking over to you as i try to reach down and grab your hair trying to raise you up to your knees as i attempt to drag you towards the steel steps
14:30 Kevyn_Paparazzi: I'm lying down and shaking my head, you take me and make me stand upright, dragging me towards the steel steps. I walk on all fours and then I put one hand on the step to try to stand up and push you with one hand on your chest
14:33 Jazmin: as you get up to your feet and push me i stumble back then come back sending a knee up trying to aim it up into your gut as hard as i can as i scream out with how much of my power i throw into it
14:35 Kevyn_Paparazzi: I double over and scream in pain. But the audience in the stands doesn't hear it, because you scream even louder. I stay bent over, with my hands on my stomach and stagger backwards until my butt touches the ropes.
14:40 Jazmin: i hear the count get to 6!!!!! as i grab your hair tight "do me a favor and kiss this real quick!!!" as i grin and put both hands in your hair and try to slam your face aimed right at steel steps in front of us with full force
14:42 Kevyn_Paparazzi: My face hits the top surface of the steel step. It almost bounces, even though I tried to protect myself with my hands. My head shoots up and I stagger
14:44 Jazmin: as i see you stagged "awwwww did that hurt???" as i grab your hair again and try to run with you attempting to throw you under the ropes, if I do i walk up the steel steps strutting my hips side to side as my ass bounces around as i stand up on the ring apron and start to climb up the turnbuckle
15:20 Kevyn_Paparazzi: I'm stunned and then you easily push me inside the ring. I roll under the bottom rope and then I move on four. The crowd cheers when you walk and move your hips. You could be faster but you prefer to bring people to your side with sexy moves. I stay on one knee and shake my head to recover
15:25 Jazmin: i climb the top ropes and wait for you to get to your feet as i squat down biding my time and i try to wait for you to turn towards me as i launch off the top rope with my arms out trying to slam my body down onto yours in a crossbody attack from the top ropes
15:25 Jazmin: Animated GIF - Find & Share on GIPHY
16:23 Kevyn_Paparazzi: I slowly stand up, as if I wanted to wait for you. When you lunge at me I bend my knees as if to do a squat. I rotate my torso slightly and then jump. I try to grab your head with both hands and slam your face on my shoulder and into the ground with an RKO out of nowhere.
16:24 Kevyn_Paparazzi:
17:05 Jazmin: as i fly through the air you catch my head mid air and slam my face into the face as i bounce up high into the air with so much impact and flop all the way to my back as my eyes roll around in my head in a huge daze with my arms and legs spread out on my back with my head reeling from that rko
17:05 Jazmin: Animated GIF - Find & Share on GIPHY
17:23 Kevyn_Paparazzi: The impact shakes the ring. You hit the ground after a very high flight. I try to capitalize on my move. I'll place your back on the ground and then hook your leg to try for a pinfall
17:45 Jazmin: im layed out on my back spread eagle as you take advantage and hook my leg up in the air showing off my wedgie as the ref comes forward and slaps the mat yelling out 1!!!!!! then slaps it again as my hair flops around 2!!!!!! then comes the last count but right before the 3rd count i jump up kicking in the air as i throw my arm up sideways to kick out right before the ref can slap the mat again
17:45 Jazmin: Kickout GIF - Find & Share on GIPHY
17:55 Kevyn_Paparazzi: I'm ready to celebrate, I'm just waiting for the referee to shout THREE and then I'll be world champion. But noooooo, you manage to raise your shoulder with a jerk, a fraction of a second before the end of the count. I get desperate, I get on my knees and ask the referee for explanations. He tells me he's sure it was a two count. Then I stand up, I'm frustrated. I step back towards the corner of the ring and invite you to stand up, ready to attack. "Come on, big ass bitch! Can you get up?"
18:07 Jazmin: i roll over on my face as i kick out with my lips pressed into the canvas smearing my lipstick as i huff and puff into the mat my ass jiggling around as i press my palms onto the canvas and slowly but surely get myself to my feet as i bend over with my ass wobbling around at the crowd then i fully stand up as i take a few steps backwards trying to compose myself and get back in this
18:07 Jazmin: Animated GIF - Find & Share on GIPHY
18:30 Kevyn_Paparazzi: I call you and insult you to get you to get back on your feet. You do it, very slowly, showing your ass to an evidently luckier portion of the public. But I have no mercy and, even though you are clearly in difficulty, I take steps towards you and then I raise a leg to hit you with a super kick to the chin
18:30 Kevyn_Paparazzi:
