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Anna vs Jeremy - Last Person Standing OPCW Relaod

Jeremy_Young: The next match is mine! I'm very excited for this brutal battle that will see me in the ring alongside Country Girl. I hear my entrance music, it's Song 2 by Blur. I run insider the arena and along the stage in my usual blue jeans and converse alla star sneakers. I slide under the bottom rope and enter the ring. There will be no rules and mercy in this match and I know it. II stand up slam my hand on my pecs and scream "Come here, for the worst evening in your life"


Jeremy_Young: yt

Country_Girl_Anna: I hear my opponent's music hit out in the arena as I admire myself in the mirror in the locker room, looking myself up and down with a satisfied smile at how good I look in my little pink bikini, my body fit and tan and a little shiny with a slight layer of sweat from my pre march yoga. My blonde hair is in a pony, and I adjust my 36Ds in my bikini top before blowing myself a kiss and exiting the locker room...mtc

Country_Girl_Anna: I walk down the hall and the crowd noise grows louder as I near the arena entrance, then when I reach the curtains, I pause, take a deep breath, and push through them as I step out into the hot lights of the arena and make my way to the ring now as my entrance music begins, "She's Country" by Jason Aldean. I strut with a confident, even arrogant smirk on my face as I get some cheers and whistles from the crowd, mostly from the boys and the pretty girls, but of course there are the ugly girls who just hate me out of sheer jealousy I'm sure and they boo me. I climb into the ring and take my spot in the corner opposite my opponent. I look you up and down from across the ring as I lean casually back into the corner. "Too bad I have to hurt you tonight baby. In another scenario, I may have tried to date you! But not're mine in a whole different way tonight little boy!" I shout as I wait for the bell.



Country_Girl_Anna: yt

Jeremy_Young: I watch the entrance of my challenger with great interest and attention. I am very surprised by your choice of outfit. Usually an nhb match, therefore a violent bike, is faced with streetwear. You, on the other hand, decide to show up in the ring in a bikini that barely contains your curves, barefoot. I can't deny that I like what I see but I'm still surprised, pleasantly surprised. Maybe you underestimate me? I listen to your taunt and reply "Maybe I can still have you tonight, while you're still KO", I reply with a mean tone.

Jeremy_Young: yt

Country_Girl_Anna: I can tell by the look on you face that you are both surprised and turned on by my attire choice tonight. This was my intent in wearing the bikini, as I can fight just as well in a bikini as I can anything else, but this way I KNOW I'll have the added benefit of getting in my opponent's head as well. And with that in mind, as soon as I hear the bell DING DING DING I start to strut slowly toward you, hands on my hips, eyes locked with yours as I strut toward you in a sexy and seductive way and stop mid ring and say with a sexy soft voice "why don't you join me out here babe, and let me show you what you might have had..." yt

Jeremy_Young: The bell rings, you come in front of me, put your hands on your hips and move sensually. You want me to show you what I have in mind. "As you wish!". Then I undo the belt of my trousers, slide it off and take a step sideways. Finally I use the belt like a whip to hit you on the buttocks. If I can, I'll do it a second time.


Jeremy_Young: yt

Country_Girl_Anna: Instead of coming out to meet me and putting your body against mine like most straight men would be eager to do, instead you immediately start to unbuckle your belt and pull your pants down slightly, and I look at you a little perplexed, and am about to ask you what the hell, but then out of nowhere THWAAACK "aaaeeeooowww!" I yelp out as you catch me totally off guard by whipping your leather belt across my sexy ass! It jiggles as both hands reach down to hold my dancing cheeks, and I see you draw back to try and do it again but before you can I try to pivot quickly toward you on the ball of my left foot and bring my right leg up trying to knee you hard in the stomach before you can strike

Jeremy_Young: I hit you with my leather belt, but before I can repeat the blow, your knee comes hard into my stomach. I take the blow, bend over and step back into the corner of the ring. The belt is still in my hand. I wrap it around my fist to create a weapon. Then I advance decisively towards you and try to hit you with a straight right to the face yt

