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OPCW Coffin Match!

20:01 Kelly-Awesome: ARRRRRGH!! My head snaps back from your kick, my blonde hair flying.. my legs start to buckle as I reach for the ropes to hold me up.. I look up, seeing you in front of me, smirking.. I growl, and try to push off, looking to Ram into you.
20:12 Night_Queen_Raevyn: I set my foot down as you reel backward and I raise my defense, widening my stance so that when you return from the ropes charge I will be ready. I see you barreling forward and lowering your shoulder so I attempt you sidestep slightly and wrap my arms around your midsection and hoist your body up, attempting to fall back and bring you down with a gutwrench suplex!
20:14 Kelly-Awesome: “Whaaaaat…” I bellow… My eyes open wide, as somehow you get me up, and fall backwards.. slamming me down hard on the mat.. the ring shakes, as I bounce up and down.. finally stopping.. I roll over on my side.. hair covering my face.. as I reach for my sore back, wincing from the pain.
20:25 Night_Queen_Raevyn: I push over to all fours and work my way up to my feet slowly as that evil smirk returns seeing you struggling to get back up and I can't help but feel the bloodlust surging through me! I reach down to entangle my long black talons in your hair and rip you up from the floor, reaching one arm between your thighs I try to hoist your body up onto my shoulders in a one shoulder lift carry with your hip on my chest...
20:28 Kelly-Awesome: Huh !! As you start to lift me.. I’m still hurting, and breathing hard.. but as you reach between my legs.. I push my body up. Now trying to flip you over my shoulder. Before you can lift me.
20:30 Night_Queen_Raevyn: Shocked that you have the wherewithal you manage to catch me while I am pulling you up and reverse the lift, pulling me from the mat and I slam to the mat behind you with a northern lights suplex! I try to scramble back to my feet and sucking in air as I try to rise quickly!
20:32 Kelly-Awesome: I’m exhausted, and, after lifted you up over me, I collapse backwards.. but landing my butt on your front.
20:35 Night_Queen_Raevyn: UGGGN! your fortuitous butt drop lands all your weight right on my chest and flattens me out on my back in some kind of slapstick turn of luck for you, your ass landing hard and pushing just a little bit more air out of me!
20:36 Kelly-Awesome: I can’t believe my soft landing, but I look down to see you under me.. and start bouncing up and down.. now enjoying the laughter coming from the crowd.
20:37 Night_Queen_Raevyn: UFF UFFF UFFF! I feel your ass smashing into me and in between bounces I try to buck up and vault you off me so I can start to get back up to my feet!
20:39 Kelly-Awesome: Whoooaaa!! My bouncing comes to a stop.. as I’m now sent somersaulting over your prime body.. flipping down onto my front.. spread out, and trying to catch my breath
20:41 Night_Queen_Raevyn: Surprised my buck had that much effect I stand up and immediately grab your hair and turn you over to your back, my other hand thrusting down with an open claw aimed directly into your face... digging my fingers in and trying to pull you up with your hair and face to your feet!
20:47 Kelly-Awesome: Noooooooo!!! I start to scream, as I feel your nails digging into my skin.. I stomp my feet in frustration.. and pain.. as I try to grab your talons, and pull them away.. before they can do any more damage..
20:49 Night_Queen_Raevyn: I get you back up to your feet and release your hair as you paw at my hand... I throw your corresponding arm back behind my neck. I slide my leg in behind yours and try to grab the side of your attire to pull you up and throw my body forward, trying to force you to the mat on your neck and head in a signature faceclaw chokeslam called the "Faceripper!"
20:49 Night_Queen_Raevyn:
20:53 Kelly-Awesome: ARRRRRRGH!! I’m up, but you still have my face.. I reach for your fingers again, but before I can loosen your hold.. I’m lifted up, and slammed down on my back.. the ring again shakes, as your nails dig in deeper, puncturing my skin,, and my body spasms from the pain.
20:58 Night_Queen_Raevyn: I stand over you and grab your hair once again to pull you up to your feet, hoping to pull you up onto my shoulders by throwing an arm in between your thighs and yanking you into position from the canvas! I put my hand under your hips and your chest and I try to lift your smaller frame high up above me!
21:00 Kelly-Awesome: “Oh crap.. “ I groan.. my face a mess.. as I’m lifted up. I know I’m in trouble, but all I can do is wiggle and shake my legs.. hoping to loosen your grip on me.
