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OPCW Hollywood Night - Felicia Vs Shady


09:55 Felicia_Starling:
10:02 Felicia_Starling: The limo pulls up and I can see the flash of the paparazzi outside as I arrive for this special Hollywood Duels match. I wait patiently as the valet opens the door for me and I step out under what seems to be a fireworks display of camera flashes. I stand, my gown swaying behind me as I make my way down the red carpet towards the ring. "OUR FIRST STAR OF THE EVENING, MAKING HER WAY DOWN TO THE RING, SHE IS THE FORMER EUROPEAN CHAMPION AND THE CURRENT STAR OF THE FUTURE, PLEASE WELCOME, FELICIA STARLING!" I move down the red carpet, posing for photos as I'm asked, flashing my winning smile and then reach the ring. Climbing up onto the ring apron, I wait for attendants to hold the red velvet ropes for me to step in and I make a circut of the ring, waving and smiling and posing a bit more as I wait for my opponent's limo to make its stop.
10:05 Felicia_Starling:
10:36 shadyfighter07: Limo comes after yours, it looks an amazing night, I feel like and Hollywood star. As driver open car's door I am flashed by journalist shooting pics, I move out, my shoes on red carpet, I shake my hands to my fan but even to everyone calling my name, I sign some autographs as I move toward the ring. I am wearing a tuxedo, I usually wear few clothes so I feel compressed with this outfit, papillon is tight around my throath like it was choking me but I walk in confident way to reach the ring. I climb up using metal stairs, a whistle comes out from my mouth as I see my opponent, suddenly feeling hot, fixing my papillon to breath better as speaker introduce me "an her opponent, a Roman Gladiator from Italy....SHADYYYYYYYY" I clap my hands moving in front of you I bow a little "I have to adming you look stunning but I'll kick your bums tonight"
10:37 shadyfighter07:
10:51 Felicia_Starling: I return the little bow with a smile and a wink, "Sure you will sugar, and you don't look half bad yourself, for now." I step back to my corner and slip my hands under my breasts, pulling a pair of strings to tie them together and attach my bikini top before I slip out of my high heels and shimmy out of the gown. I hand the dress to the attendant and wait in the corner, dressed now for the match and not the entrance in a tight black bikini. I see another flury of photo flashes and start to loosen up, bending over to stretch, and then shaking my hands and arms to limber up.
10:51 Felicia_Starling:
10:58 shadyfighter07: "oh I am very very bad and you'll see that very soon" I unlace my papillong but as I see you are removing my clothes I start to sweat feeling almost melting I see you in bikini. I slowly remove my jacket, my shoes and my trousers tieing and placing them outside the corner, glaring at you from head to toes, my throath dry. I guess it won't be an easy match, as formere champion you are skilled but looks like you have also dangerous weapons on you body. I tear off my shirts and throw the piece off the ring, standing barechest in front of you, wearing a pair of black shorts only, Crossing my arms under my chest I bounce my massive pecs, waiting you finish the photoshoot
10:58 shadyfighter07:
11:06 Felicia_Starling: After watching you for a moment, I look over to the referee and nod my head to let him know that I'm ready. moments later, the bell rings DING! to start the match and I step out of my corner, hands up, and starting to circle around. "Alright sugar, let's see what you've got."
11:08 shadyfighter07: I am ready too, as you get your fight stance I do the same, arms up and legs bent. Bell rings "oh I'll get you" I reply in teasing way, following your circle, looking into your eyes to don't be distracted by your amazing body as I suddenly step in, palms open to offer you a lock up
11:14 Felicia_Starling: As we circle around closer and closer to you, my own hands raise up until I see you stepping in and opening your hands, raising them up to offer the lockup. There's no point in trying that as you are clearly bigger and stronger, but now you've just opened up your whole body so I step forward, lifting my other leg, and aiming my knee right at your rock hard abs.
11:22 shadyfighter07: I am curious to know your strenght, you look pretty fit but before I might have a good grip on your hands ouffff your knee lands on my abs, I was unprepared so the strike makes me bend forward a little, I unlance my hands stepping back to recovere "Nice shoot but you have to do better if you wanna worry me"
11:32 Felicia_Starling: As I feel the thump to the belly land, and see you step back from it, I decide to take you up on that offer and follow up, "OK! I'll do that!" And I step to follow you, returning the kneeing leg to the ground and raising the other foot to kick out straight with my foot and aim for the same spot on your belly.
