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Triple Treat match for the OPCW World Title


Chris_Dickens: The speakers in the arena play my entrance song. I come in and scream like a beast. The crowd is howling at me, but I'm the challenger for the OPCW World Champion title and I don't care about the crowd's reaction. I'm wearing a black speedo, black boots and red knee pads. I go towards the ring, climb onto the apron and then enter passing between the second and third ropes. I stand in the center of the ring, facing the front door, raise my hands in the air and scream again. The announcer introduces me to "The challenger, 180cm and 75kg, from Staten Island, New York, he's the Beast, Chris Dickens"



Natalia_Markova: I wait for the crowd to settle, your music fading away.. The crowd now turns their heads towards the entrance, anxious and ready for what they ACTUALLY came to see. "AND NOW.. YOUR QUEEN OF THE RING.. THE REIGNING CHAMPION.. THE RUSSIAN CRUSH! NATALIA MARKOVA!!" The announcer screams, letting the Russian national anthem blast through the speakers as I suddenly strut down the ramp! Appearing for the crowd in my signature black and gold gear.. Heading down the ring as my body-suit tightly accents my perfect curves, dancing to the ring as I hop up the apron and enter the ropes..

Natalia_Markova: Animated GIF - Find & Share on GIPHY

Chris_Dickens: The audience accompanies your entrance with thunderous applause. Your entrance into the ring is a show, but I am not impressed and I want to do everything I can to win that belt. I smile, I'm already thinking about how to start the match. I look at the referee and wait for the bell to ring

Natalia_Markova: I smirk as I scan your body up and down, impressed by your stature but clearly too cocky for your own good. And that was the weakness I was hoping to get after. I take a few deep breaths, stepping towards the center of the ring and raising my arms, waiting patiently for that bell to ring and kick us off..

Chris_Dickens: The bell announces the start of the match. I watch you carefully and move forward with caution. I meet you in the center of the ring and reach out to grab you in an elbow and neck lock up.

Natalia_Markova: I keep my arms close, not wanting to take your test of strength as I step back and quickly shoot my leg up high, aimed between your arms and right into the center of your face! "HYAH!" Looking to take you by surprise..

Chris_Dickens: I reach out to grab you in a clinch, but you step back, escape, raise your leg and hit me in the face. My head snaps back. I stagger and end up with my back to the corner. I put my hands on the highest rope so as not to fall, I shake my head.

Natalia_Markova: My foot comes back down after slamming into your teeth, sending you staggering right back into the corner. I kick my feet, charging myself up like a bull before running across the ring to you, coming in fast before attempting to swing my leg up high again aimed right for your face to crush you into the corner!

Chris_Dickens: Run towards me, I notice that you want to attack me vehemently. As you are arriving, however, I try to anticipate you. I raise my right leg and try to hit you in the face with the sole of my boot, before your leg impacts my body.

Natalia_Markova: I run a little too fast for my own good, not expecting any retaliation as your meaty leg comes up and I run head first into your boot.. Knocking me senseless as I ring my neck and start to stumble back and twirl, totally dizzy and my knees start to buckle.. "OGGGH!"

Chris_Dickens: My defense works, my foot slams into your face and I watch you stagger. I take two quick steps forward and then lunge towards you to try to hit you in the neck with a clothesline

Chris_Dickens: Chris Dickinson Nwa GIF by United Wrestling Network - Find & Share on GIPHY

Natalia_Markova: A bit dazed and unsure of my surroundings, I couldn't help but stumble around in a total stun as you come swipe across the ring at lightning speed. Your muscled arm out, stiff as a plank as it slams straight into my collarbone.. My feet swept from the canvas as I whip down to the canvas, back-first.. "AAGGHH!" I yell out as I flop, making the ring shake as I land..

Chris_Dickens: My arm impacts forcefully on your neck. You fall to the ground hard, to the point that the ring shakes. I immediately understand that my move could have caused serious damage, so I try to make the most of this moment. I grab your thigh, hook it with my arm to pull it towards your chest. Then I pin you back and look at the referee waiting for him to start counting, hoping for a quick victory.

Natalia_Markova: You take my thigh and tug it down towards me chest, stretching me for a pin barely a minute into this match. I growl, squirming immediately as I kick up forcefully before the Ref can even count '1' Pushing you up and off of me as I roll away..

