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OPCW XXXVIII: Apocalypse - Regina vs Kara

Kara Anne (deleted member)
11:51 Kara_Anne: I have created the private room #OPCW_Apocolypse_-_Regina_vs_Ka.
11:52 Kara_Anne: I have invited @Heavy_Regina to join #OPCW_Apocolypse_-_Regina_vs_Ka.
11:59 Heavy_Regina:
12:05 Heavy_Regina: Finally!!! It's my big comeback for an OPCW match!!! The hall is packed and I'm excited about this fight. I'm more used to no-holds-barred fights, but a pro match will be perfect as a refresher. On the other hand, I'm a little disappointed that KC Lauren only found me this little shrimp as an opponent! But the good thing is that it'll be over in no time and I'll be able to take on more serious opponents later on. The commentator announces me and I leave my dressing room. I cross the hall, which cheers me on! I walk towards the ring, waving to the crowd, and slide under the ropes to parade in the middle of the ring, waiting for my opponent! I'm wearing my purple floral bikini and I can see that the crowd loves it !!!
12:05 Heavy_Regina:
12:12 Kara_Anne: "Thank You, Next" by Arianna Grande hits the arena as I come out from the back after my opponent. I take some deep breaths knowing this won't be easy at all. I make my way down and skip to the ring I slide under the bottom rope and get into the ring & into my corner AND HER OPPONENT FROM LONG ISLAND NEW YORK SHE STANDA 5 FOOT 2 & WEIGHS 115 POUNDS SHE IS KARA ANNNEEEEEEEEEEEE" I wave to the crowd and go to my corner with my gold bikini and white boots. My hair in pigtails as I start to loosen up my body and stare you down waiting for the bell
12:12 Kara_Anne:
07:57 Heavy_Regina: I smile as I see you in front of me ! "Up for a kiss your ass match little bitch ?" I taunt you and get lower on my knees showing off and laughing about your size. "Win by submission ko or pin... and you know what you will have to do at the end of the fight !" Crowd cheers wildly... it seems the audience enjoy the idea
10:54 Kara_Anne: Whatveer in the end you'll be kissing MY Ass" I scream as the bell goes off I take a deep breath and begin to circle you and look for an opening on my bigger opponent
08:32 Heavy_Regina: I look at you circling around me... I smile... I place my arms in front of my like if I am waiting on you for a test of strenght... but suddenly I move forward and throw my right fist to the side of your jaw as hard as I can, trying to surprise you
11:12 Kara_Anne: I take some deep breaths knowing I need to be quick I look at your arms as you wanna lock up as I come at you I try to see if I can move and be quicker but instead I run right into your fist as I collapse to all 4's and right in front of you as the world begins to spin on me
02:19 Heavy_Regina: I grab your wrist and help you to stand up... I pull you up and try to use your arm to throw you to the opposite corner, trying to take the control of the fight
09:07 Kara_Anne: oh shitttttt my eyes widen as you grab for my wrist I feel you yakn on me and pull me as I get tossed into the other corner of the ring. I hit back 1st and slump into the corner on my fete as I groan in pain
09:50 Kara_Anne: I have invited @KC_Lauren to join #OPCW_Apocolypse_-_Regina_vs_Ka.
14:13 Heavy_Regina: I look at you in the corner... your sexy body against the pad... mmmh I have no other choice.... I run forward and jump to you, trying to splash you as hard as I can against the corner
14:22 Kara_Anne: I take some deep breaths as I lean in the corner and then my eyes widen in fear shocked at you charge I try to spin to the right hoping you miss me and get all buckles instead
14:27 Heavy_Regina: I am in the air as I see your body moving away !! my chest hits the top turnbuckles and I walk back hands on my tits as I feel them massivly burning
14:28 Kara_Anne: My eyes widen as you could have ended the match there but thankfully you missed me. I see you backing out and in some discomfort as I hit the ropes behind yuo and bounce off I run back at you and leap trying to grab your head with both my hands and trying to slam you face 1st into the mat with a bulldog try
14:29 Heavy_Regina: I was searching you with my eyes and I hear you coming from behind... I cannot resist as I am double over and my face dives to the mat... hitting it hard.... I feel the ring shaking under my knees as I bounce and fall on my side.... feeling a bit stunned I try to roll to the ropes
14:35 Kara_Anne: I push to my feet knowing I have you a bit on the ropes as I see you rollilng over the ropes I push to my feet and try to sprint at you going for a soccer kick style aimed for your ribs
14:36 Heavy_Regina: OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOFFFFF I take your kick to my ribs... I roll on my back and try to roll under the ropes to be safe
14:37 Kara_Anne: you roll under the ropes as I smirk with a fun idea. I chagre across the ring and fly back at you trying to a baseball slide at your body that's on the apron under the ropes
14:38 Heavy_Regina: WOOOOFFF your feet slam in my ribs and I am projected out of the ring ! I fall hard on the cold floor out of the ring... I try to stand up as fast as I can
14:42 Kara_Anne: I smirk as you're outside of the ring and blow you a kiss "awwww you have a good fall" I smirk as I wait to see what you'll do
14:43 Kara_Anne: I have invited @Joshua_Bennett to join #OPCW_Apocolypse_-_Regina_vs_Ka.
