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OPCW Ladies Championship - Andrea vs. Carmen

Story of Week 25, 2024

Sinful_Senorita_Carmen: The OPCW title match was happening in a small underground venue. It was not literally underground, but it was also kind of one of those places that met the Qualities of Rule #1 and #2 of the fight club. It was a small venue, in not the best part of town. We sort of had a changing area, but I showed up to the venue mostly in my outfit with a pair of leather pants over what I would be wearing for bottoms.
Sinful_Senorita_Carmen: However, the venue was very hot. The leather pants would not work so I took them off and chose a Cannibal Corpse top, leather thong bottoms, fishnets with a fire design. I had on my black and red pentagram boots. I wore goth makeup, dark eyeliner, lipstick and some ash around my neck. I wore my long black hair down straight...
Sinful_Senorita_Carmen: I am called out to the ring as I wait by the door. I look in, I am a little nervous. The place is packed, no place to sit. There are a couple bars on either side. Just a narrow aisle to walk down with fans standing up against the apron of the ring meaning that they can get really close. Some large bouncers stand around to make sure that fans don't interfere (like tripping one of us) or touchy feely.
Sinful_Senorita_Carmen: My metal music plays as I walk out to the ring in my outfit. I high five a couple fans as I get a mixed reaction from the crowd. I had been out of action for a little while in OPCW and thought that I was going to be getting the burial treatment from management. However, I suddenly have a title match, which surprised me.
Sinful_Senorita_Carmen: I leap onto the ring apron and stood in front of the fans. Literally they face to my ass level as I stand on the apron. I bend over and shake my ass a little for the fans, it grinding one in the face as I smile and the fans start going wild for me. I don't have a ring announcement yet as we agreed on a championship type announcement where we get announced once we are in the ring together. Several fans probably don't even know who I am. I turn around and look out at the fans. Their faces level with my thong bottoms as I hold my hands up in the air.
Sinful_Senorita_Carmen: I turn back around. swivel my hips, grab the top ropes and leap high in the air before landing in the splits before sliding under the bottom rope and entering the ring.
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Amazing_Andrea: I'd never seen anything like this place before. Dingy, poorly lit, and with fans right up against the ring! The dressing rooms were adequate though, so I got dressed in my pink and silver two piece wrestling attire, donned my boots, and took the OPCW Ladies Championship belt out of my bag.
Amazing_Andrea: The sultry opening to "Just Close Your Eyes" by Waterproof Blonde starts to play and I make my way down the aisle, my eyes locked on my opponent after having watched her entrance.
Amazing_Andrea: I make my way down the aisle, trying to ignore the crush of male bodies just a few feet away. I'm anticipating a very interesting match coming up, and I need to focus on retaining my title.

Sinful_Senorita_Carmen: I stand in the ring and watch my opponent come to the ring with her belt. I have my eye on that title as she enters the ring. I want to attack her before the bell, but we still have to get introductions. They will just declare it a no contest and she will get to keep the belt so I hold back for a few.
Sinful_Senorita_Carmen: I bounce on my feet a little making my 34Ds bounce a bit in my low cut top as I wait for Andrea to be announced and the match to begin.

Amazing_Andrea: After the cheer dies down, the announcer continues. "And her opponent... From Reading, Pennsylvania... Five feet nine... One hundred sixty five pounds... The 'Busty Powerhouse' of OPCW... She is the OPCW Ladies Champion... AMAZING ANDREA!"
Amazing_Andrea: I smile and hold the belt high, posing for the crowd, looking very powerful in the ring standing next to my smaller opponent. I hand the belt off to the referee who holds it up to the crowd, showing it off before handing it out to ringside and calling for the bell!

Sinful_Senorita_Carmen: I give up a lot of size and most likely strength against my opponent who is a good five inches taller and forty pounds heavier. I try to think of a strategy against her. She hands off the belt to the attendant outside as I bounce on my feet a couple times. Once that bell rings and she turns around, I come running at her as I try to hit her early with a dropkick to her huge chest.

Amazing_Andrea: I turn to face you and you come running at me, leaping up and though I try to block, I still take most of the force of your dropkick right on my 44DD girls. I stumble back, my back hitting the turnbuckle as I was a little unprepared for the speed of your attack, giving you the quick advantage!