Country_Girl_Anna: My knee slams into your stomach and sends you staggering back into the corner. You wrap the belt around your fist and come charging back out of the corner toward me, drawing back and hurling a straight punch toward my face, but I see it coming and drop down and to my right on the mat, and as I do, I extend both my legs toward yours, trying to trap your ankles between my lower legs and twist, trying to trip you to the mat with a drop toe

Jeremy_Young: I only punch the air, because you are quick to avoid my punch. I am unbalanced forward and when I trip I fall forward. With my hands I can mitigate the falls, preventing me from hitting my face on the ground. I try to slide forward, freeing my legs from your grip, towards the ropes to stand up yt

Country_Girl_Anna: You fall forward and land on the mat with a THUD, and quickly you try to drag yourself forward toward the ropes and start using them to try and get up. As soon as you do, I am on my feet as well and I try to time it just right as I wait for you to get to your feet against the ropes then charge toward you, lowering my shoulder and aiming it for your middle so that hopefully as soon as you turn around I can spear you into, and maybe even through the ropes! yt

Jeremy_Young: I hear the sound of your steps coming towards me, so as soon as I turn I understand your intentions. You bend down to hit me with your shoulder in the stomach, but I try to get ahead of you. When you're close enough I lift my foot to hit you in the chest, while you're bent over, aiming right at your sexy cleavage yt

Country_Girl_Anna: You turn around with your back against the ropes as I am bent forward and nearly upon you when "SMAAAACKK" "AAuuuughhffff!" you catch me first, slamming your foot up hard into my chest and crushing my tits with the top of your foot, stopping me dead in my tracks as my body straightens up and staggers back awkwardly, arms folded across my stinging tits as I grimace in

Jeremy_Young: I hit you in the chest, your tits crush on the instep of my foot. You back away. I take a deep breath and then I run towards you, then I lunge forward to hit you with my shoulder in your stomach, just like you wanted to do a moment ago yt


Country_Girl_Anna: Now as I stagger backwards unbalanced, it's you who charges at me with your body bent and shoulder aimed for my midsection, only I am more off balance than you were and clutching my chest, my sexy stomach left open and "OOOUUFFFF!" I grunt out as you drive your shoulder into my belly, driving me backwards as I try desperately to keep my feet under me as I backpedal and eventually slam back first into the ropes. I groan out and now one arm holds my burning

Jeremy_Young: You don't fall, but my shoulder pushes you backwards to the side of the ring. When your back hits the ropes of the ring, I can't go any further. I take a step back. Your arm covers your abs, I smile "Does it hurt, doll?" Then I raise my arm and try to hit you with a backhand chop to your chest yt

Country_Girl_Anna: You get me backed up against the ropes and then back away and take the time to taunt me as I clutch my abs, asking me if it hurts, as I try to straighten up again just as you try to send a backhand chop into my chest, but I swing my hands up and try to block it, and if I can, grip your forearm. If successful I immediately jerk you toward me and try to swing my head forward and smash my forehead into your face with a vicious headbutt! yt

Jeremy_Young: You grab my forearm and pull me towards you. Then you head butt my nose. I feel like an explosion. A thousand stars explode before my eyes. I stagger, dazed, backing towards the center of the ring. yt

Country_Girl_Anna: My head smashes into your face with a loud lovely CRACK sound, sending you staggering back clearly dazed and as you stagger back I try to take advantage and I take one big hop on my left leg, planting it as I swing my right leg up and out extending it toward you and snapping it out trying to nail you in that face again with a superkick! yt

Jeremy_Young: I'm rocking back with my head seeming to spin on my neck from the headbutt. Suddenly your bare foot hits my face, making my head snap back. I take another two steps in precarious balance, then I fall with open arms. My arms end up on the top rope of the ring. My legs can't support me, my butt is on the lowest rope. I remain hanging, like a crucifix, from the ropes yt

