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Summer Party : OPCW Euro Title - Moon (c) v Sigrid


Sigrid: The music starts into the guitar wail of my entrance music as the front of the entry stage explodes into pink lasers and multiple glitter cannons blast into the air. As the pink sparkly material floats down over the crowd, I step out through the curtain, waving and blowing kisses to everyone in the arena as I make my way down the aisle. I'm undefeated in the OPCW this year, with only one exception, the same woman I'm facing tonight, and tonight it's for the European Title that I held just over a year ago. My 5'7", 132 pound frame is dressed for tonight's match in a yellow bikini and ankle boots, I let my curves and body be on display as I slip into the ring. I move to my corner and lean back, keeping a determined look on my face as I await my opponent's entrance.
Moon_Love: The moment arrives for the champion's entrance. For my first defense of the OPCW European title I thought of a new look. The speakers play Shivaree's song Goodnight Moon and I appear on stage in a beam of purple lights. I'm wearing denim overalls and have the new champion belt on my shoulder. I walk to the ring and greet the audience. I high five my fans and take a few selfies. I notice that you are in the ring and I am in no hurry, I want to enjoy my first entrance with the belt. I arrive near the ring and jump across the steel steps, stop on the ring apron and then raise the belt over my head to show it to the audience. After a few seconds I enter the ring passing between the ropes, kiss the belt and give it to the referee "See you later, sweetie" I whisper to the belt. Then I go to my corner while the referee announces that the next match is a one fall for the OPCW European title
Sigrid: I watch your entrance and shake my head a little bit as you come into the ring, my eyes lingering over the title that I want back for a few moments before they return to you with a ittle bit of a nod. "What are you trying to be? the hillbilly champion?" I give a little bit of a laugh as I wait for the referee to finish the announcements and start the match. When he finally signals for the bell to ring, I step out of my corner and start heading towards the center of the ring. "I hope you've kept that belt polished up for me."
Moon_Love: I listen to your words and smile "Exactly, you understood correctly. Tonight I have to take my cow to the meadow!". I smile and the audience enjoys our trash talking. I hear the bell "Oh, this should be yours!". I stand on my guard and advance towards the center of the ring, ready to fight
Sigrid: Head still shaking, I laugh, "Oh everything will be mine, and.. your cow? Wouldn't that just be yourself?" I duck down and move in fast, trying to dash and reaching for your forward leg, trying to snatch it up and attempting to drive forward to trip you down.
Moon_Love: You move towards me and try to grab my leg. But I can manage to avoid your attempt to hold it. Step backwards and smirk at you. "Oh no way, babe!". Then I aim a hook kick with my right leg and try to hit your cheek with the top of my foot
Sigrid: My hands wrap around your thigh, trying to take the back of your knee and lift it up when yo step/hop backwards and yank your leg out of my hands. I move to try to follow up when the recently released leg doesn't return to the mat, but instead keeps swinging higher and catching me across the cheek with a kick that stumble be backwards, reeling and eyes blinking.
Moon_Love: As soon as you stumble back after my kick, i follow you. Rush towards you and duck to try and hit your stomach with a spear and shove you towards the corner
Sigrid: I stumble back and see you lowering your head to charge me. My backpedaling prevents the hard impact of a spear, but your shoulder pushes against me and forces me back further until I feel the turnbuckles against my back. "Unnf!" I reach over your back, grabbing at the back of your overalls to try to yank up to give you a wedgie and try to make you back away.
Moon_Love: Grab my dungarees and stand up. I suddenly raise my arms to hit yours with my forearms and force you to let go. If I can spread your arms and expose your chest I try to hit you with a forearm to the sternum
Sigrid: I pull and feel your shoulder coming out of my belly as you stand. I start to release the denim so that I can grab hold of you just as you sweep your arms up, knocking mine to the side and then I feel your forearm slamming between my breasts, thumping me back against the corner. "Oww!" I reach back and try to swing my own hand forward, aiming at your upper chest with a chop.
Moon_Love: After hitting you I notice your reaction. Move your arm to aim a chop at my chest. But I lower my head and let your arm pass over it. With one step I go behind you and try to hug you, with my hands on your abdomen. My breasts press on your back, I bend my legs, arch my back and try to throw you to the ground with a belly to back suplex
Sigrid: My swinging chop misses as you duck down and around and I'm thrown a little off balance from the miss, stumbling forward out of the corner. I feel you behind me, your arms around my waist and I try to turn again, only to be lifted up. My legs and arms flail as I'm raised up, and then crash down to teh canvas from the throw. "Ooooph!"
Moon_Love: When our bodies hit the mat I release my grip and then roll sideways. I stand up and take a deep breath. "Why do you insist on fighting me?"
Sigrid: I let out a groan, then take in a deep breath, trying to quickly recover from the slam as I push to my hands and knees, head shaking as I come back up to my feet. "Oh, don't get cocky bitch, I'm not out of this and I'm taking you down." I turn to face you, hands raising up into a fighting stance as I move back to close with you.
Moon_Love: I listen to you and smile, I observe you very carefully. When you get up I come towards you and pretend to try to grab your body, but then I aim at your abdomen to hit you with a heel kick
Sigrid: I move in, reaching out to you as you lean in for me and "Ooooph!" I double over forward, gasping as your foot flashes out to catch me in the belly to stagger me backwards.
Moon_Love: I hit you and you step back bent forward. I grab your head under my armpit, then put your arm behind my neck. Finally I grab your pshort with one hand and, bending your legs once again, I try to lift you with a vertical suplex, and then slam your back to the ground again
