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OPCW Summer Party: Ladies' Championship - Amazing Andrea (c) vs. Sheena Bathory

15:51 Sheena_Bathory: I wait patiently behind the curtain as the match before ours finishes up. I take deep breaths and start stretching as I prepare for my title match. The lights dim as my music hits

15:51 Sheena_Bathory:

15:54 Sheena_Bathory: The crowd goes silent as I force myself through the curtains. My powerful presence is well and truly felt throughout the arena as I confidently march my way down to the ring wearing my gold print one piece suit. My only focus is on the ring. I step up onto the apron and step through the ropes as I walk to the opposite end of the ring. I look out to the crowd and flex my biceps, showing the strength I posses as I look to claim wait is rightfully mine. Still yet to be defeated in my wrestling career I fear no one

15:54 Sheena_Bathory:

06:14 Amazing_Andrea: The lights come back up after a few moments and my music starts to play, and I make my way out onto the stage, wearing my two piece pro attire in pink and silver, with the title belt over my shoulder.

06:14 Amazing_Andrea: ERROR|3

06:14 Amazing_Andrea:

06:16 Amazing_Andrea: I pause to pose at the top of the ramp before making my way down the aisle, holding a hand out to a few of the fans along the barricade, before using the stairs to get up on the apron. I step to the middle of the ropes and pose again before ducking under the top rope, smiling a little as I see you across from me. My music fades as the announcer and referee join us in the ring.

16:55 Sheena_Bathory: I lean in my corner as I watch you make your way down the ramp. My eyes can’t leave the title belt. Then as the ref and announcer join the ring, the spotlights focus purely on the ring.

16:56 Sheena_Bathory: The announcer grabs the microphone “The following contest is scheduled for one fall…and is for the OPCW LADIEEEEES CHAMPIONSHIP!!” The crowd erupt as the referee holds the title above their head as I look up at it

16:58 Sheena_Bathory: “Introducing first, standing in the corner to my left, the challenger, fighting out of Budapest, Hungary…she is the Hungariaaaaan Hurricane! SHEENAAA BATHORYYYYYYY!!!” I am met with some boos as I hit another double bicep pose

16:59 Sheena_Bathory:

09:51 Amazing_Andrea: After the crowd noise dies down a bit, the announcer continues. "And her opponent, from Reading, Pennsylvania... Standing 5'9" and weighing in at 165 pounds. The Blonde Explosion... She is the OPCW Ladies' Champion... AMAZING ANDREA!"

09:53 Amazing_Andrea: I step out from the corner and pose with my hands on my hips, before waving and taking in the cheers. Then I look back at you, then at the referee holding my belt.

16:40 Sheena_Bathory: I sneer as you pose and play to the crowd. I too look back at the belt though, manifesting it around me waist. DING DING DING. The bell rings loudly throughout the arena and the match is underway. Wanting to show no fear of the so called “champion” I move quickly out of my corner and look to waste no time as I throw myself towards you for a lock up

16:42 Amazing_Andrea: I see you moving in quickly and I respond in kind, bringing both arms up and locking up with you collar and elbow, my right hand gripping the back of your neck and my left hand gripping your right elbow as you reciprocate. We grapple in the middle of the ring, both looking for an early advantage.

16:43 Sheena_Bathory: We lock up and press against each other. I plant my right foot down into the mat and try to use my leg power to start to drive you towards your corner. Gritting my teeth as I want to get the upper hand early

16:46 Amazing_Andrea: We push and shove hard against each other, our breasts pressing together as you start really pushing hard. I was able to gain a little ground early but suddenly you turn the tide and I'm being shoved back against the turnbuckles, surprised at your strength. I've overpowered girls bigger than me before but you managed to corner me fairly quickly.

16:50 Sheena_Bathory: My legs pump and drive into the canvas as I take you back to your corner. I hold you there for a moment “you’re finally facing a real woman CHAMP” I say in a mocking tone. I let go and drop to one knee and try to drive my shoulder into your belly

16:51 Amazing_Andrea: I glare at you as you try to show me up, rearing back to retaliate. But you drive your shoulder into my belly and my air rushes out in a big "OOOOOOOF!"

16:53 Sheena_Bathory: I feel the air leave your body as your belly folds over my shoulder. I hold my shoulder there for a moment, letting it dig into you. I grab the middle ropes lean back and go for it again

16:56 Amazing_Andrea: I try to get my air back as you pull back. I try to move out of the corner but your shoulder slams in again hard and I fold over you, groaning in pain.

