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Elle vs Kris: OPCW Reload - NHB Pro match

Crossfit_Kris: In the changing rooms, I shake off the nerves and finish putting on my attire. It was time for my OPCW debut, and it was against Elle, a veteran to the league. Although this is my first match, I am no rookie when it comes to wrestling or fighting. I step out of the changing rooms and my bare feet touch sand. A crowd gathered around a ring set up on the beach turns towards me and cheers as I make my entrance to the ring! I stand at 5'8 155lbs and wear a white one piece leotard that hugs my incredibly fit and toned body! I pump my fist in the air and part through the crowd. I enter the ring and take my corner, waiting on my opponent to enter. Adjusting my attire and stretching as I wait...




Crossfit_Kris: yt


Oh_Elle_No: I enter next, stepping out from my changing room with my bare feet onto the hot sandy beach as I strut to the ring looking like a supermodel on a runway. My hot young body tanned and toned to perfection clad in my little black string bikini, my tummy flat and sexy and legs and ass toned to perfection. My silky blonde hair pulled back into a ponytail, an arrogant smirk on my pretty face as I near the ring, standing 5'6" tall and weighing 118 perfect pounds. I climb in and strike a sexy model-like pose for crowd before backing into my corner opposite you, grinning confidently as I eye you from across the ring....



Oh_Elle_No: Yt

Crossfit_Kris: I tie up my hair as I lay eyes on my opponent. The two of us locking eyes from across the ring. An announcer reads out the rules for the two of us. No holds barred. Winner by KO or Pin. Falls count anywhere. This match was going to be rough. I bounce on my toes and shake the nerves as I hear the bell ring. I come out to the center, raising my arms for an opening grapple..

Crossfit_Kris: yt

Oh_Elle_No: I hear the bell and move out to meet you with my arms up and out about chest high, knees bent slightly, stance wide as I close in on you, eyes still locked and I get the sense you are eager to lock up with me, so I intend to at least make it look like I'm going to do the same. As soon as we are close enough, I lean in like aim aiming to lock up collar and elbow with you. Then, at the last moment just before we embrace, I try to drop abruptly to one knee and fire a huge right forearm shot into your low abdomen almost below the belt

Crossfit_Kris: I lunge in to lock up with you, but you duck low and hit my abs with your forearm, causing me to stop in my tracks! I reach down for your head and grab it with both hands. I try to react and pull my knee up to your chin to fire back against you!

Crossfit_Kris: yt

Oh_Elle_No: I drill you in the stomach with my forearm, inflicting the first pain of the match and loving the sound of you grunting out from the shot. But then before I can follow it up, I feel your hands grip my head and hair while I'm on my knees and CRAAACK "Auuugghhfff!!" I yelp out as you ram your knee hard up into my chin, snapping my head back and sending me toppling backwards onto my ass in front of you. I groan in pain and hold my jaw and try to swing my right leg up and off the canvas and bury the top of my foot between your legs! Yt

Crossfit_Kris: Just as I think I have you, I tower over you and start to move to get down on you. But I am stopped by the feeling of your foot hitting me between the legs! I groan and stagger back away from you, clutching my crotch in pain as I hook an arm over the ropes and glare at you. I can already tell this is going to be a rough one..

Crossfit_Kris: yt

Oh_Elle_No: My foot slams into your crotch and makes you grunt out and stagger back against the ropes. I try to scramble back to my feet, my jaw still aching as I rise. I shake my head and narrow my eyes on you and start toward you again, and once I'm within striking distance, I try to fake a couple jabs toward your face, then rotate on the ball of my left foot and try to slam the top of my right foot into your

Crossfit_Kris: I see through your fakes after the first one and then see your leg coming down towards my stomach! I reach down and grab it. I try to pull it into me as I come off the ropes! Spinning for a backfist against your face as we collide!

Crossfit_Kris: yt

Oh_Elle_No: My long leg swings up and toward you with my foot aiming for those abs again, but you manage to anticipate it and snatch up my foot with both hands, then as I hop on one leg you jerk me forward and THWAAAAACK "Aaaauugghhhfff!!" Send a big spinning backfist across my pretty face, this time snapping my head sideways as I shriek out and my whole body spins 180 degrees before I stumble away rubbing my burning

Crossfit_Kris: I nail you with the back fist and hit you so hard you turn around. I try to keep the momentum going, latching onto your back from behind and planting my feet. I try to hoist you up quickly and bring you down with a snap German suplex to the mat!!

