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Gail takes on Kelly in a pro wrestling match

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FoxyGail: ANNOUNCER: This contest is set for one fall with a 2-hour time limit. At 140 lbs, from Rhode Island, the biggest little state in the USA, she is 5-foot-7-inches of delicious destruction, here is FoxyGail!

I come down the aisle as the crowd cheers my entrance and slip into the ring between the top and middle ropes, wearing my long white robe as I stroll to my corner. I stretch a bit on the ropes then open my robe to reveal my blue bikini. My body is tight, the top barely containing my 38Ds. My nipples are hard as I let my robe drop to my corner of the mat. The ref comes over to check me. I re-tie my long ponytail, waiting for my opponent.

Kelly-Awesome: I come down the aisle and slide under the ropes.. getting up, I go to my corner.. stretching.. “AND HER CHALLENGER, at 135 lbs, The Awesome.. KELLY !!” As I bounce around in my corner, taking in the cheers of my posse.

FoxyGail: watches you closely, sizing you up, remembering how dangerous you can be, waiting for the bell.

Zack_Davis: "Kelly, Kelly, Kelly!"

Kelly-Awesome: DING!! I push off, and come out of my corner.. knowing that, with no rules, I gotta be ready for anything. And everything.. I this fight.. I begin circling, hands out in front.. as I get closer and closer

FoxyGail: The bell rings, the clock starts ticking and I come out of my corner to face you, moving to my right, spiraling in toward you, crouching, my breasts swaying in my low cut top as I get close, lunging at you in an attempt to lock up with a collar and elbow, trying to push you back toward the ropes or the corner, hoping to get an early advantage.

Goddess_Faith: offers a counter-balance, cheering on Gail...her beloved respected rival from way back

Kelly-Awesome: I lock up with you, my back arching.. as I push back.. our arms now tangled up.. as I slide to the side.. trying to avoid the corner..

The_Mangler: Here we go Kelly, here we go!!

FoxyGail: moves against you, twisting, then suddenly bringing my right arm around your head to pull you in hard for a side headlock, trying to mash your face into my D-cup to cut off your air.

The_Mangler: Gets a beer for @Zack_Davis, and a wine for @Goddess_Faith, and my Jura scotch.....

Kelly-Awesome: “Fuuuuck..” as you grab my head, and start grinding it into your big boob.. I grit my teeth, and now grab you around your waist.. planting my feet, I attempt to toss you towards the ropes, and get free

Goddess_Faith: Danke, fellow Canuck

FoxyGail: Yikes, you send me hard into the ropes. I bounce off them, coming back at you, prepared to duck under a clothesline!

Zack_Davis: *nods at @The_Mangler in approval*

Kelly-Awesome: As you come at me, I grin.. extending my arm to slam I to your chest.. but suddenly you duck, and I miss.. spinning around.. wondering how you could move so fast

FoxyGail: bounces into the opposite ropes, coming off them, coming back at you, trying to jump into the air to catch you with a flying drop kick!!!!

Kelly-Awesome: Just as I turn, you leap.. sending your feet into my chest.. my mouth opens wide, as my boobs collapse from your hot.. and I spin around, and end up on my back on the mat.

FoxyGail: we both fall to the mat, but you're the one who had been kicked in the chest. I get to my feet, reaching for your wrist and try to pull you up, my plan is to whip you hard into the corner!

Kelly-Awesome: I groan as I reach for my boobs.. but as you grab my hand to puullll me up, I roll the other way, hoping to flip you over my onto the mat.

FoxyGail: Yikes! You use your momentum against me as you toss me over onto the mat. I land on my back!!!!


The_Mangler: CMON KELLY

Kelly-Awesome: Still with one hand on my boobs, I stagger up to see you down.. I now lunge at you.. aiming my elbow at your chest..

FoxyGail: arrrrgggggh

My legs jackknife up as you drive your elbow into my boobs. I bring my hands up to try to protect my chest.

Kelly-Awesome: I stay on top of you, and now try to wrap my arm around your head.. in a headlock.. while I lay across your chest.. trying to grind your face into my boob.