14:43 Heavy_Regina: I stand up... I quickly grab your ankles and pull you hard to make you fall on the apron and try to follow with a big forearm to your chest
14:44 Kara_Anne: HEYYYYYYYYYYYYY i egt yanked hard onto my butt and yanked outside of the ring where I lean on the apron and eat a rough forearm into my chest. I fall back into the apron a bit more as my chest is on fire from that rough blow
14:45 Kara_Anne: I have invited @Lee_Soo_Hyuk to join #OPCW_Apocolypse_-_Regina_vs_Ka.
14:45 Heavy_Regina: I pull you by your arm out of the ring and try to throw you to the steel stairs hoping to gain some time to recover
14:51 Kara_Anne: I have invited @Anastasia_the_brawler to join #OPCW_Apocolypse_-_Regina_vs_Ka.
14:51 Kara_Anne: I get yanked hard and tossed into the steel steps. I flip up and over and land on mu back with my knees on fire as I lay on the outside of the ring in pain
14:53 Heavy_Regina: I climb back in the ring.... "come back Kara ? why are you taking so much time to come back ? do you feel a bit tired ?"
14:54 Kara_Anne: I groan as the steps hurt like hell. I begin to push on the floor and them to begin to stand up as you tuant me my body aching in pain
14:55 Anastasia_the_brawler: CHEER for Kara Anne ! come on and break this fat bitch !
14:56 Heavy_Regina: I walk to the opposite ropes and place my arms over the top rope... "I have all my night ! you want me to call someone to help you ?" I smile cannot wait for what will follow "my ass is waiting on your lips !"
14:57 Kara_Anne: "go to hell" I moan as I begin to slip into the ropes & try to get back into the ring as I hear you taunt me
14:58 Heavy_Regina: I wait on you to be in the ring "the train is coming for you !!" I rush forward and I jump as high as I can, my arm extended to the side and try to hit your chest with a monster flying clothesline
14:59 Anastasia_the_brawler: BE CAREFUL KARA
14:59 Kara_Anne: I slip in and see you coming at me as I try to duck under your clothsline and try to see if I can push at you and try for a superkick aimed for your jaw
15:01 Heavy_Regina: my arm misses you and I have no fucking idea how I receive your kick to my chin hard... my head snaps back and I walk some steps back holding my chin
15:03 Kara_Anne: I got you rocked with my superkick I stare ou down seeing you stumbling trying to think what to do next. I then take a deep breath and charge I leap and try to grab the back of your head hoping to bring your head down into my knees as I bring them up going for a codebreaker try
15:09 Heavy_Regina: my upperbody dives forward and hit your knees hard.... I feel really stunned and bounce on your knees...and fall on my ass, my hands on the mat behind me to stay on my ass
15:35 Kara_Anne: I look around and see you on your butt as I push to my feet with myself behind yout as I try to think hot to keep this going right now "OFF WITH HER HEAD" I Scream as I run to the ropes behind us I bounce myself off and try to leap and try to drive my right knee into the back of your head YT]
15:40 Heavy_Regina: I am trying to recover a bit but suddenly I feel a huge pain behind my skull.. my hair flying in every directions as I feel stunned and fall on my side, my hands on my head to protect it as I scream in pain
15:44 Kara_Anne: I try to roll you over and lay across your body and hook your thick leg up into the air with both of my hands as I yell out ONEEEEEEEE as I try to see if that's enought o keep you down
15:49 Heavy_Regina: I quickly raise my shoulder to break the count... moaning in pain... "y... you think it will be enough ?" I try to stand up as fast as I can, my head burning always
15:52 Kara_Anne: "damn it" I moan as I nail you but you're still so much stronger as 1 gets a kick out. I slap the mat and then begin to pull up to my feet
15:54 Heavy_Regina: I take a deep breath... looking at you... I see you standing up and I cannot belive this little bitch is giving me a so hard time ! I raise my hands and offer you a test of strengh smiling
15:55 Kara_Anne: I see you raise your hands as I get up as we wakl to one another "yeah I'm not that dumb" I yell and laugh as I then try to run and leave my feet trying for a dropkick aimed for yoru chest
15:57 Heavy_Regina: I do a step to the side and let you fall down without touching me... "not each time baby" as I give you a brutal stomp on the abs
16:03 Kara_Anne: I miss and hit the mat and then groan as you stomp onto my abs as I roll around the mat gaspin for air coughin and gaging loudly
16:05 Heavy_Regina: I follow you completely mad ! "STAY..." I stomp you again "...DOWN..." stomp "...fucking..." stomp "... BITCH !!!!" stomp again... all on your chest and abs to make you stay down
16:07 Kara_Anne: you crush me with your foot into my chest and abs knocking all the wind out of my body as I gag for air on the mat begging you to the stop
16:09 Heavy_Regina: "DID YOU UNDERSTAND BITCH STAY DOWN !" I turn and go to the nearest turnbuckles... managing to climb with my heavy body on the ropes till I can seat on the top corner.... preparing myself to jump on you
16:12 Kara_Anne: I moan as I get onto my belly and then push on the mat with both of my hands getting to all 4's slowly as I don't know where you went as I keep gagging trying badly to catch my breath fully in the ring
16:14 Heavy_Regina: I manage my balance and stand up on the ropes "can someone call the 911 ? I think you will need something to leave the ring after what I am going to do to you !!" I do a kind of double biceps smiling trying to keep my balance
16:23 Kara_Anne: I look up at you flexing towards me and looking around I try to make a quick dive and leap and try to throw all my weight across the ropes hopoijng to trip you up
16:24 Heavy_Regina: the ropes shakes under my feet and I am oblige to sit down "what do you want little bitch ? I won't fall so easily !!"
