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Established: 2022-02-04

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Cassie's introduced to the OPCW


Paul_Job: I want to make it clear right away that in OPCW you don't mess around and messing with Paul Job is very dangerous. The new recruit is in his locker room, I know it and, before the match is even made official I decide to teach him a lesson. I've completed my workout, I've showered, and now I want to send a clear and unambiguous message. The locker room door is only ajar, I notice. I'm wearing black shorts and flip flops. With a kick at the door I open it and enter the room "Were you waiting for me?" I tell her in a serious tone
Cassie_Dreams: "HEY! Get outta here!" I shout, finishing up latching my bikini on as I run over towards you by the door and quickly try to shut it back on you.. I knew my opponent was someone to be feared, but with 'Job' as your last name, I didn't want to believe it. "GET OUTTA HERE!" Trying to close you in until I'm fully prepared..
Paul_Job: I use my strength, put my shoulder against the door to enter, pushing you back. Once inside, I lock the door behind me. then I put them in my pocket. “Now you're not going anywhere!”

Cassie_Dreams: I gulp, taking a few steps back as you close the door in on us.. I look around, panicking as I run towards the bench and jump up onto it.. "Oh yeah? Come get it!" I say, squatting and trying to bait you in towards me as I prepare to jump in a cross-body splash!

Paul_Job: I thought you were scared, but as soon as I turn around you attack me furiously. Run towards me and slam your huge breasts against my chest. I try to catch you, but the blow makes me hit my shoulders and the back of my head against the wall. I shake my head and look at you, surprised by your sudden attack

Cassie_Dreams: I fall to the ground and roll over. "Hahahahahha! Seems you're the one stuck in here with me!" Trying to stand up quickly as you were clearly a bit dizzy from that sneaky little pounce attack. I lunge in close and jump up, but throw one knee higher and aim to smash it into your jaw.

Paul_Job: You attack again with great speed, but this time I don't let myself be caught by surprise. When you jump with your knee forward I move, hoping you hit the wall. Then I stand sideways and try a kick with my instep at your back

Cassie_Dreams: You slide out of the way and my knee crushes the wall instead.. Making a round hole as I land and groaning in pain while you send a swift kick into my back and push me halfway across the locker room.. Trying to stay on my feet as I arch in pain and reach for my spine.. "OOWW!!!"

Paul_Job: I hit you and you arch your spine. I try to take advantage of it. I grab your hair and pull your head back, then I try to slam your face into the wall

Cassie_Dreams: You take my hair and pull fast, whipping my head right into the wall and busting me through the dry-wall.. Making an imprint of my face inside the wall as I start to wobble around, eyes spinning as I hold my head in pain.. "Ooogggghhh!!!!!"

Paul_Job: "You're not being bold anymore, huh?" You almost bounce against the wall. I grab the string of your top, behind your back, then with the other hand I grab your bottom. I pull and twist you, then try to throw you against the iron lockers

Cassie_Dreams: I wake in shock as you hold my bikini string and nearly lift me up, but I try and keep my feet planted so you don't lift me.. Then quickly, I swing my head back and thrust into yours to try and headbutt you away to give me a bit of time to recover!

Paul_Job: Suddenly you become heavy and I can't throw you. You fight back, headbutt me in the face. I stagger backwards, but I grab onto your bra and pull it to tear as I take steps backwards

Cassie_Dreams: As you stumble away, your hand latches onto my bra and rips it open.. Tearing my top right off and exposing my massive tits! "AHH MY TITTIES?! WHYY?!" I panic and cross my arms around my boobs to try and cover them up..

Paul_Job: I shake my head, my vision is a little blurry. Then after a few moments the situation improves and I see you try to cover your big breasts with your hands, but you can't completely do it. You can see the nipples. I get excited, I bite my lower lip, I try to hide my erection. I'm here to beat you, I can't get distracted. I shake my head and then sprint forward to try to hit you with a straight right to the cheekbone

Cassie_Dreams: Enraged as I watch you come towards me, quickly dropping down to my knees to dodge your jab and attempting to swing my own hard punch straight into your dick and balls for a low-blow.. Hoping this'll give me a second to recover.. "HIYAAHH!"

