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Kylie vs Erin OPCW Hollywood Duel

Wrestle_Girl_Erin: So, we're on the set of the movie Cast Away so we can wrestle on the beach, right?

High_Flyin_Kylie: Yes. Just you, me, and the sand.

Wrestle_Girl_Erin: I stand across from you on the hot, sunny beach, movie cameras and equipment all around us, but the crew gone for the weekend. Just you, me, the sand, the sun, and the animosity between us. I stand there in my yellow bikini, hands on my hips, looking you up and down and finally say "you're mine Kylie...I'm gonna bury you in this beach!" yt


High_Flyin_Kylie: I look you over as you stand across the beach from me, your little body in your little yellow bikini. My slightly larger body looking sexy in my little green bikini, long blonde hair wet and curly. There's no ring today, but it's a pro match nonetheless. "I'm gonna slam you through the beach, Erin!" I snap back as I imagine all the things I'm gonna do to this little skank before pushing her out to sea and putting her out of her misery. yt



Wrestle_Girl_Erin: I start across the beach toward you, eyes locked on yours as I stare daggers into you, not intimidated at all by your size advantage on me as I start to move my hands up and out in front of my chest as we get close to each other, protecting my face as I near you "Let's fucking go Kylie!" yt

High_Flyin_Kylie: I steady myself when I see you start toward me and I do the same until you are nearly upon me, and since I am a little taller and longer than you, I am in striking distance first and I try to take full advantage by raising my arms up but then swinging my right leg up and looking to slam my bare right foot hard into your stomach before you're able to reach me! yt

Wrestle_Girl_Erin: We are almost close enough that I feel like I can sneak a shot it at you, but you decide to go first and try to kick me in my sexy stomach, but I lean back and manage to drop my hands in time to catch your leg around your ankle, avoiding the kick, but catching your foot in my hands, I look into your eyes and smirk, then wink at you and try to jerk you toward me by your leg as I lunge forward and try to slam my forehead into your face! yt

High_Flyin_Kylie: Instead of my foot hitting your belly, you lean back and your hands trap my foot making me have to hop on one leg to keep upright until you jerk me forward and AAAAAAGGGHHFFF! You slam your forehead into my face, a loud CRACK echoes out over the beach as my head snaps back and spit flies from my mouth, my body tipping back and slamming down hard on my back with a THUD on the beach "Ujnnghghfff" I grunt out as I land, stunned and gasping for air now as my hands cover my face. yt

Wrestle_Girl_Erin: I watch you go down onto your back right in front of me as I drop you with the headbutt to your face, and release your ankle as you fall. After you land you cover your face with both hands leaving your body exposed and I waste no time, leaping forward and trying to jam both my bare feet hard down into your stomach with a double foot stomp! "Fuck you Kylie!" I shout as I jump yt

High_Flyin_Kylie: With the wind knocked out of me from the fall onto my back and my face burning, I am left exposed and "OOOOUUUFFFFFFFF!!!" I gasp out loud and deeply as you jump on me and jam both your bare feet into my sexy belly, crushing my abs and making me cheeks puff out as my body jackknifes and then flops back down flat, my hands moving from my face to cover my abs now as I cough and groan, trying to get my breath back..."" yt

Wrestle_Girl_Erin: My feet land on your belly with a loud SMACK followed by your painful gasping and moaning as you flop on the sand under me and I make sure to grind my feet in good and deep before stepping off of you "Aww poor blondie...your tummy hurt?" I mock you as I grip your long blonde hair now with both hands and aggressively drag you off the beach to your feet "come on Kylie we're just getting started!" yt

High_Flyin_Kylie: I wince out feeling your hands in my hair and my scalp burning as you pull on it, starting to drag me to my feet and as I get to my knees and start to push to my feet I try to reach up and grab the sides of your head and hold on tight, then fall onto my knees again so I can pull your head down and drive your jaw into the top of my head with a jawbreaker! yt

