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OPCW XXXIX: Summer Party World Championship Jazmin vs Natalia

17:04 Natalia_Markova: The time had finally come for my Championship match against the long-reigning OPCW Queen Jazmin Allure.. My nerves on full alert, feeling the sweat start to hit as I pause to gulp my feelings, then step out through the curtains and enter the arena. The seats packed, chants from every corner of the room as I strut down the ramp with my black and gold bodysuit strapped on tight. Playing to the crowd as I head climb up the apron and step between the ropes, bathing in the audience's embrace for the 'Russian Crush'.
17:04 Natalia_Markova: Animated GIF - Find & Share on GIPHY
17:09 Jazmin: Walks out through the curtains in my light purple mixed with dark purple crop top with matching booty shorts and a dark purple choker around my neck and leg straps going down my tanned thighs to my knee pads and boots as i strut my hip from side to side jiggling my ass around as I see some fans with a sign for you as i snatch it and rip it in half as i walk up the steel steps and step over the bottom ropes and enter the ring as i look over at you and roll my eyes "oh great! a weak blonde bimbo!!!" as i laugh out and back into my corner knowing just how easy this night is going to be!
17:09 Jazmin: Animated GIF - Find & Share on GIPHY
17:15 Natalia_Markova: I giggle, a devilish little smile slowly starting to grow on my face as I eye you from head to toe.. I knew the champion would be cocky, but this was a little ridiculous. Not saying a word, I wait for the referee to finish his final gear checks before I start heading towards the center of the ring. I extend my arm forward, opening a palm and inviting you to shake my hand before the match begins.
17:19 Jazmin: the ref checks me rubbing around my thighs and pulls out some brass knuckles from my leg straps as i put my hand up to my mouth "oopsies...... didn't mean to bring that!!!" as the ref scolds me and then backs up asking for the bell as i look at you put your hand out "OH sure!!" as i walk forward putting my hand out then as i get close i raise my hand upside down flicking you off in your face as i hear a roar of boo's through the arena as i slowly try to back up
17:19 Jazmin: Animated GIF - Find & Share on GIPHY
17:24 Natalia_Markova: Shaking my head watching ref pull out some brass knuckles from inside your outfit.."See, I wouldn't need any weapons to beat you.. that's the difference!" I lick my lips, raising an eyebrow as you suddenly shove that middle finger up in my face.. I pull my hands back, taking a few steps away to distance from you as you were clearly just unhinged. Winning the crowd over already.. "Heh... bitch." I whisper, as I stance just inches from you, raising my arms and bending my knees ready to move on that bell..
17:34 Jazmin: grins over at you as i hear the bell and bounce up and down wiggling my hips side to side with my booty bouncing around as I see you raise your arms i slowly move forward... then i just go into a full sprint jumping up in the air trying to throw a flying knee aimed up the middle trying to go for your chin off the bat
17:36 Natalia_Markova: I hear the chime of the bells, kicking the match off as I inch towards you slowly.. My arms out, inviting you to grapple with me, but you clearly had different plans. Shooting towards me, you jump and swing a knee up to crack me right in the jaw.. "UGHH!" I squeal, my head snapping back as I lose control in my knees.. Stumbling around the ring with my hand over my chin.. Not prepared for something so explosive, so early on..
17:44 Jazmin: as I smack you rightin your jaw and see you stumbling... awwww blondie is hurting already... let's go for a record and put this bish night night!!! as you stumble around i rush into you again leaping forward with my arms stretched out as i try to grab around your shoulders in a hug but try to spin us as i try to plant your face into the mats in a flatliner attempt!
17:44 Jazmin: Animated GIF - Find & Share on GIPHY