Chris_Dickens: When the referee counts one, you immediately manage to get out of the pin. I understand that it is actually too early. I grab your head and stand up, I'm not demoralized at all, I try to lift you up to get you up too.

Natalia_Markova: Your hands grip onto my head and you start to pull me up to my feet with you.. As I start to get my knees, I look up at you, angry as I grit my teeth and attempt to send a combo of fore-arms and punches straight into your abdomen to loosen you up.. "HYA! HYAAH!"

Chris_Dickens: You hit me with two blows to the abdomen. I snort and stop my action. You are on your knees in front of me. I growl and look at you, I tighten my grip. I can't stand you up, but I can hit you. I raise my right knee and aim it to your chest

Natalia_Markova: Growling under my breath as I punish your mid-section , giving me the opening I need as you step back and send a revenge knee right into my chest. I quickly reach up and catch your leg mid-air, just before it slams my chest and I quickly pull up. Lifting up and trying to hoist your body high into the air before letting myself fall backwards to drop you with a FlapJack flat on your face!

Natalia_Markova: Animated GIF - Find & Share on GIPHY

Chris_Dickens: You grab my knee and you easily lift me, while I'm unbalanced. My feet leave the ground and then my face and chest hit the mat. The ring shakes again. I crawl on the ground like a stunned crocodile towards the ropes to try to grab them and get up

Natalia_Markova: I quickly roll over and spring back up to my feet. Hitting what looked like a painful move on paper, but was saved by the cushion of your body as I smashed you.. I stay on the prowl from behind, lunging in close from the back as I try and swing a hard elbow straight into the back of your head!

Chris_Dickens: As I try to get up I feel a blow from behind. Your elbow hits the back of my neck. I remain on the ground shaken by the blow. It hurts a lot and I can't move easily

Natalia_Markova: I bash your neck in with my elbow, paralyzing you in place as I quickly bend down and open my arms for a hug. Coming in close, trying to wrap my arms around your waist and force you up to your feet as I take a few breaths and prepare to throw my body back in an arch and send you flying in a Suplex!

Chris_Dickens: You grab me from behind and drag me a couple of steps. I feel your breasts slap against my back, then my feet lift off the ground and I fly backwards. The back of my head and my shoulders hit the ground, I roll onto the floor and then end up with my shoulders on the mat and my arms wide, stunned by the sudden blow

Natalia_Markova: I roll down onto the canvas, landing on all fours and doggy crawling over towards your sprawled out body.. Straddling you quickly, trying to slide my butt up over your face as I spin around to face your legs and reach for them for the hook. Lifting those meaty legs high into the air while I let my butt smother your face for the pin!

Natalia_Markova: Animated GIF - Find & Share on GIPHY

Chris_Dickens: I'm shocked by your suplex. I'm lying on the ground. You sit on my face, your ass crushes my head, then you grab my leg and I hear the referee start counting. ONE... TWO... I gasp, grab your hair with one hand and pull it back. At the same time I rotate my torso slightly to lift one shoulder off the ground and break the pin

Natalia_Markova: Just barely getting the 3 count when suddenly a manly hand takes hold of my hair and yanks, tugging me back to break my grip on your legs before you twist and force me to tumble right off of you.. I roll away, disappointed as I slam a fist into the canvas and start to scramble back up to my feet. "Aggh.."

Chris_Dickens: I'm free, but it was very close. I used an irregular move, but that's fine if it helped get out of the pin. The audience screams boo. I roll to the opposite side of you, grab the ropes and slowly get to my feet

Natalia_Markova: I stand before you and watch as you reach for the ropes for some leverage and pull yourself to your feet. I kick my feet it into the canvas, charging myself up and waiting for you to fully stand before I run towards you and leap up high.. I throw my legs forward, aiming to smash the soles of my boots straight into your back with a massive dropkick into the ropes!