Country_Girl_Anna: Feeling my bare foot connect with your face and watching your head snap back sending you staggering backwards even more but still managing to stay upright until you fall against the ropes, your ass on the middle rope and arms across the top rope just to hold your stunned ass upright. I see this and charge at you again, this time I let out a primal scream as I swing my right arm out and lunge forward as I get to you, trying to slam it across your upper chest and throat and try to clothesline you over the ropes! yt

Jeremy_Young: I hear the scream, I open my eyes and see your tits dancing in your pink top. I don't have time to react because you hit me with a clothesline to the neck. Your chest bumps against mine. I get crushed against the ropes. Then I go between second and third and finally collapse out of the ring, ending up on the cold floor. Exhausted. yt

Country_Girl_Anna: My body slams into yours a bit as I clothesline you into, and through the ropes, sending you toppling through them and landing on the hard, concrete arena floor below. I step through the ropes and onto the apron, seeing you down there I hop off the apron and try to land on you and thrust my feet down into the middle of your back as I come down with a double boot, or in this case foot stomp onto the arena

Jeremy_Young: You trample me with your bare feet, you crush me under your weight. I gemodal pain. I arch my back and try to move by sliding with my hands on the ground to go towards the steel steps at the corner of the ring yt

Country_Girl_Anna: I step off you after stabbing you in the back with my bare feet, then you start to drag your pathetic ass toward the ring steps as I stalk you from behind "Where ya going Jeremy? Huh?! Not so tough now are ya little boy?!" I mock you as I reach down to grab your head with both hands as soon as you make it to the steps, then I try to pull your head back and say "Mr. face meet Mr. steel steps!" then try to slam your head down and smash you face first into the steel steps if I

Jeremy_Young: You lift my head and then try to slam my face into the top of the steel steps. I manage to put my hands forward so as not to hit my face. Another blow to the face would have been lethal now. Then I try to react and move my arm back to hit you with an elbow, I don't aim for any specific point, but I plan to hit your stomach or your chest yt

Country_Girl_Anna: As I try to slam your face into the steel steps, you manage to get your hands up and block your face from hitting. But then you manage to swing your arm back and "Unnghff" I grunt out as your elbow slams into my ribs, and one of my hands drops from your head as I hold it tight against my

Jeremy_Young: I hit you, you leave my head. I take a few steps back to feel the contact with your body. When my back touches your breasts, I reach out to grab your head, put your chin on my shoulder and fall down to try to hit you with a stunner yt

Country_Girl_Anna: You back up into me my hips against your ass and my tits against your back. Then, out of nowhere you reach up and grab my head and pull it over your shoulder before dropping down and CRAACK "AAuuunngghhfff!" I yelp out as my chin drives painfully into your shoulder, snapping my blonde head back as my body falls backwards and lands with a loud THUD flat on my back now on the cold concrete


Jeremy_Young: I feel your face hitting my shoulder and then the thud of your body falling to the ground. I turn around and get on all fours. I see you're on the ground, I stand up. My belt is inside the ring. I reach under the bottom rope to take it and finally I use it like a whip to hit your body once, twice, three times yt

Country_Girl_Anna: Now I lay stunned outside the ring, on my back, chest and stomach rising and falling rapidly as I try to pump air into my lungs, my head splitting and mind fuzzy from the stunner. Then, I am brought painfully back to reality by the sharp, stinging pain as you start to whip me across my belly and tits with the belt WHAAACK....WHAAACCK...WHAAAACK "AAUUGHH! AAOOWW! AAGGHHFF!" I shriek and yelp out and thrash around on my back before managing to roll over onto my stomach and try to crawl away under the

Jeremy_Young: I hit you repeatedly. My leather belt leaves red marks on your body. You turn around and show me your back. I put my foot on your back to pin you to the ground in a humiliating way. Then I wrap my belt around your neck and close it. I squeeze and finally pull towards me to strangle you "No rules, I can do anything... then let's do anything" yt