Wrestle_Girl_Erin: I almost have you on your feet when I suddenly feel your hands gripping my head and before I know it I'm being pulled down and "AAAAAGGGHHHHFFFF!" I yelp out as I feel my jaw drive into the top of your head, making my teeth smash together as my head snaps back, I release your hair and stumble backwards hands holding my jaw

High_Flyin_Kylie: I feel your hands come free from my hair as I crack your jaw against my head, then as I rest on my knees I see you staggering backwards holding your jaw and I groan and push through the pain in my own face and stomach and charge at you, lowering my shoulder and aiming to ram it hard and deep into your belly, trying to drive you backwards and straight into a palmy tree in the nearby tree line! yt

Wrestle_Girl_Erin: I stumble back distracted by the pain in my aching jaw when "uughhff" I grunt out taking your shoulder to my stomach, then feel myself backpedaling quickly just trying to keep my feet under me when "AAUUNNGHGFFFF!" I grunt out loud as you drive me back hard onto a tree trunk, the back of my head smacking the tree, stunning me as I wince and groan in pain against the tree now, my hands on your shoulders trying to shove you off of

High_Flyin_Kylie: I drive you backwards and send you hard against the tree, keeping my shoulder buried in your belly as you push on my shoulders I plant my feet in the sand and really try to drive my shoulder harder and deeper into your stomach as I say "fuck you Erin!" then suddenly wrap my arms around your hips and lean back, pulling you with me as I lift up and try to fall backwards, lifting you up and over me with my shoulder still in your gut and trying to drive you straight down hard into the sand with a Northern Lights suplex!


High_Flyin_Kylie: yt


Wrestle_Girl_Erin: I'm so focused on the pain in my stomach after you basically spear me into the tree, that I am unprepared when you wrap me up and lift my sexy smaller body up and over you and "UUNNNGGHHFFFFF!" I groan out loud as you drive me down hard into the beach with a northern lights suplex, driving the air out of me again as I now lay there moaning and gasping for air as you arch your body and push on my hips and shove me into the beach. yt

High_Flyin_Kylie: I get you pinned after executing the perfect northern lights suplex on you, my sexy taller body bridge backwards as I pin you down "Onne........twoooo..." I count aloud hoping to steal one

Wrestle_Girl_Erin: I groan and squirm a little as you pin me down after the suplex, your body arched backwards over mine and as you reach the 2 count I see your body up over mine and try to fire my right fist hard up into your lower back about where your kidney would be from my position in my back under your arched body! yt

High_Flyin_Kylie: AAGGHH! I yelp out as I feel a sudden sharp pain in my lower left side as you punch me in the kidney as I bridge up over you trying to pin you. My body immediately drops down and because of my position I land on you, then try to roll away to my left onto the sand reaching for and holding my lower back as I settle on my left side. yt

Wrestle_Girl_Erin: "Unnghff" I grunt out as your body drops down and lands on mine after I punch you in the kidney and you roll off of me. I lay there on my back for a moment catching my breath and see you laying on your side next to me holding your back, and I turn my body positioning mine so that I can reach down and grab your ankle with my right hand, while my other hand reaches up and grips a handful of your long blonde hair, wrapping it up tight in my left hand as I then sit on my butt and press my feet into your spine, then with a wide grin I lean back and pull back on your ankle and on you head by your hair as I push my feet forward and bend you in a seated row stretch!! yt


Wrestle_Girl_Erin: yt

High_Flyin_Kylie: I wince out feeling you tug on my hair and my ankle at first then start to panic when I feel your bare feet in my back but before I can do anything "AAAuuuuggghh!! AAAggghhhhhhh!!" you jerk back on my hair and ankle and shove your feet into my spine, bending my sexy body backwards sharply, pain rushing through my body as my abs stretch tight, my face starts to turn red and my scalp burns as you threaten to rip my pretty blonde hair out by the roots "AAgghh gawwd uunnghh..yooouu biiitcchh!" I moan in pain now as my hands come up and try to wrap around your wrist as it's in my

Oh_Elle_No: Yes Erin! Bend the bitch! Show @IvoryDawn what's in her future!