Chris_Dickens: I hear the sound of your footsteps approaching. You're aggressive and I know I can't give you time and space. I turn my head and, out of the corner of my eye, I see you try to hit me. I throw myself on the ground sideways, to roll on the mat along the ropes, to offer you only the air to hit

Natalia_Markova: I fly up and shoot my legs out hard and fast, but only smack the air as my body comes crashing down to the canvas.. Not landing as softly as I intended, I quickly try and shake off the pain and embarassment, then roll onto all fours and push back up to my feet to recover.. "Fuck...! "

Chris_Dickens: I stand up and see that you too, after falling to the ground, slowly get up again. I'm waiting for you and as soon as you turn towards me I'll try to hit you with a front kick to your abdomen, to prepare my next move

Chris_Dickens: Chris Dickinson GIF by United Wrestling Network - Find & Share on GIPHY

Natalia_Markova: "OOUGGH!" I gasp out, taking a hard kick right into my stomach as I stand up.. My guts exploding as the air in my lungs drain through my mouth and I immediately bend over to cradle my belly.. "aggghh.." My knees starting to buckle from the pain..


Chris_Dickens: You bend in front of me, you're sore after my kick. I bend my knees and pass an arm between your legs, I leverage your pelvis and lift you onto my shoulders. I scream because I know I'm about to pull off one of my best moves. Then I dive sideways to slam the back of your head and shoulders into the mat with a Chris Cross

Chris_Dickens: Pro Wrestling Nwa GIF by United Wrestling Network - Find & Share on GIPHY

Natalia_Markova: "NOO, DON'T!" I yelll out.. Your arm slams up between my legs as my feet fly up off the canvas.. Scooped right up onto your shoulders like a ragdoll before you suddenly dive to the side and let me drop, landing skull-first into the canvas.. The ring shakes as I land flat, spread out and spasming in pain.. "AGGGGHH!"


Chris_Dickens: You're on the ground, the ring is shaking. Now I feel very confident. I move on all fours to get on top of you. I grab your leg and pull it towards your chest to try to pin you


Natalia_Markova: I groan, struggling to breathe after that painful drop.. You drop down, pressing your weight over top of me and throwing my leg high into the air for the pin.. I grit my teeth, trying not to let your body smush me into the canvas as I try and raise my shoulder up just enough from the canvas to legally break the pin.. Needing the referee to notice.

Chris_Dickens: The referee counts, but before he can get to three you move your shoulder and lift it off the mat. I slam my hands on the ground "SHIT" I scream, disappointed. Then I grab your head and stand up to pull you up too.

Natalia_Markova: I manage to barely break the pin, still in a bit of shock after that last move.. You roll off and start to stand up, taking my head in your clutches as you do to force me up with you.. I wasn't exactly ready to stand yet, but I couldn't let you take over. I swing my right forearm into your gut, attempting to break free and hurt your guts..

Chris_Dickens: As I lift you up you elbow me in the stomach. You make me bend over. I feel pain, but not too much to stop my action. I'm leaning forward and taking advantage of the position to put my head under your armpit. Then I arch my back to lift you up and try to slam your back into the mat with a Northern Light Suplex Pin

Chris_Dickens: Chris Dickinson Nwa GIF by United Wrestling Network - Find & Share on GIPHY

Natalia_Markova: I slam my fist into your belly but it bounces off those rock hard abs, and before I can recover you send me flying up over your body, landing flat on my back as you slam me with a suplex pin.. Bridged, holding me down as I squirm and strain myself trying to twist and turn out to break the pin... "AGGH.. NOOO!!"

Chris_Dickens: You rotate again, lifting your shoulder off the mat before the referee can complete the three count. I have to let go, roll sideways and then go to the corner, stand up and take a deep breath. This match is really tough and despite my determination I haven't been able to pin you yet "You'll have to put that belt down, it'll be on my waist"


Natalia_Markova: I roll over and throw my body to stay rolling further and further away, needing to gain some distance from you and recollect myself.. Panting for air as I get to the ropes and grab on for a quick tug to get myself back up and ready.. "Aagh.. never, motherfucker." I whisper under my breath, turning my head to look at my championship belt for a bit of motivation before looking back at you.. "Come fucking get it.."

Chris_Dickens: "You'd better call me Nataliafucker" I move quickly towards you, this time I don't want to hit you. I get closer, approaching a hold and then I open my arms to grab you by the body and hold you tight in a bear hug

Chris_Dickens: Chris Dickinson Nwa GIF by United Wrestling Network - Find & Share on GIPHY

Natalia_Markova: Suddenly pulled in by your arms, I let my legs wrap around your waist as you crunch my back.. "AGGH.. NOO!" I quickly raise both arms and start to send a flurry of powerful punches down into the top of your head to daze you before you crush my back totally..

