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OPCW Big Bailey vs Katie Forbes

Big_Bailey: I wait behind the curtains, wearing my red briefs with black knee pads and boots. I take some deep breaths, trying to calm myself before making my return to the OPCW ring after being out of action for months. After the announcer introduces the match, my music hits and I pound my chest to pump myself up before bursting through the curtains with my arms stretched out wide. As I make my way down the ramp the announcer calls “introducing first….he stands 5 feet 10 inches tall, weighing in at 185 pounds….from Sydney, Australiaaaa….Biiiiiig Baileyyyyyyyyyy!” I run towards the ring and slide under the ropes, spinning around in the ring with my arms out before going to my corner and beginning my stretching routine

Katie_Forbes: And the music cuts. The lights dim, and spotlight hits the entrance once again. 'Anaconda' By Nicki Minaj now blasting the speakers, green LEDS fill the stadium as I step through the entrance and appear before the crowd. Laced up in a tight pair of booty shorts, riding up my booty while strapped with a bra that barely can keep everything inside. Wide smile on my face as I run to the ring. Listening to the pop of the crowd.. "ANNND NOW... YOUR DREAM GIRL.. MISS QUEEN BOOTY HERSELF.. KATIEEE FORBBBESSSSS!" Climbing up onto the ring and stepping inside gracefully.


Big_Bailey: I try to not pay attention to the crowd pop as you make your way down to the ring flaunting your body. I’ve had the bitter taste of a loss in my mouth for months so I don’t plan on leaving with a loss here today. I put my hands on my knees as you enter the ring. Now locking in on you and getting ready for the bell to ring

Katie_Forbes: I smile at you, looking confident as I slowly turn around and face my ass towards you. I bend over, and just SHAKE IT.. Twerking right in front of your face, showing off and taunting you before that bell rings as I get the crowd worked up and onto my side immediately.. "OOH YEAH! TWERK OUT!! "

Big_Bailey: I look out to the crowd with disgust as they are buying into this crap. I take a few steps towards you as the bell rings and raise my knee, aiming to stomp down on your ass as you try to taunt me

Katie_Forbes: "UH HUH! YUPP! SHAKE THAT SHI~ OUGHH" I yelp as I stumble forward on the stomp of your boot. Taking a literal kick in the ass as I nearly trip to the ropes.. "Aaggh.. you fucker... " I growl underneath my breath, trying to recover..

Big_Bailey: Still disgusted as I follow you towards the ropes “I wonder if you would even have a career if you didn’t flaunt your fake ass every match” I say going for another kick to your ass, trying to hurt your money makers

Katie_Forbes: "OOWWW" I scream out, hopping up and landing on my tippy toes.. Wobbling around like a headless chicken as I rub and massage my booty after those painful kicks.. Trying to take the pain away as you immediately target my cakes.. "HEY!!"

Big_Bailey: I try to stay with you not wanting to give you any space. “Let’s see how much it really jiggles” I pull my hand back and aim one hard spank at your right cheek

Katie_Forbes: This time, I'm watching. Waiting for your next attack and ready.. As your hand swings down, I quickly reach and clutch your wrist before it meets the meat of my booty. Grabbing it tight and giving it a twist into a wristlock as I spin behind your back.

Big_Bailey: After a couple of easy offensive moves you catch my wrist. I look up at you eyes wide, before you twist it behind my back. “AH!” I cry out with a wince before trying to reach out and grab the top rope

Katie_Forbes: I keep it locked tight, straining your arm as you reach for the rope.. I decide it's enough, releasing your wrist and quickly attempting to slam my elbow down into the peak of your spine and right between your shoulder blades.

Big_Bailey: Just finger tips away from the ropes before you slam your elbow right into my spine! I feel a tingling feeling shoot down my spine “AHHHH!” My knees buckle and I drop down onto them before falling forward onto the middle rope

Katie_Forbes: You drop to your knees, giving me a spark of momentum as I reach for the back of your head and grab onto your hair. Tugging your head over the middle rope, outside the ring and letting your neck rest against that middle rope. I raise my legs up and attempt to sit atop your shoulders, riding you into a choke against that rope.. "RIDE EM COWBOY!"

Big_Bailey: While leaning against the ropes suddenly I feel them cutting right into my neck as I feel your weight on my shoulders. My tongue starts protruding out of my mouth as the front row of the crowd can hear me choking on the rope. I flail my arms around waiting for the ref to intervene

Katie_Forbes: The ref walks over, grabbing onto my shoulder and forcing me away.. Trying to milk every last second of this glamourous choke before finally peeling myself up and off you to give you a break.. "Fine.. fine.."