Sinful_Senorita_Carmen: I don't manage to floor her with my dropkick as she falls into the turnbuckle. It looks like I do some early damage to her tits though. I am quickly on my feet as I charge the corner. I try to drive my shoulder into her abs as she is in the corner.

Amazing_Andrea: I hiss in frustration as you drive me into the corner with the dropkick and then come after me. I reach up to grab you, wanting to get my fingers into your hair to try to reverse our positions, but you duck under and slam your shoulder into my belly and ribs, making me groan loudly as my air rushes out a little.

Sinful_Senorita_Carmen: My speed seems to be working as I seem to already be wearing the bigger girl down. There is a nice contrast in this match, larger blonde vs smaller Latina. My mostly black outfit vs her lighter colors. I grab Andrea by her wrist as I attempt to whip her across the ring to the opposite corner.

Amazing_Andrea: I come out of the corner, trying to use my strength to reverse the whip, but The shoulder to my ribs made that less than successful. I go running across the ring, grunting as I hit the opposite turnbuckles with my back, my arms draping automatically over the top rope.

Sinful_Senorita_Carmen: I want to go for one of my signature moves, but it is too early at this point and if I have it reversed it could be devastating for me. I charge Andrea and like before, I go low and once again try to drive my shoulder into her abs trying to punish her mid section to take some energy out of her early knowing that she has a huge strength advantage over me.

Amazing_Andrea: "Unnnngh!" I groan out as your shoulder slams into my belly and shoves me back harder into the corner. I reach out with one hand, trying to push you away, having trouble getting untracked here early.

Sinful_Senorita_Carmen: OH NO BITCH!!!! THAT BELT IS GOING TO BE MINE!!!! the fans are giving me a mixed reaction. The ones up close are loving it as they see our bodies in the corner. Andrea pushes me back a few feet, but I rush right back in making sure that I stay on top of her. I bring back my right arm and try to send a hard chop across Andrea's chest as she is in the corner.

Amazing_Andrea: "You bitch..." I hiss as I shove you away, but then you push me back into the corner. Your hand reaches back and SLAP! You chop my tits hard, making them bounce in my low cut top. I hiss in pain, trying to kick you in the belly to push you away.

Sinful_Senorita_Carmen: I hit the chop as Andrea attempts to send a kick into me. I get a slight kick in my abs but I am already moving backwards when it happens and the force of it isn't as bad as it could have been if I was up close. I exit through the ring and wait for Andrea to come out of the corner as I stand on the ring apron holding the top rope.

Amazing_Andrea: I grumble as I pull myself out of the corner, catching my breath and moving out toward the middle of the ring. You've been hitting me right where you needed to this whole time, but I'm still on my feet.

Sinful_Senorita_Carmen: I get on the ring apron and hold onto the top rope. I bounce on my feet a couple times before I call out to Andrea to turn around. I use the rope to sling my feet up to the top rope before I try to launch myself at her with a crossbody block attempt.

Amazing_Andrea: I blink in surprise as you yell at me to look at you. But that strategy backfires on you, because given the warning, I manage to bring my arms up and catch you as you leap at me! I step back away from the ropes to give myself a little extra space, then attempt to fall forward and slam you hard onto your back!

Sinful_Senorita_Carmen: Animated GIF - Find & Share on GIPHY
Sinful_Senorita_Carmen: I leap off of the turnbuckle and go for my crossbody block, but you manage to catch me across your chest. I have a panicked look on my face as you hold me across your chest to display me to the crowd and the cameras.
Sinful_Senorita_Carmen: Animated GIF - Find & Share on GIPHY
Sinful_Senorita_Carmen: The camera zooms in on my thong riding up my ass before Andrea goes to slam me down to the mat in something similar to the World's strongest slam...
Sinful_Senorita_Carmen: Animated GIF - Find & Share on GIPHY
Sinful_Senorita_Carmen: I bounce off of the mat and lie flat on my back spread eagle moaning, leg twitching a little as my head tilts sideways with my long black hair covering my face.

Amazing_Andrea: I get up and spit the camera nearby, yelling and flexing for the audience a little, before reaching down and grabbing you by the hair to pull you up.