18:42 Jazmin: as you come at me with a super kick i quickly duck under barely dodging out of the way as i turn my head to look back at you i attempt to jump up and grab for your head with my right arm as i try to plant your face into the mat in my own rko/cutter attempt
18:42 Jazmin: Animated GIF - Find & Share on GIPHY
01:51 Kevyn_Paparazzi: I raise my leg thinking I'm going to hit you in the face, but you duck and I just hit the air. Then I turn to see where you are, but you immediately grab my head and connect with an RKO, giving me back the move I hit you with earlier
04:04 Jazmin: as your face smacks into the mat in an rko i roll over to my belly crawling over towards you and i crawl over your back trying to wrap my legs around your body and sneak my arms around your neck as i want to take advantage while you are dazed and attempt to lock in a sleeperhold bodyscissors combo from your back
04:29 Kevyn_Paparazzi: I'm shaken by the previous move. Lying on my chest. You grab me from behind and start wrapping your arms around my neck and your legs around my body. I scream and open my eyes. I put my hands on the mat and try to raise my torso. I try to slide towards the side of the ring, then with one hand I try to reach towards the bottom rope
04:38 Jazmin: clings on you as you start sliding sinking in the choke as tight as i can and i whisper in your ear "awwwww just go to sleep the belt is just a dream for you anyway little boy!!!" as you reach out grabbing the rope but i refuse to let go squeezing you like a snake wrapping my arms and legs tight in a grip as the ref screams out and starts making a count to force me to let go or he will dq me 1.....2......
04:41 Kevyn_Paparazzi: Finally i grab the bottom rope, but you don't release me. You taunt while you squeeze my throat and body but the ref starts to count. I feel like I could pass out if you don't release me, but since the ref says 3...4... i try to resist more
05:08 Jazmin: squeezes hella hard as soon as i hear the 4 i slowly release and press my hand on the back of your head as i get up to my feet and give the ref a mean glare as i turn my head back towards you and raise my boot up trying to send stomp after stomp down onto your back trying to stomp you out into the mat
05:13 Kevyn_Paparazzi: You turn and walk back towards me after the referee forces you to leave me. I am tired and sore. I see you get closer, I hug the lowest rope "Hey, no no, I'm at the ropes" but you hit my belly with a stomp. "Fuck you, dirty player"
05:24 Jazmin: i stomp down onto your belly rubbing my boot into your gut as i look at you with a devilish smile and raise my boot up again trying to slam it down onto your neck as i grab the top ropes for a tight grip trying to shove my boot down into your throat "awwww ya wanna choke for mami lil boy???" as my eyes get wide and i stare into your face
05:27 Kevyn_Paparazzi: Put your foot on my neck while I'm still hugging the bottom rope. You suffocate me with the sole of your boot. I lose my grip and, due to the push of your foot, I slip under the bottom rope and end up lying on the ring apron. I put my hands around my neck. I'm obviously in trouble
13:36 Jazmin: as you go under the apron i lean over the top rope reaching over it trying to grab you by the hair as i want to try to yank you up on the opposite side of the ropes "GET UP SO I CAN KICK YOUR ASS!!!!" as i wiggle side to side with 2 hand fulls of your hair in my hand as my booty bounces up and down from the movement
14:51 Kevyn_Paparazzi: You lean over the top rope and grab me by the hair. I take your wrists with my hands to ease the pain in my scalp. I stand up, but immediately move my hands to the back of your neck, pull you towards me so that your throat is on the top rope. Finally I throw myself on my knees, pulling your head, to slam your throat on the rope and then I leave you
15:24 Jazmin: im pulling you up with a smile on my face "get up!!!! loser!!!" then you grab my neck as i jerk around side to side as my body jiggles around and you launch me down into the ropes as i flop back up into the air flying up and land straight on my back in the center of the ring as i grab my throat coughing trying to sit back up
15:58 Kevyn_Paparazzi: I can turn the situation around, you're in trouble now. I'm on the apron and as I stand up I see you lying on the ground with your hands around your neck. I grab the top rope, jump with my feet together to gain momentum on the rope and finally fly towards you to hit you with a springboard legdrop to the head
15:58 Kevyn_Paparazzi:
16:16 Jazmin: as i slowly start to get up you already come flying towards me as your leg reaches out and SLAMS across my head and my head bounces up and down off the canvas and my legs flop up into the air and fall back down making my tanned thighs jiggle around side to side
01:54 Kevyn_Paparazzi: I land on you and the ring trembles again. The crowd screams for the good back and forth action. I think I have a big chance to become champ. I put your back and shoulders on the mat, hook your leg and cover your chest and head with my chest to let the ref start the count