Oh_Elle_No: As I stagger away holding my burning cheek with one hand, I suddenly feel your arms wrap around my torso and your hands clamp against my sexy belly, then a split second later my feet leave the ground and I'm sailing backwards through the air over your body and the ring rattles as I land hard on my upper back, neck, and the back of my head in a big German suplex "Uuaaaanngghhfff!!!" I moan out as I land and my body kinda folds over itself for a moment before the toppling over onto my side.

Crossfit_Kris: I slam you to the mat with the German suplex, but instead of letting go, I hold onto you and roll us over. Making you sit on your ass and then try to pull you up to your feet, aiming to lift you up and sending you soaring over me for another one! Showing off my explosive power and stamina!

Crossfit_Kris: yt

Oh_Elle_No: You drive me down painfully into the canvas on my head and neck with the German suplex but to my surprise it doesn't end there as you don't release me, instead rolling over and lifting me up again and executing another textbook suplex onto my head and shoulders "Aaauuunngghhfff!!!" I groan out in pain as the ring rattles again as pain radiates down my body from my head and neck now. Yt

Crossfit_Kris: I then try to roll you over once more, aiming to lift you up off the mat and carry you around the ring in my arms! I back up near the ropes and then brace myself. I plant my feet to the mat and try to hit you with one more suplex, this time letting go and throwing you clean out of the ring and into the sand below!!

Crossfit_Kris: yt

Oh_Elle_No: The crowd looks on impressed and almost stunned as they watch you now pick me up for a third time without releasing me, my poor abs taking a beating too as you dominantly carry me around the ring before backing toward the ropes and hauling me up and over your body once more, this time releasing me as you do and sending me sailing clean over the ropes as I let out a loud scream then come crashing down hard on my back on the hard packed sand outside the ring "UUUHHHNNGGHHFFF!!! I grunt as my body lands then flips head over heels and I wind up face down on the beach now outside the

Crossfit_Kris: I lay down for a moment, taking a moment to catch my breath after such an athletic display! I then roll out of the ring and come towards you. I aim a stomp onto your upper back and then reach down for your legs. I try to trap them under my arms and pull back on them, forcing you into a Boston crab as you are face down in the sand!

Crossfit_Kris: yt

Oh_Elle_No: Laying face down in the sand, moaning into it, my head throbbing and neck and upper back on fire, breathing heavily from the multiple hard landings in a row without so much as a moment to catch my breath in between. "AAuughh!" I grunt out feeling you stomp my back before grabbing my sexy long legs and tucking them under your arms before stepping over me and pulling them back as you lower yourself down and I start to moan out loud in pain as you bend me in a boston crab on the sand now! I clench my teeth and moan as my spine and legs burn, trying not to get a mouthful of sand as I do "Aaaauuunnngghhhhh!! Aaauugghhhh!!" My tits mashed flat into the sand as is my stomach under

Crossfit_Kris: I look down at your sexy body and smile as I have it at my mercy in this moment! I pull back tighter on your legs and really punish your whole spine! I get down to one knee and then try to sit my ass against the back of your head to put on as much pressure as possible!

Crossfit_Kris: yt

Oh_Elle_No: The crowd cheers as they watch the muscular girl bend her sexy blonde opponent brutally on the sand. I try to not let my moans turn into screams as my spine is on fire now, clenched my teeth and eyes tightly as my hands dig into the sand out in front of me. Then you really dig in, sitting your ass on the back of my pretty blonde head, burying my face in the sand as you now rock back on my body farther and harder and finally I have to scream, but my scream is muffled by the sand, my face being smashed into it under you as you bend my sexy body in half now "AAAAGGGGHHH GAAAAWWWDDDD AAAOOOWWW AAAUUUGGGHH!!" yt

Crossfit_Kris: I keep a tight grip on your body, my muscles bulge with effort as I pull back a tiny bit more with every struggle! I pull back as tight as I can and then let go, letting your sexy legs flop down into the sand as I step off of you. Putting my foot on the back of your head and grinding your face into the sand more! I then step off and step away, crouching as I line myself up to you. Waiting for you to get up to your hands and knees, preparing for a move...