11:35 shadyfighter07: Still recovering my my eyes fixed on you, I follow the movement of you legs so as you fire the other one to kick my belly again I delfate your leg outside using my wrist, it looks more a karate move than a wrestling one, following with a foward movement trying to pay you back with a knee strike on your stomach "try again if you can" I growl
11:38 Felicia_Starling: My kick deflects wide as your hand brushes it aside and I land a little awkwardly, right in front of you and open to your returning knee to the belly that catches me flush. "Oooooh!" I double over and stumble backwards, both hands covering my stomach as I try to get a little distance.
11:41 shadyfighter07: BAMMM my kne lands where I hoped, I can feel your abs are solids but not enough to bear it, I follow you as yu step back, you've left me a red gift on my stomach but you got mine too. I move out one of my hand to grab your hair, meaning to yank your head under my armpit
11:45 Felicia_Starling: As I stumble back, bent forward, I feel my backing away stopped as you gtab a hold of my trailing hair and pull me back toward you. I yelp at the hairpull as I'm dragged in and see your arm reaching out to wrap around my head. I try to get a little bit of an offense in and shove forward the last bit, trying to slam my shoulder into your stomach when you grab the front headlock.
11:48 shadyfighter07: I drag you toward me by hear, my other arm ready to lock an headscissor but you use my own pulling strenght to move foward, your movement is quick and very well aimed, again your catch my ripped abs unprepared...ouffff your shoulder rams into my guts, I double over a little and I am forced back. losing the hold on your hair. My back hit the ropes, I am bounced forward with no control
11:51 Felicia_Starling: The slam hits better than I had even hoped as you release the headlock before it locks in and bounce back away from me. As you hit the ropes and rebound, I drop down and fall to teh side, reaching out my legs to try to entangle with yours, going for a drop toeold to attempt to trip you face first down to the mat.
11:55 shadyfighter07: I can't stop or doing some other movements since the bounce has been unvolontary so as I come back toward the middle of the ring your legs entanglw with mine and you make me fall on my chesy with a quick scisso kick. My face hit the mat first dazing me a little, hissing at same time "SHIT"
10:47 Felicia_Starling: With legs still entangled after the trip, I roll towards you, trying to bend your legs up at the knees as I get to my own knees. I scoot forward to try to straddle your ankles and reach forward for your arms.
10:51 shadyfighter07: As I am laying on my chest you bend up my legs using your own. I growl, you slide to sit on my back, I plant my elbows on ground, flexing my muscles to don't let you pull my arms but also to use my elbows as support to lift my body and trying to unbalance you to soften the hold you got at my legs
10:53 Felicia_Starling: I pull at your arms but they don't move, too much raw muscle for me to pull against so I've got to try to keep what I have, my speet. I feel you pushing up, yur upper body raising as you push and my perch trapping your ankles underneath me starts to get wobbly. I open my hand and swing it down, just smacking the middle of your back with an open handed slap!
10:56 shadyfighter07: I feel the grip of your hold losening a little but I can't get rid off of you, growling I start to roll on one side to another, still trying to unbalance you but I feel your weight blocking my legs, I am planning to slide forward using my arms but you keep me in place with a loudly slap on my back! Very good grrrr I have your knee mark on my abdoment and now your handprint on my back "Fuck you!" I hiss as I try to touch one rope with my fingers to call a break
11:00 Felicia_Starling: "Language!" I swing another slap at your back with the other hand, attempting to put the matched set there as you drag yourself, and me, to the ropes. I see you reach out and grab the bottom one and I see the referee coming in to tell me to release. I reluctantly, do, rocking back onto my feet and standing up, but not backing off without trying to send a stomp down at you.
11:04 shadyfighter07: I shame to call a rope back so early but you are more skilled than I expected, I got another slap "oh yeah language!" I reply in cheating way. I roll on my chest as you let me go, taking a moment to breath but you hit me with a stomp on my abs oufffff, perfect! I also have a footprint on my stomach! My body curls up, ref si going to interfree but I move out one of my arms, trying to hook calf of your standing leg to pull your foot off the floor and trip you down
11:08 Felicia_Starling: After the stomp, I start to back away to let you get up, but feel your hand grabbing the back of my ankle, jerking my leg forward and my arms windmil, trying to keep my balance, but there is no leg to stand on and I fall straight down, landing on my ass. "Ow!"