16:57 Sheena_Bathory: I let out an evil laugh as I hear you groaning in pain. Holding my shoulder there again for a moment before I get back to my feet

16:59 Amazing_Andrea: You stand back up and I sneer at you, looking defiant as I try to bring my hand back and give you a hard slap right across the face, staring you in the face the entire time, really wanting to see if I can get in your head.

17:00 Sheena_Bathory: As I look at you in the corner you quickly send a hard slap across my cheek. The crowd all go “ooooooooooooh” collectively. I keep my head turned to the side as I feel my cheek, letting out a little pity laugh before I quickly swing my arm and try to return an even hard slap

17:02 Amazing_Andrea: You return the slap and put a good amount of force behind it. My head snaps to the side as the crowd repeats the low "oooooooooooh." But after the slap, I turn to face you and, trying to beat you to the punch, attempt a hard front kick aimed at your belly, trying to stun you.

17:04 Sheena_Bathory: My hard slap connect as I grin, thinking I’ve won the battle. I don’t expect you to kick me right in my abs though. Not being able to brace though it knocks the wind out of me as I stumble back slightly bent over, holding my abs as I try to get my breath back

17:07 Amazing_Andrea: You bend over and immediately start backpedaling, but I follow, wanting to show that you're not the only one with some power. I pull you in and apply a front facelock, before attempting to lift you up for a vertical suplex, turning as I lift so I can bring you down right in the middle of the ring.

17:09 Sheena_Bathory: You pull me into the front face lock. I feel you going for the suplex and shake my legs as you try to lift me. It works for a moment but you show great strength in hoisting me up on the second attempt and slamming me in the middle of the ring

17:14 Amazing_Andrea: The crowd cheers as you fight back, trying to prevent the suplex, but my determination wins out and I get you up before slamming you down hard to the mat. I roll off and get back up, playing to the crowd a little, before grabbing you by the hair and trying to pull you back up.

17:15 Sheena_Bathory: I arch my back and rub my hand on it after landing hard on the mat. Then I grab at your hands as you try to pull me back to my feet by my hair

17:18 Amazing_Andrea: The ref gives me a hard time about grabbing your hair, yelling at me to let go, but I only do once you're standing. I let go of the hair and grab you by the wrist, turning and trying to send you into the corner with an Irish Whip.

17:19 Sheena_Bathory: Even after you let go of my hair you act quickly and whip me towards the corner. I turn around at the last moment so my back slams into the turnbuckles. I lean into the corner

17:22 Amazing_Andrea: I smile as you go running off into the corner, giving me ample opportunity to charge right in after you. As you hit the turnbuckles I'm just a few feet away, running in, trying to slam my tits right into your face as I jump up for a body splash!

17:23 Sheena_Bathory: Against previous opponents I haven’t had this sort of pressure. So am caught off guard when I look up and see you soaring through the air. My head recoils back after your tits slam into it

17:24 Amazing_Andrea: There's a cheer from the crowd as I slam into you, shoving you back into the corner even further as I land in front of you. But I don't stay that way for long, as I grab your head and tuck it under my arm. Then I sprint a few steps out of the corner, trying to pull you with me, leaping and trying to execute a surprise running bulldog!

17:26 Sheena_Bathory: I’m not getting a moments rest as you quickly get a hold of my head. Dazed from your tits slamming into my face I’m forced to go with you as you slam me face first into the canvas! The ring shaking from the impact

17:29 Amazing_Andrea: I smile as my ass hits the mat, and I can feel you slamming down face and tits first. Happy with the damage I've done for the moment, I get up and pose for the crowd, blowing a kiss. But I know I need to do more damage so I turn to face you after that and start trying to stomp on your back!

17:30 Sheena_Bathory: I feel you get to your feet and think I can hear the crowd starting to whistle but I don’t know what’s going on as I’m face down. Then I feel your foot stomping onto my back. I grunt with each stomp trying to clutch at my back

17:32 Amazing_Andrea: I give your back a few good hard stomps, really wanting to wear you down and make it hard for you to fight back. If you can't lift me, all the better for me. Finally I grab you by the arm and start pulling you back up again, as I think about what I want to do next.

17:33 Sheena_Bathory: As you stop I grab at my back, but then feel you trying to pull me to my feet again. I try to be a dead weight to make it harder for you to get my to my feet

17:35 Amazing_Andrea: You make it difficult to pull you back up, so I let go and try to stomp on you a couple more times to teach you the value of compliance, then grab you and try again.