Sinful_Senorita_Carmen: I writhe on the mat as Andrea flexes for the crowd posing over me. She grabs me by my hair and starts to pull me up to the feet. I hear some fans in the crowd start to warn her about not pulling me up by my hair in front of her.

Sinful_Senorita_Carmen: She apparently doesn't hear them though as I take my forearm and try to bring it up between her thighs in what is often referred to as "The Venezuelan Submarine" by some.
Sinful_Senorita_Carmen: Animated GIF - Find & Share on GIPHY

Amazing_Andrea: I turn my head to one side as someone yells and I'm just about to give a hard yank when your arm comes up and slams into my groin, making me drop to one knee in pain. There's a sympathetic groan from the crowd most of whom know how that feels.

Sinful_Senorita_Carmen: I laugh as Andrea falls for my Venezuelan submarine counter. The clueless ref didn't really see it and this allows me to be back in control again. I get to my feet and run to the ropes. I hit the ropes bouncing off as I attempt to nail Andrea in the head with my shining wizard style knee strike aimed at the side of her head.

Amazing_Andrea: I get up to my feet a little bit slower than I wanted to after the low blow, and as I look, I see you come flying at me. I'm able to lift my arms to attempt to block but I still take the brunt of the kick which knocks me into the corner.

Sinful_Senorita_Carmen: Andrea blocks some of it and it knocks her into the corner. I have a couple options here, but I want to think of what can be the most impactful at this point. I run at her and at the last second try to turn my hips so that my thong clad ass smashes against her face.

Amazing_Andrea: I shake off the cobwebs after the kick, crouching in the corner as the crowd start yelling. I see you running at me and bail out, rolling out of the corner and trying to make you hit the corner with nobody home!

Sinful_Senorita_Carmen: I go for a corner slam with my ass only for Andrea to move out of the way. I impact hard as my eyes are all wide open with my mouth in shock as both my hands go to my ass holding onto it as I walk funny around the ring looking for where she went.

Amazing_Andrea: I get up as you bounce out of the corner, seeing an opportunity. You stumble out of the corner and I sneak up behind you, grabbing you and spinning you around to face me. I attempt a kick to your midsection to double you over, hoping to set something up.

Sinful_Senorita_Carmen: I get spun around by Andrea and I look shocked to see her right there. Before I get a chance to react, I get kicked in my stomach forcing me to double over as I flash the fans with my thong clad ass while holding my abs.

Amazing_Andrea: I bend you over and wrap my arms around your waist, setting my feet and attempting to hoist you up for a big gutwrench suplex, one of my go-to moves!

Sinful_Senorita_Carmen: Animated GIF - Find & Share on GIPHY
Sinful_Senorita_Carmen: I am grabbed around my waist as I get lifted and flung up and over Andrea almost tossed across the ring before I end up landing on my ass hard. I sit up for a second before rolling to my side holding my mostly bare ass cheeks.

Amazing_Andrea: I smirk as I deliver the suplex, rolling to face you, putting my hand on your chest and trying to shove you back down to the mat, trying to cover you and hook a leg. I don't imagine I'll win this early but I'll make you kick out.

Sinful_Senorita_Carmen: I get pushed back down as Andrea rolls over to put me back on my back and then lay across me and cover me. She hooks back one of my legs, causing a little bit of vag to show under my thong as the ref starts to come over to count. ONE...TWO... but I kick out before three.

Amazing_Andrea: The guys at ringside hoot and holler as they get a glimpse, but you kick out as I expected. I grab you to pull you up to your feet, not wanting to give you time to recover, but I make sure to grab you by the arm this time instead of your hair.

Sinful_Senorita_Carmen: i am glad that I kicked out of that. Andrea releases my leg as she grabs my arm and starts to pull me back to my feet. I don't know what is planned but I hold my sore back still suffering from the impact of the gutwrench suplex.

Amazing_Andrea: I see that you're favoring your back so I decide to keep working on it. I bend you over and apply a front facelock, trying to explode into a quick snap suplex, wanting to slam you right into the middle of the ring.