Country_Girl_Anna: My ribs and abs and tits show deep red marks already before I roll over and try to crawl away. Before I can get very far "Unnghff" you stomp on my back, pinning me in place. Then you loop the belt around my neck and throat and my eyes go wide instantly as I start to mumble in a panicked voice "wait...wait no..don't...justUUUUUUHHHHNNGGHHH!!" but you cut me off as you viciously pull back on the belt now and set to work strangling me with it, my arms swing and flail wildly out in front of me grasping the air as my legs kick frantically on the concrete floor behind me and I start to let out a series of groans and gurgling


Jeremy_Young: I pull the belt hard to strangle you. But I'm bad and I have no mercy to win the match. I rage. I remove my foot from your back, go to the ring apron, stand up and pull up to try to hang you. yt

Country_Girl_Anna: Now you pull your foot off my back and back up onto the apron and proceed to lift me up off the floor hanging my completely by neck and throat, my legs kick wildly as my hands and fingers desperately try to slip under the belt and pull it away from my throat but it's just too tight, my eyes start to water and get glassy, my face turning red as my tits dance wildly in my top as you hang me, my abs tight as you lift me and stretch my body


Jeremy_Young: I'm standing on the ring apron. I pull on my belt almost trying to lift you off the ground. I wrap the belt around my arm to shorten it and therefore increase the pressure on your neck. I want to strangle you until you pass out. I growl from the effort yt


Country_Girl_Anna: My feet completely off the ground now as my legs dangle from the apron as you literally hang me. My face turning deeper shades of red, then purple as my eyes glaze over slowly, my lungs burning badly, feeling deep gashes starting to develop in my throat as the belt digs in. yt

Jeremy_Young: You keep moving, so I haven't reached my goal yet. I try to walk onto the ring apron to drag you and continue to strangle you. The referee tells me to give up. The public is horrified, but I want to win by any means possible and if there is nothing stopping me from doing this, I see no reason to stop yt

Country_Girl_Anna: I am desperate, sensing the end is near if I can't do something. I am fading fast. I can't pull the belt away. You drag me along the apron like a toy. I desperately try to move my hands away from the belt and up your arms, then I move them straight back toward your body if I can reach and then manage to feel something that feels's your....package! I take a big grip as tight as I can on your cock and balls and twist as hard as I can hoping this will make you finally let go! yt

Jeremy_Young: I pull you tight to strangle you, but maybe I'm wrong. I feel your hand moving between my legs. I'm excited, but after a few moments the excitement turns to fear and finally pain. You squeeze my balls and suddenly I let go of the belt. I scream in pain, I put my hands on your wrist to squeeze and try to make you let go yt

Country_Girl_Anna: I hear you screaming in pain as finally you let go of the belt and it drops from around my neck. I release your package at first as I collapse to my hands and knees on the floor again, gasping desperately for air and moaning as I try to shake my head and clear the fog, the color returning to my face slightly as I try to stand back up and turn toward you on the apron again and this time send a vicious punch right between your legs! yt


Jeremy_Young: You hit me with an uppercut under the package. Your knuckles rattle on my testicle. I feel my jewels almost splashing in my stomach. My strength abandons me, my legs can't support me. I fall sitting on the ring apron with my legs dangling in front of you. Red faced "Slut!" I groan yt

Country_Girl_Anna: You fall to your ass in front of me on the apron now and I see my target, almost grinning again now I reach out with my right hand and grab your sore package once again, twisting hard as I reach up with my left arm and wrap it around your head, then....I say in your ear "you came close Jeremy but now you're finished!" as I try to fall backwards and drag you off the apron with me as I fall to the floor and try to drive your head and face brutally into the concrete floor with a DDT while squeezing and twisting your balls the entire time with my other

