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stretcher match

07:51 Anastasia_the_brawler: “LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, WELCOME TO THE MAIN EVENT! TONIGHT A NO-HOLDS-BARRED FIGHT THAT WON'T END UNTIL ONE OF THE FIGHTERS IS ON A STRETCHER! Tonight REGINA AND ANASTASIA WILL PROGRESS IN THEIR HATE FOR EACH OTHER” I hear the announcement and open the locker room door. I run to the ring wearing a little black leather skirt and a white top. The crowd cheers and explodes! I'm ready for this fight and this new chapter in our rivalry!
07:52 Anastasia_the_brawler:
07:54 Heavy_Regina: I'm not just going to throw her on a stretcher. I'm going to crush all her bimbo-shit muscles and I'm going to rip her face off like never before! I'm going to run to the ring in a floral bikini and climb into the ring and face you! “i'm going to slaughter you, you fat piece of shit!”
07:54 Heavy_Regina:
15:40 Anastasia_the_brawler: I laugh seeing your body... "damn they invite a new fat cow here !!" I look at the stretcher... "not sure you wouldn't break the stretcher hahaha!!" I place my closed hands in front of me... ready to fight
15:17 Heavy_Regina: "SHUT UP STUPID BIMBO!!" I rush across the ring and try to surprise you in your own corner, jumping to you as I come closer for a giant body splash against the corner ! I'll break your bones bitch !!!
10:14 Anastasia_the_brawler: I see you coming like a giant elephant ! I do a little step to the side and let your body crashing hard against the turnbuckles "haha crash test for your air bags bitch !" before you can move or turn I jump and throw my feet to your upperback and break your tits a little bit more against the top corner
15:13 Heavy_Regina: I land hard in the corner... my chest burning ! I push on the top ropes each side of my body with both hands but suddenly my chest is slammed hard against the top pad ! I scream in pain and try to react by throwing a foot back for a mule kick
08:02 Anastasia_the_brawler: I stand up the fastest I can ! I grab your hair and jump backside pulling you over me as I raise my knees up in front of me to make your fat body crash over my knees full weight
08:08 Heavy_Regina: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYY I feel my hair burning as you pull me backside and fall ! my back hurts as your knees slam hard each side of my spine !! I bounce on your knees and fall on my side just beside you
08:11 Anastasia_the_brawler: I quickly stand up and grab your ankles... I open your legs in a big V position and smile... "hope you already have kids ! COW !" and I slam my heel hard over your pussy... and repeat the move... 2..3...4...5 times ! destroying your groin
08:11 Anastasia_the_brawler:
08:17 Heavy_Regina: "NO !! NO !!" I scream like a beast as your heel slams over my pussy my body bouncing and bouncing... tears jump out of my eyes as I feel the pain running into my body. as you stop hitting I roll on my side to the ropes and try to get out of the ring to recover a bit
08:20 Anastasia_the_brawler: I see you rolling out of the ring and smile. I make a victory pose and laugh "so... it seems your fat power means nothing !" I hear the crowd cheering wildly for me. "come back bitch you have no chance I will end you quickly... perhaps !"
08:21 Anastasia_the_brawler:
08:23 Heavy_Regina: I stand up out of the ring ! one hand on the apron... trying to regain my breath one of ma hand on my pussy, slowly massaging it as it could help me to forget the pain.... I groan in pain ! I hear you and it makes me mad.... I slide in the ring and under the ropes "the cow will crush you muscle bimbo BITCH !"
08:32 Anastasia_the_brawler: "muscle... is what is missing in your body ?" I laugh at you ! I see you in front of me and for me it is time to end the fight ! you don't deserve more of my attention... I run to you and jump as high as I can for a superman punch to your face !
