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OPCW Reload - Felicia Starling vs Cori Powers

Cori_Powers: I'll start us
Cori_Powers: I come trotting out from the back and rise up the steps and enter the ring .... Currently in the ring.... standing 5 feet 2 inches tall and weighing 155 pounds and hailing from New York City, New York..... Coriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii POW-errrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrsssssssss.... as soon as I hear the POW part of my last name I thrust my arms up and smile to the crowd and proceed to remove my white ring jacket and hand it through the ropes to my ring attendant and turn around and cross my arms in front of me as I await your introduction and entrance in my red 2-piece.... sports bra top, brief underwear style shorts, matching knee pads and mid-calf white boots.....
Felicia_Starling: As the music fades and my own starts up, I step out from the back to start making my way to the ring. AND HER OPPONENT, AT 5'9" AND 145 POUNDS, FROM THE ISLANDS... FELICIA STARLING!!! I step to the ring area and slap a few hands before I slip into the ring, ducking between the ropes to give the ringside crowd a nice view before standing to show my figure dressed for the match in my black two part one piece and matching boots. I step back to the corner and wait for the referee as I give you a long look up and down.
Cori_Powers: I hear your music start up and I watch you come out and my eyes follow you as you enter the ring and head to your corner as I look at you looking me up and down..... as the ref motions for the bell to start the match.... DING DING DING.... as I start out by circling to my right
Felicia_Starling: I step out of my own corner, matching your circling and I continue to the right, spiraling in closer and closer to you. "Come on sugar, let's see what you've got." I move quickly to try to close the gap, reaching my arms forward towards yours, looking to grab hold of your arm and shoulder in a standard collar and elbow tie up to try to push you back.
Cori_Powers: I get circling with you and notice you might be a bit quicker than me, as I look into your eyes, I reach around and quickly wipe my hands on the butt of my outfit and then go to lunge at you to meet your lock up.... you own a 7 inch height advantage on me which also allows you to have the leverage advantage, as you get me backed up to the ropes, as I feel the top rope press against my back
Felicia_Starling: Leaning in, I give a little smile as our faces are inches apart. "Aww, don't they grow them a little taller where you come from?" Then I push hard against you leaning you back into the ropes before I step back, reach for an arm, and try to pull you forward and use the stretch of the ropes to help send you across the ring with an Irish whip, aimed for the other side.
Cori_Powers: you get me pushed to the ropes as I hear your taunt about me being short in stature as I feel you grab for my wrist and proceed to whip me across the ring as you get my short legs churning and I spin and feel my back hit the top rope as it launches me back towards you
Felicia_Starling: After the fling, I turn to follow, stepping out to the center of the ring as you come charching back at me and I sidestep, raising a leg for a swinging kick aimed right at your belly.
Cori_Powers: after whipping me to the ropes, I bounce back towards you as you side step me and you send your black boot and bury it into my belly..... ouaghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh as I sommersault forward to my back and start to toss from side to side with both hands on my stomach
Felicia_Starling: The kick lands well, knocking you for a loop to land onto your back. I give a quick glance and dash towards the side, quickly rebounding off of the ropes to gain a little momentum before coming back and jumping up to extend a leg, aiming a big legdrop at your upper chest.
Cori_Powers: I'm tossing from side to side after the kick to my stomach as I hear your boots drumming on the canvas as you run to the ropes and leap up and hit me with a leg drop across my chest.... gawwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww as my legs shoot up and collapse spread completely wide
Felicia_Starling: As the big legdrop lands across your chest, I spin on my butt, getting to my knees and lean forward to push down on your chest and smirk as I go for a pin that I know is way too early. The referee drops down and starts to count...
Cori_Powers: I'm laying on the canvas as you proceed to cover me and go for a pin as I notice the referee sliding down near my shoulders
Felicia_Starling: "ONE!" I hear the count begin as I lean over you, "Just stay down sugar, you know you want to..."
Cori_Powers: I hear the ref slap the canvas and yell 1 as I hear you tell me to stay down, as I bend my short legs back and thrust with them as I try to break the pin attempt before the count of 2
Felicia_Starling: After the first count, I see your feet come up and your body bridge up to break the pin. "Aww, not ready yet?" I rock back to my toes and my hands move from your chest to your head as I try to use a tigth grip in your hair to pull you up off of the canvas and to your feet.