21:01 Night_Queen_Raevyn: You wriggle above me and I go with it, swinging your body out in the same direction so I can use your momentum to pop you up in the air long enough for me to wrap my arms around the back of your head and drop to the mat with a devastating cutter attempt!
21:05 Kelly-Awesome: I’m .. almost.. free!! But you hold firm, and again I’m slammed down.. getting really exhausted.. my body racked with pain from these vicious slams.. I slowly roll over.. and try to crawl on my elbows towards the ropes.. hoping to escape to catch my breath, and recover.
21:11 Night_Queen_Raevyn: I stalk behind you as you slither on the ground like the pathetic worm that you are, reaching down once again for your hair and pulling you up, only to transfer to your arm and twist it back so I can lock it into my armpit. I then step my leg over your midsection and lock in a brutal and humiliating variation on the ab stretch!
21:12 Night_Queen_Raevyn:
21:15 Kelly-Awesome: NOOOOOOOO !! I shriek.. as I’m being stretched out.. no longer able to get to the ropes.. I shake and wiggle, but have the hold locked in.. and I’m getting exhausted.. desperate, I use my free hand to reach up, seeing if I can reach your face.. and take your eyes.
21:17 Night_Queen_Raevyn: AIIII! I shriek as I have no way to defend myself and your hands meet my face and eyes unimpeded... I push you away and stumble back, clutching my face and unable to see!!
21:20 Kelly-Awesome: I collapse forward, finally free.. but a mess.. I try to stretch, and relieve my sore body.. as I end up by the ropes, using them to keep me upright.. I know you’re blinded now, but I just need a few seconds to catch my breath before continuing.
21:23 Night_Queen_Raevyn: I try to shake off the eye rake, rubbing at my eyes... my vision is still very blurry and I struggle to focus, only seeing blurry shapes but I raise my arms to defend myself
21:25 Kelly-Awesome: I grit my teeth, and see you still blinded.. this is my chance, and I push off from the ropes, and lunge at you.. aiming to spear you down on your back.
21:27 Night_Queen_Raevyn: I cant clearly make out whats coming and I am lifted off my feet and then smashed back first into the mat behind me with your shoulder burying into my solar plexus, rendering me without breath and gasping desperately
21:29 Kelly-Awesome: I got you, and land on top of you.. squashing you down on your back.. I grab your hair with one hand, and start punching your face with my free hand.. with whatever energy I have left.
21:34 Night_Queen_Raevyn: Laid out I take the hard shots to the face knocking my head back with every hit, dazed and since my vision is still not completely returned I eat quite a few more shots than usual
21:36 Kelly-Awesome: I have to stop cause my arm is like rubber.. I roll off of you now, but grab your arm.. digging my feet into your sides, as I yank your arm out.. into an arm bar..
21:38 Night_Queen_Raevyn: I can feel you tugging on my arm and I try to plant my feet if for nothing else to save my arm I try to flop my body over so that you can't actually lock on the armbar, hoping to also lever my arm free
21:40 Kelly-Awesome: Grrrrrrr.. I can’t get enough leverage, and I’m too exhausted to keep yanking. I have to let you arm go, but I lunge at you while you’re on your back, and try to Ram my knee into your ribs.
21:44 Night_Queen_Raevyn: AGGGH I take the knee hard and wince, rolling to the side and trying to inch myself closer to the ropes so I can get back up to my feet
21:47 Kelly-Awesome: Damn!! Again you almost escape.. I’m running out of energy .. but I don’t wanna be in a coffin.. I release your arm, and roll away.. breathing hard.. pushing back my hair, as I wait for you to come off the ropes.
21:57 Night_Queen_Raevyn: I rise up with the ropes and my vision comes back to me, straightening up and moving toward the middle again, knowing you have taken far more damage than I have I keep my distance and gauge how you are carrying yourself
16:21 Kelly-Awesome: I see you up, so no more time to recover... I push off from the ropes, and begin circling.. hoping you're still having trouble seeing, as I move in closer and closer
16:21 Night_Queen_Raevyn: I stay in place, leaning against the ropes and focusing what little vision I can muster to use as much time as possible to recover as much as I can...
16:26 Kelly-Awesome: I know I can't let you recover your sight, so I start moving towards you, crouching down low, trying to get close enough to tackle you down on yur back
16:28 Night_Queen_Raevyn: As soon as you charge in I grip the middle rope and then I drop straight down to my back so that the ropes open up and your body is directed straight into the gap I created!