08:32 Anastasia_the_brawler:
08:44 Heavy_Regina: I see you coming and jumping... blonde bimbos... muscles... no brain... I just get lower on my knees and let your punch fly over my head ! "MISSED BITCH !" I turn behind you and as you land I wrap my arms around your hips and throw you over me in a kind of german supplex to make your strong body hit the mat full force and full speed
08:49 Anastasia_the_brawler: I miss my punch and I feel my body flying back over yours... my shoulders and neck hits the mat hard and I bounce on the mat. I lay a bit stunned face to the mat. I push on my arms and move on 4 legs trying to stand up the fastest I can but this move totally surprised me
08:53 Heavy_Regina: I see you moving on 4 legs as I stand up ! I run to the ropes and bounce ! I come back running to you and jump making my back hits your upperbody and head to crash you down again, to make your head explodes on the mat ! "BLEED FOR ME BITCH !"
08:53 Heavy_Regina:
09:00 Anastasia_the_brawler: I am pushing on my arms as your body crash over my shoulders... my face dives forward... and hits the mat hard.. my nose explodes bleeding... I lay down a bit stunned and hold my face with both hands ! fuck
09:41 Heavy_Regina: I hear the noise of your nose on the mat and stand up... I grab your hair and pull you to a corner... "This time it will be your ribcage that will crack bitch !" and I stand up on the corner preparing me for a new splash, this time right on your tits
09:44 Anastasia_the_brawler: I see you beginning to climb on the corner ! I stand up as fast as I can and place my back against the corner, I lift you over my shoulders and make two steps forward and crash you on the mat, screaming in the effort to lift your heavy body as my back and shoulders burn !
09:44 Anastasia_the_brawler:
10:08 Heavy_Regina: WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT ?????? I am lifted from the corner and my body is brutally slammed down on the mat... the ring shakes and I lay completely stunned on the mat ! I try to breath but my lunge are burning.... eyes wide open I just try to stay alive after this brutal hit.
10:14 Anastasia_the_brawler: I jump over you and sit on your comfortable gut !! I grab your hair and begin to punch your face wildly, my only idea is to ko you and to destroy your face
10:14 Anastasia_the_brawler:
10:22 Heavy_Regina: don't havd time to recover... your fist fly to my face and I receive a bad beating... my nose explodes and the blood is splashing my chest and chin..... I scream in pain.... and I fall down on my back stunned my face burning from everywhere
10:25 Anastasia_the_brawler: I roll out of the ring and search something under the ring's skirt.... and I find exactly what I need... I come back in the ring with barbedwire and a chair.... I give a huge hit with the chair across your face to make you stay down as I prepare you for my dirty idea
10:37 Heavy_Regina: I lay on my back, nose and mouth bleeding... taking my breath. my chest moving up and down. I suddenly see the chair coming and hitting my face.... I lay down nearly ko.... my blood printed on the chair
13:57 Anastasia_the_brawler: I rip your top and make an 8 knot around your tits with the barb wired.... I pull on it to make it press your tits and make them bleed...... I wait for you to wake up and react holding now the chair with both hands
16:41 Anastasia_the_brawler: I have invited @Fitnikki to join #ana_vs_regina.
16:41 Fitnikki:
16:41 Fitnikki: walks in
08:48 Heavy_Regina: I try to take a deep breath as I feel my tits pressed and then squeezed and shredded.... I scream in pain and try to throw punches to you to make you stop ! I have quick look down and see my tits caught in the barbwire and bleeding ! FUCK YOU BITCH !!! FUUUUUUUUUUUCK YOOOOOOU!
08:51 Anastasia_the_brawler: I take a punch to the shoulder but I stand up pulling on the barbed wire... I press my foot on your sternum and I make the barbed wire lacerate your chest, smiling sadistically... then I take the chair with both hands and slam it repeatedly into your huge chest to finish the job!
08:53 Heavy_Regina: I feel the knot becoming closer.... I scream loud ! I kick the air in panic... and then I receive the chair several times on my tits !! I feel the blood splashing on my abs and chin as I continiue to scream, the pain is making my body like burning
08:55 Anastasia_the_brawler: Your cries of pain are driving me mad... I'm in ecstasy as your cows' screams rock the whole room! I bring the chair down one last time, but this time right in the middle of your face to knock you out!