16:26 Kara_Anne: You sit on the buckles as I'm able to knock you down I try to grab the top rope and use some momentum and send a kick up into your chest to try and stun you up there
16:28 Heavy_Regina: your kick hits my chest hard and I hold my chest with my right hand... trying to hold the ropes with my left to stay on the corner... "I.... I won't fall... bitch !"
16:37 Kara_Anne: I know a way!" I yell and begin to climb up to the ropes with you I try to use my speed and see if I can get to the top rope and then leap putting my legs aorund your neck on your shoulders and trying to see if I can flip you up and over with a hurracaranna trying to use your momentum and size against you
16:40 Heavy_Regina: I scream as your legs wrapped around my head.... you try to throw me down but I catch the ropes with both hands... moaning and sweating a lot... trying to resist as I feel your weight pulling hard on my head and neck... groaning
16:44 Kara_Anne: I begin to yank back as my eyes widen as you hold onto the rope. "shittt" I mutter worried with your size I'm trapped. I take a breath and try to sit myself up and see if I can sit on your shoulders again this time with my legs around your neck I begin to squeezee as tight as ever and even throw in a forearm at your jaw trying to make yuo wobbly & loose enough to possibly flip up and over and to the middle of the ring
16:46 Heavy_Regina: your legs are crushing my head !! I moan louder and louder I feel your forearm hitting my jaw... I feel stunned on the turnbuckles... I feel my hands losing grip on the ropes... fuck fuck fuuck fuuuuck
16:51 Kara_Anne: I begin to bend back as much as I can doing all I can to flip you up and over me and hit the Hurracarra
16:51 Heavy_Regina: my hands slides and my body is projected over yours by your legs.... I flip in the air and crash on the mat... the ring shakes and the ropes jump in every directions... I lay down spreadeagled and stunned
16:54 Kara_Anne: I come down as well I land on my knees I look over and can't believe I did it snd flipped yuo over I see you hurting as I begin to knee wal over to you. I get closer to you as i try to put my legs out and lift your head into my lap as I go to cross my legs in a figure-4 scissors attempt
16:56 Heavy_Regina: you lift my head and catch it between your knees... I try to catch your thighs with both hands to open your scissor but I am weak after the brutal impact
16:57 Kara_Anne: I feel you go for my thighs a bit zI try to slam a couple of forearms into your chest trying to keep you down
16:58 Heavy_Regina: I scream as your arm hits hard across my tits... I feel my tits burning like hell and try to protect me with my hands....
16:59 Kara_Anne: Your hands drop to your chest as my hands go to the mat both palms as I take a breath and try to push on the mat and try to lift your head off the mat and lock in my KaraConda scissors as I squeeze as hard as I can
17:01 Heavy_Regina: I feel my skull squeezed between your legs... I wriggle hard trying to break your hold but.... I didn't recover enough to break free... I feel my jaw compressed... FUUUUUUUUUUCK
17:04 Kara_Anne: "tap ot nap bitch" I yell as I try to hand my hips as high as I can and squeezee as much as I can as I try to pull off the improable upset
17:05 Heavy_Regina: my jaw is burning like hell I try to open your scissor one more time but I am in a bad position... I feel like my skull could explodes.... I make a scream but it is a bit silented by your body
17:07 Kara_Anne: I toss my head back doing all I can struggling to hold on as Regina is a bad ass as I do all I can to make her submit
17:07 Heavy_Regina: my jaw is burning so high.... tears down my eyes as the pain is too much.... I tap on the mat.... with both hands... weak....
17:09 Kara_Anne: I hear the tapping on the mat as I let go right awa yand collapse to the mat sweaty and exhausted my body hurting and sore in this all out war but somehow I was able to make Regina tap out and give me the big win
17:10 Heavy_Regina: I lay on my back... hands on my head..... cannot believe I lost this match... I feel angry about me
17:15 Kara_Anne: I roll out of the ring and raise my hands in the air and blow you a kiss. Better luck next time hunny. I wink and skip to the back with my big win
17:15 Kara_Anne: END

Published: 2024-06-24, viewed 48 times.
