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Rivalry Match Blaze Vs. Raevyn


Blaze_Freya: "Ladies and gentlemen, this match is scheduled for ONE fall!" -The crowd chants "One Fall!" As the announcer continues and "Collapsing" by Demon Hunter begins to play- "Introducing first! Weighing in at one-hundred-forty pounds! Standing five feet, six inches tall! Hailing from Blackpool, England!!! BLAAAAAAZE!!! FRRREEEEEEYYYAAAAA!!!" -Right after the announcer shouts her name, Blaze Freya walks out in her ring attire, consisting of long black tights, kick pads and knee pads, and a matching sports bra along with her custom yellow leather jacket, bedazzled hat and shades. She has a black rose in her right hand, twirling it around on her way down the ramp. She tosses it into the crowd, rhythmically removing her jacket, hat and shades at ringside before rolling in to hump the mat a few times. She laughs on her way up to her feet and backs into her corner to do her pre-match stretches-


Night_Queen_Raevyn: Venus Pyre" by Crystal Cage coming over the PA system "Introducing next, from the chasm of the darkness... trying to gain another dominant win over Blaze… standing 5'7 170lbs... it’s RAEEEVYNNNN!" and I step forward, throwing the curtain to the dressing room aside, glowering at the crowd. My body is draped in a long Victorian coat, buttoned in the middle giving hints to the ashen coating beneath, the collars are high and conceal part of my cheeks on either side. I step forward with my predatory prowl and I grab the middle rope, pulling myself up... one leg languorously slipping over the middle rope when I scoop my upper body through and move to my corner. The crowd mesmerized, terrified and begging for more all simultaneously as I lean over the top rope, hissing at them, my fingers drifting down to the buttons on my coat.. their eyes wide in anticipation to see what is beneath...mtc

Night_Queen_Raevyn: a wicked grimace creeps up my face as I pull the buttons free and my arms dramatically swing back to let the coat fall to the floor, everyone looks up from my shiny black knee high wrestling boots, covered in black kickpads with aqua outlines, black outlined aqua kneepads tucked into them. My thighs, as well as the rest of my body is covered in a sooty dark grey and black ashen body paint, flakes and cracks craning at the surface just as if I crawled from hell... aqua lines criss crossing in jagged angles up my thick thighs and going up my V lines on my lower abdomen, making the same hard geometric angles up my belly and around my shoulders, down my arms, extending over each finger and then back up to my neck and outlining my jaw and across the bridge of my nose, back down my back and the sides of my thighs. Deep black matte lipstick over my lips and black contacts with tiny aqua pupils in the middle. Licking my lips with anticipation and leaning back in my corner smugly eyes fixed on you


YannySp: Go Raevyn! Knock her out! 🔥

Blaze_Freya: -The Blackpool Bombshell watches her closely, giving a look of disgust when she sees that she's only wearing body paint and no clothes... but yet THIS was the "pro" wrestler who was talking down to her all the time? Blaze had faced all shapes and sizes, but never had her opponent started off naked... with a simple shrug, she shows that she doesn't care. If Raevyn wants to get beat up naked so badly, so be it. Blaze looks at the referee and she rings the bell- 🔔 🔔 🔔 -And Blaze immediately comes out of her corner, guard up and ready for anything as Raevyn had indeed scored a victory over her in the past, so she knew not to take her lightly-

Night_Queen_Raevyn: I saunter out of my corner, my thick thighs rubbing together as I cross my arms… getting closer I open my arms up and approach after the bell rings. Completely unconcerned at this pathetic rookie that I’ve dominated before I pivot off my heels and throw my body forward! My right arm shoots out to the side, crooking at the elbow, and I try to smash it into your chest and throat with a lariat!

Blaze_Freya: -As they both come out of their corners, Blaze watches Raevyn's every move and is more than ready for it when she charges forward going for a wild lariat! Blaze ducks down and gets behind her so that their backs are facing each other's, then she grabs around her neck and tries to reverse into a neckbreaker!-

Night_Queen_Raevyn: Hu???? My arm swishes over your head and I pass over you when you escape my lariat. Your arms move up and grip my neck jerking it back and we fall to the mat, my neck craning forward and snapping my chin into my chest! My hands immediately move my my neck and I am kicking my feet groaning!

Blaze_Freya: -Freya hops up to her feet in one swift motion and she walks around Raevyn's body to her feet, grabbing her ankles to lift her legs up and get them under each arm... then she tries to turn her over and lock her into a liontamer hold-

Goddess_Faith: Glad I could be here to provide quality counter-balance. GO BLAZE! 🔥🔥🔥

YannySp: Don't listen to her Raevyn, win this! 😉

Goddess_Faith: Fun Fact: Raevyn's last 3 wins were by accident. 😆

YannySp: Well, this one is not gonna be an accident 😛

Goddess_Faith: It's not going to be a win either :-P

Night_Queen_Raevyn: Uhggnnnnn!!! My neck is too injured from that hard move which gives you ample time to grip my legs and flip me over locking in a liontamer… my legs bending my lower back in half as I try to twist free!!

YannySp: You'll see 🙃

Blaze_Freya: -Blaze locks in the liontamer! She bends her back as far as she can, trying to make her feet touch the mat as she continues to lean back further and further!- "Tap or snap, bitch! Tap... or snap..." -She shouts in full confidence, knowing this must hurt even for the most flexible of women, which Raevyn is not-

Night_Queen_Raevyn: Aiiii!!! I shriek as you pull hard on my legs, reaching out for those ropes still but I can’t get any leverage and I am in a lot of pain but I refuse to tap to this loser! I dig deep and try to push up with my hands!

Blaze_Freya: -Blaze is slowly being pushed up by Raevyn as she somehow pushes up on her hands even while Blaze is almost sitting on the back of her head. But she wasn't about to make this easy for her, not after weeks of endless trash talk. She twists to one side and presses her right knee down on the back of her neck, really bending her now in the modified liontamer as she taunts- "Wanna talk now!? Tell me how much of a loser I am, Raevyn..."

Night_Queen_Raevyn: Uggggnnnnn!!! Your knee smashes down into the back of my head and smears my face and makeup on the canvas as you fold my body in half… in so much pain but feeling myself filled with rage and unwilling to tap just yet!

Peach: *Started to chant "RAEVYN YOU SUCK!" and quickly joined by others around me.

YannySp: Nooo, not you too!! 😥

Blaze_Freya: "Come on, I wanna hear what you have to say..." -Blaze laughs at the Raevyn sucks chants, giving her even more reason to keep the hold locked on as she looks out at the crowd and nods along with their chants. This match was only getting started and already looked like Raevyn was outmatched by The Bratty Brit-

Night_Queen_Raevyn: Uggggggnnn!!!! I groan and I can’t take it anymore as my body is being almost pulled completely backward… my mind finally gives too as I choke out “I give!!!” Under your knee as my hand taps the mat in a panic!

Bootyful_Nicole: Oh dam

Adam_Drake: Over so soon? 😳

Goddess_Faith: Could be Raevyn's quickest recorded loss, providing Raevyn sticks around long enough to lose officially. giggles

Goddess_Faith: wow, that was quicker than I expected lol

Blaze_Freya: -Blaze laughs hysterically and keeps the hold locked on while the bell rings- 🔔 🔔 🔔 "Heeeeere is your winner! BLAAAAAAZE!!!! FRRREEEEEEYYYAAAAA!!!!" -And she finally releases, letting her legs flop down on the mat as she stands up tall, rising to a new height, full of confidence after perhaps her most convincing win of all-time-

YannySp: Ohh dammit... it's okay :/

Published: 2024-07-01, viewed 84 times.
