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OPCW Hollywood Duels - Sigrid v Sebastian

Sebastian28 (deleted member)

Sebastian28: The lights go out as my building music starts to play “BURN IT DOWN,” by Linkin Park, once the beat drops, the lights beam to the center of the ramp as I burst through the curtain holding my hands at my side to soak in the adoring crowd! “Please welcome, SEBASTIAN!” I give a few chicks in the crowd a wink as the ring announcer says my name SO well. I take a few selfies and sign a few pairs of tits before rolling under the bottom rope and popping up to my knees, holding my arms out at my side as if I’m soaking in everything, my signature pose! The arena was pretty packed considering my opponent was a very hot and well known name, but she was on a losing streak, and I was prepared to tally another one to this sexy blonde! I stretch my arms in the corner and wait for your theme
Sigrid: Waiting behind the curtain, my head down, then I hear my opponent's music finally stop and I turn to the agent and nod. No pyro this time, no pink explosions, it's not the 'Bubblegum bitch' this evening, no. "And his opponent, from the North... weighing in at 132 pounds, she is 5'7"... The Valkyrie.. SIGRID!!!!" I step out onto the entrance ramp as dark music swells to overawe the crowd and I make my way down to the ring in my older gear, the black latex top and bottoms, over the knee matching latex boots, and my hair down and flowing. I mostly ignore the crowd as I approach the ring and roll under the bottom rope. Getting to my feet, I back to my own corner, eyes watching you like a hawk.
Sebastian28: I had been used to seeing the pretty in pink princess side of this wrestler, but these vibes were different, they were dark, and fucking sexy. Your skimpy outfit leads little to the imagination as you skimp into the ring, my eyes tracing your toned sexy body and locking with those pretty eyes. I didn’t care if you went through some kind of transformation, I was determined to have a blonde wrestler all to myself by the end of this. I cross my arms and let out a light chuckle as I walk over to you with my arms crossed. “Wow,,, you wore something special for me huh?” I give you a wink and look pretty much directly at your chest
Sebastian28: I have invited @KC_Lauren to join #OPCW-_Sebastian_vs_Sigrid.
Sigrid: My eyes watch yours, and glance over toward the timekeeper and referee. I can see they are just about to ring the bell, so I decide to give them a little head start. As your head is leaning forward, eyes locked on my chest, I duck forward to smack my forehead right into the side of yours, then skip backwards. "Yeah, I've got a lot of stuff special for you."
Sebastian28: BONK* “ow hey! You little brat!” I reach out to retaliate but you skip away as the female referee steps in between us. I look over at you and smirk “cheap shots aren’t going to break your losing streak, loser!” I childishly stick my tongue at you as we are separated and the bell is finally sounded *DING DING DING* I keep the same cocky smirk as I approach you in the ring, not even putting my guard up as my arms mtc…
Sebastian28: Lackadaisically hang at my sides like a little strut. “Let’s see what you got blondie!” I shout and immediately shoot my big leg up, looking to slam it into your toned midsection to start the match!
Sigrid: I step back after the little headbutt and hear the bell ringing to start the match. I smirk to see you coming forward. I move in as well, watching, seeing your arms down and then the foot comes up. It catches me in the belly and doubles me over, but I try to wrap my arms around it to catch hold and keep your leg up in the air and in my grip.
Sebastian28: I still have that cocky smile, even after I think I land the first move, but then I realize you’re not letting go! “H-hey! Fucking let me go!” I bounce around on one leg, throwing a few strikes at you that completely whiff due to the distance covered by my long legs.
Sigrid: I stend back up straight after being doubled over from the kick and look you right in the eye before I grit my teeth and spin. Twisting to the side as I roll over, tryng to take your foot and leg with me into a dragonscrew to bring you to the mat.
Sigrid: Showcase Epw GIF by Explosive Professional Wrestling - Find & Share on GIPHY
Sebastian28: Who knew this hot girl was capable of so much strength, not only lifting me off of a standing basis, but tweaking my leg as well. I go spilling onto the mat after the takedown, rolling around in the ground as I clutch my hamstring and the back of my knees. “Oh FUCK! That hurt!” I say trying to assess my injures
Sigrid: "It's supposed to hurt you putz!" I roll to my hands and knees, looking at you on the mat in front of me and I push up ot my feet, moving to close and try to catch you on the way up with a headlock if I can get you.
Sebastian28: I guess the only good thing about the head lock is my proximity to those amazing tits of yours. But that’s the least of my concerns as you’re able to pull me up into a headlock, my arms wrapping around your waist defensively as I’m completely trapped in your head hurt “let me go!”
Sigrid: "No!" Instead of letting go, I squeeze down tighter, then start to try to pull you forward. I take a step, then another, trying to pick up the pace as I try to drag you at a quick run right at the corner. As I approach, I jump up, as if to try a bulldog, but jumping almost through the ropes, landing my butt on the bottom turnbuckle and trying to aim the top of your head at the middle one.