Natalia_Markova: Animated GIF - Find & Share on GIPHY

Chris_Dickens: I try to hold you but you start moving like a tarantula. You hit my shoulders and head with your fists, your tits hit my face. I can't hold you, you slip away, I lose my grip and I stagger backwards a few steps

Natalia_Markova: "MY TURN!!!" I roar out as I land back onto my feet.. I rush towards you, shooting at lightning speed as I jump up and reach for your face for a grab. I split my legs and fall to my ass, trying to pull and whip your head down face-first into the canvas for my signature Facebuster!

Natalia_Markova: Animated GIF - Find & Share on GIPHY

Chris_Dickens: You lunge at me, grab my head and pull it down. I can't resist, you're quick. I fall forward, my face hitting the mat. It seems like the whole arena revolves around me. I remain with my back on the ground and my arms wide

Natalia_Markova: The whole ring shakes, like an earthquake in the stadium as I crush your face into the canvas.. I take a second, watching your body sprawl out in front of me as I catch my breath.. Then roll forward and crawl towards you again, starting to straddle your body and letting my ass fall onto your face.. I reach for a leg again, lifting it up as I bounce my butt up and down your face for the pin..

Natalia_Markova: Facesit Pin GIF - Find & Share on GIPHY

Chris_Dickens: Once again you sit on my face. I'm dizzy and can't move under the weight of your butt. The referee counts relentlessly, but while he shouts two I move my legs to try to kick on your chest to move and stop the count just in time

Natalia_Markova: "STAY DOWN!" I yell out, trying to keep your leg up high and stop your fighting from below my butt.. You thrust your legs up, randomly kicking me in the chest at the very last second and forcing me to roll right off of you again. The weight in your moves making it hard to keep you inside.. "Aaggh COME ON!"

Chris_Dickens: Roll away from me, get your ass out of my face. I can finally breathe. I roll to the other side and get on all fours, shake my head and try to stand up. I'm still a little stunned "If you want to stick your ass in me at least change your underwear!" I say to mock you as I stand up


Natalia_Markova: I frown, looking disgusted at your comments as I stand to my feet. "Pig!" I yell, giving my butt a quick spank before running towards you with my arms up.. I approach but keep distance, waving you in towards me as bait. "Come on!"

Chris_Dickens: You come closer to me, I take a deep breath. I take advantage of every second to recover some energy. When you're close enough I lunge forward and grab your wrist to try to twist it into a wrist lock


Natalia_Markova: You reach in and swiftly steal my wrist, twisting it around and locking it up before I can react.. I grit my teeth, feeling the pain in my arm as I try and swing a kick right into the inside of your thigh..


Natalia_Markova: I try to break your balance with a kick in the thigh, but it only made you angrier as you fling your arm back and smash it down across my tits with a huge chop! Making the skin on my tits CRACK LOUD as I stagger away and hold them in pain..

Chris_Dickens: I hit you and you step back, then I take a deep breath and run towards you to try and spear you in the stomach

Chris_Dickens: Dolph Ziggler Reaction GIF by WWE - Find & Share on GIPHY

Natalia_Markova: I stagger towards the corner turnbuckles, hitting my back against them as you run towards me with a spear. Coming in fast, I jump up onto the top turnbuckles to get high, then leap up over you to land behind you to dodge..

Chris_Dickens: I'm about to hit you, but you jump and I step under your legs. With my hands outstretched I manage to avoid hitting the turnbuckle, but I struggle to understand how you managed to avoid my spear. I look around, stand on myfeet and then turn towards you

Natalia_Markova: I turn to face you and charge my leg back.. Waiting for you to recover from your spear attempt and turn as I swing my boot up high and attempt to smash it into your collarbone in surprise!

Chris_Dickens: As soon as I turn I see your leg approaching my face. You hit me in the throat. My back hits the corner and I stagger forward like I'm drunk, but I'm just clueless and very tired.