Wrestle_Girl_Erin: I close my eyes and grin evilly as I lean back enjoying the sounds of your screaming in pain as I bend your taller body in two with my hands and feet "Come on Kylie!!! Say it!!! Give up or I'll break your back!!" I shout out

High_Flyin_Kylie: As I feel myself being bent badly, but knowing you can't hold this move forever I just have to hold on a bit longer despite the pain in my spine and my scalp, I hear your words and close my eyes tightly, swallow hard and shake my head refusing to give up yet! yt

Wrestle_Girl_Erin: I hear you moan out in pain and think for sure you're gonna give it up as my arms start to shake from the effort of keeping you bent, but then you defiantly shake your head and refuse to give up! " stupid bimbo you!" I shout in disgust as I now release your ankle and pull my left foot out of your back, keeping my right one against your spine as I rotate on my butt to my left just a little then try to send a hard left kick into the back of your stupid head as I finally release your hair as

High_Flyin_Kylie: I finally feel a slight moment of relief when I feel you release my leg, then my hair but only for a split second as almost immediately after letting go of my hair "Aauughhff!" I grunt out as you thrust your foot hard into the back of my head, stunning me again, sending me rocking over flat on my stomach now on the sand, moaning in a daze, my spine on fire, and now my head throbbing. yt

Wrestle_Girl_Erin: My kick to the back of your head sends you rolling over flopping face down on the sand now. I grin evilly as I get onto my knees and crawl toward you, straddling your back now I sit on your lower spine, grabbing your hair and jerking your head up and back off the sand as I lean forward and put my left cheek against your right cheek, whispering in your ear now "You're fucking finished hear me?! FINISHED!" as I proceed to then shove your head down with both hands on the back of your head and try to smash your face down hard into the beach before starting to grind back and forth trying to make you eat the sand! yt

Oh_Elle_No: Yeessss! Finish her Erin!

High_Flyin_Kylie: I lay face down on the beach and feel you now take a seat on my back pinning me there under you then I groan as you pull my head up and back, just so you can put your face to mine and whisper in my ear. Your hot breath washing over my ear makes my shiver a bit, but your cockiness infuriates me, so as you taunt me, I grab a fist full of sand with my left hand, then try to throw it back over my right shoulder and right into your face as you stupidly put your cheek against mine so I can tell right where it is "Biiittcchh!" I shout out as I fling the sand at your face! yt

Wrestle_Girl_Erin: Out of nowhere before I can shove your face down into the sand, AAAAOOOWWWW! I shriek out as I am blasted in the face with a fist full of sand, blinding me as it gets into my eyes, making me rock back into an upright position sitting on your back now as I rub my eyes frantically trying to see again. yt

High_Flyin_Kylie: I successfully blind you as you rock back onto my back rubbing your face. I know I have to do something here so I try to use my size advantage against you, trying to get my hands and knees under me so I can try to push up under you, lifting you up as I groan and rise with you still sitting on my back. I try to reach up and over my own head as I now straighten up on my knees to keep you from sliding off me now, then take my other arm and slip it under your thigh to hold you up on my back, still holding your head with the other hand, then I shout out "No YOU'RE finished Erin!" and take three big strides across the beach before kicking my legs out in front of me and dropping down looking to nail you with a running stunner of sorts!


High_Flyin_Kylie: yt

Wrestle_Girl_Erin: I feel myself suddenly lifted into the air as you lift me up while I'm sitting on your body and straddling your back, and before I can drop off you, you grab me to hold me there, by my head and my thigh, still blinded I feel us taking off moving forward, then dropping down and AAAAAAUUUGGGHHFFF!! I yelp out in pain as my jaw now drives into your shoulder and my head and whole torso snaps backwards and flops out flat on my back now on the beach, my arms stretched out over my head as I lay there stunned and gasping for air now, still blind but now also moaning in

High_Flyin_Kylie: I shove your legs away from me after stunning you with the running stunner, laying you out on the beach behind me. I push to my feet now, being fueled by adrenaline, and step to your side, swinging my long leg up into the air doing the perfect standing splits, then drop forward and land in the splits across your chest and throat with a split leg drop on the beach! yt