Sinful_Senorita_Carmen: Andrea gets me into a front facelock as she gets me to my feet and grabs my thong and yanks on it wedging it a bit before hitting a quick moving snap suplex on me. I land and roll to a seated position letting out a scream before I roll again to my side.

Amazing_Andrea: I roll and quickly get back up, seeing your back arched as you sit up, giving me the perfect target for a couple of hard stomps! I lay into you, really trying to make it hurt.

Sinful_Senorita_Carmen: I start to roll into a seated position wanting to get back to my feet but Andrea heads over and starts to drive her boot into my lower back giving me a couple good kick/stomps into it as I let out a loud scream.

Amazing_Andrea: I grab you and pull you up to your feet again, but I hold you in a bent over position. Trying to angle you toward the middle of the ring, I pull you up and attempt to deliver a powerbomb, wanting to really soften you up!

Sinful_Senorita_Carmen: I am pulled back, my head gets shoved between Andrea's thighs as she grabs me around the waist and yanks me up to a seated position up on her shoulders. She has a face full of my sweaty pussy.
Sinful_Senorita_Carmen: There is a bit of a distraction from that as I tighten my thighs around her head and attempt to roll backwards and try to hurricanrana her towards the ropes.
Sinful_Senorita_Carmen: Animated GIF - Find & Share on GIPHY

Amazing_Andrea: I get you up, but there's just a moment of hesitation with your pussy in my face, and apparently that's all you need as you flip backwards, sending me flipping and rolling on the mat until I land in a sitting position with my back against the ropes.

Sinful_Senorita_Carmen: I get Andrea against the ropes as I get back to my feet. Perfect position and the fans start cheering knowing where this is going. There are some chants of "Devil's Taste" as I start to mount her shoulders so that my pussy is up against her face. I begin to grind against her face with my move known as "The Devil's Taste"
Sinful_Senorita_Carmen: Animated GIF - Find & Share on GIPHY

Amazing_Andrea: "Mmmmmmph!" I protest as you mash your pussy into my face and start thrashing me around with the motion of your hips. I fall off the ropes as you let up, the referee yelling at you and starting to count.

Sinful_Senorita_Carmen: Andrea falls off of the ropes as the ref starts counting. The fans boo the ref for counting it out as they love the up close view of the Devil's Taste as they stand along the apron. Some of them smelling my sweat and arousal as I do so. FUCK OFF I tell the ref as I look down at Andrea and try to get her back to a seated position against the ropes. DON'T BE SLUMPIN ON ME!!!! I GOT MORE COMING....
Sinful_Senorita_Carmen: I take off running to the ropes, bounce off of them and come back at her like I am going for a 619 type move but then I wrap my thighs around Andrea's arm and try to put on a choke for the move known as "The Inverted Cross"
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Amazing_Andrea: I don't know how to react as you shove me back against the ropes. You run at me and use the ropes to swing around. Just as I think I'm going to get kicked from behind, you trap me instead and start choking me against the rope! I pry at your arm, trying to get free as the ref starts yelling at you again! I notice that he doesn't start counting as quickly this time, or at all in fact.

Sinful_Senorita_Carmen: As I have Andrea tangled in the ropes, I reach around the front of her and grab her top as I go to tear it off of her letting her tits fall out. This might have been the distraction that the ref needed as he doesn't seem to count this time. I, however get a little tired of this as I stand on the apron behind Andrea. My ass against some fan's face before I try to bring a knee to the back of her head.

Amazing_Andrea: My top gets torn and my 44DDs come spilling out, making all the horny guys start whooping. I feel you finally letting go of me only to get kneed in the back of the head and go sprawling forward, dazed as I end up laying on my side on the mat.

Sinful_Senorita_Carmen: I pull Andrea up from the mat. She is a bit heavy, but I manage to get her off of the mat as I start to pull her to her feet. I back her against the ropes while holding her wrist before I attempt to whip her across the ring to the other side.

Amazing_Andrea: I take the assistance to get back up, grumbling as I'm a little embarrassed at having been stripped like this. But I'm ready as you try send me into the ropes. I set my feet and reverse the whip into one of my own, following at a bit of a distance so that when you rebound, I can meet you there and attempt to slam my forearm against your chest in a big clothesline.