Natalia_Markova: I step up to you in the corner, raising my leg up high immediately and pressing it up against your throat, trying to crush it with my boot and choke you against the buckle. Sticking my tongue out for the crowd as I thrust my foot over and over into your neck..


Chris_Dickens: Put your foot on my throat and push. I huff, my back arching over the top turnbuckle. I grab your foot and try to move it, but you hold it steady. I hope the referee stops this action of yours before I run out of breath. My feet lift off the ground, I'm in trouble

Natalia_Markova: The referee walks over, forcing me to break the hold as I keep my foot on for just a moment longer to savor the delicious sounds of your gags.. then release. I turn around, pushing the ref away as I turn back to face you and grab your head, pulling you viciously out of the corner and trying to whip you up into the air and throw you across the ring.

Natalia_Markova: Animated GIF - Find & Share on GIPHY

Chris_Dickens: Your move has weakened me a lot. You grab my head and throw me towards the opposite corner of the ring. I roll and then hit the turnbuckle. I shake my head and sit up, with my back against the corner

Natalia_Markova: I smile, giving my lips a lick as you sit up and position yourself perfectly in the corner.. I turn around, give my butt a smack and start running towards you fast and hard.. Stomping across the ring, I turn my hip at the last second and attempt to smash my hip right into your skull while you sit like a duck.


Chris_Dickens: Your ass slams into my face and crushes my head against the turnbuckle. Press your buttocks into my face, I try to turn my head to breathe. I put my hands on your thighs to push you away. In another situation I might like this, but now I don't, it hurts me

Natalia_Markova: The ring shakes as the back of your head slams into the turnbuckle.. I step out of the corner, peeling my ass from your face as I turn around and bend down to grab at your legs.. Lifting them up and attempting to pull you back towards the center of the ring before giving your thigh a vicious STOMP!

Chris_Dickens: I'm stunned and I can't resist. You drag me towards the center of the ring and then hit me with a stomp on the leg. I put both hands on my thigh and gasp on the ground in pain, desperately trying to regain some strength

Natalia_Markova: I throw your leg away, watching as you scramble around and try to recover through the agony I've put you through. But I didn't want to let you. I try and sit behind your back, forcing you up to sit on your ass as I try and take your arms and hook them behind your back. I throw my legs around them and tangle them inside my thighs, trying to lock them behind you.

Natalia_Markova: Animated GIF - Find & Share on GIPHY

Chris_Dickens: With your legs you apply a sort of full nelson. You block my arms with your hands. I feel my neck bending and it hurts a lot. I stamp my feet on the ground, I try to resist, but the pain is terrible. The referee asks me if I give in. I don't answer. I try the only solution I can think of. I place my feet on the mat and try to lift my pelvis to make a bridge and force your shoulders to the ground. I hope to convert your lethal grip into a pin in my favor.

Natalia_Markova: You start bridging your body up, letting yourself start to fall down onto me and your weight pressing me into a pin.. "WHAT THE ?!!" I panic, quickly reacting and trying to torque my body to the side and break the hold as I try and tumble us both over..

Chris_Dickens: I try to pin you, but when the referee gets ready to count, you rotate your body and make me go to the side. I scream in pain, but now my feet are facing the ropes. I try my best to try to touch the bottom string with one foot

Natalia_Markova: I manage to turn us over and stick you in an a painful little hold, unintentionally. Thinking I might have made some genius happen but your feet were now right next to the ropes.. You hit the last rope with your toes, forcing the referee to intervene and break us apart now.. "Aaggh.." Sweating, I open my legs and roll away, scrambling to my feet.

Chris_Dickens: I hit the bottom rope and the referee orders you to release your hold. I sigh, this move was terrible. I'm sweaty and exhausted, I need a break. I roll under the bottom rope to take refuge outside the ring, The audience doesn't appreciate my attitude, but I have to be careful, I was very close to defeat

Natalia_Markova: I crawl to the corner and use the turnbuckle to pull myself up, getting to my feet and leaning against the ropes to give myself a few minutes to collect myself.. The heat starting to really get to me, but I could tell I was wearing him down..

Chris_Dickens: I have invited @Miles_Soman to join #OPCW_World_Title_Match.