Big_Bailey: I feel relieved once I feel you step off me. I lean back into the ring and get up onto one knee, holding my throat as I try to take a couple of breaths, turning slightly so I can see you in the corner of my eye

Katie_Forbes: I shove the ref back and step towards you again, reaching for your little hairs and trying to force you back up. Giving those strands a painful tug and getting that scalp nice and sore as I grin and prepare to toss you into the corner !

Big_Bailey: Thinking the ref will give me a bit of time I panic when you shove him aside. I try to lean between the ropes but you’re too quick and grab my hair. I grab at your hands grunting as you almost pull my hair off my head

Katie_Forbes: One hand gripped onto your hair, I grunt and reach for your arm with my other hand and immediately spin us around. Looking to build a bit of momentum before letting you go and attempting to send you whipping towards the hard corner of the ring!

Big_Bailey: As you grab my arm you spin us and propel me towards the corner. I turn my back before I slam straight into the corner so hard my feet lift off the ground. As my feet land I hook my arms onto the top ropes to help hold me up

Katie_Forbes: I kick my feet into the canvas, gritting my teeth and eyeing you down.. Like a bull, I shoot towards you.. Coming in fast and hot, turning my body around as I rush in and attempt to slam my body into yours, landing ass-first against your guts and trying to turn them to mush!

Big_Bailey: As I see you drive your feet into the canvas I know something big is coming. Still having my wits about me but low on breath, I try to fall down to the side hoping to avoid whatever you have in store for me

Katie_Forbes: I come in and CRASH into the turnbuckle instead.. Managing to dodge me at the last second as my booty slams into that steel and forces me off balance.. "OWWW" I yell, grabbing the ropes for my own balance and accidentally trapping myself..

Big_Bailey: I feel the ring shake from your impact against the corner as you do more damage to your ass. Feeling a bit of adrenaline rush through me as I see a potential turning point I quickly roll out of the ring. I walk behind the ring post and try to grab your ankles, wanting to pull you down

Katie_Forbes: Trying to recover, and unsure where you'd gone. I gasp, feeling the sudden grip on my ankles, not ready for what was coming as my feet fly up and I come crashing down face and tits first! Faceplanting onto the canvas as I groan.. "OOUGGH.."

Big_Bailey: You hit the mat with a thud before I pull my arms towards me trying to pull you straight into the ring pole, pulling your legs either side of it

Katie_Forbes: You tug me down, forcing me to slide crotch-first into the ring post.. Getting my legs neatly separated against it as I moan out in pain. Trying to arch up and claw my way out.. "AAGGGHH"

Big_Bailey: “Come on Katie! I’m sure you’ve had plenty of poles between those legs!” I let go of your left leg and grab your right with both hands. As you try to crawl away I quickly throw your right leg into the ring post as I now start to execute my game plan, trying to eliminate your power moves which I know you love doing

Katie_Forbes: "NOO! LET ME OUT!! FUUCK!" I scream out, trying to dig my fingers into the canvas and escape but you had my right leg tight.. Before I can escape, you SLAM my thick leg right into that steel and crush my joints.. "OOOUGGGH"

Big_Bailey: As I hear your leg ding against the ring post I smile out to the crowd enjoying my handwork. I start to walk away acting innocent but then turn and run towards you leg again as I try to grab it and slam it into the post again. This time with a bit more momentum

Katie_Forbes: My leg finally loose, I reach to grab the canvas and YANK.. Nearly sliding out of that corner when you suddenly grip my leg tight again.. "AAGH NOO WAIT!' I scream as I brace for what's coming.. You SLAM my leg into that post again, crushing it as I painfully yelp.. "AAOOOGGH" My voice making a full echo in the stadium..

Big_Bailey: The echoing scream is like music to my ears as I can hear the damage I’ve done to your leg. I slide back into the ring and while you’re on your stomach I quickly leap up and go for a leg drop to the back of your neck

Katie_Forbes: I slowly pull out of the corner, crawling to the center with my limp leg.. Feeling the numbness and pain shoot throughout the entire joint as you jump up out of nowhere and drop your leg over the back of my neck.. "OUGHMPPGHH" Crushing my face down into the canvas!

Big_Bailey: I come crashing down on you as you actually help me out by crawling away from the ropes. I lift my leg and swing it around so I can get to my knees before rolling you onto your back and pressing my body against yours. I hook your right leg as I go for the pin

Katie_Forbes: I flop onto my back, seeing stars.. You scoop me right leg up, going for the pin as I lay trying to recover.. The referee slams the mat once, then again.. I kick my strong leg up and lift my shoulder to buck out of the pin.. "NO!"