Moon_Love: Hikaru Shida Aew On Tnt GIF by All Elite Wrestling on TNT - Find & Share on GIPHY
Sigrid: Doubled over, I feel you yanking my head back towards you, your arm latching around it as your other hand grabbes the side of my bikini bottoms and lifts. "Aaahh!" The yellow thong stretches and digs into me as I'm lifted up and over, coming down with a crash to the mat. I bounce to the side, arching my back as I start to roll over.
Moon_Love: Your back still hits the mat after my vertical suplex. The thud that follows the impact is loud, I understand that the blow was hard. I immediately rotate, put my chest on your face and one leg on your abdomen to try a quick pin. I look at the referee and yell "Count!"
Sigrid: As I start to roll, I feel you grabbing and pulling me back down onto my back as your body lays across mine. "Mmmnff!" Heavy chest across my face and your leg on my body hold me under you as I hear the referee count ONE! And I twist, throwing an arm up, getting my shoulder off of the mat to stop to count.
Moon_Love: After the referee's ONE count you immediately manage to lift one shoulder off the ground and break the pin. It was probably too early to hope for victory. Not bad, it means I'll have to hit you even harder. I look at the referee with disappointment and then I grab your hair. I stand up and try to pull you up too
Sigrid: I gasp out after breaking the pin, then feel your fingers burying into my hair as you stand and my head is forced to follow. My hands reach up to try to grab your wrist as I'm hauled up off of the mat to my knees, and then up to my feet.
Moon_Love: As soon as you're standing I smile. I feel like I have the match under control. I don't let go of your hair even if you grab my wrists. I pull you down, spread my legs and fall on my ass to slam your face into the mat between my thighs
Sigrid: My hands are up, trying to pull your fingers out of my hair when I feel the hair grip yanking my head right back down as you fall. I let out a yelp of surprise and try to break the fall with my hands, only partially successfully as my forehead and tits still take the brunt of the impact.
Moon_Love: Your face hits the ground, but you manage to partially cushion the blow with your hands. But I believe the damage is caused. I'll throw myself on your back. I hook your neck with one arm to strangle you and with the other arm I grab your feet to try to lock you in an STF. We are in the center of the ring, this makes me confident. I press my breasts on your head and flex my muscles to bend you
Sigrid: My eyes water from the impact and a part of me realizes this is how you won the title last month, I make sure that my hands are pulled back so that you can't grab them and put me into that front headscissors, but then I feel your weight on my back, your arm wrapping around my head to pull it back, and my foot with your other arm, stretching my body around yours. "Aaaughffuck!"
Moon_Love: My bicep bulges under your throat and I use my other hand to pull your arm and strangle you. At the same time I have you pinned by one foot, I want to bend you over and strangle you. “Give up and you can go home instead of going to the hospital,” I say to put pressure on you and humiliate you at the same time
Sigrid: My leg trapped between your thighs, I can feel your bicep bulge as you pull back further, cranking me head back, stretching my upper torso off of the mat with the choking arch. My face turns red, hands scrambling at your arm as I desperately try to move it from my neck but I can feel myself starting to fade and the attempt begins to falter.
Moon_Love: I feel your energy fading and your reaction becoming weaker and weaker. After weakening you I want to finish you. "OK, if you don't want to give up I'll have to put you to sleep." I stand up and slam your face into the ground for a moment. Then I untie the knot of your bikini behind your back and finally I grab you by the hair, trying to pull you up, putting you in position for my finisher
Sigrid: As your arm releases my neck, I feel my body release like a bow with it's string cut, my upper body flops forward and my lungs instinctively fill with air. I start to try to move, but then my head bounces off the mat and I barely feel you removing my bikini from me. As fingers once more slide into my blonde hair, I am dragged, haued up, naked in front of you on unsteady legs, swaying slightly.
Moon_Love: As I pick you up I'll take off your bikini. You stand naked in front of me. The audience stands up, excited to see you without any clothes on. I am in control. I put one hand between your legs, on your pussy, another hand on your neck. I try to lift you up and rotate you into the tombstone piledriver position. If I succeed, I'll let myself fall sitting down, with my legs spread apart to hit your head on the ground
Sigrid: Barely on my feet at this point, I feel the world moving as I'm lifted up, everything seeming to turn upside down and my body is pressed to the front of your denim outfit. "Nuh... no... no.." my feet kick weakly above your head, my body squirming slightly before the drop and then everything goes black.
Moon_Love: Your head hits the mat, I smile with a sadistic grin. I'll let you fall onto your back. Then I step one leg over your body and sit on your chest. My knees are at your hips and my ass crushes your tits. The zipper on my dungarees came open while I was doing my latest fashion. I look at the referee, ask him to count
Sigrid: My naked body lies unconscious underneath you as you play to the crowd and the referee drops down to make a very academic three count, "ONE! TWO! THREE! The winner, and STILL OPCW European Champion... Moon Love!"
Moon_Love: I hear the referee counting and I accompany his "one two and three" by raising my fingers to the sky. When the bell rings I stand up and put my foot on your chest, right between your breasts. I wait for the referee to hand me the belt and then I get photographed in voctory pose on you

Published: 2024-07-15, viewed 49 times.




2024-07-16 04:08

I love Sigrid. What an athletic strong physique she has. I was rooting for her to win, But Moon did well. It must be hard for Sigrid to lose her gear in front of the audience. I can see what Moon did there. It's the best way to make a stronger opponent tap out give up quickly. My mom is European. Does that qualify me to challenge the European Title?


2024-07-15 19:47

Great match. Such a sexy pin for the big finish!