Paul_Job: You duck quickly and my right just hits the air above your head. I'm leaning forward when I feel your fist crushing my balls against my cock. I moan, I feel my balls almost squirting into my throat. I have pain that rapidly attacks my entire body. I cross my knees, bring my hands to my groin and lean forward. My eyes are bulging

Cassie_Dreams: "oopsies!" I taunt as I quickly spring back up to my feet and grab your hair with both of my hands. While you try and nurse your busted balls, I wiggle my hips and then jump up into the air. Taking you with me as I open my legs and fall to my ass while pulling your face down to bash it into the concrete tiles of the locker-room..

Paul_Job: I'm leaning forward. You grab my hair and pull me down. Smash my face into the ground. The locker room floor is not like the ring mat. This hurts terribly. I remain on the ground stunned, with my hands between my legs in an embryonic position

Cassie_Dreams: I roll over and start to pick myself up to my feet.. Giving my butt a little rub from that cushion-less drop but then reach down to grab your long hair and pull you back up to your feet.. Watching your face peel off the tiles and giggling.. "Heheheheh, does that hurt?" I pout, then slowly start to drag you over towards the lockers, opening one up..

Paul_Job: You grab me by the hair and force me to stand up, even though I'm dizzy and practically numb. You push me and I take a few steps back, then I try to react and with one hand I try to grab your nipple to squeeze it, hoping to hurt you enough to give me a break

Cassie_Dreams: "AAAAIIIIIEEEE!" I scream, releasing your hair and reaching for your wrist trying to pry it off my nipple but the pain was ridiculous.. Hopping onto my tippy toes and lightly hopping as I wince and cry in pain.. "OOWWWIEEEE!! STOP STOP STOP!!"

Paul_Job: I reach my goal. I hurt your breasts and you leave me. I squeeze hard, then suddenly let go and try to hit you with a chop, with an open hand, right above the breasts

Cassie_Dreams: I stumble back, reaching for my hurt nipple as you lunge in and swing your open hand across my huge chest.. Unable to protect such massive targets as you make my skin CRACK loud with your chop.. "OOOOWW!" I scream out, bloody murder as I stumble all the way back into the way trying to cradle my chest..

Paul_Job: The break was useful, I recovered some breath and the pain in my balls is starting to become more bearable. I see you in pain "What's the matter, beautiful, you're whining like a little girl just because your nipple hurts." Then I try to kick you in the abs to make you double over

Cassie_Dreams: Reeling from the pain and trying to catch my composure before you kick me right in the tummy and take my breath away! "OOOWWW!!!" I scream, doubling over into you as I hold my stomach and GASP for air...

Paul_Job: I hit you and you lean forward. I then grab your hair and pull your head towards me, to place it between my thighs. Then I lean down and hug you, closing my hands on your addon. Finally I try to lift you up to sit on my shoulders, with my face in your crotch, in a powerbomb position

Cassie_Dreams: You pull me down between your thighs, locking me in as you hoist me up and flip me all the way onto your shoulders.. Landing loosely seated over your shoulders as I hold your head for balance. 
"AAAGGHH!" I scream, trying not to panic and hoping to use my leg muscles for something a little crazy. I turn my head, noticing the rock-hard benches and attempt to close my legs in tight around your neck. Before you pull me down, I whip my body back and throw my legs down towards the bench, trying to flip and toss you with a massive Hurricanrana...

Paul_Job: My eyes widen when you tie your legs around my neck like a noose. Then you throw yourself back and pull me down. You flip me to the floor, I do a flip on the hard floor and then I hit the wall. I get down on all fours, moaning in pain. My knees and hands are on the ground, I shake my head to try to recover

Cassie_Dreams: I catch myself on the ground, trying to pull myself up to my feet as you crash to the floor.. I cough up a bit, then finally stand to my feet. I quickly head towards you and reach for your long hair again, this time pulling even more viciously than before to really make your scalp feel t... "GRRR... GET UP BITCH!" I shout, trying to walk you like a dog as I pull..