17:48 Natalia_Markova: A little stunned, my jaw feeling almost displaced after that shocking opening to the match.. You quickly lunge towards me, reaching to hug my shoulders and quickly bring me down to the canvas in a twirl.. Showing off that aesthetic roster of moves as I come crashing down and take a nasty face-job into the canvas.. "AAAGHH..." A yelp as I land, groaning as I attempt to arch back up on all fours.. "uuggh..."
17:49 Natalia_Markova:
18:03 Jazmin: as you drop down to all fours i sit up and get up to my feet as i grab your blonde hair and try to dog walk you around the ring "AWWW yall really brought me a doggy to play with???" as i lick my lips and try to bring you up to your knees as i look you in the eye "what are you doing in here blondie??? I'm the queen of this place!!! as i look in your eyes with an evil grin across my face
18:09 Natalia_Markova: I claw the mat, arching my head up to look at you as I growl.. Your hand tangled inside my long blonde mane as you yank and start forcing me to crawl all around the ring. Humiliating me in front of thousands of fans, and turning me into a dog beneath you.. "Grrr.. BITCH!" I screech before I suddenly arch up and attempt to swing my arm up towards you, aiming to smash my knuckles from under and into your armpit.
18:18 Jazmin: as i look in your eyes you punch my armpit as i scream out dropping my arm and hand from your hair as i back up against the ropes...."oh yeah...bitch" i sling my back into the ropes for some momentum and make myself rush forward as you are on your knees and i try to jump up and attempt to slam both of my boots aimed into your nose and mouth in a dropkick attempt!
18:18 Jazmin: Dropkick GIF - Find & Share on GIPHY
18:23 Natalia_Markova: My fist connects, forcing you to release my hair and giving me the chance to turn this match around. After such a humiliating start, I knew I had to start swinging back! You step back into the ropes, slingshotting your body towards me while I'm still kneeling, looking to dropkick me right in the face. I react fast, throwing my body forward and rolling out of the way and heading towards the corner of the ring. As you land on your back, I quickly start stepping up onto the corner ropes, climbing to the top and turning myself around to leap down and attempt a dropkick from the skies.
18:24 Natalia_Markova: Animated GIF - Find & Share on GIPHY
18:30 Jazmin: as i go forward with my dropkick nobody is home as i completely miss falling on my back as i roll over to my stomach and get back up to my feet as i start to look around but already in my face is a dropkick slamming me in the chest as i flop back my shoulders hitting the mat and i flip doing a back flip landing on my tummy as my ass gets a slight wedgie and bounces up and down jiggling around from the big impact as i slowly raise my face up wondering wtf even happened.
18:30 Jazmin: Animated GIF - Find & Share on GIPHY
18:38 Natalia_Markova: I softly land on the canvas, cushioned by your body as I hit my gorgeous drop-kick from the top ropes.. I roll over and quickly spring up to my feet, raising my arms and waving to the crowd as I parade around the ring. Letting them stare at your confused and battered self on the ring floor. I walk over towards you, bending down to grab your arm and YANKING you up to your feet.. "What's wrong? Didn't see that coming?" Aiming to spin you around and whip you into the corner of the ring.
18:43 Jazmin: my arm gets yanked as i growl out slowly getting pulled to my feet as im sore as fuck trying to jerk around but you swing me as i go running with no control over into the rope with my back touching against the ropes getting extra momentum as i get turned towards you rushing back into you full speed
18:49 Natalia_Markova: Feeling the ring shake as your skin clangs against the corner turnbuckles, sending you stumbling right back towards me off of the rebound. Waiting for you to get close enough before I attempt to reach in and grab your neck, quickly twisting us both around before sweeping myself off my feet and pulling you down with me to bust your skull with a Reverse DDT.
18:49 Natalia_Markova: Animated GIF - Find & Share on GIPHY
18:54 Jazmin: as i run back into you, you grab my neck and twist me around as i flop down to my back with my arms and legs flopping up into the air and falling back to the mat as my thighs jiggle around as i put both hands onto the back of my head as i kick up the down onto the mats as i try to roll over to my side. Not even knowing how i let you get this much offense in