Crossfit_Kris: yt

Oh_Elle_No: Finally just as it feels like my spine is on the verge of breaking, you release my legs and they flop heavily down onto the sand. Now you get off me and viciously stomp your foot onto the back of my head and proceed to push down and grind my pretty face harder and deeper into the beach now, forcing sand to spill into my mouth as moan and scream, my legs kicking on the beach until you finally pull your foot off and step away. I lift my head and spit the mouthful of sand out, then lay there a while, breathing heavily and gasping for air, trying to regain my thoughts and block out the pain in my back, not even trying to get up just

Crossfit_Kris: As you lift your head up out of the sand, I run towards you! I leap in the air and place my foot against the back of your neck and stomp down for a curb stomp against you!

Crossfit_Kris: yt

Oh_Elle_No: I just barely manage to get my head lifted out of the sand again just about to start trying to get up, but you are on me already, and just as my head rises, you are there leaping in the air and then violently stomping your foot onto the back of my head as you come down and curb stomp my face brutally hard back down into the surprisingly hard sand "Uuaaanngghhhfff!" And now I taste blood in my mouth as I lay there stunned, my bottom lip busted open from the

Crossfit_Kris: I spread my arms wide and try to work the crowd, getting them amped up for this beatdown! I then walk back over to your and grab you by the hair and bikini. I try to pick you up and make you stand up in the sand. I hunch you over and then try to force you to run head first into the steel steps set up outside the ring! "Ha!"

Crossfit_Kris: yt

Oh_Elle_No: The crowd appears to be firmly on your side now as you play to them, leaving me face down in the sand once again as I start to squirm a little, trying to recover when I feel your hands in my hair and also gripping my bikini, starting to lift me up out of the sand and as you do, my right hand grabs a fistful of the beach as you pull me off of it. You manage to drag me onto my unsteady feet, but as soon as you do, I try to whip the handful of sand straight into your face and eyes! Yt

Crossfit_Kris: You throw sand into my eyes and I let go of you! Staggering backwards in the sand and rubbing my now blinded eyes! "Arhg! you brat!" I scream out as I turn away from you and walk away to make space as I try to get my vision back!

Crossfit_Kris: yt

Oh_Elle_No: After spraying your eyes and face with sand, sending you stumbling back half blinded, I drop to my knee once more and try to regain my focus and breath as I look up and see you now turning away from me and rubbing your eyes, and I know I have to take advantage, so I grimace as I push to my feet and fight the pain in my back and in my legs to get up, then I hobble toward you and reach to grab your head and grip your hair with both hands from behind as you stagger toward the ring I "assist" you and try to push you forward and drive you face first into the steel ring post! yt

Crossfit_Kris: Just as my vision is coming back to me, I am still running my eyes when I feel your hands in my hair! I panic and reach up for your wrist but it’s too late as my head gets sent into the post! The crowd wincing after witnessing that! I crumble down to my knees and fall into the sand, head cut open and bleeding!

Crossfit_Kris: Yt

Oh_Elle_No: Your head and face slam into the steel post with a loud, lovely CRACK sound, which is music to my ears and makes the crowd moan out along with you as you slump to your knees and fall backwards onto the sand. " it's....your turn..." I say between breaths as I raise up my right foot and plant it across your throat and start to push and grind down now, blatantly choking you on the sand

Crossfit_Kris: I look up at your sexy young body and then feel your foot against my throat! I begin to grab onto your ankle with both hands and kick my legs out! Trying to push you off of me, my head still ringing from hitting the post!

Crossfit_Kris: Yt

Oh_Elle_No: As I plant my foot across your throat and start to press down and choke you, you start to squirm and kick your legs and grab my ankle with both hands and try to shove it away, so I play along and say "whoopps!" and pretend to fall but as I do I actually drop down and try to drive my right elbow squarely down into your already bleeding face! yt

Crossfit_Kris: You drop your elbow into my bleeding face! Causing my whole body to jolt with pain! I roll over away from you and spit out a little bit of blood. Crawling on the sand, rage filling me as I watch my blood drip onto the sand!