11:14 shadyfighter07: I hear a big thud and see your amazing body laying on mat.."well well well" I turn standing on my knee, still holding your leg I stand up, I use also my other hand to grab your foot and with a spinning movement I try to roll you on chest on mat
11:18 Felicia_Starling: I wince as I reach back to rub my butt after landing on it, then notice you haven't let go of my leg. "Wooah!" It twists and I get rolled over onto my belly. I reach out, but the nearest ropes are behind me and I growl, then start trying to push up with my hands.
11:25 shadyfighter07: "oH looks like is my turn to give you some pain" I growl I wrap one arm around your ankle, taking your foot with the other I try to apply an ankle lock "so how do you feel kissing the canvas?" I tease yu
11:25 shadyfighter07:
11:28 Felicia_Starling: I feel you standing, coming up and pulling my foot with you, twisting it over to start applying the ankle lock. "Aaaaah! I don't like it!" My hands reach again, trying to grab at the mat to pull me towards the ropes, my other foot kicks backwards, trying to hit something but not really able to aim the kicks very well.
11:31 shadyfighter07: I grind my teeth, curling an evil smile on my face as I keep to twist your foot but your other one hit my thigh, not a big shoot but enough to let my grip losen a little and you can gain some inches toward the ropes
11:32 Felicia_Starling: My foot impacts... something, but it's enough to let me lurch forward on my hands another few feet towards the ropes. But they are still too far away and the twisting of my ankle is hurting badly. I riase up on my hands, teeth clench, and then I twist, rolling with the direction you are twisting, trying to get to my back so that I can see you and kick out with my other foot again.
11:36 shadyfighter07: you gain some inches but not enough to reach the ropes, ah ah I evil laugh, I can com back to twist your foot but your quick movement suprise me, you follow twisting direction to roll on your back, I am still holding your foot but your other one come up with high speed, I flex my abs to bear the impact but your position is good now and your kick force me to step back and I lost my grip on your ankle, stomping my foot on mat with disappoint
11:39 Felicia_Starling: The kick connects and my leg is freed. I rock back and then throw my legs forward to kip up from my back onto my feet, right in front of you, thenstumble as I put weight onto my hurting ankle. "Ow!"
11:41 shadyfighter07: I have the feeling you got my body like a kicking back, this is not good, I'll make you pay for this, I know you are quick and skilled so depsite my breath is heavy I don't have to waste time, I rush forward, frontally trying to slam my chest on yours as I wrap my arms your thin sexy waist to trap you into a frontal bearhug "I'll squeeze the hell off you" I growl
11:55 Felicia_Starling: I make it to my feet, wobble a little bit, and then you are right ther on me, arms wrapping around my waist and I feel myself lefted up. My feet dangle down as you squeeze my waist and my back arches. My hands come up to your shoulders, trying to push you back and my head shakes back and forth. "Aah, let.. go!"
12:04 shadyfighter07: I flex my muscles to squeeze you, I have to admin holding your sexy body into this tight hug is quite nice but I don't think you might like a long one or maybe you'll find a way to get free so I don't have to go ahead for long, just time enough to lift you off from the floor as I spin back trying to flip your body over me and slam you down with a powerful belly to bellt supplex
12:04 shadyfighter07:
10:15 Felicia_Starling: I groan out, feeling the tight squeeze and my hands push at your whoulder when I feel you tighten, lift, and turn. then the canvas slams against my back and I feel your weight coming down onto my chest, squashing me between them and knocking half of the breath out of me. My legs kick up, then flop back down onto the mat.
10:17 shadyfighter07: SBAMMMM your body slams on canvas with a loudly thud, ring shaking, I control movement to fall straight over you. Panting but I have to use this chance, I fix my position, my chest leaning over your round soft breast, hooking your leegs I try to lift them up for a quick pin attempt
10:49 Felicia_Starling: I grunt as you grab my leg and pull it up for the cover, feeling my back on the mat and I gape as I try to breathe. I can see the referee dropping down and starting to count a pin, "ONE!" But I twist, throwing one arm up to lift my shoulder and stopping the count.
10:52 shadyfighter07: I flex all my muscles to make my body weighter, maening to finish you fast, I don't know if I'll have another chance to pin you. Such sweet music as I hear ref counting "one!" but party is very short, before her hand could meet mat for 2 count you lift your shoulder and count stops! I growl, slapping my hand on canvas for disappoint, standing up I move toward my corner to rest, not caring I am showing you my back
10:57 Felicia_Starling: As you get up, I gasp, bringing some air back into my lungs as I lay there and then sit up. I see you moving across the ring, back towards a corner and I keep my eye on you as I get back to my feet. I shake my arms out and wince, then move to follow, rushing now to try to catch you with a shoulder to the back before you turn around.