18:57 Natalia_Markova: I once again roll over onto all fours, springing to my feet as you kick around, holding your busted up head and flail in pain.."Did that hurt Jazmin? Is that all you've got?" I yell down at you, walking to position behind your head and kneeling down. I reach for your shoulders, trying to seat you up in front of me before attempting to pierce my knee into your spine and hooking your arms back..
18:57 Natalia_Markova: Animated GIF - Find & Share on GIPHY
19:01 Jazmin: i feet myself get sat up as i rub my head and try to shake the cobwebs out but then i feel my arms get grabbed and a knee go into my back.. "what the fuck??" as i get stretched out i start to scream and wiggle my legs around kicking the mat up and down "LET....ME...GO!!!!!!" as i jerk side to side wiggling my arms in your grip as my long black hair covers my face
19:04 Natalia_Markova: My maniacal laugh escaping my throat, enjoying the evil side of me as I slowly crush your back and arms in my torturous little hold. "Let me go!! Let me go!!" I coo in a baby voice, mocking you and your pained screams as I bend my knee further and really dig between those shoulder blades.. Giving you a few more moments of agony before letting your arms go and pushing you away..
19:08 Jazmin: screams even louder and kicking frantically as you stretch me out even further as i scream wildly as you let my arms go and push me away as i fall forward on my face as reach my hand on my back as i try to get up to my knees leaning forward into the ropes as i grit my teeth together
19:16 Natalia_Markova: "Bahaahahhaah!" Laughing so hard I could barely control myself.. Tumbling towards the corner and bending forward into the ropes to try and recover. I couldn't help but stomp towards you, noticing that plump latina booty on display.. I lick my right hand and raise it high into the air, getting close enough to you then whipping my palm down across your ass-cheeks for a spank!
19:17 Natalia_Markova: Animated GIF - Find & Share on GIPHY
19:26 Jazmin: as i get up to the ropes putting my hands on the middle rope i feel my ass get SMACKED as it jiggles up and down and my face turns red.... and im just pissed off at this point! i quickly raise up to my feet and spin around reaching my first back and i try to swing my right arm to attempt to punch you in the face as hard as i can!
19:28 Natalia_Markova: I was perplexed trying to decide between a wrestling move, or just giving you a spank for you to remember.. But I needed to humiliate you the way you did to me, and how could I resist an ass like that.. The sound of your skin cracking against my hand echoing inside the arena, riling you up in rage.. Before I can capitalize, you quickly arch up and spin, swinging a jab right into my face out of nowhere.. "OOGH" I yell, stumbling back with my arm over my face..
19:34 Jazmin: as i hit you in the face seeing you stumble back im just pissed off! I want to make you feel pain! as i squat forward then just rush into you dipping my shoulder down to your ribs as i scream out raising my arms out sideways as i try to send my shoulder into your gut as i go for a huge spear!
19:34 Jazmin: Animated GIF - Find & Share on GIPHY
19:35 Natalia_Markova: A little off-balance in my feet, my jaw a bit battered as I look across the ring and notice you flying towards me.. My eyes wide, unable to throw myself out of the way before you come and ram your shoulders into my ribs, sweeping me off the mats as I go crashing down into the canvas with you on top.. "OOUUGGHHH"
19:42 Jazmin: as I land on you i bounce up and down and straddle you placing my ass down on your stomach as i lean up shaking my head to get my hair out of my face as i reach down grabbing your blonde hair and raise my fist up as i try to land punch after punch trying to slam my first into your jaw as much as i can as im still heated up from you trying to embarrass me!
19:42 Jazmin: Animated GIF - Find & Share on GIPHY
19:46 Natalia_Markova: In total shock as I stare up at you, shaking my head before you start sending a rain of punches down into my face.. Grounding and pounding me into the canvas out of sheer anger, my make-up getting destroyed as you bust my face in.. "AOUGH.. AAUGGH" I yell out, trying to reach up and claw your face to peel you back..