17:36 Sheena_Bathory: My idea works against me as it results in me receiving a couple of more stomps. I know I need to turn things around though and as I get to my feet go for a headbutt to your head

17:38 Amazing_Andrea: I'm feeling pretty dominant in the early part of this match, but just as I get you to your feet, I'm surprised by your headbutt and I'm seeing stars and my eyes water as my forehead and nose get mashed simultaneously. I let go of your arm and stumble back, trying to get the tears out of my eyes.

17:39 Sheena_Bathory: Finally some breathing space. The headbutt still dazes me as well so I retreat back to towards the ropes, using them to hold myself up and try and get a breather

17:40 Amazing_Andrea: I clear my eyes and see you holding onto the ropes, so I advance on you quickly. I grab your other wrist and attempt to pull you away from the ropes, my goal being to whip you to the other side to make you bounce back.

17:41 Sheena_Bathory: You get a hold of my wrist but as you try to whip me across the ring I hold tightly onto the middle rope with my other hand

17:44 Amazing_Andrea: You hang on to the rope, preventing the whip. Stymied for the moment, I keep hold of your arm, but I try to use the position you're in to drive a kick into your belly.

17:44 Sheena_Bathory: You seem to have an answer for everything as you drive a kick into me, making me fold over and lose my grip on the ropes

17:46 Amazing_Andrea: That's what I was hoping for as you let go of the ropes. I've still got your wrist, so I make the attempt again to whip you into the opposite ropes to make you bounce off and run back at me.

17:46 Sheena_Bathory: This time you whip me towards the ropes, which I bounce off and come back at you with speed

17:52 Amazing_Andrea: You've really got a head of steam going, and I lift up my right arm and rush at you, trying to slam my arm across your tits in a heavy clothesline!

17:53 Sheena_Bathory: As I see you coming at me with your arm out I telegraph the clothesline. I duck under it instinctively and run towards the ropes. I bounce off and come back at you. Hoping to hit you with a clotheslines of my own as you turn back around. Putting all my effort into it knowing it could turn the match

17:57 Amazing_Andrea: I miss the clothesline, but keep running, hitting the ropes and bouncing off myself. I'm running full speed, getting ready for another attack, but this time you're too quick, your arm comes up and slams into my chest, sending me sprawling to the mat, nearly flipping in midair as I land in a heap, groaning softly.

15:18 Sheena_Bathory: I throw so much force and effort into the clothesline that as I run through you I drop to my knees. I see you fall down to the canvas in a heap. I’m on my hands and knees, catching my breath for a moment before getting back to my feet and looking to take advantage

05:50 Amazing_Andrea: I groan loudly as I get absolutely leveled by that clothesline. I'm not sure if I've been hit that hard by a clothesline in my life. My chest heaves as I start trying to roll toward the ropes to pull myself up.

15:15 Sheena_Bathory: I get back to my feet and can see you struggling on the ropes. I march over to you looking to turn the tide of the match. Gritting my teeth I grab the waistband of your bottoms and try to pull and spin you towards me. Looking to wrap my arms around and go for a sort of belly to belly suplex. Although instead of spinning and slamming you I just toss you straight over me

06:26 Amazing_Andrea: I'm reaching for the ropes, trying to get my wits about me again, when suddenly I get hauled back up to my feet and spun around to face you. You wrap your arms around me, and I instinctively try to shove you away, but I'm a little bit too slow. You launch me skyward in the suplex and I flip awkwardly in the air before landing hard on my back once again. The ring rattles from the sheer force and there's an audible gasp.

16:06 Sheena_Bathory: Feeling all the adrenaline move through me I rush towards you as while you’re on your back. I grab you by your hair and pull you to your feet. I tuck you under my armpit, then twist us both around before trying to drop down to my ass and go for my signature neckbreaker

16:07 Sheena_Bathory:

17:20 Amazing_Andrea: I'm still trying to recover from the huge slam, kicking my foot in pain and frustration when my hair is grabbed and I'm dragged back up to my feet! I struggle to fight you off, trying to kick you in the knee to stop you from lifting me. But you don't lift me. Instead you twist me around and drop into the neckbreaker, sending me crashing back to the mat again, holding my head and neck in pain. I'm really vulnerable here, and the crowd's getting excited.