Miles_Soman: The match has a pause phase. I am informed that I am also in the title match. I have the advantage that my opponents have already had a strenuous fight and therefore will be tired and battle-worn. I run along the stage, to the surprise of the crowd. I slide under the bottom rope and enter the ring, where Natalia is recovering from her latest efforts. I'm wearing my long linen trousers, barefoot. I walk over to her and start aiming a series of forearms at her jaw.


Chris_Dickens: I'm on the ground outside the ring, I hear a buzz coming from the crowd. Then I turn towards the ramp and see Miles running towards the ring. Come in and attack my opponent. The referee does not call the disqualification. I don't understand what's happening. Then the announcer stands up and informs the crowd that the title match has become a triple treat match

Natalia_Markova: All rules were off, and before I know it.. Someone else had entered the ring. "Who is that? What's going on? W-wait.. wait!" Suddenly I take a pounding to the face, dizzied up by Miles as he sends a combo of vicious forearms right into my jaw.. "AAGH! OOUGH! REF! AAGH! STOP HIM!! AAGGH!"

Miles_Soman: I am fresh and very motivated. Natalia, the champion, appears to be in difficulty. After hitting her with my forearms, I put a hand on her chest to push her into the corner. Then I raise my hand and aim a violent chop on her chest

Chris_Dickens: I'm shocked, the situation becomes more complicated, but I can take advantage of it a little. I get up on my knees and lean on the ring apron. I rest while I watch Miles put Natalia under his blows

Natalia_Markova: Animated GIF - Find & Share on GIPHY

Natalia_Markova: "NOOOO!" I scream, still shocked at what was going on as my head is forced back against the buckle, letting my back arch and my chest pump right out, exposed. A violent whip of Miles' hand, slapping across both my breasts and making a crack that the entire arena could hear in echo.. I fold over, falling to my ass in the corner as I cradle my breasts in pain.. "AAGGHHH.."

Miles_Soman: I don't stop, she falls sitting in the corner, but I continue aiming at her chest. I grab the top rope of the ring and start hitting her with a series of stomps to her breasts and belly

Chris_Dickens: I notice that Miles continues to hit Natalia, who collapses in the corner. It caused great harm to her. I try to take advantage of it. I regained energy and strength outside the ring. I enter slowly, then I go behind Miles, I hug him, while he is busy beating Natalia. I try to pick him up and throw him behind me with a bridge German suplex, hoping for a quick pin


Natalia_Markova: A rain of kicks and stomps down, right in the boobs, then right in stomach.. over and over. I couldn't keep up with it all, but thankfully I'm saved last second as he gets suplexed right out of my direction.. I grab the ropes, pulling myself up but struggling.. Hoping I have enough time to turn around and climb the turnbuckle, getting to the top and squatting before leaping off and coming down in a vicious splash on top of both of you..

Miles_Soman: While I hit Natalia someone hugs me from behind. My feet leave the ground and I fly. Then my shoulders slam into the center of the ring and I stand still, legs raised, locked in a pin. As the referee starts counting, however, I am crushed, I'm not sure by what. Chris's body collapses on me and crushes me to the ground

Chris_Dickens: I want to finish the match and quickly pin Miles, I do a bridge after the suplex. I'm just waiting for the referee's count. But then Natalia flies and falls on us. Her body slams into mine and I lose my grip. I end up like a slice of cheese between two slices of bread, crushed by Miles and Natalia. The impact takes my breath away

Natalia_Markova: We collapse like a mountain, smashing over top the both of you and landing like a starfish. My body laid across both your backs, I stay on top and yell for the referee to start counting my double pin.. "COUNT... COUNT YOU FUCKER!" I yell, panicking as the stress starts to get to me..

Miles_Soman: I'm under the bodies of my opponents, Chris and Natalia crush me. The referee starts counting. I'm struggling, but I'm fresh. I push Chris and try to lift my arm from the mat

Chris_Dickens: Natalia's splash took my breath away, I can't move, but when the referee counts, Miles pushes me, I slide to the side, my body rubs under Natalia. I feel her curves pressed against my body. I hold on to her bra to try to move her off my body and make sure I block the count

Natalia_Markova: Chris' hand grips my bra and yanks me off at the last second, both of you shaking and turning trying to roll me off and I couldn't keep the pin up. I roll off and start tumbling towards the corner of the ring, still a bit shaken up as I scramble to sit myself up and breathe..