08:56 Heavy_Regina: the chair hits my head.... I lay stunned and ko on the mat ! body convulsing a little bit.... nose bleeding
08:59 Anastasia_the_brawler: I raise the chair above my head... I can see the blood on the metal frame and it makes me smile! I lean forward and finish undressing you, then throw your shitty pants into the audience "at least you'll have made someone happy, you big slut!" I grab your hair to help you stand up and drag you into the corner of the ring, placing your arms over the ropes "who said I'd had enough?"
09:02 Heavy_Regina: I wake up naked... you pull me up and drive me to the corner. I have difficulties to breath, my tits always trapped in the barbwire.... you install me in the corner, my heavy tits hanging, my breath is low I just try to survive a little bit more as I Feel my tits in so much pain
09:07 Anastasia_the_brawler: "I take your hair with my left hand and smash my fist into the middle of your face .... once, twice, three times, four times, five times, I feel your nose crush under my fingers, your cheekbones crack and I finish with a huge elbow to the side of your jaw to finish you off.
09:08 Heavy_Regina: my head snaps in every directions as you destroy my face.... I feel blood and spit flying out of my mouth the last hit is so hard that I feel my brain freezing.... I slide against the corner and fall on my ass completely stunned, nose, mouth and tits bleeding.....
09:11 Anastasia_the_brawler: I look at your destroyed bitch face and back away... to the opposite corner.... "That... that might hurt a bit, you fat cow!" I jump forward and send my two feet hitting you in a monstrous dropkick, one foot in your bitch face and the other in your airbag!
09:11 Anastasia_the_brawler:
09:12 Heavy_Regina: my vision is coming back as I feel the ring shaking under your feet.... I cannot avoid the dropkick and my head feels like exploding ! I lay down back against the corner totally out cold......
09:14 Anastasia_the_brawler: I get up and leave the ring. I set up the stretcher next to your corner and pull you up by your ankles... suddenly I have a little idea that will finish you off.... until I've strapped you down on the stretcher, the fight isn't over... so I don't strap you down and I go under the ring, coming out with two baseball bats!
09:15 Heavy_Regina: I wake up... I am on the stretcher.... finally this match is over... finally.... I wait quietly for the bell to ring
09:16 Anastasia_the_brawler: I press the top of the bat against your vagina and very, very slowly push it in, listening to your moans and waiting for the bat to lock into your cockhole!
09:17 Heavy_Regina: I feel you opening my legs... and look down ! I see the bat diving in my pussy ! I moan and wriggle a bit... I moan louder and louder ! I open my legs a bit more....
09:21 Anastasia_the_brawler: Suddenly I take the second bat with both hands and hit the bottom of the other as hard as I can, three times ! making the bat like exploding in your bitch's pussy !!
09:22 Heavy_Regina: OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH !!! I scream like a beast as I feel my pussy exploding in pain !!! my body spasming on the stretcher as I scream in pain
09:23 Anastasia_the_brawler: "NOW SHUT UP FAT COW !" I come on the side of the stretcher and place the bat on the side of your skull, just over the ear ! I take the bat with both hands hand slam it hard against your skull... "GOOD NIGHT !"
09:23 Heavy_Regina: my head snaps to the side.... I lay on the stretcher completely naked, outcold.... no sound no moves anymore... totally ko.... my face and tits destroyed
09:24 Anastasia_the_brawler: I tie your defeated body on the stretcher ! and throw the bat in the public. I do a little victory pose in front of the stretcher and let people take pictures.... me posing... with a bleeding cow on a stretcher.... with a baseball bat deep in her slut's pussy !!
09:24 Anastasia_the_brawler: END

Published: 2024-06-23, viewed 90 times.




2024-06-26 20:04

This was so good you both were amazing I enjoyed and love every minute of this match