07:21 Sheena_Bathory: The feeling inside my is something I can’t explain. The adrenaline, the crowd, the title! I envision the ref raising my hand as I grab a tight handful of your hair and pull you to your feet, quickly turning you away from me to hoist you onto my shoulders in the rack attack position

07:28 Amazing_Andrea: I'm hissing in frustration as you grab my hair and pull me up again. This time I can't stop you from pulling me up into a fireman's carry position on your shoulders. I'm struggling and flailing and trying to escape, but I may be about to run out of luck. Suddenly, music starts to play and there's a voice over the arena speakers... "Oh Sheena..." in a creepy sing-song cadence...

07:34 Sheena_Bathory: The crowd erupt as you are bent backwards over my shoulders, your arms helplessly dangling down. This is it, I’m about to become champion!

07:35 Sheena_Bathory: But the lights suddenly dim slightly and a familiar song comes on over the PA. Then I hear an eerie voice call out my name. I spin around a couple of times with you still on my shoulders, trying to see where it could be coming from. “What the?” I mumble to myself

07:41 Amazing_Andrea: But there's no one at the top on the ramp, no one at ringside. Like the voice is just coming from nowhere. The lights and the music continue though as I make a desperate attempt to get out of the hold and land on my feet behind you, hoping to shove you into the ropes to get you tangled up.

07:44 Sheena_Bathory: The voice slowly fades away as the theme comes back and as you slip from my grasp. You shove me towards the ropes where I wrap my arms around the ropes to stop myself from going over. The main part of the theme hits and I recognise the voice. ITS SCARLETT BORDEAUX

07:47 Amazing_Andrea: The video board is playing Scarlett's entrance video but she's nowhere to be seen. I'm so confused but I can't look a gift horse in the mouth. I grab you and turn you around to face me. Trying to stun you, I aim a hard kick at your belly, hoping to double you over!

07:50 Sheena_Bathory: Just as I’ve figured it out, I don’t even have time to actually process what I just uncovered. You spin me around straight into a kick which makes me fold over and drop to one knee

07:54 Amazing_Andrea: I pull you up off of the one knee, back to your feet, bending you over. I look up just to make sure no one's coming as the music stops. I'm so disturbed at this point but I can't let it distract me as I attempt to hoist you up and over into a gutwrench suplex!

07:57 Amazing_Andrea:

08:01 Sheena_Bathory: You pull me back up to my feet but still control me in a bent over position. You display great power as you starting lifting me off the ground! My world seems to pause as I am upside down, looking out to the crowd, almost feeling the title slip away, all in a moment before I’m tossed behind you and slammed down onto my back. I slightly sit up holding my back and wincing

08:05 Amazing_Andrea: I pant as I deliver the suplex, the crowd noise ringing in my ears. I have no idea what happened earlier but I can't waste a moment! I grab your hair and pull you up with me again, bending you over. Using every last ounce of strength I have, I try to pull you up and invert you, your knees on my shoulders and my arms around your waist. I turn to face the middle of the ring and attempt to spike your head down onto the mat with the Amazing Driver!

08:05 Amazing_Andrea: Animated GIF - Find & Share on GIPHY

08:08 Sheena_Bathory: I moan as you control me by my hair and lift me up upside down. My head in between your thick thighs as you jolt me slightly to get me in position before spiking me down on my head. Everything goes black as I drop down lifelessly onto my back. My arms and legs spread out

08:09 Amazing_Andrea: I turn my body so that I can make a cover attempt, but I want to give it just a little extra after this long hard fight. I plant my hand across your face, holding it there to add just a little bit of humiliation.

08:19 Amazing_Andrea:

08:22 Sheena_Bathory: My lights are out as you pin me in this humiliating and dominant pin. I don’t even know you’re doing it. In the darkness though I can see the face of Scarlett Bordeaux

08:23 Amazing_Andrea: The referee comes in and looks us over and immediately starts the count... "ONE... TWO..." and there's a little bit of laughter over the speakers as the referee's hand comes down. "THREE!" The crowd explodes in cheers.

08:28 Sheena_Bathory: I’m held in that powerful pin position, not even looking like kicking out as the ref finishes the count. I can faintly hear the bell ring, still yet to open my eyes

08:31 Amazing_Andrea: I get up and raise my arms triumphantly as the announcer's voice rings out, my music playing... "The winner... AND STILL OPCW LADIES' CHAMPION... AMAZING ANDREA!" I accept the belt back from the referee, holding it up for the audience, knowing how badly this could have gone if not for the distraction. But in the end I'm still champ. I sigh as I look down at you on the mat.

Published: 2024-07-15, viewed 46 times.




2024-07-16 12:13

Love the finishing


2024-07-15 19:44

Fabulous pro style match. The finisher was so brutal and the f cover for the pinfall just rubbed it in real good!