Miles_Soman: I manage to push Chris with difficulty and slide away. I stand up and see that Natalia is at the corner. “I wasn't done with you yet when that asshole interrupted me” Then I run and try to hit you with a splash to crush you in the corner with my chest.

Chris_Dickens: I roll to the ground and go towards the ropes. I cough, I notice that Miles is already attacking Natalia. Slowly I stand up and stagger

Natalia_Markova: I turn my head back, watching as Miles stomps his way towards me ready to splash.. I gulp and quickly throw my body over to the side, jumping out of the way to have him splash into the corner instead!

Miles_Soman: I jump to hit Natalia with my chest, but she moves out of the way at the last moment and I slam directly into the top turnbuckle. I bounce and struggle to stay upright, I stagger and cough, with my hands on my chest.

Chris_Dickens: I watch MIles try to hit Natalia, but crashes badly into the corner. The woman avoids and is in front of him. I try to take a decisive advantage. I run towards Natalia, even though I'm exhausted, I try to hit her with a lariat to the neck

Chris_Dickens: Chris Dickinson Nwa GIF by United Wrestling Network - Find & Share on GIPHY

Natalia_Markova: My russian senses tingle, hearing your stomps from behind as I snap my leg up and back and give my body a good twist for some momentum.. Looking to send a super-kick straight into Chris' head before he connects the lariat..

Natalia_Markova: Animated GIF - Find & Share on GIPHY

Miles_Soman: I'm in trouble, I see that Natalia avoids Chris' lariat by kicking him in the face. I'm behind her. I try to take advantage of it and wrap my arms around her neck to take her in sleeper hold

Chris_Dickens: I was sure I was going to hit Natalia, but she beats me to it and hits me in the face with a tremendous kick. I freeze, stagger, and finally fall onto my back, dazed. Arms and legs spread, I hear the bells ringing in my head

Natalia_Markova: An arm suddenly snakes around my neck, just when I had thought I was in a winning position.. I just couldn't keep up with two, and immediately start to bend back in your sleeper.. "Aaaggh.. n-no.." I grunt and groan, trying to swing my elbow back into your gut!

Miles_Soman: I wrap my arms around Natalia's neck, but she hits me with her elbow in the stomach. I don't want to let go of Natalia, but after a moment I start running and then I jump to try to bulldog her to the ground

Chris_Dickens: I shake my head, I feel that my opponents are fighting, I try to recover from Natalia's kick. I breathe deeply

Natalia_Markova: Forced to run across the ring before you lift me up and throw me forward, dropping me face first into the canvas as the ring rumbles!! "OUGGHH!" I scream out, sprawled out and spread flat.

Miles_Soman: I manage to hit Natalia, hitting her head on the ground. The ring shakes. I want to reap all the benefits of my move. I roll her onto her back and then grab her leg to push her back, since I notice that Chris is still on the ground

Chris_Dickens: Natalia gets slammed to the floor and then Miles goes for the pin. The referee bends over to count, but I flinch. I launch myself at Miles and push him to stop the count and prevent him from winning the match.

Natalia_Markova: Barely able to move, struggling to find a footing as you lift my leg up and hold it for the pin.. This time, I thought it really was over.. Until Chris pushes Miles over and forces my leg out of his grip.. My eyes wide, shocked as the save breathes new life into me.. I roll over and tumble away to safety..

Miles_Soman: I was convinced I could win the match, but Chris pushes me and the referee stops the count. I stand up after rolling on the mat. I growl seeing Chris in front of me "You ruined everything!". Then I sprint forward to hit him with a big boot to his face

Chris_Dickens: I'm tired, but I managed to keep the match alive. Miles insults me, but what would he want, for me to make him champion? I stand up and when he lifts your foot to hit me in the face I duck and duck to let him pass by. Immediately afterwards I jump to grab his head and attempt a neckbreaker

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Natalia_Markova: Slowly recover, I watch as the two battle each other.. Then, Chris hits a massive move and drops Miles. This was my chance, and I didn't hesitate to take it.. As Chris recovers from the neckbreaker and starts to get up, I rush towards him and reach for his head and jump up, falling to my butt as I try and whip his head down onto the Miles for a Facebuster!