Big_Bailey: As the ref slides in I nod my head with each count. About to nod my head a third time before you throw your shoulder up before the count of 3. I look down at you “you’re going to regret that”. I grab your hair similar to how you did to me and pull you up hard as I get to my feet

Katie_Forbes: Forced slowly back up onto my feet as you tug at my hair, making me groan on the come up.. Getting to my knees, I try and explode my forearm right into your solar plexus to take your wind.. "FUCK YOU!!"

Big_Bailey: Thinking I’m in complete control I cannot brace myself as you throw a powerful forearm into me. I lose grip of your hair as I stumble backwards away from you, clutching my stomach as the air is knocked right out of me

Katie_Forbes: I palm the canvas to support my body as I try and stand. Keeping my weight on my left leg, but struggling to keep balance. I gulp, taking a breath and reaching in to grab your head. I try and pull it down towards my massive breast, wrapping my arm around the back of your neck and looking throw my body back and fall to dunk your head into the canvas with a DDT.

Big_Bailey: Taking short sharp breaths as I struggle to breath, you pull my head down by your side and spike me down in a DDT! I land on the top of my head and flip over onto my back, my arms outstretched as I’m seeing stars

Katie_Forbes: I crash down with you, not nearly as hard.. I roll and start to crawl towards you while you're stunned.. Not wanting to waste any time, I try and crawl up and over your body to straddle your chest. Seating my cheeks down onto your pecs as I face your head. Making it harder to breathe..

Big_Bailey: I don’t really know what’s going on at the moment, still dizzy from that DDT. I feel your weight on my chest though as you straddle me. Then as my eyes open I see you looking straight down at me

Katie_Forbes: "AHHHH!" I scream into your face as you wake, before sending a vicious flurry of BITCH-SLAPS across your face.. Left, then right, then left, then right. Slapping you silly as your face flings side to side and un-relenting!

Big_Bailey: I try to pull my head away from your realise I’m flat on the canvas. Then you send a flurry of slaps knocking my head side to side which doesn’t help with my dizziness. I try to lift my hands up to protect myself

Katie_Forbes: Your hands come up, making it hard to get through as I slowly try and stand up over you... Getting to my feet, still a bit shaky and weak in that right leg but I manage to hover over your body. I wiggle my hips, gyrating for the crowd before attempting to drop back down and slam my ass down onto your stomach!

Big_Bailey: I keep my hands by my face as you get to your feet. Just trying to get my wits about me again before you come crashing down onto my stomach! Your drop that juicy ass down on me, taking my breath away again. The impact forces me to sit up slightly as I groan in pain

Katie_Forbes: I splat over your belly, making your breath explode through your mouth but not finished yet. A little devilish grin on my face, I palm the canvas and help myself back up to my feet.. I take a few steps forward this time, legs spread on each side of your face as I hover. Giving you a V.I.P view of the cheeks before attempting to drop down in a perfect seat onto your face!

Big_Bailey: As you get back to your feet I collapse back to the mat. Really starting to feel my stamina being drained away. I see you getting ready to do something and my brain tells me to attack that injured leg, but due to the lack of oxygen my body doesn’t seem to react in time before you drop your ass right on my face

Katie_Forbes: The crowd in awe as I literally crush your face with my ass.. I figure, this is the perfect position to finish you off. Your entire head covered inside my cheeks, I nod the ref over and arch back to place a hand just over your chest while I sit. "1....!"

Big_Bailey: The last thing I see is your famous cheeks before my lights go out. You lift my leg up and pin me as I show almost no sign of life. The ref counts “2!!”

Katie_Forbes: I turn my head and smile, giving my butt a little wiggle and adjust but making sure to stay firmly planted over your face. Feeling your little rocks and spasms weaken as the ref yells for the last time.. "3!!!" The bell RINGS!

Big_Bailey: I’m laid out cold beneath you, as the bell rings and you win the match. Not aware of the result yet but it is 2 losses in a row now in OPCW for me

Katie_Forbes: The crowd stands to their feet, clapping and cheering.. Hearing the snaps of camera's from all around me as I slowly squat back up off your face. The referee taking my arm to assist as my leg was still a bit wonky. "Ah.. too easy.." I breathlessly taunt, before turning myself around to face the crowd and bending over for yet another bouncalicious twerk sesh'.

Published: 9 days ago, viewed 40 times.



henrike v

7 days ago

what a good ending