Sinful_Senorita_Carmen: I start to whip Andrea to the ropes, but she puts on the brakes using her 40 pound advantage and reverses the whip. I go flying into the ropes hard and it leaves me not much chance to think of a way to counter this.
Sinful_Senorita_Carmen: I impact the ropes, bounce back off and see Andrea rushing right at me. My eyes get wide as her outstretched arm slams against my chest. The force of the hit turns me inside out, nearly 360 as I seem to have some pretty good hang time in the air too....
Sinful_Senorita_Carmen: Animated GIF - Find & Share on GIPHY
Sinful_Senorita_Carmen: I slam down to the mat hard tits first before I roll onto my back. The crowd starts a HOLY SHIT chant as this is one of the high spots of the match. As I roll onto my back, the cheers get louder as the two sided tape that kept my top over my tits fails due to the force of the clothesline. My tits are completely out of my top now as I lie on my back. There is a periodic jiggle in my tits as the clothesline caused a muscle spasm in me.

Amazing_Andrea: I stand at the ropes and glare down at the men presses up against the ring, giving them a little bit of a yell before turning to face you, grabbing your top and trying to pull it the rest of the way off, wanting to give the crowd more to yell about. Then I grab your arm to pull you back up to your feet, wanting to shove you into the corner.

Sinful_Senorita_Carmen: I am dazed from the impact of that clothesline. Andrea removes the rest of my top as the fans start going wild at us both being topless now. I am yanked up to my feet by my arm before I get shoved by my tits into the corner of the ring. My arms hook over the top rope, my head starts to look downas my soaked black hair covers my face.

Amazing_Andrea: I follow you into the corner, leaning in and pressing our tits together for a moment before standing back up. I bring my right arm back and send it forward, attempting to smash the back of my hand into your tits with a huge knife edge chop!

Sinful_Senorita_Carmen: Andrea comes over to the corner and sends a hard chop to my tits. WOOOOOOOOOO scream the fans as I let out a howl at the same time, but that is one of pain. Some sweat splashes off of my tits into the crowd while my feet briefly leave the mat.

Amazing_Andrea: Not wanting to deprive the fans of a chance for some audience interaction, I give you a little wink as I line you up again, and this time, I turn and repeat the previous chop with my left hand this time!

Sinful_Senorita_Carmen: I am breathing heavy and leaning forward covering my tits when Andrea moves to the other side of me, using her left hand to send a chop to my right tit. AAAAAAAAAIIIIIIIIIIII!!!!!! I scream, the impact nearly sends me up and over the turnbuckle before I land back down on the mat.

Amazing_Andrea: I smirk and give a wink to the guys nearby before grabbing your wrist and pulling you out of the corner. This time I attempt an extra hard whip across the ring, wanting to really make you hit the opposite turnbuckle hard. I have so much momentum going forward that I actually drop down to one knee after I let go.

Sinful_Senorita_Carmen: Andrea grabs me by my wrist and sends me hard into the opposite corner. I am flung hard. I am afraid of slamming my bare implants into the corner as I try to a flip into the corner like Flair and land on my feet, but Andrea puts so much force into the whip, I end up flipping right into the turnbuckle, rolling up and slamming my pussy against the metal connection rod before I fall backwards...
Sinful_Senorita_Carmen: Animated GIF - Find & Share on GIPHY
Sinful_Senorita_Carmen: I fall backwards, the back of my legs hook over the top rope as I am left suspended upside down in the corner in the tree of woe. My tits are practically falling in my face as my long black hair flows onto the mat.

Amazing_Andrea: I get up and see you hanging there in the corner, looking particularly helpless. I smirk as I move in, starting with a couple of kicks aimed at your tits and your belly, making sure your legs don't come off the rope rope yet though.

Sinful_Senorita_Carmen: Andrea comes over and smiles seeing me trapped as I am helpless. Fans are filming my hanging body, pussy level with their faces. Andrea starts to kick my stomach and tits making me bounce around from the ropes like a pinata.

Amazing_Andrea: I continue the assault, adding a few belly punches in there, tenderizing you further, before grabbing your leather thong, pulling down on it to give you a bit of a wedgie in the front, and the boys at ringside something else to cheer for.