Cori_Powers: I'm able to kick out and break the pin after the count of 1 as I feel you grab myyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy hairrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr as you bring me up to my feet
Felicia_Starling: Yanking you up to your feet, I use one hand in your hair to pull your head down, and the other one to try to snake my arm around your neck and pull you into a standing side headlock for a bit of a squeeze.
Cori_Powers: you get me up to my feet and you bend me over and place a side headlock on me ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh as I feel you squeeze with the headlock
Felicia_Starling: I turn, dragging you with me, and then smile as I see the nearby corner. "Hey sugar, wanna go for a ride?" I step forward, then trying to move to a jog, attempting to drag you behind as I just run straight into the corner and try to use your head like a battering ram against the turnbuckle.
Cori_Powers: I feel you take me from the side headlock and run towards a corner with me as you slam my forehead into the top turnbuckle pad..... uhffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff as I immediately spin around and drop my butt to the middle turnbuckle pad and drape my arms over the top ropes
Felicia_Starling: After the battering ram charge into the turnbuckle bonks you head first, I slide out of the way to let you collapse back into the corner. "Sugar, have you considered other lines of work? Maybe this isn't the one for you..." and then I kick forward, stomping my foot at your belly, intending to stomp again and again to try to drive you down to the canvas.
Cori_Powers: I'm facing you in the corner when you taunt me and start hitting me with kicks to my stomach.... uhffffffffffffffffffffffff uhfffffffffffffffffffffffff ouaghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh uhfffffffffffffffffffffff
Felicia_Starling: Pounding you down to the ground, I step back for a moment, then step back in, leaning down to grab another handful of hair to lift you up, trying to get you back up to your feet with your back to the corner.
Cori_Powers: I'm down on the canvas when you pull me back up again by my hair.... aieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee as you proceed to put me back in the corner as I drape my arms over the top ropes
Felicia_Starling: With your arms draped over the top rope, I swing a big, backhanded chop ad your upper chest, then reach down, sliding one arm between your legs, and lift as I try to scoop you up into my arms and carry you away from the turnbuckles.
Cori_Powers: ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh as you send the backhand chop to my chest and then I feel your arm go between my legs and palm my butt as you scoop me up and haul me away from the corner..... uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I moan out loud as I'm scooped up
Felicia_Starling: With your body lifted up in my arms, I turn and walk out of the corner, carrying you a few steps to the side, "Say goodnght Sugar." and then take a few more and jump up, turning my body horizontal to slam you down hard into the center of the ring with a powerslam, my own body instantly landing on top of yours.
Cori_Powers: you carry me away from the corner as you have me scooped up as I hear you say it's time for me to go nite-nite as you proceed to powerslam me to the canvas.... awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww as my short legs shoot up and flop back down spread completely wide
Felicia_Starling: After the slam, I quickly catch my breath as I slide to the side, laying my longer body on top of yours. My hands reach for your wrists to pin them over your head, my legs wrap around yours and I go for a full spread grapevine on your spread eagled body. "Count her!"
Cori_Powers: I feel you grabbing for my wrists and you pin them over my head and you proceed to wrap your legs around mine and grapevine them as the ref slides down to administer a pin count
Felicia_Starling: ONE! TWO! I keep my fingers grasped tightly around your wrists, using my legs to try to keep your legs spread wide and prevent you from bridging or kicking...
Cori_Powers: I hear the count of 1 and then 2 as you keep my arms pinned over my head and my legs grapevine as the ref slaps the canvas again THREE! to signify the end of a very dominating match
Felicia_Starling: I hear the final count, and the ringing of the bell afterward and I shake my head, "Tsk tsk... maybe next time." Then with a patronizing kiss on your forehead, I release my grip and stand up, raising my hand over my head before yelling out, "I want my title back!" and then heading for the exit, leaving you laying there in the ring.
Cori_Powers: you get the 3 count and exit the ring and leave me behind in devastating defeat
Cori_Powers: end

Published: 2024-09-06, viewed 55 times.




2024-09-07 06:58

Nice to see after hee last loss agaisnt the empress what a comeback