19:56 Jazmin: as you claw me face i scream out and take my hands up rubbing my eyes as i sit on your stomach "YOU BITCH!!!!!" i shake my head side to side trying to clear my vision as i bounce up and down on your body
20:00 Natalia_Markova: "FUCK YOU!!!" The punches finally come to a stop as my claw paralyze you for a second. Your weight still pressed down on my stomach as I attempt to kick my thick legs up and slam them into your back, hoping I can send you rolling forward off me so I can get back into a more advantageous position..
20:04 Jazmin: as im wiping my eyes i get kicked in the back as i yelp and roll forward off you in a complete forward roll as i blink my eyes and reach up for the ropes slowly pulling myself up to my feet with my eyes super red from your DIRTY ASS TACTICS "REF WTF... THIS BITCH IS CHEATING!!!!!!!"
20:08 Natalia_Markova: I roll over and dig my hands into the mat to pull myself up to my feet. Your eyes bloodshot, seeing them water as you tantrum at the referee.. I growl, kicking the mat with my feet before charging myself up to come running towards you. Bent over trying to ram my shoulders into your gut and tackle you against the corner turnbuckles..
20:11 Jazmin: as im arguing with the ref i hear you running and turn my head seeing you crouch down as i hop into the air doing the splits as i slap both my hands down smacking onto your ass giving you an extra push as i hope you ram yourself into the corner as i barely escape from getting slammed into with your shoulder.
20:14 Natalia_Markova: Coming in FAST, but you were nimble.. Jumping up into a splits as I run right under you.. No control in my feet as I had put a little too much power in that tackle.. I run right into the corner, slamming my knees and lower gut into the pads as my upper body bends and dangles down over the ropes and out the ring.. "OOOGHH.."
20:30 Jazmin: as you crash into the corner i look back with a smirk as i strut my hips as my wedgied ass jiggles side to side as i crouch down and raise myself up between your legs getting them on my shoulders and i slap my hands down on your thighs trying to shake you around on my shoulders as i attempt to send you forward trying to slam you down in a powerbomb from the corner
20:30 Jazmin: Animated GIF - Find & Share on GIPHY
20:39 Natalia_Markova: Dazed after that little mishap.. You pop up from between my legs, lifting me up to sit over your shoulders.. Holding onto your head for balance as I scream in fear.. "AAHH NOOOO! Without any mercy, you whip me down, shattering my back into the canvas with a massive powerbomb..
20:52 Jazmin: as i slam you down on the mats i press your legs up and over your shoulders as i look out to the crowd sticking my tongue out and shaking my head up and down as i press my hips into your folded up ass as i fold you up like laundry onto the mat "count this loser out!!" as i hear the ref come over and slap the mat 1!!!!!!
20:53 Jazmin:
20:55 Natalia_Markova: My legs go up, folding them down until my ankles meet my ears.. Ass up as you push your hips down on top and lock in an embarassing pin. The ref slides over, slapping the mat as he starts counting me out. Squirming under you, struggling to breathe as I try and re-catch my composure. "2!" He yells, getting desperate as I try and kick up, pushing my body to try and tumble us both over to the right to break the pin.
21:01 Jazmin: as i hear the 2 i smirk super confident i beat this lil weak ass brat!! but then your kick up and out sending us tumbling and i get up to my knees FURIOUS as i look over at the ref as i raise 2 fingers "A 2!!!! WTF.... THIS BITCH WAS DONE!!!!!!!!" as i scream out and ball my fist up with so much anger wanting to slap tf out of the slow counting ref but i try to calm myself
21:01 Jazmin: Animated GIF - Find & Share on GIPHY
21:02 Natalia_Markova: I manage to break the pin and roll away, scrambling as i try and give myself some distance from your fury. Crawling towards the corner ropes and grabbing on trying to pull myself up to my feet.. Huffing and puffing for some air to try and recover after almost losing the match..