Sebastian28: My feet plant themselves in an attempt to thwart whichever direction you pull me, but you sprint towards the nearby corner turnbuckle, launching me face first into the middle one! “Ooof fuck!” My body flops around into a seated position as my hands reach up to nurse my now crushed nose!
Sigrid: With my legs in front of me, sitting on the bottom turnbuckle, I can feel you right behind me, seated on the mat, hearing your groan. "Hurt didn't it?" I grab the middle rope and pull myself to the side, slippng out between the ropes and swinging myself around and up to scamper up the outside corner and onto the top rope, looking down to see how fast you are recovering.
Sebastian28: After determining my nose isn’t broken, I pull my hands away from my face to find you nowhere to be seen! I pull myself up a little confused checking each corner of the ring, slowly turning around to face you, “where is that-?”
Sigrid: I watch you turning, facing the wrong way, seeing you starting to complete the turn and I try to time it right, leaping off of the top rope, turning in the air to bring my feet forward and aiming to catch you with the missile dropkick just as you face me.
Sebastian28: Just as I turn to face you, I’m met with a flying blonde, your feet slamming into my upper body and completely LEVELING me! I hit the mat with a loud thud and curse to myself as I clutch at my bare chest, where a pair of foot prints have started to form. “Grrr! you’re so going to pay for that!!!
Sigrid: I turn as I land, catching myself like a landing cat and pop right back up, moving towards you. "Yeah yeah..." I reach for your hair with one hand and an arm with the other one, trying to 'help' you up and give a little bit of momentum as I try to get you moving with an Irish whip towards the ropes.
Sebastian28: After your little show of athleticism, you’re smart enough to know to stay on the atttack, yanking me up with a handful of hair and an arm in once hand and THROWING me into the opposite corner. My back turning and hitting the top turnbuckle as my arms drape over the side
Sigrid: With the fling, I keep my own momentum going, following immediately after with a charge. Just before reaching the corner, I jump up, flying in and aiming to impact, hoping for the avalanche splash into the corner, chest first into your face.
Sebastian28: You keep up the momentum jumping up shortly after my impact into the corner for a much more,,,flashy impact. The tits I had been staring at nearly the whole match are splashed against my face for an effective maneuver. My body slowly sinking down into a seated position after the splash
Sigrid: Bouncing off, I land on my feet, as you drop to your butt, and dash away, running to the far ropes to bounce myself off of them, rebounding and running back at you. I jump again, not so high this time though, and bring my feet forward. Just before impact, they split and I am the flying bronco buster towards your face.
Sebastian28: My eyes widen, hearing your running footsteps. Only to be met with a face full of your barely covered crotch! My hands instinctively reaching for your legs as I get an up close look of that playboy bunny tattoo. Muffled screams and shouts are heard form the corner as my body rebounds off every one of your thrusts
Sigrid: I hold onto the top rope as I bounce once, twice, three, and four times, then release and I fall backwards into a back roll and coming up to my feet. I look down at you and smirk, so you thought this was going to be easy did you?"
Sebastian28: After the last bounce my face is visibly red from exhaustion and a bit of embarrassment, admittedly, I did think this was going to be a walk in the park considering your previous loss record, but this blonde badass was a new breed entirely. Standing over my dominantly and smirking down at my busted up face
Sigrid: "You just going to lay there? No.. come on and get up!" I reach down, grabbing at a wrist and I yank up and out, trying to drag you out of the corner and back up to your feet where I start to twist your arm over, going for an armbar.
Sebastian28: I’m feigning a bit, trying to recover as much strength as I can, letting you pull me to standing position as you TWIST my arm! I walk it off a bit, trying to hold my elbow to was the pain, before rocketing back a kick aimed straight for your midsection
Sigrid: Pulling you out of the corner, I get the arm half twisted when your leg comes up, shin slamming into my belly. "Ooooph!" I double over, releasing your arm and stumble backwards with a low growl.
Sebastian28: My first bit of successful offense! I know I need to follow up if I want a chance at owning this blonde beauty! So I run to the nearby ropes, rebounding and looking to hit you with a scissor kick as you’re doubled over.
Sebastian28: Chaos Epw GIF by Explosive Professional Wrestling - Find & Share on GIPHY
Sigrid: Leaning forward, holding my belly after the kick, I see you dashing back to the ropes, taking your time to rebound off of them and come back. I scoot myself back a foot or two as I see you jump, dodging the slow scissor kick to see you just land on your feet. "Missed me!" And I jump up myself, aiming a standing dropkick right at you.
Sebastian28: My first bit of successful offense is cut short as you easily dodge my Booker-T style scissor kick, after my leg hits nothing, landing on my feet, luckily, I get LEVELED by yet another big dropkick from my opponent, getting hit square in the mouth this time by your foot and sending me reeling on my back on the mat in front of your feet. “Oh shit!” I say feeling my lip to see if it’s bleeding
Sigrid: The dropkick lands and I twist to land on hands and feet again, seeing you down. As you reach for your lip, I pounce, jumping forward, trying to just bodily land on top of you, hands reaching for your wrists to try to pin you down underneath me.