03:23 Jazmin: as i flop to the may you press my back down and lay across me lifting my leg up as i jerk around side to side moving my face around against your chest as the ref slaps the mat 1......... then again for a 2!!!! then i scream out kicking my legs up high and lifting my shoulder up and out as i lean to the right and kick out of the pin
03:23 Jazmin: Animated GIF - Find & Share on GIPHY
10:09 Kevyn_Paparazzi: Once again I am convinced to end the match, but at the last moment you manage to lift a shoulder off the ground just enough to interrupt the referee's count. I scream, I moan, I get up on my knees and slam my hands on the ground "It's not possible!". The crowd rejoices as the match continues. I try not to miss this favorable moment and take your hair, to lift you to your feet while I also stand up.
12:57 Jazmin: I wine out as my hair gets grabbed and i get yanked up to my feet and i quickly bring both hands up over the top of your head interlocking my fingers to make the grip tight as i press my chin under your jaw and i try to drop back down spreading out my legs trying to smash your jaw on my head in a jawbreaker attempt
12:57 Jazmin: Animated GIF - Find & Share on GIPHY
12:57 Jazmin: Animated GIF - Find & Share on GIPHY
12:59 Kevyn_Paparazzi: I try to lift you, but you surprise me with a jaw breaker. You pull my head down while yours hits my chin. I lose my grip and stagger back in a daze tr
13:05 Jazmin: as you stagger back i get to my feet and grin and instantly rush forward leaping into the air with my arms stretched out trying to grab up and around your shoulders as i try to spin us around and attempt to slam you down face first into the canvas in a flatliner
13:05 Jazmin: Flatliner GIF - Find & Share on GIPHY
13:19 Kevyn_Paparazzi: I stagger and you lunge at me. You hug me and, as a result of your momentum, you make me rotate. Finally my head hits the ground with some sort of tornado DDT. I can't avoid falling. I slam onto the mat and then roll onto my back. I remain lying with arms and legs apart
13:27 Jazmin: as you fall onto the mat i get to my feet making a cut throat sign "ITS OVER FOR THIS DUDE!!' as i make a belt sign around my waist "IM THE CHAMP!!" as i bend over grabbing your hair and gripping your arm under mine and trying to lift your leg up as my ass smacks back into your belly "ITS TIME FOR MY TEARDROP!!!!" i scream out
13:27 Jazmin: Animated GIF - Find & Share on GIPHY
13:34 Kevyn_Paparazzi: I shake my head, but you immediately pull me up, forcing me to stand. I don't know what you want to do, but as you prepare to execute your move I try to move, but I'm still weak from the previous blow to the head. You call your signature move. "What the fuck is that?" whisper
13:37 Jazmin: as i grip you tight i look out at the crowd and wink while sticking my tongue out as i take a deep breath in and jump with you in my grip turning a cartwheel in the air as i attempt to SMACK the back of your head down onto the mat trying to knock you the fuck otu if successful i fall backwards on you grabbing your leg trying to lift it up high in the air as i go for a pin!
13:37 Jazmin: Animated GIF - Find & Share on GIPHY
13:50 Kevyn_Paparazzi: You put me in position for your signature move. Grab my foot with one hand and hold my head with the other. While you rotate, to try to hit the back of my head on the ground, I cling to your thigh, with my free hand at your groin. I try to block you and pull you to unbalance you. If I can, I try to rotate with my body on the ground to roll you onto your back into a pin. I try to surprise you, even holding on to your costume
13:50 Kevyn_Paparazzi:
13:58 Kevyn_Paparazzi:
14:00 Jazmin: as i try to finish this! you still got life left and block as i get rolled up wiggling around under you jiggling my legs up and down as the ref counts the roll up 1.....2.....!! but i roll all the way back falling on my face and belly to roll out of it and get my shoulders off the canvas before i can get counted to 3 as my face turns red from embarrassment
14:03 Kevyn_Paparazzi: I hold you down by the elastic of your pants and the referee quickly counts to two. I'm convinced I can steal the match and the title this way, but you stop the count with a last-minute shot. "LADY!" I scream and clap my hands on the ground. I protest to the referee, kneeling in front of him "It was a three" I say with tears in my eyes
14:09 Jazmin: i press up off the mat getting to my knees as i look at you protesting and im super pissed off!!! i raise my hand back and try to SMACKKKK you across the face with a big ass slap as i grit my teeth together screaming out as i do so
14:12 Kevyn_Paparazzi: I'm on my knees in front of the referee, protesting to him. I see your hand go up and, when you try to hit me in the face with a slap, I lower my head to avoid your blow. But the referee is very close to me and, even though you were aiming for my face, you hit the referee right in the testicles. He bends over and cries in pain. Having escaped the danger, I try to escape towards the corner of the ring, where I hold on to the ropes and stand up