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Miles_Soman: I'm on the ground, I have a terrible pain in my neck after Chris' move. He gets up, but suddenly Natalia grabs his head and slams him to the ground. He comes towards me, but I roll to the side to avoid him. I succeed by an inch. Then I hold on to the ropes and very slowly try to get up, even though I feel dizzy and struggle to stand up.

Chris_Dickens: I'm ready to try to pin Miles, but "WHAT?". Natalia grabs my head from behind and slams my face into the ground. I graze Miles and then hit the mat. I can't help it. I fall to the floor, but my face bounces off the mat and then I roll onto my back. The ring shakes, I stand stunned in the center of the ring

Natalia_Markova: I roll over and spring back up to my feet, taking a few fast but deep enough breaths before shooting towards Miles.. I run up from behind him, trying to be sneaky as I wrap my arms around his waist and squeeze.. I plant my feet and attempt to arch back, hoping to lift him up for a Suplex to flip him down onto Chris in the center of the ring! Crushing you both, body to body..

Miles_Soman: I slowly get up but you immediately grab me to throw me to the floor with a suplex. I slam into Chris, screaming in pain. But luckily my opponent's body cushioned the blow. Nonetheless I am shocked. I try to get up on all fours, then on my knees. I feel dizzy

Chris_Dickens: The face buster stunned me, then Miles comes at me with all his weight after Natalia's suplex. My light goes out, I remain out cold, while my opponents continue to fight

Natalia_Markova: Chris flattens out, laying limp as Miles starts to recover. Clearly still shaken up, I roll over and jump back up to my feet to keep up the punishment. "COME HERE!" I yell as I reach for your head and quickly pull it down between my legs to lock you inside..

Miles_Soman: As I try to get up Natalia grabs my head and locks it between her thighs. He squeezes me and my dizziness increases. I put my hands behind her legs, try to put one foot on the ground and stand up to throw her off balance, but I'm very tired and too dizzy to lift her.

Chris_Dickens: I'm still in the middle of the ring, spread eagled, out cold

Natalia_Markova: My feet almost lift from the canvas as you try and escape, but you were clearly too weak.. I punch down onto your spine to keep you from escaping, then quickly wrap my arms around your waist and attempt to lift you up-side down.. Holding you in the air and showing you off to the crowd, letting them witness the strength of the Russian Crush..

Miles_Soman: I can't saddle you, then you hug me and I lift myself upside down. You have remarkable strength considering my weight and the efforts you faced during the match. I try to squirm "Let go" I moan

Chris_Dickens: ...

Natalia_Markova: Gritting my teeth as I keep you up, but my strength could only last so long.. Before my arms give out, I jump up and drop to my butt with my legs spread to drop you head first into the canvas with a massive ring-shaking piledriver!

Miles_Soman: My head hits the ground between your legs. I feel a pang in my neck, my strength abandons me and I fall to the ground in front of Natalia

Chris_Dickens: I'm still unconscious and now Miles is lying next to me too. The perfect situation for the champion

Natalia_Markova: I roll onto all fours and start crawling towards the both of you.. Wheezing as I was desperate to end this match.. I reach for Miles arm, and pull.. Dragging him on top of the still unconscious Chris. I then crawl up onto the top of both you, laying over you like a mountain as I signal for the pin..

Miles_Soman: I'm knocked out. Natalia drags me over Chris' body and then gets on top of me. I have no reaction

Chris_Dickens: I passed out, crushed by both my opponents. Natalia is at the top of the mountain of bodies. The referee counts ONE... TWO... the crowd cheers. Finally the referee counts THREE. The match is over, the bell rings

Natalia_Markova: I keep you both inside the pin, barely feeling even a muscle twitch as I knew I had you.. The bell RINGS, and the referee slides inside to make some assist. I tumble off of the both of you, looking at the crowd in shock as I heave for air.. The referee takes my hand to help me up as I start smiling towards the audience, celebrating my victory inside this wild ever-changing match!

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Published: 2024-09-05, viewed 76 times.




2024-09-17 17:24

Way to show those guys those guys who's BOSS ! ! Congrats on your win, Natalia !

Big Bailey

2024-09-06 22:33

Great match everyone! Outstanding effort by the champ to retain her title against the odds