Sebastian28: “I better still be handsome after this!!,,,hey!” I grunt as you land on top of me. If this was sex, my attitude would be a lot different with a hot blonde on top of me, but this was a wrestling match,, and this hot blonde only had victory on her mind! My body writhes and bucks beneath you before having my wrists pinned down in a dominant manner. My eyes scornful as they meet yours, occasionally getting distracted by the looming busty chest in front of my face
Sigrid: I can see your slight distraction, and slightly fattening lip, as I look down, hands struggling with yours. My legs come up as I first start to sit across your hips, then pushing backwards, seeking to entwine my legs around yours and go for a grapevine.
Sebastian28: Our bodies press and rub against each other as you look to entwine your slender legs with mine, painfully locking in a grapevine. My face winces in pain and my hands weakly wrestle with yours, “fuck! Come on! Stop that hurts!”
Sigrid: I bark out a short laugh, "It's supposed to hurt! You haven't done this very long have you?" I push up, trying to focus my strength into my legs, spreading them, and trying to spread yours, aiming to forse you into a more painful splits as I look over and see the referee drop down to count, "ONE!"
Sebastian28: My attempts at shouting you off are only thwarted as you put your strength into those toned, sexy legs of yours, REALLY spreading em out and forcing my shoulders to the mat. But I’m not losing like this, I power up one arm, just barely managing to break the count and keep the match going
Sigrid: I see the ref stop the count, as you power an arm up and I shove it back down, hoping for another count, but can feel you pushing your other shoulder up as well. I seem to have you locked witht ehspreading grapevine, but the pin isn't happening. With a growl, I release your wrists and drop my upper body back down, trying to snake my arms around your head to attempt to shove your face into my chest.
Sebastian28: As we wrestle with control, I can’t help but stare at those looming tits, barely covered in your tiny black top. You exploit this by leaning forward and applying a breast smother. I let out a muffled scream into your cleavage as my arms wrap around your slender body, trying to keep my shoulders off the mat this way.
Sigrid: Laying on you, I try to keep my legs spreading wide as I hold you down, trying to keep my balance on top with my arms tightening around your head, my chest smushing into your face. I look up, looking for a referee who keeps checking and shaking his head as you twist underneath me.
Sebastian28: After a few seconds I start to lose air from my thrashing and bucking beneath you, your tits smushed into my face as my eyes and movements get heavy, looking like you don’t need a pin to win this one, slowly starting to pass out as my hands grip your hips
Sigrid: I feel your hands moving to my hips as you start to weaken. I look up and give the crowd a winning smile, and then... release. I let go the smother and raise up, my legs unlacing from yours as they come up to let me sit up on your stomach and look down at you. "Aww, you don't want to play anymore?"
Sebastian28: I gasp for air as you finally grant me some air. My purple face starting to return to color, my eyes still fixated on your breasts as you sit up on my stomach in a dominant position. My hands still on those sexy hips of yours.
Sigrid: Straddling your waist, I reach for a handful of hair as I stand and take a step forward to straddle your head instead. I try to pull your head and upper body up enough between my thighs to clamp down with them and go for a standing headscissors while I look down my body at your face. "Don't worry Sea Bass, it's almost over for you..."
Sebastian28: You grab a handful of my hair, wrenching my head between your toned sexy thighs, applying the standing headscissor as you have me on my knees. My eyes bulge as you squeeze down on my neck and my hands wrap around your legs. Choking and coughing sounds are heard from beneath you as the crowd cheers you on and takes pictures!
Sigrid: I squeeze, putting pressure on your head as I hear and feel you starting to cough and choke, then I look down at you, give a smile, then a wink... and drop down to my knees to try to drive the back of your head into the canvas and land straddling your face.
Sebastian28: The smile and wink is enough to make my heart melt, but it’s quickly wiped away by the large impact from the drop. Landing in my face for a front facesit pin as my face is smothered in your crotch, my hands instinctively reaching for your hips again
Sigrid: As your hands come up to my hips, I reach for them to take the wrists, then I raise up to lift my body off of you for a moment, long enough to try to pull your arms up over your head and trap them with my knees before I drop back down onto your face. "No no, you won't be needing those anymore."
Sebastian28: You peel my hands off your hips, knowing it was my only comfort, slowly trapping them with your knees as I get my last breath of air, “no, no, wait plea-mmm!” My words getting cut off as you go back to sitting pretty right on my face. My trapped hands tapping out on your knees.
Sigrid: I notice the little taps on my knees and hope the referee doesn't as I lean forward to pin your hands to the mat. "Count it!" I cal out to the referee is I settle down a little tighter.
Sebastian28: My taps are completely ignored, the referee starts his count which is pretty much useless at this point as I go completely limp beneath you. “One!…………..Two!…………… The ref waving it off and calling for the bell before he can even finish the delayed count
Sigrid: I let out another smirk as I get the pin, submission, and knockout all at once. THE WINNER OF THE MATCH... SIGRID!!!
Sigrid: I stand and make a quick lap of the ring before taking one last look at you laid out in the center of it, then duck through the ropes and head to the back.

Published: 12 days ago, viewed 40 times.