21:07 Jazmin: gets to my feet as i look over at you...this bitch is supposed to me knocked the fuck out and i wont stop until she is!!!! as i take a step back and turn to my side as i jump into you leaning with my foot up aimed towards your jaw as i try to slam a superkick into your mouth as fast and as hard as i can send it!
21:07 Jazmin: Animated GIF - Find & Share on GIPHY
21:11 Natalia_Markova: "B-bitch.." Desperate to get onto my feet but you weren't wasting any time.. Nearly up when you suddenly lunge forward and swing a kick right into my jaw for a superkick.. I reach up and try to catch your leg mid-air, gripping that tree trunk tight and slowly pulling it up towards the ceiling, forcing you split open more and more.. Aiming to throw your leg forward and drop you into a painful splits on the canvas..
21:13 Natalia_Markova: Animated GIF - Find & Share on GIPHY
21:16 Jazmin: as i go for the kick you catch my foot as i hop up and down my ass jiggling around with each hop and you press my flexible leg up in the air but then throw it as i fall down onto the mat in a split as my eyes get wide as i scream out and fall to my side as slap the mat in pain and start to roll over to my belly
21:19 Natalia_Markova: I stay on the prowl, running over towards you and positioning hear your head as you roll onto your stomach.. I reach down, trying to grab at your head and viciously pulling you up to your feet but keeping you bent over enough for me to stick your face between my thighs. Aiming to snag your arms and hook them towards your back..
21:24 Jazmin: i get yanked up as i squeal out as you yank me between your thighs as i wiggle around trying to press on your thighs but you grab my arms lifting them up as i jerk them around in your grip as i bounce up and down but trapped in your grip mumbling between your thighs as i shake my hips side to side my booty jiggles and jiggles
21:26 Jazmin: Animated GIF - Find & Share on GIPHY
21:28 Natalia_Markova: "Ready for a little make-over, BITCH?" Managing to lock you inside my standing head-scissor, keeping your arms back while your face and chest dangle below. Your fat ass out on display before I grunt and channel the energy needed to hoist you up.. Shooting your legs up high as I keep your arms chicken-winged, holding you like a plank before smashing you down face and tits first into the canvas with an Implant Buster.
21:32 Jazmin: kicking my legs in the air as i scream out with my arms trapped "NO NO NO NO" as all i see is my face going forward like im in a roller coaster i can't control as my face SLAMS into the the canvas and i bounce up in the air rolling onto my back with my legs and arms spread out motionless with my chest heaving up and down
21:32 Jazmin: Wrestling GIF - Find & Share on GIPHY
21:40 Natalia_Markova: The whole arena shaking as I bust your body into the canvas.. I decide to take my chances while you're still in shock, noticing your body barely able to move. I drop down, facing your legs and squatting over you before taking a hard seat on your face. Reaching to hook your legs up into the air and calling the ref over.. "COUNT!"
21:40 Natalia_Markova: Animated GIF - Find & Share on GIPHY
21:47 Jazmin: my legs get lifted high up in the air as your ass rubs in my face as a light groan escapes my lips as the ref slaps the mat 1!!! as my hair flops up and down against the canvas as my fingers lightly twitch as my legs barely twitch while being held up in your grip
21:50 Natalia_Markova: I grit my teeth, a scary little smile on my face as I tow your legs back even further.. Listening to the beautiful slaps of the mat as you get counted out.. Twitching and spasming beneath me and my round butt.. "2!!!" He yells.. "YESSS!!"
21:53 Jazmin: as the 2 count smacks the mat i blink my eyes... wtf.... i open my mouth and take a big bite of your ass cheek as i send my legs up with all my strength kicking my legs out of your grip trying to get your dumbass off of me!
21:55 Natalia_Markova: My eyes wide, a squeal escaping my lips as I hop up off of your face just before the count of 3.. "AAAIIIIEEEEE!" I jump up, trying to pull myself off of you and rip those jaws from my butt cheek.. "OOOWWWW!?!" Shocked and confused, rubbing my ass as I stand up over you.. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?! REF, SHE BIT ME!?!" I yell, enraged as you imprint a bite mark over my booty.