11:01 shadyfighter07: I didn't expect you recover fast so I waste some time flexing my biceps to the crowd "well guys, I couldn't pin her this mean I'll make her suffer before pin her ag....." but before I could ifnish my sentece OUCHHHH your shoulder hit my back, I stagger forward stopping to the corner, I don't hit my stomach there because I am fast enough to place my hands on top rope. I feel my rage growing, I spin to face face, shooting my right arm trying to deliver a slap on your breast if you are close enough
11:04 Felicia_Starling: I hit the shoulder to the back to knock you forward into the corner and I catch my own momentum by grabbing the middle ropes. Then I push back and stand upright, right in time to feel your spinning chop across my chest, SMACK! I stagger back, both hands coming up to try to block a follow up chop.
11:11 shadyfighter07: I feel my hand meet your soft breast, I look at your girls jiggling a little short distraction that let you raise your arms to block a following shoot but your hands are just in front of me I try to grab them to have a lock pushing you back "did a get a soft point?" I ask in teasing way
11:16 Felicia_Starling: My hands up to block, I feel your fingers wrapping around my wrists as you grab my arms and start pushing me back. I stumble with it, trying to twist my arms down and away from the hard grip. "Oh, shut up!"
11:18 shadyfighter07: I manage to move off from the corner but I am not planning to bring you toward the middle of a ring or maybe on the opposite cornere pushing you like we were dancing a tango but maybe a throw would be better, as you twist arms down I let go one of your wrists to take one of your arms with both hands and spinning back I try to launch you toward the corner where I was early with an irish whip attempt
11:23 Felicia_Starling: Stumbling back, twisting and pulling at my arms to try to get them away from you, I feel one of them get free, but then you turn and my other arms is pulled forward, my body follows and I'm whipped hard towards the corner. I turn with the momentum and hit hard, back first into the buckles. "Oooof!"
11:25 shadyfighter07: This time I've been the one fast, I throw you easily toward the corner, I might follow you with a quick attack but I feel confident now, I wanna play with you like cat and mouse. I step closer as you are on the corner, with my left I fake a slap on your face to let your guard raises. But with other hand I try to grab your bikini top to pull it off maybe fabric could rip
11:29 Felicia_Starling: After hitting the corner, my arms flop back over the top rope to keep me up and I see you moving in right after me. The feint works and my hands come up to protect my face, just enough for your other hand to shoot forward, grab the string between my breasts, and yank it. The string pops and comes off in your hand, I gasp, then try to cover up.
11:29 Felicia_Starling:
11:32 shadyfighter07: I pull your bra as strong as I can and fabric rips like I hoped but as I see your tits pop out I don't know if I've done right or not, I stare to your girls, some cold sweat wets my forehead, you looked sexy in bikini but now topless you look even more better. Jawdropping I say "Oh My God" still holding your top on my right hand
11:39 Felicia_Starling: My hands over my bare chest, I look you in the face, then down at your hand holding my top, then back at youstammering and looking stunned. One hand slips off of my breast to reveal it, then folds into a fist, and I swing it right at your throat.
11:50 shadyfighter07: Such shame, a big guy like me distracted by a couple of girls, ok they look perfect but I have to focus the match...shaking my head to come back into the match but too late...ouchhh your fist hit my throath, I am pushed back, coughing, holding my throath to recover
08:45 Felicia_Starling: the swinging fist connects satisfactorilly with the front of your throat and I see you backing up, sputtering. I hop up onto the bottom rope, my hands grabbing the top one for some lift and height as I kick out forward with both feet, almost like a dropkick but also pushing off the ropes with my arms to get some estra impact.
10:21 shadyfighter07: As I am staggering back, still recovering by your punch that has cut my breath I don't care what ar you doing but I suddenly feel your feet connecting with my chest, I have massive pectoral muscles but you've got a good momentum...ouffff my body leans back and my feet slide forward I fall on mat with a big thud, ring shaking. Laying there arms and legs spreaded like a train would has just hit me
10:24 Felicia_Starling: After the kick, I land, bounce, and use the ropes to bounce myself up to the middle ropes. With you on your back in front of me, I try to take advantage and jump forward, legs spreading wide to straddle your prone form and trying to land ass first, right on your tight abs.