FoxyGail: uhhhhh. I try to turn my head to avoid your boob. It seems bigger up close!!!! I bring up one hand, going for your face to try to push you back, the other slides between your legs as you lay across me, trying to push you back and distract you at the same time!

Kelly-Awesome: My head is pushed back, as I struggle to hold onto your head.. but when you slide your hand between my legs.. I let you go, not ready for you to attack my pussy.. I roll off you, and get up on one knee.. pushing back my hair, as I glare at you.. “you wanna play dirty? So can I.. “ I hiss

The_Mangler: BOOOO GAIL

FoxyGail: rolls away from you, getting to my feet as well, bushing hair out of my face as I come up to you, reaching for your hair to see if I came WHIP you hard into the corner!


Kelly-Awesome: Arrrrgh!! You get my long hair, and I wince from the pain.. my hands go to your fingers, but you’re already whipping me into the corner.. I quickly turn, so my back takes the brunt of the hit, as the ring shakes.. I throw out my hands to grab the top ropes, to keep me from falling down.

The_Mangler: 😝

FoxyGail: charges at you, arms stretched, my boobs bouncing as I fly toward you to try to hit you chest to chest with a full-body splash!

Terra601: Go Gail

Goddess_Faith: Good gurl ;-)

Kelly-Awesome: I barely hit the corner, and you’re on top of me.. crashing into me.. as I’m squashed into the corner.. my legs buckle, and my air rushes out.. as I slump down in the corner.. trying to grab you to keep me from falling.

FoxyGail: as you slump and try to hold onto me, I step on the bottom ropes, trying to mash my boobs into your face to smother you, my hands gripping your hair to force you into my cleavage, knowing that the referee might have a problem with this, but not being afraid to cheat a little!


Kelly-Awesome: “Oh crap..” my face is squashed into your sweaty boobs.. with no rules, anything is fair play.. I know I gotta get outta this dreaded corner.. so I grit my teeth.. and grab onto your butt.. as I now try to push off from the corner, and slam you down.

FoxyGail: Yikes.

I feel you hot breath in my face butt suddenly I feel your hands on my butt and I'm lifted up, carried away from the corner, and slammed HARD onto the mat, stunned for a moment!

The_Mangler: YEASSSSS!!!!!

Kelly-Awesome: We bounce onto the mat, as the ring shakes.. my face still buried in your tits.. I try to slide up your front, hoping to get my own chest to cover your face

FoxyGail: I try to catch my breath and suddenly you are sliding up me, your boobs in my face as I slap at your butt in protest, the grip the sides of your bottoms, trying to yank them up to slide you further up me or escape with a wedgie!

Kelly-Awesome: My eyes open wide, as my suit disappears into my crack.. but I’m now on top of your face.. and I use my weight to push my chest down.. trying to keep your nose and mouth covered.

FoxyGail: gives your bottom ANOTHER yank up then plants my feet, trying bridge up and get you off me, struggling to breathe in your cleavage!

Kelly-Awesome: Whoooaa!! My eyes open wide, as now my suit digs into my tender pussy, and I’m propelled up, and over your head.. but I end up with my buns now on your face.. and I grab your hair.. trying to keep your head under me.

FoxyGail: oh noooooo. You manage to sit up as I move you higher up my body, my hands snaking up before you can grab them, trying to grip your breasts for a double claw hold to try to force you backwards and off me.

Kelly-Awesome: “Awwww CRAP!!” I howl, as your fingers dig into my soft tit flesh.. I reach for your fingers.. trying to rip them away, as fire shoots into my boobs.. I roll off of you.. now desperate to get away.

FoxyGail: I gasp as I can breathe again as you roll off me, releasing your breasts, grateful to get you away from me for a moment as I roll to my hands and knees and reach for the ropes to try to pull myself up.

Kelly-Awesome: I roll the other way, tears welling up in my eyes after the brutal attack on my boobs.. I slowly sit up, rubbing my chest, adjusting my suit.. now knowing that you’ll resort to anything to win.

FoxyGail: gets to my feet, sees you are still sitting, charges at you hoping to jump in the air and do a drop kick to you as you sit there, breathing heavily from the exertion of the tough match!

Kelly-Awesome: I finally look up, but it’s too late as you kick me in the face.. and I collapse back down onto the mat.. dizzy.. as the ring is now spinning around me.