Sinful_Senorita_Carmen: The stomps continue as the crowd is going wild over this sight. Animated GIF - Find & Share on GIPHY
Sinful_Senorita_Carmen: Andrea then hits a few belly punches as my body folds up and I moan in pain. She grabs the front of my thong as she looks out to the guys at ringside. They start cheering and chant WEDGIE!!!! This is what happens as Andrea pulls the front of my leather thong and pulls it in me deep. My pussy lips showing as I let out a scream as the leather material digs into me.

Amazing_Andrea: I give a good hard sustained yank on that leather thong, much to the delight of the cheering crowd. Finally I pull your legs off the top rope with some extra oomph, wanting to make you fall and slam down onto the mat face and tits first with as much force as I can get.

Sinful_Senorita_Carmen: I scream from the front wedgie as the crowd is cheering and doing close ups with their phones. Andrea grabs my fishnet glad legs and yanks them down off of the turnbuckle causing me to slam tits first down onto the mat. My ass jiggles as I lay on the dirty mat.

Amazing_Andrea: I smirk as you land hard on the mat, making the ring shake a little from the impact. Seeing the boys at ringside, I decide to keep giving them a show as I grab your leather thong and use it to drag you to the middle of the ring before making a more concerted effort to actually peel it out of the crack of your ass so I can remove it entirely!

Sinful_Senorita_Carmen: I am pulled by my leather thong to the center of the ring. It is digging deep into my ass crack threatening to split me in half. I have this look of shock and pain on my face as I am getting pulled by it around the ring. Andrea starts to peel it out of me, but it is almost jammed in to where it is hard to remove. My arms and legs kick back and forth as it starts getting peeled down out of me revealing that I am wearing crotchless fishnets and it indeed was riding up in me.

Amazing_Andrea: I make it look like I'm going to give some lucky fan a gift, but the leather thong looks a little more expensive than would be prudent to give away. I just toss it aside instead, making sure it's not too close to the ropes so nobody makes off with it. I pull you up onto all fours and playfully start spanking your ass, wanting to redden your cheeks for the crowd and the cameras.

Sinful_Senorita_Carmen: The thong is removed as I am pulled to my hands and knees moaning. My hand is still covering my wet pussy from the wedgie abuse there. My soaked hair sticking to my naked body. Andrea starts to spank my ass putting me on display as the cameras zoom in on my reddened ass.

Amazing_Andrea: I smirk as I hold the thong, making it look like I'm going to give one of the lucky fans at ringside a gift, but the leather thong looks a little more expensive than I'm comfortable tossing away like that so I just toss it aside, making sure it's not too close to the ropes so someone doesn't make off with it. Meanwhile I pull you up to your feet, still bent over, before running to the ropes. I rebound and leap up, trying to bring my leg down across your back in an axe kick!

Sinful_Senorita_Carmen: I am pulled up to my feet, but I am bent over from the stomach abuse I took while in the tree of woe so I am not able to move out of the way in time for Andrea to nail me with an axekick that sends me tits first back into the mat.

Amazing_Andrea: I stand up and yell to the crowd and the cameras, making sure to pose so everyone gets a good view of my girls, posing and flexing a little bit, before reaching down to grab you up again. This time, I move over toward the ropes, pressing your back against them before yanking hard and trying to whip you across to the opposite side, so you rebound.

Sinful_Senorita_Carmen: My boots are off as I am just in my torn crotchless fishnets at this point. I am whipped across the ring, my feet slide a little on the mat as I am sent to the ropes. I bounce off of them and come back at Andrea. As a last-ditch effort, hoping that Andrea is more tired than earlier I try to once again throw my weight into her as I leap for a crossbody block hoping to take her down.

Amazing_Andrea: I grin as I see you leap at me, going for another crossbody. I bring my arms up to catch you again, taking a step back to absorb the momentum. You hear me let out a bit of a grunt, but I still manage to hold onto you. Taking a moment to steady myself, I adjust my hands so that I can lift you up over my head, attempting to hold you up in a gorilla press! My left hand is basically holding you by the tit, and my right hand is on your thighs but also brushing between your legs suspiciously.