10:26 shadyfighter07: you look a crazy ball moving and bouncing along the ring, still trying to know what has just hit me I see your shadow coming over me, feeling still do dizzy to move out your fit ass lands on my stomach, my abs are flexed but the impacts lift both my arms and legs, my body get a V shape for a moment before my limbs drop on ground again. I have to do something to counter
10:30 Felicia_Starling: I hit hard, but your squishy body cushouns my fall very well. I see you V up in front of me and I try to keep your upper body from flopping back down by grabbing a double handful of your long hair. "You wanted to see them? How about up close!" And I try to shove your face deep into my cleavage.
10:31 shadyfighter07: my legs drop on ground but my upper body is kept lifted by your hold at my hair, I growl, this hairpulling wake me up a little "do you think am I a bitch?" pride let me react tryng to shoot a land slap on the side of your breast but unable to avoid you pulling face between your big girls
10:47 Felicia_Starling: As I yank your head between my breasts, I feel the slap across the outside of one of them. "Oh, you do like them!" I start to slip my fingers out of your hair, trying to wrap my arms around the back of your head if I can to lock in a tighter smother.
10:53 shadyfighter07: mmphh well it's not so bad resting between those soft pillows but as you wrap one arm around the back of my head, smothering me I guess I should try to escape or you'll send me to sleep very soon, your lock is too tight so I don't waste strenght to open yur arms but I rather try a distraction move, with one hand i grab the side of your panties, yanking with all I have I try a nasty wedgie
10:58 Felicia_Starling: "Yaaah!" I feel the cloth jerking up between my legs as I try to hang onto the smother. I feel my hips lifting off of you and it does force me to release your hed. As my arm comes off of it, I swing it dow, trying to knock your hand away from my bikini bottoms before I try to drop my butt back down onto your belly.
11:01 shadyfighter07: my trick works, I pull your panties, stretching the fabric almost to make it tears off. Your grip losen a little, you slap my hand off but I plant my feet on ground trying to buck up my hips attempting to bridge you off from me, trying to catch right moment as you lift your ass to drop onto my belly
11:23 Felicia_Starling: I push up, raising on my feet in order to drop my ass back down on top of you, but I feel you bridging up underneath me, your stomach staying close up between my legs to prevent the drop. So instead, I try to shoot my feet underneath that bridge, going for a tight waist scissors and throwing myself to the sid to bring us both to the canvas.
11:25 Felicia_Starling:
11:30 shadyfighter07: I was hoping to get free of you but I fall from the paddle to a fire as I have my hips lifted your long fit leg sildes under me, the other over me, trapping me into a tight waist scissor, I gulp, I need to stop your attempt or I'll ge to be squeezed but you force me to roll on my side, I move my hands to your knee, pushing over there to soften the pressure as I try to roll to the opposite direction trying to escape
11:38 Felicia_Starling: "Get back here!" I feel you rolling, twisting in the scissors and try to lock my legs around the back of you, attempting to hook my ankle behind my knee as I reach for your head again in hops of pulling it back to my chest, I know you've got strength but I'm hoping to overcome it by sticking close and taking your breath away.
11:43 shadyfighter07: MPHH you block my attemp to evade by your legs, feeling some cold sweat soaking my forehead, you bring me back to lay on my side, chest to chest with you, both our chests are bared but your one is clearly hotter than mine, feeling it softness pushing on my pecs doesn't help neither, well I can's escape, your legs well locked so I change tactic, I roll toward you trying to use my body weight to force you laying on your back, trying to move over you to get your top and maybe my weight over you will help to let your hold losen
11:47 Felicia_Starling: I squeeeze tight, hanging onto the scissor as I feel your head slip out of my smother attempt and you roll, pushing over to be on top of me. I can feel the mat pressing against my back and glance over to see the referee dropping down to start a pin count. As he counts ONE! I growl and release my feet from being locked behind you. I pull my legs in tight, trying to get my feet between our chests and then shove as hard as I can to try to knock you off of me.
11:54 shadyfighter07: mphh with a big effort I manage to roll you on back, taking your top even though your legs are still around on my waist but my movement bring you to a pin too, I hear the ref counts, I didn't expect that so I can't capitalize this new position like I should, you are quicker to push me off from you with your feet, I roll as far as I can reaching the corner, I stand on my knees, panting, two red stripes on my waist where your strong thighs squeezed
11:57 Felicia_Starling: Shoving you off of me, I use the momentum to roll up to a kneeling position, facing you with one foot and one knee down. I see you pitched up in the corner, kneeling yourself, and I take a quick breath, then explode to my feet, charging right at you in hopes of catching you there in the corner with a hip attack to the face.