FoxyGail: gets the kick to connect as the crowd gets on its feet in anticipation, I drop across you, yelling for the referee to count, one hand sliding down your abs, seeing if I can go for a naughty pin, my fingers aiming to slip into your bottoms to distract you.

Kelly-Awesome: My eyes open wide.. as you land on top of me.. I reach for your hand across my chest, trying to yank it away.. “1” I hear, as I finally get it off.. Bur now I feel your fingers near my pussy.. and I gasp, not sure what to think.. “2” I hear.. as my body instinctively reacts.. and bucks off… getting my shoulder off the mat to just beat the count.

FoxyGail: argggggggh

You manage to escape as my fingers spark you into twisting out of the count. I sit on my butt, yelling at the referee for counting so slowly as I push strands of hair off my face, then reaching for a handful of you hair to try to pull you up into a sitting position so I can twist you around, hoping to get you in a body scissors from behind.

Kelly-Awesome: I’m totally exhausted, as this fight is non stop.. but as you grab my hair to pull me up.. i summon up whatever strength I have left, and aim a fore arm smash into your chest.

FoxyGail: shiiiiiiittttt

Your forearm sends me backwards onto the mat, the impact nearly forcing my boob to jump out of my top!

Kelly-Awesome: I collapse back on my butt.. my chest heaving as I try to suck in needed air.. but I see you down, so I grab your leg closest to me.. and start to twist your ankle.. trying to lock in an ankle lock.

FoxyGail: uhhhhhhhhhh. I'm forced onto my back, my arms hammering the mat in protest as you start to torture me leg, trying to sit up, only to be forced back down as you torque it again! ytt

Kelly-Awesome: I don’t let go.. as I apply whatever power I have left to twist your ankle to the breaking point.. hoping I can hold on till the end.

FoxyGail: tries to pull you into me by drawing my leg in, bringing up my other foot, hoping to slam it into your chest to try to send you backwards and get you off me, but not sure I have the leverage!

Kelly-Awesome: I hold on, and keep applying more and more pressure.. but you’re able to draw me in, and then slam your foot into my chest.. I gasp.. but don’t let go.. and now double my efforts to keep twisting your ankle.

FoxyGail: ohhhhhhh shiiiiiiiiit

The kick doesn't work, my leg in so much pain, I try to roll to relieve the stress as you twist, but that put me in an even worse position!

Goddess_Faith: BOOOOOO

Kelly-Awesome: “GIVE UP.. NOW !!” I scream.. rolling your leg and ankle back and forth.. back and forth.. hoping it’s enough to get you to submit.. as the ref looks on.

Terra601: Come on Gail beat her ass

FoxyGail: twists, turns, getting on my belly, trying to crawl to the ropes to try to force a break, not sure how much more of this I can take!

Kelly-Awesome: “Get back HEEEEEERE!!” I bellow.. as you move around like a wet fish.. but I don’t let go.. you start to move towards the ropes, getting closer and closer.. but I get up, still holding onto your ankle.. and push us both back.. falling down on my butt.. adding more pressure.. and pain.. to your bent ankle.

FoxyGail: I manage to get close to the ropes, but suddenly you pull me back, readjusting, the pain even worse, feeling like my ankle with break, letting out a scream as I tap the mat furiously to signal my submission!!!!!

Kelly-Awesome: I look up at the ref, and he nods his approval.. as I can’t believe my success.. I let go of your leg, and collapse back on the mat.. exhausted.. sore.. but a winner !!

Terra601: Don’t worry Gail you’ll get her next time

FoxyGail: collapses on the mat, gasping in relief as you release my leg. The bell rings and I lay on my belly trying to get some feeling back in my leg as I hear the ring announcer announce your win.

Kelly-Awesome: I slowly sit up.. pushing back my hair.. as I struggle to stand.. finally raising my hands in victory !!

FoxyGail: Your music plays and I roll out of the ring, heading for the dressing room, limping.

Kelly-Awesome: Good match, Gail!! The promoters are already asking for a rematch.. 😊

FoxyGail: Great!

Published: 2024-07-04, viewed 0 times.

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