Sinful_Senorita_Carmen: Once again I go for a crossbody block only to get caught in midair. My legs kick back forth a little as I have a panicked look on my face as I mutter OH SHIT. Andrea repositions me on her shoulders then presses my 125 pound body easily up over her head as her fingers are riding up into my slit, while her other hand grabs me by my right tit.
Sinful_Senorita_Carmen: Animated GIF - Find & Share on GIPHY

Amazing_Andrea: My hands naturally gravitate into position where I can tease and grope you, years of erotic wrestling making it like second nature. I parade you around the ring a little, before moving to the middle. I hold you there for another moment or two, before pushing you off and stepping forward so that you fall to the mat behind me!

Sinful_Senorita_Carmen: I feel fingers rubbing in me, the intense match, the front wedgie earlier has made me a bit horny. Andrea's fingers and wrist become visibly wet as she holds me over her head parading me around for the fans and the cameras. I shake my head screaming to be put down. That's exactly what she does. When she gets to the middle, Andrea drops me behind her. I fall a long way down landing tits first before flipping over onto my back spread eagle visibly wet between my thighs.

Amazing_Andrea: I smile and pose again, then turn back to you. I reach down to pull you up once more, letting my hand work on your pussy some more as I take my time. This time I pull you up into a fireman's carry, my fingers continuing to tease and play. Finally getting to the center of the ring, I attempt to fall back onto you in a big Samoan Drop!

Sinful_Senorita_Carmen: Andrea pulls me back up by my soaked hair. I am very dazed at this point. She ducks down, scoops me up across her shoulders displaying me to the camera. Her fingers enter into my pussy as the cameras zoom in on that as I lie across her shoulders. she falls backwards and slams me to the mat with a Samoan drop. I hit the mat hard and roll onto my stomach with my ass pointed up in the air.
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Amazing_Andrea: I sit back up and turn to look at you lying there. "I suppose I've punished you enough, you think?" I say, a little bit of a teasing tone in my voice as I roll you over and start pulling you back up. I grab you around the middle and lift you up and invert you. With your knees on my shoulders I pull you into a standing 69, trapping your head between my thighs as I lean in to start licking your pussy.

Sinful_Senorita_Carmen: I am in a daze as I am pulled up by my hair and scooped upside down so that my pussy is up in Andrea's face. we are in a standing 69 position, her pussy near my face but I am barely conscious at this point. My long black hair flows all the way down to the mat as I am held upside down. Andrea starts to lick my pussy as my legs weakly kick back and forth and I start to moan.

Amazing_Andrea: I chuckle softly as you squirm and kick your legs, but I can tell you don't have any fight left in you. My mouth clamps down on your pussy and I lick and suck, working you over. I'm curious as to how much you can actually take at this point. The crowd of course is loving it, and I make sure everyone gets a good look.

Sinful_Senorita_Carmen: I moan louder as my feet kick back and forth. The crowd is going wild and taking pictures. Although not too visible to them since my stomach is against Andrea's tits, my juices start to leak out getting on my abs and her tits as she starts to lick me harder.

Amazing_Andrea: I keep working you over, licking and nibbling. I can tell that you're getting closer, but I want to time it perfectly. I intensify my tongue work as I get positioned in the middle of the ring, lifting you up a little higher, and waiting for the right cue.

Sinful_Senorita_Carmen: I am held as Andrea keeps licking me. I start to come to a bit and realize I am in a dangerous situation, but her licking gets more intense as I let out a loud moan as I am about to release AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!

Amazing_Andrea: That scream is every bit the signal I needed. I smile a bit as I drop into my finisher, the Pleasure Driver, licking and sucking on your clit as I try to spike you down into the mat for the wildly cheering crowd!

Sinful_Senorita_Carmen: Animated GIF - Find & Share on GIPHY
Sinful_Senorita_Carmen: Right as I start to explode in an orgasm, Andrea spikes my head into the mat. I impact hard, squirt into the air several feet as I roll to a seated position and roll my eyes back showing the whites of them before I fall to my back spread eagle. My arms and legs spasm and twitch some as my tits jiggle. There is a large puddle between my twitching thighs as I am completely out cold on the mat.