14:19 Jazmin: i get the ref low as he screams out and i roll my eyes as he starts to yell at me as i shrug him off and start to walk towards you across the ring "NO RUNNING" as i bounce up and run towards you trying to rush in and send a clothesline aimed towards you in the corner trying not to give you any time to recover
14:36 Kevyn_Paparazzi: You run up to me and try to hit me with a clothesline. You can't realize that while I was in the corner I was tearing off a protective pad, taking advantage of the fact that the referee was in pain. As you come at me I drop to the ground, knocking the bad out of the ring, hoping you'll crash into the corner with no soft protection
15:11 Jazmin: i rush into you but you drop and my chest runs right into steel from the turnbuckle as my eyes get wide and i stumble back holding my chest coughing out and rubbing my chest as i glare over at you.... wondering why the hell the turnbuckle hurts so bad!
11:26 Kevyn_Paparazzi: You hit the corner of the ring, unprotected, I smile mischievously because I understand how painful this blow can be. You step back with your hands on your chest, I wait for you, then I try to grab you with my hands around your body, trying to slam you to the ground with a side slam
11:26 Kevyn_Paparazzi: WWE GIF - Find & Share on GIPHY
12:01 Jazmin: as i step back you grab me and i wiggle around in your grip as you try to slam me i reach my legs up around your neck and try to twirl my body around to the side as i attempt to go for a flying headscissor takedown trying to get you to the ground
12:01 Jazmin: Jazmin Allure GIF - Find & Share on GIPHY
12:03 Kevyn_Paparazzi: I thought the chest shot did more damage, but when I pick you up to slam you down you wrap your legs around my head and launch me with a head scissor. I stagger, pushed towards the corner by your move and I can't avoid hitting my face on the unprotected corner. My head bounces, I cut myself between the eyes and stagger backwards towards you, dizzy
12:08 Jazmin: as you spin and hit the corner i slowly raise back holding my chest that has a big red mark on it as i see you stagger i know this is my chance! as i get to my feet and walk forward grabbing your hand as i spin around clutching your arm under my armpit and try to lift your leg up as i take a big deep breath and try to spin us in a cartwheel as i go for my Teardrop
12:08 Jazmin: Animated GIF - Find & Share on GIPHY
12:09 Kevyn_Paparazzi: I stagger backwards and end up next to you. You quickly grab me and try your finisher again. This time I can't tip it over and I end up on the ground. I'm knocked out in the middle of the ring
12:20 Jazmin: as i finally hit my teardrop i look back at you seeing you not moving as my eyes get big and wide in excitement as i crawl over and throw my leg over you straddling you as i press my hands down on your shoulders to keep you down on the mat as i look over at the ref as he comes over slapping down on the mat 1........2.........
12:20 Jazmin: Animated GIF - Find & Share on GIPHY
12:22 Kevyn_Paparazzi: I'm knocked out. I show no signs of life. You know this and you back me quite humiliatingly. You sit on my chest and press my shoulders to the ground. The referee counts and the public echoes him. I don't move and the count reaches THREE
14:00 Jazmin: as the count hits 3 i smile looking down at you with a grin as i hear the bell ring and i push my hands down over your shoulders standing up as i place my boot down on your chest as i raise my arm and the ref comes over giving me my belt as i raise it up high then walk over you strutting my hips with my ass jiggling from side to side as i step up on the bottom rope and middle rope and show my belt off to the fans as i grin and step over the bottom rope leaving the ring as i strut my way up the ramp leaving the arena
14:00 Jazmin: Wrestling GIF - Find & Share on GIPHY
14:00 Jazmin: end

Published: 2024-06-18, viewed 70 times.



Oh Elle No

2024-06-20 12:24

She can't keep getting away with thiiiiissss!!!


2024-06-20 17:37

(In reply to this)

awww are you finally awake from last time i saw you layed out cold?


2024-06-19 19:29

What a match! Back and forth, fast and furious. A very worthy title contest.


2024-06-19 19:31

(In reply to this)

thanksssss i appreciate speed kills 😏


2024-06-19 04:35

Jazmin has proved she is a true champ by defeating me. I knew she is gonna beat kevyn and I am glad she didn't lose the title to a man. It should stay around a woman's hip.


2024-06-19 19:31

(In reply to this)

thankssss nobody has a chance for this belt!


2024-06-18 22:52

Very entertaining match by the both of you! And holy shit Jazmin you're hot 😵‍💫


2024-06-18 23:02

(In reply to this)

thankssss! i appreciate it!