16:30 Kelly-Awesome: My eyes open wide, as I sense you were playing possum... I try to grab you.. or the ropes.. anything.. but soon I'm flying through the ropes outta the ring... I land awkwardly on the ring apron, huritng my shoulder, before falling all the way down on the dirty floor in a pile
16:31 Dutch: What is this? A new smarter Raevyn?
16:32 Night_Queen_Raevyn: I slide out of the ropes after you, my vision now starting to come back as I grab for the back of your head so I can grind your face in the dirt before I try to wrench you from the floor. I attempt to wrap my arm around the back of your neck and pull you into a front facelock, reaching down to hook your leg under the knee
16:34 Kelly-Awesome: Damn ! As I'm roughly pulled up, now covered in sweaty dirt, I'm pulled into you, before I can catch my breath.. and all I can do is start slapping and punching at your sides.. trying to free myself
16:35 Night_Queen_Raevyn: I clamp down the hold around your neck and then try to wince through the wild punches so that I can rest your shoulder on my shoulder and suspend you upside down before dropping to my ass and trying to twist you so your body comes down hard between my legs onto the harsh filthy floor
16:38 Kelly-Awesome: My punches seem to be having some impact, but you grab me even tighter, and somehow lift me up.. I'm upside down, my sweaty boobs almost out of my top.. I try to shake my legs, but you're too quick, and drop me hard, between your legs.. my head crashing into the dirty floor, and I crumple down, a mess, not moving at first... moaning from my sore head
16:39 Dutch: *wonders if this should be called a dirty move* Nice one though!
16:42 Night_Queen_Raevyn: Feeling your body impact between my legs I stand up and once again rip you from the floor by your hair, dragging you over to the coffin and then whipping you back first into it by your hair!
16:42 Kelly-Awesome: I
16:43 Kelly-Awesome: I'm almost like a rag doll now.. staggering after you as you pullll me by my dirty blonde hair now... At first I don't see the coffin, but when we get close, I react.. but it's too late, and I'm slammed down back first inside of it...
16:45 Night_Queen_Raevyn: I'm not done yet as I tear you back out by your hair and I hold on tightly so that I can shove your head between my thighs "This is the end for you!" I hiss as I try to wrap my arms around your midsection so I can start to hoist you up!
16:47 Kelly-Awesome: "NOOOOOOOO ! ! " I cry, as I'm lifted upside down again, my hair and boobs falling... I shake and wiggle my legs, desperate to get you to loosen your hold, before any more damage is done
16:48 Night_Queen_Raevyn: You squirm and beg but I have no mercy and I attempt to hoist your body up flipping you around so you are sitting on my chest and inching closer to the open casket aiming to powerbomb you hard to the inside of it!
16:49 Kelly-Awesome: "No... NO... NOOOOOO ! ! " I bellow, as I can't get freeee... Again you lift me , this time on your shoulders.. I have no strength left, but I try to use whatever power I have left to punch you in your head.. hoping its enough to get freeee
16:51 Night_Queen_Raevyn: One of your punches connects and I am staggered but all I really have to do is fall forward to escape so I let my body drift naturally, allowing your weight to serve as the impact! All I have to do is hold on and hope you land inside the coffin!
16:54 Kelly-Awesome: I know I connected.. but its too little too late, and I'm dropped now into the coffin... my arms and lets hanging out side, but the rest of me deep into the box
16:55 Night_Queen_Raevyn: I try to slam down an elbow into your chest as you are in the coffin and hopefully that has enough impact to last so I can push all of your limbs back in and start to close it....
16:56 Kelly-Awesome: "Nooooooooo ! ! ! ! " I yell, but the top of the coffin is now closing... and I'm unable to escape...
16:56 Dutch: *Stands up looking... is this really going to happen... Raevyn winning?*
16:57 Night_Queen_Raevyn: I slam the door down with both hands and the bell rings out "AND YOUR WINNER BY COFFIN FINISH.... THE NIGHT QUEEN RAEEEEVYN!!!" and I pull myself on top of the coffin screaming out with my arms open in my victory!
16:58 Night_Queen_Raevyn: (everyone give it up for Kelly though, what a match!!)
16:59 EVILLUKE: Congratulations Queen Raevyn
16:59 Dutch: *applauds for both* nice match ladies!
16:59 Kelly-Awesome: (Hey ! ! Let Me OUTTTTTT ! ! " )
17:00 Night_Queen_Raevyn: *steps off the coffin* oh yeah... oops

Published: 2024-07-16, viewed 64 times.