Amazing_Andrea: I drive you straight down to the mat, leaving you laying there flat on your back with your arms and legs splayed out. I settle down into a reverse facesit pin, with my spandex covered pussy right in your face, my ass sticking up a little for the crowd. I grab your legs and pull them up off the mat to add to the sexy position, waiting for the referee to come in and count.

Sinful_Senorita_Carmen: Andrea sits down on my face as she pulls my legs back to her. My pussy and ass on display as my pussy continues to drip juices. The referee is distracted and turned on and takes a few minutes to realize that this is a pin. It doesn't matter, at this point. He probably could start counting an hour from now and Andrea would still get the pin as he gets down and counts ONE...

Amazing_Andrea: There's a bit of laughter from the crowd as the referee just stands there stupidly. But he finally gets into position and starts counting as I give him a little glare that clearly says "Really?" Just incredulous that he was this inept. But finally his hand comes down and the crowd screams out each time. TWO...

Sinful_Senorita_Carmen: My legs are still pointed up, I moan under Andrea's ass as the cameras get this from all angles. The ref leans in to near between my legs and then slaps his hand down a third time counting THREE...

Amazing_Andrea: The audience finally explodes in a big cheer as the bell rings and my music starts playing again. The announcer's voice comes on over the PA system... "The winner... AND STILL OPCW Ladies Champion... AMAZING ANDREA!" I get up off of you slowly after another playful ass wiggle, waiting for the ref to get up and get the belt so he can hand it back to me.

Sinful_Senorita_Carmen: The bell rings as Andrea is announced as the winner. She gets up off of me and lets my legs drop back into the spread eagle position as they still twitch slightly. My head tilts to the side as my chest heaves for air.

Amazing_Andrea: The ref finally gets up and retrieves the championship belt from ringside, giving it back to me. I hold it high, celebrating as I stand victorious in the middle of the ring, my first title defense under my belt.
Amazing_Andrea: I see the leather thong laying on the mat, so I pick it up and show it off to the crowd one last time, before walking back over to you and dropping it so that it lays across your face, giving you a little bit of extra humiliation in the end. I hold the belt up for the cameras, standing over you with my foot on your chest as they fade to black.

Sinful_Senorita_Carmen: I am left on the mat KO'd as the ref gives Andrea her belt as she holds it up in the air. She retrieves my leather thong and drops the sweaty smelly garment over my face. I don't even flinch at this point. She stands with her foot between my tits holding the belt up high. The camera pans up showing her holding up the belt, then posing over my downed form before finally fading out showing me inhaling my defeat with my thong over my face.
Sinful_Senorita_Carmen: (end)

Published: 2024-06-23, viewed 114 times.



Wren Peterson

2024-08-06 04:56

damn Carmen ain't getting no titles *readjustes my OCW title*


2024-07-27 04:28

Great match!

Sinful Senorita Carmen

2024-07-27 06:15

(In reply to this)

thank you very much

Blaze Freya

2024-06-25 23:03

Andrea proves dominance but Carmen proves why she's one of the best around!

Sinful Senorita Carmen

2024-06-25 23:05

(In reply to this)

awwww thank you.


2024-06-25 21:11

Wonderful match and great selling carmen

Sinful Senorita Carmen

2024-06-25 21:12

(In reply to this)

thanks I am glad that you enjoyed jejeje

Brian wrestler

2024-06-24 20:05

Incredible match ladies 😃

Sinful Senorita Carmen

2024-06-25 21:11

(In reply to this)

thanks for watching


2024-06-24 19:50

WOW!!! What an action packed, back and forth sexy feast of wrestling delight! Very well done ladies, congrats to Andrea! Carmen, sexy as ever!

Sinful Senorita Carmen

2024-06-24 19:51

(In reply to this)

Thanks, I am glad that you liked it.


2024-06-24 12:05

This was so good you both were amazing I enjoyed and love every minute of this match

Sinful Senorita Carmen

2024-06-24 19:51

(In reply to this)

Thanks glad that you liked it

Joshua Bennett

2024-06-23 21:25

Great match you two. I was on the edge of my seat the entire time

Sinful Senorita Carmen

2024-06-23 21:26

(In reply to this)

glad you liked it