Jeremy_Young: I let out a moan as you squeeze my balls once more. You grab my head with one arm and slam it into the ground with a DDT. The impact is notable, the fall angle very high. I feel my brain pounding in my skull as I lie on the ground unable to move yt

Country_Girl_Anna: I unwrap my arm from your head as we land on the concrete, then still holding your package I use it to roll you over onto your back and look up into the ring and shout at the ref "count him ref! He's done!!" and the ref hangs over the ropes looks down at you laying there not moving and starts to count "1........2..........3......." yt

Jeremy_Young: I'm on the ground, the whole arena is ringing around my head. I hear the referee's voice counting. I would like to get up but I can't. 4....5...... I roll onto my chest and try to crawl towards you 6....7... yt

Country_Girl_Anna: The count reaches 5 before you're able to at least roll yourself onto your chest and you start dragging yourself pathetically toward me as I stand there, hands on my hips, chest thrust out proudly posing defiantly as I wait to hear you counted out. But you are almost upon me now and it looks like you may be able to push up enough to break the count. But, I can't have that. So as soon as you arrive crawling at my feet, I try to jump up, kick my legs out, and hopefully land my ass right onto the back of your head to smash you down into the concrete once more. yt





Jeremy_Young: Your ass hits the back of my head, you smash my face into the ground and then with all your weight you almost make my skull explode. I remain on the ground lying on my chest stunned


Jeremy_Young: yt

Country_Girl_Anna: Now, I lift my perfect ass off the back of your head and get up beside you, knowing I probably already have you, I want to make damn sure so I grab your arm and pull you over onto your back so your bleeding face is now visible. Then I shimmy my bottoms off me and toss them aside and look down at you and say "night night Jeremy!" and once again leap up, this time I aim my bare naked ass for your face in a final fuck you move to put you out for good

Jeremy_Young: The previous blow had stunned me. You now turn me over and lay me on my back. My eyes widen when I see you take off your bikini bottom. "W..W...WHat the he..." Then your ass comes in my face and once again you crush my head to the ground. My bloody face dirty your ass. I can smell your sex on my face, mixed with blood. I'm finished yt

Country_Girl_Anna: I wiggle my sexy ass good on your face as I crush it under me and settle in for a moment before reluctantly peeling it off you and getting to my feet next to you again, looking up at the ref "there ya go can count to 100!" as I stand there bottomless over you the ref restarts "

Jeremy_Young: I passed out with my nose full of blood and my mouth wide open. My arms are spread wide on the cold floor, my legs stretched out. The only part of my body that doesn't feel soft is my penis. There's a bulge in my pants. The referee continues to count 5...6...7... then speeds up because I see that I don't react 8.9..10 yt

Country_Girl_Anna: "That's it! He's out! Ring the bell!" The ref announces as the bell sounds DING DING DING and I nod approvingly, grinning smugly as I stand over you now, seeing you laying limp at my feet other than the bulge in your pants, I plant my bare foot on your bulge and push down, hoping maybe it'll bring you back to reality for a moment as I pose on you now, and just to show off what I got a little more, I untie my top and twirl it around my head for a moment to show off my amazing bare tits before then looking down at you and saying "you deserve this Jeremy!" then I drop to my knees over your head and wrap my bikini top around your head and start to violently choke you out once again the same way you tried with the belt! yt

Jeremy_Young: You are naked, even though you have already won the match you decide to rage. I'm lifeless, you wrap your top around my neck and strangle me. I moan, I can't breathe. The referee orders you to stop yt

Country_Girl_Anna: The ref climbs down out of the ring and pulls me off you as I leave my bikini top wrapped around your neck before I shout out "fine!" and shove the ref off of me, blowing your limp unconscious body a kiss before I turn and leave the ring for good. yt (or end?)

Published: 2024-09-10, viewed 69 times.




2024-09-11 13:38

*jots down 'PACKAGE DDT' to list of moves* ! Fun read!!


2024-09-10 23:53

Great match!