21:59 Jazmin: still dazed like fuck as you finally get off me as i take some big deep breath's in as i try my best to sit up as im in total recovery move as i groan out putting my hands on my head and i keep blinking trying my best to clear these damn cobwebs from that huge move then i reach my arms out trying to find the ropes as my head is cloudy as fuck
22:10 Natalia_Markova: Growling after that cheap pin break.. A bite out of my ass wasn't something I was expecting, and I surely wasn't going to let it slide without punishment.. I stomp towards you as you scramble to the ropes, trying to pick yourself up but clearly a bit dazed. I reach for your arm, trying to pull you up before whipping you back-first into the corner with FORCE.
22:12 Jazmin: "whaaaa" still confused and trying to get back into it but i get thrown wobbling around as i get thrown and my back SLAMS into the corner as i pop up and fall straight down to my ass as my head falls backwards landing on the bottom turnbuckle as i grown my eyes still rolling in my head as i wince with my arms dangling over the bottom ropes
22:16 Natalia_Markova: You slam into the corner, so hazed that you slip from your feet and crash right onto your ass.. Laid back against that pad, clearly desperate at this point as I come up with an idea.. I step to the front of you, growling.. "You want a piece of this ass so bad.. TAKE IT!" I quickly spin around and thrust my hips back into your face, looking to smash my butt against your head and rub it in for a smothering stinkface between my huge cheeks. "BITE ON THAT, BITCH!"
22:16 Natalia_Markova: Animated GIF - Find & Share on GIPHY
22:18 Jazmin: as i groan, already had enough of your nasty disgusting ass as you turn your back i raise my boots up and slam them both forward trying to kick you in the ass as hard as i can before you get close enough to put that NASTY ASS near my face again
22:20 Natalia_Markova: Nearly close enough to get my round cheeks in your face before you send both of your legs to kick right up into my ass. "OOW!" I yelp, hopping up into the air and stumbling forward with my hands holding onto my butt.. "YOU LITTLE...~"
22:26 Jazmin: as you stumble forward i reach up for the middle ropes and use it to pull myself back up to my feet quickly as i rush forward knowing i gotta get back into this as i latch my hand onto each of your shoulders from behind and i try to jump up and fall backwards with my knees pressed against your back as i go for a backstabber
22:26 Jazmin: Animated GIF - Find & Share on GIPHY
22:28 Natalia_Markova: Stumbling away from you, I couldn't pay attention to what was coming next.. Your hands suddenly grip my shoulders from behind, your weight pulling me back as I come down and crack my spine against your knees.. "AAAUGHH!" I yelp, eyes clenched in pain as I bounce off your legs and roll over in pain.. "Oouuggghh...."
22:28 Natalia_Markova:
22:30 Jazmin: sits up as i get to my feet and walks over licking my hand as i SMACKKKKK your ass and grab you by your hair and trunks making sureeeee i give ya a fat ass wedgie as i try to yank you over trying to drag your weak ass over to the corner of the ring to the turnbuckles for some funnnn!!!
22:32 Natalia_Markova: My skin cracks as you send a wet spank over my ass. Making me wake right back up as I squeal.. Your hand tugging on my blonde locks and golden body-suit, pulling me over towards the corner of the ring with my gear riding right up my butt and sawing me in half. As we get close, I attempt to grab you left ankle and pull, hoping to sweep you and force you to fall forward into the corner buckles..
22:35 Jazmin: as we get close to the turnbuckle i smile, ready to give you back some punishment but you trip me and my face slams forward into the turnbuckle as i drop my grip from you and stumble backwards holding my hand on my head feeling a little dizzy again... this fucking bitch and these head shots!!!
22:41 Natalia_Markova: I manage to reverse, stopping whatever devious little plans you had for me as you stumble away.. Waiting until you were a bit closer to the corner, before I spring up to my feet and come rushing towards you. Fueled off of my boiling blood and adrenaline as I get close and swing my leg up high trying to super-kick you right in the face for a stun!
