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OPCW Wren vs Joshua

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05:22 Wren_Peterson: *I climb into the ring, hearing the crowd cheer for me as I wear my usual sage green crop top, black leggings and white trainers, ready to begin my debut the moment you enter the ring*
05:24 Joshua_Bennett: *I head out of the locker room wearing white shorts that stop at my thighs. I have on my old reliable white Nike blazers but The crowd doesn’t seem as excited to see me as they are you but I have a few cheers coming out. I slide into the ring and head to the opposite corner and begin stretching and preparing to make my debut against quite the opponent* “seems I’m gonna have to give them a reason to cheer my name”
05:26 Wren_Peterson: *I smirk as you stretch in the corner. I run at you and attempt to dropkick you in the corner, not wanting to show mercy towards you**
05:28 Joshua_Bennett: *im in the middle of stretching as I look up seeing you rush at me as you jump yon drop kick my i swiftly move to the side and shove your legs down to send you crashing into the mat. I reach down to grab your hair and attempt to lift you up to your feet*
05:29 Wren_Peterson: *I fall to the mat* "GAH" *I hold your hands as you lift me up, I kick you in the stomach like a kangaroo as the bell starts ringing*
05:31 Joshua_Bennett: As I grip your hair raising you to your feet you’re not standing much shorter than myself. I raise my hand up to taunt and hype up the crowd only to be kicked by both your feet in my gut. “Guhhhhhhh” my face wincing and i curl over holding my stomach as I groan from the blow unable to breathe a little
05:32 Wren_Peterson: *I throw your hands off me and attempt to double stomp the back of your head with my whole 178 lbs coming down on you*
05:34 Joshua_Bennett: *as I’m curled over from the last kick I don’t even notice as you jump. Your feet come crashing down heavily on the back of my head driving my face into the mats with a thud. Shaking the entire ring. I start to roll away from you trying to get a little distance before standing back up*
05:35 Wren_Peterson: "just stay down" *as you try standing up I run at you for another fast dropkick attempt at your chest*
05:38 Joshua_Bennett: It seems the relentless attack continues and I must do something quick or this match will be over before it really even started. I keep rolling and the kick slams down right next to me. I push myself back up to my feet and quickly send a straight kick into your gut*
05:40 Wren_Peterson: *I catch your leg and kick the back of your knee, dealing easy damage to you before attempting a knee to your gut*
05:42 Joshua_Bennett: My leg drops to the mat hard as it is kicked behind the knee and I’m already in an awkward position as your knee jams into my gut. My mouth opens wide as nothing but air is inhaled. My eyes wince in pain and fear as I stare into yours.
05:43 Wren_Peterson: *I wrap my arm over your neck as I grab your trunks attempting a brainbuster suplex
05:43 Wren_Peterson: "this time you'll stay down"
05:45 Joshua_Bennett: *as you start to lift me up I know what’s happening and if this connects it’s lights out and I’m easy to pin. I wiggle my legs and try to drop my weight back in an attempt to bring my feet back to the canvas* “n..n..n..nooooo oooh shit”
05:46 Wren_Peterson: *I climb over you and sit on your face, hooking your leg for the pin* "1...2..."
05:48 Joshua_Bennett: I whimper muffled underneath your ass as you sit on my face and start to pin me. I squirm and twist my shoulders hard to the right lifting it off of the mat and breaking the pin as I try to roll you off of my face*
05:49 Wren_Peterson: *I get annoyed and put my hands on your shoulders and stand up attempting 2 knees to your face*
05:55 Joshua_Bennett: I’m still a little dazed from being dropped on my head the last time so I have little fight when you grab my shoulders. But the moment I see you jumping up and pulling me down for a code breaker I shove my hands into your gut pushing you away and down it I the canvas. I turn around and run towards the ropes bouncing off of them and projecting myself towards you on the ground. I jump up into the air to land a knee drop to your chest
05:57 Wren_Peterson: "fuck" *I punch the mat and hold my gut and see you running at me, I get one foot up and as you close onto me and jump I push myself up and spear you in mid air, lying on my back after it, panting*
06:03 Joshua_Bennett: I let out a loud grunt as your shoulder hits my gut spearing me out of the air. “Uuuuuuuumphh” My back smashes down into the canvas one more time really knocking the air out of me and I lay there holding my gut and rolling around gasping for air. It’s become a battle of who’s going to get up faster from this to try and seize the moment. I continue to roll in immense pain as I finally grit my teeth and toll onto my hands and knees and attempt to lift myself back to my feet. My legs wobbling a bit as I do.
06:03 Joshua_Bennett: (Hey it’s getting late here and I have to head off soon but it’s been fun and I hope you’re okay with finishing tomorrow?)
06:03 Wren_Peterson: *I get up with a kip up and attempts a superkick you in the jaw*
06:04 Wren_Peterson: (ok)
06:05 Joshua_Bennett: (Got one more in me)
06:09 Joshua_Bennett: *as I start to finally get back to my feet it’s a little to late as super kick absolutely crushes my jaw snapping my head to the side and making me bite my cheek. saliva and blood droplets spew from my lips as I spin a quarter turn before crashing into the mats face and chest first. My body and muscles trembling as I lay there trying to plant my hands into the mat and raise myself up. But after that powerful kick my entire world is spinning.*
06:10 Wren_Peterson: *as you put your hands on the mat, I leap in the air and attempt a curb stomp whhilst you're very disorientated*
06:13 Joshua_Bennett: *as I make it back to my hands and knees all 178 pounds of you comes crashing down onto my head slamming my face into the mat busting my lips and nose and blood starts to pool underneath me my body convulsing as I lay there barely conscious*
06:15 Wren_Peterson: *I tuck your arm between your legs and lift you up for a deadly riptide to finish you off for good, slamming you down on the mat on your shoulders*
11:11 Joshua_Bennett: My eyes widen in shock.. and disbelief that this is happening to me, as I feel my arm grabbed and tucked between my leg crushing myself down there with my own arm. You lift me off of the canvas only to slam me right back down onto iton my shoulder blades folding my neck along with it in a show stopping riptide that leaves my lying there flat on my back a groaning bloody mess with my legs up in the air*
14:24 Wren_Peterson: *I fold your legs on top of you and pin you, thrusting as the ref counts* "1...2..."
15:15 Joshua_Bennett: *I lay under you with my legs folded back as you thrust your hips against mine and even in my dizzy mind I know I’ve lost my debut match. My legs wiggle as I attempt to kick out but my shoulders are pressed firmly into the mat and your hips have mine contained underneath them. The ref slams her hand on the mat next to my head one last time to finish the count* 3!
15:15 Joshua_Bennett: (My bad for that. I’m new to pro wrestling but I’ve found it hella fun so I’m trying to improve on it)
15:16 Wren_Peterson: *I push you from under me and stand over you* "fucking loser" *leaving the ring*

Published: 2024-06-21, viewed 0 times.

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