Crossfit_Kris: yt

Oh_Elle_No: After driving my elbow down into your chest, I sit up and push back to my feet as you roll away and push to your hands and knees, crawling away on the sand. Now I come at you from the side in a light jog towards you, then as I near you I show off my cheerleading background and go into a handstand on the beach, twisting my body when I'm at full extension with my legs pointed straight up at the sky, then let my body drop back down aiming to land across your back and smash you back down to the sand with a handstand splash! Yt

Crossfit_Kris: Just as I get up to my hands and knees, CRASH! You flatten me back down into the sand! I lay under you, clenching my fists as I try to draw on my stamina and find a way back into this fight! I try to focus!

Crossfit_Kris: Yt

Oh_Elle_No: My body lands across your smashing you back down flat into the sand. I then pivot on you and sit up so now I'm straddling your back, facing your head and I lean forward, grab a fistful of your hair with my left hand and jerk your head back, leaning down and putting my lips to your ear on the left side of your face I whisper "you should have never agreed to face me bitch, because you're no match for the Picture Perfect Princess!" Then with my right hand I try to grab a handful of sand and viciously shove it into your mouth to make you gag as I immediately then go to pull your arms back and tuck them behind my knees to set you up for a camel clutch! Yt

Crossfit_Kris: Just as you get to the left side of my face, I try to avoid any further disaster by shoving my elbow clean into your perfect nose! My body twisting and trying to knock you off of me in one clean motion before my situation gets any worse!

Crossfit_Kris: yt

Oh_Elle_No: I may have gotten too cocky in this moment, and probably should have resisted the urge to taunt you. As soon as I lower my face toward yours, you swing your elbow back and CRAAAAACCK "AAaagghhhh!" I yelp out as my pretty head jolts back a bit and my body slides to the side off of you as I cover my face with my hands, feeling blood drip from my nose. The crowd holds their

Crossfit_Kris: I grab onto the apron and use it to pull myself back up. I wipe the blood from my forehead and smear it across my chest, staining my white leotard. I glare down at you as you cover your face. I push off the apron and try to time it perfectly to give your face a punt kick as you sit up!!

Crossfit_Kris: yt

Oh_Elle_No: I slide off your body with my hands cupping my bleeding nose now as you roll away from me and I groan a bit dazed as well from your elbow to my face, I sit up on the sand and then just as I pull my hands away from my face to see how much blood is on them from my nose....CRAAAAACCKK "AAAAuuuugggghhhfff!!!" I shriek out as your bare foot slams brutally hard straight into my pretty face, snapping my head back as blood and saliva now spray from my mouth, my body rocks back and flops down heavily onto my back on the sand with a THUD, flat on my back, barely moving and laying dazed and bleeding now, the crowd letting out a wild cheer seeing the brutal

Crossfit_Kris: I put my hands out, almost looking like a gladiator fighting in the sand! I pace around you and then reach down for your blonde locks. I grip them tight and use them like a leash to drag you over to the steel steps. I place your head on the bottom step and then move away from you. I point at your head as I then run and leap, aiming my foot on the back of your neck to make your skull collide with the brutal steel!!

Crossfit_Kris: yt

Oh_Elle_No: I wince out as you grip my pretty blonde hair, now speckled with blood, and peel me off the sand. You drag me toward the ring and I'm almost like dead weight as you do. I'm not able to comprehend what's going on, but soon I feel some cold, hard steel against my face as I kneel in the sand. It almost feels good and I'm too dazed to realize the danger. Then a split second later, a loud SMAAACK sound echoes out across the beach as your bare foot slams into the back of my head, with a loud sickening CRUNCH sound my already bleeding face is driven violently forward and down into the unforgiving steel steps "AAAAUUUNNNGGGHHH GAAAWWDDDDD!!" I scream out at the top of my lungs as my gorgeous face is demolished in one blow, my nose crunching and lips exploding and a deep gash opens over my eye as my sexy both jerks, tenses up, then relaxes and flops limply off the steps onto my back on the sand. A bloody mess. Blood splattered onto my chest and stomach aa well. Yt

Crossfit_Kris: I put my foot on your belly and look down at you, catching my breath for a moment as I admire my dominant handywork. I look around as the crowd cheers with blood bath! I then step up onto your stomach then over to the steel steps, using you as a step ladder. I climb up top on the top turnbuckle and stand high above the beach! I look at you laying there in the blood and sand and point down! I then turn away from you and leap backwards, aiming a moonsault down onto you! Trying to crash across your ribs as I land!!!