High_Flyin_Kylie: yt

Wrestle_Girl_Erin: Already laying on my back and gasping for air after the big stunner puts me into a dream like state. Then....UUNNNGHHFFFFF! I grunt out as you drop heavily down across my chest and throat in the splits, executing a perfect split leg splash that further drives the air from my lungs, my legs flop up then back down heavily as I still lay moaning and mostly blinded under you with your ass on my chest and your pussy against my chin. yt

High_Flyin_Kylie: I make sure to arch my back and push my crotch into your face as I get off you now, grabbing your hair and pulling you to your knees in front of me before shoving your head between my thighs, closing them tightly around your head, I slide one arm through your legs and then meet it with the other, then I say to you "Remember what I said about driving you THROUGH the beach Erin?! Well here we go...bitch!" then I hoist you up, making you do the splits as I lift you, then I kick my legs out and drop down as I scream "fuck you Erin!" and look to drive your head down hard into the beach, pushing down as hard as I can against your pussy as I drop for added force and hopefully added pain.


High_Flyin_Kylie: yt

Wrestle_Girl_Erin: I am in a daze as I feel my smaller body being lifted up and legs spread apart, then you drop down and drive me head first brutally hard down into the beach, pain rushing through my body again as my body jolts then flops limply to the side landing flat on my back next to you, sprawled out on the sand, head rolled to one side, moaning and barely hanging onto consciousness now. yt

High_Flyin_Kylie: I push to my feet and look down at you laying sprawled out next to me after being spiked into the beach with my piledriver. I could pin you now, but first...I have to live up to my name. "I'm not quite through with you yet you little bitch" I say as I grab you ankles and drag you across the sand toward a nearby tree before dropping your legs again. Then...I start to climb up the tree. Since there is no ring, I am force to get creative. I make it to a nice little perch about 10 feet up, dangerously high. Well, a little dangerous for me, but a LOT more dangerous for you. I look down at you, your sexy little body laying there sprawled out on your back below me. Then, I say "Goodnight Erin, ya little bitch!" and leap out of the tree, arching my back as I do, dropping toward you and aiming to land my sexy abs violently hard across your belly from 10 feet up, living up to my name High Flyin Kylie as I try to crush you into oblivion with a "top rope" splash on the


High_Flyin_Kylie: yt

Wrestle_Girl_Erin: Laying on my back, sprawled out and drifting in and out of consciousness after the piledriver, now you drag me across the sand in front of the nearby trees and scale one of them. Then, after a few choice words to me, you some crashing down on top of me with all your body weight directed toward my abs as you splash down on top of me and crush my sexy belly with a loud SMAAAAAAAACK "OOOOOUUUUUFFFFFFFF!!" that makes my body jackknife and saliva spray from my mouth before flopping back down flat, moaning and crushed flat to the beach under you, head rolled to the side and drooling from the corner of my mouth now. yt

High_Flyin_Kylie: I come to a rest on top of you, your stomach squished under mine as I arch my back and press my abs down into you, making you moan out softly and saliva bubble up onto your lips as I grin confidently and count aloud nice and slow....."onnnnneee........twwooooooo..." thrusting my hips and stomach into you with each count. "......thhhrreeeeee.....your DONE bitch!" Then I peel myself off your crushed body and grab you by the hair, dragging your limp body toward the waves before shoving your head between my legs one more time, wrapping my arms around your body, then lifting you up and slamming you down as hard as I can with a powerbomb right into the shallow tide, hoping maybe it'll wash you away like the trash you are.

Wrestle_Girl_Erin:'re such a BITCH

High_Flyin_Kylie: takes one to know one Erin

High_Flyin_Kylie: It was a real pleasure beating you

Published: 13 days ago, viewed 29 times.




8 days ago

That was a lovely match!

KC Lauren

12 days ago

It's so lovely

Wrestle Girl Erin

12 days ago

(In reply to this)

You're not still out cold from what Elle did to you KC? You have no room to talk


12 days ago

(In reply to this)

you recall me hon? evil smirk...why you don't answer to my calls, huh?