11:59 Felicia_Starling:
12:03 shadyfighter07: I am lookin the ground, like it would help me to recover faster but as I bring my eyes up they get wide open I see an amazing ass. I whistle staring at that perfect bums not realizing they are going to hit my face...ouchhhh your glutes hit my face with an hard impact, my back slams on the turnbukle, bounces on there as I fall on all fours, my head dazed my back hurting
09:38 Felicia_Starling: I turn and look to follow up by reaching for that mane of hair, using it to try to bring you up to your feet and pulling you out and away from the corner and the ropes. I yank your head side to side as I do, trying to keep you disoriented enough to bring you where I want you.
09:41 shadyfighter07: Still feeling dazed as you come toward me, seeing your feet only, not meaning to stand up yet, feeling still huriing and dizzy but you don't let me recover, you pull me up by hair, I yell as I feel like my scalp is detaching by my skull, swining my hands to slap you whenever i can get yoy, maybe at your breat but you bring me around shaking my head side to side, I feel like drunken
09:45 Felicia_Starling: I pull you out toward the center of the ring, hanging onto the hair and keeping you bent over forwards, until I yank up, trying to take you from leaning forward to a full change to arch backwards, but instead of trying to make you fall, my arms let go of your hair and I try to catch your head and lean forward, attempting to shove your head between my boobs in a kind of a dragon smother.
09:45 Felicia_Starling:
09:51 shadyfighter07: I have to follow you to don't fall, everything spin around me, I feel like you were making me dance but you hold me bent foarward till you make me perform a kind of casqué, I giggle "what the hell are you doing? meaning to dance Tang...." but I can't complete my sentence since you bring my head between your breast, it wouldn't be bad if you were not aching my back in this unatural position, holding my head tight! I hug your body I can't have a good grip but I only need a support, trying to step forward to losen your hold
09:59 Felicia_Starling: I feel you stumbling forward, trying to loosen the hold and I see that I have enough space inside the ropes to follow and push forward, trying to get your knees forward of your feet before I drop straight down onto my own butt and try to bring you to the mat. My hands move to slip under your shoulders, trying to arch your back to add more of that stretch to the forced inverted smother.
10:00 Felicia_Starling:
10:05 shadyfighter07: I am trying to move forward meaing to make Tango's figure but you follow me, making a step longer, it wouldn't be a right step if we were dancing but it might be usefulo into wrestling, you make my legs bend, pushing me behind knees, my body lowers my legs fold down, my back almost touching the canvas, my face wet for sweat maybe also the heat of your breasts are causing temperature rise. You block me in good way so I can't use my legs to move. I move my hands back trying to shove you but I can't push you very strong, dazing on my head and smothering you are giving me are weakening me
10:09 Felicia_Starling: I settle in, seeking to try to lock my hands with each other behind your back as i try to keep your back and neck painfully arched. MY breasts spilling over your face to take your breath away. I lean back, pulling up, trying to maintain and increase the strain on your back with my unorthodox dragon smother hold. "Give it up sugar! You are going nowhere!"
10:21 shadyfighter07: mphh I struggle, flexing all my muscles, a last effort to escape or at least losen your hold, but now oxygen comes to let me recover some strain, a last shaking of my body before I tap my hand on your thigh, no way I can evade, you got me in good way. Bell rings DING DING match is over. Such shame, I've lost this match, I was heading but I've played with fire daring to strip your top
10:23 Felicia_Starling: I feel the tapping on my thigh and hear the bell ring for the ending. I gasp in relief and then let go of the hold to let your body drop down onto my lap. As your face comes out of the smother, I smooth the hair off of it and then climb to my feet. I can see the papparazzi moving in, cameras flashing from the red carpet and I raise my hand in victory, posing over you.
10:28 shadyfighter07: My body drops on ground as you let me go, arms and legs spreaded, my pecs lifting up as I finally can catch some air to breath, my head still dizzy though, I only see camera flashing as paparazzi shoots pics to the winner, damn! I wanted that Oscar but looks like the Hollywood star is you tonight (yt/end)
10:30 Felicia_Starling: end

Published: 13 days ago, viewed 30 times.




12 days ago

go Felicia!