Crossfit_Kris: yt

Oh_Elle_No: "Uunnghh" I grunt out a bit as you step up onto my stomach as you walk across me on your way to the corner, blood bubbling up past my lips as your bare foot sinks into my sexy belly. Then you go all the way to the top turnbuckle, the crowd looking on intently as you play to them and then turn around and explode backwards off the top turnbuckle, moonsaulting through the air, then....SMAAAAAAAACK "UUUAAANNNGGHHFFFFF!!" your strong, fit body lands devastatingly hard across mine, your hard abs absolutely crashing my sexy belly flat underneath as you come crashing down on me, making me moan out in pain as my body jackknifes, hearing and feeling a couple loud cracks as my bottom ribs feel like they break, and blood and saliva again spray from my mouth. My body flops back down flat on the bloody sand now, my pretty blonde head rolled to the side with blood dripping from the corner of my mouth. The crowd going wild seeing the hot, cocky blonde get smeared across the beach, laying there motionless with my guts crushed under

Crossfit_Kris: I could probably pin you right now...but I wanted to make a statement here! I kneel beside you and look down at your once cocky mouthy bratty body and see it now as a near unconscious mess. I reach down for your arm and then try to stand and pull you up, hoisting you up onto my shoulder. I turn and look towards the public area not too far from the ring. I make my way there, stepping through the sand and eventually stepping onto the concrete. Bystanders stop what they are doing and the crowd follows us over. I then sling you down and catch your body, holding your sexy teen body upside down, facing my fit body! The two of us bleeding and sweating like crazy. I hold you above the pavement, taking a moment to spin around and show off your body to everyone. "Night night...bitch!" I say as I then aim a tombstone piledriver onto you! Spiking your head against the unforgiving pavement!!! The whole beach can barely look!!

Crossfit_Kris: yt

Oh_Elle_No: I lay a crushed, bloody mess under you on the sand as you peel your strong abs off my stomach, then rather than pinning me, you grab my arm and haul my limp body up onto your shoulder before walking through the crowd, carrying me with you until we arrive at a concrete pad. Then you proceed to turn me upside down in your arms and hold my sexy body tightly against yours, blood dripping from my face onto the concrete below as my sexy long legs and bare feet point up at the sky...mtc

Oh_Elle_No: You spin around and show my body off to all the cheering fans gathered around, then a moment later, it's all over. You drop down and drive my pretty blonde head brutally hard into the concrete, viciously spiking my skull into the concrete making me let out a loud, deep, guttural groan as my body stiffens then goes completely limp in your arms, and as you release me I flop like a ragdoll flat onto my back on the concrete, blood now starting to pool around my blonde head as I lay unconscious on the concrete at your feet now, my head split open and face bloody and

Crossfit_Kris: I then fall down my knees and then sit my perfect ass onto your face! I breath heavy as the ref comes over and checks your arm. Lifting it once! Twice! and dropping it for a third time! As I hear it flop to the concrete I flex my biceps over you and let out a brutal war cry, signifying my victory over you! The whole crowd cheers with a blood thirty roar, even the bystanders! I spread my arms out wide and flex my whole body as I scream with victory in my lungs! I stay seated on your face, using you as my new throne, built by blood!



Crossfit_Kris: yt

Oh_Elle_No: You drop down and plant your strong ass on my formerly pretty face, which is now smashed to a bloody pulp, my blood smearing onto your ass as you sit on my face, pinning the back of my equally bloody head to the concrete. My sexy body lies limp and extends out from underneath you. The ref lifts my arm and let's it fall limply to the concrete once, twice, three times before signaling for the bell as you let out a loud, dominant scream DING DING DING the crowd goes wild as you flex and pin on my KOd body, elated to have witnessed the strong woman and fan favorite demolish the hot, young, cocky blonde girl in such a brutal way.

Oh_Elle_No: END

Published: 2024-09-10, viewed 73 times.




2024-09-14 05:29

Reminds me of how I crushed Elle


2024-09-14 00:42

Great match!