Paul_Job: You pull me by the hair. My scalp burns from your action. I stagger “How dare you, you bitch!” then I try to hit you with a slap on your cheek

Cassie_Dreams: I let go of your hair, and catch your wrist before it slaps my cheek.. "nuh uh!" I growl, then start to spin you around with your arm. Turning and turning and turning, trying to get you dizzy before letting you go flying towards the lockers!

Paul_Job: You grab my wrist, twist it. Then you spin me around and finally throw me towards the lockers. I manage to rotate before impact, but my back hits hard against the iron doors and I collapse sitting on the bench in front of the locker

Cassie_Dreams: "SEE YA!" I yell as I let go and have you BASH into the doors... Collapsing onto your ass near the lockers as I start heading towards you to keep up the punishment. I stand in front of you and raise my leg up, trying to stomp and press down on your nuts while you sit there..

Paul_Job: You approach me slowly. I look at you, your breasts, your figure, as you walk like a feline going towards its prey. I raise my hands to protect my face, instinctively. But you crush my balls with your foot. I throw my head back and it hits the locker. Then I put my hands on your leg, touch your calf, try to move your foot. The pain doesn't even allow me to scream

Cassie_Dreams: I keep pedalling my foot up and down on your nuts, giving them alternating levels of pain as I pump and pump... "Mmm, yeah... feel that? Like it?" I say, giving you the most painful foot-job you've ever had before finally raising my foot up and trying to kick you right across your face!

Paul_Job: You press your foot on my balls and my hard cock intermittently. I'm in a mix of pain and pleasure. But I'm suffering. Finally take your foot off. I take a deep breath and put my hands on my groin, but immediately afterwards you kick me in the face. My head still bangs against the iron cabinet. I, stunned, collapse on the bench, moaning for the pain

Cassie_Dreams: I lick my lips and start positioning myself behind you. I scoop my hands down between your thighs from behind, trying to grab your precious jewels and squeeze them tight.. But I start pulling them up, trying to force you to your feet at my command with a testicular claw from the back!

Paul_Job: I'm drunk, my head feels like it's going to explode, you grab my balls and force me to stand up. I have no strength, but if I don't do as you say you'll tear my balls off. I stagger and struggle to stand, I try to hit you with weak punches to the breasts "Give me up" I whisper desperately

Cassie_Dreams: "NOPE!" I yell, squeezing your nuts tight as I force you up to your feet and start climbing up onto the benches and making you come with me.. I release your nuts, then grab your head and pull it down between my much more petite legs and try to lock you inside. Up high now as I try to take your arms and hook them behind your back to lock them inside, preparing to slam you down.. "Guess we do know what 'Job' stands for.." I say, wiggling my butt as I get ready to drop you..

Paul_Job: You put my head between your thighs and hold me. Lock my hands behind my back. I understand that you want to end me with a pedigree. I try to use my remaining strength. I try to push my shoulders against your thighs to make you lose balance "NOOOO" I scream desperately

Cassie_Dreams: "Byebye, jobber!" I brace, then JUMP up and fall down over your neck to crush the front of your body down into the bench with a massive Pedigree! Hearing the steel bench CLANG against your skin as I try and knock you out with a painful finisher!

Paul_Job: I can't move, you drop to your knees and slam my face into the cold, hard floor once again. My head hits the ground and the light immediately goes out. I stay under your ass, lying on your chest, with legs and arms extended

Cassie_Dreams: I get up to my feet, and start walking around you. Letting you dangle off the bench as I grab your shorts and start pulling them down off your legs.. Slipping them down and reaching inside to take the keys out. "Hope nobody comes in here to see you like this, hahahahha!" Laughing as I head towards the doors, unlocking and leaving you destroyed and humiliated...

Published: 2024-09-23, viewed 73 times.



Rimuru Tempest

25 days ago

Solid blows👌


26 days ago

Rookie came fully prepared!!


26 days ago

Great match