22:53 Jazmin: dazed on my feet as i wobble around holding my head a super kick hits me right in the mouth as my arms flail and my eyes turn cross eyes as some drool flows off my lips and i back up against the ropes not even knowing where i am as my arms drop slapping against my thighs on jello legs with my back falling back being held up by the ropes not even able to move at this point
22:53 Jazmin: Animated GIF - Find & Share on GIPHY
22:55 Natalia_Markova: "YOU'RE FINISHED!" My kick lands! Crushing your mouth as your muscles turn to mush, stumbling towards the corner with little control of your body. Looking like you were ready to collapse at any moment, and I was ready to assist! I rush towards you, reaching for your head and pulling you in.. I leap up, attempting to fall to my ass with my legs, whipping your face down into the canvas for a massive Face-Buster!
22:58 Natalia_Markova: Animated GIF - Find & Share on GIPHY
23:02 Jazmin: im basically just a zombie on my feet my body trying to fight but nobody really at home as you rush over grabbing my head as i turn and my face SLAMS down kissing the canvas as my body pops up into the air flopping over to my back spread eagle with my arms and legs spread wide knocked the fuck out as i go completely limp with my mouth wide open with my tongue hanging out and my eyes rolled back completely white in the center of the ring
23:02 Jazmin: Animated GIF - Find & Share on GIPHY
23:04 Natalia_Markova: The audience riled up, standing to their feet and screaming.. My body exhausted, and in a panic I quickly crawl over top of you.. Quickly trying to straddle your face again, letting my fat rear cushions comfortably sit over your nose as I reach for one leg and hook it up into the air.. "COUNT IT.. PLEASE!!" I scream out..
23:04 Natalia_Markova: Animated GIF - Find & Share on GIPHY
23:16 Jazmin: my legs lifted up high in the air as you sit on my face as my lips drool on your ass cheek as my motionless body just lay there destroyed under you with my mind out on pluto somewhere as the ref comes over slapping the mat 1!!!!! 2!!!!!! but there is no response from my lifeless body as its smooshed down against the canvas under yours
23:16 Jazmin: Animated GIF - Find & Share on GIPHY
23:18 Natalia_Markova: The ref hitting the mat, your body not resisting at all.. Those head-shots taking a toll as you were basically limp inside my pin. Keeping that leg up and my booty smushed up on your face.. The ref finally yells.. "3!!!!" Waving his arm to signal the bell.. 'DING DING DING' The crowd going wild, finally tasting the sweet relief of victory as the ref comes over and reaches down to take my hand. Helping me up and showing me off as I scream in my victory.. Posing over the previous OPCW champion as she drools under my feet. Walking over towards the ropes, bending a knee over and giving the crowd a wink before making my exit.
23:19 Natalia_Markova: Animated GIF - Find & Share on GIPHY
23:20 Natalia_Markova: (end or yt)
23:23 Jazmin: my leg drops and my thighs jiggle hitting the mat as the bell rings and im completely motionless in the ring as you walk out of the ring and leave me spread eagle and unconscious in the center of the ring with a puddle of my own drool next to my lips as the lights in the arena dim as all the fans exit the arena leaving me all by myself in the center of the ring destroyed
23:23 Jazmin: Animated GIF - Find & Share on GIPHY
23:24 Jazmin: end

Published: 2024-07-15, viewed 93 times.




2024-07-18 10:30

this was all luck!


2024-07-21 06:20

(In reply to this)

luck or not, this title should stop being exchanged between little girls


2024-07-18 10:27

great match ladies


2024-07-16 04:52

Damn, when Jazmin beat me in our title match I thought no one can beat this little dynamite. But looks like Natalia did something this 6ft muscular amazon couldn't do. Congratz to the new champion. May be I am destined to get the belt from Natalia and not from Jazmin.


2024-07-15 19:51

Great match. Worthy of a title contest anywhere.

Anastasia the brawler

2024-07-15 08:44

Very hoooot match Ladies